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ikvyN drjn Br dysLF dy smuMdrI iknfiraF dy vsnIk, aqy rmxIk smuMdrI sYrgfhF qy pRymIaF qy prvfrF smyq CuwtIaF mnfAux gey lokF df, pl Br ivc qIh-cflLI Puwt pfxI dI kMD, kflL bxky afeI qy afpxy nflL sB kuJ rohV ky lY geI. kuJ dIaF lfsLF imlLIaF qy kuJ dIaF Auh vI nf. jo bcy Auh vI lwKF vflLy kwKF qoN hOlLy ho gey. "kOx afKy sfihb nUM, ieMj nhI qy ieMj kr." iekf-dukf krfmfq vrgIaF GtnfvF dIaF KLbrF vI afeIaF; ijvyN ik koeI kuJ idnF bfad mlby hyToN inkilLaf, koeI drwKLq qoN tMigaf lfihaf, koeI bwcf ctfeI qy bYTf qy ctfeI pfxI qy qrdI pfeI geI, iksy jvfn bIbI df mfrg drsLn vwz afkfrI swp ny kIqf qy ies qrHF Auh iksy hor dy do juVvyN bwicaF nUM, qr ky bcfAux ivc smrwQ rhI afid kudrq dy kihr sfhmxy apvfd srUp GtnfvF vI GtIaF. ijvyN ik hr cMgI idsx vflLI Gtnf ipCy koeI mfVf asr Cuipaf huMdf hY eysy qrHF hryk mMdI vfprnf ipCy vI koeI cMgf asr AuGV pYNdf hY. ies pdfrQvfdI qy mhF svfrQvfdI Xug ivc vI ijvyN ies kudrqI afPLq smy jnqf ivc prAupkfr qy duKIaF dI syvf qy shfieqf leI AuqsLfh Aumigaf hY, ies dI vI imsfl Gwt hI imlLdI hY. vfihgurU kry mnuKqf df mfnvI pwK eysy qrHF hI prgt huMdf rhy aqy iesdy nflL hI srb sLkqImfn rwb qoN afAu sfry hI asIN krqy dI kudrq sfhmxy byvws jIv rihmq mMgIey qF ik Auh afpxI hI sfjI isRsLtI dy jIvF nUM eynI kTn pRIiKaf ivc nf pfvy. sfry sMsfr qy suK vrqfvy. asIN alpwg jIv bynqI hI kr skdy hF qy ies rfhI sdf suK dy cfhvfn rihMdy hF. vYsy gurU ky iswK df isdk qF gurU nfnk jI dy sLbdF ivc, "jo quDu BfvY sfeI BlI kfr]" (pMnf 3) Aupr sLfkr rihxf hI hoxf cfhIdf hY pr Pyr vI svfrQ vws asIN kudrqI kihr qoN bcx leI hwQ-pYr mfrdy hI rihMdy hF.srbwq jIaF dI BlfeI vfsqy, pMjvyN gurU jI vwloN, rwb dI syvf ivc kIqI geI ies pRfrQnf dy nflL afpxI gwl bMd krdf hF: sBy jIa smfil apxI myhr kru](pMnf 1251) srbwq dy Bly dI locnf sihq, sMqoK isMG bIbI hr ismrq kOr KLflsf Funeral Prayer For the Vicitims of the Punjabi Train Accident By Bibi Har Simirit Kaur Khalsa Gurbani Prachar Mission of USA 510-432-5827 Oh magnificent Creator, You have given us all we need. You have clothed the naked, You have fed the hungry, You cause the great spheres to rotate in the heavens. May Your great name be exalted and hallowed in the universe, which has been created by Your graceful word, from which salvation sprouts forth. You are exalted, above all blessings, adoration, and praise. May complete peace descend onto us from Heaven and may we experience Your bliss and eternal Life. You have given us our beloved ones and they have passed on to the other dimension of existence. Though we grieve their absence, we dwell not on our loss, but on the legacies they have left behind all the blessings that they have imparted to us. Though they be in another dimension, they are not separated from us as they merge with You, so do we now merge with You, submitting to Your divine will and love, to reign over every aspect of our essence. Now that we have merged even more to You, the pain of the loss of our loved ones is no longer, because they are in You, and we now are in You. You have given us our loved ones. You are our source of comfort. You are our source of sustenance. You are our source of peace. You are our source of guidance. ivkrm prqfp isMG aqy Aus dI mfqf jI ![]() My dear uncle Purewal ji, Waheguru ji ka khalsa, Waheguru ji ke Fateh. My name is Vikram Partap Singh. I am five year old. My mama is writing a letter for you from my side. I am the only Sikh Student in Lima Peru.We are very great full to you. We are learning too much from your www.sikhmarg.com Waheguru will take care of you. You are doing a great job for the Sikh Panth. My fateh to all members of your family. Guru Rakha. Vikram Partap Singh. Lima-Peru - South America. isWK ivrsf 'kYlgrI' sfihbjLfidaF dI 300 sflf sLhIdI sLqfbdI mOky kYlgrI ivwc sLfndfr kvI drbfr! kYlgrI: kYlgrI ivwc ipCly ds sfl qoN Cp rhy mfisk mYgjIn iswK ivrsf vloN sRI gurU goibMd isMG jI dy 4 sfihbjLfidaF qy mfqf gujrI jI dI 300 sflf sLhIdI sLqfbdI nUM smripq iewk sLfndfr kvI drbfr krvfieaf igaf. ies kvI drbfr ivwc 30 dy krIb kvIaF ny afpxy klfm pysL kIqy. sfry kvIaF vloN sfihbjfidaF qy mfqf gujrI jI dy jIvn nfl sbMDq vwK-vwK pihlUaF qy afpxIaF kivqfvF, gIq, gLjLlF afid pysL kIqIaF geIaF. kYlgrI ivwc ies qrHF df ivlwKx iksm df kvI drbfr pihlI vfr hoieaf. iPlpfeIn klcrl sYNtr ivwc hoey ies kvI drbfr df –25 izgrI TMz ivwc drsLkF ny KUb anMd mfixaf. ies mOky qy hfijr sroiqaF leI cfh pfxI df Kfs pRbMD iswK ivrsf vloN kIqf igaf sI.ies mOky kvI drbfr ivwc ihwsf lYx vfilaF ivwc AuGy gLjLlgo qy pMjfbI ilKfrI sBf kYlgrI dy pRDfn kysr isMG nIr, gLjLlgo ksLmIrf isMG cmn, gLjLlgo pRo: mohn isMG aOjlf, gLjLlgo pRo: sLmsLyr isMG sMDU, iswK ivrsf dy izptI aYzItr pRo: mnjIq isMG ipafsf, AuGy lyKk iekbfl arpn, AuGI kivqrI qy pMjfbI sfihq sBf kYlgrI dI pRDfn suirMdr gIq, AuGy nftkkfr hrkMvljIq sfihl, suirMdr ryihl, iqRlocn sYNbI, hrBjn kOr ZINzsf, jsvMq isMG aigafnI, jsvIr isMG shoqf, minMdr aMbflvI, blijMdr sMGf, pRvfs tI[vI[ host dIpisLKf brfV, gfiek inMmf Kihrf, gurmIq kOr srpfl, khfxIkfr juigMdr sMGf, mihMdrpfl aYs pfl, rfj kYlgrI, gurivMdr nItf qoN ielfvf AuGy kvIsLr srUp isMG mMzyr qy bicwqr isMG igwl ny afpxI kvIsLrI df KUb rMg bMinHaf. ies mOky pVHIaF geIaF sfrIaF rcnfvF dI iewk pusqk pRogrfm dy aKIr ivwc sfry sroiqaF nUM vMzI geI. iqMn GMty cwly ies kvI drbfr nUM suxn leI sB sroqy sKq TMz dy bfvjUd aKIr qwk bYTy rhy. kvI drbfr dy aKIr qy adfrf iswK ivrsf vloN sfry kvIaF nUM trOPIaF dy ky snmfinq kIqf igaf. jo ik dsLmysL klcr sYNtr dy sfbkf pRDfn jQydfr sMq isMG DflIvfl, rfjvIr (imwkI) ivrk, koso dy pRDfn myjr nfhr isMG jvMdf, rxDIr isMG bfsI, AuGy icwqrkfr hrpRkfsL isMG jnfgl ny kvIaF nUM Byt kIqIaF. ies pRogrfm mOky styj dIaF syvfvF pRo; mnjIq isMG ipafsf qy suKdyv rwqU vloN inBfeIaF geIaF, ijnHF ny afpxy sLyarF nfl drsLkF qoN KUb vfhvf KwtI. hfijr sfihqkfrF df ivcfr sI ik pMjfbI sfihq qoN dUr jf rhy pMjfbIaF ivwc pMjfbI sfihq pRqI cyqMnqf pYdf krn leI aijhy kvI drbfr hr sLihr ivwc hoxy cfhIdy hn. adfrf iswK ivrsf dy ies invykly Xqn dI sB ny srfhnf kIqI. 000000000 not: ieh sfrI irport PYks rfhIN vI ByjI geI hY. iksy jfxkfrI leI sMprk kro: hrcrn isMG: 403 250 8898 BfeI jsivMdr isMG gurU ipafrI sfD sMgq jIE! vfihgurU jI kf Kflsf ] vfihgurU jI kI PLiqh ] bynqI hY ik hyT idWqI jfxkfrI nUM apxy vsIilaF rfhIN hor sMgqF qIk vI phuMcfAux dI Kycl kro jI. ajkl rojL svyry lgBg 8[30 vjy mskIn jI dI kQf eI: tI: sI: pMjfbI cYnl qy tYlIkfst kIqI jf rhI hY. sMgqF ivckfr gurbfxI dI bhuqI soJI nf hox krky mskIn ijhy lok, sMMgqF nUM iks qrHF gumrfh kr rhy hn; soJIvfx sMgqF nUM apIl hY ik ies kQf nUM pihlF afp suxn aqy iPr ies Aupr pUrf noits lYx aqy ies bfry sMMgqF nUM jfgRq krx dI Kycl krx. aqI DMnvfdI hovFgy. jy kr sMgqF ivcoN kuJ gurmuWK ipafry nfl nfl iesdf aMgRyjI anuvfd vI sMgqF ivc phMucFdy jfx qF ieh vI pMQ dI bVI BfrI syvf hovygI. gurU kIaF sMgqF ivcoN hor swjxF nUM vI agy afky ies zrfmy nUM nMgf krn vfsqy sinmR bynqI krdy hF jI. jykr iksy sWjx nUM ieh mihsUs hovy ik ies lVI ivc koeI gl aYvy jF vDf-Gtf ky idWqI hY qF cYnl vfilaF kolo sMbMDq kYsyt nUM mMgvf ky qsWlI kr leI jfvy jI. kI ieh gurbfxI kQf hY jF gurbfxI dI byadbI jF kuJ hor. XWblI nM: 3 mskIn jI dI kQf imqI 27[12[04 qy Aus qoN cfr pMj idn pihlF vI iehI kYsyt aqy 30[12[04 nUM iPLr qIjI vfr svyry eI: tI: sLI pMjfbI cYnl qy AuhI kYsyt. ieh kQf sLurU hoeI lVI vfr gurbfxI dI pMkqI ‘inrgunu afip[[ (pM 287) ‘inrgux-srgux’ qoN aqy ieh ivdvfn sWjx iesdy arQ kr rhy hn: ‘inrgux---mn’ hY aqy ‘srgux--- mnuWK’ df srIr iPLr agy khfxI cldI hY, bWcy dI mfsUmIaq, jvfnI, smfj rfjnIqI qy hor bhuq kuJ……[hux gurbfxI soJI vfly sWjx afp inrxf kr lYx ik kI gurbfxI anusfr inrgun-srgux dy iehI arQ hn ijhVy ik mskIn jI ny kIqy hn? jF kuJ hor, ikAuNik gurbfxI aMdr qF ies aiq sMvydxsLIl purfqn ivgfVy gey aqy gLlq ley jf rhy mWslyy Aupr BWrvI ivafiKaf kIqI hoeI hY. AuQy qF ies ivsLy nUM pUrI qrHF spWsLt kIqf igaf hY-gurbfxI aMdr qF iesnUM pUrI qrHF smJf vI idWqf igaf hY. pr ieh ‘ivdvfn’ qF ies ivsLy Aupr ajy tuiraf hI sI ik hor hor plystxIaF sLurU ho geIaF. hux kihx nUM qF iesy ivsLy Aupr afpxI bolI ivc hI afp jI agy PLurmFdy hn: DMn gurU nfnk pfqsLfh kihNdy hn ik qn mYlf hY.