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Ç ÃÄ siqgur pRsfid ] Ç
In most of the foreign countries it is customary to offer
drinks during the official and social gatherings. In 1981, when I first came to
Australia, I was confronted with the question of ‘drinking’. When explained
that Sikhs neither drink nor smoke, Australians accepted my explanation. During
the official functions or private parties, I was offered juice or soft drinks
only. But I am surprised when this question is raised by the Sikhs that there is
no harm to have a small drink occasionally. Despite giving them convincing
reasons and extracts from the books, they generally remain unsatisfied and
require further authentic proof from the "Guru
Granth Sahib". With this in view, following
Divine Revealed Word (Gurbaani Shabds) are reproduced for their
information and guidance:
Guru Nanak Sahib preaches us:
isrI rfgu mhlf 1 ] gurU gRMQ sfihb - pMnf 16 ] bfbf horu Kfxf
KusI Kuafru ] ijqu KfDY qnu
pIVIaY mn mih clih ivkfr ] 1 ] rhfAu ]
arQ: hy BfeI ! ijMnHF pdfrQF dy Kfx (pIx) nfl srIr rogI ho
jFdf hY aqy mn ivWc BI keI mMdy iKLafl qur pYNdy hn, AunHF pdfrQF nMU Kfx (pIx)
nfl KLuafr hoeIdf hY . (tIkfkfr, pRoPYsr sfihb isMG jI)
Friend, all other foods (including drinks), (and) all other
pleasures, are vain. For, they fill the mind with Evil and make the body writhe
in Pain. (Dr. Gopal Singh jee)
afsf mhlf 1 ] gurU gRMQ sfihb - pMnf 360 ] pUrf sfcu
ipaflf shjy iqsih pIafey jf kAu ndir kry ] aMimRq kf vfpfrI hovY ikaf mid CUCY
BfAu Dry ] 2 ] 4 ] 38 ]
arQ: (hy jogI !) ieh hY Auh ipaflf ijs dI msqI sdf itkI
rihMdI hY, sWB guxF df mflk pRBU azolqf ivWc rWK ky Aus mnuWK nMU (ieh ipaflf)
iplFdf hY ijs AuWqy Auh afp myhr dI njLr krdf hY . jyhVf mnuWK atWl afqimk jIvn
dyx vfly ies rs df vpfrI bx jfey, Auh (quhfzy
vfly ies) hoCy sLrfb nfl ipafr nhIN krdf .
(tIkfkfr, poRPYsr sfihb isMG jI)
The Lord, perfection incarnate offers this cup of Truth
spontaneously, To Whomsoever He shows grace. One that deals in Amrita (Nectar
Word), by hollow intoxicants (wines) shall not be attracted. (Professor
Gurbachan Singh jee Talib, Punjabi University, Patiala)
sloku mrdfnf 1] gurU gRMQ sfihb-pMnf 553] kil klvflI kfmu mdu
mnUaf pIvxhfru ] kRoD ktorI moih BrI pIlfvf ahMkfru ] mjls kUVy lb kI pI pI hoie
Kuafru ] krxI lfhix squ guVu scu srf kir sfru ] gux mMzy kir sIl iGAu srmu mfsu
afhfru ] gurmuiK pfeIaY nfnkf KfDY jfih ibkfr]1]
arQ: kljugI suBfAu (mfnoN) (sLrfb kWZx vflI) mWtI hY; kfm
(mfnoN) sLrfb hY qy ies nMU pIx vflf (mnuWK df) mn hY . moh nfl BrI hoeI kRoD dI
(mfnoN) ktorI hY qy ahMkfr (mfnoN) iplfAux vflf hY . kUVy lWb dI (mfnoN) mjls hY
(ijs ivWc bih ky) mn (kfm dI sLrfb nMU) pI pI ky Kuafr huMdf hY . cMgI krxI nMU
(sLrfb kWZx vflI) lfhx, sWc bolx nMU guV bxf qy sWcy nfm nMU sRysLt sLrfb bxf .
