
crnjIq isMG bwl

Vasakhi Day

Charnjit Singh Bal

Vasakhi day has special religious, socio-cultural and economic significances for the Sikhs. It is the new-year day of five hundred and thirty year old Sikh (Nanak-Shahi) calendar, the harbinger of the prolific renaissance season i.e. the spring, and heralds harvest season for the mainly agriculturist Sikh society of Punjab, the breadbasket of India. More significantly on this historical day, in 1699 the last Sikh Guru incarnate Gobind Singh Sahib transformed Sikhism into Khalsa Panth (Noble Nation) and re-defined its role in the multi socio-cultural and religious mosaic of India.

The Sikh Gurus and the venerated Hindu and Muslim sages, the co-authors of Guru Granth Sahib, the Sikhism’s supreme spiritual and temporal authority, practiced what they preached. Armed with the courage of their convictions, they faced adversity with fortitude and advocated valor (not militancy) and to take up arms only as a last resort.

"If all other means to redress injustice fail, taking up sword in hand is justified". Sheikh Saadi, quoted by Guru Gobind Singh in Zaffernama.

Sikhism founded by Guru Nanak in the late fifteenth century had to fight the two contemporary Goliaths for its survival. The history of progressive Sikhism that professes religious freedom, brotherhood of Man and socio-religious harmony is intertwined with the Mogul despotic imperialism that would have converted all non-Muslim populace of India to Islam if the Sikh Gurus hadn’t championed the cause of socio-religious freedom. For that noble cause Sikhism had to make supreme sacrifices including martyrdom of two Gurus, four juvenile sons of Guru Gobind Singh and numerous Sikh men, women and children. Whereas any signs of tyrannical Mogul imperialism have virtually been obliterated, Sikhism has culminated into one of the half a dozen major religions of the world.

To counter the Muslim onslaught on socio-religious freedom, Guru Gobind Singh Sahib convened a large assembly of the Sikhs from all over the Indian sub-Continent on Vasakhi day (30th march) in 1699. The Guru Sahib initiated and administered the Sikh baptismal rite to a vast majority of the Sikhs at the assemblage to evoke the virtue of valor in them. The baptized Sikhs were characterized as a Khalsas (noble warriors) and given a distinct identity. The Guru Sahib redefined Sikhism as Khalsa Panth (Nation) and entrusted it the role to defend religious freedom, fight political tyranny, protect the downtrodden and promote socio-cultural harmony. A Muslim Sufi poet Bullay Shah writes, "If there were no Guru Gobind Singh, everyone would have had circumcision", meaning everyone in India would have been converted to Islam.

While the Sikh/Khalsa Nation was engaged in the mortal combat against the Mogul Imperialism for the cause of universal religious freedom, the Hindu rulers of Himalayan hills joined forces with the latter at the critical juncture. And some anonyms and pseudonyms Scholars from the elitist Hindu Banaras University’s Fraternity were busy corrupting the monotheistic Sikhism with the polytheism and mythology through their writings. Still others from the same fraternity took over the control of the Sikh religious shrines and institutions and adulterated pragmatic Sikh religious practice with the dogmatic blind faith ritualism, when Sikhs were fighting guerrilla warfare against the Mogul Imperial crusaders and marauding invaders.

Whereas the Sikh Nation successfully warded off the Mogul imperialism’s overt assault on the universal socio-religious freedom, it has had no effective defense mechanism against the elite Fraternity’s covert strategy to obliterate monotheistic Sikhism’s distinct identity. Consequently many gullible Sikhs think polytheism, mythology, blind faith ritualism and sectarianism are part of Sikhism’s philosophy and practice.

In the past, if and when they were not being pursued and massacred by the tyrannical Mogul Imperial forces or foreign invaders, the Sikhs used to assemble on Vasakhi day at Amritsar to discuss ways and means of survival. In the recent times they have been congregating at Anandpur, Punjab, the birthplace of Khalsa, to celebrate the Vasakhi Day that now falls on 14th April compared to 30th March in 1699 A.D. Since the Sikh calendar is synchronous to the millenniums old Hindu calendar that is longer than the Gregorian calendar, the Vasakhi Day has been lagging behind the dates of the latter. The attempts of some concerned Sikh scholars and intelligentsia to rectify the discrepancy have been thwarted by the so-called Sikh high priests and self anointed saints. Unless the Sikhs make necessary changes the future generations will be celebrating the Vasakhi Day in summer, fall or winter.

gurqyj isMG
Having read Dr Dilgeer's article about calnedar, we want to know that what is SIKH in Purewal's calender?
Why don't we call it Sikh-Bikrami-Solar cum Lunar calander?
Purewal seems to be hand in glove with the fundamentalist Hindu organisations as he has done great dis-service to Panth and great service to Brahmin-ism.
Panth will not forgive Pal Singh Purewal, Parkash Singh Badal, Kirpal Singh Bandungar, Kharak Singh Dr, Bibi Kiranjot Kaur and Joginder Singh Vedanti for harming the Panth. (Please forward it to all the yahoo discussion groups so that the Panth may know the reality)
jgjIq isMG qyjI
Waheguru Ji ka Khalsa
Waheguru Ji Ki Fateh!
I would like to contrubute a Puzzle on Gurudwaras of Pakistan.
Guru Fateh!
Jagjit Singh Teji, MD

As per my mother's knowledge my birth took place in 22 Fagun on wednesday. The exact year is not known it must be 1961 or 1962. Can you please help me find the exact date of birth as per English calender?
zf: hrbMs lfl

Sikh shrine of Guru Nanak in Baghdad Escapes War Damage

Thanks to a recent communication from Shyam Bhatia, Senior Editor of Rediff.com and the co-author of Saddam's Bomb, on Iraq's search for nuclear weapons, we have a recent news from our shrine in Baghdad.