……[ ijs vsqU nfl ieh qMn CUMhdf hY Ausy nUM mYlf kr dyNdf hY.……[[ Pul ies nfl lgdy hI mYly ho jFdy hn, murJf jFdy hn……[ bfhr dy mulkF ivc iesy vfsqy ijhVI sbjLI vgYrf KrIdx jfvo Aus nUM hWQ nhIN lgfAux idWqf jFdf, syljLmYn afp gRfhk nUM dyNdy hn aqy pWkVx vfsqy hWQF ivc dWsqfny pf ky dyNdy hn (ies mskIn nUM kOx smJfey AuQy ienHF dWsqfinaF df mWksd kI huMdf hY, blik sbjLI qF gfhk afp apxy hWQF nfl cuWkdy hn )’………[ agy hor suxo ikAuNik srIr qF mYlf hY iesy vfsqy--- ‘mhfrfj afsf dI vfr ivc (pMkqI df Aucfrx krky) kihNdy hn aMn pfnI aWg lUx iGAu ieh pMjy dyvqy hn. ieh dyvqy vI ies qMn nfl lgky apivqR ho jFdy hn…… ienHF nUM ies vfsqy dyvqy afiKaf hY ik ieh sfnUM jIvn dyNdy hn. (ieh hY sfzy guWzI cVHy ivdvfnF df hfl ijnHF nUM ieh vI nhIN pqf ik gurU jI ny AuQy ienHF vsqF vfsqy lPLjL dyvqf iks prIpyK ivc vriqaf hY? afKr mskIn sfihb ny ies ivcoN lYxf vI kI hY? ikAuNik AunHF dy vrqy gey 90% gurbfxI prmfx huMdy hI glq arQF ivc aqy glq QF aqy gLlq prIpiK ivc hn, ieQy koeI nvIN gl qF hY hI nhIN) hux afAu hor agy clIey-mskIn jI dI ies bfry aglI ivafiKaf ------hvf, aWg pfxI iGAu qF sfnUM jIvn dyNdy hI hn pr mYnUM pihlI vfrI pqf ligaf ik lUx vI sfnUM jIvn dyNdf hY ipCy jhy mYN aMimRqsr sf jdo Nik iek ipMz ivcoN iek mrIjL nUM ilaFdf igaf qF zfktrF ny disaf ik ies aMdr lUx dI mfqrf bhuq GWt geI sI ies vfsqy AusdI mOq ho geI, jy ieh mfqrf vyly isr vDf leI jFdI qF Auh bWc skdf sI……[[ (iesy aDy GMty dI kQf nUM hux iek hor nvF pltf dyNdy hoey iesy lUx dI khfxI hor agy cldI hY) sMsfr dy bfkI BgqF ivcoN qF hr iksy ny kyvl Drm dy mWsly nUM hI Coieaf hY. kbIr ny Drm, smfj, rfjnIqI afid sfry mWsilaF nUM Coieaf hY…[[[ bVy vWDIaf dfl sbjLIaF Bojx prosy hox iPLr jykr AunhF aMdr lUx nf hovy qF sB bysuafdy ho jFdy hn………[[[ ………mYnUM iek kbIr pMQI kihx lgf kbIr sfry BgqF ivcoN lUx sn……[ bfkI nfmdyv rvIdfs sfry Bgq dfl, sbjLI sfg afid qF sn pr lUx nhIN sn…[[- ieh qF KYr Ausdy apxy jjLbfq sn-……[[ Auh mYnUM vI puCWx lgf, kI qusIN myry nfl sihmq ho? mY ikhf hF-- mY quhfzy nfl pUrI qrF sihmq hF… (ieQy mskIn jI ny bfxI bfry apxf stYzrz afp hI sfPL kr idWqf hY) -------socx dI gl hY ik ieQy ies idRsLtFq dI koeI loV vI sI? sLfied ies vfsqy ik gurbfxI dI AuWcqf aqy ivlWKxqf df mskIn jI nUM iknHF pqf hY ieh qF AunHF dI rojLfnf tYlIkfst ho rhI kQf qoN hI apxy afp hI pqf lg jFdf hY. hYrfnI qF AunHF lokF dI ivWdvqf qy hY ijhVy pMQ dy Kun psIny dI kmfeI ivcoN Aus nUM ies vWDIaf rojLfnf dI kQf vfsqy notF dy bMzl dy rhy hn aqy ibnF iksy pMQk nIXm dy Aus nUM ‘pMQ rqn’ df iKqfb vMz rhy hn. AuNJ ies cynl qy iesy smyNN ieh kYsyt cfr pMj idnF dy bfd dobfrf aqy hux qIjI vfr vI tYlIkfst kIqI geI sLfied tylIkfst krn vfilaf nUM vI ienHI hI smJ sI. pr ‘inrgunu, srgunu’ ijQoN mskIn jI tury sn aWDy GMty ivc hor qF gurbfxI dy Ault byQWvIaF qF bWQyrIaF mfr leIaF pr mjLmUn dI gl qF ikqy dUr rih geI…[[[ Aus ‘inrgunu, srgunu’ lPLjL qIk vfips vI nhIN puj sky. (hux iek hor plfkI) bfxI ivc gurU pfqsLfh ny bfbr nUM lfVy nfl qsLbIh idWqI hY. qsLbIh qF iksy brfbr nfl idWqI jFdI hY pr myry pfqsLfh ny ieQy bfbr nUM jfbr afiKaf hY aqy Ausdy ispfhIaF nuM ‘jMj’ ikAuN?[[[[[[[[ikAuNik ajkl lfVy ‘dust svfrQI’ qy ‘lutyry’ ho cuWky hn aqy jFjI vI dusLt qy ……(kul aDy GMty ivcoN 10 imint iesy lfVy aqy jMj vfly pfsy hI lgy rhy, ies bfry hor agy suxoy) pihlF lok kuVI ivafh ky Gr ilaFAuNdy sn qF Gr vfly agoN ‘gAU dfn’ krdy sn[[hux qF lokF dy sfry Drm krm hI CWz idWqy hn…[[’ (mskIn jI ieh vI dWs dyNdy ik ieh gAU dfn iks nUM kIqI jFdI sI-ikAuNik dfn lYx df hWk qF kyvl bRfhmx dyvqf kol hI huMdf sI sLfied Aus vWkq ieh ihWsf ‘’’’’’) iesqoN agy mskIn jI phuMc jFdy hn gurUnfnk pfqsLfh dI pVHfeI qy Ausdy nfl hI iPLr jMjU aqy suWnq qy pr ivsLf iek vI spWsLt nhIN kr sky. bfkI rhI gl hux qIk qF ies ‘inrgux-srgux’ vflI lVI dIaF aWT iksLqF vI af cuWkIaF hn pr mskIn jI ny gurbfxI anusfr ‘inrgux-srgux’ bfry spWsLt qF kI krnf sI Aus qIk jF Aus lPLjL qIk vfips hI nhIN puWj sky. ieh sWjx srIr mMn dy cWkr ivc Psy hoey kI kI ibafn kr rhy hn hor qy hor XWblIaF bs iehI kuJ. jsvMq isMG S. Makhan Singh Ji, Could you provide me the internet address where these vol are available. I like your supadki notes to clear some confusions. I also appreciates those who are removing wrong stories attached with Sikh religion with full proof through their writings. This all is very time consuming and serious job. This work will bring original true things back as people will aware of these new honest research. Jaswant S. Singh arivMdr isMG KLflsf Dear WebMaster WJKK WJKF Wishing Happy New Year and Gurpoorb Mubrek!! to all the staff @Sikhmarg Thank you so much for the resent articles. They are very enlightening and we in UK enjoy your site very much as its information and openness. I am waiting to read the book by Giani Bhag Singh ji.(Panjabi) Which has its bhumika stated on your site under weekly lekh. Can you please inform me when is going to be accessible for reading. Thank you for being there for the Sikh scholars. Kind regards Arvinder Singh Khalsa srvjIq isMG aflm aqy rfgmflf ihMdI dy ivdvfnF dI njLr coN ‘rfgmflf’ ieh aflm (jo ihMdU qo muslmfn bixaf sI) dI ikRq ‘mfDvfnl kfmkMdlf’ ivcoN hY. ies vfry ihMdI dy ivdvfnf ny buhq Koj kIqI hY. pfTkF dI jfxkfrI vfsqy Aus dy kuJ aMsL igafnI guridwq isMG jI dI ilKq ‘muMdfvxI’ ivco pysL hn. 1 "iswKoN ky Drm gRMQ ‘sRI guru gRMQ sfihb jI’ ky aMq myN ‘rfgmflf’ky nfm sy aflm ky kuC pd sMkilq hYN, ijs myN rfg rfignI kf vrnx hY" rfg eyk sMig pMc brMgn . sMig alfpih afTAu nµdn . sy pRfrmB hokr:- Kst rfg Auin gfey sMig rfgnI qIs. sBY puqR rfgMn ky aTfrh ds bIs . pr smfpq hoqf hY. rfgmflf myN n qo ‘sRI gurU gRMQ sfihb’ ky sb rfg pRfpq hYN aOr nf hI rfgmflf vfly keI rfg ‘sRI guru gRMQ sfihb’ myN afey hY. Drm gRMQ ky Auprokq rfgmflf ky pd aflmikRq, ‘mfDvfnl kfmkMdlf’ sy lIey gey hyN." ( sRI hir pRsid nfiek pMnf 166) 2 "afid gRMQ myN aMiqRm Bfg myN sMlgn ‘rfgmflf’ nfmk ikRq BI ies sbMD myN pfTko kf iDafn afikRsLq krqI hY . ikMqU Xh rcnf ‘rfgmflf’ aQvf ‘rfg kdMb’ nfmk pRbMD Byt n hokr rfg rfignI vrgikrx kI pRIcYieq hY, ‘rfgmflf’ pd myN anyk rfgnfm ClyCfqmk rUp my pidafvrd rihqy hY jhF ijs rfg kf nfm afqf hY. qdnusfr hI pd ivisLsLt ky gfny ivDfn rihqf hY ikMqU Aukq ‘rfgmflf’ nfmk ikRiq iksI guru aQvf Bkiq kiv duafrf pRnIq n hokr ihMdI pusqk ‘mfDvfnl kfmkMdlf’ myN sy 10 CMdoN kf pRCyp (aMiqkf) hY aOr mDXXug myN sMsikRq ky sLfsqR gRMQ ky pRBfv rfg rfignI vrgIkrn ky aqXiDk pRcfr kf pirnfm hY."(zf sIqf ibMbRf pMnf 168) 3 "mfDvfnl kfmkMdlf-BfsLfbMD ies pRMprf kI anX ikRqIEN myN sy eyk hY. ies ‘pRymfiKafn’ ky rcfieqf aflm hY. Xh akbr ky smkflIn Qy. AuhnoN ny ies gRMQ kI rcnf 991 ihjrI qQf sMn 1583-1584 eI:(1640 ibkRmI) myN kI QI." (sRI asLok kumfr imsLr pMnf 179) 4 "aBI hfl myN hI pRkisLq hsq-ilKq ‘ihMdI pusqkoN kf ivvrx’ nyN Auskf rcnf-kfl 991 ihjrI (sMbq1640) svIkfr ikaf igaf hY. ‘mfDvfnl kfmkMdlf’kI anyk pRiqXoN myN ‘nvsY iekafvn’ pfT hony ky kfrn iessy rcnf kfl XhI TIk jfn pVqf hY. pRbMDfqmk pRym kQf kI idRsLtI sy aflm kI Xh rcnf (mfDvfnl kfmkMdlf) Aunky ikRiqqv myN sfviDk mhwqv kI aiDkfrI hY. ihMdI myN pRym-kQf kI pRMprf buhq pihly sy clI af rhI QI." ( sRI rfm kyr iqRpfTI pMnf179) 5 "kvIaflm ikRq ‘mfDvfnl kfmkMdlf’ eyk pRiswD pRymfiKafn kfvX hY. mfDvfnl aOr kfmkMdlf ky pfrspirk pRym-kQf pr sUPLI pRBfv spwsLt hY. akbr ky nfm kf AulyK hY ik kvI aflm, akbr ky smkflIn Qy" ( zf: rfm kumfr vrmf pMnf 180) 6 "kvI aflm-ienho ny ihjrI 991( sMbq1640) myN sLihnsLfh jlflUdIn akbr ky rfjXkfl myN dohf-copeI myN vh rcnf ilKI. ieskf nfm (mfDvfnl kfmkMdlf) ‘mfDvfnl’ BfsLf-bMD kvI aflm ikRq hY."