guxF nMU mMzy, sIql suBfAu nMU iGAu qy sLrm nMU mfs - (ieh sfrI) KLurfk bxf . hy
nfnk ! ieh KLurfk siqgurU dy snmuWK hoieaF imldI hY qy ies dy KfiDaf sfry ivkfr
dUr ho jFdy hn . [Guru Nanak attributed the
composition to Bhai Mardana]
Kaliyuga is the vat, lust the wine; the mind the
boozer. With wrath is the cup by attachment filled; Pride the cup-bearer. In
circle of false avarice, those thus boozing forfeit all honour. Make good deeds
and truth the molasses, Thus the wine of Truth thou distil. Make good qualities
the pancakes, good conduct the ghee (clarified butter), Modesty the dish
of flesh. These dishes, Saith Nanak, by the Master’s guidance are obtained, By
whose consumption evil-thinking vanishes. (Professor Gurbachan Singh jee Talib)
mrdfnf 1 ] kfieaf lfhix afpu mdu mjls iqRsnf Dfqu ] mnsf
ktorI kUiV BrI pIlfey jm kflu ] iequ mid pIqY nfnkf bhuqy KtIaih ibkfr ] igafnu
guVu sflfh mMzy BAu mfsu afhfru ] nfnk iehu Bojnu scu hY scu nfmu afDfru ] 2 ]
arQ: srIr (mfnoN) (sLrfb kWZx vflI smWgrI smyq) mWtI hY,
ahMkfr sLrfb, qy iqRsLnf ivWc Btkxf (mfnoN) mihPl hY . kUV nfl BrI hoeI vfsLnf
(mfnoN) ktorI hY qy jm kfl (mfnoN) iplfAuNdf hY . hy nfnkf ! ies sLrfb dy pIiqaF
bhuqy ivkfr KWty jFdy hn (Bfv, ahMkfr iqRsLnf kUV afidk dy kfrn ivkfr hI ivkfr
pYdf ho rhy hn) . pRBU df igafn (mfnoN) guV hovy, isPLiq sflfh rotIaF qy (pRBU
df) zr mfs-ieh KLurfk hovy. hy nfnk ! ieh Bojn sWcf hY ikAuNik sWcf nfm hI
(ijLMdgI df) afsrf ho skdf hY .
The body is the vat, ego the wine; Restless desire the
boozers’ circle. Passion the cup falsehood-filled, that Yama, agent of
death is doling out. Saith Nanak: By drinking such wine are numerous sins
earned. Make enlightenment the molasses, Divine laudation the pancakes and Fear
of God the dish of flesh. Saith Nanak: Seeking prop of the holy Name, Is this
the feast of Truth. (Professor Gurbachan Singh jee Talib)
(mrdfnf 1 ]) kFXF lfhix afpu mdu aMimRq iqs kI Dfr ] sqsMgiq
isAu mylfpu hoie ilv ktorI aMimRq BrI pI pI ktih ibkfr ] 3 ]
arQ: (jy) srIr mWtI hovy, afpy dI pCfx sLrfb qy Aus dI Dfr
(Bfv, ijs dI Dfr) amr krn vflI hovy . sqsMgiq nfl myl hovy (Bfv, mjls sqsMgiq
hovy) qy aMimRq (nfm) dI BrI hoeI ilv (rUp) ktorI hovy, (qF hI mnuWK) (ies sLrfb
nMU) pI pI ky sfry ivkfr pfp dUr krdy hn . {tIkfkfr: pRoPYsr sfihb isMG jI}
Make the body the vat; of the ego make wine, Which in stream
of Amrita pours. In unison with holy company, with cup of devotion, Quaff
cupfuls of Amrita – By such quaffing is annulled evil-thinking.
