
gurmIq isMG astRylIaf

Dear Khalsa Jasbir Singh jee, Waheguru jee ka Khalsa Waheguru jee kee Fateh

For the last several years it is noticed that Controllers of SGPC and Akaal Takht Sahib do not bother about the views of diaspora Sikhs unless one is attached to some anti-Sikh Dera or organisation? Before according honorific title of "Panth Rattan", perhaps they need to look at the achievements during the past 30 years in so far as Sikh religion and Sikhs are concerned:

1. What efforts were made to implement the Anandpur Sahib Resolution?

2. What role was played by President Torha when (1978) 13 Sikhs were killed by Nirankaris to apprehend the killers?

3. In spite of Hukamnama/Gurmatta dated 10 June 1978 why President Tohra went to Nirankari Bhavan for seeking their votes and subsequently he tried to lie in collaboration with Bhai Ranjit Singh?

4. Why President Tohra and Sant Harchand Singh Longowal were writing letters to the PM's Cabinet Secretariat (now reproduced at pages 110 to 112 in book - Chakravyuh: Web of Indian Secularism (2000 Edition) by Gurtej Singh and at pages 165 to 167 in another book - Sach Sunnaesi Sach Ki Bela by Gurbhajan Singh Gill (Layallpuri) (2003 Edition). Such correspondence was not in the best interest of Sikhs? It exposes their duality like the double secret agents known as diplomacy based on falsehood!

5. During 1984 and subsequently what role he played for the Sikhs' Charhdi Kalaa?

6. What efforts were made by him to resolve the outstanding demands of the Sikhs such as Chandigarh Issue, Beas-Sutlej River water, Bhakra Dam, Punjabi speaking territories, implementation of Punjabi Boli, release of Sikh Youth from the jails, help to the widows leading miserable life since 1978-1984?

7. Whether he ever raised his concern/voice against the false encounters and killings by the govt.'s secret agencies and police either in Parliament or elsewhere?

8. Against the lapses of Barnala, Badal, Giani Puran Singh, Prof. Manjit Singh, Bhai Ranjit Singh, Bhai Rode, Taksaalis, Deras, KPS Gill, AS Sandhu & other such butchers, Mukh Sevadaars of Akal Takht Sahib, Patna Sahib, Hazur Sahib?

9. What efforts he made to control the spread of Apostasy/Patitpunaa and other brahminical rituals?

10. What has he done to spread the message of Gurbaani enshrined in the Guru Granth Sahib and to practice the Sikh Reht Maryada (SGPC) at all places where Sikhs have set up Gurduaras in Punjab, India and abroad?

11. When Principal Satbir Singh died, Rs. three lakhs were given to his family from SGPC's Goluk

whether such amount was also given to any widow/orphan who was affected during 1978-1984-2004?

12. How much or about Rs. five lakhs? were given to the Institute of Sikh Studies for revising the Sikh History, what happened to that project? How that amount was accounted for or nothing was spent?

13. For the last 30 years how many times Sarbatt Khalsa was called for to resolve outstanding issues?

Since I don't know all the facts being away from Punjab since 1956, someone may like to throw some more light so that Sikh leaders and Mukh Sevadaars remain accountable to the Guru Khalsa Panth/Sarbatt Khalsa. I seek forgiveness if I have quoted any incorrect version. Thanks,

Gurmit Singh, an ordinary diaspora Sikh and member of the Guru Khalsa Panth

bldyv isMG

Dear Brothers Charnjit Singh Bal and Makhan Singh Purewal Jeo.

Sat Sri Akal.

Sikh Virsa, Sikh Bulletin, Sikh Review and Abstracts of Sikh Studies refused to publish my article about Gandhi and the writings of Bhai Randhir Singh. Howver, Dalit voice posted the articles on Gandhi on its site and from there it was picked by others. A Pakistan fellow broght it to the attention of the editor of Sikh Spectrum. Last April the editor of Sikh Spectrum called me seeking my permission to publish the article on Gandhi. I told him, " As a trained scientist I firmly believe that information or knowlede must be shared - propagated in order to separate the truth from dross. That is how the human society has developed. This article is not my property and I do not have a patent on it. You can publish it by all means." So he posted this article in the August quartely issue of Sikh Spectrum. Since then I am a regular contributer to Sikh Spectrum. In the current issue I have two article: Unite and Rule and People Who misinform

I was surprised that Professor Satnam Singh sandhu of Punjabi University Patiala has posted both my articles, on Gandhi and Bahi randhur singh's writings on his web site (www.punjabheritage.com). Both the articles are still there. I admire his courage as the professor of GNDU and Punjabi University do not want to take the risk to annoy the people in power. Last year Dr. Sangat singh wanted to present a paper at a seminar at GNDU. Professor Balwant Singh Dhillon asked him to remove references to Nehru and Gandhi. Of course sangat Singh refused to do so and he was not allowed to speak. This is the same Balwant Singh Dhillon who was a consultant to Vedanti on Gubilas Patshai 6 and he also takes frquent trips with Vedanti. That is why I have great respect fo Professor Sandhu. Attached are four articles for your file, If you find them worthwhile share with others or post on your web site.

With deep regards.

Baldev Singh

BuipMdr isMG nfrvy

pMQ-rqn bfad 'c nf bxfE !
pMQ-rqn bx ky idKfE !

afm iensfn dI Eumr 60-70 sfl lgf lvo, ienF sflF ‘c bcpn qoN jvfnI, pVfeI, iPr nOkrI qy gRihsqI, Bwwj-nwwT, bwwicaF pRqI ijLMmyvfrIaF qy afKr buZfpf, ieh vI iksy nUM imldf hY aqy iksy nUM nhI!

ienHF sflF ‘c iewwk gurmuwwK pUry Auwdm sdkf jykr inwwqnym krdf hoieaf, rihq mirXfdf qy sMpUrn sRI guru gRMQ sfihb jI dI bfxI pRqI Koj krdf hoieaf, jF iPr kuJ kOm-pMQ pRqI jOhr idKfAudF hoieaf afpxy jIAuNdy jI pMQ-rqn bxn df Audm kry qF KfhsIaq hY.

dsF pfiqsLfhIaf dI sMpUrn joq sRI gurU gRMQ sfihb jI dI bfxI nUM pVHnF, ivcfrnF ilKy isDfqF qy cwwlxF, awwCf iltrycr pVHnF qy ivcfrnF hI sLfied ieh nfmxHyN Ktvf skdf hY.
pMQ-rqn kOm‘c hoey sn qy hux vI ivcr rhy hn.

BuipMdr isMG nfrvy.

gopfl isMG

Dear S. Makhan Singh Ji
WaahGuru Ji Ka Khalsa
WaahGuru Ji Ki Fateh.
I am interested in reading and distributing the Phamphlets by Sikh Missionary. Please either send me his email address or give my email address to him. Which ever you prefer.
Thanks for help. I always check your web site and read the articles. Good information, we need it for our children. May God help you and every one else to understand His will.
Gopal Singh

jsbIr isMG

Dear All,

Can somebody explain about this Panth Rattan being awarded to Late. Sardar Gurcharan Singh Tohra. What criteria is being followed? After death of someone , only few remains critics while a number of people will follow the policy,"Challo Chhaddo jee, maran wala mar gia". Mr. Tohra had some good qualities. He was considered honest and hard working even by apposition. Can anybody answer this question, "Is SGPC which was lead by Sardar Tohra is not among the most corrupt Sikh organisations? and who is reponsible for that ? Why not Panth Rattan to Mr. Badal, Bibi Jagir Kaur etc . As per I know it was not presented to even undisputed personalities like Bhai Teja Singh Samundri. When Mr. Badal will die he will surely be presented Panth Rattan. I am not comparing these personalites. Mr. Tohra was much better than Badal in my thinking. Mr. Tohra will be known for his greatness particularly when we come to know, the persons occupying his position. Mr. Arvinderpal Singh Pakhoke is now serving as Acting President og SGPC. In his last tenure as Acting President he employed huge number of unwanted sevadars that someone had to approach the sgjc to stop them working. Bhul Chuk Muaf.


Jasbir Singh

nfnk vIcfrDfrf zOt kOm

S.Roop Singh Ji, (Incharge Internet SGPC ) Wahe Guru Ji Ki Fateh

We are inclusing here with an article on Kaar Seva at Golden Temple. Please distrubute the copy of this article to all the Executive Commitee & General Body Members including President , Secretary and Jathedar Shri Akal Takht Saheb.


To all Sikh Websites Wahe Guru Ji Ki Fateh. We here by authorize all the websites to publish this article mentioning "Source Nanak-Vichardhara.com". If you do not desire to mention complements still you are authorize to display this article on your website. So that the idea given in the artle reach each and every concerned Guru Nanak Naam Leva.

Dear Members, Wahe Guru Ji Ki Fateh

We enclose here with an article on Kaar Seva at Golden Temple. If you are agreeable with the ideas given in the article kindly write to sgpc and recommend it to impliment. Please forward the copy of this article to the Gurudwara Commitee for further distribution among Sadha Sangat

Kindly send a copy of your comments to us, we will be thankful to you,
Hoping for prompt and positive response,

ieMdrbIr isMG

Whae Guru Ji Ka Khalsa

Whae Guru Ji Ki Fateh

I am really disturbed to read the article by Dr. Dilgir regarding Mr. Tohra. Last year Dr. Dilgir wrote another article where he praised Mr. Tohra in his article in Chardi Kala newspaper. This was before Mr. Tohra became SGPC president. Seems like Dr. Dilgir did not get what he wanted after Mr. Tohra became SGPC president. Therefore he started writing against him.

This article does not suite a website like yours where most of the articles are good religious articles.

So please take this article off your site. In case you keep supporting people like Dr. Dilgir, who change their writings based on their personnel motives, we will stop visiting your site.

Please reply.


Inderbir Singh

(sMpfdk vloN:-srdfr ieMdrbIr isMG jI gurcrn isMG tOhVf hux ies dunIaF ivc nhIN rhy. ho skdf hY zf: idlgIr dy lyKF df vI tOhVf qy asr hoieaf hovy, ikAuN ik zf: idlgIr kfPI dyr qoN tOhVf df pwkf Xfr sI. mYN tOhVf dI eImfndfrI dI pRsMsf krdf hF aqy iehI Aus dy jIvn df ieWko ieWk cMgf gux sI. pr mYN tOhVf nUM kdy vI Dfrimk sLKLsLIaq krky nhIN jfixaF, isWKI df jo nuksfn tOhVf kr igaf Auh sLfied hI pUrf hovy. ies sMsfr qoN qF sB nUM jfxF hI pYxf hY pr tOhVF dI mrdy dm qwk kursI dI lflsf nhIN geI, ies kursI dI Kfqr hI Aus ny sfrI Aumr isWKI nUM dfa qy lfeI rwiKaf. mYN quhfzI ies gwl nfl sihmq nhIN ik zf: idlgIr nUM koeI tOhVf vloN ahudf nf imlx krky Aus dy ivruwD ilKxf sLurU kIqf hY, ieh bhuq hI hoCI gwl hY. mYN nf qF zf: idlgIr nUM koeI sport krdf hF aqy nf hI iksy hor ivdvfn nUM, pr siqkfr sB df krdf hF jo ik gurmiq dI aqy pMQ dI shI gwl lokF qwk phuMcFdy hn. zf: idlgIr dy ies lyK ivc koeI vI glq gwl nhIN sI pr Cpx df smF ZukmF nhIN sI. ies lyK dI hux AuNj vI koeI loV nhIN rhI aqy mYN ieh afp hI vIkaYNz qy htf dyxF sI. isWK-mfrg qy af ky lyK pVHn leI sLukrIaf jy kr nhIN aAuxf cfhuMdy qd vI sLukrIaf)

zYrl inlsn


I hope this time you receive my E-mail. I had forgotten that my mother follows a religion herself. This religion is called Paganism. I did'n't have much time to study but, I may be able to give a you a quick description. From what I read you may see some similarities between Sikhism and Paganism.


One of the first and most important beliefs of Paganism is a respect for the Earth and an environmental consciousness, which runs so deep it, connects with the divine spirit within. Energy and healing are gained from the soil. Knowledge and wisdom are gained from the trees. Cleaning and purging comes from the lakes, rivers, and streams. Protection comes from the rocks and fire. Rites are practiced which attune the seeker to the harmonious workings of the seasons of nature.

Magick is the art and science of causing change in ones environment in conformity with ones's will. Magick can be used to heal, to divine, or to assist in the obtaining of goals. The only possible linits of Magick are the self, the imagination, and the knowledge of any Magickal System.

The natural human body, soul, and mind are seen as beautiful, powerful, and divine. Human beings were not cast out of paradise; they were born into it. Human beings are not born ingerently evil or bad, they are born innocent with the gift of choice. Human beings do not answer to the laws of an omnipotent god. They answer and account for their own actions. The eternal afterlife of a human being is not judged by one lifetime alone. Many lifetimes will be traversed before we are all reconnected with divinity.

The last sentance reminds me of what you explained as reincarnation.

This is a poem that my mother speaks everyday:

Thou art the Lord who reigns within,
The strength and the power,
Thou art the Lady, innocent and bold,
The mother, maid, and crone

Thou art the meaning of success,
The flash that doeth inspire,
The holy beam of golden light,
The flickering of the Fire.

Thou are the glory of the day,
The beatiful song of birds,
The light that glowest in the dark,
The poet, and the words.

And every single day I see,
In every star that shines,
With fear and wonder, joy and love,
That thee and me combines.

For in the end we are one,
The Lady and the Lord,
The spirit and the great God,
The truth I'm moving toward.

So in the day that lies ahead,
To every man and tree,
To members of the fairy lands
Bright blessing be to we.