( pdm Busln sRI rfm kumfr vrmf pMnf181) 7 "aflm ny apnI ies rcnf ky aMqrgq awCf kfvX kOsLl pRdrisLq kIaf hY. ien ky rUp khIN khIN aiqaMq suMdr hY. ienhoN ny rfgoN ky ivivD nfm igxfey hY qQf kRmvfr eyvM kfm-sLfsqr kI rhwsmeI bfqo ky BI AulyK kIXy hYN. iswKo ky ‘gurU gRMQ sfihb’ ky aMq myN khI geI ‘rfgmflf’ aflm kI ies rcnf (mfDvfnl kfmkMdlf) sy hI AuiDRq (nkl) kr lI geI QI. ies pusqk kf pRDfn rs isMLgfr rs hY BgqI mwq ky sfgr myN aYsI isLMgfr rI rcnf kf af jfnf ascrj kI bfq hY." (prsLU rfm cqurvydI pMnf 184) 8 "kfmkMdlf ky inRqX-gfn vrxn myN kvI ny apny sMgIq igafn kf ivsLysL pircX dIaf. XhI aMsL, ‘rfgmflf’ nfm sy ‘guru gRMQ sfihb’ myN sMgrihq hUaf hY." (DIryNdr vrmf pMnf184) 9 "ienky sPut CMd risk smudfX my buhq lokipRX hY ‘gurU gRMQ sfihb’ my aMiqm aMs myN ‘mfDvfnl kfmkMdlf’ kI rfgmflf (nfmk) pRiqinwD rcnf hY ." (zf: gxpq cMdr zI ilt pMnf 185) 10 "ies rfg-rfgnI vrxn ko ‘rfgmflf’ ky nfm sy iswKo ky pivWqr gRMQ ‘gRMQ sfihb’ myN BI sQfn imlf jo kvIvr aflm ky mhwqv kf pRiqpfdk hY." (zf: jgdIsL sLrmf pMnf 186) AlAM (Hindi; b 1585, d. 1625) Tradition has it that he was born in a Brahmin family somewhere in Jaunpur (U.P) but he was so enamouured of the wit and poetic talent of a Muslim woman (dyer) that he embraced Islam. His creative period is suppsed to fall betweem 1585 and 1625. The following four works are attributed to him; (1) Madhavanal-Kamakandala ( a love romance in Avadhi); (2) Sudama-Charitra (a narrative of the friend ship of Krishna and Sudama); (3) Shyamsanehi (a poetic portrayal of Rukmini’s marriage with Krishna) and (4) a collection of love-poems of Alam under various names Alamkali, Alam Ke Kavitta, Kavitta-Chatussat etc. The reputation of the poet, however rests on the last i.e. his love poems. He is at his best in these powms which deal with erotic sentiment. Unlike the language used by many of his contemporaries, his Brajbhasha is very refined, elegant and rich in the harmony of sense and sound. (Encyclopedia of Hindi literature Sahitya Academy, Dehli , p188) ieh hn Aus mhfn ilKq ivco kuJ aMsL, ijs nMU iganI guridwq isMG jI ny awDI sdI dI Koj qoN ipCo ‘muMdfvxI’ dy rUp ivc iswK sMgq dy drbfr ivwc pysL kIqf hY. sfry ivdvfn iewk mwq hn ik rfgmflf aflm dI ikRq hY aqy‘mfDvfnl kfmkMdlf’ ivco hI ‘gurU gRMQ sfihb’ ivwc afeI hY. pr swc dy drbfr dy syvfdfr, swc nUM pRgt hox qo rokxf cfAudy hn. pqF nhI ikAu? srvjIq isMG blvIr isMG sUc aYzvokyt MY INDIA! REQUEST: We should not act to elbow out each other at the instance of someone for reasons of some hidden agenda as being normally seen daily while dealing in Sikh affairs. As already expressed by various authors on aspects of
corruption and injustice being perpetuated in the name of democracy in India.
Now it is being openly confessed and seen that, " Ministers at the top are
corrupt. Their corruption seeps down to the officials below them who have to
condone and forward the corrupt practices of their bosses in order to keep their
jobs; it forces them to be corrupt. From them it seeps down to administrative
officers below them till it reaches the lowest rungs of the ladder". The
Author rightly said, "..... best of economists have defrauded the poor with
bad debts in banks .........Bad debts that will never be recovered is a form of
dole but since these criminals come from the India Shining category, cutting
across party lines, who cares? Forget economics. Similarly is the case of
corruption in judiciary. (1) No Will Power To Bring Reforms at Higher Level-What to do? We must feel ashamed- According to Mr. Vishav Bandhu Gupta, former Income Tax Commissioner, "Politicians and bureaucrats had eaten away rupees three lacs crore = 60 billion American dollars through various scams, the government money of India since its independence. Rupees two crore to six crore is being paid for getting ticket only for the each Member of Parliament seat. Similarly is the rate, though less for getting a ticket of State Assemblies."...... NDTV- India at 10 PM on 09 October 2004. Now one can assess the criminality and corruption level in India. In the present situation it appears only the criminals can enter and remain in politics. It makes the survival of democracy uncertain. Who is there to tackle and check the criminality and corruption at higher level under the present circumstances? 2) GENERAL OPINION- Supreme Court of India, sometimes, does try to give impression that it is independent, impartial and not influenced by majority voice like politicians for personal multipurpose gains in this highly corrupt system guided by bureaucracy and stick of police but the results are always doubtful as experienced earlier. Still hope for the best. (3) Prevailing Political Atmosphere in India & Solution- The Prime Minister Dr. Manmohan Singh and his expert team on economic affairs are to give free hand The Prime Minister Dr. Manmohan Singh and his expert team on economic affairs are in position to take out India from the present financial and political bankruptcy also faced by corrupt and criminal nexus if they are allowed to act independently like a ‘philosopher king’ otherwise there is no alternative remedy & leadership at this junction in India. FURTHER MORE Facts Related to this article-FREE TO Refer And Read, the small book is available for research students- log on or see at: http://www.sikhspectrum.com/022004/Book/pg1.htmThe book, ‘Why India Is Devoid Of Rule Of Law?’ is very much appreciated by various leading personalities. THE CENTRAL VIGILANCE COMMISSIONER, Government of India, Mr. N. VITTAL, in a goodwill message to the author, said, "I thank you very much for your thought provoking note on WHY INDIA IS DEVOID OF RULE OF LAW? I am sure the note will help sensitise the people about the realities of the situation and motivate them to fight corruption." D.O. No. CVC/2000/ 1439 Dated: November 9, 2000. SENT BY: Balbir Singh Sooch, Advocate, Ludhiana Human Rights Activist House # 12333/1, Street#12,Vishvakarma Colony Behind Sangeet Cinema Ludhiana-141003; Punjab; (INDIA) zf: bI[ ky[ sLrmf Dear friends,A special request from those of you who are involved in journalism or media work - We can’t afford to pay for advertisements and depend mostly for publicity by word of mouth. We will be obliged for your help in publicising the work and needs of Gwalior Childrens Hospital Charity by writing story/ articles and or publishing this news and appeal in your news papers, magazines, websites etc. Please help us in this endeavour. Thanks, BKSo far within our limited resources, we have provided for transportation and costs of two trucks loaded with relief supplies in Tamil Nadu, the worst affected area in India through our associate organisations there. We are also coordinating for best use of our Mobile hospital van there. Our associates and volunteers are already working there on the ground, photographs received are given below. We have also contributed towards the costs of gloves and masks to help in disposal of dead bodies and animals, an emergency requirement to prevent spread of disease and epidemics.We have also pledged to take 50 Orphan children, victims of this tragedy, in our orphanage-Snehalaya. We have been instrumental in sending a plane load of medicines, relief supplies and tents with few volunteers (as offered by one of our