. |
jrnYl isMG
Dear All
Now that all the hustle and bustle about celebration of birthday of Guru
Nanak is over, I have some question to share with you for an answer.
Is there any historical evidence showing that Guru Angad Dev
Ji celebrated the birthday of Guru Nanak or of any of the Gurus celebrating
birthdays of their predecessors? Is celebration of birthday of Guru in
accordance with the teachings of our Gurus? Was our Guru ever born? If Guru is
born, then he will also die. On the one hand we say that our Guru is Shabad and
it never dies and is never born. On the other hand we are inviting the whole
world to come and see us celebrating the birthday of our Guru. On the one hand
we say that Sikhism rejects theory of incarnation and on the other hand in every
Gurdwara our preacher say at the top of their voice that this day is the
Avtarpurb (day of incarnation) of our Guru. Are these not contradictions? How do
we explain them to our kids and to the world at large? Can we explain this as
respect for our history? I don’t think so. That is not the way to respect and
preserve history. Sikhs have created great history but have displayed tot al
disregard to preserve it. What do you think?
Jarnail Singh
sMpfdk vloN:- jrnYl isMG jI afp jI ny bhuq sohxf nukqf AuTfieaf hY. sfnUM nf qF
jnm idn mnfAuxF cfhIdf hY aqy nf hI avqfr purb. iPr mnfAuxF kI cfhIdf hY? myry
iKafl muqfbk sfnUM gurU nfnk sfihb jI df pRkfsL (pRgt) idvs "siqgur
nfnk pRgitaf imtI DuMD jg cfnx hoaf]" mnfAuxF cfhIdf hY aqy bfkI 9 gurU
+gurU gRMQ sfihb jI df gurgwdI idvs. sLhIdI idhfVy afidk. lE pVHo suxoN jI, BfeI
gurdfs jI gurpurb sbMDI kI kihMdy hn?)
kurbfxI iqnF gurisKF ipCl rfqIN AuT bhMdy]
kurbfxI iqnF gurisKF aMimRq vyly sr nfvMdy]
kurbfxI iqnF gurisKfN iek mn hoie gur jfp jpMdy]
kurbfxI iqnF gurisKF sfD sMgiq cl jfie juVMdy]
kurbfxI iqnF gurisKF gurbfxI inq gfie suxMdy]
kurbfxI iqnF gurisKF mn mylI kr myl imlµdy]
kurbfxI iqnF gurisKF Bfie Bgiq
gurpurb krMdy
gur syvf Pl suPl Plµdy ]2] (12-2-8)
sMqoK isMG afstRylIaf
Gurmukh Piare S. Makhan singh Jio
I'm glad and thankfull that you have removed one spelling mistake Paz and
started writing Paj. I shall be very happy if change Vare in to Bare.
Another thing you use Aksar (Aam). Both words are well known among Punjabi
people. So no need to write two words instead of one. Aksar is Urdu word and
Aam is Shudh Punjabi.
According to my thinking you may use only Punjabi word Aam instead of two.
Rabb rakha.
With regards,
Santokh Singh
iswK kimAuintI bYnyluks
Pojf df iswK jrnYl hoxf iswK kOm leI PKr vflI gwl
zYnhfg (hOlYNz)30-11-04:iswK kimAuintI bYnyluks hOlYNz ny iswK kOm aqy Pojf
dy nvy bxn jf rhy jnrl juigMdr jsvMq isMG nMU vDfeI idwqI hY. ieh afm hI
ikhf jFdf sI ky iswKF nfl ivqkrf hMUdf hY. kfsL jnrl subyg isMG nfl ivqkrf nf
hMudf aqy Auh vI BfrqI Poj dy jrnYl hMudy. aqy jnrl juigMdr jsvMq isMG qo
afs pRgt kIqI ky Auh iswK kOm dy nf nMU hor vI cfr cMn lfAuxgy. iswK kOMm mfx
pRgt krdI hY ky dunIaf dy ivwc isWKF df nf afpxy afp ivwc imsfl hY. ikqy
iswK bfhrly dysLf ivwc pfrlImYNtmYNbr hn ikqy iswK pfielt hn.
gopfl isMG
Dear S. Makhan Singh Ji
Waahguru Ji Ka Khalsa
Waahgurur Ji Ki Fateh.
I read Gurmit Singh's letter and do not know much, I missed, please guide me.
Please forgive me for asking, can any one please tell the whole world what
did Harbans Lal did and said. S. Gurmit Singh shared some but not complete.
I had doubts about this, but do not know reality yet.
I will appreciate if some one give some details. Otherwise he will do the
same with some else.
Please forgive me for my innocence.
Gopal Singh
not:- srdfr gopfl isMG jI srdfr gurmIq isMG jI ny afpxy pwqr ivc zf: hrbMs lfl
bfry jo iKafl pRgt kIqy hn Auh ies hPqy 'isWK mfrg' qy Cpy gurcrn isMG jI dy lyK
dy aDfr qy hn. bfkI hor ivdvfnF dy nfm jo pwqr ivc hn, Auh bhuqf krky qF hn
ikAuN ik Auh zf: hrbMs lfl nUM pRmot krdy hn. srdfr gurmIq isMG jI keI vfrI
sLbdfvlI vI kfPI sKLq aqy ruwKI ijhI vrq jFdy hn. sfzy iKafl muqfbk ies df kfrx
sLfied ieh hY ik AunHF dI BfeIbMdI keI aijhy KfilsqfnIaF nfl hY jo ik bolI afm
qOr qy ruwKI hI vrqdy hn)
gurmIq isMG afstRylIaf
Dear Makhan Singh, You are truly doing the wonderful
service to the diaspora Sikhs. I admire your courage and energy to carry on
this volunteer service when 99.9% persons especially Sikhs are running after
money, status, greed, ego. I am sorry that I am unable to assist you but I
will always wish to side with you. Often I send my views through emails sent
to various persons for sharing with others.
With best wishes,
iswK kimAuintI bYnyluks
PrFs df dsqfr mslf
isMG sfihb jQydfr juigMdr isMG vlo PrFs ivwcly dsqfr msly dy
sMbMD ivwc suihrd hoxf vDIaf PYNslf hY. ijMnf icr bwcf nf rovy mF vI duwD nhI
idMdI. ipCly sfl dsMbr mhIny dsqfr ivroDI kfnMUn nMU bnfAux leI aKbfrf ivwc Kbr
aeI sI Aus qo bfad dunIaf Br dy iswKF vlo afpxy dysLf dI aMbYsIaF ivwc mYmorMzm
idwqy gey. 31 jnvrI nMU PrFs ivwc ros mfrc kIqf igaf ijs ivwc Xorp Br qo iswK
sLfml hoey. iswK kimAuintI bYnyluks vlo sROmxI gurduarf pRbMDk kmytI, sLromxI
akflI dl, jQydfr sRI akfl qKq sfihb nMU pwqr ilKy gey ijhnF dI kfpI keI Xorp dy
pMjFbI dy pyprf ivwc aqy pMjFbI vYwb sfeItf Aupr vI pRkfsLq hoeI. aPsos ky
Auprokq sMsLQfvf vlo koeI vI hMugfrf nhI imilaf. pqf nhI dsqfr dy msly sMbMDI
ilKI icwTI iks kUVydfn vfly zwby ivwc peI hovygI. jy sfzf iehI hfl irhf qF kOm
hor hnyry ivwc jfvygI. PrFs dy iswKF ny smy-smy qy pMjFb phuMc ky dsqfr dy msly
pRqI pMjfb dIaf iswK sMsQfvF nMU jfgrUk kIqf. mIzIey dy smy ivwc vI PrFs df mslf
pMjFb ivwc phMucx leI qkrIbn 1 sfl df smF lwigaf. pRDfn mMqrI mnmohn isMG jI vI
hOlYNz ivwc afey iswK kimAuintI bYnyluks ny afpxf Prj pihcfndy hoey AuhnF nfl
dsqfr msly sMbMDI sMbMD sQfpq krn dI koisLsL kIqI geI pr nfkfmjfb rhy. isrP
Xfdpwqr hI BfrqI aMbYsI rfhI dy sky. ijhnF vIrF nMU pqf sI ky pRDfn mMqrI ny
afAuxf hY AuhnF df Prj bxdf sI ky hOlNYz dy iswKF dy dsqKq krvf ky AuhnF nMU
Xfdpwqr idwqf jFdf. afAux vfly smy ivwc hr sMBv koisLs kIqI jfvy ky ijwQy ikqy
vI dsqfr nMU Kqrf mihsUs huMdf hY AwuQy sfzIaf suprIm sMsQfvf afpxy vlo qnu mno
Dno sihXog dyx. dsqfr msly dy nfl ijwQy PrFs dy iswKF nMU musIbqf df sfhmxf krnf
pY irhf hY AuwQy iswKI dy ivwc vI cyqnqf afeI. sfzy leI iswKI bhUq hI jrUrI hY.
Kflsf hor vI rihq ivwc prpwk ho ky ivcrygf. aMq ijwq klgIDr pfqsLfh vlo sfjy
Kflsy dI hovygI.
Kflsf akfl purK kI Poj,
prgitAu Kflsf pRmfqm kI mOj.
Buwl cuk dI iKmf,
iswK kimAuintI bYnyluks.
gurmIq isMG afstRylIaf
Dear Makhan Singh jee, Waheguru jee ka Khalsa Waheguru jee kee Fateh
I am grateful to Gurtej Singh for the attachment. Please
also pass on my thanks to Bhai Gurcharan Singh jee who has challenged clever
Hindu Dr. Harbans Lal son of Dr. Beli Ram Saxena ! If I am not mistaken, he
is not at fault because he has been boosted up by SGPC brahmins by honouring
him as "Bhai" and his buddies - both the Universities in Amritsar
and Patiala including Sikh Review's IAS Saran Singh, Dr. Indar Jit Singh
(IJ) NY, Prof. Devinder Singh Chahal, Ph.D., Dean/Prof. Dr. Gurbakhsh Singh
Gill now Dharam Parchaar Committee Member with a free car and other free
boarding & lodging including Prof. Gurtej Singh of Chandigarh....... in
fact list is unending. He is truly a carpet snake, RAW's agent, friendly to
most of Ph.D. wallas who like his oily tongue, money and hospitality in USA.
Like aiding and abetting, Sikh Scholars and Instiitutes are more guilty.
Please expose this A One hypocrite and ungrateful Hindu like Gangu !
Attachment may be placed on your Internet so that his friends can also see.
Gurmit Singh
sMqoK isMG afstRylIaf
ivc iswK smfj leI amuwl syvf krn vflLy
zf[ imlKf
isMG brfV
zf[ imlKf isMG brfV, afstRylIaf dI iek aijhI hsqI hn
ijnHF nUM AuhnF dI iswK smfj pRqI kIqI amuwl syvf leI PYzrl aYvfrz Pfr
sInIar afstRylIanjL 2001 dy snmfn nflL snmfnq kIqf igaf hY.
ipqf s[ qfrf isMG aqy mfqf srdfrnI hrnfm kOr dy gRih
ivKy, nvMbr 1928 ivc jnmy zf[ brfV ny bI[ ayYs[ sI[ gvrnmYt kflj luiDafixAuN
aqy bI[ vI[ aYs[ sI[ ihsfroN, pYpsU srkfr vwloN vjLIPLf pRfpq krky kIqI. iPr
pMjfb srkfr ny brfV sfihb nUM mdrfs ivKy vYtrnrI sfieMs dI mfstr izgrI (aYm[
vI[ aYs[ sI[) krn vfsqy Byijaf. mdrfs qoN sPLlqf sihq, vYtrnrI sfieMs ivc,
mfstr izgrI pRfpq krn AupRMq afp dI, pMjfb srkfr vwloN, vyrkf (aMimRqsr)
ivc, pRoikAurmYt afPLIsr vjoN inXukqI hoeI. Aus smy dy muK mMqrI pMjfb, s[
prqfp isMG kYroN dI pRyrnf nflL, jo ik AuhnF ny zfktr sfihb nUUM pbilk dy
BrvyN iekwT ivc dohF moiZaf qoN PVky aqy hlUxf idMidaF hoieaF afiKaf,
"qyry ijhy nOjvfn dysL dI rwiKaf leI PojI syvf leI nhI jfxgy qF hor kOx
ieh bhfdrI df kfrnfmf krygf." vrgy pRyrnf Bry sLbdF qoN pRBfvq ho ky,
pMjfb srkfr dI gjLtz post vflLI nOkrI Cwz ky, afp julfeI 1963 ivc afrmI ivc
kimsLnz afPLIsr inXukq ho gey ijQoN 1970 ivc bqOr kYptn rIlIjL lYx AupRMq
afstRylIaf ivKy prmfnYt sYtl hox vfsqy af gey.
zf[ brfV jI df ipqf purKI ipMz, ijLlf PrIdkot ivc rx isMG
vflLf, iswK ieiqhfs ivc pRisD ngr jYqo dy nflL lgvF hY. afp dy ipqf s[ qfrf
isMG jI akflI lihr dy moricaF smy qn, mn, Dn nflL kOmI syvf ivc ihwsf pfieaf
krdy sn. Kfs krky jYqo dy pRisD morcy smy s[ qfrf isMG dy prvfr ny irafsqI
aqy aMgRyjLI srkfr dI nfrfjLgI dI prvfh nf kridaF hoieaF, siqafgRhI akflIaF
dI BrpUr syvf kIqI. ies qrHF kOmI Bfvnf aqy syvf dI guVHqI zfktr sfihb nUM
Gr ivcoN hI imlLI. afpxy ividafrQI jIvn smy, zfktr sfihb ny, prvfr ivcoN
imlLy pMQk sMskfrF kfrn, iswK pMQ dy hrfvl dsqy dy rUp ivc ivcrn vflLI aqy
kfrjsLIl jQybMdI, iswK stUzYNts PLYzRysLn, dy plyt PLfrm rfhIN kOmI syvf ivc
BrpUr ihwsf pfieaf. afp jI Aus smy pMQk soc nUM smwrpq nOjvfnF dI ies
jQybMdI ivc srgrm rhy jdoN iehnF dy jmfqI aqy PyzRysLn dI ‘mF’ afKy jfx
vflLy inrmfx pMQ syvk, prlokvfsI s[ Bfn isMG jI, ies dy skwqr huMdy sn.