See you later.
Daryl Nelson

mihMdr isMG

A training camp of the "Teachers and managements of the Missionary Colleges" was held at Bhopal. Representatives of the dozens of the principals, teachers and managements of the Sikh missioanry colleges attend the camp. The 7 days's camp was addressed among others by the Sikh histoprian and philosopher Panth ratan Dr Harjinder Singh Dilgeer (author of 40 books on Sikhism). Dr Dilgeer gave 8 lectures on different aspects. Dr Gurbachan Singh Bachan too addressed the campers.

See in the photo (left to right):
Sitting on the chairs in central row=
Dr Bachan, S. Kuldip Singh USA, Panth ratan Dr Harjinder Singh Dilgeer (in the middle chair), S. Khazan Singh Calcutta member Akal takht Advisory Committee and s. Pritam Singh president Bhopal Gurdwara Singh Sabha.
Sunder Singh president Gurmat College Mohali, president Gurmat college Chhatisgarh, general secretary Gurmmat College Mohali, delegates from up,Delhi,MP,Chhatisgarh, Bengal, Punjab etc.

isWK ivrsf vloN KLbr

bfbf inDfn isMG afeI[ tI[ afeI[ kfilj df AudGftn

huisLafrpur: ipCly idnIN huisLafrpur ijLlHy dy ipMz nzfloN ivKy iswK pMQ dI pRiswD hsqI sMq bfbf inDfn isMG jI dI Xfd ivwc 'bfbf inDfn isMG afeI[ tI[ afeI[ kfilj' df AudGftn bfbf rCpfl isMG (kYlyPornIaf) jI ny kIqf. sMq bfbf inDfn isMG jI Auh sKsLIaq sn, jo hjUr sfihb dy nyVy gurU kIaF sMgqF leI lMgr dI syvf krdy sn. Auh huisLafrpur ijLlHy dy ipMz nzfloN dy vfsI sn, ijQy AunHF dI Xfd ivwc bhuq suMdr gurduafrf sfihb vI bixaf hoieaf hY. bfbf inDfn isMG jI dI Xfd ivwc hjUr sfihb nyVy vI gurduafrf sfihb bixaf hoieaf hY, ijQy hmysLF lMgr cldf hY.

bfbf jI dI Xfd ivwc bx rhy ies kfilj nfl ielfky dy bwicaF nUM tYknIkl ividaf lYx ivwc bhuq mwdd imlygI.ies AudGftn mOky jQydfr ajfieb isMG srpMc ipMz nfzloN, sMq dyvI dfs, sMq bKsLIsL isMG, s: gurmuwK isMG prmfr knyzIan, ipRM: ajIq isMG jwbl, s: ibsLn isMG mqbflf, ipR: hrivMdr kOr, pRo: amrjIq isMG idhfxf, s: buwD isMG sfbkf srpMc nzfloN, igafnI krqfr isMG, sUbydfr sIql isMG nzfloN, zf: jy[ bwgf, mfstr inrml isMG, s: swqpfl isMG aqy sRI PkIr cMd hfijr sn.

sMgq lFGf krqfrpur

60, zfiemMz aYvinAU, mjITf roz, aMimRqsr Pon -0183- 2421915

cfkr drvysL- hrijMdr isMG rMDfvf (ipRMsIpl),90 arbn aYstyt, btflf, Pon-01871- 249649, 9814232750 cfkr ivcfrf-zf[rxjIq isMG buwtr, MBBS, MD, cfkr nIc -bI[aYs[gurfieaf,cfkr mskIn- zf[prvIn pfl PhD GNDU , cfkr grIb -ieMj[jgbIr isMG, cfkr dIvfn- zf[ aYc aYs igwl-(mukqsr), zf[gurnfm isMG PhD GNDU, PUlF rfxI (afritst), zf[ rfiejsbIr isMG PhD GNDU, afr aYs ibMdrf (aYzvokyt), ieMj[ drsLn isMG, zf[ amrIk isMG jwj MBBS, MD, jy[ aYs iQMd (ieMj), zf[ aYc aYs DflIvfl btflf, zf[ gurbKs isMG PgvfVf MBBS, MS

pRYs not

1[ sMgq mihsUs krdI hY ik Bfrq pfk drimafn cl rhIaF amn koisLsLF pMjfbIaF vfsqy iek suinhrI mOkf hn. Kfs qOr qy Bfrq dy pRDfn mMqrI sLRI atwl ibhfrI vfjpyeI sfihb df njrIaf bhuq hI hF pwKI hY. krqfr pur nUM lFGf iek iksm nfl ivsLv amn nUM lFGf hY. lgdY ik ipCly 56 sflF qoN kIqIaF jf rhIaF ardfsF rMg ilaf rhIaF hn. pr nfl hI sucyq rihx dI jrUrq hY ikAuik iswK lIzr aksr hI aYn mOky qy af ky AuKV jFdy hn qy kOm dy vwzy nuksfn kr bihMdy hn. bhuqI vfrI ieh mOky guaf vI bihMdy hn qy TMzy lohy nUM aYvyN kutdy rihdy hn. sMgq pMjfbIaF nUM vkqn bvkqn sucyq krn df Auprflf krdI rhygI. qF ik mOkf hwQoN nF inkly.

2[siqkfrXog rfsLtrpqI, pRDfn mMqrI, qy ivdysL mMqrI nUM ies sMbMD 'c jldI hI mYmorMzm idqy jfxgy.

3[hux ielYksLnF mOky pMjfb dy AumIdvfrF kolo vfiedy leygI ik pfrlIafmYNt ivc phuMc ky lFGy dI gl hfAUs aMdr krn.

4[ sMgq pMjfb, idlI qy mulk dy bfkI sUibaF dy lIzrF nUM dlIl rFhI bynqIaF krygI ik Auh lFGf krqfrpur vfsqy bxdy Auprfly krn.

5[ ielYksLnF ipCo cuxy gey Bfrq dy sfry aYm pIjL qk phuMc krky AunF nUM dlIlF rFhI lFGy vfsqy mnfeygI.

6[ ieh vI PYslf kIqf igaf ik sMgq sfrIaF pfrtIaF qk phuMc kry qy jo AuGy lIzr sMgq dy pRogrfmF dI pRoVqf krn AunF nUM kOmFqrI lFGf rfjdUq dy rUp ivc nfl sLfml kr ilaf jfvy. jo vwK vwk isafsI mMcf qoN amn pRikRaf qy krqfrpur nUM Kuly lFGy dI purjor vkflq krn.

7[ sfzy siqkfrXog kOmFqrI lFGf rfjdUq ieh Auprflf krngy ik pMjfb asYNblI ivc lFGy dy hwk ivc mqf pfs krvfieaf jfvy.

8[ sfzy siqkfrXog kOmFqrI lFGf rfjdUq Auprflf krngy ik hr sMgrFd dI ardfs qy iksy AucI sLKsIaq nUM ieQy swidaf jfvy qy kOmFqrI amn qy lFGy dy vfsqy ardfs krvfeI jfvy. asI AumId krdy hF ik aglI vfrI pMjfb dy muK mMqrI nUM hI bulf ilaf jfvy.

9[ pMjfb dIaF kfrporysLnF, kmytIaF, kONslF qy pMcfieqF kolo mqy pfs krvfeygI

10[ kl qoN sMgq lFGf krqfrpur dI jfxkfrI BrpUr vYb sfeIt www.kartarpur.com cflU kr idwqI jfeygI.

11[ dunIaF Br dy gurduafiraF qoN mqy pfs krvfeygI qy nflo nfl ieh mqy pRYs ivc jfieaf krngy.

12[ sfl dy ivc hI koeI iek lwK qoN vwD prcy Cpvf ky vMzygI qy ies pRkfr lFGy dy hwk ivc iek lihr KVI krygI.

13[ hr sMgrFd qy zyrf bfbf nfnk ivKy iekwT ivcfrF qy DusI bMn qy phuMc ky ardfs krygI.

hrijMdr isMG rMDfvf

cfkr drvysL

bldyv isMG

Dear Sardar Makhan Singh Purewal Ji, Sat Sri Akal.

I retired as a pharmaceutical research scientist two years back. I have been interested in the proper interpretation of Gurbani from my high school days. I started writing about Gurbani and Sikh affairs after my retirement.
As mentioned in my open letter to Shergill, my first article was the review of Kala Afghana' writings which was published in sevral Sikh publications. After that I have published two articles on the misinterpretation of Gurbani by Professor McLeod both in the Abstracts of SikhStudies and in the online publication, Sikh Spectrum. I also published an article about Mahatma Gandhi and Martin Luther King. It is currently posted on (www.punjabheritage.com) and it was also posted on the Web site of Dalit Voice. I have an other article on the writings of Bhai Randhir Singh at (www.punjabheritage.com). Other articles that I have published include: Are Sikhs Hindus? Meaning of Hindu; Deep pentration of Criminals in Sikh Instittuion; What have the immigrants lost in the West. I have published few other articles also. Currently I have two articles "unite and rule," a book review authored by Amar Singh Dhaliwal, retired Dean of GNDU, and "People who misinform" at www.Sikh Spectrum.com. I plan to post my future article at www.sikhspectrum.com
I have all these article in Microsoft Word and if any one is intersted I can e-mail the article.

With deep regarsd.

Baldev Singh

BuipMdr isMG nfrvy

vIr jI.
gurU PLqih prvfn krnI .

gurbKsL isMG kflf aPLgfnf jI hoxF df ieMzIaf jfx df Auwwdm gurU-pMQ leI hor syDF buwwDIjIvIaF 'c ilafvygf .
afs hY holI 2 gurU- pMQ nMU smJ ienf krIm buwwDIjIvIaF sdkf pYxI sLurU ho jfvygI.
BuipMdr isMG nfrvy

pRIqm isMG gryvfl

Editor Sahib,

Sat Sri Akal. Thank you for sharing S.Gurcharan Singh's letter informing the readers about the safe arrival of S.Gurbax Singh Kala Afghana in India and about his devoted efforts to spread Gurmat in the light of Guru Granth Sahib.

Let me respectfully point out that the verses about fleeting time quoted in the letter are of Dr. Bhai Veer Singh.
With regards
Pritam Singh Grewal

gurcrn isMG (ijAux vflf) brYNptn

sR[ gurbKsL isMG kflf aPgfnf ny, dsLmysL ipqf gurUUU goibMd isMG jI vyly pRcwlq hoey jMgI nfhry ‘ vihgurU jI kf Klfsf vfihguru jI kI Piqh’ dI gUMjL nfl pUry vIh sflF bfad afpxI mfq BUmI qy pYr rwiKaf.

sR[ gurbKsL isMG kflf aPgfnf 11 mfrc nUM jrmnI dI luPqhMnsf PlfeIt rfhIN vYnkUvr qoN Bfrq leI rvfnf hoey. AunHF dy amrIkn chyiqaF ny AunHF dI ishq nUM mwdy njLr rwKdy hoey ieh PYslf ilaf ik kflf aPgfnf nUM asIN Pst klfs rfhIN hI Byjxf hY qy hoieaf vI iesy qrHF hI. bfkI df Krcf torFto dIaF sMgqF ny afpxy jumy ilaf qy AunHF nUM hONslf idwqf ik Krcy vfsqy pYsy dI koeI icMqf nhI krnI gurUu BlI krygf asINN quhzy nfl hF df ivsLvfsL idvfieaf.

sR[ gurbKsL isMG kflf aPgfnf 13 mfrc nUM svyry dy iewk vwj ky igafrF imMt qy idwlHI hvfeI awzy qy jhfjL ivco, AunHF dI afpxI jLbfnI, ieMJ qro qfjLf Auqry ijvyN apxy GroN huxy hI AuWT ky afey hox. AunHF dy sOx vfsqy iewk ibsqrf lgf idwqf igaf qy dyK Bfl leI AunHF dI Drm pwqnI nUM vI AunHF dy kol hI iekfnmI klfs ivcoN qbdIl krky Byj idwqf igaf. sfrIaF shulqF hox krky ieh bjLurg joVf bhuq KusLI KusLI idwlLHI hvfeI awzy qy Auqiraf qy ienHF dI KusLI dI AudoN koeI hwd nf rhI jLdoN idwlHI dI sMgq dy 50-55 isMG qy isGxIaF ny ienHF dy svfgq vjLo hvfeI awzy nUM gurUu dI bKsLI hoeI, ‘ vfihgurU jI kf Kflsf vfihgurU jI kI Piqh’ nfl ieMJ guMjfieaf ijvyN purfqn jLmfny ivc isMG rx BUmI nUM guMjLfieaf krdy sn.

hfveI awzy qoN aPsr-sLfhI qoN ivdfiegI lY ky sR[ gurbKsL isMG kflf aPgfnf jI sR[ hrmIq isMG dy Gr srIqf ivhfr idwlHI cly gey. QoVf bhuq arfm krn qoN bfad sfrI idhfVI idwlHI dI sMgq nfl bcn blfs krdy rhy qy afeIaF, sMgqF iswKI bfry ienHF dy iKafl sux sux inhfl ho ky, afpxy GrF nUM vfps prqdIaF rhIaF.