supporters in France for its use in India for our work) to Sri Lanka, our sister country for its good use there in the affected regions. We very much wanted it to go to India but Government of India’s refusal to accept material aid and our experiences in past with customs at Indian ports forced us to make this decision against our own wishes, but we are happy to contribute to help the people in need on grounds and we hope that these will be put to good use there as required.We wish we could do much more, but we need your help in doing so. We have been advised not to send any more volunteers and clothes, though your help is needed to buy medicines, food, drinking water and other relief supplies at present and much more for rehabilitation of these homeless and traumatised people. People all over the world have given an unprecedented amount so far and many Governments have made lot of promises. It is well known that many of the promises made by Governments do not get fulfilled to a large extent and similarly much of donated money given to large organisations gets wasted in administration and other expenses. Needs are much more, and we have the means to utilise all of the donated funds far effectively carrying out this work. We are happy to be part of this work in these times of need and we shall continue as much we can. We continue to work without any distinction of religion, caste or political affiliations which should not come in the way of relief work for the people in need. They have suffered a lot and we should try to alleviate their further sufferings by all means as much as possible and at the earliest. But we need your support and help to do so. Please give more and keep giving and give effectively to help the people in need with our following appeal. Please pass this information to all your friends, associates, colleagues and family members. Thanks. With regards and best wishes, BK (Dr. B. K. Sharma) Help us to help them. Just 15p provides clean water and a meal and only £10 p.m. will provide for home, food, education and health care for an Orphan Child or £120 P.A. or £1000 once only, or equivalent in Dollars, Euros, Rupees or any convertible currency. Please call us or write to us to donate or to volunteer your services and work with us. Tel. 01922 629842 Fax. 01922 632942 or visit our website for details www.helpchildrenofindia.org You can give on line now by clicking http://www.gwalior.hospital.care4free.net/donation.html (sMpfdkI not:- iswK Drm ivc iksy vI cMgy jF mfVy idn dI koeI vI ivcfr nhIN hY. sfry idn hI pRmfqmf dy bxfey hoey hn aqy ieko ijhy hI hn. pr igxqI imxqI nUM muwK rwK ky sfl 2005 dI sLurUafq ho rhI hY aqy keI dysLF ivc ho vI cuwkI hY. ies nvyN sfl nfl sMbMDq kuwJ pfTkF dy sunyhy jo sfnUM imly hn Auh asIN Cfp rhy hF) srjIq isMG sMDU Greetings for New Year 2005 to all Sikhs and Non-sikhs Let we be together for the sake of humanity and all the species created by Akaalpurkh. Let us all pray for Peace and prosperity of all without any consideration of color , race and nationality and serve all species for the good of all and our self interest too. SARBAT DAA BHALLA Sarjit Singh Sandhu, Boise , IDAHA, USA srvjIq isMG ![]() gLjLl po: qijMdr isMG iQMd afAu nvF sfl mnfeIey imWqro. gIq sumyl dy gfeIey imWqro. Ausfrn leI inrlyp smfj, ivAuNq nvIn bxfeIey imWqro. Bulf ky sfry igly qy isLkvy, sFJ ipafr dI pfeIey imWqro. ivsfrky mno jo ipWCy hoieaf, vrqmfn sulJfeIey imWqro. pRXog AusfrU soc df kr ky, ivkfsvfdI bx jfeIey imWqro. inaFkfrI pihlU lokrfj df, ainafeI nUM smJfeIey imWqro. inrfsL grIb dI Zfrs bx ky, AuHnUM afsLfvfn bxfeIey imWqr. krky rWiKaf Drm dI imlky, nYiqk PrjL inBfeIey imWqro. myl imlfp, ieKlfs duafrf, amn qy cYn vDfeIey imWqro. jy nyVqf ivcoN skUn hY lBdf, qF nyVy hor ho jfeIey imWqro. zf: amrjIq isMG tFzf aqy pRIvfr Respectable Cyber Mates and Well Wishers of the Guru Khalsa Panth, Waheguru jee ka Khalsa Waheguru jee kee Fateh We wish you & your family a Very Very Happy & Prosperous New Year 2005.Best Regards, Dr Amarjit Singh Tanda & Family gurcrnjIq isMG aqy gurvIn kOr lFbf clo isMGo cl drsLn krIey gurU goibMd isMG afey ny nIlf GoVf bFkf joVf hwQ ivc bfj suhfey ny gurU klgIDr ipqf dy pRkfsL Auqsv aqy nvyN sfl dI vDfeI .. Gurcharanjit Singh Lamba Gurveen Kaur Lamba blbIr isMG sUc aYzvokyt, luiDafxf My Sorrow and Feelings About The Devastating Earthquake Tragedy No doubt, this devastating Earthquake tragedy is an act of GOD. No body can be blamed for it. The believers of God must think over! Is it a result or reminder of un-noticed inhuman deeds happening throughout the World? We must learn lesson from the half burnt body of Former Prime Minister of India, Narasimha Rao in Hyderabad on Saturday, December 25, 2004 as even his sons and relatives could /did not care for him at the last moment. The STATE is meant for welfare of her people and not for killing people by repression or hunger or by any other means as being seen all over. Really, it is a matter of great sorrow and re thinking for all of us. Balbir Singh Sooch, Advocate, LUDHIANA hrpRIq Subject: New Virus found ...... Dear All, WORST VIRUS EVER ---CNN ANNOUNCED PLEASE SEND THIS TO EVERYONE ON YOUR CONTACT LIST !! A new virus has just been discovered that has been classified by Microsoft as the most destructive ever This virus was discovered yesterday afternoon by McAfee and no vaccine has yet been developed. This virus simply destroys Sector Zero from the hard disk, where vital information for its functioning are stored. This virus acts in the following manner: It sends itself automatically to all contacts on your list with the title "A Card for You". As soon as the supposed virtual card is opened the computer freezes so that the user has to reboot. When the ctrl+alt+del keys or the reset button are pressed, the virus destroys Sector Zero, thus permanently destroying the hard disk. Yesterday in just a few hours this virus caused panic in New York, according to news broadcast by CNN. This alert was received by an employee of Microsoft itself. So don't open any mails with subject: "A Virtual Card for You." As soon as you get the mail, delete it!! Even if you know the sender !!! Please pass this mail to all of your friends. Forward this to everyone in your address book. I'm sure most people, like myself, would rather receive this notice 25 times than not at all. HarpreetBfeI jsivMdr isMG gurU ipafrI sfD sMgq jIE! vfihgurU jI kf Kflsf ] vfihgurU jI kI PLiqh ] bynqI hY ik hyT idWqI jfxkfrI nUM apxy vsIilaF rfhIN hor sMgqF qIk vI phuMcfAux dI Kycl kro jI. ajkl rojL svyry lgBg 8[30 vjy mskIn jI dI kWQf eI:tI:sI: pMjfbI cYnl qy tYlIkfst kIqI jf rhI hY. sMgqF ivckfr gurbfxI dI bhuqI soJI nf hox krky mskIn ijhy lok, sMMgqF nUM iks qrHF gumrfh kr rhy hn; soJIvfn sMgqF nUM apIl hY ik ies kQf nUM pihlF afp suxn aqy iPLr ies Aupr pUrf noits lYx aqy ies bfry sMgqF nUM jfgRq krx dI Kycl krx. aqI DMnvfdI hovFgy. jy kr sMgqF ivcoN kuJ gurmuWK ipafry nfl nfl iesdf aMgRyjI anuvfd vI sMgqF ivc phMucFAuNdy jfx qF ieh vI pMQ dI bVI BfrI syvf hovygI. gurU kIaF sMgqF ivcoN hor swjxF nUM vI agy af ky ies zrfmy nUM nMgf krn vfsqy sinmR bynqI krdy hF jI. jykr iksy sWjx nUM ieh mihsUs hovy ik ies lVI ivc koeI gl aYvy jF vDf-Gtf ky idWqI hY qF cYnl vfilaF kolo sMbMDq kYsyt nUM mMgvf ky qsWlI kr leI jfvy jI. kI ieh gurbfxI kQf hY jF gurbfxI dI byadbI jF kuJ hor.gurbfxI igafn jIvn leI inrol sWc df igafn hY. ieh vI sWc hY sMsfr Br ivcoN iesqrI smfj nUM Aus df jog sQfn isrPL gurU nfnk sfihb aqy gurbfxI ny hI idWqf hY. ies qoN pihlF sMsfr Br ivc iek vI Drm, smfj jF drsLn nhIN ijs ny ies sWc nUM smiJaf jF