Ik Onkaar
Satgur Prasaad
There is only One God.
Only the grace of a true Guru can lead us to God.
GuruGranth Sahib
· This 'Holy Granth' contains the message of God.
· It is the true and permanent Spiritual Guide of the
· It was compiled by Guru Arjan, the fifth Guru of the
· It contains verses of six Sikh Gurus.
· It also contains verses of other Indian Saints such
as Kabir, Farid, Surdas, Namedv, Tirlochan, Ravidas, Ramanand, Dhana, and
Jaidev etc.
· All verses are set in 31 musical ragas (tunes), because
music helps the mind to absorb the message faster.
· God is addressed by different names such as Ishwar,
Gobind, Ram, Karim, Allah etc.
Main message for humanity
· Only by the grace of a true Guru, the ego can be dissolved
and eternal happiness can be achieved.
· To smilingly accept the will of God.
· Selfless service of humanity is the true worship of
· Women deserve the same respect as men.
· Truth is highest of all, higher still is truthful living.
· In Sikh religion, going regularly to Gurudwara is very
· In the Gurudwara, we do many activities.
· But what is the hidden philosophic meaning behind these
· By understanding the deeper meaning, we can perform
these activities with greater commitment.
Bowing the head:
· To stop using our incorrect mind; and to use the wisdom
of our Gurus.
· Also, to surrender ourselves to the will of Guru.
· 'Gur ki mat tu le iyanne'. (Sukmani
· 'Aisi mat deeje mere thaakur,
sadaa, sadaa tudh dhiyaai'. (673).
· 'Tu samrath vadaa, meri mat thodi
raam'. (547).
· To sincerely praise God and His creation.
· This can come from a sense of amazement or 'Wah'.
· 'Keerat prabh ki gaavo meri rasnaa'.
· 'Ustat man mein kar nirankaar'.
(Sukhmani sahib).
· 'Aisaa kirtan kar man mere, eha
uha jo kaam tere'. (236).
Recite Gurbani (Simran):
· To remember God with reciting Gurbani.
· 'Saas saas simro gobind, man
antar ki utre chind'. (Sukhmani sahib).
· 'Din raati araadho piyaaro, nimakh
naa kije dheela'. (498).
· To request God to protect us from sins and evil.
· To praise the qualities of our Gurus.
· To thank God for the things He has given us.
· To make a humble request to God, for the things we
· To ask for God's pardon for our mistakes.
· 'Jo maange thaakur apne te, soi
soi deve'. (681).
· 'Pitaa mero badho dhani agmah.'
· 'Maango daan, thaakur naam'.
· 'Jetaa samund sagar neer bhariyaa,
tete avgun hamare'. (156).
· 'Ham avgun bhare, ek gun nahi'.
· 'Mein murakh ki ketak baat hai,
kot apraadhi tariyaa re'. (612).
Hukam Naama:
· This is God's message to us.
· We should try to remember it and act on it, through
out the day.
·. 'Tis kaa hukam bujh sukh hoi'.
(Sukhmani sahib).
· 'Tera kiya meetha laage'. (394).
· This shows that God has given us his gift or kirpa.
· It indicates that everything that we have got is a
gift from God.
· 'Nanak prabh sarnagati, kar parshad
gur dev'. (Sukhmani sahib).
· 'Je parsaad chhatti amrit khaaye'.
(Sukhmani sahib).
This has many hidden meanings such as:
· It gives food to our body, just as 'kirtan/paath' gives
food to our mind.
· It gives food to poor people, who cannot afford it
at home.
· Because the rich and poor sit in the same line, it
indicates equality.
· It gives us an opportunity to offer our 'daan' or charity.
· It gives us an opportunity to do 'sevaa' or selfless
service of others.
These philosophic meanings of our activities are important.
Performing these activities with this philosophic understanding
can give us
ever-lasting happiness.
The present age is of "FAST FOOD". All of us, especially children, want every thing "FAST".
So, we want a "Short cut to Happiness".
Gurbani guides us: "USTAT MANN MEIN KAR NIRANKAR " [Sukhmani Sahib]
This short but important line from Sukhmani Sahib gives us three messages:
The trick is to remember the Creator, whenever we see His Creation. For example:
When we see anything that is good, we should sincerely praise GOD, because:
Good things are found in the universe. For example, beautiful flowers, a beautiful sunrise, etc.
Who has made them? We can try to remember that God has made these wonderful things.
Similarly, we use so many inventions, which are made wonderfully, such as:
When we see good things, we should remind ourselves that God must be even more wonderful. With this sincere feeling, we should say Waheguru, Waheguru.
But what is the benefit of praising God?
Praising God, purifies our mind:
So, let us praise God everywhere and everytime.
Praising God is free of cost, but
It Gives us Everlasting Happiness
"sadaa anand rahe din raati"
- Asa-Di-War
A wonderful Gift
Guru Nanak Devji
to get
Everlasting Happiness.
1. Naam Japo
2. Kirt Karo
3. Wand Ke Chhako
1. Most of us think that money has a lot of power.
2. We believe that money can give us ever-lasting happiness.
3. That is why through out our life, we struggle to earn
4. But can money really give us
ever-lasting happiness?
Gurbani reminds us that:
Sukh Naahi Bohte Dhan Khaate (SGGS:
1. This means that even if we have lot of money, we can
not get ever-lasting happiness.
2. Money can give us temporary happiness, but it can
not give us permanent happiness.
3. We may not believe in this line of Gurbani.
4. So, let us look at the rich people in this world,
and ask these questions:
· Is every rich person happy?
