fw: hrbMs lwl
Sikhs for Technology Corp.
To assist Sikh youth participation in the Science & Technology
Revolution by providing Scientific and Technical, Educational & Employment
services to the technologically underdeveloped regions of India.
Sikhs For Technology (SFT) is a non-profit organization conceptualized
in the United States of America. It came into existence three years ago
with concerted efforts of Sikh Communities from USA, Canada, and Europe.
Having NO political or individual aspirations, SFT is fully dedicated to
the goal of empowering the Sikh Youth of Punjab with Technical Skills by
providing value added services. The initial initiative being in the field
of Information Technology, efforts are now being made to motivate youth
of Punjab to pursue careers in the field of Bio-Technology, Pharmacy, Nursing
and Teaching.
Accomplishments till Date
* IT Training in Computer application development was given to 12 candidates,
selected through a screening test and a subsequent interview, at a state-of-art
computer lab in Mohali (Punjab). SFT is proud to arrange 100% placement
after the training, through its network in the multinational companies.
* Financial Assistance in the form of Student Loan and Interest-free
Student Scholarships to over 25 needy and deserving students in Punjab.
* Computer Lab with high-end computers and Microsoft Software, has
been set up Kharar (Chandigarh) along with CD ROMs on English, Math, Science
and type tools to expose the underprivileged children to the world on information.
* Resource Center has been setup in New-Delhi which has career counselor,
3 Computers, 24 hours Internet Service and a library which houses a good
number of technical and also quality books on career counseling with information
on upcoming and latest trends in the job market.
Current Projects
* Increase the number of Student Scholarships annually.
* Expand the already existing, and install New State-of-art Computer
Labs at strategic locations in Punjab.
* Further expand the existing Library with latest technical books and
* Set up a New Resource Centers at selected locations in Punjab with
all the value-added facilities.
* Create a Global Network of Sikh professionals, so as to create an
environment where a Sikh youth can seek guidance and assistance from Successful
professionals in the field.
* Sponsor Scholarships ( $ 100 USD)
* Sponsor Computers & books for the Labs in Rural Punjab ($ 350
* Donate Computers and books ( used also)
* Donate CD ROMS, Multi-media & Tutorials ( $75 USD)
* Become part of the Global Network of Sikh Professionals .
* Give your valuable suggestions and Ideas on how we can help the youth
better their lives.
Let us:
Share our Success with our brothers and sisters back home.
REMEBER Punjab is our home, and our roots lie there.
Join hands to have a healthier happier and prosperous PUNJAB.
We need your ACTIVE Support
Registered under Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code, USA.
All donations made in the USA are tax deductible.
guru hirikRSn ieMnstItIaUt AOP is`K st`fI
Vaaheguru Ji Ka Khalsa
Vaaheguru Ji Ki Fateh
This is a reminder of the 7th Annual Sikh Youth Gurmat Camp in Maryland from
August 3-10, 2002 organized by Guru Harkrishan Institute of Sikh Studies
(GHISS). The registration deadline is July 8, 2002 and only the first
100 registrants with completed applications will be accepted. The camp
is for youth of ages 7-19 years. Further information about the camp can
be obtained from the following website:
The website has pictures from past camps and also has an online
registration form and a downloadable form in Adobe Acrobat (PDF) format.
Please pass on this information to your local Gurdwara, your family and
friends, and to any other Sikhism-related mailing list you belong
Vaaheguru Ji Ka Khalsa
Vaaheguru Ji Ki
fw: hrbMs lwl
Raghbir Singh Bains has been named the 2002 Good Citizen of Surrey. The
66-year-old Newton resident was honoured by the city last night for his many
years of volunteer work in Surrey, Delta and the Lower Mainland.
'A good example of how to live'
By Paula Carlson
"If you needed help, he was there."
That's how Ajaib Singh Sidhu describes his friend Raghbir Singh Bains, this
year's recipient of Surrey's annual Good Citizen Award.
Bains, 66, received the honour at a ceremony Thursday night, which also
recognized the contributions of Surrey's many volunteers. About 120
volunteers, including firefighters and those who help fight crime, attended
along with civic and corporate representatives.
Bains received the Good Citizen Award for his years of volunteer work on
boards, committees and projects in Surrey and across the Lower Mainland,
with a focus on helping youth and seniors improve their lives, and
preventing drug and alcohol abuse.
A former substance abuse counsellor, Bains has coordinated Alcoholics
Anonymous groups and translated AA's 12 steps into Punjabi, and contributed
to a "Say No to Alcohol and Drugs" brochure that he distributed at the
Vaisakhi Day parade last month.
He was instrumental in establishing the seniors' centre in Bear Creek Park,
which now boasts 120 members, and is a frequent speaker at inter-faith
gatherings to promote racial understanding.
Organizations that have benefited from Bains' service are too numerous to
list in entirety, but include the United Way, Surrey-Delta Immigrant
Services Society, ICBC, Surrey RCMP, Delta Police, the Law Courts Education
Society of B.C., Surrey Memorial Hospital, B.C. Children's Hospital, Oasis
Immigrant Services Society and the Canadian Breast Cancer Foundation.
For six years in the early '90s, Bains was a member of Surrey's Social
Planning Committee, providing insight into the issues and needs of the
city's large Indo-Canadian community.
"He was a wonderful contributor," says Coun. Judy Villeneuve, chair of the
committee. "He brought a multicultural perspective which we had not had
Bains' input shaped policy at a time when there was little awareness of the
challenges facing new immigrants - such as isolation, financial problems and
health concerns.
In addition to his benevolent pursuits, Bains - who is married and has three
children - has spent 15 years researching and writing an encyclopedia of
Despite his various accomplishments, Bains - who could not be contacted
prior to receiving the Good Citizen Award, which was after The Leader's
press time - remains a humble man, says Ajaib Singh Sidhu, editor and
publisher of the Punjabi/English newspaper Des Pardes.
"He lives a simple life, and gives help everywhere," says Sidhu. "He's a
good example of how to live life."
qrinMdr isMG
Partly same and yet partly different.
I will like you to think on one point, a little objectively.
With the grace of God and after great research, I arrived at a conclusion that ANY TWO people in this universe are 'PARTLY SAME & YET PARTLY DIFFERENT’.