jdoN zf[ imlKf isMG brfV afstRylIaf ivc afey sn qF Aus
smy eyQy bhuq Gwt iswK prvfr vsdy sn. zf[ brfV ny eyQy isznI ivc gurduafrf
sRI gurU isMG sBf bxfAux vfsqy axQwk AupRflf kIqf aqy iesdy muK syvfdfrF ivc
sLfml ho ky, iesdI syvf ivc mohrI ihwsf pfieaf. zfktr jI dy eyQy afAux
AupRMq kuJ hor iswK prvfr afstRylIaf ivc phuMcy aqy pwky qOr qy eyQy sYtl ho
gey. isznI mYtropOiltn eyrIey dI BUgolk ivsLflqf aqy ies ivc vDI iswK afbfdI
sdkf, sMgqF dI Dfrmk, smfjk afid jLrUrIafq dI pUrqI ihq, hor gurduafrf
sfihbfn dI loV anuBv kIqI geI aqy nqIjy vjoN gurduafrf sfihbfn tfrf mfrf,
pfrklI, afstRfl dI AusfrI hoeI. zfktr sfihb ny iehnF sfry gurduafrf sfihbfn
dI syvf ivc vI qn, mn, Dn duafrf mohrI ho ky ihwsf pfieaf aqy iehnF dy pRbMD
krn vfsqy bxIaf kmytIaF dy vI lfeIPL mYbr hn. kuJ smf afstRfl gurdafry dI
syvf, pRDfn skwqr aqy KLjLfncI vjoN vI kIqI.
zf[ brfV dIaF iswK smfj vfsqy kIqIaF amuwl syvfvF ivcoN
iek ieh vI hY ik AuhnF ny afpxy injI rsUKL, Audm aqy isafsI mhwqvpUrx
ivakqIaF nflL afpxI sFJ sdkf, Bfrq dIaF XUnIvristIaF dIaF izgrIaF nUM eyQy
mfnqf idvfeI. pihlF dysoN pfs kIqIaF geIaF izgrIaF nUM eyQy mfnqf pRfpq nhI
sI. eyQoN dy mfxXog aYm[ pI[ rOs PrI AuhnF dy bhuq nyVy dy imwqr hn, ijnHF
ny zfktr sfihb dI pRyrnf nflL, qqkflIn iemIgRysLn mMqrI, mfnXog rfbrt ry,
nUM pRyiraf qy smy isr im[ ry vwloN idqI geI, pMjfb dIaF XUnIvrstIaF dIaF
izgrIaF nUM idqI geI mfnqf df sdkf, nf kyvl iswK hI blik sfry Bfrq vfsI
nOjvfn afrfm nflL afstRylIaf ivc mfeIgRyt krdy gey aqy awj qwk ies pRfpqI
qoN lfB pRfpq krdy af rhy hn.
swqrvyN dhfky dy aKIr aqy awsIvyN dhfky dy sLurU ivc gLYr
kfnMnI qOr qy afstRylIaf ivc af vsy prvfrF dI zf[ brfV ny insLkfm syvf aqy
shfieqf kIqI; aqy aijhy vIhpMJI prvfrF nUM eyQy kfnUMnI qOr qy vwsx ivc mdd
kIqI. iehnF prvfrF dI ilKqI krYktr vYrIPIkysLn krky zf[ brfV ny KLud
ijLmyvfrI lY ky afstRylIaf dI srkfr nUM iliKaf aqy ies qrHF krky AuhnF dI
eyQy vsoN ivc aihm BUimkf adf kIqI. iehnF ivcoN kuJ iswK afstRylIaf srkfr dy
vwK vwK mihkimaF dIaF syvfvF ivc cMgIaF, kmfeI vflLIaF qy iejLqdfr nOkrIaF
Aupr syvf inBf rhy hn. iehnF ivcoN keI nOjvfn styt tRFsport, styt ryl,
kurYkitv srivsjL, polIs, post afiPLs afid qoN ielfvf keI hor ivBfgF ivc vI
kMm kr rhy hn. eyhI nhI zf[ brfV ny pMjfbI BfsLf leI styt aYjUkysLn mihkmy
qoN iejfjLq idvf ky dsvIN jmfq qwk skUlF ivc pMjfbI BfsLf lfgU krvfeI aqy
skUlF ivc pwg bMnHx df aiDkfr vI iswK smfj dIaF hor aihm hsqIaF nflL imlL ky
pRfpq krvfieaf.
zf[ brfV vloN kIqI geI syvf dy afDfr qy, afstRylIaf dy
iswK smfj vloN, AuhnF nUM PYzrl aYvfrz leI nfmjLd kIqf igaf. iswK smfj dIaF
aihm hsqIaF ny sports qy tUirjLm mMqrI mfnXog jYkI kYlI (ilMzsy qoN aYm[
pI[) nUM pwqr ilK ky apIl kIqI ik ieh snmfn zf[ imlKf isMG brfV nUM idqf
jfvy. ieh aYvfrz kfmnvYlQ rYkgnIsLn aYvfrz Pfr sInIar afstRylIanjL 2001 dy
nF qy idqf igaf.
zf[ brfV ny iswK smfj nUM apIl kridaF afiKaf hY ik jdoN
vI iswK iek dUjy nUM imlx qF iek dUjy nUM, "vfihgurU jI kf KLflsf,
vfihgurU jI kI PLiqh]" jLrUr kihx. AuhnF apIl kIqI ik iswK smfj imlL
julL ky iekwTf ho ky afpxy bjLurgF, aOrqF aqy bwicaF dI iejLq kry. AuhnF
ikhf ik asIN sfry iek hF aqy gurU jI sfnUM hmysLF kfmXfbI aqy KusLIaF
bKLsLdy rihxgy. afp jI df kihxf hY ik iswK df mnorQ "srbwq df Blf"
hY. ies leI hryk iswK nUM dUsiraF dy kMm afky pRsMnqf mihsUs krnI cfhIdI hY.
zfktr sfihb jI ies smy, afpxf injI kfrobfr smyt ky, afpxI
jIvn sfQx, srdfrnI hrBjn kOr jI smyq, isznI dy iek sbarb, kYNbrj pfrk, ivc
rih rhy hn aqy bfvjUd srIrk syhq iZlI rihx aqy zfktrF dI slfh dy AulLt jf ky
vI loVvMdF dI shfieqf ihq AuT ky hryk loVvMd dy nflL qur pYNdy hn. iksy dy
kMm afAux smy afp afpxy afrfm, smf, syhq afid df vI iPkr nhI krdy.
afp jI dy dovyN hoxhfr spuqr, rfimMdrpfl isMG brfV aqy
rfijMdrpfl isMG brfV afpo afpxy kfrobfrF qy prvfrF ivc sPLlqf sihq ivcr aqy
qrwkI kr rhy hn. -- sMqoK isMG
hrbKsL isMG
Waheguru Ji Ka Khalsa Waheguru Ji Ke Fateh.
I was reading a news paper [Amritsar times] there is a news
about Avtar Singh Dhami that he brake up with kala Afghana. I will say shame on
these kinds people they are changing there mind in a minute because they hungry
for money (hud), Fake Leadership, photo in news papers and making fool to our
community. I will say these kind of people just see what is good for them not
for other. they are not willing to stand with truth. Now he change because of
election for gurudwara. When he was kicked out from the Gurudwara and he start
speaking truth and now he is changing again for (Gurudwara money) not for
Oh well Waheguru will take care.
Waheguru Ji Ka Khalsa Waheguru Ji Ke Fateh.
Harbaksh Singh
srvjIq isMG
s: sMqoK isMG afstRylIaf jI df pwqr pVH ky bhuq KusLI hoeI ik iewk ivdvfn
swjx ny dfs dy pwqr nMU pVHky itwpxI kIqI hY.
afp jI dy hukm dy sbMD ivwc bynqI hY ies mqy dI nkl myry pfs
nhI hY, ieh pMgqIaf ‘pMQk mqy’ ijs dy sMpfdk zf: ikrpfl isMG rItfietz po:
aqy muKI pMjfb ieiqhfs Koj ivBfg, pMjfbI XUnivristI pitaflf aqy pRkfsLk zf: mfn
isMG inrMkfrI jI hn, ivwc pMnf 14 AuWpr drj hn. ieh 2002 ivwc (500 kfpI) CpI sI
ijs dI BUimkf zf: ikrpfl isMG jI ny, ‘do sLbd’ zf: KVk isMG jI ny aqy
muwKbMd zf: mfn isMG jI df ilKaf hoieaf hY, ijs ivwc sLomxI gurduafrf pRbMDk
kmytI dy mqy (1921-1925eI), Dfrimk slfhkfr kmytI dy mqy (1934-1952 eI) aqy
ÈRomxI akflI dl dy mqy (1929-1947 eI) drj hn. jy afp jI df hukm hoieaf qF sbMDq
sPy dI PotokfpI krky Byj dyvFgf.
afdr sihq,
srvjIq isMG.
hrjIq isMG hOlYNz
sLRI drbfr sfihb ivwc drsLnI
izAuVI ivwc lwgy sony dy drvfijaf nMU bdlxf iswK kOm kolo Kohx dy brfbr hY.
zYnhfg (hOlYNz)- pMjFb rfeIts afrgynfeIjysLn bYnyluks (pMjFb aiDkfr sMsQf)
sLromxI akflI dl aimRMqsr hOlYNz aqy iswK kimAuintI bYnyluks vlo jfrI sFJy ibafn
ivwc ikhf igaf hY ky sLRI hirmMdr drbfr sfihb dy drsLnI izAuVI drvfjy bdlx dy
mfmly Auwpr iswK kOm nMU lfmbMd hox dI loV hY . aqy sLromxI gurduafrf pRbMDk
kmytI aimRMqsr aqy sfry akflI dlf nMU apIl kIqI hY ky ies mfmly dy pRqI dubfrf
soicaf jfvy ky jo KbrF af rhIaf hn ky drsLnI izAuVI dy drvfjy Krfb ho gey hn aqy
AuhnF nMU lfh ky rwK idwqf jfvy aqy AuhnF jgHf nvyN lwkV dy drbfjy lfey jfxgy
bhUq hI mMdBfgI gwl hY ieh iewk sfzy kolo ieiqhfsk cIjF Kohx leI hmlf smiJaf
jFdf hY. iswK kMm nMU afny bhfny ieiqhfsk cIjF qo dUr kIqf jf irhF hY. sfrf hI
Kflsf pMQ vlo iewk mMc Auwpr iekwTf ho ky iesdf ivroD kIqf jfvy . drbfijaf dI
murMmq krvfeI jf skdI hY pr bdlxf kdficwq vI shI PYNslf nhI hY.
hrjIq isMG hOlYNz 0031-620682862
sMqoK isMG afstRylIaf
gurmuK ipafry s[ mwKx isMG puryvfl jIE,
‘iswK mfrg’ dy kflm ‘quhfzy pwqr’ dy aMqrgq jo iek
ghuq hI mhwqvpUrx jfxkfrI s[ srvjIq isMG horF ny idqI hY, ieh awj bhuq mhwqv
rwKdI hY. lMgr sbMDI jfrI kIqy gey ‘hukmnfmy’ jF quhfzy ies nUM idqy gey nF
‘Pqvynfmy’ bfry AuhnF ny jfxkfrI idqI hY. AuhnF ny dwisaf hY ik kuJ smf
pihlF pwCmI dysF ivc vwsdy prymIaF dI dysL qy smy dI dI shUlIaq nUM muK rwKidaf,
kursIaF qy bYT ky lMgr Ckx dI afigaf idqI sI.
bVf hI cMgf hovy jykr s[ srvjIq isMG jI, Aus mqy dI nkl vI
pfTkF dI idRsLtIgocr kr dyx.
ies sbMDI myrI afpxI kuJ purfxI, kuJ nvI jfxkfrI qjwrbf,
pRYktIkl vfh afid bhuq sfrIaF suxIaF qy sfhmxy vfprIaf GtnfvF hn ijnHF nUM dwsx
vfsqy iek lMmy lyK dI loV hY. ies leI ieh kMm ‘kdI Pyr shI’ qy Cwzdy hF.
siqkfr sihq,
sMqoK isMG
isznI, afstRylIaf.
iswK kimAuintI bYnyluks
smUh iswK jgq nMU gurU nfnk dyv jI mhFrfj jI dy pRkfsL Auqsv
dIaf lwK- lwK vfDfeIaF. sfnMU sfiraF nMU hI koisLsL krnI cfhIdI hY ky asI
pfqsLfh sRI gurU nfnk dyv jI mhFrfj vlo bKsLy hoey mfrg qy cwl skIey. gurU sfihb
jI ny hr iewk iensfn nMU Aus swcy pfqsLfh dy nfl juVn df mfrg dwisaf hY. sfzI
bdiksmqI hY ky asI awj vI afpxy afp nMU gurU nfnk sfihb dy pYrokfr awKvf ky
dyhDfrIaF ipwCy Bwj rhy hF. mhFrfj jI df Purmfn hY :
bfxI gurU gurU hY bfxI, ivc
bfxI aimRMq sfry]
vfhu vfhu bfxI inrMkfr hY
iqsu jyvzu avru n koie]
awj sfnMU sfry nfnk nfm lyvf iswKF nMU pRx krnf cfhIdf hY ky sLbd gurU nfl
juVIey. sfihb sRI gurU gRMQ sfihb jI df vwD qo vwD siqkfr krnf cfhIdf hY. Buwlf
cuwkf dI iKmf bKsLxI.
vfihgurU jI kf Kflsf, vfihgurU jI kI Pqih.
iswK kimAuintI bYnyluks
hrdIp isMG Body
Guru piare jeoo
I am trying to locate Giani Harpal Singh Ji. He
was originally from Dehli. I had the opportunity to listen to his keertan in
1980 in U.K. Last I heard he is somewhere in the USA. Could you help me to
locate him?
Kind regards.
Hardip S. Bhoday
sMqoK isMG afstRylIaf
Dear Respected Editor Jio
Just now I came to know about your website from my learned
friend, S. Jasbir Singh Australia and opened it.
I'm very very impressed about its contents and get up. You
are doing very good job. Carry on this good work. Rabb shall be your Shai.
Felt more heppiness when I read my name with part of my
article which I think might be sent to you by my nephew, Hardeep Singh, some
time before.
Here I'm sending you some more articles. If and when you feel
appropriate, then give them, partly or fully, place in your good publication.
Guru Panth Da Das,
Santokh Singh
Sydney, Australia
gurqyj isMG
Water Forum
Telephone number 0172-2544920, #742 Sector 8,
November 16, 2004
Dear Friends of the Punjab Rivers,
A question that I pose to myself is, ‘am I doing enough for
our rivers?’ I am disturbed to realize that the answer is ‘no.’ In some
ways, we all need to become more active.