sMsfr ivc Aujfgr kIqf hovy. mskIn jI ny sLfied Tykf lY riKaf hY ik gurU sfihb dI hr iek vizafeI nUM ikWDroN nf ikWDroN brfbrI dyxI hI hY aqy sfbq krnf hY ik gurU sfihb ny koeI nvIN gl nhI kIqI blik ieh gl qf pihlF qoN hI huMdI afeI hY. mskIn dI 18[11[04 nUM ‘eItIsI pMjfbI cynl’ Aupr tYlIkfst dOrfn kIqI. ieh irkfrizMg bfry kQf ivcoN hI pqf lgf ieh irkfrizMg amrIkf ivc kIqI jf cuWkI iksy kQf dI typ sI. ies ivclIaf XWblIaF vI ajIb hn. ikAuNik ieh glF ieiqhfsk pVcol ivcoN ikWDroN vI sfbq nhIN huMdIaF. ieh TIk hY iesqrI jgq nUM Ausdf siqkfr dyx vfsqy gurU nfnk sfihb ny sB qoN pihlF ieh mfn byby nfnkI jI nUM bKisLaf pr ies mskIn dIaF XWblIaF muqfbk: 1[ jdoN muhmd sfihb ny kurfn sLrIPL dI pihlI afieq df Aucfrx kIqf qF KdIjLf (muhmWd sfihb dI bIvI) ny ikhf. ieh klfm qF quhfzf nhI. ikAuNik muhmWd sfihb qF iblkul aMnpVH sn. qF muhMmd sfihb kih AuTy "nhIN KdIjLf ieh afieq myrI nhIN ieh qF Kudf myry aMdroN bol irhf hY" . iesqrHF ieslfm nUM Aujfgr krn vflI iek iesqrI hI sI. 2[ Druv nUM DWkf dyx vflf Aus df ipAu sI. pr ieh qF Druv dI mF sI ijsny AusnUM sMBfilaf. (sLfied mskIn nUM Druv dI prclq khfxI df vI nhIN pqf ieQy qF mqryeI aqy sWkI mF df ikWsf sI. jdik Druv nUM DWkf dyx vflI mqryeI mF vI qF iek iesqrI hI sI) 3[ pRuihlfd nUM AuBfrx vflI vI AusdI mF hI sI nhIN qF Ausdf ipAu qF hrnfKsL bVf jLflm sI. (mskIn nUM sLfied ieh vI pqf nhIN ik khfxI muqfbk pRihlfd dI mF ny vI pRihlfd nUM ikhf sI puWqr! qUM ipAu dI gl mMn lY) mskIn jI kol sLfied ieqnI vI jurawq nhIN, sMsfr nUM dWs sWkx iesqrI vrg leI Ausdf jog siqkfr pRgt kIqf aqy duafieaf hI gurU sfihb ny hY. ies qoN pihlF sMsfr Br ivc sLfied iek vI Drm, smfj jF drsLn mOjUd nhIN ijsny ies sWc nUM smiJaf jF sMsfr ivc Aujfgr kIqf hovy. mskIn nUM sLfied isWK Drm dy ies inafrypx nUM sfbq krn vfsqy ijLafdf nhIN qF mfqf sulWKxI jI, mfqf KIvI jI, bIbI BfnI jI, mfqf gujrI jI dy nF vI pqf nhI sn jF iPLr vfDU XWblIaF qoN ibnF AunhF df ‘ilbrl’ hoxf sfbq nhIN sI huMdf. zf: hrijMdr isMG idlgIr vrlz iswK rfeItrjL kfnPLrMs ny afpxf vYbsfeIt lFc kIqf cMzIgVH - vrlz iswK rfeItrjL kfnPLrMs ny afpxf vYbsfeIt sLurU kr idqf hY . ies df AudGftn bIqy idn iswK ivdvfn zfktr hrijMdr isMG idlgIr aqy ibRitsL iswK imsLnrI sBf dy pRDfn s[ jfgIr isMG hmdrd XU[ky[ ny cMzIgVH ivc kIqf . ies vYbsfeIt dI rUp ryKf pRisD kMipAUtr izjLfeInr sR[ kulvMq isMG aqy sR[ divMdr isMG ny bxfeI hY . vrlz iswK rfeItrjL kfnPLrMs dy ies vYbsfeIt ![]() vYbsfeIt dy AudGftn dI qsvIr ivc njLr af rhy hn: vYWb mfihr ipRMsIpl kulvMq isMG, iswK ivdfvfn zfktr hrijMdr isMG idlgIr, sR[ jfgIr isMG hmdrd XU[ky[ . gurmIq isMG afstRylIaf Respectable Bibi Jagir Kaur jee, President,
SGPC, Amritsar-Punjab State, Your kind attention is invited to a detailed letter addressed to you by by the Hon'ble Dr. Kuldip Singh jee and Dr. Gursharan Kaur jee of Chandigarh, which could also be viewed by clicking Website: www.sikhmarg.comWe are confident that all the issues raised therein would be taken up for thoughtful discussions in consultation with the Punjabi Party Supremo Parkash Singh Badal, Governor Surjit Singh Barnala, Chief Minister Amarinder Singh, Mukh Granthi Giani Puran Singh, Mukh Sevadaar Giani Joginder Singh Vedanti, all the SGPC Members, President Sarna DSGMC, Mukh Sevadars of other four Takhts and various other Sikh Organizations including defeated leaders of scattered factions, editors of the Sikh Magazines, other retired officials, Professors, intellectuals spread all over the world. Like Sikh World Gathering of 1995, this Tercentary could be utilised to highlight the Sikhs' problems pending since 1947 followed by 1966 division of Punjab and 1984 Carnage - Reduced to Ashes ! SGPC may also like to take up the following issues as well - 1. Appeal to the President and Prime Minister of India for the implementation of all the pledges/promises given to the Sikh Nation by Gandhi/Nehru and their Congress Party (BJP has also done nothing including Badal' Raaj); 2. Accordingly, to amend the Constitution of India where glow of freedom could be rejoiced by the brave Sikhs in their Homeland of Punjab; 3. All the Punjabi speaking territories including Chandigarh, Bhakra Dam, Rivers Water should be restored to Punjab; 4. All the Sikh Youth rotting in jails should be released by 31 Dec 2004;5. Compensation equal to the USA's Carbide Co. should be given to all the Sikh widows, orphans, youth, old persons who have been victims of 1984 Carnage and subsequent unlawful killings or destruction of their properties; 6. All the Hukamnamas issued by the SGPC employees without the approval of the Sarbatt Khalsa should be reviewed as was done in 1995; 7. All the tarnished Mukh Granthis, Mukh Sevadaars, fake party leaders or their associates should be boycotted if they don't admit their faults; 8. All the imprisoners detained under political bias by the regimes of USA, UK, Israel, India, Pakistan, China, Russia, Burma, etc. should be released; 9. Under UN Charter, Punjab, Kashmir, Palestine, Chechnya, Kurdish, etc. should be declared Independent States, and UN Hqrs shifted to Middle East or North Africa; 10.Appropriate action should be taken against the Aggressor/Terrerorist States and all the detentions, killings and persecution in the name of terrorists and black laws must stop. Thanks for your righteous leadership for the Chahrdi Kalaa, Dignity and Glory of the Guru Khalsa Panth including Diaspora Sikhs spread all over the Globe. Gurmit Singh, J. P.Public Officer, Sikh Khalsa Mission Incorporated (NSW-Australia) gursLrn isMG ksyl srdfr mwKx isMG puryvfl jI, vfihgurU jI kf Kflsf] vfihgurU jI kI Pqih] afp jI dI vYbsfeIt ‘qy pRo[ ieMdr isMG Gwgf jI dy lyK pVHIdy hn qy AuhnF dI sI zI vI suxI hY. sR[ sfihb bhuq cMgy iswK kOm pRqI drd rwKx vfly pRcfirk hn. vfihgurU ikRpf kry ! sfzI kOm ivwc ies qrFH dy pRcfrk pYdf hox jo iswK kOm nUM iswK ivroDI qfkqF dy cuMgl ivwcoN kwZ skx. akfl purK awgy ardfs hY ik ieMjL hI iehnF ‘qy pRcfr krn leI bKLsLsLF krdf rhy qy asIN iehnF qoN gurmiq bfry soJI lYNdy rhIey . dfs ny ‘bwDnI’ vYbsfeIt ‘qy piVHaf hY Aus bfry afpxy ivcfr ‘iswK mfrg’ dy pfTkF nfl sfJy krnf cfhuMdf hF. afs krdf hF ik afp jI afpxI ‘vYbsfeIt’ ‘qy myry mfmUlI ijhy ivcfrF nUM QF dyx dI myhrbfnI krogy. afp jI df DMnvfdI hovFgf. iswKF ivwc jfxy pihcfxy qy iswKI nfl drd rwKx vfly pqrkfr sR: hrbIr isMG BMvr jI vwloN ByjI geI KLbr ik gujrfq dy iek ihMdU vIr df aKMz pfT suxn nfl hzIaF df kYNsr rog Ausy vyly TIk ho igaf. Aus KLbr nUM pVHky myry idwl ivwc jo ivcfr pYdf hoey Auh pfTkF nfl sFJy kr irhf hF. zf: vfsU Brdvfj jI dy kYNsr rog dI bImfrI aKMz pfT suxn nfl TIk hox bfry piVHaf. KusLI hoeI ik vfsI jI dy isrP 48 GMty gurbfxI suxn nfl AunFH dy mfnisk qy srIrk rog TIk ho gey . blik KLbr anusfr qF suKmnI sfihb dI bfxI suxdy hI gurU gRMQ sfihb ivwcoN lfeIt af geI sI, jdik suKmnI sfihb dI bfxI qF 262 pMnf qy hI ssLobq hY. gurbfxI ijQy sfnUM afpxy afp dI pCfx krvfAuNdI hY AuQy afpxy aMdr vsdy akfl purK nfl myl krvfAuNdI hY qy suwcjf jIvn jIx dI jugqI vI dsdI hY. gurbfxI dI ivcfr krky afqimk rog ijvyN kfm, kroD, loB, mOh, hMkfr afidk Auqy kfbU pfAuxf hY. ijs srIr df ienHF rogF ‘qy kfbU pY igaf, mn dI Btkxf muk geI iPr Aus iensfn dy srIrk rog vI Kqm ho skdy hn. ieh bhuq cMgI gwl hY ik zf: sfihb dy kuJ GMitaF ivwc hI afqimk qy srIrk iBafnk kYNsr vrgf rogF qoN mukq ho gey. acMBy vflI gwl hY ik zf[ sfihb, AunFH dI lVkI, AunFH dI sflI qy Aus dI lVkI nUM qF sRI gurU gRMQ sfihb ivwcoN joq inkldI idwsdI hY pr pfTI isMG ijhVf aMimRqDfrI hY hmysLF pfT krdf hY, gurU vflf hY, AusnUM joq idwsx dI gwl icwTI ivwc nhIN dwsI jF Aus nUM idsI hI nhIN ? ieh vI iliKaf hY ik zf[ sfihb pUrI sLrDf nfl pfT sux rhy sn. jdoN iksy nUM mOq sfhmxy idKfeI dyNdI hY