The good news is that the Gurdwara in Baghdad is intact. The Gurdwara was founded in memory of Guru Nanak's visit to Baghdad, en route to Mecca, in 1520. "Then to Baghdad did Baba Nanak go and outside the city made his abode," says an inscription on the wall, erected on the 500th birth anniversary of Guru Nanak on November 23, 1969.

Before the war, the Gurdwara was visited by Harjit Singh Dhanoa of England who provided the most recent report that will soon be published. According to his personal communication to me the Gurdwara was well cared for.

The Gurdwara is located in a grave yard few miles from the city.  . A caretaker with his wife lived there. They regularly provide all care and seva of the bir sahib of Sri Guru Granth Sahib; the local sangat met there every Friday.  The congregational meeting stopped during the war.

As usual the Ministry of Religious Affairs, Dept of Auqaf, took care of the maintenance. At the beginning of the war, we wrote to the Defense department about the location of the Gurdwara with a request to care for the shrines sanctity.  

You will be pleased to learn that the Gurdwara completely escaped any war damage. According to Mr. Bhatia, two shells from an American tank narrowly missed the shrine last week. Presently the spent shells are lying about 30 feet away from the shrine. The tank treads can still be seen on the road. Although the Gurdwara is intact, the force of the two bomb blasts has shattered the windows overlooking a courtyard dedicated to a famous Shia, Sheikh Bahloul, who was befriended by Imam Ali Ibn Mousa several hundred years ago.

The caretaker of the shrine, Mohammed Abdul Razak, 40, says he was not present when US forces in the area were battling loyalists of Saddam Hussein last Saturday (April 12, 2003).

mnmohn isMG

Waheguru Ji Ka Khalsa, Waheguru Ji Ki Fateh

Vaisakhi Greeting and Congratulations to all on this Day !

I am looking for information on Sikh athletes and officials who have participated at State, National, International, World or Olympic Levels. In particular I am requesting information on existing people who have participated wearing Turbans or Patkas.

I am a national level official in the USA who officiates in a turban (I am also a coach and athlete, and wear a Patka) and I am being evaluated for continuance since I appear not to conform to the referee uniform guidelines. Other areas have not been challenged yet.

I am aware of field hockey, cricket, sprint, and tennis officials (I have seen Sikh's at Wimbledon as line judges), but need data and information to support my case to the appropriate officials. I am also getting help from appropriate Sikh organizations.

If you have any information we can use, from anywhere in the world, please sent it.

Waheguru Ji Ka Khalsa, Waheguru Ji Ki Fateh

Manmohan Singh

rimMdr isMG aqy dosq

Waheguru ji ka khalsa,

Waheguru ji ki fateh.

We have read with surprise that Pal Singh Purewal's calender had the blessing of the RSS and the Vishav Hindu Parishad and the Shiv Sena.

Dr Harjinder Singh Dilgeer has exposed the conspiracy.

We ask the supporters of the calender of Pal Singh to explain "what is SIKH in this calneder". Dr Dilgeer says "it is solar-zation of Bikrami calender". If Purewal's calender is anything different from this he or his supporters should explain.

Pal Singh's calender is soalrized Bikrami calender with calculation of time from Amritsar (and not Nanakana Sahib, although it will be lamost the same). This calnder has all the Sangrand, Panchmi, Pooranmasi, Masyyas of the Hindu calnder. It has Bikrami names of the months.

Then, what is SIKH or NANAKSHAHI in it ?

We have been told that Purewal had been approached by the RSS that is why this time no Hindu organisation opposed the new version of the calender prepared by Pal Singh Purewal.

The Sikh history shall not forgive those who conspired to enforce Pal Singh version of the Hindu Bikrami calender on the Sikhs.

It will remain the shame for the Akalis and those Sikh "intellectuals" who co-operated and collborated the RSS agent Pal Singh Purewal.

Raminder Singh

and friends

ikrpfl isMG

Wasn’t Guru Hargobind Sahib……the biological son of Guru Arjan Dev Jee???!!!!

Date: Chet 28, 535 NS (Nanakshahi)

Wasn’t Guru Hargobind Sahib, ….., the biological son of Guru Arjan Dev Jee?

The answer is an astounding "NO, he was not," if you happen to believe the writings of "Gur Bilas Patshahi 6" edited by Jathedar Joginder Singh Jee Vedanti, Jathedar, Sri Akal Takhat Sahib, Sardar Amarjit Singh Jee, Principal, Shahid Missionary College, Talwandi Sabo, and authenticated through endorsements by a "Pack of Gems" consisting of a dozen of very prominent Sikhs.

This astounding "NO, he was not" answer might have escaped detection had the sharp eye of S. Gurbakhash Singh KalaAfghana, a Canada based Sikh Scholar, not seen it. He is the one who has dared to expose this BLASPHEMY bare naked, along with hundreds of other Bipar blasphemies in his set of books titled "Biparan Kee Reet, ton Sach Daa Marag (from the Ways of the Brahamin to the Ways of Truth.)".

Jathedar Vedanti Jee, along with a "Sadh Tolaa" of leaders of some (Ku)-Sant Samajs, Jathas, Deras, and Taksals are highly upset with S. KalaAfghana for his dare to expose the Bipar Blasphemies that they consider to be their sacred cows.

