isMG sBf ieMtrnYsLnl kfnPrMs vwloN pfs kIqy gey mqy
agsq 2, 2003, rojLivwl, kYlyPornIaf
1[ aWj df ieh iekWT jQydfr sRI akfl qKLq sfihb vloN sR[
guuuurbKsL isMG kflf aPLgfnf pRqI pMQ ivcoN Cykx dy afdysL nUM apRvfn krdf hY
ikAuNik ieh Drm inaF dy ivprIq aqy sLromxI gurduafrf pRbMDk kmytI sRI aMimRqsr
vloN sQfipq Drm pRcfr kmytI dy PYsly dy Ault iek bdlf-lAU kfrvfeI hY.
2[ sLoRmxI gurduafrf pRbMDk kmytI qy hor isK sMsQfvF qy smUh
gurisK sMgqF nUM apIl krdf hY ik gur-ieqhfs nUM klMikq krn vflI pusqk gur iblfs
pfqsLfhI 6vIN dy sMpfdk aqy ibprvfd dy hmfieqI BfeI joigMdr isMG vydFqI nMU sRI
akfl qKLq sfihb dI jQydfrI qoN htfieaf jfvy .
3[ isMG sBf ieMtrnYsLnl sRI gurU gMRQ sfihb jI dI Cqr Cfieaf
hyT sRI akfl qKLq sfihb dI Aucqf nUM pRvfn krdI hoeI bynqI krdI hY ik ivcfrDfrk
isDFqk msilaF bfry isK ivdvfnF nUM kZx-kZfAux dI QF Drm pRcfr kmytI dy inXmF
anusfr ivdvfnF dI sBf ivc ivcfr sihq nijTx dI iprq pfeI jfvy.
4[ aWj df ieh iekWT mihsUs krdf hY ik pMQ ivc sB qoN vDyry
bRRfhmxvfd PYlfAux df kfrn 'dmdmI tksfl jQf iBMzrF' aqy 'aKMz kIrqnI jQf' hn
ikAuN ik iehnF dy dbdby hyT gurUzMm aqy zyrfvfd nUM AuqsLfh imilaf hY. loV hY ik
Drm pRcfr kmytI sRI aMimRqsr vloN iehnF sMsQfvF vloN pRkfisLq pusqkF nUM
vI ivdvfnF dI sBf ivc gurbfxI dI rOsLnI ivc ivcfiraf jfvy.
5[ sLORmxI kmytI nUM purjLor apIl krdf hY ik Auh sR[ gurbKLsL
isMG kflf aPLgfnf pRqI jQydfr, sRI akfl qKLq vloN idqy afdysL nUM vfps krvfey
aqy gurmiq isDFqF nUM inrml qy inafrf drsfAux vflI AuhnF dI pusqkI syvf leI
snmfinq kry.
6[ nfnksLfhI kYlMzr nUM sLRo[ pR[ kmytI vloN lfgU krn dI pRsMsf
krdf hY aqy afs krdf hY ik afAux vfly smyN ivWc kYlMzr ivWclf bRfhmxI pRBfv vI
dUr kr idWqf jvygf.
7[ sRo[ gu[ pR[ kmytI qoN purjLor mMg krdf hY ik aKOqI dsm gRMQ
bfryy, ijs nUM do qKqF Auupr sLRI guurUUUuU gRMQ sfihb qul mfnqf idqI jFdI hY,
jldI hI sLpWsLt inrxf ilaf jfvy qF jo sRI gurU gRMQ sfihb jI dI srb AuWcqf aqy
mhfnqf kfiem rih sky .
8[ gurU gRMQ sfihb jI dI bfxI nUM muwK rwKidaF hoieaF iswK dy
smuwcy jIvn nfl sbMiDq iksy vI kMm ivc, iesqRI jF pursL nUM muwK rwK kyy, iksy
iksm df koeI vI ivqkrf nhIN kIqf jf skdf. gurmiq dy ies muZlyy isDFq nUM aml ivc
ilaFdf jfvy .