One shortcut available to us is that we try to convey the
outfall of the destruction of Punjab’s environment to all those countries that
the Sikhs in particular and the Punjabis in general will target for migration.
It will be the English speaking world to which they will flock in large numbers.
Since the number is around sixteen million, everyone around should feel
The other point to be clarified to them is that in the world
which is fast becoming a village, the concepts of a national state and of state
sovereignty are but mere excuses for not doing what needs to be done. Iraq and
Afghanistan are two examples where the fig leaf has fallen off with a big bang
(a new big bang theory can perhaps be proposed in the changed circumstances).
Those living in the ‘Bush-land’ can make it clear to policy makers that
there are hundreds of thousands of people waiting to migrate to it. For better
effect and taking advantage of the fact that the Americans cannot distinguish
between the Sikhs and the Muslims, they could be tol d of the hazards of the
Taliban sneaking in. With a little bit of effort, ‘Bush-land’ people could
be persuaded if the magic formula ‘making America safe’ is repeated often.
Surely America would be safer if environment in the Punjab is somehow preserved.
More seriously, we need to persuade some peoples’
representatives to form parliamentary groups for the preservation of the Punjab’s
environment. It is legitimate to consider it a most relevant project in view of
the UN sponsored treaties subscribed to by almost all nations of the world. The
example of United Kingdom which has already formed an All Parties Parliamentary
Group for the purpose could be quoted.
On November 2, 2004, I attended the inauguration of Group’s
Environment Advisory body. I tried to convey the pro-river-water sentiment to
those present. It is possible to adopt the approach while superior arguments
could be presented. I present it below as a convenient draft that could be
somewhat useful to the better endowed.
You will be happy to know that our Cambridge friend
Devinderjit Singh has approached Dr. Lowe who may help us in bringing our
problem to the notice of the academic world. Perhaps friends in other countries
could make such efforts.
With regards,
(Gurtej Singh).
sMqoK isMG afstRylIaf
siqkfrXog pfTk jI,
ihMdusqfn dy kfnUMn mMqrI, sLRI
arux jyqlI vwloN, srdfr mfn dy nF ilKI geI icwTI qoN pqf lwgdf hY ik 1909 vflLf
‘anMd mYirj aYkt’ ijAuN df iqAuN kfiem hY. sfnUM ihMdU kfnUMn anusfr
srtIPIkyt, aiDkfrIaF dI axjfxqf jF iksy kunIqI aDIn, aqy sfzI axjfxqf sdkf idqy
jFdy hn. bynqI hY ik hux qoN bfad jykr iksy iswK nUM ihMdusqfn ivcoN mjbUrI ivc
ivafh df srtIPIkyt lYxf hI pvy qF mYirj rijstRfr nUM spwsLt bynqI kro ik Auh
quhfnUM shI kfnUMn anusfr srtIPIkyt dyvy. AusdI jfxkfrI vfsqy AusnUMUM kfnUMn
mMqrI sLRI arux jyqlI dI icwTI ivKfE qy shI srtIPLIkyt pRfpq kro.
Dear Shri Mann
This has reference to the matter raised by you under Rule 377
in Lok Sabha on April 28, 2003 regarding the need to amend the Anand Marriage
Act, 1909 for registering Sikh marriages. 2. The Anand Marriage Act, 1909 was
enacted to remove doubts as to the validity of the marriage ceremonies performed
by Sikhs and called as "Anand".
This Act is still in vogue as on date. The Hindu Marriage
Act, 1955 was enacted subsequently and is wider in scope. Adequate provisions
exist in law for registration of Sikh marriages. As such, no amendment of any
law is considered necessary.
With regards,
Yours sincerely
Arun Jaitley
Minster Law & Justice and Commerce & Industry
May 23, 2003
iswK sMsfr dy smUh smJdfr swjxo!
pihlF afh klMk qF afpxy mwQy qoN lfh
keI sflF qoN mY iek jLrUrI svfl iswK smfj dI syvf ivc muV muV
rwKdf af irhf hF. pqf nhI kI
kfrn hY ik koeI swjx ies df noits hI nhI lYNdf. pRisD pwqrkfr
s[ hrbIr isMG BMvr jI ny ies bfry afpxy aMdfjLy vflLy iKafl prgt kIqy hn pr ieh
AuhnF df aMdfjLf hI hY asl jfxkfrI nhI hY. dUsry s[ ismrnjIq isMG mfn horF ny
lok sBf ivc ies msly nUM AuTfieaf hY ijs krky mY AuhnF df DMnvfdI hF. pr myry
svfl df jvfb iksy vloN nhI afieaf ik jd sfzf anMd mYirj aYkt mOjUd sI qF ieh
kYNsl iks kfnUMn anusfr ho igaf! s[ BMvr horF dy aMdfjLy muqfibk jy ieh mMn
leIey ik ihMdU koz ibwl dy iswKF Aupr lfgU hox nfl ieh kYNsl ho igaf hY qF kI
boDIaF qy jYnIaF nUM vI ivafh srtIPIkyt, sfzy vFg, ihMdU ivafh dy hI lYxy pYNdy
hn, ikAuNik AuhnF Aupr vI iswKF vFg hI ihMdU koz ibwlL Toisaf igaf sI.
ies smwisaf df sfhmxf ihMdusqfn dy aMdr rihx vflLy isWKF nUM
nhI krnf pYNdf blik sfzy bfhr vfilLaF dI ieh smwisaf hY ikAuNik srtIPIkyt dI
iemIgRysLn vfsqy isrP sfnUM hI loV pYNdI hY; EQy rihx vfilLaF nUM nhI. ies
leI ieh sfzI smwisaf hY.
irsLvqF, vkIlF qy muxsLIaF dIaF PIsF, kcihrIaF dI
KwjlL-KuafrI, smy qy Dn dy AujfVy ipCoN sfnUM pRfpq kI huMdf hY, iek kfgjL df
tukVf jo ieh sfbq krdf hY ik asIN ihMdU hF qy sfrI Aumr hryk QF asIN ieh sfbq
krdy iPrdy hF.
afpxy smyq afpxy prvfrk mYbrF dy Cy srtIPIkyt lYx smy, Cy
vfrI BugqI KwjlL-KuarI, kIqy Dn dy AujfVy qoN bfad hux mY nivaF nUM ieh slfh dyx
dy smrwQ hoieaf hF ik EQy ivafh dy srtiPIkyt dy cwkr ivc nf pvo. isrP mMgyqr
vjoN aplfeI kr idAu qy ivah df srtIPIkyt eyQy afstRylIaf ivc af ky lY lvo. jo ik
myry smyq iksy vI isvl mYirj sYlIbRYNt qoN, eyQy afstRylIaf ivc, pRfpq kIqf jf
skdf hY. ies gwl dI mYnUM pihlF smJ nhI sI. QohVf smf hoieaf myry iek imwqr, s[
jsbIr isMG afhlUvflIaf, isznI invfsI, ny dwisaf ik jLrUrI nhI ik asIN afstRylIan
hfeI kimsLn nUM, apxy jF afpxy iksy bwcI bwcy dy ivafh df pRmfx pwqr jLrUr hI
deIey. mMgxI hoeI dy afDfr qy, mMgyqr vwjoN vI aplfeI kIqf jf skdf hY qy sgoN
ies qrHF mMgyqr df vIjLf pRfpq krn ivc Gt smf lwgdf hY.
ies bynqI dy nfl hI lyK dI kfpI qy srdfr mfn qy srdfr BMvr jI
dy hvfly vI sLfml hn. jy TIk smJo qF iehnF hvfilaF smyq ies smwisaf nUM qy ingfh
mfrn leI smf kZxf . sLfied iksy sLkqIsLflI iswK nyqf, iswK vkIl, iswK pwqrkfr dy
noits ivc ieh nukqf af hI jfvy! isafxy afKdy ny, "jd qwk sfs, qd qwk
‘afpxI’ srkfr smy qy vkIl dy injI imwqr hox dy bfvjUd
ikMny KLrc qy KwjlL-KuafrI df sfhmxf, ies kMm leI, mYnUM muV muV krnf ipaf Ausdf
eyQy ijLkr nf hI kIqf jfvy qF cMgf hY. ieh kdI Pyr shI.
sMqoK isMG
isznI, afstRylIaf.
hrjIq isMG hOlYNz
‘mfxs kI jfq sBY eyko pihcfnbo’
iswK kimAuintI bYnyluks Ç
Sikh Community Benelux
Adress: Capadose straat 39, 2523 AC Den Haag , Holland,
tele/fax: 0031-70-3905836/ mobiel: 0031-620682862
Refr.nu. 02/ -11/2004
Datum: 16-11-2004
iswK kimAuintI hOlYNz vlo ieMtnYsLnl iswK kMnPYNzrysLn nUM
zYnhfg (hOlYNz) iswK kimAuintI hOlYNz iswK sMsLQf vlo jfrI
ibafn ivwc ieMstIicAUt afP iswK stwzIj dy nmfieidaf BfeI asok isMG bfgVIaf aqy
jnrl krqfr isMG huxf vlo bxfeI geI nvI sMsLQf ieMtnYsLnl iswK kMnPYNzrysLn df
svfgq kIqf hY aqy ies nMU smy dI loV dwisaf hY.
iswK kimAuintI vlo awgy jf ky BuipMdr isMG hflYNz nMU
kfnPrMsL ivwc swdx leI mMdBfgf krfr idwqf igaf.iswK stwzIj nMU apIl kIqI geI ky
BuipMdr isMMG hflYNz nMU jldI hI bfhr kwiZaf jfvy. aqy holYNz dy ayYmstrzm sLihr
ivwc sLiQq gurduafrf sfihb afpxy numfiedy Byj ky ies dI ienkuafrI kIqI jfvy.
ikAuik ieh afpxy afp nMU ieMtrnYsLnl iswK XUQ PyzrysLn df pRDfn dwsdf hY aqy
XorpIan iswKF df bulfrf dwsdf hY ieh koeI XurpIan iswKF df bulfrf nhI hY.
ieh iswDy qOr Auwpr gurduafrf sfihb ayYmstrzm ivwc puils Byj
ky guru Gr aqy gurU gRMQ sfihb jI dI byadbI krvfAux leI ijMmyvfr hY. Auh guriswK
jfxdy hn ijhnF ny byadbI hoey mhfrfj jI dy srUpF dI syvf sMBfl kIqI sI. aqy
iKwlry hoey rumflf sfihb sMBfly sn ikvy puils ny mhFrfj jI dy suKafsn vfly plMG
dI qlfsLI leI sI ies ny pils nMU Kud icwTIaf ilK ky afp swidaf sI aqy gurduafrf
sfihb dI kmytI aqy hor guriswKF Auwpr ieljfm lfey sn ky ieh lok bMdy smgl krdy
hn. jd ky gurduafrf kmytI sfry mYbr aimMRqDfrI sn ijhnF ivwc BfeI gurdyv isMG,
BfeI jogf isMG, BfeI sLmsLyr isMG, BfeI amrjIq isMG, BfeI amrIk isMG aqy iewk
guriswK BfeI krm isMG jI ijhnF nMU puils ny iqMn iqMn mhIny leI aMdr rwiKaf sI,
ipwCy Coty bwcy aqy bIbIaf hI rih geIaf sn ies ny bdmfsLI krn ivwc koeI ksr nhI
CwzI sI. sfry dy sfry bMdy ijhnF nMU ies (BuipMdr) ny JUTy ieljfm lf ky jylH
Bjfieaf sI Auh ibnf iksy dosL dy afpxy afpxy pirvfr nfl rih rhy hn aqy AuhnF ny
pils Auwpr hrjfny df kys kIqf hoieaf hY. iewQy hI bws nhI iesny holYNz aqy hor
dysLf ivwc nfnk nfm lyvf iswKF Auwpr JUTy ieljfm lf ky ik ieh Kqrnfk awqvfdI hn
dohf srkfrf nMU BMbl BUusy ivwc pfieaf hoieaf hY. aqy iewQo dIaf srkfrf ny AuhnF
dy pypr rok rwKy hn. isMGF nMU awqvfdI dwsx vflf sLhIdf df vfrs ikvy ho skdf hY
? iswK kOm nMU socx leI mjbUr hoxf cfhIdf hY jy iesy qrF dy lok kOm dI agvfeI
krngy qF kOm jrUr zUMGy Kwz ivwc izgy gI ijvy ho irhf hY. Kflsf kfilj aimRMqsr
vlo aKoqI XorpIan iswK afgU BuipMdr hOlYNz nMU snmfnq krnf kOm dy leI mdBfgI gwl
hY. asI PYzrysLn dy pRDfn BfeI dljIq isMG jI nMU keI vfr pUrI dI pUrI PfeIl
smrpq kr cwky hn jo ky isMGf dy vkIlf nMU hflYNz dI srkfr nMU vlo pRpq hoey
pyprf ivwc sn ijhnf Auwpr BuipMdr hOlYNz ny PyYzrysLn dy lYtrpYz Awpr afpxy
dsqKqf nfl jfrI kIqy sn aqy afpxy ibafn puils kOl drj krvfey sn. asI smUh aKbfrf
pyprF aqy vYWb sfeItf nMU bynqI krdy hF ky gurU sfihbfn df apmfn krfAux vfly
BuipMdr isMG holYz dy bfry jfxkfrI afpxy pyprf ivwc CfpI jfvy aqy Auprokq
sMsLQfvf qwk vI jrUr phMucdI kIqI jfvy agr iehnF sMsLQfvf ivwc glq ansr dfKl ho
gey qF kOm hor jlflq ivwc jfvy gI . afs hY ky sfry sMpfdk Kfs iDafn dyxgy. hor
jfxkfrI leI aYymstrzm gurU duafrf sfihb ivKy BfeI gurdyv isMG, BfeI jogf
isMG,BfeI sLmsLyr isMG, BfeI amrjIq isMG, BfeI amrIk isMG aqy iewk guriswK BfeI
krm isMG jI huxf nfl sMbMD sQfpq kIqy jfx.
Harjit Singh Holland
arivMdr isMG Kflsf lMzn
Dear all
Waheguru ji ka Khalsa Waheguru ji ki Fateh.
I have been observing and studying current Sikh sites on the
web, One has caught my eye which conveys the massage of Sikh way of life and most
important of all the element of Sikh religion and sovereignty
being displayed at www.sikhmarg.com is an
example of breakthrough in Dharam Perchar in this age.
Those of us read Punjabi its the best site.
The information is endless and appealing.
Please check it out.
My appreciations and gratitude to the sikh marg site staff.