In this Bipar Blasphemy regarding Guru Hargobind Sahib Jee, his mother, Mata Ganga Jee, is shown to have gotten pregnant by some weird and unnatural process of entering of "Pawan Devta (Air god)" into her womb. In this episode, Mata Ganga Jee is depicted to be very desperate for the birth of a son (in violation of the Gurumat principle of Waheguru’s Hukam). She is depicted to approach her husband, Guru Arjan Dev Jee with her frustration. Then he, Guru Arjan Dev Jee, instead of directing her on the Gurumat Way of praying to Waheguru for His Grace, is depicted to advise her to go the Manmut Way of going to Baba Budha Jee for the blessing of a son. Thus, he himself is depicted to be violating the Gurumat principle that advises "I ask for everything from Waheguru alone. Because, by asking anything from a human one always ends up in nothing, but disappointment.". …….(SGGS 682)

Next, after lots of spicing up of the story Mata Jee’s moment of pregnancy is described in the following words, ………"Sambat Sorahan sai bhai kiwanjaa uppar jaan. ….Asoo din ikeesween budhay bachan bakhan…(137)….Tisee chhinak mata udar keeno PAWAN niwaas….Mata mun harkhat bha-ee chit mai bhai-o hulaas. (138)."……..Meaning: On the 21st day of Asoo, 1651, the moment (Baba) Budha spoke the words of his blessing. In a split second Pawan entered the womb of Mata. …With which, Mata’s mind got filled with pleasure & bliss.

Next, after the happening of this miraculous incident of Mata Ganga Jee’s instant pregnancy, she is shown to come back home where she conveys the happy news to Guru Arjan Dev Jee. …..Hearing which, he is shown to get in such a state of rejoicing, that he ends up distributing lots of money and presents to the poor. Etc etc. (Ref: Kundlian 145, Chapter 1)

This is how this Bipar Blasphemy, with lots of layers of sugar-coatings, cunningly implies that Sahibzada Hargobind was not the biological son of our Fifth Guru, Guru Arjan Sahib Jee, but instead was the son of some PAWAN Devta.

Has the dare of S. KalaAfghana to expose such Bipar Blasphemies, necessitated the actions to silence his Voice? ……Is this the reason for summoning him to appear before Sri Akal Takhat Sahib on May 10, 2003? …….Is he also to be silenced through the sledge hammer of excommunication? …. like the other Sikh scholars who, has dared such ventures in the past?

Is this the reason for banning of his books? …… Has his books been banned with the idea, to prevent the masses from finding out the truth about the Brahamnical Blasphemies, being advocated by the Sikh leadership?…..The Sikh leadership should let the Global Sangat know.

Who is committing the BLASPHEMY here? ……S. KalaAfghana? Who, questions the sanity of the above Bipar story? ……..Or ……Our "Pack of gems" & the "Sadh Tolaa"? Who, likes to perpetuate the Blasphemy?

Kirpal Singh, USA.

qrinMdr isMG

How can we see God?

Why can we not see God? Few examples are:

During daytime, we can not see the stars in the sky, even though they are present. Since the sunlight is brighter, we cannot see the stars. Now suppose, I am standing behind a pillar, I cannot see the light. Or, if I am in a tunnel, I cannot see the sun outside. If I am blind, or if a spec of dust enters my eye, I cannot see the sun. If there clouds in the sky, we cannot see the sun, though the sun is bigger, brighter, more luminous and more permanent than the clouds!

Similarly, since our mind is not totally pure, we cannot see God always. But we do get His glimpses off and on. When we admire nature, birds, flowers, etc., for a fleeting second, we see God.

In Anand sahib there is one line: 'ehe mayaa mohini, jin et bharam bhulaayaa'. This means that our ego, ignorance, mayaa, makes us forget God and puts us in doubts etc. So, the presence of our ego prevents us from seeing God.

If spiritual masters have seen God and written about this phenomenon in holy books, then it means that atleast it is possible, though, very difficult.

Just as our naked eye cannot see germs, but through a microscope, we can see them. Similarly, through a certain process, we can see God. In simple language, seeing God, means trying to see good in every situation and person. GGS says: 'jithe rakhe baikunth thai(n)'; or 'jo tu de soi bhal hamare'.

In order to see God, we have to do the following, singly or together:

  1. Sincerely praise people, world, things, etc. and avoid criticizing.
  2. Sincerely thank our parents, people, teachers, etc., those who help us.
  3. Sincerely understand and praise God's various qualities, which we like.
  4. Persistently request God to grant us his knowledge and vision/ experience.
  5. Frequently sit with saints, spiritual masters and read their books/meanings.
  6. Request God to purify our minds.
  7. Selflessly serve others, as per our current budget/limits.
  8. Give charity as per our current budget/ limits.
  9. Understand and obey various laws of nature (Hukam of God).
  10. Think good, speak good and do good to as many people as possible.

When shall we see God?

This depends on the intensity, sincerity, continuity and concentration of our efforts. When we study, some of us can learn in reading once. While some of us learn after reading many times. While some of us, do not learn at all. So, individual performances differ, depending on so many reasons.

I hope this helps you.


Tarnindar Singh.

zf: hrijMdr isMG idlgIr

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ibRimMGm – iswK ieiqhfs dIaF pUrIaF qfrIKLF, 3000 iswK sLKLsIaqF, 1300 gurduafiraF aqy 500 dy krIb iswK PLlsPLy dIaF aYNtrIaF qy afDfirq iswK aYnsfeIklopIzIaf 20 aprYl nUM iswK aYnsfeIklopIzIaf ibRimMGm ivc rlIjL kIqf jfvygf . rlIjL dI rsm zI[ tI[ aYPL[ buk stor, soho roz, ibRimMGm ivKy adf kIqI jfvygI . ies mOky qy hornF qoN ielfvf pMjfbI dy sfry aKLbfrF dy aYzItrF, sfry gurduafiraF qy sfrIaF iswK jQybMdIaF nUM ivsLysL qOr qy bynqI kIqI jFdI hY ik Auh ies suBfg mOky qy sfiml hox .

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ikrpfl isMG

A shameful Suicide………by Guru Teg Bahadur Jee???!!!!

Date: Chet 25, 535 NS (Nanakshahi)

Did the Ninth Nanak, Guru Teg Bahadur Sahib commit a suicide in Delhi?