13 mfrc dI rfq nUM hI pMjfb myl rfhIN kflf aPgfnf jI biTMzy leI rIvfnf ho gey. biTMzy phuMcidaF sfr hI AunHF ny tYlI PuUn rfhIN ieh sfrI jfxkfrI mYnUM idwqI jo mNY iswK sMgqF nfl sFJI krnI jLrUrI smJdf hF. agly do idn biTMzy ivc jnqk mIitMgjL krky kflf aPgfnf jI cMzIgHV leI rIvfnf hoxgy. AuWQy vI iPlhfl Coty pwDr dIaF jnqk mIitMgjL krky lokF nUM iswKI qoN jfxU krvfAux dI pUrI koisLsL kIqI jfvygI. ieMJ lgdf hY ik luiDafxy qy cMzIgHV ivc vwzy pwDr qy kfnPrFs kIqI jfvygI ijs nfl jnqf nUM iswKI ivc afey inGfr qoN jfxU krvfieaf jfvygf.

awj dI pujfrI klfs iswKI nUM ikvyN Guxy vFgr KfeI jf rhI hY qy isafsI lok gurduafiraF dI durvrqoN ikvyN kr rhy hn. ienHF isafsI lokF ny sfDfrx lokF nUM guMm krn leI AunHF dy idmfg ivc ‘vydFqI hI akfl qKq hY’ ikvyN GsoV idwqf hY. akfl qKq dy syvfdfr df kMm sI srbwq Kflsy dy PYsly nUM pVH ky suxfAuxf pr ies nUM Aultf ky awj akfl qKq df muwK syvfdfr afp hI ikvyN srbwq Kfslf bx bYTf hY. iswK Brfvo ies nUM smJo. ieh sfzy awj dy muwdy hn.

ies kMMm nuUM nypry cfVHn leI asIN isMG sBf ieMntrnYsLnl knyzf nfm dI susfeItI rIijstr krvf leI hY qy koisLsL jfrI hY ik knyzf dy bfkI sLihrF ivc vI ies susfeItI dIaF brFcF Kul jfx. drdI iswKF nUM apIl kIqI jFdI hY ik afE afpF gurUu nfnk pqfsLfh dy afsLy ankUl iswKI dy bUty nUM pfxI pfAux leI isMG sBf ieMntrnYsLnl nfm hyTF kMm krn leI iekwTy hoeIey. hor jfxkfrI leI qusIN gurcrn isMG ijAux vflf 905 454 4741 qy primMdr isMG prmfr nUM 905 858 8904 qy sMprk kr skdy ho.

hux mOkf hY igafnI guridwq isMG qy pRo: gurmuwK isMG jI nUM Xfd krn df. hux mOkf hY jwQydfr lLCmx isMG jI nUM Xfd krn df ijnHF nUM nfnkfxf sfihb jMz nfl bMn ky sfV idwqf igaf sI. hux mOkf hY ienHF dy bfkI 120 sfQI isMG isMGxIaF qy bwicaf nUM Xfd krn df ijhVy ies KUnI sfky ivc mfry gey sn. hux mOkf hY jYqo gMgsr dy sLhIdf nUM Xfd krn df ijhVy gorf aPsr sLfhI dI golI df isLkfr hoey sn. hux mOkf hY jilaF vfly bfg dy sLhIdf nUM Xfd krn df. pMjfbI Bfrvo zyrydfrF dI iswKI gurUu nfnk pfqsLfh dI iswKI nhI qy nf hI sLRo[ gu[ pRM[ kmytI hI guru gRMQ sfihb anusfr iswKI nUM PYlfAux df Xqn kr rhI hY. lMiGaf vylf iPr hwQ nhI afAuxf. ijvyN pRo[ pUrn isMG jI ilKdy hn, ‘ PV PV rhI DrIk smyN iKskfeI kMnI. rhI vfsqy Gwq smyN ny iek nf mMnI. afE afpF sfry rl iml ky hMblf mfrIey qy krvfeIey afpxy gurduafiraF nUM ienHF nrYxUaF qoN ajLfd qy lfeIey iswK kOm df pYsf iswK kOm qy iswKI isDFq nUM sfry sMsfr ivc PYlfAux qy.

iswK kOm dy drdI,

isMG sBf ieMntrnYsLnl knyzf.

gurcrn isMG (ijAux vflf) brYNptn.

BrpUr isMG jpfn

I am from Japan and i read your site.

In last update you say that you are also read Benti choupey for only panthik ekta it is not written by Guru Gobind Singh.And it is a kanjar kavita so i want to know why you read it everyday.You are not working for ekta you want to distroy panth and you didnot have any fear of God.

I think if anybody read kanjar kavita so he is also a kanjar its right? because many years ago in our village if anybody sing a song just like marasi then our parents say that its kanjarpuna and our religion not allow.

Can you tell me when you take Amrit panj piyare read this or not if they read then what you say about panj piyare and because Guru ji say panj piyare is my roop in the preance of Guru Granth Sahib JI.

So from Guru Sahib ji period till now all panj piyare read this bani then what you say to this.

Kala Afgana say when he take Amrit again in canada he told this line khulre kpat satgur bhette. So can you and afgana tell us on that time which bani panj piyare read.if they read that benti choupey so what you say about those panj piyare.

So please reply as soon as because some time kala afagna says he is very busy if he had time for Gurtej and joginder and why not for other persons you are also suppourt them thats we want answer from you.Because Guru ji says in japji sahib je ko kehe kre vichar .

So that is the reason we want know about this because we are also Amrit dhari.

(sMpfdk vloN AuWqr:- BrpUr isMG jI pihlF iliKaf hoieaf iDafn nfl piVHaf kro aqy iPr iliKaf kro. mYN ieh nhIN iliKaf ik ieh cOpeI kMjr kivqf hY. ieh iliKaf hY ik ieh kMjr kivqf (Bfv ik iqRaf cirqR) ivcoN leI geI hY. jo gMd iqRaf cirqR ivc hY Auh ies ivc nhIN hY pr gurU bfxI iblkul nhIN aqy nf hI ies df isDFq gurbfxI nfl myl KFdf hY, ies leI mYN ies nUM dsmyN pfqsLfh dI ikRq iblkul nhIN mMndf. kI ies luwcpuxy ivcoN leI geI kivqf nUM mMnx nfl hI pRmfqmF qoN zr afAuNdf hY AudF nhIN? luwcf (kMjr) mYN nhIN luwcy (kMjr) Auh hn ijhVy ik dunIaF dy gMd nUM dsmyN pfqsLfh vrgI mhfn sLKLsLIhq dy nfm nfl joVdy hn. luwcf sfihq luwcy bMdy rcdy huMdy hn pfk pivWqr rUhF nhIN. pMj ipafry AuhI sn ijhVy ik gurU sfihb jI ny sfjy sn, hor koeI pMj ipafry nhIN ho skdy, pMj isMG ho skdy hn. myrf gurU, gurU gRMQ sfihb hY hor koeI nhIN. mYN afpxy gurU df hukm mMnxf hY nf ik iksy hor aYry gYry df. pMj isMG qF kI BfvyN sfrI dunIaF dy isMG iekwTy ho ik mYnUM gurbfxI qoN Ault koeI gwl jbrdsqI mnfAux, mYN nhIN mMndf. kI sfrI dunIaF dy isMG iekwTy ho ky ieWko ijhf bfxF pf ky pMjF pMjF dy rUp ivc (quhfzI socxI ivc pMj ipafry) bx ky gurUbfxI dI koeI pMgqI bdl skdy hn? jy kr nhIN qF iPr vwzf kOx hoieaf? gurU jF pMj (sfry) isMG? pMj isMG gurU df rUp Auh hI ho skdy hn ijhVy ik gurUbfxI nfl aMdroN bfhroN iBwjy goey hovx, ijnHF dy rom rom ivc gurbfxI rcI hoeI hovy aqy ijnHF ny gurUbfxI dy PlsPLy nUM smJ ky afpxy jIvn ivc apxfieaf hovy. isrP pMj bfxIaF kMT krky colHy pf ky koeI gurU df rUp nhIN bx jFdf. quhfzy kol ies df kI Tos sbUq hY ik ieh cOpeI gurU sfihb dy vyly qoN pVHI jFdI hY? isvfey ies pKMz vfly rwtx dy ik ieh sInF bsInF qurI afAuNdI hY. hor svfl krn qoN pihlF isWK mfrg qy Cpy hyT ilKy lyK jrUr pVH lYxy jI-DMnvfd)

kI pKXfn cirqR (kSjr -kivqf) gurbfxI hY?---suKdyv isSG aqy mihSdr isSG 'josL`
joigMdr isMG qlvfVF, pRo: sfihb isMG aqy bynqI cOpeI---
sMKyp ieiqhfs-dsm gRMQ---ipRM: igafnI surjIq isMG, isK imsLnrI, idWlI
dsm gRMQ aqy gurU gRMQ sfihb dIaF bfxIaF df qulnfqimk aiDaYn bfbf ivrsf isMG dIaF gurbfxI bfry itpxIaF dy sMDrB ivc---myvf isMG itvfxf
asIN akfl qKq dI srvAuWcqf dy hfmI hF qy nklI dsm gRMQ nUM ihwk Tok ky cYilMjL krdy hF!! (Bfg qIjf)---gurcrn isMG (ijAux vflf) brYNmtn
asIN akfl qKq dI srvAuWcqf dy hfmI hF qy nklI dsm gRMQ nUM ihwk Tok ky cYilMjL krdy hF!! (Bfg dUjf)---gurcrn isMG (ijAux vflf) brYNmtn
asIN akfl qKq dI srvAuWcqf dy hfmI hF qy nklI dsm gRMQ nUM ihwk Tok ky cYilMjL krdy hF!! (buDIjIvIaF qoN akfl qKq nUM koeI Kqrf nhI jy hY qF mlk BfgoaF qoN hY)---gurcrn isMG (ijAux vflf) brYNmtn
dsm gRMQ dI ZkI hoeI irJ rhI KIr df cwpx cuikaF hI kok sLfsLqr vflI nMgI qsvIr sfhmxy afAuxI hY.---gurcrn isMG ( ijAUx vflf) brYNptn
dsm gRMQ bfry zf: muihMdr kOr igl nfl gwlbfq .Bfg qIjf.---gurcrn isMG ( ijAUx vflf) brYNptn
dsm gRMQ bfry zf: muihMdr kOr igl nfl gwlbfq .Bfg dUjf.---gurcrn isMG ( ijAUx vflf) brYNptn
dsm gRMQ bfry zf: muihMdr kOr igl nfl gwlbfq .Bfg pihlf.---gurcrn isMG ( ijAUx vflf) brYNptn
anUp kOr/kuafir dI gurU goibMd isMG jI nfl dosqI dI khfxI.---gurcrn isMG brfV (ijAUx vflf)
dsm gRMQ vfry, igafnI hrbMs isMG inrxY Bvn pitaflf nfl hoieaf icwTI pwqr---gurbKLsL isMG kflf aPgfnf
cirqRo pKXwn, dSmyS bwxI nhIN ---isMG swihbwn
nwnk AMimRqu eyku hY---gurb^S isMG kwlw APgwnw
nfnk aMimRq eyk hY--- ipRMsIpl igafnI surjIq isMG, isK imsnrI, idWlI

ismrn kOr

The Last Sikh Prisoners of Conscience in India.

Why the sikhs never wrote letters to prisoners of conscience in the sikh resistance movement?

The 52000 prisoners thing… and how many are really left now?

In the last two decades many sikhs were subjected to torture, which was brutal and imprisonment involving ad hoc executions in India. Some of these sikhs were part of the Sikh Resistance Movement, others were not. It was a catastrophic situation and unfortunately most human rights groups could not get a grip on the situation, and were egotistical enough to pay lip service to collaboration, while wanting a monopoly on the sikh genocide. Human rights groups were simply not equipped and emerged out of nowhere, with no understanding of human rights save the human emotion to do something. ----

I will now leave you with a list that up till now has not been exposed in the West. It is not the last word, but a start for us to get a grip on the situation and for you to lobby India to release these prisoners: The Last sikh prisoners of conscience of the Sikh Resistance Movement in India:

Prisoners Lodged in Maximum Security Jail, Nabha.

1) Balbir Singh- in jail since 1992- serving life sentence.
2) Jasvir Singh- in jail since 1999- under trial- 4 pending cases.
3) Dilbagh Singh- in jail since 1999- under trial with cases in Punjab,
Haryana, U.P
4) Daljit Singh (Bittu)- in jail since Apr. 1996- 3 cases pending at Ludhiana.
5) Paramjit Singh- U.K. citizen- in jail since last month ie. 10th Oct-
arranged in a concocted case dating 1992 pending at Jallandhar.
6) Lal Singh- in jail since July 1992- life convict.
7) Amarjit Singh- in jail since 1994- life convict.
8) Gursharan Singh- in jail since April 1996- facing 3 cases at
9) Palwinder Singh- in jail since July 1992- lifer.
10) Baldev Singh- in jail since last year- under trial- 1 case
11) Gulzar Singh- in jail since 1999- serving 7 years sentence.
12) Didar Singh- in jail since 2002- serving 5 years sentence.
13) Sukhwal Singh- in jail since 2000- serving 5 years sentence & 3
cases pending against him.
14) Mangal Singh- in jail since 2001- under trial ? 1 case
15) Gursewak Singh- in jail since July 1986- now 7 cases pending against
him in Punjab, Rajasthan and Delhi.
16) Teja Singh- in jail since 1994- lifer
17) Hardeep Singh- in jail since 2002- under trial 1 case against him.
18) Hardayal Singh- in jail since 2002- 1 case pending.
19) Hardayal Singh Chatra- in jail since 2002- 1 case pending and life
20) Baljinder Singh- in jail since 2001- 7 years sentence
21) Zora Singh- in jail since 1994- lifer
22) Gurdev Singh- aged 83 years old- in jail since 1994- life sentence
23) Kuldip Singh- in jail since 1994- lifer
24) Laxman Singh- in jail since 1994- lifer.
25) Swaran Singh- in jail since 2000- lifer
26) Major Singh- in jail since 1991- lifer.
27) Gurnam Singh- in jail since 1992- life sentence
28) Nirmal Singh- in jail since 1999- 7 years sentence
29) Jagtar Singh- in jail since 1999- 7 years sentence
30) Manjit Singh- in jail since last year- under trial- 2 cases
31) Pargat Singh- in jail since last year- under trial- 1 case
32) Palwinder Singh- in jail since last year- under trial- 1 case
33) Avtar Singh- in jail since last year- under trial for one case.

Central Jail, Jallandhar.
1) Darshan Singh- convicted for seven years since 2001.
2) Narinderpal Singh- under trial since 2000.

There are perhaps 2-3 more people according to our source, who are also
connected to the struggle, for anyone interested in doing humanitarian
letters of prayer, we will find these other people. Central Jail Ferozepur.