Kind regards
Arvinder Singh Khalsa
East London
gurmIq isMG afstRylIaf
Dear Editors, Waheguru jee ka Khalsa Waheguru jee kee Fateh
SGPC Presidents, Members, Jathedaars, Granthis, Bhais, Raagis and other goluk
employees have been rejoicing glittering golden domes and walls of Darbaar
Sahib, twinkling lights, spades/big bowls made of gold and overflowing goluks
but all of them lack of Gurmatt enlightenment ! Whenever seek any clarification
or request for initiative to resolve a long standing ritual or problem being
experienced by the Sikhs, they keep mum. But they are always eager to visit
Yogi's palaces, Sant Baba Daljit Singh's Ashram and take delicisous food in
golden utensils in Birmingham whereas they hardly visit any village or poors'
For the last three years and ten months I have not received any response from
them and there is also never reply to any e-mail. We are also guilty because we
are now busy to celebrate Diwali, Sangrand, etc. with the blessings of so called
Sant/Babas. Seeking your guidance.
Gurmit Singh
AuprlI mfXUsI df kfrx sLfied hyT ilKIaF icWTIaF hn-sMpfdk)
Ç ÃÄ siqgur pRsfid ] Ç
jfg lyhu ry mnf jfg lyhu khf gfPl soieaf] jo qnu Aupijaf sMg hI so BI sMig n
{iqlMg mhlf 9 ] gurU gRMQ sfihb, pMnf 726}
7th January 2001
prm siqkfrXog igafnI joigMdr isMG jI, {jQydfr, akfl qWKLq sfihb, aMimRqsr}
vfihgurU jI kf KLflsf vfihgurU jI kI PLiqh ]
dfs keI sflF qoN ieh afs lgfeI bYTf sI ik ieWkvIN sdI dy
afrMB qoN hI gurU KLflsf pMQ cVHdI klf df iPr pFDI bx jfvygf . sLfied ies leI hI
afpjI aqy KLflsf jgdyv isMG jI nMU pMQ dI rihnmfeI krn dI syvf sMBflI geI qF jo
vIhvIN sdI ivWc hoeIaF BuWlF nMU suDfr ky smuWcy gurU pMQ nMU "gurbfxI aqy
gurmiq" anusfr syD iml sky . pr, keI KWbrF sux/pVH ky ‘gurmiq pRkfsL’
dI rosLnI njLr nhIN af rhI ikAuNik "pIrI mIrI" dy isDFq nMU ajy vI
ieWklf ‘mIr’ hI cfbk lgfeI jf irhf hY aqy isWK kOm cuWp krky bYTI hoeI hY !
jy igafnI pUrn isMG jI nMU drbfr sfihb df muWK gRMQI
sQfpiq krnf sI qF iPr Aus nMU akfl qWKLq sfihb df jQydfr hI rihx idMdy qF jo Auh
RSS df
Agenda bicWqR nftk duafrf isWK kOm nMU jldI
hI ihMdU bxf idMdy . kI AunHF ny afpxIaF kIqIaF BuWlF dI iKmf mMgI aqy qnKfh kI
lgfeI ? Auh drbfr sfihb dy muWKI gRMQI dy lfiek hI nhIN ! ievyN hI dUsry
jQydfrF, BfeI rxjIq isMG jI, pRoPYsr mnjIq isMG jI, igafnI kyvl isMG jI, sfbkf
pRDfn gurcrx isMG jI aqy bIbI jfgIr kOr jI dy bfd-ibvfd vfly msilaF df kI hoieaf
"spoksmYn" dy dsMbr 2000 aMk ivWc ieh vfrqf An
Eyewitness Account - Why do Jathedar Sahibaan behave rudely with the devotees at
Sri Akal Takhat Sahib? pVH ky duWK hoieaf .
ies qoN pihlF lyK "mWD dI ardfs" (isrdfr hrijMdr isMG, pUnf)
isWK PulvfVI, mfrc 1997 aqy ievyN hI "huix lfvhu Bog hirrfey" (igafnI
hirBjn isMG, XU[aYs[ey[) isWK PulvfVI, apRYl 1996 ivWc Cpy sn . aYsy gurmiq dI
syD dyx vfly hor vI lyK gurmiq pRkfsL, sMq ispfhI, isWK PulvfVI aqy hor
mYNgjLInF ivWc CWpdy rihMdy hn pr jy Drm pRcfr kmytI aqy akfl qWKLq sfihb vloN
smyN smyN syD imldI rihMdI qF hux qWk sfrf isWK jgq "isWK rihq mrXfdf"
qoN jfxUM ho jFdf pr, hux amlI-jfmy dI bhuq loV hY . SGPC
dy 190 mYNbr aqy Drm pRcfr kmytI aqy hor
byaMq jQybMdIaF kI krdIaF hn ? ienHF nMU isWKI pRcfr leI ieWk ieWk ielfkf/qihsIl
sMBflo aqy Cya mhIinaF bfad irpoRt mMgo . ieWk sfl dy aMdr aMdr piqqpuxf,
jfiq-pfiq, srnymjL, mnmiq, ibWpr rIqF, aKOqI sMqF/bfibaF aqy RSS
dy hVH nMU rokxf bhuq jrUrI hY .
"spoksmYn" ivWc hI " Complaint
against Sardar Kala Afghana" pVHI .
BfvyN ies vfry The Spokesman Bureau and Prof.
Gurtej Singh ji ny kfPI ivsqfr nfl jvfb dy
idWqf hY, pr dfs ieh jfxnf cfhuMdf hY ik lyKk gurbKLsL isMG jI ny gurU gRMQ
sfihb jI dy kyhVy gurUsLbd jF isWK rihq mrXfdf dI kyhVI Dfrf df AulMGx kIqf ?
dfs ny AunHF dy ilKy hoey sWq Bfg (2069 sPy) "ibWpRn kI rIq qoN sWc df
mfrg" pVHy aqy AunHF dy vIcfr gurbfxI aqy isWK rihq mrXfdf anusfr hI hn .
lyKk, BfeI gurbKLsL isMG jI dI ies syvf sdkf AyunHF nMU sLRomxI gurduafrf pRbMDk
kmytI, akfl qWKLq sfihb, gurU nfnk XUnIvristI aqy pMjfbI XUnIvristI vloN D.
Litt. dI Degree
nfl snmfnq krnf cfhIdf hY . aYzvokyt gurcrnjIq isMG ‘lFbf’, myjr jgjIq isMG
‘irsLI’ qy jgjIq isMG ‘gfbf’, 2069 siPaF ivcoN 11 siPaF qoN dWs lPjL hI
cux pfey pr bfkI sPy sLfied pVHx dI Kycl nhIN kIqI ! ienHF dy nfmF qoN pRqIq
huMdf hY ik ieh sWjx isWK rihq mrXfdf nMU nhIN mMndy aqy nf hI ienHF nMU gurU
gRMQ sfihb ivWc aMkiq gurUbfxI dI koeI soJI hY .
ienHF ny pihlF isWK imsLnrI kflj luiDafxf nMU vI challenge/threat
kIqf sI ! ienHF sWjnF nMU akfl qWKLq sfihb
ivKy pysL hox leI ikhf jfvy . ies qrHF hI ipRMsIpl amrjIq isMG jI, pRoPYsr
ipafrf isMG jI ‘pdm’, vfeIs cFslr jsbIr isMG jI ‘afhlUvflIaf’, aKOqI
bfbf ivrsf isMG jI, zf[ rqn isMG ‘jWgI’, zf[ gursLrn kOr ‘jWgI’, sMq
ispfhI dy ayYzItr ivMg kmFzr kmljIq isMG jI, hjLUr sfihb/ptnf sfihb dy jQydfrF
aqy hor zyrydfrF/tksflF dy muWKIaF nMU bulfieaf jfvy qF jo Auh sfry "gurU
gRMQ sfihb aqy isWK rihq mrXfdf" anusfr hI isWKI pRcfr krn . ieh sfrf tolf
DIrmWlIaF/rfmrfeIaF qoN GWt nhIN ! ienHF sWjnF nMU kI qusIN gurU goibMd isMG jI
dy ies Purmfn vfry syD idWqI hY? jb lg KLflsf rhy inafrf ] qb lg qyj dIAu mYN
sfrf ] jb ieh ghY ibprn kI rIq ] mYN n kroN ien kI pRqIq ] iPr asIN ibWpR
imiQhfs ikAuN pVHIey ?
"rojLfnf ajIq", jlMDr (aYqvfr, 26 nvMbr 2000) dy
iqMn sPy AWupr ieh KWbr "dmdmI tksfl vloN pfT boD smfgm dI smfpqI qy Bog
pfey" pVHI . gurU gRMQ sfihb jI dy 250 pfTF dy Bog pfey gey . jQydfr jgdyv
isMG jI ‘qlvMzI’ aqy hor keI piqvMqy vI sLfml hoey . hr isWK nMU gurU gRMQ
sfihb jI dy pfT ivWc ihWsf lYxf cfhIdf hY pr kI aYsy pfTF dIaF lVIaF nMU isWKI
pRcfr leI vriqaf jFdf hY ? kI dmdmI tksfl "isWK rihq mrXfdf" mMndy hn
? pVHx ivWc afieaf hY ik Auh "isWK rihq mrXfdf" nMU nhIN mMndy, sgoN
afpxI cflU kIqI ‘gurmq rihq mrXfdf’ df hI pRcfr krdy hn aqy Aus tksfl qoN
pVHy hoey BfeI/rfgI vI ieMJ hI krdy hn ! 1998 ivWc bfbf Tfkr isMG jI ieWk
nOjuafn jQy nMU lY ky afey sI pr AunHF ny styjL qoN sMgq nMU gurU PLiqh vI nhIN
bulfeI aqy nf hI isWKI pRcfr leI koeI syD jF PRI ilWtrycr vMizaf . keI GrF ivKy
jf ky zflr jrUr ieWkTy kIqy pr sLfied hI iksy nMU rsId idWqI hovy . ieMJ hI 1998
nMU aKOqI sMq bfbf amr isMG jI ‘isWDU’ ny vI jQydfr BfeI rxjIq isMG jI nMU
ilpyt ivWc lY ilaf sI . dfs dI sinmr bynqI hY ik jyhVy zyrydfr/TfT/tksflF
"isK rihq mrXfdf" nMU nhIN mMndy, AunHF dy sjfey idvfnF df bfeIkft
krnf cfhIdf hY ikAuNik ienHF ny isWK kOm nMU bhuq Kuafr kIqf hY . aYsy aKOqI
bfby aKMz pfTF dIaF lVIaF aqy kIrqn dIvfnF AuWpr afpxy sLrDflUaF dI byaMq mfieaf
KrcfAuNdy hn pr kI ienHF ny kdI "jpu jI sfihb jF afsf dI vfr dy stIk aqy
isWK rihq mrXfdf" vI muWPq vMzIaF hn ?
"ajIq" dy ies hI aMk ivWc ‘irsLqy hI irsLqy -
kMinaf dI loV’ pVH ky hor vI hYrfnI hoeI aqy pqf lgf ik koeI ivrlf hI gurU df
isWK pirvfr hovygf jyhVf "isWK rihq mrXfdf" AuWpr aml krdf hovy ! pqf
nhIN ikMny pRkfr dy isWK bxy hoey hn ! ijvyN "jWt isWK, rfmgVHIaf
aMimRqDfrI, isWK tFk ksLWqrI, mjLHbI isWK, aroVf isWK, nfeI isWK, rfjpUq isWK,
sYxI isWK klInsLyv, jWt isWK klInsLyv, mYV isWK svrnkfr, Gumfr isWK, rfmdfsIaf
isWK, KWqrI isWK, jWt isWK aMimRqDfrI, BftIaf isWK, klInsLyv jWt, gurisWK aroVf,
gurisWK KWqrI, nfeI isWK mMglIk lVkI, jWt mhMq, julfhf isWK lVkI, ksLp rfjpUq
isWK lVkI aqy hor goq igWl, sMDU, gryvfl, DflIvfl, brfV, kohlI, afhlUvflIaf,
afid" qF afm ilKdy hn ! ieh hI hfl kYnyzf aqy XU ky qoN CWpdy aKbfrF ivWc
dyiKaf jf skdf hY . jdoN asIN ajy gurU dy isWK hI nhIN bxy qF iPr sfzy ivWc
eykqf kdoN afvygI ? kI sfry jQydfrF df ieh PLrj nhIN bxdf ik Auh afp sfry ipMzF
ivKy jf ky gurmiq df pRcfr krn nf ik golkF aqy afpxy iZWzF dI KLfqr bfdl, tksflF
aqy ibWpr dy JolI cuWk bxy rihx ! dfs dI bynqI hY ik ies mhIny qoN hI
"drbfr sfihb aqy akfl qWKLq sfihb" qoN gurU sLbd dI vIcfr afrMB kIqI
jfvy aqy ies dy nfl hI isWK rihq mrXfdf vfry lgfqfr syD idWqI jfvy . hr rojL
afeI sMgq nMU isWK rihq mrXfdf, jpujI sfihb/afsf dI vfr dy stIk, gurmiq pRkfsL
mYNgjLIn aqy hor aYsf PrI ilWtrycr idWqf jfvy qF jo Auh afpxy afpxy pirvfr,
ipMz, irsLqydfrF nfl gurmiq dI soJI sFJI kr skx .
ieMJ pRqIq ho irhf hY ik SGPC
isrP golk, cODr aqy isafsI kursI dy hI anMd
ivWc soeI hoeI hY ! kI qusIN aqy jQydfr jgdyv isMG jI : "bfbf dIp isMG jI,
nvfb kpUr isMG jI, akflI bfbf PUlf isMG jI, pRoPYsr gurmuWK isMG jI, iganI idWq
isMG jI, BfeI kfnH isMG jI" vFg isWK kOm nMU iPr cVHdI klf ivWc nhIN ilaf
skdy ? bfdl jI, brnflf jI, ZINzsf jI aqy hor aYsy kursI dy lflcI lIzr kdoN qWk
ihMdU pfrtIaF dy gLulfm bxy rihxgy ? kI ienHF nMU mhfrfjf rxjIq isMG jI dy rfj
dy ipCokV aqy ihMdU zogiraF aqy pUrbIaF dI gLWdfrI vfry nhIN pqf ? gurU sfnMU
sumiq bKLsLy . iKmf df jfck, ieWk gurmiq ividafrQI,
GURMIT SINGH, 9 – Hamlin Street, Quakers Hill, NSW 2763,
AUSTRALIA [Tel/Fax No. 61-2-9837 2787]
Ç ÃÄ siqgur pRsfid ] Ç
PrIdf loVY dfK ibjAurIaF ikkir bIjY jtu ] hMZY AuNn kqfiedf
pYDf loVY ptu ]
slok syK PrId ky ]23] gurU gRMQ sfihb - pMnf 1379 ]
9th January 2003
prm siqkfrXog igafnI joigMdr isMG jI, jQydfr akfl qKLq sfihb,
prm siqkfrXog pRoPYsr ikRpfl isMG jI, pRDfn sLRomxI gurduafrf
pRbMDk kmytI, aMimRqsr
vfihgurU jI kf KLflsf vfihgurU jI kI PLiqh
dfsry nMU pUrf ivsLvfsL hY ik afpjI ny pMjfb dy aKLbfrF ivWc
CpIaF KLWbrF: "AuWc jfqI aqy dilqF dy vWKry-vWKry sLmsLfnGftF" vfry
pVH leIaF hoNxgIaF . ieh JgVf ieWkly ieWk ipMz "nMgl mWjf / nMgl sproV,
qihsIl PLgvfVf df nhIN sgoN pMjfb dy hryk ipMz df hY ijs nMU asIN gurF dI DrqI
aqy isWKF dI jnm BUmI kihMdy hn . Kindly have a look at
the attachment in Punjabi and English.