9[ aWj df iekWT purjLor mMg krdf hY ik "afsf kI vfr" df kIrqn
gur asQfnF qy sfihb sRI gurU gRMQ dy aMdr drj bfxI anusfr kIqf jfvy ( pfAuVIaF
aqy slok ) ikAu Nik ies ivc kIqI afpxy vloN qbdIlI afpxy afp nUM gurU qoN isafxf
drsfAux df koJf Xqn hY jo inrol mnmiq hY gurmiq nhIN.
snmfn pWqr
pRoPYsr gurmuK isMG purskfr
siqkfr Xog sR[ gurbKLsL isMG jI 'kflf
afp jI vloN gurmiq isDFqF dI inrmlqf aqy inrflypx bfry kIqy
kRFqIkfrI Koj kfrj ny gurmiq pRymIaF dy ihridaF ivc ibprvfd dy mfrU pRBfv pRqI
jfgrUkqf qy gurbfxI nUM ivcfr sihq pVHx dI rucI Auqpn kIqI hY.'sRI gurU gMRQ
sfihb drpx' dy krqf ipRMsIpl sfihb isMG (zI[ ilt[) qoN bfad afp aijhy pihly lyKk
ho ijsny gurmiq pRcfr KLyqr ivc bRhmxvfd dy gLlby nUM dUr krn ihq spsLtqf qy
inrBYqf sihq klmI syvf kIqI hY. ies dy PlsrUp aWj 2 agsq, 2003 nMU isMG sBf
ieMtrnYsLnl, rojLivl, kYlyPornIaf afpxI qIsrI ivsLv isK kfnPrMs smyN afp jI nUM
pRoPYsr gurmuK isMG purskfr nfl snmfinq krdI hY. 20vIN sdI dy afrMB ivc isMG sBf
lihr dy moZIaF ivcoN igafnI idWq isMG jI dy pRyrk-sfQI pRoPYsr gurmuK isMG, aYsy
kRFqIkfrI gurisK ivdvfn hoey hn ijhnF ny afpxI lyKxI aqy iviKafnF rfhIN isK kOm
nUM jgfieaf aqy gurdfvfrf sfihbfn ivc pRvysL kr cuky ibprvfd nUM kWZx vfsqy
isrqoV Xqn kIqy. ijs dy isty vjoN Aus smyN dy pujfrI vrg ny AuhnF pRqI sRI akfl
qKLq sfihb vloN pMQ ivcoNN Cykx df afdysL jfrI kIqf. ijs nUM hux sqMbr, 1995 ivc
hoey ivsLv isK sMmyln smyN jQydfr, sRI akfl qKLq sfihb vloN vfps ilaf igaf. isMG
sBf ieMtrnYsLnl mihsUs krdI hY ik jQydfr, sRI akfl qKLq sfihb vloN afp jI nfl
kIqf ivhfr pRoPYsr gurmuK isMG nfl kIqI kfrvfeI dI qrjmfnI hY, ijs nUM sUJvfn
gurisK sMgqF kdI vI pRvfn nhIN krngIaF aqy afp jI vloN kIqI ilKqI syvf nUM
hmysLF hI snmfn idMdIaF rihxgIaF. afp jI vloN ibrD avsQf ivc afpxI pqnI pRkfsL
kOr dy sihXog duafrf ilKIaF drjn qoN vD pusqkF ny dysL-ivdysL ivc iek aijhI
kRFqIkfrI lihr clf idqI hY, ijhVI pMQ ivcoN ibprn dI rIq nUM jVoN kWZ mfrygI aqy
bRfhmx dIaF ipClg sMprdfeI qfkqF, ijhVIaF quhfzy vrgy pMQ dy anmol hIiraf nUM
pMQ ivroDI ds ky kNOm df dfrsLink nuksfn krdIaF hn, pRRBfvhIn hoNxgIaF. gurmiq
nUM inrml qy inafrf drsfAux ihq kIqI syvf pRqI gurmiq ihqYsLI afp jI dy sdf irxI
rihxgy. sfzI hfridk ardfs hY ik akfl purK afp jI nUM ishqmMd lMbI Aumr bKLsLy qF
jo gurU nfnk-sWc dI rOsLnI ivc afp jI dI klm afAux vflIaF pIVIHaF df pQ-prdrsLn
krdI rhy.
dfs : hrdyyv isMMG sLyyrigl, skwqr jnrl, isMG sBf ieMtrnYsLnl
hor bhuq sfrIaF PotoaF
vyKx leI ieWQy kilk kro jI
Jathedar Gurcharan Singh Tohra
President, Shiromani Gurdwara Parbandak Committee,
Sri Amritsar, India
Dear Sardar Gurcharan SinghTohra ji,
Waheguru ji ka Khalsa, Waheguru ji ki Fateh
As you are already aware Jathedar of Akal Takhat Joginder Singh
Vedanti issued an order excommunicating Sardar Gurbaksh Singh Kala Afghana, the
writer of ten very informative and original books on Sikh theology. We have gone
through the proceedings of the action taken by the �Panj Singhs.� On careful
examination, we find that the action is basically inspired by vindictiveness.