(Professor Gurbachan Singh jee Talib)
Guru Amardas Sahib expounds the effects of drinking liquor:
slok m: 3 ] gurU gRMQ sfihb - pMnf 554 ] mfxsu Biraf afixaf
mfxsu Biraf afie ] ijqu pIqY miq dUir hoie brlu pvY ivic afie ] afpxf prfieaf n
pCfxeI Ksmhu Dky Kfie ] ijqu pIqY Ksmu ivsrY drgh imlY sjfie ] JUTf mdu mUil n
pIceI jy kf pfir vsfie ] nfnk ndrI scu mdu pfeIaY siqguru imlY ijsu afie ] sdf
sfihb kY rMig rhY mhlI pfvY QfAu ] 1 ]
arQ: jy mnuWK (ivkfrF nfl) ilbiVaf hoieaf (eyQy jgq ivWc)
ilaFdf igaf, Auh eyQy af ky (hor ivkfrF ivWc hI) ilWbVdf hY (qy sLrfb afidk
kukrm ivWc pYNdf hY) . pr ijs dy pIiqaF akl dUr ho jFdI hY qy bkx df josL af
cVHdf hY . afpxy prfey dI pCfx nhIN rihMdI qy mflk vloN DWky pYNdy hn . ijs dy
pIiqaF Ksm ivsrdf hY qy drgfh ivWc sjLf imldI hY, aYsI cMdrI sLrfb ijQoN qWk vWs
cWly kdy nhIN pIxI cfhIdI. hy nfnk ! pRBU dI myhr dI njLr nfl ‘nfm’-rUp nsLf
(Aus mnuWK nMU) imldf hY, ijs nMU gurU af ky iml pey . Auh mnuWK sdf mflk dy
(nfm dy) rMg ivWc rihMdf hY qy drgfh ivWc Aus nMU QF (Bfv, ieWjLq) imldI hY .
One man offers and another pours himself (the drink). And it
makes him crazy and senseless and devoid of all reason. Then one can distinguish
not between one’s own and another’s and is cursed by God. Drinking it, one
forsakes one’s Master, and is punished at the Lord’s Court. Nay, one should
drink not this vicious wine, as far as one can help. If the Lord’s Grace be
upon one, one is Blest with the True Wine. And one is imbued with one’s God
and is ushered into the Lord’s Presence. (Dr. Gopal Singh jee)
Guru Ramdas Sahib describes the condition of a drunkard as
gAuVI kI vfr mhlf 4 ] pMnf 311 ] scu scf ijnI n syivaf sy
mnmuKu mUV byqfly ] Eih afl pqflu muhhu boldy ijAu pIqY mid mqvfly ] 19 ]
arQ: gurU sfihb AupdysL krdy hn ik hy BfeI ! ijnHF ny sWcy
hrI nMU nhIN ismiraf, Auh mnmuWK mUrK qy Buqny mUMhoN aijhf bkvfs krdy hn ijvyN
sLrfb pIiqaF sLrfbI bkvfs krdy hn .
They, who served not the Lord of Truth, are turned away from
God; in ignorance they reel.
They bark out insensible prattle, as do the drunkards. (Dr.
Gopal Singh jee)
Guru Arjun Sahib also teaches us:
afsf mhlf 5 ] gurU gRMQ sfihb - pMnf 399 ] durmiq mdu jo
pIvqy ibKlIpiq kmlI ] rfm rsfieix jo rqy nfnk sc amlI ] 4 ] 12 ] 114 ]
arQ: (hy sMq jno !) KotI miq (mfno) sLrfb hY jyhVy mnuWK ieh
sLrfb pIx lWg pYNdy
hn (jo gurU df afsrf CWz ky KotI miq dy ipWCy qurn lWg pYNdy hn) Auh durfcfrI ho
jFdy hn aqy Auh (ivkfrF ivWc) JWly ho jFdy hn . pr, hy nfnk ! jyhVy mnuWK
pRmfqmf dy nfm dy sRysLt rs ivWc msq rihMdy hn, AunHF nMU sdf iQr rihx vfly
pRmfqmf dy nfm df aml lWg jFdf hY .