A one-hundred percent equality/congruence does not exist. This applies to any two objects in the universe also.
Please allow me to elaborate:
Consider two currency notes of say USD 10. They are equal in their purchasing power; yet their serial number is different. One may be soiled, while the other may be fresh from a Bank or an ATM.
Similarly, consider our two palms. They are same in many respects; yet the lines on our two palms are different.
In a democracy every citizen has an equal vote. Yet every citizen's intelligence/ commitment / honesty is unlikely to be equal. The amount of thinking done by a highly-learned citizen while casting his vote is quite different, from the lack of thinking by a careless citizen while voting.
Look at gold ornaments: They are equal/same if viewed by a goldsmith, when you go to sell/mortgage them. But surely for the user the ornament to be worn on the finger is quite different than the one worn around the neck.
If we compare two religions, we find things/aims, which are same; while rituals may be different.
So, this entire universe is a game wherein any two people or any two objects are: ‘Partly same & Partly different'.
It is true that in many ways women and men are equal. Like, both are born and both die. Both feel hungry and both get ill. Both have virtues and vices. Both are subject to the law of karma. Both can get enlightenment, etc. Both need love, affection etc.
On the other hand, there are important differences between women and men - which is the way God has made the universe. The facility of bearing a child is only with a woman and not with a man. So, In this respect women are different than men. Neither is superior neither is inferior. Both are need to play their individual role in this cosmic drama.
The only point I am trying to emphasis is that equality between women and men should be viewed from a particular dimension/ perspective. Yet, we should not overlook the fact that, God has deliberately made women different than men in some other aspects. So, this equality is to be understood in a 'limited context'.
I hope this sets you thinking in a new direction, which may help you.
(This article was sent to a website for sikh women, which said that women and men are equal in Sikhism).
Humbly contributed by: Tarnindar Singh
srvjIq isMG
siqkwr Xog sMpwdk jI,
vwihgurU jI kw Kwlsw, vwihgurU jI kI Piqh[
AprYl 19 nMU 5 AwbI vYb sweIt qy iek Kbr CpI sI "gurbKS isMG kwlw APgwnw dIAW pusqkW qy AxAYlwnI pwbMDI" ijs dy sbMD iv`c dws ny kuJ jwxkwrI pwTkw nwl swJI ken dI koiSS kIqI sI pr sMpwdk 5 AwbI ny myry p`qr nMU bYb sweIt qy pwaux dI Kycl nhI kIqI pqw nhI ikau? jy kr Awp jI TIk smJo qw ies nMU AwpxI bYb sweIt qy pwaux dI ikrpwlqw krnI jI [
Awdr swihq,
SrvjIq isMG[
kwlw APZwn dIAW pusqkW 'qy AxAYlwnI pwbMdI qoN nvW ivvwd[
19 ApYRl 2002
biTMfw- SRomxI gurduAwrw pRbMDk kmytI vloN sRI gurbKS isMG kwlw APZwnw dIAW pusqkW qy AxAYlwnI pwbMdI lwaux nwl Dwrimk hlikAW ivc iek nvW ivvwd KVw ho igAw hY[ sRI gurbKS isMG kwlw APZwnw ny AwpxIAW do pusqkW 'mwsU mwsU kir mUrK JgVy' Aqy 'ibprn kI rIq qoN s`c dw mwrg' ivc ieh incoV idqw hY ik is`K Drm ivc mws Kwx auqy koeI pwbMdI nhIN hY[ Aqy dUjI pusqk ivc SRI kwlw APZwnw ny ikhw hY ik krm kWf krn nwl pwpW dw Pl nhIN Doqw jw skdw qy qIrQ AsQwn nhwaux nwl koeI pwp nhIN auqr jWdy[ienHW pusqkW ny hux pMQk hlikAW ivc nvIN bihs CyV idqI hY[AYqkIN qKq sRI dmdmw swihb qy SRomxI kmytI vlON ivswKI mOky sRI kwlw APZwnw dIAW ikqwbW nUM stwlW qoN cukvw idqw igAw qy ies qoN pihlW id`lI gurduAwrw pRbMDk kmytI ny vI ieh ikqwbW ivkx nhIN idqIAW sn[ SRomxI kmytI vloN AxAYlwnI pwbMdI lwaux nwl is`K hlikAW dIAW srgrm jQybMdIAW ieh AxAYlwnI pwbMdI htwaux dy p`K ivc KVH geIAW hn jdik Dwrimk lokW dy iek ih~sy ivc ies pwbMdI nUM jwiez disAw jw irhw hY[sUqrW dw kihxw hy ik ienHW pusqkW 'qy pwbNMdI lwaux auprMq ienHW pusqkW dI mMg bhuq izAwdw vD geI hY[ gurU goibMd isMG stfI srkl biTMNfw dy mYNbr sRI jgjIq isMG j~gw, is`K imSnrI kwlj biTMfw dy mYNbr sRI myjr isMG qy Kwlsw gurduAwrw pRbMD suDwr jQw biTMfw dy sk`qr sRI ikrpwl isMG ny ies pwbMdI dI inKyDI kridAW ies nUM bdlwlau kwrvweI d~isAw hY[