Step by step analysis of the proceedings also shows that the other motivating
force comprises the dictates of powers wedded to obscurantism, Baba culture,
vegetarianism and the worship of the so-called dasamgranth. You will
notice that all these powers are opposed to the mainstream Sikhi.
Under the influence of these sampardayas, Vedanti ji
planned to destroy Kala Afghana. Vedanti ji refused to supply a copy of the
complaint, did not hear the representatives of Kala Afghana, did not consider
the unimpeachable evidence presented to him and has nowhere indicated as to what
is found to be wrong with his writings.
After accepting Kala Afghana�s inability to appear before them
due to health and legal problems, the Five Singhs ordered him to appear for
videoconference at Sri Dashmesh Darbar Gurdwara in Vancouver (Surrey). This was
cancelled one hour before the conference was scheduled to begin. Recently when
the Five Singhs were present at Chicago, the sangat of Chicago proposed
that they hear Kala Afghana during that visit. This offer was spurned with
contempt. His books were banned long before the order of excommunication was
issued on July 10, 2003. All social intercourse with him was also forbidden at
Chicago much before that. All this has been done without giving a hearing and
without giving any justification for the drastic action.
It is obvious that this action has been taken at the behest of
the Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh and its associates the Akhand Kirtani Jatha, the
post 1984 Damdami Taksal and the dera-owners. The aim of all these organizations
is to impose their own Rahit Maryada on the entire Sikh panth. The RSS has never
failed to indicate that its aim is to destroy Sikhi as propounded in the Guru
Granth ji and to have it replaced by the tenets of �dasamgranth�.
Like the langar hukamnamah and the
excommunication of seven Canadian Sikhs, this ostracizing of Kala Afghana
by the Jathedar has divided the Sikhs in the Punjab and in the diaspora in to
two warring groups.
The excommunication of a Sikh is not authorized by
Gurbani, Sikh Rahit Maryada, Sikh tradition or by the Shiromani
Gurdwara Prabandhak Committee Act. It has no valid precedent. The
clergy in Sikhism are just scripture readers and caretakers of the shrines. The
clergy class has no justification for its existence in the Sikh religion or
Thanks to the new information revolution, the Sikh masses are
very well aware of the true message of Gurbani and the position of the clergy in
Sikhism. They now refuse to accept the dictates of the irresponsible clergy
trained at schismatic deras, taksals and sampardaya whose basic
tenets require them to militate against the true spirit of Sikhi
Their preaching is based on anti-gurmat writings grounded in spurious texts
such as Gurbilas Patshahi 6. (See attached summary of
anti-gurmat contents of this book in Punjabi).
Since as President of the SGPC you are the appointing authority
for the Jathdar of the Akal Takhat, it is important to bring to your notice that
the SGPC has taken a completely biased stand on this issue. The SGPC had in
recent past withdrawn the Gurbilas Patshahi 6 edited and promoted by
Joginder Singh Vedanti due to adverse publicity generated by Kala Afgana�s
critique of this book. The offending author Joginder Singh Vedanti is however
left unpunished for his deliberate attempt to grossly misguide the Sikhs and an
unbiased pro-gurmat writer like Kala Afgana whose forte is pure
gurmat is humiliated by ex communication.
Our contention is that all the books written by Kala Afghana
are in accordance with the dictates of the Bani of Guru Granth Sahib.
In the light of the above, we request you to take steps to
suspend the unauthorized and whimsical orders of the clergy in excommunicating
Gurbaksh Singh Kala Afghana and to take urgent steps to rescind the entire
action, at your earliest convenience.
Thanking you, With regards, Yours sincerely,
Hardev Singh Shergill, Secretary-General, SSI,
On behalf of the delegates at the 3rd Annual
Conference of The Singh Sabha International, held at Sikh Center Roseville,
California, USA on August 1 & 2, 2003.