gurU gRMQ sfihb jI
pRo[pRIqm isMG gryvfl
ijwQy ikqy vI iswK sMgq, hux qF qkRIbn kul jgq ivc, ardfs
krdI hyY AuQy AuQy pUry joÈ nfl sfry iml ky boldy hn:
sB isKn ko hukm hY gurU mfinE gRMQ.
ies qrHF, kyvl gurU gRMQ sfihb ƒ hI gurU mMnx dy hukm
ƒ duhrfieaf qy idRVfieaf jFdf hY. ies quk df spÈt Bfv hY ik iswK leI isvfey gurU gRMQ sfihb
dy hor koeI vI pRfxI, pRvcn jF klfm gurU dy qul nhIN ho skdf.
gurU gRMQ sfihb qoN bgYr iksy hor bMdy jF vsqU ƒ gurU mMnx
vfly kdficq iswK nhIN khy jf skdy. gurdvfry jF ijwQy vI gurU gRMQ sfihb df pRkfÈ hovy,
AuQy pujidaF hI iswK adb nfl ies Èbd-srUp gurU awgy mwQf tykdf hY. ieh
buq-pUjf nhIN; Èbd-gurU, guurbfxI df siqkfr hY. iswK leI bfxI hI gurU hY:
bfxI gurU gurU hY bfxI ivc bfxI aMimRq sfry.. (gurU
rfmdfs jI)
iswK leI agvfeI, inscy, siqkfr aqy afDfr df iewko iewk
kyNdr gurU dI bfxI hYy:
mYN gurbfxI afDfr hY gurbfxI lfg rhfAu.. (gurU rfmdfs jI)
gurisK ƒ gurU dy drÈn gur-Èbd ivcoN hI huMdy hn:
gur mUriq gur sbid hY sfD sMgq ivc pRgtI afieaf..
(Bf[gurdfs jI)
gurmiq anusfr mnuKI jIvn df shI inÈfnf nfm ismrn rfhIN
afpxI hAumy imtf ky vfihgurU nfl imlxf hY. iswK ny ies mMqv dI pRfpqI krn leI
cyqn ho ky afpxy cMcl mn ƒ gurU dI scI bfxI dI vIcfr
nfl smJfAuxf hY:
gur kY sbid mn kAu smJfvih.. siqgur kI bfxI siq siq kr mfnhu ieAuN afqm rfmY lInf hy.. (guru nfnk dyv jI)
srb-ivafpk pRmfqmf(rfm) ivc afqmf ƒ lIn krn df qrIkf
gurbfxI ivcly AupdyÈ nfl mn ƒ mq dyxI dwisaf igaf hY.
Èbd rUp gurU dI isiKaf sux ky aqy mMn ky hI mn vfihgurU dy
iDafn qy nfm ivc juV skygf :
ijn sbid gurU suix mMinaf iqn min iDafieaf hir soie.
(gurU amrdfs jI)
gurU df qwq-isafxp BrpUr Èbd hI mn ƒ sihj aqy itkfE dI
avsQf ivc rwK ky mUrKF vflI bykfr Btkx aqy Ausdy hfnIkfrk asrF,
qxfa afid qoN bcf skdf hY:
Èbd gur pIrf gihr gMBIrf ibnu sbdY jgu bAurfnM..
(gu[nfnk dyv jI)
gurU gRMQ sfihb dy atl Èbd-gurU dI syD muqfibk ijEx
nfl afpxy aMdr itk ky Èbd-surq dy myl duafrf pRBU ƒ pf skdy hF. ikqy jF iksy
pfs Btkx dI loV Èbd ƒ vIcfrn vfly ƒ nhIN pYxI cfhIdI:
siqgur kf scu sbdu kmfvhu. iQr Gir bYTy pRBu apnf
pfvhu.. (gurU arjn dyv jI)
afm iensfnI smJ dy Gyry ivc nf af skx vflf agm agocr
vfihgurU, gurU dy Èbd rfhIN hI iswK dy anuBv ivc af vsdf hY. gurU dy bKÈy
ies ivsmfdI afqimk anMd ƒ mfx rhy mn dI sB PËUl nwT Bwj muk jFdI hY:
bfhr ZUMZx qy CUt pry guru Gr hI mfih idKfieaf Qf..
anBAu acrj rUp pRB pyiKaf myrf mn Coz n kqhU jfieaf Qf..
(gu[arjn dyv jI)
ijs gur-Èbd/gurbfxI dI srb-Aucqf ƒ gurU nfnk dyv jI
qoN lY ky sfry gurU sfihbfn ny idRV krvfieaf aqy ijsdy afid bIV srUp df pRkfÈ pMjvyN pfqÈfh ny
1604 ivc drbfr sfihb ivKy kIqf, Ausy Èbd-srUp gurU gRMQ sfihb ƒ dsvyN nfnk
gurU goibMd isMG jI ny joqI joq smfAux qoN pihlF 1708 eI[ ivc sdIvI gurU pdvI sONp idwqI.
AuprlI vIcfr df sfrMÈ hY:
- iswKF dy sdIvI, siqkfr-Xog gurU, Èbd-gurU gRMQ sfihb hn.
- gurU gRMQ sfihb aMdr pRgt Èbd/bfxI hI iswK dI iswiKaf qy
agvfeI df somf hY.
- iswK ny mnuKf jnm sPl krn leI kyvl gurbfxI qoN syD lYxI
- gurmq(gurU dI mq)pRfpq krn leI gur-Èbd ƒ suxnf, mMnxf,
vIcfrnf aqy Aus anusfr jIvn ƒ clfAuxf hY.
- gurbfxI qoN imly igafn nfl mn dI PËUl Btkx aqy hAumy
- afqmf rwbI Bfxy qy sihj ivc rih ky pRmfqmf dy anuBv aqy
myl df anMd mfxygI.
Some scholarly opinions about Guru Granth Sahib:
Power of appeal to the heart and mind- "Sri Guru Granth Sahib is a
source book, an expression of man’s loneliness, his aspirations, his
longings, his cry to God and his hunger for communication with that being. I
have studied the scriptures of other great religions, but I do not find the
same power of appeal to the heart and mind as I find here in these
volumes" -Pearl S.Buck, Nobel laureate
The most highly venerated religious scripture- "Of all known
religious scriptures, this book is most highly venerated……The Adi Granth is
the Sikh’s perpetual Guru."
"In this coming religious debate, the Sikh religion and its scripture,
Adi Granth will have something of special value to say to the rest of the
Arnold Toynbee, reputed historian
- Universal message of Guru Granth Sahib
"The border of seas and mountains will give way before the call of
eternal truth which is set with freshness of feeling and fervor of devotion in
Adi Granth." -Dr.S.Radhakrishnan, former President of India
A height of inspiration - "Few, if any, among the
world scriptures attain so high a literary level or so constant a height of
inspiration as Granth Sahib." - Duncan