(c) copyright, 5abi 2001, All rights reserved
swfI kydrI sMsQw vlo gurbKS isMG kwlw APgwnw dIAW pusqkW qy AxAYlwnI pwbMDI lwaux vwry bynqI ieh hY ik jy ieh pusqkW gurmiq dy ivruD hn qw AYlwnI pwbMdI lwaux qy ihckcwht ikau ?[Awau gurmiK ipAwirau ies dy kwrnw vwry ivcwr swJy krIey]
gurbKS isMG kwlw APgwnw dI pihlI pusqk "ibprn kI rIq qoN s`c dw mwrg" Bwg pihlw 1993 ivc CipAw sI ijs dy muK bMd ivc igAwnI Bgq isMG jI (sMpwdk sMq ispwhI)ilKdy hn "ies pusqk ivc srdwr jI ny is`Kw ivc AweIAW kurIqIAW,krm-kWfI rsmW bwry, kc-GrV ivdvwnw vloN pwey gey BulyiKAW bwry,ivSyS krky ibprvwdI krm-kWfW dI ijlHx ivc Pswaux vwly sMqW,mhwqmW,fyrydwrW, pujwrIAW,AKOqI pMQk AwgUAW qy Drm dy fykydwrW nMU shI syD dyx dw jqn kIqw hY"
gurbKS isMG kwlw APgwnw AwpxIAW ilKqw ivc iksy ivAkqI dw ivroD nhI krdw ,ivroD auhnW bRwhmxI rIqW dw krdw hYY ijhnW dI KMfnw gurbwxI ny kIqI hoeI hY,qy ivroD vI isrP AwpxIAW dlIlw nwl hI nhI krdw sgo gurbwxI Sbdw dw hvwlw(G`to G`t pMj Sbd)dy ky krdw hY[AwpxI hryk ilKq nMU Cwpx qo pihlw Drk pRcwr kmytI smyq swrIAW sbMDq iDrW nMU Byj idMdw hY qw ik loV Anuswr suDweI kIqI jw sky[
ijhwnwH Dwrimk lokW vlo ies pwbMdI nMU jwiej disAW jw irhw hY( kI ieh auhI mhwpuS qw nhI ijhnW ny nwnkSwhI klMfr dw ivroD kIqw sI ) auhnw dI jwxkwrI vwsqy gurbKS isMG kwlw APgwnw dy aus p`qr dw iek Bwg ieQy iliKAW jw irhw hY jo id`lI gurduArw pRbMDk kmytI vlo ikqwbW dI ivkrI qy pwbMdI lwaux sbMDI jQydwr AvqwrisMG ihq nMU cMfIgVH spoksmYn dy ApRYl AMk rwhI ByijAw igAw hY]
(4) C`p cukIAW 9 pusqkW ivc dws ny kul 578 iviSAW qy ivcwrW ilKIAW hn[ kI qusI Aqy quhwfy sMgI,sk`qr kulmohx isMG jI Aqy cyArmYn s: ieMdrpwl isMG jI ^wlsw, smUh stwlW vwilAW nMU, kwlwAPgwnw dIAW pusqkW rKxIAW qurMq bMd kr dyx dw ibnw AiDkwr AdwlqI hukm dyx vwly,sIs gMj dy cYArmYn s: surjIq isMG jI, jW quhwfy swry sihXogI, iksy iek vI ivSy nMU pwTkW dI kcihrI ivc gurmiq ivroDI is`D krn leI dlIlW ilK ky spoksmYn, sMq ispwhI, PulvwVI ivc jW sMswr dIAW bwkI AKbwrW ivc Cpvwaux dI ikrpw-rUpI dlyrI kr skdy ho jI? AQvw,kI biTMfy dy snmwnXog fw sR: AnoK isMG jI vI gurmiq dy AwSy Anuswr auhI dlIlW A^bwrW ivc ivc Cpvw skdy hn ijHnW dy ADwr qy aunHW ny pusqkW ivkxo rokIAW sn? nhI qW ibnw dlIl qoN D`kySwhI hukm dyxy, kI Bly lokW dw krm hY jI?"
hor sbMDq iDrW nMU vI dws dI inmrqw swihq bynqI hY ik Awp jI vI auprokq ilKq vwry ivcwr krn dI ikrpwlqw krnI jI qw jo isK sMgqW nMU shI syD iml sky]
pwTkw dI syvw ivc dws dI inmrqw swihq bynqI hY ik ibprn kI rIq qoN s`c dw mwrg Bwg qIjy dw cOQw kWf pVn dI Kycl krnI jI, ijs ivc ieSnwn Aqy qIrQ Xwqrw vwry gurbwxI dy isDwq dI ivAwiKAw kIqI hoeI hY[
mws dy sbMD iv`c is`K rihq mrXwdw (pRkwSk Drm pRcwr kmytI)ivc drj cwr kurihqW ivc n: 2 qy drj hY ku`Tw Kwxw Aqy nwl hI drj ik "ku`Tw qo Bwv auh mws hY jo muslmwnI qrIky nwl iqAwr kIqw hovy"]pMQ ivc sB qo v`D sqkwrI jwdI sMsQw dmdmI tkswl dI pusqk "gurmiq rihq mrXwdw" ivc drj hY "pRwx r`iKAw vwsqy Kwxw pey qW h`QI Jtkw krky pRwx bcw lau"] mws Kwxw jw nw Kwxw ieh ivAkqI dI AwpxI ieCw hY pr jy kr koeI ieh AwKy ik is`K Drm ivc mws Kwxw mnw hY qw auhnw dI syvw ivc inmrqw swihq bynqI ik gurmiK ipAwirau hyT ilKy sbdw dy ArQ smJwaux dI ikrpwlqw krnI jI
mwsu mwsu kir mUrKu JgVy igAwn iDAwn nhI jwxy]
kauxu mws kauxu swg khwvY iksu mih pwp smwxy](1289)
rsu suienw rsu rupw kwmix rsu prml kI vwsu]
rsu GoVy rsu syjw mMdr rsu mITw rsu mwsu]
eyqy rs srIr ky kY Git nwm invwsu](15)
ikAw KwDY ikAw pyDY hoie jw min nwhI scw soie]
ikAw myvw ikAw iGau guV imTw ikAw mYdw ikAW mwsu]
ikAw kpVu ikAw syj suKwlI kIjih Bog iblws]
ikAw lskr ikAw nyb KvwsI AwvY mhlI vwsu]
nwnk scy nwm ivxu sBy tol ivxwsu] (142)
jy mws Kwxw mwVw hY qw bwkI dIAw vsqw cMgIAw ikvy hoeIAW
jy bwkI vsqw vrqn dI Kul hY qw mws dI mnwhI iks dlIl nwl?
jyqy dwxy AMn ky jIAw bwJu n koie]
pihlw pwxI jIau hY ijq hirAw sBu koie](472)
Pswd dI jVH qw pwxI hY kI AsI ies dw iqAwg kr skdy hw ?