1) Gurmail Singh- under trial.
2) Bhupinder Singh and Buta Singh- undertrial since 1999.
3) Pargat Singh ? convicted for life.
4) Angrez Singh- convicted for life.
5) Swaran Singh- under trial since 2001.
6) Kulwant Singh- under trial.

Central Jail, Amritsar.

1) Resham Singh- under trial since last year.

May be 2-3 persons more.

Gurdaspur Jail
1) Dr. Sarup Singh- under trial since 2001.
2) Gurnam Singh- 5 years sentence.


1) Surinderpal Singh- convicted for life.
1-2 persons more.

Chandigarh Jail

All the following are under trial.

Beant Singh- since August 1995; Jagtar Singh Hawara, Jagtar Singh Tara, Lakhwinder Singh, Gurmeet Singh, Nasib Singh, Navjot Singh, Balwant Singh ,Paramjit Singh. (3 prisoners have since escaped)

There may be one more detainee connected to the movement.

Ambala Jail, Haryana

1) Bakshish Singh ? undertrial since 1999
2) Gopal Singh and Balwinder Singh- 7 years in September.
Connected to attack on Banlara Baba at Ambala

3) Daya Singh- convicted for life
4) Gurdeep Singh- under trial since 1998.
5) Balbir Singh ? under trial since 1998.
6) Balbir Singh- under trial since 1998.

There can be one more person.

Tihar Jail, Delhi.

1) Devinderpal Singh Bhullar- capital punishment.
2) Satvir Singh Sunny- under trial since 2001.
3) Parshottam Singh- under trial since 2001.
4) Gurcharan Kaur- under trial since 2001.
5) Lakhbir Singh- under trial since 2001.
6) Gurdeep Singh- convicted for life- In Jail since 1992.
7) Ranjit Singh Gill (Kuki)- convicted for life, in jail since 1986,
served 2 years over life. (out on bail as his mother is dying of cancer)

There are 3-4 more detainees.

Ahmdebad, Gujrat.

Jarnail Singh- under trial since last year.

Central Jail, Nagpur-
Balwinder Singh- Dharmi Fauji- in jail since June 1984- suffering severe
mental illness.

Jail Maharashtra- still to identify the exact locations.

Nishan Singh and Ravinder Singh- In jail since 1992- convicted for life.

Calcutta, W.B.

Kamaldeep Kaur (wife of Daya Singh Lahoria) under trial since 1995- may be
released soon on bail.

Jaipur, Rajasthan

Daya Singh Lahoria- under trial since 1995.

There are 5-6 people in Jammu jails.

There might be 10 people in some other jails of India. In all there may not be more than 80 persons incarcerated in jails all over India as part of the sikh resistance movement.

(Anyone interested in sending goods, to the families of the poor prisoners, and who can especially help with shipments through the airlines please contact us under project TaRaN: info@thesikh-times.co.uk. We can provide you with victim families over the two decades who have not received any help from sikh groups, from any formal organizations and are below the poverty line within Punjab. Only offers of help as there is no resource dedicated to administration in TaRaN.)

Simran Kaur.

hrcrn isMG 'isWK ivrsf'

nvIN Cp rhI ikqfb bfry lyKkF nUM apIl!

sqMbr 1, 2004 nUM sRI gurU gRMQ sfihb dy pihly pRkfsL idsv df 400 sflf dunIaF Br ivwc mnfieaf jf irhf hY. ies mOky 'iswK ivrsf' vloN sRI gurU gRMQ sfihb dI ivcfrDfrf dy aDfirq iewk ikqfb Cfpx df PYslf kIqf igaf hY. ijs ivwc sRI gurU gRMQ sfihb dI pRclq bRfhmxI rMgq vflI ivaiKaf dI QF gurmiq dy isDFqF dy aDfirq vwK-vwK ivisLaF qy lyK Cfpy jfxgy.ieh pusqk iksy iewk lyKk jF isrP 'iswK ivrsf' vloN nhIN hovygI.ies ivwc gurmiq dI isDFqk soc rwKx vflf koeI vI ivdvfn, lyKk, sMsQf afid afpxf lyK Byj skdy hn.ieh ikqfb sqMbr 1, 2004 qoN pihlF Cfpx dI koisLsL kIqI jfvygI.ies leI 31 meI, 2004 qwk afAux vfly lyKF jF ivcfrF nUM Cfipaf jfvygf.pfTkF nUM bynqI hY ik ieh sUcnf afpxy sLihr dIaF hor sMgqF, lyKkF, gurduairaF, sMsQfvF qwk vI phuMcfAu qF ik koeI hor swjx ijs kol 'iswK ivrsf' nhIN jFdf, Auh vI afpxf Xogdfn pf skx.ies ikqfb leI asIN kuJ ivsLy cuxy hn, ijnHF ivcoN ijs ivsLy bfry qusIN ilKxf cfho, sfzy nfl ilKx qoN pihlF sMprk kr lYxf qF ik koeI hor vI iesy ivsLy bfry nf ilK irhf hovy.jo vI ivcfr sfzy kol afAuxgy, AunHF nUM iewk ivdvfnF dI kmytI ivcfrygI, jy koeI qbdIlI dI loV hovy qF lyKk nfl sMprk kIqf jfvygf.ies leI afpxI rcnf Byjx smyN afpxf pUrf nfm, pqf, tYlIPon, PYks, eI-myl bgYrf jrUr ilKo.ijhVy ivsLy hfeIlfeIt (bolz) kIqy hoey hn, AunHF bfry lyKkF ny afpxy lyK Byjx bfry buikMg krf leI hY.

ikqfb leI ivsLy:

1[ gurU gRMQ sfihb bfry jfxkfrI 2[ kwcI qy swcI bfxI ivwc aMqr 3[ gurU gRMQ sfihb dI ivcfrDfrf qy bRfhmxI ivcfrDfrf ivwc aMqr 4[ gurU gRMQ sfihb dI iPlfsPI qy hor DrmF dI iPlfsPI ivwc aMqr 5[ iswK iPlfsPI dy rwb qy hor mwqF dy rwb ivwc aMqr 6[ mUl-mMqr, gur-mMqr df Brm qy gurmiq 7[ suwc-jUT df Brm qy gurmiq 8[ qIrQ iesLnfnF df Brm qy gurmiq 9[ jfq-pfq df Brm qy gurmiq 10[ nfm-ismrn df Brm qy gurmiq 11[ dsm duafr df Brm qy gurmiq 12[ mfs Kfx df Brm qy gurmiq 13[ BUq-pRyq df Brm qy gurmiq 14[ mflf qy ismrinaF df Brm qy gurmiq 15[ Kfx-pihnx df Brm qy gurmiq 16[ iQqF-vfrF-idnF-smyN afid dy Brm qy gurmiq 17[ afrqI df Brm qy gurmiq 18[ vrq rwKx df Brm qy gurmiq 19[ dfn-puMn df Brm qy gurmiq 20[ aKMz pfTF, mMqr pfTF df Brm qy gurmiq 21[ iesqrI-mrd df Brm qy gurmiq 22[ surg-nrk df Brm qy gurmiq 23[ afvfgvx qy gurmiq 24[ Drmrfj, jmdUq, icwqr gupq afid df Brm qy gurmiq 25[ suwKxf suwKx df Brm qy gurmiq 26[ krfmfqF qy irDIaF-iswDIaF df Brm qy gurmiq 27[ sMq-sfD df Brm qy gurmiq 28[ vihm-Brm qy gurmiq 29[ jMqrF-mMqrF-qMqrF df Brm qy gurmiq 30[ sLbd gurU qy dyhDfrI gurU df aMqr 31[ bfhrI idKfvy vfly Dfrimk pihrfivaF, ByKF, icMnHF afid df Brm qy gurmiq 32[ PotoaF, mUrqIaF, mtIaF dI pUjf df Brm qy gurmiq 33[ jp-qp, hT krm, krmkFz, pfT pUjf afid df Brm qy gurmiq 34[ sLgn-apsLgn df Brm qy gurmiq 35[ joiqsL df Brm qy gurmiq 36[ 84 lwK jUnF df Brm qy gurmiq 37[ swcKMz df Brm qy gurmiq 38[ gurmiq anusfr hukm qoN kI Bfv hY? 39[ pUrbly jnm dy krm qy gurmiq 40[ iksy sLbd jF bfxI df qoqf rtn qy gurmiq 41[ drgfh, prlok, pRBU df dr, aglf jnm aqy gurmiq 42[ Bog lfAux df Brm qy gurmiq 43[ vr-srfp, asIsF qy bd-asIsF df Brm aqy gurmiq 44[ dyvI-dyvqy, avqfr afid qy gurmiq df rwb 45[ gurmiq anusfr swcf-suwcf acrx 46[ ibprn kI rIq qy gurmiq ivwc aMqr 47[ bRfhmxI rwb qy gurmiq dy rwb df aMqr 48[ sRI gurU gRMQ sfihb df siqkfr kI hY? 49[ ivcfr, dlIl, qrk, sfieMs aqy gurmiq 50[ igafn ivhUxI, krmkFzI, aMD ivsLvfsLI sLrDf qy gurmiq 51[ DuroN ilKy sMXog (ivafh sbMDI) df Brm qy gurmiq 52[ sMXog-ivXog qy gurmiq 53[ ipClf jnm, mOjUdf jnm qy aglf jnm bfry gurmiq njLrIaf.

ienHF kuJ ivisLaF bfry lyKkF nUM sRI gurU gRMQ sfihb dI gurmiq iPlfsPI anusfr ilKx leI bynqI kIqI jFdI hY.agr koeI ivsLf ies ivwc sLfiml krn qoN rih igaf hovy, qusIN jfxkfrI dy skdy ho.ikqfb Cfpx df ieh pROjYkt kfPI vwzf hY, ies leI asIN sfry pfTkF, gurduafrf kmytIaF, sMsQfvF nUM mfiek shfieqf leI bynqI krdy hF qF ik ieh ikqfb vwD qoN vwD lokF qwk phuMcfeI jf sky qy gurmiq dI shI iPlfsPI qoN lok jfxU ho skx.iksy vI jfxkfrI leI sMprk kro:

Harcharan Singh (Editor-in-Chief, Sikh Virsa)

Sikh Virsa International Inc.

# 208, 4656-Westwinds Dr. NE Calgary, Alberta, Canada, T3J 3Z5

Tel.: 403 250 8898 Fax: 403 250 8825

jnmyjf isMG jOhl

At Punjabi Sahit Akademy Ludhiana , a CD of Gurbani Spell check prepared by Janmeja Singh Johl was relesed . Releasing the CD are, Prof Ravinder Bhathal, Prof Gurbhajan Gill, Dr. Rattan Singh Jaggi, Dr. S S Johl, Dr. Gurbhagat Singh, Dr. Surjit Pattar and Dr. Sarup Singh Alag. besides Janmeja Johl

the program is avaialble at www.janmejajohl.com. or call
+-91-98141-83185 india

irpudmn isMG

Waheguru Ji Ka Khalsa
Waheguru Ji Ki Fateh!

Enclosed is a review article published in the March issue of 'Gurmat Parkash' (a monthly magazine published by SGPC) on the 'Spokesman' issue: It's genesis, controversies, leading to the excommunication of it's editor from the Sikh Panth on March 10, 2004.

Ripudaman Singh

sRI gurU gRMQ sfihb dy srbpwKI mhwqv aqy sfriQkqf bfry iqMn idnF rfÈtrI sYmInfr 11 mfrc qoN ÈurU

luiDafxf : 9 mfrc (jnmyjf isMG jOhl)

pMjfbI sfihwq akfzmI, luiDafxf dy pRDfn zf[ surjIq pfqr, sInI[ mIq pRDfn pRo[ gurBjn igwl aqy jnrl skwqr pRo[ rivMdr BwTl ny disaf hY ik akfzmI vloN alwg Èbd Xwg trwst aqy pMjfbI akfdymI idwlI dy sihXog nfl pMjfbI Bvn luiDafxf ivKy 11, 12, 13 mfrc ƒ sRI gurU gRMQ sfihb dy 400 sO sflf pRkfÈ Auqsv dy sMbMD ivc sRI gurU gRMQ sfihb dy srbpwKI mhwqv aqy sfriQkqf bfry iqMn idnF rfÈtrI sYmInfr krvfieaf jf irhf hY .

11 mfrc ƒ AudGftnI sYÈn dI pRDfngI zf[ s[ p[ isMG vfeIs cFslr, gurU nfnk dyv XUnIvristI, aMimRqsr krngy . AudGftnI BfÈn zf[ gurBgq isMG dyxgy aqy BfeI joD isMG ismrqI BfÈn zf[ rqn isMG jwgI vloN idwqf jfvygf . iesy idn pihly akfdimk sYÈn dI pRDfngI igafnI guridwq isMG krngy . zf[ suiqMdr isMG nUr sRI gurU gRMQ sfihb dI ivÈv ivcfrDfrf bfry, zf[ Drm isMG sRI gurU gRMQ sfihb ivc lok–BfÈf df mhwqv aqy zf[ jgbIr isMG smkflI Drm icMqn aqy sRI gurU gRMQ sfihb bfry pypr pVHngy . ies sYÈn df sMcfln zf[ surjIq isMG krngy . bfad dupihr 2[30 vjy ÈurU hox vfly dUsry sYÈn dI pRDfngI zf[ suiqMdr isMG nUr krngy, zf[ gurnfm kOr aqy zf[ nirMdr isMG kpUr, sRI gurU gRMQ sfihb ivc Drm aqy ivigafn dy sumyl dI sMBfvnf bfry aqy ieMj[ jsvMq ËÌr sRI gurU gRMQ sfihb ivc pRikRqI cyqnf bfry pypr pVHngy . ies sYÈn df sMcfln zf[ suKdyv isMG krngy. qIsry sYÈn dI pRDfngI zf[ blkfr isMG duafrf kIqI jfvygI . zf[ rxjIq isMG rMgIlf, sRI gurU gRMQ sfihb : smkflI ivÈv icMqn dy rU–b–rU, zf[ jsbIr isMG sfbr sRI gurU gRMQ sfihb ivc sMkilq Bgq bfxI df mhwqv, sRI gurU gRMQ sfihb ivc lupq ieiqhfs bfry zf[ ikrpfl isMG aqy zf[ suKdyv isMG vloN gurbfxI df kfiv Èfsqr bfry pypr pVHy jfxgy . zf[ guriekbfl isMG ies sYÈn df sMcfln krngy .