qF hryk iensfn akfl purK qy gurU awgy swcI sLrDf nfl hI ardfs krdf hY. ijvyN 1984 eI: ivwc sRI hirmMdr sfihb qy hoey hmly dOrfn iGry anykF byksUr qy inhwQy bwcy, aOrqF qy mrd sn ijhnF ivwc aMimRqDfrI isMG isMGxIaF vI sn qy keI sRI gurU gRMQ sfihb dy srUp qop dy goilaF nfl nsLt hoey; pr iksy lfeIt ny qop clfAux vfilaF nUM nuksfn nhIN phuMcfieaF . gurduafiraF dIaF styjF qy aKOqI sMq-sfD hmysLF hI ieh pRcfrdy suxdy hF ik KMzy bfty dI pfhul nf lYx vflf "ingurf" hY. BfvyN Auh iswK kysfDfrI hovy, gurduafry vfsqy AugrfhI dyNdf hovy, afpxy Gr kIrqn kQf krvfAuNdf hovy jF sRI gurU gRMQ sfihb df pRkfsL vI Gr ivwc kIqf hovy, AusnUM "ingurf" hI ieh lok afKdy hn; hflFik Aus vwloN idqy pYisaF nUM nFh vI nhIN krdy ik BfeI asIN "inguiraF" dy pYsy nhIN lYxy. ienFH lokF df kihx df mqlb huMdf hY ik gurU quhfzy ‘qy KusL nhIN hY; pr kI gurU sfihb iek gYr iswK klIn sLyv qy eyzI CyqI KusL ho gey ? Poto ivwc lfeIt ivKfAuxI aijhy ivdvfnF vfsqy koeI vwzI gwl nhIN hY. jQydfr tOhVf dy inMrkfrIaF kolo votF mMgx vflIaF Poto dy vfd-ivvfd bfry vI iswK jfxdy hn. suixaf hY ik 1979 eI: ivwc jQydfr tOhVf ny iek ihMdU nUM duwK BMjxI byrI Qwly iesLnfn krvf ky TIk hoieaf ivKfieaf sI qy hux vI ihMdU vIr hI TIk hoieaf hY. kI ies KLbr dI msLhUrI ipwCy ikqy ieh isafsq qF nhIN kMm kr rhI, ik iswKF nUM sRI gurU gRMQ sfihb dI bKLsLsLF lYx leI iswKI srUp jF pMj ikkfrI hox dI loV nhIN? pihlF hI pMjfb ivwc piqqpuxf pUry jLorF qy hY. iswKI srUp jo ky iswKF dI inafrI hoNd dI pihcfx hY. kI ies pRcfr nfl iswKI srUp ‘qy swt qF nhIN mfr rhy? ieh vI hY ik gurbfxI df vI jMqrF mMqrF vFgU hI pRcfr krnf? Kfs krky suKmnI sfihb dI bfxI nUM bfkI bfxI nfloN vDyry mhwqqf vflI dwsxf aqy gurbfxI ivwc vMzIaF pfAuxIaF? gurbfxI mnuwKqf dy jIvn jfc leI cfnx mnurf hY Aus nUM isrP krfmqF qIkr sImq kr dyxf? iswK isDFq anusfr sRI gurU gRMQ sfihb sfzy "sLbd gurU" hn AuhnF nUM dyhDfrI gurU vFgU pUjx vwl pRyrnf ? ies smyN iswKF nUM ies qrFH dy nukiqaF vwl Kfs iDafn dyx dI jLrUrq hY. ikAuNik iswK ivroDI qfkqF hr hIlf vrq ky iswKF nUM kysfDfrI ihMdU isD krn dI koisLsL ivwc hn. mYN ikqy piVHaf sI ik aMgryj kOm sO sfl pihlF afAux vfly smyN bfry socdI hY, ihMdU pMjfh sfl afAux vfly smyN bfry qy iswKF dy jwdoN isr qy pYNdI hY iPr socdy hn. mYNnUM hornF bfry qF pqf nhIN pr iswKF bfry ieh gwl ies smyN gwlq ho geI hY. hux qF iswKF dy lIzr isr qy pY ky lMG jfx dy mgroN vI nhIN socdy. ies df sbUq afpxy sfhmxy 1984 eI: ivwc sRI drbfr sfihb ‘qy hoieaf hmlf hY. hr sfl dysL ivdysL dy gurduafiraF ivwc 84 df GwlUGfrf idwvs mnfieaf jFdf hY. kI awj koeI vI iswK afpxy bicaF nUM sRI hirmMdr sfihb jf ky AuQy hoey hmly dOrfn iek vI golI df insLfn idKf skdf hY? sRI drbfr sfihb dy cfr cuPyry sfry hI insLfn sLromxI gurduafrf pRbMDk kmytI qy kfr syvf vfilaF bfibaF ny rwl ky imtf idwqy hn. ieQoN qIkr ik iehnF ny gurU sfihbfn qy AuhnF nfl sMbMDq koeI vI purfqn iemfrqF vflIaF insLFnIaF nhIN rihx idqIaF hr QF sMgmrmr lf idqf hY. iswKF nUM AuhnF dI ivrfsq nfloN qoiVaf jf irhf hY. ijs ivwc swB qoN vwD Xogdfn sLromxI gurduafrf pRbMDk kmytI qy aKOqI sMq sfD qy kfr syvf vfly bfby pf rhy hn. AuDr iswK ivroDI qfkqF afr[ aYs[ aYs[ qy hor jQybMdIaF sRI gurU gRMQ sfihb dI bfxI dy gwlq arQ krky pRcfr kr rhy hn. sfzy lIzr sLRo: gu: pR: kmytI dIaF coxf ijqx vfsqy sihjDfrIaF dy nfm hyT ibhfrIaF dI votF pvf rhy hn. zr hY ! ik jykr iesy qrFH sihjDfrIaF dIaF votF bxdIaF rhIaF qF afAux vfly vIh bfeI sflF qIk sLRomxI gurduafrf pRbMDk kmytI qy vI afr[ aYs[aYs[ vrgI jQybMdI df rfj hovygf. ijs qrFH sfzy Dfrimk lIzr iswK ivroDI qfkqF dy hwQIN cVyH hoey hn ieh gurU sfihbfn dI krfmfq hI hovygI jy iswK kOm afpxI vwKrI hoNd nUM brkrfr rK skygI. ies smyN sfry iswK pVH sux rhy hn ik drsLnI izAuZI dy ieiqhfsk drvfijaF bfry sfzy bxfey hoey Dfrimk lIzr ikvyN bdl-bdl ky ibafn dy rhy hn. iswK kOm dy vfrso, hux smF hY jykr drvfjy bcf skdy ho qF bcf lvo? kfsL ! koeI aijhI joq sfzy hr vyly sRI hirmMdr sfihb rihx vfly lIzrF qy pRcfrkF dy aMdr vI afvy qF jo ieh vI gurmiq isDFq qy iswK kOm nUM inglx vfilaF qoN sucyq hox. koeI gwlqI ho geI hovy qF mfP krnf. gurU pMQ df dfs, gursLrn isMG ksyl knyzf rxjIq isMG jrmnI siqkfr Xog pRo: ieMdr isMG jI, vfihgurU jI kf Kflsf, vfihgurU jI kI PLiqh] cfr sfihbjfidaF dy 300 sflf ÈhIdI purb mOky afp jI nUM Germany dI iswK sMgq vloN swdf pqwwr Byj rhy hF jI, afs krdy hF ik afp jI ies mOky phMuc ky sMgqF nUM gurmiq ivcfrF rfhIN iswKI dy mhfn ivrsy qoN jfxU krvf ky sfnMU DMnvfdI bxfvogy jI.Kfs pRogrfm 24, 25, 26-12-04 nUM hoxgy. phMuc rhy prcfrk swjx vIr BuipMdr isMG jI U S AvIr hrjIq isMG jI JALANDHARpRo: ieMdr isMG jI GHAGGAbynqI hY ik afp jI Aupr idwqy poRgrfm qoN ielfvf vI kuJ smF vwD sfzy pfs rih ky sMgqF dy nfl gurmiq klfsF lYxIaF jI.DMnvfd sihq Rnjeet Singh WOLFRAM STR.- 5, 72760 – REUTLINGEN , GERMANY Tel. 07121 380864 Mobil. 0049 172 7309656 cfr sfihbjLfidaF aqy mfqf gujrI jI dy 300 sflf sLhIdI purbF moky ho rhy gurmiq smfgm ivc srbq gurU ky iswwKF nuM sdf hY jI. pRogrfm ies pRkfr hn jI :- imqI 24, 25, 26-12-2004 smF 11 vjy svYr qoN 18 vjy sLfm pRogrfm asQfn :- Gurdwara Guru Nanak NiwasErlingheimerstr -16 70437 – Stuttgart ( GERMANY) vDyry jfnkfrI vfsqy :- Tel. 0049-177-8348056 0049-172-7309656rfq rihx df vI ieMqjfm hY jI, ikRpf krky pihlF sucnf dyx dI Kycl kro jI, bynqI krqf srbwwq stutgfrt gursMgq. zf: kuldIp isMG Panth Dardio, WaheGuru ji ka Khalsa WaheGuru ji ki fateh On the morning of 28th October 2003, nanaksdas got a flash in his mind that Guru Panth has the same power as that of the Guru. The Light of the Lord Himself was called Guru Nanak and this light of Akal Purakh was transfered to their successor Gurus. Guru Nanak came with a mission and a program given to him by Akal Purakh for which He had organized the panth. His mission was described by Bhai Gurdas ji as "Chariya Sodhan Dharat Lokai..." and "Nanak Nirmal Panth Banaiya..." This Panth was to carry on the work of Guru Nanak, i.e. to bring the whole humanity to the path of righteousness. The Sixth Nanak when he bacame the Guru at the age of 11, He divided this light into two clear fractions called miri and piri. Guru Gobind Singh ji passed on this Miri or Soveriginity to the Guru Panth. Guru Panth was to be a unitary entity comprised of the whole Khalsa Panth which was to have a single religious as well as political program. Principal Teja Singh, the convenor of the committee drafting the rehat Maryada was quite right in writing that "the Gurus did not allow any new centres to be formed within Sikhism, Whenever anybody tried to found a schism he and his followers were thrown out. That was the fate of the Minas, Dhirmalias, Ramrias as well as masands. After the death of Guru Gobind Singh the whole Sikh comunity as a collective unit, was invested with the authority of the Guru and was to guide itself in the light of the Word incorporated in the Holy Granth." (Modern dificulities of Sikhism, in, 'Essays in Sikhism, 1944, now published by languages department, panjab). It is strange that the subcommittee did not adhere to the pronucement of the Guru and were led astray by the same Principal Teja Singh. He recommended, "it is only since 1849 that they have had occassion to serve under a friendly Govt (?)