AKIr ivc gurbKS isMG kwlw APgwnw dy aus p`qr dy kuJ AMS pwTkw dI jwxkwrI leI pyS ny jo 26 AkqUbr 2000 nMU isMG swihb pRoPYsr mnjIq isMG jI Aqy fw: AmrjIq isMG ipMRsIpl guru kWsI gurmiq ieMsItIcUt qlvMfI swbo nMU ByijAw sI]
"is`MG swihb pRo&Ysr mnjIq isMG jIauu ! jy Awp jI dy ihrdy ivc zrw ijMnw vI siqgurU jI dw siqkwr AQvw Bau hY, qW kI qusI dSmyS jI ƒ hwzr mn ky dws dy ienHW bcnw ƒ JUTy kih skdy ho jI? 1995 qoN C`p rhIAW dws dIAW pusqkW qusW Aqy isMG swihb igAwnI kyvl isMG jI ny bVy ghu nwl pVHIAW[ iPr meI 2000 ƒ rlIj hoeI pusqk "bic`qr nwtk gurbwxI dI ksv`tI qy ", vI qusW pVHI Aqy s: jsivMdr isMG AYfvokyt dy huMidAw s: ieMdrbIr isMG sk`qr sRI Akwl shwey suswietI AMimRqsr nwl qusW aus pusqk dI vI BrpUr SlwGw kIqI[ aus qoN kuJ idnW auprMq isMG swihb igAwnI kyvl isMG jI vloN pusqkW dI SlwGw ivc iliKAw p`qr vI dws ƒ Aw imilAw sI[ kI ieh vI 'GoVy cVHI scweI nhIN ik, 1996 ivc CpI "mwsu mwsu kir mUrKu JGVy" pusqk ivc, iBMfrW vwlI tkswl smyq, BweI rxDIr isMG, SRI joigMdr isMG qlvwVw Awid dIAW pusqkW ƒ gurmiq ivroDI hox dI bVy krVy SbdW ivc Alocnw ilKI hoeI sI, pr kdy iksy iDroN koeI vI AxsuKwvIN Awvwz nw sI suxI geI[
jUn 2000 dy spoks mYn ivc jd dws dw lyK "muTw Awip muhwey swQY ]" ivc guriblws pwqSwhI 6 dy AslI rUp dw sMKyp CipAw (jo quhwfI Xwd qwzw krn leI ies p`qr dy nwl n`QI hY) Aqy ieh piVHAw ik, dws gurmiq ivroDI ies pusqk dI gurbwxI dI ksv`tI qy prK ilK irhw hY, qW QuyhVy idnW auprMq Acncyq dws dIAW ilKqW dy ivru`D rOlw pYxw ArMB ho igAw[ qusW vI dws pRqI hmdrdI dw burkw lwh mwirAw Aqy bdlw laU kwrvweIAW qy au~qr Awey [ r`Ko hwzrw hzUr siqgurU jI dy srUp qy h`Q, qy d`so ik, dws dy ienHW bcnW ivc ikhVw bcn As`q hY ? gurmiq dw ieh ivcwr vI sp`St ho jwxw cwhIdw hY, ik scy nwm qoN ibnw iksy hor dI prvwh mMnxI guris`KI nhIN hY- "prvwh nwhI iksY kyrI bwJu scy nwh ]"-siqgurU jI dy isK qy, AQvw prmwqmw dI mOj nw pRgt ho ^wlsw jI qy, hukm kyvl siqgurU jI dw hI cldw AwieAww hY[ syDW dyx leI QwipAw jy koeI jQydwr AwpxI pdvI dy AiDkwr dI gurmiq ivAwiKAw Bu`l ky, gurmiq ivroDI AQvw nwdr SwhI huknwmy ilKx l`g pvygw qW jwgRq vwly Ajoky ju`g iv`c Awpxy nwl AwpxI pdvI dw siqkwr vI guAw bYTygw[ mnu`K dI puQwjI iks g`loN ?-"mwxsu bpuVw ikAw swlwhI ikAw iqs kw muhqwjw" ] vYrI qW kuJ vI kr skdy hn pr Apxy gurU-BweIAW dI dlIl suxy ibnw hI iekvwgw muZlSwhI &urmwn ? Ajyhy gurmiq ivroDI kwry dy ivru`D jUJxw swfy leI Drm-Xu`D dw ibgl hY[ so. BwvNy srbMNs kurbwn krnw pY jwvy, pr Xwd r`Ko, ik, dSmyS jI pwvn piv`qr nwmxy nwl GtIAw, ASlIl Aqy gurmiq ivroDI SbdwvlI mVHI nhIN rihx idqI jwvygI[ AhMkwr ivc AMnHW hoeIAw mnu`K siqgurU jI dy scu ƒ pCwVnw cwhuMdw hY [ pr ieh nw Bu`lIey ik-kUV inKuty nwnkw EVik sic rhI ]2]-----------
pr gurmiq Anuswr kIqI iek b`cy dI mMg vI pUrI kIqI jwxI siqgurW dI rzw pUrI hoeI smJdy hW[ pr gurmiq dy pRiqkUl, AQvw gurbwxI dI prK ivc pUrw nw auqrn vwlw Ajoky (kiQq) ipAwirAw dw bydlIlw nwdrSwhI hukm r`dI dy tukVy nwloN vI r`dI smJxw hr guris`K dw Drm bxdw jw irhw hY"
so pwTk dI jwxkwrI vwsqy ieh ivcwr pyS kIqy hn[dws ieh Aws krdw hY ik AslIAq nMU smJx vwsqy ieh shwei hoxgy] hoeIAW Bulw leI iKmw krnw jI[
Awdr swihq srvjIq isMG [
sPIr rwmwh
Hope you are doing fine. Academy of the Punjab in North America (APNA)
held its 7th Annual Punjabi Conference at Harvard University, MA
on April 20, 2002. The Conference was hosted by APNA's Boston Chapter
and a number of delegates of APNA members and supporters from different
cities of USA and Canada attended the Conference. The theme of
the Conference was "the Future of Punjab and Punjabi." Three
panel discussions were held on the topics of the Future of Punjabi Society,
New Media and Punjabi and Punjabi Language, Literature and Culture, followed
by a plenary session. Besides re-affirming APNA's objectives and goals to
create an effective worldwide platform of Punjabi activists, the urgent
need to engage and educate Punjabi youth in the Diaspora for a better
understanding of Punjabi culture and heritage was stressed by
the participants of the plenary session. The Conference attendees also passed
a resolution urging the immediate implementation of Punjabi as the primary medium
of instructions in West Punjab's schools.
