
� �� siqgur pRsfid ] �

gurbfxI vIcfr

sBy ruqI cMgIaf ijqu scy isAu nyhu ] sf Dn kMqu pCfixaf suiK suqI inis zyhu ]5]

{mfrU mhlf 1 ] guru gRMQ sfihb - pMnf 1015}

arQ: jyhVI jIv-iesqRI, pRBU-KLsm dy sfk nMU pCfx lYNdI hY, Aus nMU Auh sfrIaF ruWqF cMgIaF lWgdIaF hn ijs ijs ruWq ivWc sdf-iQr pRBU-pqI nfl Aus df ipafr bxdf hY, ikAuNik Auh jIv-iesqRI idn rfq pUrn afnMd ivWc sLFq-icWq rihMdI hY . All the seasons of the year are beautiful and rewarding during which we are imbued with the love of the True Lord. The person, who has realised the Lord, gets peace and tranquillity of mind and spends this life in a state of bliss (enjoys peaceful & comfortable days & nights).

nfnk soeI idnsu suhfvVf ijqu pRBu afvY iciq ] ijqu idin ivsrY pfrbRhmu iPtu BlyrI ruiq ]1]

{gAuVI kI vfr slok mhlf 5 ] gurU gRMQ sfihb - pMnf 318}

arQ: hy nfnk ! AuhI idn cMgf sohxf hY ijs idn pRmfqmf mn ivWc vWsy . ijs idn pRmfqmf ivWsr jFdf hY, Auh smF mMdf jfxoN, Bfv, Auh smF iPtkfr-Xog hY . O Nanak ! The day is considered blissful (auspicious) when we remember the True Lord and inculcate His love in our hearts. But the day we forget the True Lord, it is considered cursed as the worst, even though it may look more pleasant.

iprI imlfvf jf QIaY sfeI suhfvI ruiq ] GVI muhqu nh vIsrY nfnk rvIaY inq ]2]

{rfgu gUjrI vfr mhlf 5 ] gurU gRMQ sfihb - pMnf 522}

arQ: AuhI ruWq sohxI hY jdoN ipafry pRBU-pqI df myl huMdf hY . so, hy nfnk ! Aus akfl purK nMU hr vyly Xfd krIey, kdy GVI do GVIaF BI Auh pRBU nFh BuWly . O Nanak ! The period and season of the year is really pleasant and beautiful when we get the company of the Guru, so that we do not forget the Lord�s Name even for a moment. We enjoy the company of the Guru by meditating on Lord�s True Name always.

rfmklI mhlf 5 ruqI sloku ] CMqu ]pMnf 927] jsu gfvhu vzBfgIho kir ikrpf BgvMq jIAu ] ruqI mfh mUrq GVI gux Aucrq soBfvMq jIAu ] gux rMig rfqy DMin qy jn ijnI iek min iDafieaf ] sPl jnmu Bieaf iqn kf ijnI so pRBu pfieaf ] puMn dfn nf quil ikiraf hir srb pfpf hMq jIAu ] ibnvMiq nfnk ismir jIvf jnm mrx rhMq jIAu ]1]

arQ: hy vWzy BfgF vfilE ! pRmfqmf dI isPLiq-sflfh df gIq gFdy irhf kro . hy akfl purK ! myry AuWqy imhr kr qF jo mYN BI qyrf js gFdf rhF . hy BfeI ! ijhVIaF ruWqF, ijhVy muhUrq, ijhVIaF GVIaF pRmfqmf dy gux AucfridaF bIqx, Auh hI smF soBf vflf huMdf hY . hy BfeI ! ijhVy pRfxI pRmfqmf dy guxF dy ipafr-rMg ivWc rMgy rihMdy hn, ijnHF pRfxIaF ny ieWk-mn ho ky pRmfqmf df ismrn kIqf hY, Auh bMdy BfgF vfly hn . hy BfeI ! ismrn dI brkq nfl ijnHF ny pRmfqmf df imlfp hFsl kr ilaf hY AunHF df mnuWKf jIvn kfmXfb ho igaf hY . hy BfeI ! pRmfqmf df nfm sfry pfpF df nfs krn vflf hY, koeI puMn-dfn, koeI Dfrimk krm hir-nfm ismrn dy brfbr nhIN hn . nfnk bynqI krdf hY - hy BfeI ! pRmfqmf df nfm ismr ky, mYN afqimk jIvn pRfpq krdf hF aqy ies qrHF jnm-mrn dy gyV muWk jFdy hn Bfv, sWB duinafvIN iqRsLnfvF KLWqm ho jFdIaF hn . O fortunate persons! Let us sing the praises of the Lord; thus the Lord will bless us with His Grace. By reciting the Lord�s True Name during all the six seasons, the month, every moment or double than it, all these seasons would become praise-worthy and worth-while. Blessed are the people, who are imbued with the love of the Lord and have sung the praises of the Lord with love and devotion. The life of the persons, who have attained the Lord-sublime, have made a success of this life. The Lord�s True Name is the supporter and destroyer of all our sins, as such no alms -giving or other formal religious functions could equal the True Name. O Nanak ! Let us lead a fruitful life by worshipping the Lord, who would enable us to escape the cycle of births and deaths.

[ tIkfkfr: pRoPYsr sfihb isMG jI and English Translation by S. Gurbachan Singh jee Makin]

{bynqI: sfnMU "bfrfh mfhf / ruqI" df pfT BI (pMny 133-136; 927-929; 1107-1110) smuWcI gurbfxI vFg hI soc-smJ ky pVHxf cfhIdf hY aqy ienHF nMU Aucycy qOr qy �sMgrFd� df idhfVf nhIN smJxf cfhIdf . sfry hI idn Bly hn jy pRBU nf ivsry . afE, hr rojL sMgq krIey aqy BfeI jI aqy rfgI isMGF pfsoN kIrqn qy gurbfxI vIcfr suxIey qF jo asIN ibWpr rIqF qoN bc skIey}

Reproduced for free distribution by: Sikh Khalsa Mission Inc. (02-9837 2787): Sunday, 18 th May 2003