..... the Sikhs must boldly face the fact that their organization, if revives strictly on its original lines must clash with the Govt. of the land....... The best way out of the difficulty must be to modify the constitution in the light of the present circumstances to confine the Gurmata only to those matters which are strictly religious and to seperate from them the political matters." The above resulted that the Guru Panth was not constituted and the sikh leaders felt free to join any political group and calling themselves Sikhs because they were following the rituals called the maryada passed by SGPC in 1945. The clever Pandit Nehru offered the Sikhs money to fight the Panjab assembly and the central assembly in 1946 on the ticket of the central party. Immediately some Sikh leaders who were unhappy with the leadership of the Akali dal joined the congress party and others joined the communist party and subsequently many Sikh leaders formed Akali Dals of their own. The flash clarified that if all the Sikhs were to come on one religious and political platrorm then their collective wisdom would be such that their recommendations would be acceplable to the whole world. These pronucements would appear to the world to be God sent. This is an historic moment in the life of the Panth to shape itself on the 300th annisversary of the martyrdom of the sahibzadas. We can commence this by Sikhs sending messages to Capt. Amrinder Singh thru the fax and email of SGPC Asr. that he should join celebrations on the platform of SGPC. Any collective pronuncement on that occassion can result in the following : 1. commencement of withdrawl of American Army from Iraq to the jubilitation of Iraqis for restoration of their hurt ego and the American people who's army men are dying unnecessarily. 2. Embracing of Israely Jews and Palestianian Arabs as the children of the same God or Allah promising not to kill each other for no purpose and to sit immediately to define their borders without recalling what had happened upto now. 3. The Indian govt. agreeing to shift their army in kashmir to its International borders, thus saving the hurting of the ego of Kashmiri people when they see the Indian Army all around them. The Kashmiri police should be able to maintain law and order. 4. The same should happen in all the seven NE states of India, that Indian army shifts to international borders and the people seeing their own police. 5. Simultaneous commencemet of construction of ram Janam Bhoomi Mandir and the Babri Masjid on the new year day. Please immediately start sending your emails to Capt. Amrinder Singh thru SGPC that he should not put up a seperate show at Chamkaur Sahib and Fatehgarh Sahib and he should join the program of SGPC as an humble Sikh. My request is that try to please send this message to all email addresses that you have so that toousands of messages are sent within 24hrs. Panth ik manch te = Guru Panth = Guru jitni takat = Akal Purakh jitni taakat - Why ? because- Jot Roop Har Aap Guru Nanak Kahiyo (GGS p.1408) With regards, Nanaksdas Dr. Kuldip Singh, FRCS srvjIq isMG rfgmflf bnfm rfmrOlHf pMQ pRvfnq ‘iswK rihq mrXfdf’, jo ÈRromxI kmytI vlo 1945 ivwc pRvfn kIqI geI sI ivwc rfgmflf vfry, pNMnf 18 Aupr ieh drj hY: Bog A) sRI gurU gRMQ sfihb dy pfT (sfDfrn jF aKMz) df Bog muMdfvxI Auqy jF rfgmflf pVH ky cldI sQfnk rIqI anusfr pfieaf jfvy. (ies gwl bfbq pMQ `c ajy qk mqByd hY, ies leI rfgmflf qoN ibnF sRI gurU gRMQ sfihb jI dI bIV ilKx jF Cfpx df hIaf koeI nf kry). ies qoN AupRMq anMd sfihb df pfT kr ky Bog df ardfsf kIqf jfvy qy kVfh pRsLfid vrqfieaf jfvy. ikAuik rfgmflf vfry ivdvfnf ivwc mwqByd sn ies leI Auhnf ny ies msly nMU hor ivcfrf leI KuwlF hI Cwz idwqf. awj vI pMQ ies msly vfry vMizaF hoieaf hY. Kfs qor qy imÈnrI aqy aKMz kIrqnI jQy vfly ies nMU bfxI nhI mMndy aqy sMq smfj smyq sfry zyiraF vfly ies nMU bfxI mMndy hn. afm sMgqF df ies msly nfl koeI sbMD nhI hY aqy ÈoRmxI kmytI votF Kfqr rfjnIqI dI gMdI Kyz Kyz rhI hY. 1931 qo 1945 qwk ijhVy ivdvfn rihq mrXfdf nMU iqafr krn leI srgrm sn Auhnf dI nyk-nIqI qy Èwk nhI kIqF jf skdf pr AuhnF dIaF mjbUrIaF vfry awj asI aMdfjf lf skdy hF ky awj dy mukfbly AuhnF kol afvfjfeI aqy sMcfr dy sfDn ikMny ku hoxgy. Aus vyly dy iehnF mhfn ivdvfnf leI, aijhI Koj krnI jy asMBv nhI qF muÈkl jrUr sI ijs nMU awj iewk sDfrn ivakqI vI Gr bYTf hI kr skdf hY. dujy pfsy awj sfzy kol sfDn qf byaMq hn pr dwuK dI gwl ieh hY ik nyk-nIqI nhI hY. "8 dsMbr nUM sRI akfl qKq sfihb ivKy pMj isMG sfihbfn dI hoeI iekwqrqf ivc ig: guridwq isMG vwloN pMj isMG sfihbfn nUM ieh ilK ky idwqf igaf hY ik mMudfvxI pusqk dy muwK bMD ivc jo AunHF vwloN jQydfr ig: joigMdr isMG vydFqI duafrf Koj smyN ivsLysL sihXog dyx df ijLkr kIqf igaf hY Auh AunHF koloN Bwul hoeI hY, ikAuNik isMG sfihb afpxy qOr `qy purfqx bIVF dy drsLn krn leI jFdy rhy hn. AunHF ilKqInfmy ivc spwsLt kIqf ik ies Koj dOrfn AunHF kdy vI jQydfr sRI vydFqI nfl muMdfvxI jF rfg mflf bfry pusqk ilKx sbMDI koeI ijLkr nhIN kIqf. ies mfmly ivc sRI akfl qKq sfihb dy jQydfr ig: joigMdr isMG vydFqI vwloN BfvyN qKq sRI ptnf sfihb dy jQydfr ig: iekbfl isMG nUM koeI spsLtIkrn nhIN Byijaf igaf, pr AunHF mIzIaf sfhmxy ieh spsLt kIqf ik Auh purfqn srUpF dy pfT Byd dI Koj leI vwK-vwK QfvF `qy gey hn, pr AunHF df ies pusqk dy mfmly ivc ig: guridwq isMG nfl koeI sbMD nhIN hY. AunHF ieh vI spsLt kIqf ik Auh kdy vI ig: guridwq isMG dy nfl nhIN gey sgoN ienHF dOiraF dOrfn ig: guridwq isMG AunHF dy nfl Xfqrf krdy rhy hn. AunHF ieh vI ikhf ik ies pusqk df muwK bMD AunHF nhIN iliKaf." (ajIq jlMDr 2004 12 10) ieiqhfs sRI guru gRMQ sfihb, ‘muMdfvxI’ df krqf igafnI guridwq isMG pMnf 14 Aupr ‘DMnvfd’ isrlyK hyT ilKdy hn, lyKk nMU pRsMnqf hY ies pusqk dy sMpUrn hox qy jo krfj 1944 eI: ivwc afrMB hoieaf sI, so sMpMn hoieaf hY awDI sdI qoN vwD Aumr lyKk dI sfihq Kyqr ivwc aiDaYn ivwc lMGI hY, pRmWuK rUp ivwc afid guru gRMQ sfihb jI aqy purfqn bIVF lyKk dI sfDnf df kyNdr irhf hY.………. kuwJ swjx, ijnHF dI pRyrnf nfl ieh kfrj Coihaf igaf sI, Éyd hY ik Auh sMsfr qoN cly gey hn. kuwJ aijhy mhFpurÈ sn, ijnHF dIaF ÈuB BfvnfvF lyKk leI XfdF bx ky tuMbdIaF rhIaF . AuhnF mhFpurKF dIaF pRryxF nMU nmskfr krdf hF……. BfeI joigMdr isMG jI vydFqI (hux jQydfr sRI akfl qÉq sfihb) ny aMrBk smyN bIVF dI Bfl qy Koj krn ivwc jo smyN-smyN sÌrF dorfn sfQ idwqf aqy hwQ-ilKqF lwBx leI dUr-nyVy jfx dIaF KyclF JwlIaF AunHF df ivÈyÈ DMnvfdI hF. (pMnF15) ![]() hYrfnI aqy duK dI gwl ieh hY ik awj ieh dovy igafnI (?) ijnHF nUM gurU df qF koeI zr-Bo nhI hY, iewk hor gRMQI qoN zrdy hI JUT bol rhy hn. Kwby qo: ig: guridwq isMG, ig: joigdMr isMG vydFqI, hYz gRQI qÉq ptnf sfihb (BfeI iekbfl isMG) aqy BfeI mohx isMG gfrz muhflI. …… (muMdfvxI pMnf 32) ieh dovy igafnI afpxy spWÈtI krn ivwc muK bNMd df ijkr kr rhy hn jdo ky purI pusqk ivwc ‘muK bMd’ Èbd hY hI nhI! qqkry ivwc, BUimkf (pNMnf 5), pRyrnf aqy asIs (pMnf11), sUcnf (pMnf12), DMnvfd (pMnf 14), purfqn bIVF dIaF rMgdfr qsvIrF (pMnf17), pRsqfvnf (pMnf 33) aqy pihlf aiDafie-bIVF bfry sMKyp jfxkfrI (pMnf52) aid drj hY. igafnI joigdMr isMG jI ieho ijhy JUT duinafvI adflqf ivwc hI ÈoBf idMdy hn swc dy drbfr ivwc nhI, Auh vI swc dy drbfr dy muK syvf dfr nUM. jy ieh mMn vI ilaf jfvy ky vydFqI jI guridwq isMG dy nfl nhI sgo guridwq isMG jI vydFqI dy nfl jfdy sn qF vI sPr qf dovy iekwTy hI krdy sn aqy Koj df ivÈf vI iewk hI sI qy vsIly vI sFJy, qF ieh ikvy mMn ilaf jfvy , "ik ies Koj dOrfn AunHF (guridwq isMG ) kdy vI jQydfr sRI vydFqI nfl muMdfvxI jF rfg mflf bfry pusqk ilKx sbMDI koeI ijLkr nhIN kIqf." pusqk ivwc ieh vI drj hY ‘pihlI vfr julfeI, 2003’, Bfv ky ieh pusqk iewk sfl qo vI vwD purfxI hY pr vydfqI jI nMU ies vfry koeI jfxkfrI nhI sI ky ies ivwc AunHF dy afpxy vfry aqy guru gRMQ sfihb jI vfry kI iliKaF igaf hY, ieh hY Xogqf sfzy aKoqI jQydfr dI! clo jy quhfzy AupRokq spWÈtI krn nMU BfeI iekbfl isMG mMn vI lvy, ijs dI kfPI sMBvfnf hY ikAuik Auh quhfzy iensfP krn dy qrIky nMU vI jfxdf hY (Kfs krky idwlI vflI kmytI dy sfbkf pRDfn vflf PYslf) qF vI qusI swc qy pVdf pfAux ivwc sPl nhI ho skdy, vydFqI jI Auh swc hI kI hoieaf ijhVf JuUT dy pVdy Qwly dwPn ho jfvy, swc qF sO pVdy pfV ky vI pwRgt ho hI jfdF hY, kro drÈn. "gurbfxI