You may view a detailed report on this Conference at:
We welcome any comments, suggestions or ideas on our efforts to
preserve and promote Punjabi language and culture.
Thank you.
Safir Rammah
jspRIq isMG iSkwgo
vwihgurU jI kw Kwlsw, vwihgurU jI kI Piqh]
Awp jI dy ilKy mnorQ nUM pVH ky mn bhuq KuS hoieAw, Awp Aqy hor bhuq swrIAW is`KI ADwrq vY~b sweItW jy ies qrHW is`K isDWqW nUM mMnx Aqy pRgtwaux qW pMQ ivroDI q`qW dw CyqIN hI inptwrw ho jwiegw[ Akwl purK Awp nUM hmySW iesy qrHW hI mwrg drSn krvWauNdw rhy, bs iehI myrI Akwl purK pws Ardws hY[
jspRIq isMG iSkwgo[
jspRIq isMG iSkwgo
Waaheguru ji ka khalsa
Waaheguru ji ki fateh
Gurbhai, i was reading what other people have written in section named under "Tohaade Patar Milea." i did not like what veer nachattar singh have written about Baba Jarnail Singh Khalsa, we as sikhs have to accept this fact that Baba Jarnail Singh Khalsa laid down his life fighting for our causes. To get into the issue of whether he is alive or has been MARTYRED is stupidity. He is an immortal martyr and the only way we can give that honor to him is to have all sikhs believe that is no more. Truth is always a truth and how can a person who has preached truth for his entire life can hide himself for the last 18 years? We, sikhs do not understand that this is all propaganda of indian government, Damdami Taksal is no longer the Taksal to mint great sikh warriors, it has now become a governmental Taksal, u don't even know the person you are talking is either one of you or an agent. And about Baba Thakar Singh, he's being brainwashed by government itself. I, as a sikh feel that it is my duty to tell my other veers, PLEASE STOP FIGHTING OVER THESE ISSUES(these because there are countless). Bhai Gurbaksh Singh Kala Afghana has written alot, i can't even put it into words, but to say that Bhai Gurbaksh singh is a great sikh of the 20th century or Baba Jarnail singh is a great sikh of this century is not worth discussing. They have done what our Gurus have told us, to me both of them are great sikh personalities. Long live the message of Guru Granth Sahib, which tells us that everything is under almighty's HUKUM(indirect referral to what veer nachattat singh has written). after all we read Japji Sahib everyday and do come across 2nd pauri. so veer meriya vadhe guru di sikhe.
waaheguru ji ka khalsa
waaheguru ji ki fateh
Jaspreet Singh
nC`qr isMG inaUXwrk
Dear Editor Sahib Ji.
Waheguru Ji Ka Khalsa Waheguru Ji Ki Fateh.
I am Very Much Interested in getting the Complete Book and Thoughts of Sr.
G. S. Kala Afghana ji. I have read first 5 Vol written by the Same Author.
I am very much Impress by his '' Daleel '' if we think Guru Granthb Sahib
is our base for every thing in life. Then there is no room for'' Vipiran Ki
Reet ''. I myself always have based my believes on Guru Granth Sahib.
Sr. G.S. Kala Afghana has done a great service for Sikh Community. He
Should be given an honor of Great Sikh of the Century. Not to sant jarnail
Singh. Who we are not sure is alive or dead. ( as per baba Thakur Singh ).
I would like to write to Sr. Kala Afgana myself but I do not have their
address. I would like to buy the Books written by him. As I have stated
earlier. I do have first 5 vol. and mass Mass kar Murkh...
I will be very much thankful to you and your staff if you can provide me
The books or where to get them. '' Long Live Sr. G.S. Kala afghana ''.
I can only do ardass for him that almighty akal Purkh to give him strength
and courage to write more on gurmat.
Thank you for your help in advance.
Waheguru ji khalsa - Waheguru ji ki Fateh.
Dasan Das - Nachatar Singh.
New York
I know some and yet I know nothing at all. Confusing
isn't it. Well that's just a part of who I am. I am
writing you this because I am searching for all truths
about god. The bibles I use are incomplete they have
books taken out of them and I am in search of an old
bible in wich is complete. So I went online and went
searching for the lost books, and came across your
site I liked what I saw. The writings are like what I
read in the bible, but seen through a different eye. I
like what I read and will be back to read more.\
May we all follow the path that is rightly his.
jsjIq kMg
Sat Shri Akal
Please sign this petition and post it on your website if possible.
We need you to express your concerns and take action. Germany should not have sent a political dissident to face the death sentence, a practice contrary to the ideals of the European Union and most of the nations of the civilized world.
Germany a member of the European Union and opposed to death penalty has sent a Sikh man to face death penalty in India. Germany refused to offer Asylum to Professor Davinderpal Singh Bhullar . Professor Bhullar, political dissident, a victim of repeated torture, subsequently has been sentenced to death by the Supreme Court of India based solely on a confession under torture.
One judge of a three-judge bench, who is incidentally the presiding judge, acquitted the accused. And in stark contrast, the other two judges convicted him arguing, unusually, that proof ‘‘beyond reasonable doubt’’ should be a ‘‘guideline, not a fetish.’’ And that procedure is only ‘‘a handmaiden and not the mistress of law.’’
Prof. Bhullar's tragic journey to death penalty, facilitated by German authorities took the following turns.
Davinderpal sought asylum from Germany, who rejected his plea, and sent him to Delhi where he was arrested immediately.
The confession in Davinder Pal Singh’s case, was extracted under torture, means allowed under the TADA, and signed by a thumbprint. For a man who is highly educated, the sign of a thumbprint implies duress. It must be noted that the prosecution in this case has offered no corroborative evidence. None of the 133 witnesses produced by the prosecution have identified him.
During the most recent ruling of the Supreme Court, which upheld the lower court ruling by a majority of two to one, Justice Shah, who acquitted Mr. Bhullar, argued that the police failed to corroborate the confessional statement Davinder is said to have made before them. Justice Shah used this fact to substantiate his decision and said that the conspiracy theory falls flat as the “rest of the accused who are named in the confessional statement are not convicted or tried.” A plot or conspiracy by definition involves two or more persons and “it is trite to say that one person alone can never be held guilty of criminal conspiracy for the simple reason that one cannot conspire with oneself,” he said.