afpjI nMU pqf hI hY ik gurU nfnk sfihb qoN lY ky gurU goibMd
isMG sfihb qWk isWK Drm dy pRcfr - pRsfr ivWc ies gWl ‘qy ivsLysL qOr ‘qy
iDafn idWqf jFdf irhf hY ik jLfiq-pfiq dy aDfr ‘qy smfj ivWc iksy nfl BI koeI
ivqkrf nf hovy . iesy leI gurU sfihbfn ny ieWko sMgq-pMgq, gurduafry, srovr
sQfipq kIqy . 30 mfrc 1699 nMU anMdpur sfihb ivKy gurU goibMd isMG sfihb ny pMjF
ipafiraF dI cox krky qF hor BI kmfl kr idWqI BfvyN ies qoN pihlF gurU arjn sfihb
ny "gurU gRMQ sfihb" dI sQfpnf krky sWB pRfxIaF nMU ieWk smfn drjLf dy
ky, iksy nfl ivqkrf nhIN kIqf .
kI qusIN, pRDfn jI, kmytI dy mYNbrjL, hor jQydfr, BfeI, rfgI,
pRcfrk, isWK mYNgjLInF dy aYzItr "gurU gRMQ sfihb" ivWc aMkiq gurbfxI
nhIN pVHdy ? tUk-mfqr dyKo jI :
nIcf aMdir nIc jfiq nIcI hU aiq nIcu ] nfnku iqn kY sMig sfiQ
vizaf isAu ikaf rIs ]
ijQY nIc smflIain iqQY ndir qyrI bKsIs (isrI rfgu mhlf 1 ]
pMnf 15)
jfxhu joiq n pUChu jfqI afgY jfiq n hy ] {afsf mhlf 1 ] pMnf
jfiq jnmu nh pUCIaY sc Gru lyhu bqfie ] sf jfiq sf piq hY
jyhy krm kmfie ]
jnm mrn duKu ktIaY nfnk CUtis nfie ] (pRBfqI mhlf 1 ] pMnf
jfiq kf grbu n kir mUrK gvfrf ] iesu grb qy clih bhuqu ivkfrf
] {BYrAu mhlf 3 ] pMnf 1128}
nIc jfiq hir jpiqaf Auqm pdvI pfie ] (sUhI mhlf 4 ] pMnf 733)
eyku ipqf eyks ky hm bfirk qU myrf gur hfeI ] {soriT mhlf 5 ]
pMnf 611}
grbu krqu hY dyh ko ibnsY iCn mih mIq ] (slok mhlf 9 ] pMnf
avil alh nUru Aupfieaf kudriq ky sB bMdy ] eyk nUr qy sBu jgu
Aupijaf kAun Bly ko mMdy ]
{pRBfqI Bgq kbIr jI ] pMnf 1349}
jfqI ECf pfqI ECf ECf jnmu hmfrf ] rfjf rfm kI syv n kInHI
kih rivdfs cmfrf ]
(afsf Bgq rivdfs jI ] pMnf 486)
rfKhu kMD Ausfrhu nIvF ] sfZy qIin hfQ qyrI sIvF ] {rfgu
soriT bfxI Bgq rivdfs jI ] pMnf 659}
PrIdf Kflku Klk mih Klk vsY rb mfih] mMdf iks no afKIaY jF
iqsu ibnu koeI nfih] pMnf 1381]
hor byaMq sLbd hn ijs qoN soJI imldI hY ik isWK Drm ivWc
ihMdUaF dIaF aKOqI jfqF nMU koeI mfxqf nhIN idWqI geI . gurU goibMd iMsMG sfihb
BI PLrmfAuNdy hn: "mfns kI jfiq sBY eykY pihcfnbo".
mfstr PuWmx isMG jI df mYN 1950-52 ivWc Khalsa
A. V. Middle School, Pilahi ivKy ijWQy
CyvyNN pfqsLfh jI dI Xfd ivWc ieWk sFJf gurduafrf hY, ividafrQI rih cuWkf hF aqy
iPr keI sflF bfad kYnyzy ivKy AunHF nfl ieWk hPqy leI (apRYl 1994) sMgq krn df
suBfg BI pfRpiq hoieaf . bhuq nyk bjLWurg hn aqy AunHF ny aMimRq dI dfiq BI
pRfpiq kIqI hoeI hY . aKbfr ivWc AunHF df vyrvf pVH ky mYnMU hYrfnI hoeI ik
AunHF ny "gurbfxI aqy gurmiq" anusfr dohF iDrF nMU soJI ikAuN nf idWqI
? ies mfmly sMbMiDq mYN keI vfr ivcfr sFJy krdf rihMdf hF ik pMjfb dy hryk ipMz
ivKy ieWk hI gurduafrf hovy, ieWk hI skUl, ieWk hI sLmsLfnGft/kbrsqfn . pr, suxn
ivWc af irhf hY ik hryk ipMz ivWc keI vWK vWK gurduafry, skUl, sLmsLfnGft hn .
ies pRQfey gursLbd hY :
jy imrqk kAu cMdnu cVfvy ] Aus qy khhu kvn Pl pfvY ] jy imrqk
kAu ibstf mfih rulfeI ]
qF imrqk kf ikaf Git jfeI ] 3 ] (mhlf 5 ] pMnf 1160)
ies qoN ieh ikhf jf skdf hY ik pMjfb dy ipMzF ivWc isWKI df
koeI pRcfr nhIN . ieh afm dyKx ivWc afAuNdf hY ik keI jQydfrF, pRbMDkF, BfeIaF,
rfgIaF, pRcfrkF, aYzItrjL ny cMzIgVH jF idWlI qF nf gey hoNx pr AunHF ny
ieMglYNz, kYnyzf, amRIkf, isMGfpur, mlysLIaf, QfeIlYNz ivKy mfieaf KLfqr keI
cWkr lf ley hoNxgy ! keI pRcfrik qF sfl ivWc Cy mhIny bfhr hI rihMdy ik ajy qF
krfieaf pUrf nhIN hoieaf pr, nyVy vWsdy ipMzF ivKy Auh kdy nhIN jFdy ikAuNik
AuWQy zflr/pONz nhIN imldy .
kI qusIN ieWk do GMty kWZ ky PrvrI 2003 ivWc nMgl mWjy jf ky
mfstr PuWmx isMG jI, srpMc surjIq kOr jI aqy hor piqvMqy sjxF nMU imlo aqy soJI
bKsLo qF jo AuWQy ieWk hI nfnksr gurduafrf hovy, ieWk hI skUl, ieWk hI
sLmsLfnGft hovy . ies dy nfl hI kbrsqfn ivKy pfeI kMD nMU igrfa idWqf jfvy . ieh
BI pqf kro ik jy jWtF aqy dilqF dy alWg sLmsLfnGft hn qF "bRfhmxF-lohfrF-iqRKfxF-GumfrF-CINibaF-sfDF-JIrF-suinafry-nfeIaF"
dy vWKry ikAuN nhIN aqy iPr Auh kI krdy hn ?
ies visit smyN
qusIN PgvfVy dy sLRomxI kmytI dy mYNbr aqy zfktr ieMdrjIq isMG jI (vfsU) invfsI
arbn iestyt, PgvfVf df sihXog vI lvo qF jo AunHF nMU vI pqf lgy ik ipMzF ivKy
isWKI df koeI pRcfr nhIN ! isWK rsfilaf ivWc lyKF jF KulHy KLWqF duafrf suDfr
nhIN afAuNxf . gurU
sfihbfn vFg kohV df ielfjL kohVI dI JONpVI ivWc jf ky hI hoNxf hY . jy ajy BI
asIN isWKI pRcfr ivWc koeI qbdIlI nf ilaFdI qF 2008 qWk isWKF dI igxqI do kroV
qoN bfrFh kroV hoNx dy bjfey do lWK hI rih jfvygI ikAuNik isWK qF pihlF hI afpxI
afpxI jfiq, goiq, ipMz, bfibaF dy zyry nfl juVy hoey hn . gurU df sWcf isWK qF
koeI ivrlf hI njLr afAuNdf hY ikAuNik aYsI hflq qusIN afp bWcy-bWcI dy irsLqy
krn smyN dyK skdy ho. dyKo "rojLfnf ajIq aKLbfr" - jfqF dy aDfr ‘qy
irsLqy hI irsLqy !
ies vfry dfsry ny 7 jnvrI 2001 nMU bynqI kIqI sI pr afpjI
vloN koeI jvfb nhIN afieaf .
ievyN hI I have sent several emails but
there is neither any follow up action nor any reply.
akfl purK "gurU KLflsf pMQ" nMU sumiq bKsLy aqy sdf
cVHdI klf hovy .
iKmf df jfcik, gurmiq df ieWk ividafrQI,
gurmIq isMG, 9 – Hamlin Street,
Quakers Hill, NSW – 2763, Australia [Tel. 61 – 2 – 9837 2787]
ieMdrmohn isMG
Respected Cyber mates
Waheguru Ji Ka Khalsa Waheu\guru Ji Ki Fateh
Sub ‘Diwali Ki Raat Divey Balian’
I am approaching before the respectable court of Guru Khalsa
Panth in quite folded hands along with a quarry that how long our so-called
leaders and uneducated such type of Ragies will be allowed to exploit our
Alone the Almighty knows If these people have pledged &
sworn into burry Sikh masses into the ditch of vast Brahminical land….. or…..
All these people are in fact are the Brahmins in disguise of Sikhism themselves
and infiltrated within Sikhism to conclude Sikhism into the ocean of Hinduism,
No doubt a day before it was ‘Diwali’ a Brahmnical
Festival and has no link with ‘Bandi Chor Diwas’ which was actually in
August 1723 A.D and not on the Diwali day.
But yesterday astonishingly the scene for the Guru Ki
Sangat at Darbar Sahib was created like that more than a Brahminical, Diwali was
in fact a ‘Sikh Festival’ The situation was more affiliated by the ‘etc
Punjabi Channel’
For the propagation purpose absolutely & incorrectly the
quotation was taken out from Vaar of Bh.Gurdas Ji i.e. ‘Diwali Ki Raat
Divey Balian’ which had entirely a different meaning.
I am highly thankful to the www.sikhmarg.com
and sending in attachment ‘Diwali Ate Sikh’ from where this attachment has
been taken out for Guru Ki Sangat. Moreover it will clear the position of ‘Diwali
Ki Raat Divey Balian’ in its exact meanings and in which contest the said
quotation has been provided over there, (2) the status of ‘Diwali within
Sikhism. Contrary to all that our so-cal led present Panthak Leaders
& Ragies are providing Sikhism even from our highest place i.e. Darbaar
Sahib Amritsar, the international Center of Sikhism.
srvjIq isMG
kI lMgr vfry PLqvf (hukmnfmF), gurmiq sI jF gurU kI inMidaf?
s: mwKx isMG jI, afp jI vlo pMgq vfry gurimq dy isDfq nMU spwsLt krn vflf lyK
ilKx df buhq –buhq DMnvfd. afp jI dy lyK nfl sbMDq hor jfxkfrI nMU pfTkf nfl
sLfJI krn vfsqy bynqI hY ik, Dfrimk slfhkfr kmytI dI dUjI iekwqrqf jo 25 apRYLl
1935 nMU idn dy 11:30 vjy ‘sLhId iswK imsLnrI kflj’ dy gurduafry ivKy hoeI
aqy ijs ivwc hyT ilKy mYbrF ny Bfg ilaf sI.
1:-sR: b: sR: kfhn isMG jI nfBf .
2:-pRo: joD isMG jI .
3:-pRo: qyjf isMG jI .
4:-pRo gMgf isMG jI .