12 mfrc ƒ svyry 9[30 vjy ÈurU hox vfly sYÈn dI pRDfngI zf[ gurBgq isMG krngy . sRI gurU gRMQ ivc ikrq aqy ikrqI dI rfjnIqI ivÈy 'qy zf[ surjIq hFs, sRI gurU gRMQ sfihb dI BfÈfeI ivlwKxqf –zf[ prmjIq isMG iswDU aqy rmnpRIq kOr, gurbfxI dilq aqy dimq qy pRvcn vjoN zf[ hrikÈn isMG mihqf, sRI gurU gRMQ sfihb ivc nfrI ibMb ivÈy 'qy zf[ kuljIq ÈYlI aqy sRI gurU gRMQ sfihb ivc nfrI df ichnIkrn ivÈy 'qy zf[ jgdIÈ kOr vloN pypr pVHy jfxgy . zf[ blivMdrpfl isMG ies sYÈn df sMcfln krngy . iesy idn bfad dupihr ÈurU hox vfly sYÈn dI pRDfngI zf[ virafm isMG sMDU krngy . zf[ jgqfr, zf[ afqmjIq, pRo[ ajmyr aOlK, sRI Em pRkfÈ gfso, zf[ aYs[ aYn[ syvk, zf[ vnIqf qy sRI blivMdr gryvfl ‘myry leI sRI gurU gRMQ sfihb df mhwqv' ivÈy 'qy afpxy–afpxy ivcfr pyÈ krngy . zf[ lfB isMG KIvf ies sYÈn df sMcfln krngy .

13 mfrc ƒ svyry 9[30 vjy ÈurU hox vfly sYÈn dI pRDfngI zf[ jgbIr isMG krngy . zf[ bUtf isMG brfV sRI gurU gRMQ sfihb df BfÈfeI srUp, zf[ hirBjn isMG BftIaf sRI gurU gRMQ sfihb : aiDaYn srvyKx qy mulFkx, zf[ gurmIq isMG sRI gurU gRMQ sfihb df lokDfrfeI mhwqv, zf[ gurnfm isMG sRI gurU gRMQ sfihb df sMgIq Èfsqr aqy zf[ qyjvMq isMG igwl sRI gurU gRMQ sfihb sMbMDI ipRM[ sMq syKoN dI smIiKaf bfry pypr pVHngy . zf[ srUp isMG alwg ies sYÈn df sMcfln krngy . iesy idn bfad dupihr hox vfly ivdfiegI sYÈn dy pRDfngI mMzl ivc zf[ joD isMG aqy zf[ ibkrm isMG GuMmx Èfml hoxgy . zf[ nfhr isMG, zf[ jgjIq isMG, zf[ blivMdr kor brfV, zf[ bljIq kOr, zf[ DnvMq kOr, zf[ bldyv isMG DflIvfl aqy zf[ rfijMdrpfl isMG vK–vK iviÈaF bfry afpxy ivcfr pyÈ krngy . ies sYÈn df sMcfln ipRM[ pRym isMG bjfj krngy .

prqfp isMG aqy gurpRIq kOr

Respected Makhan singh purewal ji,
wahe guru ji ka khalsa, wahe guru ji ki fateh
we have no words to appriciate to your work for SIKH PANTH GO HEAD GURU WILL TAKE CARE OF YOU.

sqnfm isMG

This is an excellent site. Please see another link which has a very good article. I rate it as one of the best site for Gurmat Prachaar.
This site is impartial and is not mouthpiece of anybody as alleged by one of the members.
I congratulate Sirdar Makan Singh ji Purewal for undertaking this Yeomans service in the service of Khalsa Panth
Satnam Singh

isWK PlYg

Satnam singh ji

may i tell you,if you are not aware,this sikhmarg is the main mouthpiece of kala afghana and his gang.I will request you to read www.panthkhalsa.org and click on Kala afghana an uneducated scholar or Indian intelligence agent.You will find sikhmarg listed as an athiest's magazine.I do not understand why you have so much faith in this slanderer.

jrnYl isMG arsLI (igafnI)

Subject: RE: Re: Excerpts from DG (http://www.sikhmarg.com/g-dasam-granth.html)

Forwarded message from AUSTRALIA: www.sikhmarg.com is a PANTHIC SITE that has most valuable articles on SIKHI and Guru Khalsa Panth, and GURBANI VICHAAR par excellence. It is NOT a "mouthpiece" of anybody BUT does STAND for the GURU and the PANTH agianst the BIPPARS and BRAHMINS that have invaded Sikhi under the guise of being "kattar sikhs".

Read the articles and make your own conclusions. This site is the most widely read in MALAYSIA and copies of its articles are widely availble. The Panthkhalsa site is also visited but it is the site of ANTI-KalaAfghana people instead of being a site of SIKHI and GURMAT - more energy is spent on criticising kala afghana...than spreading GURMAT of GURU GRANTH and GURU KHALSA PANTH.

Thank you makahn Singh Purewal for the Yeomans service to the Guru Khalsa

Jarnail singh arshi gyani.

gurmIq isMG astRylIaf

Dear Makhan Singh jee www.sikhmarg.com
Waheguru jee ka Khalsa Waheguru jee kee Fateh

Million thanks for your free internet service for "Punjabi" knowing persons. Every week I go through all the articles and learning a lot. This week again, Bhagat Namdeo's Shabd "Garurr Charrey Gobind Aaila" enshrined in the Guru Granth Sahib at Pages 1165-1166 has been explained thoroughly and need to be read and follow by the Sikh Sangat, Bhais, Raagis, Parcharaks so that we may get rid of brahminical doctrine. Will you send me their email address so that said tract could be procured for free distribution here in Australia.

Also have a look at the attachment for sharing if you deem it appropiate.
With best wishes,
Gurmit Singh

jiqMdr isMG pfxIpwq, hirafxf, ieMzIaf

siqkfr Xog srdfr mwKx isMG jI

vfihgur jI kf Kflsf vfihgur jI kI Pqih]

quhfzI eI-myl imlI bynqI copeI bfry pV ky mn nUM kuC rfhq imlI afpjI df bhuq bhuq DMnvfd.

iek quhfzy pfs hor bynqI sI ik mY quhfzI hI ivWb-sfiet isK-mfrg qoN keI ivdvfnF dy lyK pVy ijnf ivc isLv, bRhmf, ivsLnU aqy dyvI dyvqy afid dI hoNd nUM nkfrieaf igaf hY aqy rfmfiex, mhfBfrq aor iksLnfvqfr nUM vI isrP bRfhmxf vloN bxfeIaF geIaF JUTIaF kfhfxIaF disaf igaf hY qy gurmq ies nUM nhI mMndI. pr aj jdo mY iek ikqfb pV irhf sI qF gurbfxI dy kuC sLbd pVHy qf mn ivc kuJ sLMkf hoeI ijvy kI:

1[ iqRqIaf bRhmf ibsnu mhysf

dyvI dyv Eupfey vysf

2[ bRhmf,ibsnu,mhysu Eupfey, mfieaf mohu vDfiedf

3[ gfvin gopIaf, gfvin kfn gfvin sIqf rfjy rfm

4[ gfvih ieMd iedfsix bYTy dyviqaf dir nfly

ikaf gurbfxI eynF dI hoNd nuUM mMndI hY jf nhI? jF mY ienf qukF dy shI arQ nhI smJ sfikaf ?


jiqdMr isMG kumfr


(sMpfdk vloN AuWqr:- srdfr jiqMdr isMG jI afp jI dI icwTI pVH ky ievyN mihsUs huMdf hY ik ijvyN afp jI gurmiq dI shI jfxkfrI hfsl krn leI Auqfvly ho. ieh gwl bVI hI inmosLI nfl kihxI pY rhI hY ik gurbfxI dI shI jfxkfrI bhuq hI Gwt isWKF nUM hY. hor kfrnF dy nfl-nfl sB qoN vwzf kfrx ieh hY ik iswKI df imlgoBf ijhf bhuqf prcfr krmkFzI zyiraF vfly sfDF sMqF vloN hI hoieaf hY. pMjfb dI bhuqI pyNzU anpVH jnqf hfly vI ijafdf pRBfv ienHF sfDF sMqF df hI kbUldI hY, Aus df jIvn BfvyN ikho ijhf vI hovy. ienHF sfDF ny jo gurbfxI dy arQ kIqy hn Auh bhuqy awKrI arQ aqy snfqnI mwq dy pRBfv vfly hn.

ies ivc koeI sLwk nhIN ik gurbfxI iqMn kfl swc hY aqy ieh gurUaF duafrf afpxy hwQIN jF afpxI mOjUdgI ivc ilKI ilKvfeI geI hY. isWK Drm dI bfkI sB DrmF qoN ieh ieWk anoKI ivlwKxqf vflI gwl hY. bfkI sB DrmF dy gRMQ AunHF dy pYrokfrF dy ies sMsfr dy cly jfx qoN bfad ivc ilKy gey sn. gurbfxI nUM sB qoN vwD aqy bhuq hI jrUrI smJx vflf nukqf ieh hY ik gurbfxI ivc jo vI iliKaf hoieaf hY Auh jrUrI nhIN ik Auh gurU sfihb df afpxF isDFq hovy jF gurU jI Aus nUM mMndy hn. keI vfrI sfry sLbd ivc inrI imiQhfs dI gwl cwl rhI huMdI hY aqy gurU jI afpxI shI soc dI gwl isrP ieWk pMgqI ivc krdy hn. so gurbfxI ivc ieiqhfs, imiQhfs, dUsry mwqF dI gwl aqy afm lokfeI dI gwl vI hY. ieWQy mYN afp jI leI kuwJ AudfhxF ilKdf hF. jpu jI df pfT qusIN bhuq vfrI kIqf hovygf. jpu jI dI 30vIN pAuVI ivc aAuNdf hY:

eykf mfeI, jugiq ivafeI, iqin cyly prvfxu ]
ieku sMsfrI, ieku BMzfrI, ieku lfey dIbfxu ]

arQ :- (lokF ivc ieh iKLafl afm pRcwlq hY ik) iekwlI mfieaf (iksy) jugqI nfl pRsUq hoeI qy prqwK qOr ’qy Aus dy iqMn puwqr jMm pey. AuhnF ivcoN iek (bRhmf) GrbfrI bx igaf (Bfv, jIv-jMqF ƒ pYdf krn lwg ipaf), iek (ivsLƒ) BMzfry df mflk bx igaf (Bfv, jIvF ƒ irjLk apVfx df kMm krn lwgf), aqy iewk (isLv) kcihrI lfAuNdf hY (Bfv, jIvF nMU sMGfrdf hY).

ijv iqsu BfvY, iqvY clfvY, ijv hovY Purmfxu ]
Ehu vyKY, Enf ndir n afvY, bhuqf eyhu ivzfxu ]

arQ :- (pr asl gwl ieh hY ik) ijvyN Aus akfl purK ƒ BfAuNdf hY aqy ijvyN Aus df hukm huMdf hY, iqvyN hI Auh afp sMsfr dI kfr clf irhf hY, (iehnF bRhmf, ivsLƒ aqy isLv dy kuJ hwQ nhIN). ieh bVf ascrj kOqk hY ik Auh akfl purK (sB jIvF ƒ) vyK irhf hY pr jIvF ƒ akfl purK nhIN idwsdf.

so Aupr ilKIaF cfr pMgqIaF ivcoN pihlIaF do ivc afm lokfeI aqy ihMdU mwq dy ivcfr hn aqy aKIrlIaF doNh dy ivc gurU sfihb jI dy afpxy.

iesy qrF afsf kI vfr ivc CyvIN pAuVI qoN pihlF vfly slokF ivc pihlIaF do pMgqIaF muslmfnF vfry dUsrIaF do ihMdUaF vfry aqy iPr jogIaF vfry afid. ienHF pMgqIaF ivc gurU jI ienHF mwqF dI khI hoeI gwl duhrFAuNdy hn nf ik AunHF nUM koeI AupdysL idMdy hn. so AumId hY ik afp jI nUM isDFq smJ af igaf hovygf. gurbfxI iksy vI nrk-surg, icqr-gupq, ajLrfeIl-PirsLqf, Drm-rfj, bRhmF, ibsLn, mhysL aqy ieMdr afidk dyvqy nUM nhIN mMndI. gurbfxI ivc ienHF df ijkr pRclq kQFvF anusfr hI aAuNdf hY.)

gurmIq isMG astRylIaf

Dear President Gurcharan Singh jee (of village Tohra) & The Hon. Secy. Manjit Singh jee (from Calcutta) and other well wishers of the Guru Khalsa Panth, Waheguru jee ka Khalsa Waheguru jee kee Fateh
Please go through the said article thoughtfully and take remedial steps urgently.
(1) To begin with, please sack and remove (a) Mukh Sevadaar Vedanti Joginder Singh jee, (b) Mukh Granthi Giani Puran Singh jee and (c) all other Granthis who have taken part in excommunicating the Gursikhs during the last five years!
(2) Then, implement the "Sikh Reht Maryada" at all the historical places including Darbaar Sahib, Akaal Takht Sahib and other four Takht Sahibs as well.
(3) Take action against the Deras/Taksaals/other such organisations which do not follow the Sikh Reht Maryada. Also disassociate from Badals/BJP/RSS/Congress/Communists and other cults.
(4) Call Sarbatt Khalsa during October 2004 and decide the pending issues such as (i) "Raagmala", (ii) 'Dasam Granth - Bachiter Natak', (iii) Review of all Hukamnamas issued from 1996 to 2004, (iv) Appeal to all apostates and Patits for their re-entry to the Guru Khalsa Panth by 20 December 2004 (v) To stop suffixing their Surnames/subcastes or any such indication which imitates Hindus' caste system or any such rituals like Sangrands, Pooranmashi, Massya, Diwali, Lohri/Maghi, etc.
(5) To undertake Sikhi Parchaar based on "Gurbaani enshrined in the Guru Granth Sahib" and "Gurmatt preached by Guru Sahibaan and explained in the Sikh Reht Maryada (SGPC)" and pay regular visits to the villages/towns/cities in Punjab and other regions so that all Sikhs are aware about their duty and commitment towards the Sikh Way of Living. Follow one Guru, one Reht and unite as one Guru Panth.
Eagerly awaiting your positive response in the best interest of Guru Khalsa Panth including the diaspora Sikhs who have no legal jurisdiction within the meaning of The Sikh Gurdwaras Act 1925.Thanks,
Gurmit Singh, J. P. (Australia).

zf: rfjvMq isMG

Sikh Human Development Foundation Awards Eighty Two Scholarships for Professional Degree Courses to Needy Students in India

For more information:

Gajinder Singh Ahuja

Secretary General, SHDF

(301) 963-3928

Washington (February 24, 2003) - The Sikh Human Development Foundation (SHDF), based in Washington, granted eighty two scholarships for this academic year to bright and needy students pursuing professional degree courses in India. This brings the total number of scholarships awarded to Sikh and non-Sikh students by this foundation since the year 2000-01 to 201. SHDF, a non-political, non-profit and tax exempt body, is dedicated to poverty alleviation, human development and gender equity and it is perhaps the only Sikh organization which grants scholarships to needy students for higher education in Punjab and other states in North India.