Baroness Cox, a member of the House of Lords (UK), has also expressed concern for the violation of Davinder’s right to live (reference Hansard - House of Lords Debates dated January 14, 2002). Mr. Davinder Pal Singh is a victim of an unfortunate decision by the German Judicial system, which did not approve his appeal for political asylum and thus sealed his fate with a death sentence, a practice contrary to their system. He is further the victim of TADA, a draconian law and the designated Indian Court, which is a product of the excesses supported by this law.
Decision making by German authorities has propelled a man to face death penalty in a system that the UN itself would find unacceptable, TADA, and on the basis of very weak evidence, stark contrast to German claims of being against death penalty. Germany is to be held responsible for the actions that have resulted in Prof. Bhullar facing death penalty in India.
For more information contact info@voicesforfreedom.org
The Undersigned
View Current Signatures
The Petition for Professor Davinderpal Singh Bhullar Petition to German Government Officials was created by International and written by Sarbhpreet Singh. This petition is hosted here at www.PetitionOnline.com as a public service. There is no express or implied endorsement of this petition by Artifice, Inc. or our sponsors. The petition scripts are created by Mike Wheeler at Artifice, Inc.
For Technical Support please use our simple Petition Help form.
mnpRIq isMG b`DnI klW
m`Kx isMG puryvwl jI
vwihgurU jI kw Kwlsw vwihgurU jI kI Pqih]
BweI swihb jI ivswKI qoN AsIN nvIN ivb sweIt iqAwr kIqI hY www.badhni.com kI qusIN ies sweIt nUM vyK ky AwpxI kImqI rwie Byj skdy ho[ Aqy kI qusIN ies dw ilMk AwpxI ivb sweIt qy lgw skdy ho[
mnpRIq isMG b`DnI klW
svrn F`fw
Dear Mr. Purewal,
While surfing 5abi.com I came to know about the sikhmarg.com website. It was mentioned in a letter to the editor. About three weeks ago I happen to read a very enlightened essay on Hemkund. It was very interesting and loaded with quotations from our Granths. Most beautful thing I found was the translation the writer had provided. I spent about four hours reading it. I gave up reading that night because it was volumunous and I could not have finished it that night. Apparently a complete book was transcribed.
I am interested to buy this book. I would be grateful to you if you could advise me as to where, how and at what price I can buy it. Thanking you in anticipation.
Sincerely yours,
Sarwan Dhanda
bIbI siqnwm kOr muMbeI
‘ Pragtiyo Khalsa Parmaattam Ki Mauj ‘
[In his will, God created the Khalsa]
Birth of Khalsa
In 1699, on the first day of Baisakhi, Guru Gobind Singhji, the tenth Spiritual Master of the Sikhs, created the ‘Khalsa’.
The Word ‘Khalsa’ means:
Ordained by God.
He who has recognized his true inner self.
Guru Gobind Singhji gifted the Holy Nectar (Amrit) and the 5 - K’s to the ‘Khalsa’.
The ‘Five Beloved’ (Panj Pyaare) were transformed into Khalsa by Guru Gobind Singhji.
They belonged to different parts of the country and to different castes and occupations.
The names of the ‘Five Beloved’ reflect important qualities, which can make us Pure (Khalsa).
These names and qualities are:
Daya Singh: Compassion and Sympathy.
Dharam Singh: Truth and Discipline.
Himmat Singh: Strength and Courage.
Mohkam Singh: Determination and Fortitude.
Saheb Singh: Royalty and Nobleness.
"Waheguruji Ka Khalsa
Waheguruji Ki Fateh"
This means:
"The Creator has made the Khalsa and
Victory shall be of the Creator"
This salutation was started by Guru Gobind Singhji.
Gurpurab Greetings to All.
Satnam Kaur and colleagues,
Question for Sant Singh ji Maskin
Satnaam Waheguru
Das da ek sawaal Sant Sahibji waaste haiga si. Das Sant Sahib de Katha
Vichar to bahut prabhavit hoya hai. Gustakhi di maafi mangde hoye das da
sawaal hai ki Gianiji Tusi Waheguru nu paa chuke ho?
Uttar di umeed wich
Wahegur de charna da icchuk
krqwr isMG nOrw
Dear Sardar Sahib,
Waheguruji Ka Khalsa Waheguruji Ki Fateh!
I am Kartar Singh from India and came to US to visit my Son and Daughter in
Law who are staying in Boston. After coming here I visited so many sites
including your site also.
I am very happy to see your very nice .com site. I appreciate the way you
design this site.
It really makes me very happy that you are helping Sikh community all around
the World. May Akal Purakh bless you with His Blessings so that you can help
more for Punjab, Punjabi and Punjabiat and all the world Sikh Community and
I came to US (Boston) for 3 months and going back to India on 11th of March.
Kartar Singh Naura
V.P.O. Naura
Distt. Nawanshehar (Punjab)
pRiqpwl isMG ibMdrw
Charitro Pakhyan in English
(Popularly known as TRIYA CHRITER of Dasam Granth)
Recently Published by
Chattar Singh Jiwan Singh, Amritsar <csjs@vsnl.com>
Author's Note
Guru Gobind Singh believed in a practical life-strategy. On March
30, 1699, had he announced that he wanted to raise an army to
fight the forces of tyranny and promulgate the righteousness, he
would have thousands of people coming forward. He did not just
want a huge number. He was looking for the people with a
perpetual love and an eternal urge to sacrifice their lives for a
just cause. It is well known historical fact that, when he
appeared on the stage with an unsheathed sword in his hand and
demanded a few heads for sacrificial purposes, the people started
to slip away. Only five people came forward and offered their
lives. The spirit, which was infused through this aspect of
practicality, became the everlasting cause of the success of
Khalsa; the mighty Mughal, all-powerful Britishers and devious
Brahmanical penchant could not subdue this.
As soon as Guru Angad Dev envisioned the celestial light at the
portal of Baba Nanak, he abandoned his quest for the goddess.
When Guru Amar Das was enlightened by Guru Angad, he forsook his
sojourns to the places of deities. All the revered Sikh Gurus had
instilled the worship of the One only, Akal Purkh. They wanted
people to desist the rituals and adoration of gods and goddesses.