5:- jQydfr mohx isMG jI .
ijs ivwc kursIaF vfry pfs kIqf igaF mqF hyT ilKy anusfr hY.
guru pRkfsL qy kursIaF
(s) XUrp jF amrIkf afid dysLF ivwc ijWQy ik Dfrimk asQfnF ivwc kursIaF ’qy
bYTx df irvfj hY aYsI QFeI jy gurU gRMQ sfihb df pRkfsL AucI QF krky jy hyTF
kursIaF ’qyN bYiTaf jfey qF koeI hrj nhIN. (pMQk mqy pMnf 14 ivcoN DMnvfd
afdr sihq
srvjIq isMG
not:- ies Aupr ilKy mqy anusfr qF drbfr hfl ivc vI kursIaF dI iejLfjLq idWqI
hoeI hY, asIN qF isrP Qwly lMgr hfl ivc hI kursIaF vfry gwl-bfq kIqI hY. sLfied
Aus smyN hIitMg isstm dI aqy cMgy kfript dI suivDf vI nhIN hovygI. pr hux qF
sLRI gurU gRMQ sfihb qkrIbn hr isWK dy kMipAUtr ivc vI hY aqy ieMtrinWt qy vI
hY. ies leI hux qF vwzy qoN vwzy sLrDfvfn aqy krmkFzI sB hI kMipAUtr mUhry kursI
qy bYT ky hI pVHdy hoxgy, mjbUrI vws jF [[[[[[? )
gurmIq isMG afstRylIaf
Ç ÃÄ siqgur pRsfid ] Ç
PrIdf kfly mYzy kpVy kflf mYzf vysu ] gunhI Biraf mY iPrf loku
khY drvysu ]61]
{gurU gRMQ sfihb - pMnf 1381}
8th November 2004
syvf ivKy,
skWqr, Drm pRcfr kmytI, sLRomxI gurduafrf pRbMDk kmytI,
vfihgurU jI kf KLflsf vfihgurU jI kI PLiqh
In response to the Keertan and selling of CD’s (subject to
GST & Tax) at Gurduara Sahib, Glenwood-Parklea (Sydney) from 29th
to 31st October 2004 by Raagi Dya Singh jee, 4 A – Gordon Avenue,
Belair, SA – 5052, Australia, we wish to share with you –
isWK rihq mrXfdf
(sLRomxI gurduafrf pRbMDk kmytI, aMimRqsr) anusfr "sMgq ivWc kIrqn
aqy gurbfxI dI kQf kyvl isWK hI kr skdf hY" . isWK dI qfrIPL ieMj idWqI
hoeI hY: "jo iesqrI jF pursL ieWk akfl purK, ds gurU sfihbfn (gurU nfnk
sfihb jI qoN lY ky gurU goibMd isMG sfihb jI qWk), gurU gRMQ sfihb aqy ds gurU
sfihbfn dI bfxI qy isWiKaf aqy dsmysL jI
dy aMimRq AuWqy insLcf rWKdf aqy iksy hor Drm nMU nhIN mMndf, Auh isWK hY .
ies qoN ieh Bfv hY ik gurduafrf sfihb ivKy koeI gLYr-isWK
kIrqn nhIN kr skdf . rfgI dieaf isMG jI dy do sfQI gLYr-isWK sn aqy dono mony (clean-shaven)
BI sn . BfeI mrdfnf jI qy BfeI bflf jI dI
imsfl dy ky AunHF sfP ikhf aYsf krnf koeI gLlq nhIN !
ieh jQf keI dysLF ivWc isWKI df pRcfr krdf hY aqy jdoN Auh
afpxy sfQIaF nMU isWKI leI pRyriq nhIN kr sky qF dUsiraF AuWpr kI asr pvygf? In
fact, all Raagi Jathaas, Bhais and Gurduara Prabandhaks should be Role Model
for others.
isWK rihq mrXfdf anusfr gurmiq qoN ivruD koeI sMskfr krn
krfx vflf aqy ‘dfhVf’ rMgx vflf ‘qnKfhIaf’ ikhf jFdf hY . pr
iPr BI ienHF nMU isropf idWqf igaf !
isWK rihq mrXfdf duafrf ieh vI soJI idWqI hoeI hY ik
"sMgq ivWc ieWk vkq ieWko gWl hoxI cfhIey - kIrqn jF kQf, viKafn jF
pfT" . jdoN Auh kIrqn krdy sI, AunHF ny jLrUr dyiKaf hovygf ik nfl dy
Coty kmry ivWc ‘aKMz pfT’ ho irhf sI . pRcfrk hox dy nfqy AunHF ny
gurduafrf sfihb dy pRbMDkF aqy sMgq nMU ies vfry koeI syD nhIN idWqI ikAuNik
mfieaf KLfqr hor rfgI isMG aqy pRcfrk BI izWTI-axizWTI kr idMdy hn ?
"myrf mnu locY gur drsn qfeI" ] mfJ mhlf 5 cAupdy
Gru 1 ] gurU gRMQ sfihb - pMnf 96) gursLbd df kIrqn kridaF AunHF ny ‘cfr
icWTIaF’ vfry vIcfr sFJI kIqI . ies qoN pihlF cAuQy mhly ky sq cAupdy (pMny
94-96) BI drjL hn ijnHF duafrf cAuQy pfqsLfh jI ny koeI sMkyq nhIN idWqf
hoieaf ik AunHF ny afpxy Coty lVky (gurU) arjn nMU lfhOr iksy irsLqydfr dy
anMd kfrj leI Byijaf jF hukm qoN ibgYr nfh afAux dI ihdfieq kIqI hovy . bfkI
dy 49 cAyupdy kyhVIaF icWTIaF nfl joVogy ? ies pRQfie pUry sLbd dI ivafiKaf
aqy sLMky pVH ky syD dyx dI ikRpflq krnI jI . aYsI mnmiq kdoN qWk cldI rhygI ?
hor BI rfgI isMG, kQfkfr, BfeI ies qrHF dy krm-kFz krdy hn
pr isWK rihq nhIN mMndy !
gurU pMQ df dfsrf,
On behalf of the Sikh Khalsa Mission Incorporated,
Gurmit Singh, Gen. Secy, 9 – Hamlin Street, Quakers Hill,
NSW – 2763, Australia
jiqMdr isMG zubeI
Dear sir (Satikar jog Makhan Singh Ji)
I jatinder singh from Dubai.age 28
sir ji main rozana sikhmarg.com te visit karda haan te articles read karda
haan mainu thuhade likhe hoye articles pasand hun main poori taran thuhade
& sr Gurbaksh singh ji kala afgana ji naal sehmat haan.
ajj main ik web site te visit kita uthe gurbaksh singh
ji bare & spoksman de against bahut kuj miliya for exp ( biparbad da
maru hatihar .... & hor bahut kuj) biparbad bare taan mainu tuhada atte sr
Gurbaksh singh da jawab mil gaya hai but baki hor bhee bahut sare topik hun jina
da jawab mainu nahin labbha jekar tusi us da jawab web site te kite paya hai
taan mainu zaroor daso ji jaan jekar aje likhna baki hai taan be mainu zaroor
dasna ji.(us taran mainu tuhade vicharan te koi shanka nahin hai mainu pata hai
jit thuhadi hi honi hai atte ho rahi hai assi sare thude atte gurbaksh singh ji
de naal haan WAHEGURU mehar karange) is gal da jawab main is
layee labh riha haan kiyoon ki kadi-2 sanu behas be karni pe jandi hai is
layee jekar tusi kuch likh bhejoge taa badi mehrbani hovegi ji
Dass jatinder singh dubai
vloN:- jiqMdr isMG jI 'isWK mfrg' nUM pVHn df aqy KLq ilKx df sLukrIaf. keIaF df
kMm inrf nukqfcInI krnf hI huMdf hY, AunHF nUM krI jfx idE, qusIN gurmiq nUM
smJx df Xqn krdy rho. iksy dy jIvn vfry ilKI hoeI iksy gwl df Auqr qF Kud Aus
nUM hI dyxF bxdf hY. gurbKLsL isMG kfly aPgfny dy jIvn qy jo dosL lgdy sn, AunHF
ny Aus df jo Auqr idWqf hY Auh qusIN 'isWK mfrg' qy pVH skdy ho. spoksmYn vfry
qusIN Aus dI vYWb sfeIt qy jf ky pqf kr skdy ho. sfzf iesLt kyvl qy kyvl sLbd
gurU igafn, 'gurU gRMQ sfihb' hY, nf ik koeI zyrf jF iPr koeI zyry vflf sfD. jy
kr quhfnUM 'isWK mfrg' qy koeI gwl gurbfxI qoN Ault lgdI hY jF iksy svfl df
TIk jvfb nhIN lwB irhf qF jrUr ilKo, quhfnUM Aus df TIk Auqr dyx dI koisLsL
kIqI jfvygI. gurUbfxI dy swc ny pRgt ho ky hI rihxF hY. BfeI gurdfs jI dy ilKx
anusfr, "kUVu n phuMcY sc no sAu GfVq GVIaY]" gurbKLsL isMG
dIaF ilKqF ivc gurUbfxI df swc hY. mYN qF ieh swc Aus dIaF ilKqF pVHn qoN pihlF
hI smiJaf hoieaf sI iesy leI qF mYN isWK mfrg qy pihlF hI ilK idWqf sI ik ienHF
hukmnfimaF df myry qy koeI asr nhIN hovygf, kfly aPgfny dIaF ilKqF ibnHF iksy KOP dy 'isWK
mfrg' qy CpdIaF rihxgIaF aqy ieh sB ny dyK hI ilaf hY ik Auh Cp rhIaF hn.)
BfeI jsivMdr isMG
gurU ipafrI sfD sMgq jIE! vfihgurU jI kf Kflsf ] vfihgurU jI
kI PLiqh ]
bynqI hY ik hyT idWqI jfxkfrI nUM apxy vsIilaF rfhIN hor
sMgqF qIk vI phuMcfAux dI Kycl kro jI.
ajkl rojL svyry lgBg 8[30 qy mskIn jI dI kWQf eI: tI: sI:
pMjfbI cYYYYnl qy tYlIkfst kIqI jf rhI hY. sMgqF ivWckfr gurbfxI dI bhuqI soJI
nf hox krky mskIn jho lok, sMMgqF nUM iksqrHF gumrfh kr rhy hn; soJIvfx sMgqF
nUM apIl hY ik ies kQf nUM pihlF afp suxn aqy iPLr ies Aupr pUrf noits lYx aqy
iesbfry sMMgqF nUM jfgRq krx dI Kycl krx. aqI DMnvfdI hovFgy.
jy kr sMgqF ivcoN kuJ gurmuWK ipafry nfl nfl iesdf aMgRyjI
anuvfd vI sMgqF ivc phMucFdy jfx qF ieh vI pMQ dI bVI BfrI syvf hovygI.
gurU kIaF sMgqF ivcoN hor swjxF nUM vI agy afky ies zrfmy nUM
nMgf krn vfsqy sinmR bynqI krdy hF jI.
jykr iksy sWjx nUM ieh mihsUs hovy ik ies lVI ivc koeI gl
aYvy jF vDf-Gtf ky idWqI hY qF cYnl vfilaF kolo sMbMDq kYsyt nUM mMgvf ky qsWlI
kr leI jfvy jI.
kI ieh gurbfxI kQf hY jF gurbfxI dI byadbI jF kuJ hor. qfrIK
23/10/04 dI kQf ivc:
(A) gurU nfnfk dyv jI jgMn nfQ purI gey.EQy AunHF ny afrqI
kIqI aqy sbd piVHaf
"ggn mY Qflu riv cMdu dIpk"[[[
(a) jp ijnF mrjLI kr lE pr jdoN qk jp df rMg nf cVH jfvy
Ayusdf koeI PLfiedf nhIN.
(e) jp vfsqy sfiraf ny apxy apxy mMqr idWqy hn. ihMdUaF dy 24
avqfr hoey hn. jYnIaF dy vI cOvI avqfr hoey hn aqy isWKF dy gurU nfnk dyv jI
hoey hn. sfiraF ny apxf apxf jp mMqr idWqf hY. gurU nfnk ny ‘vfihgurU’ mMqr
idWqf hY. pr gurU nfnk ny apxf mMqr gurU gRMQ sfihb ivc nhIN idWqf. pqf jy
ikAuNik gurU nfnk ny ies ivc BgqF dI bfxI vI ilWKI hY AunHF
sfiraF dy mMqr vWK vWK sn. PLrId df mMqr ‘alf-alf’ sI, kbIr df mMqr ‘siqnfm’
sI, rfmfnMd-prmfnMd df ‘rfm’ ‘rfm’ sI, jYdyv df ‘goibMd’ nfmdyv df
mMqr ‘bITl’ sB dy apxy apxy mMqr sn. iesy vfsqy gurU nfnk jI ny apxf mMqr
guru gRRMQ ivc nhINM idWqf, nhIN qF gurU gRMQ sfihb jI sfiraf dy sFJy gRMQ nhIN
sn ho skdy.
kI iehI hY gurmWq iPLlfsPLI ? jF ik gurmWq dI srfsr byadbI.
srvjIq isMG
kfjLI hoey irsLvqI vWZI lY ky hWk gvfeI
ipCly kuJ hI smy ivwc ieh dUjI vyr hoieaf hY ik jdo iksy
iPrafdI nM swc dy drvfr dy muK syvf dfr ny iensfP nhI idwqf, ieQo inrfsL ho ky
iPrafdI duinafvI adflqf ivwc hfjr hoey aqy iensfP lYx ivwc sPl hoey .
meI 2001 ivwc vydFqI jI dI kichrI ivwc iewk bIbI ny hfjr ho
ky afpxI duK BrI iviQaf suxfeI sI aqy vydFqI jI ny Aus bwcI dy isr qy hwQ rwK ky
iensfP dyx df XkIn dvfieaf sI pr!---
"sfzy Dfrimk afgUaF dy iensfP qoN inrfsL ho ky Auh pIVq
bwcI aqy Aus df prvfr aKIr puils kol jf puhMcy aqy AuhnF dy ibafn sdkf awj dusLt
DnvMq isMG jyl dIaF slfKf ipCy hY. pulIs dvfrf kIqI geI puwC-igwC ivwc Ausny
Aukq bwcI smyq 7 bIbIaf dI ijMdgI brbfd krnf mMn ilaf aqy nfl hI sRI akfl qKq
sfihb dy jQydfr sfihb igafnI joigMdr isMG vydFqI jI dy pI ey aqy sfly, ipRQIpfl
isMG sMDU rfhI 70,000 ruipaf irsLvq dyxf vI mMNn ilaf. (vyKO tfeImjL afP
ieMzIaf, imqI 2 sqMbr 2002). ies qy sLRomxI Kflsf pMcfieq ny sRI akfl qKq dy
jQydfr sfihb igafnI joigMdr isMG vydFqI jI aqy qKq sRI kysgVH sfihb dy jQydfr
sfihb pRo: mnjIq isMG nMU nYiqk aDfr qy asqIPLf dyx leI bynqI kIqI, pr iehnF
jQydfrf ny ajy qwk ies nMU pRvfn nhI kIqf".
(swco-swc, sfkf 22PrvrI 2003 pMnf 14)
bIbI rimdMr kOr dI iPrafd nMU sunx ipCo vI vydFqI jI vlo
dljIq isMG iKlfP koeI krvfeI krn dI QF Aus nMU snmfnq krnf aqy Aus dy zyry
vfr-vfr gyVy mfrny, ieh sfbq krdy hn ky ieQo irsLvq rupeIaF ivwc nhI sgNo zflrF
ivwc hovygI . pr DMnvfd hY ropV dI Aus adflq df ijs ny iewk duiKafrI aorq aqy
Aus dy bwcy nMU iensfP idwqf hY.
pNMQ drdIaf nMU svfl:-
iswK rihq mrXfdf ivwc pMnf 30 Aupr ieh drj hY ik ieh cfr
kurihqF nhI krnIaF
- kysF dI by-adbI .
2) kuwTf Kfxf .
3) pr-iesqRI jF pr-pursL df gmn (Bogxf) .