The answer is an astounding YES, if you happen to listen to any of the following fourteen gems of the modern day Khalsa Panth;

Giani Joginder Singh Jee Vedanti, Jathedar, Sri Akal Takhat Sahib, Sardar Amarjit Singh Jee, Principal, Shahid Missionary College, Talwandi Sabo, Jathedar Ranjit Singh Jee, Jathedar, Sri Akal Takhat Sahib, Jathedar Gurcharan Singh Jee Tohra, Ex-President, SGPC, Prof. Manjit Singh Jee, Ex-Jathedar, Takhat, Sri Keshgarh Sahib, Jathedar Kewal Singh Jee, Ex-Jathedar, Takhat, Sri Damdama Sahib, Jathedar Sukhdev Singh Jee Bhaura, Ex-Acting Jathedar, SGPC, S. Manjit Singh Jee Kalkutta, Ex-Minister for Higher Education, Punjab, Giani Sant Singh Jee Maskeen, Katha-wachak, Giani Jaswant Singh Jee, Katha-wachak, Gurdwara Manji Sahib, Amritsar, Jathedar Dalip Singh Jee Maloo-Nanagal, Ex-Senior, Assist President, SGPC, Sardar Joginder Singh Jee Talwara, Sardar Narinder Singh Jee Soch, Vice Chancellor, Guru Nanak Dev Univ., Giani Balwant Singh Jee, Kotha-Guru.

Our "Pack of gems" have authenticated the above mentioned blasphemous YES answer by authoring and endorsing a book titled "Gur Bilas Patshahi 6." This astounding YES answer might have escaped detection had the sharp eye of S. Gurbakhash Singh KalaAfghana a Canada based Sikh Scholar, not seen it.. …..He is the one who has dared to expose bare naked, this BLASPHEMY along with hundreds of other Bipar blasphemies in his set of books titled "Biparan Kee Reet, ton Sach Daa Marag (from the Ways of the Brahamin to the Ways of Truth.)".

Jathedar Vedanti Jee, along with a "Sadh Tolaa" of leaders of some (Ku)-Sant Samajs, Jathas, Deras, and Taksals are highly upset with S. KalaAfghana. According to them, it is a big blunder on the part of S. KalaAfghana to dare to expose the Bipar Blasphemies that Jathedar Vedanti Jee and the "Sadh Tolaa" consider their holy cows.

Very understandably, for someone to dare to challenge the IGNORANCE of such a "Pack of Gems" & such a "Sadh Tolaa" the punishment cannot be anything less than hanging him from the nearest pole adjacent to Sri Akal Takhat Sahib. Therefore, in tune with this policy S. KalaAfghana has been summoned to Sri Akal Takhat Sahib on May 10, 2003. If the existing mood in Amritsar is any indicator then, on one pretext or the other he will be hanged (excommunicated from the Panth) on that date.

To silence S. KalaAfghana’s voice of SANITY, the preparatory steps has already been taken by the pack of our so-called High Priests. Without providing any opportunity to S. KalaAfghana to explain his stand, the so-called High Priests have already imposed a blanket ban on the printing or sale of S. KalaAfghana’s books (The Tribune April 5, 2003).

Just as memory refresher, in February 2003, a decision was taken to listen to S. KalaAfghana’s side of the story through Video Conferencing. However, to avoid transparency of Sri Akal Takhat Sahib proceedings, it was cancelled at the last minute on the lame excuse of "Technical difficulties." …..And, rest is history.

It seems that with its latest strategy of reversing its own decision, Sri Akal Takhat Sahib has decided to follow in the foot steps of the (Bipar) Indian Judicial System of deceit instead of the Khalsa Principles of Fair play. It seems that, from now onwards, the underlying principle of Sri Akal Takhat Sahib Justice will be "No daleel, No Vekeel, & No Appeal."

Now, about the blasphemous episode of "Guru Teg Bahadur Sahib Jee’s suicide" that S. KalaAfghana has dared to expose……. The exposure is from the book titled "Gur Bilas Patshahi 6" which is authored by Jathedar Vedanti Jee, and Principal Amarjit Singh Jee, and endorsed by the remaining dozen of "Who is Who?" of the Sikhs (named above.)

It seems that our "Pack of gems" would like to make us forget the following aspects of the Sikh History regarding Guru Sahib’s Martyrdom; …The historical fact of Kashmiri Pandit’s approaching Guru Sahib for help, ……Guru Sahib’s decision to stand up for the human right of "Freedom of Religion for all," ……martyrdom of Bhai Mati Das, Bhai Sati Das, Bhai Dyala, and ……sacrifices of Bhai Jaita and Bhai Lakhi Shah. Instead they would like us to believe that, this Bipar deception "Gur Bilas Patshahi 6" advocates.

According to "Gur Bilas Patshahi 6" the Sangat of Makhowal (not a delegation of Kashmiri Pandits) approach Guru Teg Bahadur Sahib for the protection of Hindu Religion. Accepting their request, Guru Jee goes to Delhi accompanied by five of his Sikhs. In Delhi on the instigation of Ram Rai Jee (son of Guru Har Rai Jee), Emperor Aurangzeb is shown to ask Guru Teg Bahadur Jee to perform a miracle, that the Guru Jee refuses.(Ref: Chaupai 363-366, Chapter 8). As a result Guru Jee is put in jail, and amazingly, his own Sikhs are mounted as guards. Next the author writes that Guru Jee directs one of the Sikhs (no name) to stay with him, and tells the others to abscond from the scene. The beauty of this Bipar deception is that the writer, with just one stroke of the pen, and without naming anyone turns Bhai Mati Das, Bhai Sati Das and Bhai Dyala, from Martyrs into absconders.