But, in spite of all that, on his advent, Guru Gobind Singh found
the people (even some of those who exalted the Bani of his
revered predecessors) still diverted their considerable attention
to the pilgrimages to the places of Davies, the goddesses. He
could have advised the masses thousands of times to refrain from
such liturgy, which might have not been as effective. To make the
people to understand how futile were their sojourns, and, to
erase the misconception once for all, he asked the Brahmins to
orchestrate a Havana, the sacrificial fire, and get the Devi
manifested through their prayers. The Brahmins assured him that
the goddess would personify herself at the end of the Havana.
Guru Gobind Singh spent hundreds of thousands of rupees. Tons of
viands were provided to the Brahmins. The process continued for
several weeks but no goddess appeared and the Brahmins had to
accept the defeat. Then, at that time, Guru Gobind Singh
enlightened the people the fallacies of goddess and her, so-called,
benevolence. He illuminated the minds of the astray-ones with the
reality, and the reality was Bhagauti - the Shakti, Faculty and
For the last so many ages, people had been obsessed with the
writings of the Puranas and Vedas. Without comprehending the
purports (being in old impenetrable languages) they listened to
the expositions of Brahmins reverently. When Guru Gobind Singh
fathomed the factual purport of some of those, so-called
scriptures, he coveted to enlightened the world with what, as a
matter fact, was entailed in such `gospels.' He realised that
mere explanation of the hidden contents would not be long lasting.
He set down to present the real meanings to the people in the
understandable language prevalent at the time, and, also, he
inspired some of his court-poets to expose the truth behind such
tales, plausibly endowing them the contemporary substance. His
aim was nothing but to uncover, to the public, the reality behind
those renderings of the medieval books, some of which were
religiously revered.
In the pages to follow I have endeavoured to present truthfully
what is contained in Chritropakhyan, a part of Sri Dasam Granth.
I do not wish to enter into the historicity and the naming of the
Granth. I leave it entirely to the judgement of the readers to
ascertain whether such language and such stories could emanate
through the mind and the pen of Guru Gobind Singh who has endowed
us a unique code of living a moral and courageous life. The
heading of this part of Sri Dasam Granth is Chritropakhyan (Tales
of Male-Female Tricky Deceptions). Neither I wish to tarnish nor
enhance the capability and image of the original compiler,
whether he was Bhai Mani Singh or anybody else. I have strived to
present every aspect almost in verbatim.
Pritpal Singh Bindra
Mississauga, Ontario, Canada
Pritpal Singh Bindra, Author & Columnist, Winner: Akali
Phoola Singh Book Award '98
3292 Bethune Road, Mississauga, Ontario, L5L 4R1 Canada, Tel: 905
569 0515
Fax: 905 569 9997
Email: bindra@rogers.com
WebPage: www.bindra.net
Published Books in English:
"Thus Sayeth Gurbani" - Guru Gobind Singh Study Circle,
"Chritopakhyan of Dasam Granth" - Chattar Singh Jiwan
Singh, Amritsar
"Persian Hakayaat from Dasam Granth" - Chatar Singh
Jiwan Singh Amritsar (In Print)
"Poetry of Bhai Nand Lal Goya" - Institute of Singh
Studies, Chandigarh (In Print)
"Muklawa & Other Stories" - Asia Vision, Ludhiana
We are spreading the word - we are producing a triology: "Discovering Sikh Americans", "Sikh Entrepreneurs" and "Sikh Women & Family Values" -
Presently, we are in New York's Image Group editing room having hired PBS 2-time Emmy Award winning editor Philip Marshall for the production titled: "Discovering Sikh Americans" which shows the dramatic story of what happened to the Sikh community nationwide after 9/11 through the eyes of 22-years old Amanda Gesine from Greenwich, CT. studying "cultural diversity" at Georgetown University in Washington, DC.
On 15 September 2001, we started filming Amanda attending a candle light vigilance in Central Park where she discovers her Sikh neighbors,. She spoke with young American-born Sikhs and then she learned about the news of Sodhi's murder in Mesa, AZ and couldn't understand why it was happening in her country !!!
Like most mainstream Americans, she knew nothing about the Sikhs or Sikhism until 9/11 - The crew traveled through the Eastcoast - TriState (NY/NJ/CT), Washington, DC to attend SCORE's One Nation United at the Capitol Hill Chambers on 11 December 2001 attended by major Congressmen and Senators; Chicago, IL and then across to California -- Yuba City Parade on November 4 where over 40,000 Sikhs attended. In Los Angeles we filmed the Darbar-E-Khalsa celebrations attended by over 15,000 Sikhs on 24-25 December 2001), etc.
We have filmed over 40 hours of colorful digital film footage to present a dramatic story on who are Sikh Americans, their history and Sikhism (conversations with Sikh academic experts). Including what economical contribution of the Sikhs since the early settler in 1898. We are showing how they came as laborers and today their grandchildren own large 30,000 acres of farms in California.
The one hour TV program is Amanda's personal discovery of the Sikhs and Sikhism - where she invites the TV viewers to understand what she has learned. We want to educate the young and adults. This unique format enables the TV program to reach mainstream American and worldwide TV audiences in a more dramatic manner, especially when the young woman is in the springtime of her life and at the threshold of her career - and her mission is to share her discovery of the Sikhs in America.
If you are interested in investing, we can e-mail you the biz proposal and produce the 16-minutes "work in progress" VHS "Discovering Sikh Americans" -- to your New York office executive. This TV program is being produced exclusively to educate mainstream Americans on Sikhs and Sikhism. Our young and lovely TV anchorwoman 22-year old WASP Amanda Gesine invites American TV viewers to share in her own experience as she discovers Sikh Americans - visiting the gurdwaras and talking with the children, men and women -
We are looking for a corporate sponsor or financial investor for $25,000 to complete the editing of a first class highly technical TV program for US and worldwide distribution (Europe, Asia etc). The total budget was estimated at $100,000.
Looking forward to a favorable reply,
Ms Vinanti Sarkar, Executive Producer
WLWD 2000 Inc.
425 East 51st Street
New York, NY 10022
Tel/Fax: 212-759-4568 e-mail:vsarkar@aol.com
gurdIp isMG
Maryland Annual Akhand Kirtan Samagam
Vaaheguru Ji Ka Khalsa
Vaaheguru Ji Ki Fateh
The Washington DC Metropolitan Area Sangat requests your sangat at the Maryland Annual Akhand Kirtan Samagam to be held on March 9, 2002.