4) qmfkU df vrqxf .
hux jdo, ieh adflq ivwc iewh sfbq ho cuwkf hY ik dljIq isMG
dy iksy hor aOrq nfl nfjfiejL sMbMD hn, qF kI Aus Auqy, Aupr ilKI mwd n: 3 lfgU
hMudI hY jF nhI?
dUjI bynqI,
iswK rihq mrXfdf ivwc pMnf 31 Aupr ieh drj hY :-
(T) qnKfhIey ieh hn :-
1 mIxy, msMd, DIrmwlIey, rfmrfeIey afidk pMQ ivroDIaF nfl jF
nVImfr, kuVImfr , isrguMm nfl vrqv vflf qnKfhIaf ho jfdf hY.
kI kurihqIey nfl vrqx vflf (vydFqI jI) qnKfhIaf huMdf hY jF
nhI ?.
pfTkf nMU inmrqf sfihq bynqI hY ik, rihq mrXfdf vfry isDfqk
syD dyx dI ikRpflqf krnI jI .
hoeIaf Bulf leI iKmf krnf
afdr sihq
srvjIq isMG
hrjIq isMG hOlYNz
hOlYNz dy iswKF vlo Bfrq dy pRDfn mMqrI sR mnmohn isMG nMU
PrFs dy dsqfr msly dy sMbMD ivwc Xfd pwqr idwqf igaf
zYnhfg (hOlYNz) : iswK kimAuintI bYnyluks, pMjFb rfeIts
afrgynfeIjysLn bYnyluks, sLromxI akflI dl aimMMRqsr hOlYNz vlo sFJy qor qy
05/11/04 suwkrvfr nMU pRDfn mMqrI mnmohn isMG jI nMU Xfd pwqr BfrqI aMbYsI dy
rfhI idwqf igaf. BfeI crn isMG jI pRDfn aqy BfeI hrjIq isMG vlo jfrI ibafn ivwc
dwisaf igaf ik asI pihlf PrFs dy iswKF dI bynqI Auwpr pRDfn mMqrI jI nfl dsqfr
ivsLy Auwpr BfrqI aMbYsI rfhI smf lYx leI koisLsL kIqI geI sI . pr BfrqI aMbYsI
dy Prst sYktrI sRI mfn mukrjI nfl sMbMD sQfpq kIqy gey sn pr AuhnF ny smy dI Gft
kfrn afpxI mjbUrI dwsI aqy ikhf ik qusI afpxf mksd icwTI pwqr rfhI sfzy rfhI dws
dyvo. iesy qrF afpxy ivcfrf rfhI pRDfn mMqrI jI nMU Xfd krfieaf ik afp jI ny
sLRI gurU gRMQ sfihb jI dy 400 sflf pRkfsL idhfVy Auwpr afpxy BfsLx dorfn ikhf
sI ik afpjI sRI guru gRMQ sfihb jI dy AupdysLf nMU sfrI dunIaf ivwc phMUcfAux
leI Auprfly krogy. ies leI hux afpjI df sB qo pihlf Prj ieh hY ik afp jI gurU
sfihbfn vlo bKsLI hoeI Kflsy dI dsqfr jo PrFs dy nvy bxy kfnMUn anusfr Kqry ivwc
pY geI hY nMU hwl krvfieaf jfvy. afp jI , afpjI dy hOlYNz dy srkfrI kMmf dorfn
XorpIan aiDkfrIaf nfl vI ies msly sMbMDI gwlbfq kro. iqMnf jQybMdIaf ny sfJy
ibafn c ikhf ik Auh iswK Drm dy pRcfr leI aqy dsqfr dy leI hr koisLsL krdy
rihxgy. Xfd rhy ik ieh mOmorMzm hOlYz iswKF dI bynqI anusfr idwqf igaf. ijhnF
ivwc Kfs qOr Auwpr nF vrnx Xog hn AuhnF ivwc BfeI juigMdr isMG jI, BfeI gurdyv
isMG jI, BfeI suwcf isMG jI BfeI sLmsLyr isMG jI, BfeI jrnYl isMG jI BfeI ipafrf
isMG jI, BfeI jsivMdr isMG, BfeI divMdr isMG jI, BfeI rfijMdr isMG jI, BfeI myjr
isMG jI, BfeI hrivMdr isMG, BfeI mnjIq isMG afid .
Harjit Singh Holland
dIaf iswK jQybMdIaf vlo kIqI apIl Auwqy PrFs ivwclf dsqfr df mslf XorpIan
pfrlImYNt ivwc kimsLn kol
hOlYNz dIaf iqMn iswK jQybMdIaf pMjfb rfeIts afrgynfeIjysLn hOlNYz , iswK
kimAuintI bYnyluks aqy sLrmoxI akflI dl aMimRqsr hOlNYz vlo jfrI sFJy ibafn ivwc
ikhf igaf hY ky dsqfr dy msly leI ipCly sfl jnvrI ivwc apIl XorpIan pfrlImYNt
ivwc ByjI geI sI jo ky hux XorpIan kimsLn kol cly geI hY. qfjf afeI icwTI muqfbk
ky kimsLn ny kys qy kMm krnf sLurU kr idwqf hY pr lMbf smf lwg skdf hY. asI
sfrIaf sMgqF aqy sMsQfvf kolo afs
rwKdy hF ky jykr kimsnN ny sfzy kolo dsqfr dy sMbMD ivwc hor jfxkfrI mMgI qF
sfnMU pUrf sfQ imlygf. ikAuik ieh kMm afp sB dy sihjog nfl hI hoxf hY. sR crn
isMG jI hOlYNz jo ky qkrIbn 1983 qo Xorp ivwc rih rhy hn ny dwisaf ky iesy qrF
df kys ieMglYNz dy iswKF ny 1983 ivwc ieMglYNz dI hfAus afP komn ivwco jf ky
ijwiqaf sI. Aus vkq sR crn isMG jI ieMglYNz ivwc QoVy smy qo hI rih rhy sn.
ies ibafn nMU sR hrivMdr isMG, sR hrjIq isMG aqy sR crn isMG pRDfn sLromxI akflI
dl aimMRqsr hOlYNz ny jfrI kIqf. agr iksy vI vIr ny koeI suJfa dyxf hovy qF ies
Pon Auwpr dy skdy ho 0031-620682862
blbIr isMG sUc
Some Thoughts on the State of Women in India -
Sexual harassment does occur in the judiciary and the
courtrooms of India
You can read this at: http://www.sikhspectrum.com/112004/women_bss.htm
sMqoK isMG afstRylIaf
isropf jF isropfAu df sLbdI arQ hY isr qoN lY ky pYrF qk prdf
kwjx vflLf bsqr. gurU jI dI bKLsLsL df sdkf gurU dy iswKF dy prdy gurU afp kwjdf
hY. hukm vI hY,
"pRym ptolf qY shu idqf Zkx kU piq myrI]"
gurU Gr vwloN iksy ivakqI dI syvf dI pRsMsf vjoN Aus nUM
isropy dI bKLsLsL kIqI jFdI hY. awj-klH afm qOr qy glL ivc pfAux vflLy kysrI rMg
dy hjUrIey dy rUp ivc jF loeI, pusqkF afid dy rUp ivc, gurduafrf sfihb ivKY
mhFrfj dI hjLUrI ivc, sMgq dy snmuK, gurU Gr dy syvfdfrF vwloN, bKLisLaf jFdf
hY. ies bKLsLsL nUM monYtrI jF afrQkqf dy pwK qoN nhI blik snmfnq bKLsLIsL vjoN
bKLisLaf aqy pRfpq kIqf jFdf hY.
ies nUM pRfpq krn df dfavydfr nhI koeI bx skdf blik ies dI
siqgurU jI dI myhr sdkf gurU Gr vwloN bKLsLsL dy rUp ivc hI pRfpqI huMdI hY.
mY iehnF sMKyp sLbdF rfhIN gurduafrf sfihbfn dy pRbMDkF,
gRMQI isMGF, mIzIaf vfilaF aqy hor srbwq sbMDq swjxF dI syvf ivc, inmrqf sihq
bynqI krdf hF ik Auh "isropf Byt kIqf igaf" afKx dI bjfey "isropf
bKLsLsL kIqf igaf" ikhf krn; ikAuNik Bytf hmysLF Coty vwloN vwzy nUM
idqI jFdI hY jdoN ik isropf, mfx vDfAux vfsqy hmysLF vwzy vwloN Coty nUM,
bKLsLsL dy rUp ivc, idqf jFdf hY. so jdoN siqgurU jI dy dr qoN iksy gurU ky lfl
nUM, AusdI syvf qy pRsMn hoky isropy dI bKLsLIsL kIqI jFdI hY qF asIN
"isropf ByNt kIqf igaf" bol ky jF ilK ky, siqgurU jI dy snmfn nUM Tys
pucfAux df pfp kr rhy huMdy hF.
sMqoK isMG afstRylIaf
Tel: + 612 9677 2910
gurmIq isMG astRylIaf
Respectable Bibi Jagir Kaur jee,
President of the SGPC, SGPC Member Bibi Kiranjot Kaur jee, Members of the
Dharam Parchaar Committee and other well wishers of the Guru Khalsa Panth
Waheguru jee ka Khalsa Waheguru jee
kee Fateh
As we all know that Gurbaani enshrined in the Guru Granth
Sahib is our Everlasting Guru. It is also our Heritage. Gold, marble, bricks
could not be considered Sikh's Heritage. Accordingly, building described as
Golden Temple or Harimandir housing the Guru Granth Sahib may not fall within
the meaning of the Heritage of Sikhs. In the Guru Granth Sahib where wording
'mandir' is used it represents either our body or Hindu's temple which has
nothing to do with Sikhs' Religious place. Ours are Darbaar Sahib, Akaal Takht
Sahib, Gurduara Sahib. We should not use Hinduised terminology for our
Religious Centres and other Congregation Halls. Any gold donated by well
wishers should be utilised for the setting of free hospitals, Gurmatt
schools/colleges and assistance to the poor because Sikh Reht Maryada tells
us: "A Sikh shall regard a poor person's mouth as the Guru's cash
offerings box - Guru Kee Goluk". It should equally apply to SGPC &
all Gurduaras. I shall be grateful if customary approach is reconsidered
by the SGPC.
With Charhdi Kalaa of Guru Panth,
Gurmit Singh, J. P., (Australia)
pRo: mwKx isMG XU[ aYWs[ ey[
Three Day Sikh Conference
at Gurdwara Sahib, Charlote, North Carolina.
The Sikh Sangat of Charlotte, North Carolina had a three day celebration of
the first anniversary of the opening of their beautifully constructed Gurdwara
Sahib from October 22 through Oct 24, 2004. The celebration consisted of daily
Shabad Keertan, Gurmat Veechar, and a Conference on issues concerning the
Sikhs. Among the speakers, Dr. Surendrapal Singh spoke on the Bhagat Banis of
Sri Guru Granth Sahib, highlighting the massage emanating from the Shaloks of
Shiekh Farid. Professional Engineer, S. Kirpal Singh under the title of
“March of Sikhism, A struggle between Truth and Falsehood” introduced the
falsehood of the writings of “Gur Bilas Patshahi 6”, and “Dasam
Granth” comparing them with the Truths of Guru Granth Sahib. Professor of
English, Roshan Attrey, spoke on the need of the Gurdwara for the propagation
of Sikhism, highlighting the vision, struggles, and success of the Charlotte
Sangat in that direction by completing the permanent establishment of the
Gurdwara Sahib in Charlotte. He especially highlighted the issues facing the
Sikhs in the Western existence and the strategies for a bright future.
The keynote speaker, S. Gurbakhash Singh KalaAfgana, on the first day of the
celebration, gave a brief personal introduction and spoke of a series of
events in his life which prompted him to start his systematic investigation of
non-Sikh, Brahmanical, practices in daily Sikh life. He spoke of the steady
deterioration of the Sikh way of life, attributing this decline to the
community’s entanglement in rituals. He emphasized that the Guru Granth
Sahib is our One and Only Real Guru. Hence for a Sikh, there is no other
source of wisdom or guidance!
The following day, during the conference, S. Gurbaksh Singh KalaAfgana, gave a
more detailed account regarding ritualistic practices in the Sikh Nation,
which have created havoc and reduced the once glorious name of the Sikhs into
dust. He spoke of countless “Sants” and “Babas” who have deluded the
Sikh masses for their own gain. The only “Sant” in Sikhism according to
him is the Guru Granth Sahib. He also highlighted that ritualistic Naam Simran
or recitation of a “name” of Waheguru is nothing but a Brahamnical ritual.
He emphasized that the real Naam Simran is the realization of the infinite
within oneself and within the creation. He emphatically claimed that “Gur
Bilas Patshahi 6” and Dasam Granth are the root causes of the mass
deterioration within Sikhism and explained the process of this deterioration.
He gave specific details and narrated various stories from these two Granths
which, through their false claims, have polluted and insulted the image of the
Gurus and Sikhism.
On the third day, the Charlotte Sikh Sangat was present in large numbers to
celebrate the first anniversary of their Gurdwara. They keenly listened to S.
Gurbakhash Singh KalaAfgana talk about the unfair treatment that he received
from the “Sikh leadership.” The sangat learned of the ritualistic
practices that have infiltrated Sikhism and have detached Sikhs from their
Guru Granth Sahib. In no uncertain terms, he denounced many mindless rituals
that have become an integral part of Sikhism, such as continuous recitation of
Guru Granth Sahib or Akhand Path. He spoke of the utmost importance of
“Shabad Vichaar” as being central to Sikhism. After the Gurdwara program
many hours were spent discussing the pressing issues of the day.
S. Gurbakhash Singh KalaAfgana was warmly received by the Charlotte Sangat and
he was given utmost respect. The Sangat felt that S. KalaAfgana deserves great
honor and recognition as a true Sikh and true Hero.
Prof. Makhan Singh.
rxjIq isMG
Sampadak Ji,
Waheguru ji ka khalsa
Waheguru ji ki fateh
You are doing a good job. Waheguru App JI Noo Chardi Klaa Bakshe.
Ranjeet Singh
vrz isWK kONsl
World Sikh Council - America Region Condemns Denial of
Justice to Sikh Victims of November 1984 in India; Urges World Community and UN
to Demand Transparency, Accountability, and Restitution from India; Supports
USCIRF Recommendation to Designate India as a "Country of Particular
October 28, 2004
Contact: Dr. Tarunjit Singh, Secretary General, 614-210-0591,
World Sikh Council - America Region (WSC-AR)
P.O. Box 3635, Columbus, Ohio 43210, USA
Phone: 614-210-0591, Fax: 419-535-6794
Website: www.worldsikhcouncil.org
On the 20th anniversary of the massacre of thousands of Sikh men, women, and
children across India, the World Sikh Council - America Region (WSC-AR)
remembers and pays tribute to the Sikhs and their families who were affected by
this genocidal pogrom.
