
Kirtan Sohilaa

soihlf rfgu gAuVI dIpkI mhlf ñ

sohilaa raag ga-orhee deepkee mehlaa 1

Sohilaa ~ The Song Of Praise. Raag Gauree Deepakee, First Mehl:

ÃÄ siqgur pRsfid ..

ik-oNkaar satgur parsaad.

One Universal Creator God. By The Grace Of The True Guru:

jY Gir kIriq afKIaY krqy kf hoie bIcfro ..

jai ghar keerat aakhee-ai kartay kaa ho-ay beechaaro.

In that house where the Praises of the Creator are chanted and contemplated

iqqu Gir gfvhu soihlf isvirhu isrjxhfro ..ñ..

tit ghar gaavhu sohilaa sivrihu sirjanhaaro. ||1||

-in that house, sing Songs of Praise; meditate and remember the Creator Lord. ||1||

qum gfvhu myry inrBAu kf soihlf ..

tum gaavhu mayray nirbha-o kaa sohilaa.

Sing the Songs of Praise of my Fearless Lord.

hAu vfrI ijqu soihlY sdf suKu hoie ..ñ.. rhfAu ..

ha-o vaaree jit sohilai sadaa sukh ho-ay. ||1|| rahaa-o.

I am a sacrifice to that Song of Praise which brings eternal peace. ||1||Pause||

inq inq jIaVy smflIain dyKYgf dyvxhfru ..

nit nit jee-arhay samaalee-an daykhaigaa dayvanhaar.

Day after day, He cares for His beings; the Great Giver watches over all.

qyry dfnY kImiq nf pvY iqsu dfqy kvxu sumfru ..ò..

tayray daanai keemat naa pavai tis daatay kavan sumaar. ||2||

Your Gifts cannot be appraised; how can anyone compare to the Giver? ||2||

sMbiq sfhf iliKaf imil kir pfvhu qylu ..

sambat saahaa likhi-aa mil kar paavhu tayl.

The day of my wedding is pre-ordained. Come, gather together and pour the oil over the threshold.

dyhu sjx asIsVIaf ijAu hovY sfihb isAu mylu ..ó..

dayh sajan aseesrhee-aa ji-o hovai saahib si-o mayl. ||3||

My friends, give me your blessings, that I may merge with my Lord and Master. ||3||

Gir Gir eyho pfhucf sdVy inq pvMin ..

ghar ghar ayho paahuchaa sad-rhay nit pavann.

Unto each and every home, into each and every heart, this summons is sent out; the call comes each and every day.

sdxhfrf ismrIaY nfnk sy idh afvMin ..ô..ñ..

sadanhaaraa simree-ai naanak say dih aavann. ||4||1||

Remember in meditation the One who summons us; O Nanak, that day is drawing near! ||4||1||

rfgu afsf mhlf ñ ..

raag aasaa mehlaa 1.

Raag Aasaa, First Mehl:

iCa Gr iCa gur iCa Aupdys ..

chhi-a ghar chhi-a gur chhi-a updays.

There are six schools of philosophy, six teachers, and six sets of teachings.

guru guru eyko vys anyk ..ñ..

gur gur ayko vays anayk. ||1||

But the Teacher of teachers is the One, who appears in so many forms. ||1||

bfbf jY Gir krqy kIriq hoie ..

baabaa jai ghar kartay keerat ho-ay.

O Baba: that system in which the Praises of the Creator are sung

so Gru rfKu vzfeI qoie ..ñ.. rhfAu ..

so ghar raakh vadaa-ee to-ay. ||1|| rahaa-o.

-follow that system; in it rests true greatness. ||1||Pause||

ivsuey cisaf GVIaf phrf iQqI vfrI mfhu hoaf ..

visu-ay chasi-aa gharhee-aa pahraa thitee vaaree maahu ho-aa.

The seconds, minutes and hours, days, weeks and months,

sUrju eyko ruiq anyk ..

sooraj ayko rut anayk.

and the various seasons originate from the one sun;

nfnk krqy ky kyqy vys ..ò..ò..

naanak kartay kay kaytay vays. ||2||2||

O Nanak, in just the same way, the many forms originate from the Creator. ||2||2||

rfgu DnfsrI mhlf ñ ..

raag Dhanaasree mehlaa 1.

Raag Dhanaasaree, First Mehl:

ggn mY Qflu riv cMdu dIpk bny qfirkf mMzl jnk moqI ..

gagan mai thaal rav chand deepak banay taarikaa mandal janak motee.