Next the writer after making fun of Gurbani, shows Guru Teg Bahadur Jee instructing the lone Sikh left behind to commit suicide after ("Maaray Teg Na Dharay Kasees") beheading the Guru with his sword, without a flinch. Then according to the writer, the Sikh beheads the Guru and himself commits suicide. Guru Jee’s Head flies into the sky (not picked up by Bhai Jaita Jee at the risk of his own life) and lands into the house of some Agya Ram of Delhi. Who, in turn hears some celestial instructions coming from the sky saying, "O! Agya Ram, Save this head with care to be handed over to a Sikh who, will come from Anandpur Sahib to fetch it." ….Once again, , this is how the author with another clever stroke of his pen, converts the Guru’s Martyrdom into a mere suicide, his Sikhs into absconders, and absolves Emperor Aurangzeb from this most heinous of his crimes, …….the "murder of the Guru."

In the light of the above exposure, the question in front of us is as to; ……Who is committing the BLASPHEMY? ……S. KalaAfghana? Who, questions the sanity of the above Bipar story? ……..Or ……Our "Pack of gems" & the "Sadh Tolaa"? Who, likes to perpetuate the Blasphemy?

Kirpal Singh, USA.

Press Release dated April 6, 2003, issued from


The following facts regarding the recent ban placed upon the writings of Kala Afghana need to be noticed by all concerned:

Gurbaksh Singh Kala Afghana has been writing books since 1996 strictly to propound the philosophy of Guru Granth Sahib, the only Sikh scripture. He has written about a dozen books of which about ten are published.

No objection to his writings were raised until he started commenting on the Gurbilas Patshahi 6, edited by Giani Joginder Singh the present `Jathedar’ of the Akal Takhat.

Soon thereafter one Gurcharanjit Singh Lamba and a few others wrote to the Akal Takhat to call him at the Takhat to punish him for `anti-Sikh’ writings. They quoted several sentences from his writings. These were innocuous in the context in which they were written. The letter was meant to be secret but became known. Several people including, Gurtej Singh wrote to the Akal Takhat showing the innocent nature of the impugned remarks. Nothing more was heard about these

charges for about six months.

Then it was known that the Dharam Parchar Committee was going to impose ban on Kala Afghana’s writings. Joginder Singh of Spokesman, Giani Jagmohan Singh (missionary), Rajinder Singh Khalsa Panchayat,

Gurtej Singh and others wrote to them that any ban would be unjustified. Nothing more was heard about it for another year or so.

A rumour spread that action against Kala Afghana was again contemplated. It was stated that a complaint against him had been procured from persons not recognising Guru Granth as the sole Sikh Guru. General Narinder Singh, Joginder Singh, Rajinder Singh, Prof. Gurdarshan Singh Dhillon and Gurtej Singh issued a public statement to say that only the Guru Khalsa Panth had the right to censure any writing or to issue a condemnation. They pleaded for close public scrutiny of the writings before condemnation. This was ignored.

Then suddenly on December 23, 2002, the `five Singhs’ assembled at the Takhat and issued a `hukamnamah’ asking Kala Afghana to explain why he had written some sentences termed as objectionable. They

asked him to appear at the Takhat on February 10, 2003, to answer the charges.

Eighty-one year old Kala Afghana wrote on January 5, 2003 and January 10, 2003 to say that he was unable to come to India because he feared arrest as his name was included in the list of those to be arrested for political reasons. He said he was unwell and not fit to travel. Consequently he requested Gurtej Singh to answer the charges on his behalf at the Takhat.

A convention of the learned people well-versed in gurmat was held on February 1, 2003 and reply to the eleven sentences (277 words from four paragraphs mainly in two books) considered objectionable was drafted. A booklet of about a hundred pages was prepared to explain in detail how the eleven sentences were perfectly in order. Repeated written requests were made to the `five Singhs’ to hold a videotaped public enquiry into the charges in consultation with the Panth. On February 10, 2003, three hundred people from all over the state, from Delhi and Jammu presented themselves at the Akal Takhat to explain the

charges verbally.

The `five Singhs’ refused to listen to any one. They did not accept Kala Afghana’s representative Gurtej Singh. They ordered that Kala Afghana himself would be questioned by means of videoconference. Kala Afghana requested to be informed giving him ten clear days to appear in view of his wife’s illness. He also requested not to be called at a particular Gurdwara where organisers had threatened to physically eliminate him. The `five Singhs’ nevertheless asked him to appear at three day’s notice and at the same Gurdwara controlled by people hostile to him. Kala Afghana presented himself in spite of all the difficulties on the appointed day at the designated place. The `five Singhs’ postponed the videoconference without assigning any reason. It was promised that a new date for the videoconference would be announced. This was never done.

Some prominent lawyers of Chandigarh including Gurdarshan Singh Grewal, Balwant Singh Gulliani, Amar Singh Chahal and Navkiran Singh wrote to the Akal Takhat on March 17, 2003 to adopt a just procedure to

deal with Kala Afghana.

By the second of April Kala Afghana’s comments on the Gurbilas Patshahi 6, were complete. These are in the form of a book. This book was being prepared for publication at Amritsar.

Suddenly on the fifth of April 2003, appeared the news that the `five Singhs’ had placed an interim ban on the reading, publication and sale of all works of Kala Afghana. Final decision is to be taken on May 10, 2003.

Salient features of the ban: 1) Ban is clamped without a warning and without giving any time to the public to react.

1). The `five Singhs’ held a meeting without announcing the agenda. They imposed the ban ignoring that fact the matter was pending for videoconference with the author.

Conclusions: 1) The `five Singhs’ are determined to impose the ban without openly and freely discussing the matter of offending 11 sentences which are absolutely innocuous in the context.

2). These 11 sentences considered objectionable are contained in four paragraphs of three books but they have chosen to ban ten other books also about which, even according to them, nothing objectionable has been discovered. For the last several years these other books have been under the scrutiny of the forces advising the Takhat.

3) Ban is imposed on the three new books which are to be printed for the first time.