WSC-AR condemns the continued denial of justice by the Indian
Government to the Sikh victims of November 1984. It urges the world community
and the Secretary General of the United Nations to demand transparency,
accountability, and restitution from India, which claims to be the world's
largest functional democracy.
WSC-AR supports the February 2004 recommendation of the
United States Commission on International Religious Freedom (USCIRF) to the
United States Government to designate India as a "Country of Particular
Concern." The Commission makes such a recommendation for countries whose
governments may have "engaged in or tolerated systematic, ongoing, and
egregious abuses of freedom of religion."
WSC-AR strongly urges Sikhs all over the world to redouble
their support (both moral and financial) to the families of the victims. WSC-AR
also calls upon Sikhs in the US to participate in vigils and memorials being
organized in your local areas.
The assassination of the Indian Prime Minister Indira Gandhi
on October 31, 1984, allegedly by two Sikh members of her security force,
triggered an orgy of violence and ethnic cleansing against Sikhs in India's
capital city of New Delhi and across the country.
"Almost as many Sikhs died in a few days in India in
1984 than all the deaths and disappearances in Chile during the 17-year military
rule of Gen. Augusto Pinochet between 1973 and 1990.. Not only Chile, but also
Argentina, Peru, Mexico, South Africa, and Ethiopia, among other nations, have
been addressing atrocities from decades past. India, in refusing to confront its
bloody recent history, stands in glaring contrast to these nations", writes
Barbara Crossette, the New York Times Bureau Chief in Delhi from 1988 to 1991,
in her recent article titled "India's Sikhs: Waiting for Justice"
published in the Summer 2004 issue of World Policy Journal.
"The planned brutal massacre and ethnic cleansing of Sikhs twenty years
ago, and the inability of several commissions of inquiry and various political
parties in power at the federal level to fix responsibility for this ethnic
cleansing indicates that justice delayed to Sikhs in India is indeed justice
denied," said Mr. Kuldeep Singh, Chairperson of WSC-AR.
"The Sikh community's repeated appeals for transparency,
accountability, and restitution to the Indian Government have been ignored as
not being in the interest of peace. We pay homage to the victims of state
terrorism in India and pray for divine blessings on the survivors who are still
suffering from the trauma of this genocide," said Dr. Gurcharan Singh,
Vice-Chairperson of WSC-AR.
"The Indian Government's brutal pre-planned genocidal
attempts on the Sikh faith have not succeeded. Today, we stand before God as a
community committed to peace with justice. To secure a true peace, justice must
prevail," said Dr. Anahat Kaur, a member of the Executive Committee of
Printed media and citizen commission reports show that
following the assassination of Mrs. Indira Gandhi on October 31, 1984, thousands
of Sikh men and women were killed and raped across India for a period of at
least two weeks.
These reports show that during this pogrom, thousands of Sikh
men were murdered, some necklaced with tires soaked in kerosene and set afire by
jubilant mobs, and thousands of Sikh women were publicly raped, many in front of
their male relatives.
A published citizen's commission report states one Sikh
woman's harrowing experience: "The women were herded together into one
room. Some of them ran away but were pursued to the nearby nallah (stream) where
they were raped. Their shrieks and cries for help fell on deaf ears. From among
the women held in the room, hoodlums asked each other to select whomsoever they
chose. All the women were stripped and many dishonored. She herself was raped by
ten men. Their lust satisfied, they told the women to get out, naked as they
were. For fear of their lives they did so, hiding their shame as best as
possible. Each begged or borrowed a garment from relenting neighbours and sought
shelter wherever they could." (Delhi: 31 October to 4 November 1984, Report
of the Citizen's Commission, January 1985, pp. 18-19.)
The Indian Government estimated the number of persons killed
in Delhi alone during the first three days of November 1984 at nearly 2,700. A
list of 3,870 names of Sikhs killed was published by Indian Express, November 1,
1989. The total for the country is estimated to be about 20,000, with 10,000 in
Delhi alone. Several citizen commission reports have documented that the leaders
of India's ruling Congress Party and officials of the Government organized and
encouraged these massacres of Sikhs to "teach the Sikhs a lesson."
The massacre and faked encounter killings of Sikhs,
especially the Sikh youth, has continued since 1984 in India. In the last 20
years, more than a quarter million Sikhs are reported to have been killed.
"On the strength of.constitutional features, India
claims to be the largest functional democracy in the world where wide-spread
human rights abuses, systematic persecution of estranged communities and
suppression of political dissent cannot occur. However, the experiences of the
Sikhs in Punjab show that as a demonised community targeted for abuse by the
authorities, they had no protection from the leaders of the supposedly
independent institutions, including the judiciary, either in shielding their
fundamental rights against imminent violations or in obtaining acknowledgement
and legal restitution of wrongs. Freedom of discourse remained an empty promise
which even the higher judiciary joined the chorus to turn the page and
obliterate the victims' memory on the grounds that a public discussion and
scrutiny focusing on past abuses and the role of institutions would undermine
the interests of peace and social order," writes Mr. Ram Narayan Kumar, et.
al. in a May 2003 report titled Reduced to Ashes (Volume One) published by the
Asia Forum for Human Rights. (www.punjabjustice.org/report/report.htm)
ibkRmjIq isMG ‘btflvI’
siqkfrXog pMQ drdIE,
gur Pqih[[[[[!
nfpfk pfku kir hdUir hdIsf sfbq sUriq dsqfr isrf]
(mfrU mhlf 5, pMnf 1084)
bhuq duwK hoieaf jdoN 22 akqUbr nUM rojLfnf ajIq aKbfr ‘c
ieh Poto vyKI. BfeI jsvIr isMG aqy BfeI rxjIq isMG Auh ividarQI hn ijnHF nUM
sqMbr dy sLurU qoN hI klfs ivcoN kwZ idwqf igaf sI. ienHF df jLurm ieh hY ik ieh
dsqfr sjfAuNdy hn. myrI sfry vIrF, jQybMdIaF, sBf-susfietIaF, Dfrimk aqy
rfjnIiqk kmytIaF awgy jodVI hY ieh jo dsqfr mslf hY ies nUM gMBIrqf nfl lYNdy
hoey kuJ nf kuJ krn. Gwto-Gwt iek pwqr hI afpxI sMsQf vloNN PrFs srkfr nUM ilKx.
ijs ivc dsqfr dI ahmIaq nUM dwsidaF, iswKI aqy dsqfr bfry kuJ ZukvyN idRsLtfq vI
idwqy jfx.
pMQ nUM iek muwT dyKx dI afsLf ivc:
ibkRmjIq isMG ‘btflvI’
jiqMdr isMG pfnIpwq
Manyog Sardar Makhan Singh Ji
Waheguru ji ka Khalsa Waheguru ji ki fateh.
Main app ji di site Sikhmarg nu daily roteen vich parda haan,
aap ji da bahut bahut dhanwad jo aap Sikh Panth di eh Mahan Sewa kar rahe ho,
Waheguru aap ji nu hor udam bakshe tanki tusi panth di sewa karde raho.
Aap ji pass ek binti si aap ji di site ton Prof. Darshan
singh ji di recording suni Actually Prof. Sahib naal contact karna si aasi Singh
Sahib nu (Panipat, India) bulana Chane haan but onha da contact No. nahi mil
raha so please agar tusi Prof. Sahib da Contact no. or e-mail ID (Indian
Address) de sako tan aap ji de bahut bahut dhanwadi hovan ge.
Jatinder Singh
Panipat (India)
gurmIq isMG astRylIaf
Gurmukh Piarey Makhan Singh jee,
Waheguru jee ka Khalsa Waheguru jee kee Fateh Today when I desired
to view www.sikhmarg.com it took about 45
minutes and then again when I saw your message about MP3 for downloading, it
took further 20 minutes or so. This may be my fault because I have no IT
knowledge. Any how I have heard the views of Professor jee. SGPC or Jathedaars
are not going to listen any suggestion. They are surrounded by same hinduised
sant-babas, RSS/BJP/Congressites/Communists. It is well said that History
repeats itself.
Gurmit Singh
crnjIq isMG bwl
Dear cyberspace Brethren
I have published on my Web Site, www.sikhsundesh.net,
the up to-date, abridged chronology of the Air India Massacre trial as reported
by reporter Kim Bolan in the Vancouver Sun. I will add more chapters of the
trial as it progresses. Please click on Air India Massacre trial link to view
the page.
Charnjit Singh Bal
isMG sBf ieMtrnYsLnl (XU[ ky[)
Ç ÃÄsiqgur
pRsfid Ç
kubuiD imtY gur sbdu bIcfir !!
Tel. No. 07939922484
Date 10-10-2004.
President : Avtar Singh
General Secretary: Sewa Singh
Treasure: Maninderpal Singh
Ref.No. SSI…
aWj 10 akqUbr 2004 idn aYqvfr nMU
isMG sBf ieMtrnYsLnl ( XU ky ) vWlLo Cranford Community
College,High Street, Cranford, Middlesex, TW5 9PD
ivKy krvfeI geI ivsLv isWK kfnPrMs ivc hyT ilKy mqy vIcfr
vtFdry AupRMq pRvfn kIqy gey.
1[ sLoRmxI gurdvfrf pRbMDk kmytI aMimRqsr, idWlLI gurdvfrf pRbMDk kmytI, borz
hjLUr sfihb aqy ptnf sfihb qoN ielfvf sMsfr Br dy gurdvfiraF dIaF pRbMDk kmytIaF
nMU apIl kIqI jFdI hY ik pMQ pRvfinq isWK rihq mirafdf lfgU krky pMQ nMU iek lVI
ivc pro ky duibDf KLqm krn df Auprflf krn.
2[ bIbI jgIr kOr pRDfn sLRomxI gurdvfrf pRbMDk kmytI dy Aus PLYsly dI sLlfGf
krdy hF ijs ivc AunF ny jQydfrF, rfgIaF aqy pRcfrkF qy Gt qoN GWt ipClI PyrI qoN
do sfl bfd ivdysLF ivc jfx dI pfbMdI lfeI hY. asIN mihsUs krdy hF ik aWj isWKI
pRcfr dI loV ivsLysL krky pMjfb dy ipMzF aqy Bfrq dy hor pRFqF ivc vsdy lokF nMU
hY. smyN dI mMg hY ik ieh jQydfr, pRcfrk aqy rfgI AuQy Byjy jfx.
3[ isWK sMgq nMU bynqI kIqI jFdI hY ik aKOqI Dfrimk afgUaF
aqy bIbIaF df sLosLx krn vfly pKMzI bfibaF nfloN nfqf qoVn. ies dy nfl hI
sLoRmxI gurdvfrf pRbMDk kmytI aqy hor sbMDq sMsQFvF nMU vI bynqI kIqI jFdI hY ik
aijhy ivakqIaF ivruD kfnMUnI aqy hor ZuWkvI kfrvfeI krn. ivsLv Br dy gurdvfiraF
nMU vI aijhf krn dI apIlL kIqI jFdI hY.
4[ AunHF pMjfbI aKbfrF aqy mfiDam dy hor sfDnF ( ryizE) nMU
bynqI kIqI jFdI hY ik pYsy kmfEx dI Kfqr jfdU tUxy vfly pIrF aqy sfDF dy
iesLiqhfr dy ky isWK pirvfrF nMU AunHF dy jfl ivc nf Psfx. ies dy nfl hI ijhVy
ryizE aqy aKbfr aijhy TWgF qoN bWc ky rihx lLeI cyqfvnI idMdy hn AunHF df asIN
sfry DMnvfd krdy hF aqy isWK pirvfrF nMU apIl krdy hF ik aijhy sfDnF dI hr sMBv
shfieqf krn.
5[ isWK smfj ivc jfq pfq, dhyjL, piqqpuxy aqy nisLaF dy syvn
vrgIaF smfijk kurIqIaF ny Gr kr ilaf hY jy jQybMd ho ky ienHF ivruD pRcfr nf
kIqf igaf qF ies dy bhuq gMBIr isWty inklxgy aqy afEx vflIaF nslF sfnMU kdy
muafP nhIN krngIaF. ies leI ienHF kurIqIaF, vihmF, BrmF ivruWD jUJx leI sfrf
isWK pMQ lfmbMd hovy.
7[isWK pMQ dy mhfn ivdvfn aqy sLRI akfl qKLq sfihb dy sfbkf
muWK syvfdfr poRPYsr drsLn isMG jI ny igafnI joigMdr isMG vydFqI dI hfjLrI ivc
kWcI bfxI aqy gurimq dI gWlLq ivafiKaf krn vfly bfibaF bfry gurbfxI dI rosLnI
ivc inDWVk ho ky knYzf ivKy ijhVy vIcfr pRgt kIqy hn Aus leI asIN pRoPysr sfihb
dy bhuq DMnvfdI hF aqy AunF vWloN pRgtfey vIcfrF dI pusLtI krdy hF .
8[ "iekf bfxI ieku guru ieko sbdu vIcfir" dy isDFq
nMU lY ky isMG sBf ieMtrnYsLnl nF dI sMsQf sMsfr dy vWK vWK dysLF ivc sQfipq ho
cuWkI hY jo ik inrol gurimq dy pRcfr aqy isWK rihq mirafdf nMU lfgU krvfx leI
qWqpr hY . ies leI afp jI dy sihXog dI bhuq loV hY.
6[ aMq ivc asIN vWK vWK dysLF ivc hoeIaF ivsLv isWK kfnPrMsF
aqy 26 akqUbr 2003 ivc cMzIgV ivKy hoeI kfnPrMs ivc pfs hoey miqaF df BrpUr
smrWQn krdy hF.
jfrI krqf –
Sewa Singh
General Secretary
Singh Sabha International (U.K.)
gurmIq isMG astRylIaf
Sattkaarjog Bhai Gurbakhsh Singh jee,
Waheguru jee ka Khalsa Waheguru jee kee Fateh
Today on receipt of The Sikh Review, October 2004 I was
delighted to read the Book Review by Bhai Ardaman Singh jee and Dr. Inderjit
Singh jee (USA). At the same time I am grateful to S. Saran Singh jee, Retd. IAS
because he has taken a very bold step to publish it which means inviting trouble
or on line for next excommunication by the goluk servants. Truly, I admire their
courage. I am sure that Editors of other Sikh Magazines being published in
Canada, USA, Uk, Germany, etc. should also raise their voice. In the meantime
you may wish to give gist of your Punjab visit within 3-4 pages and place it on www.sikhmarg.com
May Akaal Purkh bless you Charhdi Kalaa.
Gurmit Singh, J. P.
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