Upon that cosmic plate of the sky, the sun and the moon are the lamps. The stars and their orbs are the studded pearls.

DUpu mlafnlo pvxu cvro kry sgl bnrfie PUlMq joqI ..ñ..

Dhoop mal-aanlo pavan chavro karay sagal banraa-ay foolant jotee. ||1||

The fragrance of sandalwood in the air is the temple incense, and the wind is the fan. All the plants of the world are the altar flowers in offering to You, O Luminous Lord. ||1||

kYsI afrqI hoie .. Bv KMznf qyrI afrqI ..

kaisee aartee ho-ay. bhav khandnaa tayree aartee.

What a beautiful Aartee, lamp-lit worship service this is! O Destroyer of Fear, this is Your Ceremony of Light.

anhqf sbd vfjMq ByrI ..ñ.. rhfAu ..

anhataa sabad vaajant bhayree. ||1|| rahaa-o.

The Unstruck Sound-current of the Shabad is the vibration of the temple drums. ||1||Pause||

shs qv nYn nn nYn hih qoih kAu shs mUriq nnf eyk quohI ..

sahas tav nain nan nain heh tohi ka-o sahas moorat nanaa ayk tohee.

You have thousands of eyes, and yet You have no eyes. You have thousands of forms, and yet You do not have even one.

shs pd ibml nn eyk pd gMD ibnu shs qv gMD iev clq mohI ..ò..

sahas pad bimal nan ayk pad ganDh bin sahas tav ganDh iv chalat mohee. ||2||

You have thousands of Lotus Feet, and yet You do not have even one foot. You have no nose, but you have thousands of noses. This Play of Yours entrances me. ||2||

sB mih joiq joiq hY soie ..

sabh meh jot jot hai so-ay.

Amongst all is the Light-You are that Light.

iqs dY cfnix sB mih cfnxu hoie ..

tis dai chaanan sabh meh chaanan ho-ay.

By this Illumination, that Light is radiant within all.

gur sfKI joiq prgtu hoie ..

gur saakhee jot pargat ho-ay.

Through the Guru's Teachings, the Light shines forth.

jo iqsu BfvY su afrqI hoie ..ó..

jo tis bhaavai so aartee ho-ay. ||3||

That which is pleasing to Him is the lamp-lit worship service. ||3||

hir crx kvl mkrMd loiBq mno anidnuo moih afhI ipafsf ..

har charan kaval makrand lobhit mano andino mohi aahee pi-aasaa.

My mind is enticed by the honey-sweet Lotus Feet of the Lord. Day and night, I thirst for them.

ikRpf jlu dyih nfnk sfirMg kAu hoie jf qy qyrY nfie vfsf ..ô..ó..

kirpaa jal deh naanak saaring ka-o ho-ay jaa tay tayrai naa-ay vaasaa. ||4||3||

Bestow the Water of Your Mercy upon Nanak, the thirsty song-bird, so that he may come to dwell in Your Name. ||4||3||

rfgu gAuVI pUrbI mhlf ô ..

raag ga-orhee poorbee mehlaa 4.

Raag Gauree Poorbee, Fourth Mehl:

kfim kroiD ngru bhu Biraf imil sfDU KMzl KMzf hy ..

kaam karoDh nagar baho bhari-aa mil saaDhoo khandal khanda hay.

The body-village is filled to overflowing with anger and sexual desire; these were broken into bits when I met with the Holy Saint.

pUrib ilKq ilKy guru pfieaf min hir ilv mMzl mMzf hy ..ñ..

poorab likhat likhay gur paa-i-aa man har liv mandal mandaa hay. ||1||

By pre-ordained destiny, I have met with the Guru. I have entered into the realm of the Lord's Love. ||1||

kir sfDU aMjulI punu vzf hy ..

kar saaDhoo anjulee pun vadaa hay.

Greet the Holy Saint with your palms pressed together; this is an act of great merit.

kir zMzAuq punu vzf hy ..ñ.. rhfAu ..

kar dand-ut pun vadaa hay. ||1|| rahaa-o.

Bow down before Him; this is a virtuous action indeed. ||1||Pause||

sfkq hir rs sfdu n jfixaf iqn aMqir hAumY kMzf hy ..

saakat har ras saad na jaani-aa tin antar ha-umai kandaa hay.