4) It is the `lamb and the lion’ or the `Bush and Saddam Hussain’ story all over again. The only conclusion is that the `five Singhs’ are determined to snuff out Kala Afghana. His only offence appears to be his comments on `Gurbilas Patshahi 6’ edited by Giani Joginder Singh, `Jathedar’ of the Akal Takhat.

Appeal: With all the force at my command and in absolute humility I want to appeal to the Guru Khalsa Panth to wake up and see the enormity of the wrong being done to gurmat as all the books of Kala Afghana in exposition of true principles laid down by the Guru. I appeal to the `five Singhs’ not to use the sledge hammer of the powers of the Akal Takhat against an innocent old man expounding gurmat. I appeal to them not to do so just for the purpose of preventing publication of a book criticising incompetent editing of Gurbilas Patshahi 6 by Giani Joginder Singh. I appeal to them not to do it in this manner as it smacks of back stabbing in view of the fact that the case before them is pending for videoconference with the author. I appeal to them to have a public discussion on what is considered objectionable in Kala Afghana as well placed scholars say that there is nothing objectionable in what he has written.

Gurtej Singh

Professor of Sikhism

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Pal Singh Purewal’s calendar has RSS’s blessing

The calendar prepared by Pal Singh Purewal is by no means a Sikh Calendar. The Sikhs should reject it.

This calendar is nothing more than solar-ization of Bikrami calendar. Pal Singh Purewal has kept the names of Bikrami calendar. He has accepted Sangrand, Pooranmasi, Massiyas of Bikrami calendar. The only thing he has done is that he has calculated the length of day from Amritsar in solar system in stead of lunar system.

By doing this Pal Singh Purewal has done great service to Bikrami (Hindu) calendar and dis-service to the Sikh principles. In Sikhism, Sangrand, Pooranmasi, Massiya or Panchami have no importance and Purewal has preserved all this, apparently establishing the Hindu auspicious days for the Sikhs (in Purewal’s calendar). This calendar has the blessing of the Vishav Hindu Parishad, R.S.S., Shiv Sena and the other fundamentalist Hindu organizations. These organizations had opposed an independent Sikh calendar but now they have not said even a single word because Purewal has solar-ized Bikrami calendar, thus preserving its Hindu character. More interesting is the role of Kashmira Singh of one group of Sant Samaj, Nihangs of Santa Singh group and one group of Nirmal. Earlier, these three groups had vehemently opposed a new calendar for the Sikhs BUT in the meeting of 28.4.2003 these three groups were supporting Purewal more than any one else.

The collaboration of Pal Singh Purewal with the fundamentalist Hindu organizations is not a secret now.

The SGPC should not fall into the trap of Pal Singh Purewal and the RSS and Vishav Hindu Parishad and stop implementation of this calendar.

If the SGPC publicizes and uses this calendar the history shall not forgive its leadership. I hope it will meet the same fate as was met by Ranjit Singh’s Hukamnama about Langar. I had warned the meeting of 28.3.2003 also and I am repeating my warning here too.

Dr Harjinder Singh Dilgeer

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The Sikh Encyclopedia

will be launched in the western world on 13.4.2002 at DTF BOOKS, Handsworth, Birmingham, England by Dr Harjinder Singh Dilgeer.

This Encyclopedia has more than 100000 pages whch include about 1270 Gurdwaras with more than 700 photographs of the Gurdwaras, 3000 biographies of Guru Sahib, the famous Sikhs, the Sikh martyrs and the prerson associated with the Sikh history. It has about 500 concepts of Sikh philosophy, culture, literatute and theology eith illustrations from Guru Granth sahib. It al;so has a complete chronlogy with each date calender of the Sikh history. Besides it has 2 complete books: Akal Takht and History of Sikh Students Federation.

It has more than 200 times more material than Raghbir Singh Bains's CD and its price is one fourth of Ranghbir Sinbgh Bains's CD.

Contact: DTF Books, Birmingham or Singh Brothers Bazr Mai Sewan, Amritsar.

Dysfuctional Family Promotes Bigotry Against Sikhs 

Many Organizations Join the Sikh Coalition in a Campaign Against Miramax


In an example of bigotry against Sikh people across the globe, Miramax Films recently launched previews of the movie, Dysfunctional Family, in theaters, on websites, and on television channels across the United States. In the trailer of the movie, an actor, Eddie Griffin, refers to a Sikh man as “bin Laden.” Griffin points to a turbaned Sikh man and says, “bin Laden, I knew you was [sic] around here!” People watching this movie may associate Sikhs with terrorism because of its objectionable content.

Sikh Mocked as Bin Ladin

To date there has been no response to formal outreach from Sikh organizations. Miramax has failed to provide evidence that it is at all concerned about the defamation of Sikh people and other minorities.

We request you to sign this petition and support the Sikh community in this campaign against bigotry and hatred.

Please sign the petition at http://www.sikhcoalition.org/miramax_petition.asp

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A meeting of the Sikh elite called by the Delhi Sikh Gurdwara Parbandhak Committee was held at Bhai Vir Singh sahitya Sadan Delhi, to discuss the future of the Sikhs and Sikhism. The main speakers were: Prof. Darshan Singh, Dr Harjinder Singh Dilgeer, S. Manjit Singh calcutta, Gurtej Singh and many others.
Picture: Dr Harjinder Singh Dilgeer addressing the meeting attended by 125 organisations of the Sikhs from the whole of India.

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Recently, I had an opportunity to read articles written by Gurbachan Singh and other cohorts of Mahant Virsa Singh. Please forgive me for calling them "Singh" as this is an insult to glorious surname "Singh".

They have tried their best to malign Sikh religion through their articles, however if we judge their writings according to tenets of Sikhism, then they prove to be nothing but fabricated stories created to distort Sikh religion.

It is encouraging to see that few Sikhs like Sardar Gurcharan Singh Brar, Subedar Didar Singh Ji and Sardar Gursharan Singh Kasel are attempting to do some about it. I admire them for their courage. They have enlighten many Sikhs like me though their articles.