· Is every rich person healthy?
· Is every rich person without
· Is every rich person wise and
· Did our Gurus collect wealth
for their personal use?
· If money cannot give us ever-lasting happiness,
then how do we get ever-lasting happiness?
Gurbani gives us the answer:
Sarb Sukhaa Har Har Gun Gaaye (SGGS:
· Ever-lasting happiness is obtained only by Praising
God (Naam Simran).
· Naam Simran protects us - everywhere and every time.
· Though Money can be stolen from us, Naam Simran cannot
be stolen.
· We spend a lot of time to collect Money; similarly,
we can try and spend sufficient time to collect Naam Simran or Naam
Gurbani shows us this method
to get ever-lasting happiness.
Contributed with the Grace of Waheguru by: Satnam Kaur
and colleagues,
" Frighten none, Fear none "
Guru Tegh Bahadur
Supreme Martyr
[Martyrdom Day: in November or December ]
Guruji’s message:
"Jin Prem Kiyo Tin Hi Prabh Paayo"
[ Pure Love Leads to God ]
Guru Gobind Singh
[on occasion of the Birth Anniversary ]
Guru Gobind Singhji’s message
Birth of Khalsa
In 1699, on the first day of Baisakhi, Guru Gobind Singhji, the tenth Spiritual Master of the Sikhs, created the ‘Khalsa’.·
The Word ‘Khalsa’ means:o
Ordained by God.o
He who has recognized his true inner self.·
Guru Gobind Singhji gifted the Holy Nectar (Amrit) and the 5 - K’s to the ‘Khalsa’.·
The ‘Five Beloved’ (Panj Pyaare) were transformed into Khalsa by Guru Gobind Singhji.·
They belonged to different parts of the country and to different castes and occupations.·
The names of the ‘Five Beloved’ reflect important qualities, which can make us Pure (Khalsa).·
These names and qualities are:1.
Daya Singh: Compassion and Sympathy.2.
Dharam Singh: Truth and Discipline.3.
Himmat Singh: Strength and Courage.4.
Mohkam Singh: Determination and Fortitude.5.
Saheb Singh: Royalty and Nobleness."Waheguruji Ka Khalsa
Waheguruji Ki Fateh"
This means:
"The Creator has made the Khalsa and
Victory shall be of the Creator"
This salutation was started by Guru Gobind Singhji.
Gurpurab Greetings to All.
Satnam Kaur and colleagues
‘Sarbat daa bhalaa’
Few references from Gurbani are:
Satnam Kaur
Guru Raamdaas ji
(Birth anniversary: 23 October,
* Guru Raamdaas ji was born in Lahore.
* But he became an orphan at the young age of seven years.
* He was brought up by his grand-mother, who was also very poor.
* To earn his living, he started selling ‘boiled channaa’.
* When he was twelve years old, they shifted to Goindwal village.
* Here, under the guidance of Guru Amardaas ji, he learnt Gurbaani.
* He did seva for 28 years. While doing seva, he always recited Gurbaani.
* Due to his selfless seva, he was made the fourth ‘Guru’ of the Sikhs.
* At this occasion, Guru ji recited the following lines in order to express his gratitude towards Guru Amardaasji:
* ‘Hum rulte phirte, koi baat naa puuch taa, Gur satgur sang kire hum thape’ (SGGS: 167).
* Even after he became the Guru, He continued to do seva and simran.
* He recited many prayers, which are included in the Guru Granth Sahib ji.
* Few of these are: ‘chhant’ of the Asa-di-waar, and the ‘laavaan’ sung at marriage.
* He built the ‘Amrit Sarovar’ at Amritsar.
* He uplifted the lower caste people.
By: Satnam Kaur and colleagues of Gurbani Class
Why ‘ Wahe–guru ’ ?
This is a humble attempt to understand why our Gurus choose the word ‘Wahe - guru’ for our daily simran.
Firstly, God has infinite qualities and infinite names. Few of these are: Meher-vaan, Akaal – purakh, Nir-bhau, Akhand, Dataar, Kirpalu, Sad-bakshind, etc.
But Guru Nanak chose a new word,
‘Wahe-guru’ for our daily simran.What could be the reason?
There are two words in
‘Wahe – guru’.One is
‘Wahe’, which indicates praise, amazement and wonder.The second word is
‘Guru’, which indicates Teacher, Preacher and Giver of knowledge.So, the hidden message to us is:
1: We must praise God and His creation.
There are many lines in Gurbani, which remind us about this.
By sincerely praising, our mind becomes pure as explained above. When our mind is purified, the Indwelling God is revealed . By praising God, all our wishes are fulfilled. By praising God, we can reach the goal of our life.
2: The second message in ‘Wahe-guru’, is that God is our teacher.
And that we should ask for ‘brahm-gian’, or spiritual knowledge. Most of us get so engrossed in asking for food, shelter, money, job, children etc., that we tend to forget to ask for spiritual knowledge.
To succeed in any aspect of life, we need knowledge, know-how or the method. Similarly to achieve everlasting happiness, or mukti, we need ‘brahm-gian’ or spiritual knowledge.
Our Gurus knew that we may forget to ask for spiritual knowledge. So to remind us they placed the word
‘Guru’ at a strategic position in our daily simran.So, let us recite
‘Wahe-guru’, and try to remember its deeper meaning.Humbly contributed by: Participants of Gurbani Class,
"Ek Pitaa ekas ke hum barik ''
[We are all children of one God ]
Guru Arjan Devji
[Martyrdom Day]
Guruji's message:
Contributed by: Satnam Kaur & participants of Gurbani Class.