They who drink the wine of Vice, their mind is turned. But
they who drink the Elixir of the Lord are in the Ecstasy of Truth. (Dr. Gopal
Singh jee)
mfrU mhlf 5 ] gurU gRMQ sfihb - pMnf 1001 ] pRfn suK dfqf jIa
suK dfqf qum kfhy ibsfirE aigafnQ ] hoCf mdu cfiK hoey qum bfvr dulB jnmu akfrQ
] 1 ]
arQ: hy aigafnI ! qUM ikAuN Aus pRmfqmf nMU Blf idWqf hY jo
ijMd dyx vflf hY, sfry suK dyx vflf hY aqy sfry jIvF nMU suK dyx vflf hY . CyqIN
muWk jfx vfly sLrfb dy JUTy moh df nsLf cWK ky qUM JWlf ho irhf hYN aqy qyrf
kImqI jnm ivarQ jf irhf hY .
Ignorant man! Why be forgetful of the Provider of joy to
life, Provider of joy to the Self?
Tasting of the world’s insipid liquor are you turned mad,
making waste of your life hard to attain. (Professor Gurbachan Singh jee Talib)
Saint Ravidas ji warns us :
mlfr bfxI Bgq rivdfs jI kI ] gurU gRMQ sfihb - pMnf 1293 ]
sursrI sll ikRq bfrunI ry sMq jn krq nhI pfnM ] surf apivqR nq avr jl ry sursrI
imlq nih hoie afnM ] 1 ]
arQ: hy BfeI ! gMgf dy pfxI qoN BI bxfeI hoeI sLrfb, gurmuWK
lok nhIN pINdy (Bfv, Auh sLrfb gRihx-krn-Xog nhIN, iesy qrHF ahMkfr BI aAugx hI
hY, cfhy Auh AuWcI pivqR jfq df kIqf jfey) . pr hy BfeI ! apivqR sLrfb aqy BfvyN
hor gMdy pfxI BI hox, Auh gMgf dy pfxI ivWc iml ky, Aus qoN vWKry nhIN rih jFdy
(iesy qrHF nIvIN kul df bMdf BI prm pivqR pRBU ivWc juV ky, Aus qNo vWKrf nhIN
rih jFdf) .
O’ holy men! Drink not wine, even though it be made with
the Ganga’s water (Hindus’ holy river). The impure wine, -- nay
rather some other dirty water as well, meeting (mixing) with the Ganges, remains
not different from it. (Advocate Manmohan Singh jee, SGPC)
Saint Kabir ji further tells us :
slok Bgq kbIr jIAu ky ] gurU gRMQ sfihb - pMnf 1377 ] kbIr
BFg mfCulI surfpfin jo jo pRfnI KFih ] qIrQ brq nym kIey qy sBY rsfql jFih ] 233
arQ: hy kbIr ! jo lok "Bgqn syqI gosty" kr ky
qIrQ-XfqRf, vrq-nym afidk BI krdy hn qy Auh sLrfbI lok BMg-mWCI BI Kfdy hn (Bfv,
sqsMg ivWc BI jFdy hn, sLrfb-kbfb BI KFdy pINdy hn aqy ivkfr BI krdy hn), AunHF
dy Auh qIrQ, vrq afidk vfly sfry krm iblkul ivarQ jFdy hn .
Saint Kabir says: the mortals who eat (consume) bhang
(hemp) and fish and drink wine, Shall all go to hell, whatever pilgrimages,
fasting, and daily devotion they may perform.
(Mr. Max Arthur Macauliffe)
There is no doubt that alcoholic drinks affect the body and
mind by way of serious diseases. We also know that drinking and driving is also
an offence that is why breath testing on the highways is a common feature.
During the Good Friday, Christmas and New Year holidays there is always increase
in deaths due to drink - driving. Apart from the non-violation of traffic rules,
in view of religious injunction, Sikhs generally remain away from such
happenings and accordingly by the blessings of Guru Sahibaan, Sikhs enjoy better
life. Whatever may be the Doctors or Scientists’ views, Sikhs being followers
of the Sikh Faith, should not drink beer or any other alcoholic spirits.
Request: I shall be grateful if this article, after
undertaking appropriate changes, if any,
may be distributed amongst your family members, friends,
relatives and work mates.
vfihgurU jI kf KLflsf vfihgurU jI kI PLiqh ]
Reproduced for free distribution by, [Sunday: 13th
October 2002]
{Tel/Fax No. 61 – 2 – 9837 2787}
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