The wicked shaaktas, the faithless cynics, do not know the Taste of the Lord's Sublime Essence. The thorn of egotism is embedded deep within them.

ijAu ijAu clih cuBY duKu pfvih jmkflu shih isir zMzf hy ..ò..

ji-o ji-o chaleh chubhai dukh paavahi jamkaal saheh sir dandaa hay. ||2||

The more they walk away, the deeper it pierces them, and the more they suffer in pain, until finally, the Messenger of Death smashes his club against their heads. ||2||

hir jn hir hir nfim smfxy duKu jnm mrx Bv KMzf hy ..

har jan har har naam samaanay dukh janam maran bhav khanda hay.

The humble servants of the Lord are absorbed in the Name of the Lord, Har, Har. The pain of birth and the fear of death are eradicated.

aibnfsI purKu pfieaf prmysru bhu soB KMz bRhmMzf hy ..ó..

abhinaasee purakh paa-i-aa parmaysar baho sobh khand barahmandaa hay. ||3||

They have found the Imperishable Supreme Being, the Transcendent Lord God, and they receive great honor throughout all the worlds and realms. ||3||

hm grIb mskIn pRB qyry hir rfKu rfKu vz vzf hy ..

ham gareeb maskeen parabh tayray har raakh raakh vad vadaa hay.

I am poor and meek, God, but I belong to You! Save me-please save me, O Greatest of the Great!

jn nfnk nfmu aDfru tyk hY hir nfmy hI suKu mMzf hy ..ô..ô..

jan naanak naam aDhaar tayk hai har naamay hee sukh mandaa hay. ||4||4||

Servant Nanak takes the Sustenance and Support of the Naam. In the Name of the Lord, he enjoys celestial peace. ||4||4||

rfgu gAuVI pUrbI mhlf õ ..

raag ga-orhee poorbee mehlaa 5.

Raag Gauree Poorbee, Fifth Mehl:

krAu bynMqI suxhu myry mIqf sMq thl kI bylf ..

kara-o baynantee sunhu mayray meetaa sant tahal kee baylaa.

Listen, my friends, I beg of you: now is the time to serve the Saints!

eIhf Kfit clhu hir lfhf afgY bsnu suhylf ..ñ..

eehaa khaat chalhu har laahaa aagai basan suhaylaa. ||1||

In this world, earn the profit of the Lord's Name, and hereafter, you shall dwell in peace. ||1||

aAuD GtY idnsu rYxfry .. mn gur imil kfj svfry ..ñ.. rhfAu ..

a-oDh ghatai dinas rainaaray. man gur mil kaaj savaaray. ||1|| rahaa-o.

This life is diminishing, day and night. Meeting with the Guru, your affairs shall be resolved. ||1||Pause||

iehu sMsfru ibkfru sMsy mih qirE bRhm igafnI ..

ih sansaar bikaar sansay meh tari-o barahm gi-aanee.

This world is engrossed in corruption and cynicism. Only those who know God are saved.

ijsih jgfie pIafvY iehu rsu akQ kQf iqin jfnI ..ò..

jisahi jagaa-ay pee-aavai ih ras akath kathaa tin jaanee. ||2||

Only those who are awakened by the Lord to drink in this Sublime Essence, come to know the Unspoken Speech of the Lord. ||2||

jf kAu afey soeI ibhfJhu hir gur qy mnih bsyrf ..

jaa ka-o aa-ay so-ee bihaajhahu har gur tay maneh basayraa.

Purchase only that for which you have come into the world, and through the Guru, the Lord shall dwell within your mind.

inj Gir mhlu pfvhu suK shjy bhuir n hoiego Pyrf ..ó..

nij ghar mahal paavhu sukh sehjay bahur na ho-igo fayraa. ||3||

Within the home of your own inner being, you shall obtain the Mansion of the Lord's Presence with intuitive ease. You shall not be consigned again to the wheel of reincarnation. ||3||

aMqrjfmI purK ibDfqy srDf mn kI pUry ..

antarjaamee purakh biDhaatay sarDhaa man kee pooray.

O Inner-knower, Searcher of Hearts, O Primal Being, Architect of Destiny: please fulfill this yearning of my mind.

nfnk dfsu iehY suKu mfgY mo kAu kir sMqn kI DUry ..ô..õ..

naanak daas ihai sukh maagai mo ka-o kar santan kee Dhooray. ||4||5||

Nanak, Your slave, begs for this happiness: let me be the dust of the feet of the Saints. ||4||5||