Founded by a group of Sikh professionals in the Washington metropolitan area in 1999, this foundation is investing in higher education of meritorious but financially disadvantaged students in selected parts of India; it gives special consideration to students affected by social upheavals or natural calamities. For instance, it granted 13 scholarships amounting to Rs. 156,000 to financially crippled Hindu and Muslim students in Gujarat in the wake of a devastating earthquake there on January 26, 2001.

Amar Jit Singh Sodhi, Chairman of SHDF and former World Bank official, stated that, the inspiration for this effort comes from the Sikh principle of seva: rendering service to humanity (i.e. God in man), and responding to the pain and need of others, without expecting any reward in return, is the Sikh way of life. It is a very fulfilling experience to see students from needy circumstances improve their grades and succeed with this help.

SHDF continues to receive letters of gratitude from scholarship recipients. "In these days, education seems to be the monopoly of the rich and dreams of many students are crushed when they cannot study due to economical problems" writes Karandeep Kaur from a village of Gurdaspur District – a student of B.Sc. (engineering) "As I was worrying about the notice of depositing a big sum of money to pay my fees, a wave of courage flowed in my body, when I came to know about the scholarship offered by you. It helps me not only economically, but spiritually too. It pleased me very much that there is some one in this world who has undertaken a kind project to help and serve humanity and to soothe the feelings of ambitious students like me."

Mr Sodhi further added that "Success stories of these students provide us the energy to continue on this noble cause. We are heartened to see the sons and daughters of poor widows, terminally sick, daily wage laborers, and bicycle repairers joining medical, engineering and similar degree or post graduate courses, with our support. We are also encouraged by the tremendous support from the Sikh gurdwaras and individuals in the Washington area. Plans are being charted to take this initiative nationwide. There is a great desire within the Sikh diaspora to support the needy students and this organization provides a reliable channel to do so with maximum of transparency, accountability and cost effectiveness."

Mr. Sodhi also stated that the executive council members of SHDF have been touring Punjab and other states since the inception of the organization in order to stay current with grassroots situation and to create an appropriate institutional framework to identify needy students. It has partnered with the administration of both Punjab Agriculture University in Ludhiana and Guru Nanak Dev University in Amritsar. Plans are being made to reach out to as many educational institutions as possible especially in the rural areas.

The Chairman said that, given the small size of its operation, SHDF was currently focusing on northern India, though in fact the 194 scholarship recipients have been drawn from the states of Punjab, Haryana, Delhi, Jammu & Kashmir, Karnataka and Gujarat, as well as Chandigarh.

According to Mr. Sodhi, these bright but resource-poor students are amongst the nation’s best creative assets; they need our support to cross the knowledge and skills barrier. Investing in their future through higher professional education would help them shape the twenty first century for themselves, their families and the nation. This has become particularly important, said Mr. Sodhi, as the world moves into what is called ‘a knowledge economy- a world of increasing complexity and rapid change. He said that the knowledge economy offers exponential returns on investment in higher education and can help reduce the widening gap between the developed and the developing countries. Our focus is on helping promising children with supplemental financial resources and thereby assuring them access to higher professional education.

The scholarship amount is calibrated to the needs of the student keeping in view the family income, number of siblings studying in college, cost of studies and the merit of the student, and is renewable for subsequent years, subject to the scholarship recipient maintaining a minimum score in semester examinations.

A special attention is paid to support female students by the organization. Asked about the share of girl students in the grant of scholarships, the Secretary General, Gajinder S. Ahuja stated that overall 53 percent of scholarships went to girl students and 47 percent to boys. Interestingly, he said that 65 percent of the scholarships have been awarded to students from rural areas. 24 percent of the scholarships have been awarded to students pursuing courses in Information technology, while 15 percent of the scholarships went to students in medical and nursing colleges. The largest share of scholarships, i.e. 43 percent, was annexed by students from engineering colleges. The rest of the scholarships were awarded to students in disciplines like agriculture, accountancy and home science.

Responding to another question, Mr. Ahuja said that SHDF follows rigorous selection criteria for family income and academic performance; both are certified by the college/university authorities. In fact, said Mr. Sodhi, the applicants are put through a written moral science test at selected locations, and are also interviewed by a panel of experts. Responding to another question, Mr. Ahuja stated that the average cost of an annual scholarship is around US$ 350, though SHDF has granted scholarships up to US $ 480 per annum, in cases of exceptional hardship.

The Foundation had commenced operations with the seed money provided by its founding members. It has also raised funds through individual donations and a fund-raising dinner. It has partnered with Nishkam Sikh Welfare Council, a reputable NGO, based in New Delhi to facilitate implementation and local oversight of the program. This also helps SHDF to keep its overheads as low as possible. It is also identifying other NGOS operating in India to fulfill its mission.

Other members of the executive council of SHDF are Harbaksh Singh Sethi, Veena Kaur Oberai, Anita Kaur Arora, Surinder Singh and Dr. Rajwant Singh.

To contact Sikh Human Development Foundation, write to: 15129 Winesap Drive, North Potomac, MD 20878 or http://shdf.org

gurqyj isMG

Attached herewith please find Khushwant Singh's article published in The Tribune on 3 and 4 November and my reply in response to it which the newspaper has not published, despite repeated attempts made for its publication.
Gurtej Singh

KusLvMq isMG aqy srdfr gurqyj isMG dy lyK zfAunloz krky pVHn leI ieWQy kilk kro jI. ieh dovy mfeIkrosOPt vrz ivc ieWk ijLp PfeIl ivc hn.

kInIaF qoN ieWk iesfeI pfTk

From Nathan Masambu In Nairobi, Kenya

Ihave enjoyed reading all about the Sikh faith and how many Sikhs and non Sikhs have misunderstood it. Im a Christian who belongs to the Religious Society of Friends (Quakers). Im indeed amazed to learn that Sikhism and Quakerism have alot in common when you compare the two faiths.

While the Quaker faith founded by George Fox in England were committed to the Inner Light and aw Quakerism as the way of life, Sikhs too is away of life- belief in comradeship or friendship(Sangat).
While Quakers fought against slavery in the US, Guru Nanakji fought against casteism and discrimination in the society. There are indeed wonderful; similarities between the two faiths and Im greatful for your wonderful web site on Skhism.
May God bless you and your work.

jgjIq isMG

Waheguru ji ka khalsa, Waheguru ji ke fateh
Pyare jio, below is a website created between a colaboration of youth from UK, Toronto and USA.
We are continually added to the site. And more material is welcome, especially personal stories, etc. Please forward them to the website address or myself.
Only factual and real stories please. This is a factual site, not a propoganda site.
waheguru ji ke khalsa, waheguru jike fateh

gurbKsL isMG kflf aPLgfnf

ÃÄ siqgur pRsfid] PLrvrI 22- 2004

isK ihqF dy suihrd pihrydfr, mjLlUmF duiKafiraF dy scy qrjmfn, inrBY pwqrkfr, gurmuK ipafry BfeI sfihb joigMdr isMG jIE!

vfihgurU jI kf KLflsf . vfihgurU jI kI PLqih.

afp jI nUM qnKLfhIaf GosLq krn AuprMq ijs pfsy nUM vydFqI jI qury jf rhy hn Aus qoN sfry sUJvfn guriswKF df ihrdf aqIaMq duKI, aqy kOm dy BivK bfry sKLq pRysLfn hY . ijMny vI gurmuKF nfl dfs df sMprk ho irhf hY sfry dy sfry afpjI dI ipwT qy hn aqy spoks mYn nUM rojLfnf aKLbfr bxfAux vflI soc hux sgoN afm crcf df ivsLf bx rhI hY. siqgurU nfnk sfihb jI dy crnF ivc dfsry dI hfridk ardfs hY ik "spoksmYn" nUM idn dUxIaF aqy rfq cOgxIaF qrwkIaF bKLsLsL krdy hoey ies nUM iswK jgq df blvfn rojLfnf aKLbfr bxfAux dI imhr krn .

PLrvrI 2004 dy spoksmYn dy 45 sPLy qoN qusF pRo: ieMdr isMG Ggf df lyK 'gurU gRMQ sfihb df 400 sflf pRkfsL isvs ! mOjF lIzrF dIaF jF jQydfrF dIaF !!' Cfipaf hY. jQydfrI rUp pujfrIaF dIaF gurmiq ivroDI aQvf Dfrimk lutyiraf vflIaF krqUqF nUM Aujfgr krn dIN dlyrI krn qoN ieMdr isMG Gwgf jI vDfeI dy pfqr hn. ies kOVy swc nUM bVy Aujfgr sLbdF ivc spoksmYn ivc Cfp dyxf vI Gwt dlyrI Biraf kfrnfmf nhIN hY . gurmiq dy scu nUM sdf leI sMsfr qoN imtf dyx dy Xqnf ivc ruJI ajokI jQydfrI dIaF krm krqUqF nUM nsLr krn vfilaF leI JUiTaF dI jQydfrI vfly pMQ ivc QF ikQoN ? siqgurU nfnk sfihb jI df scu idno idn jLor PVdf af irhf hY. Brosf rKIey-"kUV inKuty nfnkf scu kry su hoeI ]" scu rUp cfnxy dy afAuNidaF hI JUT idaf hnyiraF nUM BfjVF pY jfxIaF Aus hukmI df atwl hukm hY . sco swcu ilKx dI, inrol scu hI scu kihx dI idRVqf ny sfry hI sicafr ivdvfnf nUM-" Kry priK KjfnY pfeIain Koitaf nfhI QfAu ] sBu sco scu vrqdf sdf scu inafAu ]" bdo bdI awzyr krI afAuxf hY. afKLr scu dy bol bfly vfly nfnk pMQIaF ivc ieh gUMjF pYxIaF afrMB ho jfxIaf hn-"sc kI bfxI nfnku afKY scu suxfiesI sc kI bylf "]- "isMG buky, imrgfvlI BMnI jfie n DIr Droaf"-vflI hflq bx jfxI kfdr df kfnUMn hY.

gurmuK ipafry BfeI sfihb joigMdr isMG jIE ! 400 sflf pRkfsL idvs mnf rhI isrmor jQydfrI koloN scu dy ZMzorcI afpxy "spoksmYn" rfhIN, dUr idRsLt sUJvfn pfTkF vloN bVI dyr qoN hyT ilKIaF krmvfr scfeIaF dy aDfr qy puwCy jf rhy gMBIr sLMky dI inivrqI qF krvf idAu jI :-

1- pRiswD pRmfnIk gRMQ, mhfn kosL dy 436 sPLy qy guurU gRMQ sfihb jI bfry ies pRkfr iliKa hY-"gRMQ sfihb sRI gur:-sfry Drm gRMQF df sÍfmI, isKDrm df mhfmfnÎ pusœk sLRI gurU arjn dyv ny pihly siqgurF dI bfxI eykqR krky sMmq 1660 ivwc, ieh rfmsr dy iknfry (aMmRqsr) BfeI gurdfs jI qoN ilKvfAuxf afrMNiBaf. afpxI rcnf aqy Bgq aidkF dI bfxI sLfiml krky sMmq 1661 ivwc smfpœ kIqf. iesy sfl BfdoN sudI 1 nUM hirmMdr ivc (pUjf vMdvf leI nhIN sgo) gurmiq dy prcfr leI asQfpn krky bfbf buwZf jI nUM gRMQI Qfipaf"-ies qoN awgy gurU gRMQ sfihb dy cfr Auqfiraf df krmvfr vyrvf ilKx AuprMq mhfn kosL dy hI 437 sPLy dy qIjy kflm df pihlf pYrf ies pRkfr hY-" gRMQ sfihb nfl "gurU sLbd" sMmq 1765 (sMn 1708) qoN lfAuxf afrMB hoieaf, ijs vyly aibclngr gurU goibMd isMG jI ny gurqf isK Drm dy afDfrrUp gRMQ nUM idwqI"-