Their rebuttals of such baseless articles are based solely on teachings of Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji. They always quote appropriate Shalok and Page Number, whereas Pandit Gurbachan Singh still has to produce a single credible quote from Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji or so called "Dasam Granth" in support of his "doctrines".

Sikhs are already facing an enormous task of maintaining our distinct identity as Sikhs and not as offshoot of Hinduism. At present, what we need to do is to be vigilant and question age old myths and tales.

Sikhs will withstand all covert attempts by RRS, Pandit Gurbachan Singh and Mahant Virsa Singh to destroy their glorious religion and history.

I request all concerned Sikhs to stand up to such parasites who have infiltrated Sikh religion and debate with them in which ever way possible. Mahant Virsa Dass (Singh) and his cohorts can no longer hide behind their Sikh like appearances. Their blatant lies are out in open now.

Tejinderpal Singh

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Hats or Baseball Caps, ….in Guru Darbar???!!!

Date: Chet 1, 535 NS (Nanakshahi)

Is "Hats or Baseball Caps" a proper attire for the Guru Darbar?

Pondering upon this question, some of my Veers have concluded that it is. My Veers have expressed the opinion that, the only requirement to enter the Guru Darbar is to cover one’s head. And, certainly a Hat or a Baseball Cap satisfies that requirement. Therefore it is perfectly o.k. to wear a Hat or a Baseball Cap to the Guru Darbar.

I beg to differ with the above opinion.

To find the right answers to the above question, what we need to do is, to ask ourselves the very basic fundamental question, "What is the INTENT of the protocol of covering of one’s head to enter into the Guru Darbar?" …. For, once we understand the intent, then we can very clearly see, if the wearing of a Hat or a Baseball Cap fits into that intent.

Let us understand one basic fact about entering into the Guru Darbar. It is not, …. a mere mechanical ritual. …..It is a very enjoyable Experience that gives one’s mind and soul a very special sensation. Those of us who enter the Guru Darbar with respect for the Guru in our hearts, expressed outwardly with a covered head, feel that special sensation, every time we enter into the Darbar. The idea of requesting a non-Sikh guest to cover his/her head while entering the Guru Dabar, is to hopefully duplicate that sensation in the mind and heart of our guest. We like to share the enjoyment of our experience with every one on the globe. The dilemma is the selection of a proper attire for our non-Sikh guests.

The problem of selection of proper attire stems from the clash of two cultures. None of us can deny the fact that while the protocols of Sikhism are from the Eastern Culture, the fashion of wearing of Hats and baseball caps, and its protocols are products of the Western Culture. In the clash of cultures, as a protocol, Hats and Baseball Caps are taken off, and not put on as a mark of respect in the Western Culture, while the heads are covered in the Eastern Culture.

In a situation that demands respectful behavior, a person of the Western origin does not feel respectful internally, if he is wearing a Hat or a baseball Cap. For him to be respectful is to remove his Hat or the Baseball Cap. Therefore, whenever we request a Non-Sikh guest to keep his Hat or Baseball Cap on his head while entering into the Guru Darbar, we unknowingly and unintentionally force him into a very difficult and conflicting situation.

To show the utmost respect to our sentiments, our non-Sikh guest is generally very polite towards us. He complies with every request of ours, no matter how ridiculous it is. In that spirit, he agrees to keep his Hat or Baseball cap on his head even though in his heart of hearts the whole situation looks very bizarre. Our well-intentioned folly forces him into a very disrespectful situation. Therefore, to avoid such a dilemma, it is absolutely proper, nay essential to offer a Rumaal to request our guest to cover his/her head. The Rumaal gives a sensation of a mini-turban. With such a request hopefully we may be able to make our guest feel the experience that we are trying to duplicate for him/her.

Head covers come in many shapes and forms. In the Eastern cultures they consist of Turbans, Patkas, Rumaals, Chunees, & Topees etc, while in the Western Cultures they come in the form of Hats, Baseball Caps etc. Their meanings and protocols are different. Therefore, they should be selected accordingly. In the Eastern culture, a Hindu or a Muslim brother covers his head with a Topee or a turban as a mark of respect, while a Western brother takes his Hat off for the same reason. What, matters the most are the internal sentiments. Therefore, for a Hindu or a Muslim brother coming to a Guru Darbar, a Topee will be o.k. While for a Western Guest a Hat or a Baseball Cap is not. To avoid any kind of dilemmas for our guests, offering of Rumaals as a symbolic mini-Turban is the most respectful and graceful thing that we can do.

Thus to be consistent, we should limit ourselves to Turbans and Rumaals only, as the protocol head dress for the Guru Darbar.

On the question of wearing of any form of Topees, Hats, or Baseball Caps by the Sikh Children or Adults in the Guru Darbar, the combination of a Sikh wearing a Topee, Hat or a Baseball Cap looks completely nonsensical to put it very politely.. …..In case of Sikh kids it gives a reflection of our parental stupidity, our ignorance, our inferiority complex, and our lack of vision ……while in case of adult Sikhs it portrays nothing but disgracing of the entire Sikh Nation.

Kirpal Singh, USA.

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Press Release

Conclave finds fault with the SGPC

Patiala, March 15, 2003. Sikh Culture Centre, Patiala organised a Conclave of Sikh scholars and organisations to discuss the issue of the method of the appointments and removal of the Jathedars of the five Takhats of the Khalsa Panth. A consensus which emerged out of the discussions was that the SGPC's (Sikh Gurdwara Parbandhak Committee) approach towards these highly respected personalities is most cavalier- bordering on disrespect.