The morning Diwan will be held at Gurdeep Singh's residence at 18502 Thundercloud Rd., Boyds, MD 20851 from 9.00 am - 2.00 pm.
The evening Rehan Sabahi Kirtan will be held at Gurdwara Guru Nanak Foundation of America - 12917, Old Columbia Pike, Silver Spring, MD 20904 from 7.30 pm - 4.00 am.
DON’T MISS THIS OPPORTUNITY !!!! Sangat will be coming from Canada, UK, Boston, California, New Jersey, North Carolina, New York, Michigan, Ohio, Florida, Georgia, etc. Raagis include Giani Nahar Singh Ji (Vancouver), Bhai Harpreet Singh Ji (Toronto), Bhai Manjit Singh Ji (UK), Bhai Swaran Singh Ji (California), Bhai Preetam Singh Ji ‘Channi’ (New Jersey), Bhai Amardeep Singh Ji ‘Deepy‘ (California), Bhai Amarjit Singh Ji (North Carolina), Bhai Telvinder Singh Ji (Toronto), Bhai Jagmohan Singh Ji (Maryland), and others.
For further information, please contact Gurdeep Singh (301-435-0736), Bhai Jagmohan Singh Ji (301-384-2133), Bakshish Singh (301-762-2690), Dilbagh Singh (301-476-9426), Surpal Singh (301-879-4582), or Pardeep Singh (301-890-3414).
Please pass on this information to your local Gurdwara, your family and friends, and to any other Sikhism-related mailing list you belong to.
Vaaheguru Ji Ka Khalsa
Vaaheguru Ji Ki Fateh
Visit the SikhLink Store at www.sikhlink.net for all your Sikhism-related needs including Sikh History books for children, Harmoniums, Tablas, Kakkars, Rumalas, Pagri Material, and many other items.
swrw gYirt
Nice to meet you. Why am I here? Just giving my thougts and how I even know the name of Sikh.
I have a good friend, Inderjit Singh Sidhu. We met on the internet and I have had the chance to meet him in real life. He was raised in Kenya by his Indian parents. He now is English, living in LOndon since a teenager.
Although he does not totally embrace Sikhism, he is proud of his heratige and wears his Sikh bracelet at all times. He sent me one of the traditional Sikh design as a testiment to our friendship and now I wear it.
Anyway, that got me interested in visiting your webpage and reading about this religion. I am Christian and I truely believe in the values of giving,loving and being a peace maker. I see these things are also your values.
By the way, I was surprised to see your welcome to Huntsville,Al. I am just a few miles south of there!
Thank you for listening to me rattle! *L*
Sara Garrett
gurpwl kOr ieMglYNf
Waheguru Ji Ka Khalsa, Waheguru Ji Ki Fateh,
My name is gurpal kaur and im from birmingham in england. I read the questions
and answers on ur website and they were very useful, thank you very much.
There were many questions answered on there; questions which i may not hav
asked anyone else just because of the thought that they might laugh in my
I think theses would be very helpful to lots of people who just want to
learn about sikhi, and dont want to spend ages reading about it. Because
of this i was wondering if u would mind if i printed it off and handed them
out to students at my university, whom i think it would be very beneficial.
I think they would find it a lot more helpful than lots of handouts on different
things whereas these questions and answers would give them an overview of
sikhi and then they can choose to research it more if they feel they want
Thank you once again
please reply soon
Gurpal Kaur
fw: hrbMs lwl
University of California PLANS EXPANSION OF SIKH
Grants totaling $600,000 will be used to expand Sikh studies at the University
of California, the system wide Humanities Research Institute announced today.
The grants are from the Sikh Foundation of Palo Alto. The University
of California at Riverside will receive $350,000 to establish the Dr. Jasbir
Singh Saini Endowed Chair in Sikh and Punjabi Studies. The systemwide Humanities
Research Institute (HRI), based at UC Irvine, will receive $250,000 made
possible by S. Hardit Singh to expand knowledge of Sikh culture and language
through sponsorship of residential postdoctoral fellowships, involvement
in resident research groups and other activities.
The Saini Chair will allow our faculty and students to explore the many
facets of Sikh culture, including religion, history, literature, art, economics,
and politics, said Prof. Patricia OBrien, dean of the College of Humanities,
Arts and Social Sciences at UC Riverside. The establishment of the chair
is a milestone for our campus and for the Sikh community in our region.
This support reflects the growing importance of the Sikh Diaspora in Southern
California as well as in other parts of the state, the nation, and the world.
The Sikh ancestral home is in the Punjab region, divided between Pakistan
and northern India. Sikhs arrived in California more than 100 years ago
and today, their descendents are engaged in activities ranging from high-tech
entrepreneurship in Silicon Valley to farming in the Central Valley. The
worlds 20 million Sikhs may also be found in Canada, New Zealand, Australia,
Kenya, Fiji, Malaysia, Singapore, Thailand and the United Kingdom.
Sikhs and the Sikh culture have made, and are continuing to make, important
contributions to California, the nation and the world, said Narinder Kapany,
head of the Sikh Foundation. We are hoping that these expanded educational
programs, along with others, will lead to a more complete understanding
in this country of the Sikh people and their culture, he added.
The Sikh Foundation grants will enable expansion of UC programs in Sikh
studies, now chiefly centered at UC Santa Barbara in the existing Kundan
Kaur Kapany chair in Sikh studies. The campus has developed graduate studies
program and is expanding its undergraduate instructional programs.
The funding was made possible through gifts to the Sikh Foundation from
the estate of Dr. Jasbir Singh Saini, an Arizona cardiologist, and from
Singh, a Texas engineer, in memory of his son, Sarabit Singh Aurora.
The foundation also publishes books on Sikh culture, endows museums and
is working to preserve Sikh monuments in Pakistan and India.
The generous gift by the Sikh Foundation enables us to promote the
study of the rich heritage of Sikh people throughout the University of California
in ways that otherwise would be impossible, said David Theo Goldberg, director
of the Humanities Research Institute.
The gift also enables us to generate general matching funds from the
National Endowment of Humanities, for which we are deeply appreciative,
he added.