2- eyvy hI "gurbfxI pfT drsLn" gRMQ, ijs dy krqf sLRI mfn pMQ rqn ivdXfmfrqMz scKMz vfsI sMq gXfnI gurbcn isMG jI KLflsf iBMzr klF (PLIrojLpur) pRkfsLk sRI mfn sMq igafnI mohx isMG jI iBMzrF klF (PLIrojLpur) dy pihly Bfg dy 24 sPLy qy "sLI gurU grMQ sfihb jI nUM gurqf gwdI (sdf acwl guirafeI) 1765 ibkRmI, kqk sudI dUj nUM sRI hjLUr sfihb ndyV ivKy sRI gurU gRMQ sfihb jI dy snmuK, pMjF (isMGF ?) nUM qfibaf KVy krky afp jI (Bfv, dsLmysL jI) ny sfry pMQ nUM afigaf kIqI-

afigaf BeI akfl kI qbI clfieE pMQ ] sB isKn ko hukm hY gurU mfinE gRMQ ] gurU gRMQ jI mfinE pRgt gurF kI dyh ] jo pRB kAu imilXo chY Koj sbd mih lyhu ]

AunHF pMj kiQq isMGF dy nfm-

Auprokq ilKqF qoN iswD hY ik sMmq 1661 Bfdo sudI 1 sMpfdnF dI imqI hY. Aus smy qfeIN nONvy siqgurU nfnk (gurU qygLbhfdr jI)F dI bfxI drj nf hox dy kfrn pOQI sfihb df srUp vI ajy aDUrf hI sI. Aus smy qwk sMsfr dy iksy vI Drm ny iksy poQI nUM aQvf gRMQ nUM afpxf gurUy nf sI Qipaf. Bfv, sfry sMsfr dy lok "gRMQ gurU" bx jfx dI sMBfvnf qoN vI ajy axjfn sn. mhfn kosL anusfr pOQI sfihb jF gRMQ sfihb dy nfl 'gurU sLbd" vI 1708 vfly Aus smy qoN hI lwgf sI ijs smy dsm siqgurU nfnk sfihb jI ny apxI QF gRMQ jI nUM sdIvI guirafeI dI mflkI sONp ky ienHF nUM qKLq cvr dy mflk jugo jug atwl siqgurU jI bxf idwqf sI.

jp sfihb bfxI dI 17vIN pAuVI ivc pUry rfry qy itpI vflf grMQ pd sRI gurU gRMQ sfihb dI bfxI ivc kyvl ieko -("asMK grMQ muiK vyd pfT ]") vfr aieaf hY . jd ik ggy dy pYr ivc rfry vfly " gRMQ " pd dI guurU bfxI ivc AuNj hI axohoNd hY. ies qoN iswD hY ik Bgq mhFpurKF smyq gurU bfxI dy rcyqf gurU sfihbfn ny vI "gRMQ" pd dI vrqoN kIqI hI nhIN sI . pr gurbfxI ivc "poQI " pd Gto Gwt 10 vfr aieaf hY. iPr bhuqIaF poQIaF qoN iek poQI ivc gurU bfxI dI sMBfl kr lYx vflI imqI BfdoN sudI 1 sMmq 1661 qoN bydlIilaF vFg sRI gurU gRMQ sfihb pd joV ky Aus idhfVy nUM sRI gurU gRMQ sfihb df pihlf pRkfsL idvs iks XojnF aDIn mMinaf jf rhf hY jI ? ies qrHF krky kI asI sMmq 1708 ivc gurirafeI idqI jfx vflI scfeI nUM sLwkI jF hfso hIxI nhI bxf rhy jI ? 400 sflf pRkfsL idvs mnf rhI ieh jQydfrI kI iksy iek vI akwt dlIl nfl iswD kr skdI hY ik guirafeI sONpI jfx qoN krIb 100 sfl pihlF qoN hI pfvn gurU srUp qKLq cvr dy mflk ikvy qy kdoN qoN sRI gurU gRMQ sfihb bx cuwky sn ? iPr, kI, hjLUr sfihb nfdyV ivKy guirafeI sOpI jfxI kyvl iek zrfmf hI sI jI ? ajyhf krky kI asIN nfmDfrIaF dI ieh gl ik 1808 ivc guirafeI dyxI scu nhI hY, nUM hI TIk iswD nhIN kr rhy huMdy jI ?

scu ieh hY ik ajyhIaF sfrIaF AulJxf AunHF hI pMQ doKIaF dI dyx hY ijnHF AudfsI-inrmly rUp bRhmx pujfrIaF ny gurU gRMQ sfihb jI nUM ksvwtI mMnx dI loV hI mukf idwqI hoeI sI aqy isK jgq nUM kurfhy pfAux dI Xojnf aDIn, jfx buwJ ky guriblfs ijhy gRMQF dI kQf Drm asQfnf ivc jfrI kr idwqI sI. ies ivc vI jLrf JUT nhIN hY ik AuhI sLkqIaF awj vI ijAuN dIaf iqAuN gurU gRMQ sfihb jI dI mihmF nUM Korf lfeI qurIaF jf rhIaF hn ? bVf hI cMgf hovy jy ajyhy sfiraf gMBIr sLMikaF df smfDfn isMG sfihb rUp hAUaf bxy bYTy ienHF hI jQydfrF kloN krvf ilaf jfvo .

aMDf afgU jy QIaY ikAu pfDru jfxY ] afip musY miq hoCIaY ikAu rfhu pCfxY ]

ikAu rfih jfvY mhlu pfvY aMD kI miq aMDlI ] ivxu nfm hir ky kCu n sUJY

aMDu bUzO DMDlI ] idnu rfiq cfnxu cfAu AupjY sbdu gur kf min vsY ] kr

joiV gur pih kir ibnµqI rfhu pfDru guru dsY ]6]{767}

jiqMdr isMG pfxIpwq, hirafxf, ieMzIaf

Manyog Sardar Makhan Singh ji

Sat Shri Akal

Main Jatinder Singh (Age 24 Years) from Panipat, Haryana(India) ton haan. Main tohadi sikhmarg site nu bahut bahut pasand karda haan. Main sab naal pehle tohada bahut bahut dhanwaad karna chahan ga jo ki tusi Sikhmarg website nu bahut hi vadiya tarike naal chala rahe ho te sikh kom di dehndi kalan nu chardi kalan de vich badlan vich pura pura sahyog de rahe ho. Sikhpanth de sute hoye kahlsa nu jaga rahe ho, tusi jo derewaad, akali dal or jathedaran da asli roop public de samne le ke aanda hai tohada eh upraala satkar yog hai, tohade is upraale kar ke sikhan nu sikh dhram di khasta halat baare pata chal rahya hai. Main sardar gurbaksh singh Kala afgana ji da vi bahut bahut dhawadi haan jo ki sikh dharm da dard apne dil vich rakde han te sikhdarm nu fir ek vaar chardi kalan vich leyan di puri puri koshish kar rahe hun

Meri waheguru pass eh hi benti hai ki tusi esi trahan panth di sewa karde raho or sikh dharam nu niwan dikhan walyan de khilaf apni muheem jari rako

Ek benti hai tohade pass ki pehle main chupai sahib(hamri karo haath de racha) da paath din vich 3 ya 4 vari karya karda sa per jadon to sardar gurbaksh singh (kala afgana) ji di chupai bare article parya hai te chupai sahib de aasli arth samjhe ne hun man nahi karda chupai sahib da paath karan te ki sannu chupai sahib da paath karna chahi da hai?

Das nu likhan di haale jaach nahi hai so agar likhan vich koi galti ho gayi hoye taan maffi dena

Waheguru ji ka khalsa wahegur ji ki fathe

Jatinder Singh
From : Panipat (Haryana) India

{ sMpfdkI not:- srdfr jiqMdr isMG jI afp jf KLq ilKx leI sLukrIaf. ieh hor vI cMgf huMdf jy kr qusI afpxF KLq pMjfbI ivc ilKdy. afp jI ny bynqI cOpeI dy pfT vfry puwiCaf hY. ies vfry myrI afpxI rfie ieh hY ik mYN jdoN dI gurmiq smJI hY (lgpg ipCly 20 ku sfl qoN) mYN ies cOpeI nUM gurbfxI nhIN mMndf. pr pVHdf hfly vI hF, pr mnoN nhIN, isrP pMQ dy kIqy glq PYsly kfrn eykqf leI, jy rih sky? mYN ies dI bjfey akfl Ausqq vflI cOpeI ‘pRxvo afid eykMkfrf’ nUM ijafdf KusL ho ky pVHdf hF. bynqI cOpeI dsm gRMQ dy lwcr puxy vflI kMjr kivqf ivcoN leI geI hY ijs vfry aKOqI isMG sfihbfn vI iksy dI icWTI qy Auqr ivc afp mMn cuwky hn ik ieh gurU sfihbfn dI rcnf nhIN hY. ieh dovyN lyK qusIN isWK-mfrg qy pVH skdy ho. aAux vfly smyN ivc igafnI Bfg isMG dI ilKI dsm gRMQ vfry ikqfb nUM vI iksLqF ivc isWK-mfrg qy pAux dI koisLsL krFgf.}

prqfp isMG aqy gurpRIq kOr

Respected Makhan singh purewal ji,
It gines pleasue to inform you that we are delivering messaje guru nanak fron Lima Perú w are sending you in spanish leguage with english translation.
Our struggle in Sud America is for the sikh identification.
We ares not known in sud America we have started preaching sikh way of life from last. Every day we distribute 150 - 200 spanish flyers diferent part of the city. Regarding sikh way of life every day more and more people want to know about sikh way of life.
Please ARDAS for us and pay our fath to all sikhs around you.
Guru Rakha
Partap Singh/ Gurpreet Kaur
Respected S.M.singh purewal ji,
wahe guru jika khalsa wahe guru ji ki fateh
we, have submitted our petition to the french embessy lima peru against the ban of TURBEN in France. we sending you one copy. we have submitted the petition with UNITED SIKHS. FATEH to all sikhs around you and your family
guru ang sang
partap singh/gurpreet kaur

rfjf isMG

DASWNDH (The Tith)

The word DASWANDH is very common in the Sikh community. It means the Tith, giving one tenth of ones income towards charity., for the welfare of humanity. This is obligatory for each Sikh to separate this votive offering

.The Bible also directs to contribute such amount as contained in its chapter Gen.XIV20

Rishi Prasher (a Hindu religious saint) states to contribute 1/21 part for all categories other than Brahimns who will contribute 1/30th of their total income in the name of gods.

The founder of the Sikhism, Sri Guru Nanak Devji gave three golden principals, KIRAT KARO (Do honest labour), NAAM JAPO (meditate) and VAND CHHAKO (share the earnings with the needy-ones).


NANAK RAH PACHHANE SE (SGGS page 1245). To share the honest earnings with the needy people is the base of Sikhism and Panthik tradition. If each one follows this principle all the problems would be solved.

While at Sultanpur Lodhi, Guru Nanak Devji used to spare a portion of his income to help the poor and advised his followers to follow. The Sikhism had spread far and wide by the time Guru Amar Dass Jee was commanding the Sikh Sangat. He established 22 centres and 52 sub centers. The incharge of these centers was called MANJIDAR. It was the duty of each Manjidarto convey Gurus messages to sikh Sangat and also to collect the DASWAND from the Sangat. Every six months (Diwali and Baisakhi) the collection was deposited at Goindwal Sahib. A number of welfare projects and Langar was run with this Daswand amount.

The fifth Guru (Guru Arjan Devji) made it compulsory for the Sikhs to contribute one-tenth of their earnings for charity and that is why it is called DASWANDH (the Tith). During the period of 5th Guru,some areas around Amritsar were short of water. Water was not enough for drinking and cultivation. A number of wells were dug and tanks constructed to meet this shortage. This resulted in green revolution resulting in socio economic uplift of the people.

Guru Har Rai (the 7th Guru) asked his Sikhs to use the Tith for opening dispensaries and Veternary hospitals. In different areas. Guruji told that the animals and birds also feel suffering like human beings. He was the first person to start Veternary Hospital. He also kept rarte herbs in his dispensary at Kiratpur Sahib. All this was the miracle of Daswandh system. The rule of Daswand is still in force for the Sikh community.

While Guru Har Krishan Jee was in Delhi, an epidemic (Small pox) spread. A large number of people were affected. It also claimed many lives. The eighth Guru himself attended the sick and utilized this fund for the treatment of the sick.

The 10th Guruji gave the slogan GARIB KA MOOHN GURU KI GOLAK. (The amount spent on the poor amounts to offerings made to Guru (The God).

Bhai Nand Lal Singh (a poet in the court of Guru Gobind Singh Jee) writes in one of his poems How can you believe a Sikh, who cannot even spare the Tith). Similar remarks are given in the Rehat Naama Bhai Desa Singh and also by Bhai Santokh Singh in Gur Partap Suraj. In the GOSHAT (conversation) of MAK MADEENA, similar directions are conveyed.

The most important is, how and where to spend the DASWANDH money? As stated above, the tenth Guruji very clearly said Give it to the needy. A farmer takes note of the season and the ground before sowing a seed so that it has proper yield. Similarly before donating, we must see that our Daswandh money is spent for the proper cause and goes to deserving, the people in real need of this help. It is not compulsory to deposit this oney in temples and Gurdwaras etc. only. It should be used for any of the welfare projects like spread of education, running hospitals, food/clothing for the poor etc.

A large number of people in underdeveloped countries are living below the povery line. To educate their children and to provide them the basic amenities, is the proper area for utilizing the Tith.

Another most important point to keep in mind is not to spare Daswand on estimation or approximation, rather it should be clearly calculated. Whatever ones earnings, he/she cannot spend more than 90% of it on his/her own. We must bear in mind We have no right over the 10%, the Tith. And should maintain a separate account, for the income and expenses of the Tith. Once we start this separate account, spending on the needy would be very easy.