The most recent instance of sacking of Prof. Manjit Singh from Takhat Sri Kesgarh Sahib is symptomatic of the mindset of the SGPC leadership. The need of the hour is to educate the Sikh masses about the dangerous implication of such a callous approach to the most important issues confronting the Khalsa Panth. Principal Harsimran Singh from Anandpur Sahib highlighted the need of reform in the SGPC organisation and strengthening the office of Akal Takhat. Advocate Narinder Singh from Chandigarh framed the main issues about the most objectionable method adopted to remove Prof. Manjit Singh. Principal Jasbir Singh of Sikh Missionary College lamented the lack of Sikh spirituality and dominance of power politics in the affairs of the community.

Prof. Gurtej Singh IAS (Retd.) opined that great injustice has been done to Prof. Manjit Singh . No true Sikh can endorse the most illegal method adopted in removing the Jathedar. He said he was personally anguished at this injustice. S. Gurtej Singh said that he has seen the whole process of election and functioning of SGPC which is much below the standards expected of an institution of Sikh community. Rather some of its members' conduct makes us hang our head in shame. Sh. Gobind Singh Kanjla ex-Minister shared the sentiments of S. Gurtej Singh and extended all support for the righteous cause.

Giani Kewal Singh, former Jathedar of Takhat Sri Damdama Sahib disapproved method adopted to remove Prof. Manjit Singh. The role of present Jathedar of Akal Takhat in the present situation was found to be wanting. Prof. Manjit Singh was also present. Mrs. Manju Qureshi made an emotional appeal to the Sangat not to tolerate the injustice done to Prof. Manjit Singh and offered every help to fight this injustice. Prof. Vikram Singh of Gurmat College Patiala and Kawaljit Singh Phul from Dasuha also adressed the conclave. Sikh scholars from Punjabi Unversity, Sikh Missionary Colleges, Punjab School Education Board and other Sikh institutions paticipated in the conclave.. Others present on the occasion was S AtinderPal Singh, ex-MP, Dr. Gurbaksh Singh from Canada, S Gurinder Pal Singh Dhanola and S Sarabjit Singh Saohal.

In a resolution, presented by Kanwar Manjit Singh, Convenor, Sikh Culture Centre, the Conclave unanimously disapproved of the procedure adopted to sack Prof. Manjit Singh which was not only insulting to the person of Prof. Manjit Singh but also undermines the dignity of the office of Jathedar. It was also resolved to urge upon the Jathedar Akal Takhat to get the directive of five Singh Sahiban about the service rules of Takhat Jathedars finalised at the earliest so that the Sikh Panth has not to face such irresponsible conduct of the SGPC in future. An appeal to Akal Takhat was also made to place the facts of Prof. Manjit Singh's removal before public, so as to remove the shroud of mystery created by the President of the SGPC.

Kanwar Manjit Singh


0175-2360187, 98143-41987

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American Sikh Organizations Condemn the Unceremonious Removal of the Sikh Jathedar in Amritsar

Immediate Release

For more information, please call
Harminder Singh Jassal (703) 503 9678
Hargurpreet Singh (301) 236 0312

Washington - March 7, 2003

Guru Gobind Singh Foundation (GGSF), National Sikh Center(NSC) and Sikh Council on Religion and Education (SCORE) have jointly released the following statement on the recent happenings in Punjab.  Full text of the statement is given below.

We are extremely disturbed at the recent incidents in Amritsar. We are ashamed to see the violence and insults hurling at each other shown in the international media.

The occurrence of violent acts in the area adjacent to Sri Harmandar Sahib, is disgraceful as it destroys the sanctity of the holy place. Regardless of whoever initiated it, and what ever the cause may be, it is inexcusable. We are appalled at the indiscreet way it has been handled by the people in authority.

We are equally perturbed at the way Jathedar of Keshgarh Sahib, Singh Sahib Manjit Singh has been sacked by the executive committee of SGPC. We feel that the due process of law was not followed. The defendant should get a chance to fend himself. The report of the allegations of corruption and moral turpitude, if proven should have been written and made public. No oral report is ever acceptable in any inquiry. In a court of law, justice is dispensed by due process. It is all the more important to have a higher standard to deliver fair justice in a religious set up. This is the only way any religious institution can be held in high esteem. We demand that the report of the findings against Jathedar Manjit Singh be made public and he be given a chance to prove his innocence. The excuse given by the President of SGPC, Kirpal Singh Badungar, for not making the report public is that "we will bow our head in shame if it is made public", is unacceptable.   We are rather ashamed at this whole dictatorial process/way of handling. The executive committee has not fulfilled its fiduciary duty and has proceeded irresponsibly by acting on oral report of the President Badungar. It is a matter of grave concern that Sikhs have lost faith and more are losing in their institutions: Takhats and SGPC in particular.

Sikhs all over the world are required and should respect their Jathedars of the Takhats and are morally bound to follow the hukumnamas issued by them. But the very institution SGPC, who is responsible for the appointment of Jathedars, has made a mockery of itself by firing the Jathedar so abruptly. This shows their disrespect for the institution of the Takhats. Incidentally this is not the first time it has happened. These acts disconnect the younger generations from the core of the faith. A sense of indifference and apathy towards SGPC has reached peak during recent times within the Sikh community worldwide. A decent way out of this quagmire could have been found as an 'honorable discharge'

We strongly feel that the Sikh leaders must show their regard for the Sikh community at large as they are answerable to the entire Panth. We agree, until an alternate procedure is formulated, SGPC has right to appoint and discharge Jathedars. However, we strongly urge that SGPC streamlines the process, have strict guidelines and qualifications - both during the selection and removal of Five Head Jathedars. Ultimately, SGPC has to justify its actions.

Guru Gobind Singh Foundation (GGSF), National Sikh Center and SCORE are based in Washington. GGSF and NSC had similarly spoken against the process of removing Jathedar Ranjit Singh from Akal Takhat in 1999. GGSF and SCORE represent Sikhs in the local, national and international forums.  Both organizations are active in the interfaith affairs, religious freedom, justice and environmental conservation issues on behalf of the Sikhs.