Raja Singh,
Secretary (Indian chapter)
The Sikh House USA

DnvMq isMG

‘Hukamnamahs’ & Hukamnamahs of To-day

Hukamnamah for a Sikh & Devotee- Gurbani itself, in its unique form of ‘Sahib Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji’ is a Hukamnamah, Verdict, Ruling or Decree for a Sikh and nothing beyond.

Hukamnamahs in the Sikh History- During the period of Guru Personalities, so many times Guru Ji had to sent some massages to Sikhs, persons or Guru Ki Sangat of some particular area/sector, but Guru Ji never added them, as to a part of Gurbani, Nor they declared or wrote them with the word of ‘Hukamnamah’. At those times those were simply instructions, suggestion, letters or massages etc for the particular sector, Sikhs or person/persons concerned. But as a mark of respect, it was Guru Ki Sangat which called them the ‘Hukamnamahs’ as because these were from the Guru Himself.

Such ‘Hukamnamahs’ were the matter of proud for the Sikhs & devotees and never had been a drastic or harsh item for the Sikhs. Sikhs ever awaited for such hukamnamahs.

During 1968 Dr, Ganda Singh & Bhai Shamsher Singh Ashok published two volumes on such ‘Hukamnamhs’. These volumes contained Two such Hukamnamahs from the 6th Master, One from the eighth Master, 22 from Guru Tegh Bahadur Ji, 34 from Guru Gobind Singh Ji along with 2 from Banda Singh Ji Bahadur & 2 from thrones.

Though the genuine-ness of these hukamnamahs even, has also been challenged by the Sikh Scholar Harinder Singh Mehboob. Even then none of these Hukamnamahs have ever been dealt with the issue of ex-communication. Gurbani is a way of life for all the humanity alike and not the property of a few particular persons, some society, body or jathedars etc to excommunicate others. Such heinous system is not available within the Sikh History and not a part of Sikhism.

‘Hukamnamahs’ of today- So called ‘Hukamnamahs’ of today, have just started by the touts and slave clergies, simply some time back. Absolutely on the first time in the history of Sikhs, on 18th march 1887- Prof. Gurmukh Singh Ji was declared ex-communicated, but it was never obeyed by Sikh Community. Bhai Khem Singh Bedi the then caretaker of Akal Bunga was used as an instrument by the British & the politicians. This way the Hukamnamahs, ever had been the item of proud within the Sikh community, turned into the item of horror & misuse. But this system can never be prolonged or tolerated. Clergy system has no significance within Sikhism.

JATHEDAR OF AKAL BUNGA (TAKHAT)???- Akal Bunga (Takhat) had ever been provided a Caretaker in its history and its caretaker had never provided any type of powers ever. Very-very first time, during the Gurdwaras Sudhar Movement in the year 1920, on the day of 12th oct a caretaking Jatha of 25 persons was appointed in the Jathedarship of TeJa Singh Bhuchar for the purpose. But Bhuchar was never the Jathedar of Akal Bunga (Takhat). He was merely the Jathedar of the said Jatha. The word, ‘Jathedar’ or ‘Singh Sahib’ for the Akal Takhat’s Granthi have been started at a very later stage. Otherwise only the Guru Ka Panth itself has powers through unanimous ‘ Gurmata’ for the panth as a whole. Even then the excommunication is not permitted over there within Sikhism.

Hence The Hukamnamahs of Today- The Hukamnamahs of Today, to ex-communicate the Sikh personalities, especially the Sikh Scholars & Sikh intelligential is simply the order of the day and can never be tolerated long time because:-

Firstly- Never there is any such post of ‘Jathedar’ or ‘Singh Sahib’ for the Granthi of Akal Bunga (Takhat Sahib). Only there can be a caretaker with no such Panthak Powers. Panthak powers are always of the Panth, with the Panth and will remain with the Panth as a whole- Yet always within the instructions and doctrines provided from‘Guru Granth Sahib Ji’ not beyond.

Secondly- Ex-communication is never a part of Sikhism.

Thirdly- Ex- communication in neither permitted by ‘Guru Granth Sahib Ji’ nor by ‘Sikh Rehat Marayada’ or ‘Gurdwara Act’

Then who has empowered these slave Granthiees to excommunicate the Scholars and respectable personalities of the community. No doubt the so called ‘Jathedars’ or ‘Singh Sahibans’ are not independent and these are the slaves of SGPC and above all slaves of politicians.

All the more, these Granthies are not even the Sikhs of ‘Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji’ but they are the Sikhs of Some ‘Dehra daar-Sant Ji or Bhai Sahib’.

The Guru Panth has must to take its powers in its own hands.

prqfp isMG aqy gurpRIq kOr

Respected vir Makhan singh purewal ji,
Wahe guru ji ka khalsa wahe guru ji ki fateh.

We, are in lima peru only four members of sikh family really having your web it will help us a lot. We, are preparing spanish flyers regarding sikh way of life, because we Sikhs are not known in this part of the world i mean s. America, i will send you spanish flyers as well as english translation.pl stay with us and send us your blessing your web will help us very much pay my regards to all sikhs around you.

Thanking again
Ms Gurpreet kaur/Partap singh

gurmIq isMG astRylIaf

Dear Manjit Singh jee, SGPC's General Secretary and Spokesman, Darbaar
Waheguru jee ka Khalsa Waheguru jee kee Fateh

It appears to me as if all the Mukh Sevadars and SGPC Controllers managing the Sikh affairs from "Darbaar Sahib and Akaal Takht Sahib" have forgotten the Guru Sahibaan's teachings. One of them is:

Before breathing his last, Guru Gobind Singh Sahib ordained the Sikhs to obey "Guru Granth Sahib" as their Eternal and Spiritual Guru at all times to come. Since then Guru Khalsa Panth has been taking guidance from the Gurbaani enshrined in the Guru Granth Sahib. Subsequently, for the guidance of all the Sikhs whether in Punjab, India or abroad, it is specifically incorporated in the Sikh Reht Maryada (SGPC) that: "No book should be installed like and at par with the Guru Granth. Worship of any idol or any ritual or activity should not be allowed to be conducted inside the Gurduwara." There is no exemption granted to any other person or institute/organisation. Then why no action has been taken against the Mukh Sevadars of Patna Sahib, Hazoor Sahib, so called Baba Virsa Singh of Gobind Sadan, Mehrauli-Delhi and others who have been propagating the Dasam Granth? Why such duality? Why Dharam Parchar Committee Members and Religious Advisory Board have not pointed out this serious lapse and recommended stern action against the defaulters/guilty persons? Why such favourtism when Gurbaani teaches us equality and dignity without any bias or differentiation?

Will you please examine this aspect in consultation with the SGPC President, Mukh Sevadars of Darbaar Sahib and Akaal Takht Sahib and then share your findings with the Sikhs globally? Thanks for your timely action.

Gurmit Singh, an ordinary member of the Guru Khalsa Panth in Australia

srvjIq isMG

siqkfr Xog igafnI joigdMr isMG vydFqI jI

muwK syvfdfr , sRI akfl qKq sfihb

vfihgurU jI kf Kflsf vfihgurU jI kI Piqh.

inmrqf sfihq bynqI ieh hY ik , afp jI vlo jfrI kIqy pwqr (hukmnfmy) vI pVHn nMU imly aqy joigdMr isMG spoksmYn vlo afp jI dy pwqrf dy idqy jvfb vI pVHn nMU imly. (ieh gwl vwKrI hY ik afp jI ny ieh ibafn idqf sI ik joigMdr isMG ny koeI jfvb nhI idqf) afp jI dI aglI kfrvfeI vfry vI sfrI qsvIr spwsLt hI hY! vydFqI jI, ijhVI zFg buDIjIvIaF dy ipwCy cukI iPrdy ho ies nMU afpxI pIVI Qwly Pyrn dI Kycl kro jI.

pCfxo ieh dfVI vflf bRfhmx kox hY, pVo iswK rihq mrXfdf aqy kro afpxy aMn-dfiqaF qy lfgU, aqy idAu pMQ nMU sbUq ik qusI ivky hoey nhI ho.

houeIaf Bulf leI iKmf krnf jI

vfihgurU jI kf Kflsf vfihgurU jI kI Piqh.

srvjIq isMG

gurmIq isMG astRylIaf

Dear Manjit Singh jee, SGPC's General Secretary & Spokesman,
Waheguru jee ka Khalsa Waheguru jee kee Fateh

It is understood that Mukh Sevadar of Akaal Takht Sahib had issued an ordinance on 14 May 2002 that henceforth there should not be any discussion in respect of the Dasam Granth. For violation of this edict, action has been taken against the Editor, The Spokesman.

Why no action has been contemplated against the Editors of "Sant Sipahi" (1) Mrs. Kiranjot Kaur and (2) Gurcharanjit Singh Lamba? Despite above-mentioned ordinance, they have published several articles in favour of Dasam Granth:

Issue ------------------Page---------Name
July 2002 ------------30 ------ Gurcharanjit Singh Lamba
August 2002 -------- 29 ------ Tardeep Singh
September 2002 ------ 21 ------ Amarjeet Singh Khosa
October 2002 ------ 32 ------ Amarjeet Singh Khosa
Jan-Feb 2003 ------ 25 ------ Gurcharanjit Singh Lamba
August 2003 ------ 17 ------ Giani Sher Singh Nihang
Septeember 2003 ------ 21 ------ Dr. Amarjit Singh
October 2003 ------ 30 ------ Dr. Harbhajan Singh
November 2003 ------ 11 ------ Dr. Harbhajan Singh
January 2004 ------ 14 ------ (Late) S. Kapur Singh
Another email will follow about "Patna Sahib, Hazoor Sahib" and Virsa Singh.
Will you kindly check up with the President, SGPC and Mukh Sevadar, Akaal Takht Sahib and then let the diaspora Sikhs know?
Thank you,
Gurmit Singh (Australia)

pRYs not

luiDafxf 21 jnvrI: Kflsf pMcfieq qy hor iswK jQybMdIaF dI sFJI mIitMg amrpurf luiDafxf ivKy hoeI. ijs ivc Kflsf pMcfieq dy pMc s[ BuipMdr isMG inmfxf, sRI suKmnI syvf susfietI dy s[ joigMdr isMG Kflsf, BfeI GnweIaf syvf dl dy bfbf suwKf isMG inhMg isMG, Kflsf aYksLn kmytI dy suKivMdr isMG kbIr ngr aqy aYks iswK stUzYNts PYzrysLn dy knvInr BfeI srbjIq isMG afid afgUaF ny iek sFJy ibafn rfhIN gurduafrf bfbf KjLfn isMG, ipMz moihMm, ijLlHf jlMDr ivKy sLrfrqI ansrF vloN sLrfb aqy hor nsLy vMz dI sKq inKyDI kridaF sLrfrqI ansrF ƒ koJIaF hrkqF qoN bfj afAux leI ikhf qy nfl hI jQydfr akfl qKLq, jQydfr joigMdr isMG vydFqI qoN mMg kIqI ik (bfdlikaF) isafsI lokF dy hwQ Toky bxn dI bjfey gurduafiraF aMdr ho rhIaF pMQ ivroDI kfrvfeI ƒ rokx vwl iDafn idwqf jfvy. pMc BuipMdr isMG inmfxf ny mIitMg ivc bolidaf aYs[jI[pI[sI[ pRDfn jQydfr gurcrn isMG tOhVf qoN mMg kIqI ik ipMz moihMm ivKy ho rhI mn-mwq ƒ bMd krvfieaf jfvy qy ipMz aMdr iswKF ƒ gurmiq dI shI syD idwqI jfvy. gurduafiraF dIaF iblizMgF bxfAux ’qy aqy Aus ’qy sonf lgfAux dI bjfey iswKI isDFqF (Krf sonf) dy lwg rhy Kory ƒ TwlH pfAux leI sLbd gurU dy pRcfr ƒ pRcMz kIqf jfvy qy nfl hI pMjfb srkfr qoN vI mMg kIqI geI ik gurduafrf bfbf KjLfn isMG ivKy iswK Drm dy isDFqF nfl iKlvfV kr rhy sLrfrqI ansrF iKlfP kfrvfeI krky vlMUDry iswK ihrdy sLFq kIqy jfx qy iek hor qwlHx kFz hox qoN roikaf jfvy. nhIN qF smwucy iswKF dy roh ƒ dyKidaF pMQk jQybMdIaF qy iswK sMgqF ƒ nfl lY ky Kflsf pMcfieq vloN aYsy sLrfrqI ansrF ƒ TwlH pfeI jfvygI. ijsdy nqIijaF dI ijLMmyvfrI srkfr dI hovygI.

jfrI krqf:

pMc BuipMdr isMG inmfxf

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SatkarJog Sadh Sangat Jio

Waheguru Ji Ka Khalsa Waheguru Ji Ki Fateh

Subject; About writings of Kala Afgana Ji

It is to bring in the notice of each and every person of ‘Guru Ki Sangat’ that this is a high time for us to get awakened. Today if we honestly study our self it will be found beyond a shadow of doubt that from our head to toe, we have already been badly gripped in the BRHAMNICAL ‘CHAKARVIUH’.

To day, none of our action, thought.. Preaching etc. seems to be going towards our Supreme Guru. All the more our Pujari Sector & most of the Preacher sector is accountable for this dilemma.

Yet again this is also a fact that none of the writing on this earth except ‘Sri Guru Granth Sahib JI’ can be stated as faultless writing. .

It is also beyond doubt that we have got so many other learned intelligentsias within our community at this complicated juncture. Even then it is our humble request and submission that the different writings in different parts of S. GURBAKSH SINGH JI KALA AFGANA with their title ‘VIPRAN KI REET TON SACH DA MARG’ along with ‘MAAS MAAS KAR MOORAKH JHAGRE’ or not less than any best light house for the community to identify our self, at the time when we are passing through worst circumstances

So we shall recommend every body. must to study these books and rise to the occurrence.

May Akal Purakh facilitate us everybody-

Jagminder Singh