aqy prUPF dIaF glqIaF, gurmuK ipafry BfeI joigdMr isMG vydFqI, gRMQI sRI hirmMdr sfihb ny lgfAux ivc mdd kIqI, pRMqU pRYs dIaf mjbUrIaF iPr vI BfrU rhIaF" ieiqhfs sRI guru gRMQ sfihb (Bgq bfxI Bfg) lyKk igafnI guridwq isMG aYzIÈn –dUjf 2000, pMnf 642,---(iphlI vfr meI 1990) igafnI joigMdr isMG vydFqI jI hux ieh dwso, kI prUP rIzr lyKk df shfiek huMdf hY jF lyKk prUP rIzr df? jdo ky ieh vI swc hY ky qusI ijs ÈRomxI kmytI ivc iek gRMQI dI ijmyvfrI inBf rhy sI Ausy ÈRomxI kmytI ny igafnI guridwq isMG nMU 1946 ivc ‘gurbfxI irsrc skflr’ inXukq kIqf sI. (‘muMdfvxI’ pMnf 12 aqy pMnf 224) igafnI joigdMr isMG vydFqI jI, ikMnf cMgf huMdf jy qusI aijhIaF PokIaF dlIlf dyx dI QF igafnI iekbfl isMG nMU ieh svfl krdy ky BfeI iekbfl isMG jI qusI ieh dwso ky rfgmflf iks guru sfihb jI dI jF iks siqkfr Xog Bgq jI dI rcnf hY? ies nMU guru gRMQ sfihb jI ivc iks ny aqy kdoN Èfml kIqf hY? jF, jy qusI Kud vI rfg mflf nMU bfxI hI mMndy ho (gurimq ivroDI guriblfs pfqsLfhI 6 dy adfr qy) qF idAu AupRokq svfl df spwÈt jvfb qF jo rfgmflf df ieh mslf sdf leI Kqm ho jfvy aqyy kro igafnI guridwq isMG dy iKlfP spwÈt kfrvfeI aqy idAu afpxy inrpwK hox df sbUq. hoeIaF BulF leI iKmf krnf jI, afdr sihq, srvjIq isMG. hOlYNz dIaF isWK sMgqF hOlYNz dIaF iswK sMgqf aqy iswK kimAuintI bYnyluks vlo sRomxI gurduafrf pRbMDk kmytI nMU ros pwqr Byijaf zYnhfg (hOlYNz):14/12/04 iswK kimAuintI bYnyluks vlo gurduafrf sRI gurU isMG sBf zYnhfg dI pRbMDk kmytI dy sihXog aqy smUh sMgqf vlo sRI drbfr sfihb drsLnI izAuVI dy drvfjy bdlx dy mfmly Awupr sMgqf dy dsqKqf vflf mYmorMzm sRomxI gurduafrf pRbMDk kmytI nMU Byijaf igaf. 5 dsMbr aYyqvfr nMU gudduafrf sRI gurU isMG sBf ivKy iswK kimAuintI vlo sMgqf nMU drbfijaf bfry jfxkfrI idwqI geI aqy gurU Gr ivKy sMgqf ny ies ros pwqr Auwpr afpxy dsqKq kIqy. sMgqf ivwc bhUq AuqsLfh sI sMgqf kih rhIaf sn ky drbfijaf dI murMmq kIqI jf skdI hY pr bdlxf kdy vI Auicq nhI hovygf . iswK kimAuintI vlo jfrI ibafn ivwc ikhf igaf ky ieh drbfjy sLrDf Bfvnf nfl nhI bdly jf rhy blky iewk smJoqy dy nfl bdlx df tIcf rwiKaf igaf hY. insLkfm syvk jQf aqy sLromxI gurduafrf pRbMDk kmytI afpxy PyYsilaf Auwpr ivcfr krn aqy jo pYsf drbfijaf Auwpr lfAuxf hY Aus nfl PrI hspqfl, skUl kflj Koly jf skdy hn jF PrFs dy dsqfr msly nMU vDIaf qrIky nfl pysL kIqf jf skdf hY. aMq ivwc smUh sMgqf nMU bynqI kIqI geI ky sfrIaf hI nfnk nfm lyvf sMgqf afr[ aYYs[ aYYs[ koJI cfl df juafb dyx . jy asI gurU dy iswK hF qF sfzf Prj bxdf hY ky asI hr gurmq ivroDI cfl df juafb dyeIey ikAuik sfzf pflx hfr Auh akfl purK hY. aqy asI klgIDr ipqf dI sMqfn hF sfnMU iswK ivroDI cflf df zwt ky ivroD krn df hwk hY. aMq ivwc iswK kimAuintI vlo ikhf igaf ky iewk rijsLtr pwqr rfhI sLromxI kmytI nMU ros pwqr Byijaf igaf. aMq ivwc juigMdr isMG, myjr isMG, hrjIq isMG, crn isMG, jrnYl isMG, suwcf isMG, sLmsLyr isMG, gurdyv isMG, jogf isMG, jsivMdr isMG, jspfl isMG, ipafrf isMG, srUp isMG, prsn isMG, kuldIp isMG, jsvMq isMG, rfijMdr isMG, sucf isMG, hrijMdr isMG, divMdr isMG, avqfr isMG, kulivMdr isMG, hrivMdr isMG, amrjIq isMG, juigMdr isMG vlo afs pRgt kIqI ky vfihgurU afp ies kfrj nMU rfs krngy aqy dusLmx nMU mMUh dI KfxI pvygI. hrpRIq isMG/kOr Respected Sir SSA, Nice work, Truly wish to be a part of all that is going on, Well My Grand MA (Matajee), is not used to work on a computer, so it would be a great help to me if the publications are sent to me VIA post, I am ready to pay for the postal charges, and surely would contribute for maintaing the site if I see the developments at a regular basis, I would also like to volunteer for any occasion/ event or any other thing where my help is required Dream Retreat Plot No 7, Survey No 907/1/2 Behind Hotel The Plaza. 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Keep Posted Best Regards Harpreet dlIp isMG Kflsf iswK kOm Auwpr afr[ aYWs[ aYWs[ df glbf idn bidn vDdf jf irhf hY iswK kOm dy vfrso, kMUB krnI nINd ivwco jfgo. afpF sfry jo vI sRI gurU gRMQ sfihb ivwc sLrDf rwK ky afpxy kfrj krdy hF aqy sLRI gurU gRMQ sfihb jI ivwc atuwt ivsLvfsL pRgt krdy hF asI sfry iswK kom df aMg hF . afpxy ivwco bhUqy vIr jo gurU crnf ivwc afpxI ilv lf lNYdy hn aqy klgIDr pfqsLfh blo bKsLI aMimRMq dI dfq pRfpq kr ky aimMRqDfrI isMG aKvfAudy hn. ijhnF ny aimMRq nhI Cikaf AuhnF ny pfqsLfh dy crnf ivwc ardfs krnI hY ky hy swcy pfqsLfh sfnMU vI anmol aimRMq dI dfq bKsLxI. asI iesy jnm aMdr gurU vfly bxky ies dunIaf qNo kUc krIey. pqf nhI muVky ikqny jnm sfnMU Btkxf pYxf hY. ijhVy vIr iswK kOm dy gurU GrF ivwco Kfxf Kf ky afr[ ayYs[ayYs[ dI bolI boldy hn AuhnF nMU ikwQy jf ky sbr afvygf. rfsLtrI iswK sMgq ijsdf dUsrf nF rfsLtrIa svfiem syvk sMG hY afpxy tryNz bMdy dysL bdysL ivwc psfr cuwkI hY. kuJ ku iswKI srUp vfly bMdy qF sLryafm kihMdy hn afr[ aYs[ aYs[ bhUuq vDIaf kMm kr rhI hY. kuJ ku jfxy axjfxy afr: aYs: aYs: dy pYr icMnHf Auwpr cl rhy hn. pr ijadfqr igxqI iswKI srUp vfly jF aimRMqDfrI iswKf dI hI hY jo afr[ aYs[ aYs[ dI bolI bol rhy hn. ies vkq asI sfihbjfidaf df 300 sflf sLhIdI idhfVf mnf rhy hF sfzI swcI suwcI sLrDfNjlI iehI hovygI ky asI afr[ aYs[ aYs[ dI bolI bolx vfilaf nMU jVHf qo hI AuKyV dyeIey. ikAuik sfzI Dfrimk sMsLQf sLromxI gurduafrf pRbMDk kmytI aqy jQydfr sfihbfn vI ies qo dUr nhI hn Auh vI pUrI qrF afr[ aYs[ aYs[ dI jkV ivwc hn. iesy kVI dy qihq sfihbjfidaf dy sLhIdI idhfVy qo ayYn kuJ smf pihlf sRI hirmMdr sfihb aimRMqsr drsLnI idAuVI dy drbfjy bdlky kOm nMU qohPf idwqf jf irhf hY aqy AuhnF purfqn sLhIdF dy nf Auwpr klMk lfieaf jf irhf hY.jQydfr sI akfl qKq sfihb ny monDfr rwiKaf hY.jQydfr suKdyv isMG Bor jI ny kOm nMU pMjfb ryzIAu Xu ky Awupr Brosf idwq hY ky jd qwk Auh sLrmoxI kmytI dI syvf krdy hn Auh iksy vI hflq ivwc drsnI izAUVI dy drbfjy nhI bdlx dyxgy ieh myrf kOm nfl vfadf hY. Aus qo agly idn Ausy ryzIAu Auwpr sR krnYl isMG jI pMjolI ny vI ieho hI Brosf idwqf. aqy ikhf ky jQydfr bzMUgr ny qf ieh mqf 2003 ivwc hI pfs kr idwqf sI jd ky jQydfr Bor ny ikhf ky ajy qwk koeI mqf pfs hI nhI hoieaf. AuwDr dlmyG isMG sLromxI kmytI skwqr ny afpxI stytmYt idwqI ky drbfjy bdly jfxgy hflq Ksqf ho cuwkI hY. Aus qo agly hI idn bfdl dl df chyqf BfrqI jnqf pfrtI df pRDfn lfl ikRsLn azvfnI drbfr sfihb afAudf hy aqy lfhy jf rhy drbfjy vfps lY jfx dI mMg krdf hY. ies sB kuJ qo sfP njr afAudf hY ky bfdl dl ny aMdr Kfqy iswK kOm nfl DoKf kr ky ieh drvfjy vfps krn leI sLromxI kmytI nMU mnf cuwkf hY. pr hux mslf kOm dI kichrI ivwc af cuwkf hY. sfihbjfdf ajIq isMG , juJfr isMG dy vfrso jfgo aqy pMQ doKIaf nMU mUMh qoVvf Auwqr idAu hr jgHf ivroD kro aqy gurU dIaf KusLIaf pRfpq kro. ies bfdl ny morcy lf ky kom df pihlf hI bhUq nuksfn kr idwqf hY. aqy bfad ivwc jo KfVkU lihr cwlI sI Aus ivwc qf kOm 50 sfl ipwCy pY cuwkI hY. ieh lok qF hmysLf hI cfhMUdy hn ky kOm df srmfieaf lihrf ivwc pY ky Kqm ho jfvy . lokqMqrI qrIky nfl iehnF df ivroD kIqf jfvy. awj iswK kOm nMU hr pfsy hr muhfj Auwpr musIbqf df sfhmxf krnf pY irhf hY . gurU Gr df aMn Kf ky gMgU bRfhmx ny aikRqGxqf df sbUq idwqf nMnIaf muMnIaf 2 ijMdf 7 aqy 9 sfl dy sfihbjfdf bfbf juJfr isMG, bfbf Piqh isMG aqy mfqf gujrI jI nMU sLhId krvfieaf. ayYsf pfp kIqf ijsdI msfl ikqy vI nhI imldI jy gMgU gurU Gr df rsoeIaf bx ky syvfdfr nhI bx sikaf qf kI awj df iswK jo afr: aYs: aYs: dI JolI ivwc ipaf hoieaf hY kI Auh syvfdfr bx skdf hY? nhI kdy vI nhI aikRqGx ny aikRqGx hI rihxf hY. awj df iswK kihMdf hY ky mY gurduary df mYMbr jF pRDfn hF myry qo ibnf hor koeI syvfdfr nhI hY sMgq mY kmytI dy nF qy KrId leI hY. ijs nMU mY cfhvf Auh gurduary bol skdf hY ijsnMU mY cfhvf Auh gurduary dI hdUud ivwc iswKI dI gwl vI nhI kr skdf awj df iswK ieqnf afr: aYs: aYs: dI bolI boldf -boldf igr cuwkf hY ky ies nMU hor koeI syvfdfr hI nhI njr af irhf. pRDfn mMqrI mnmohn isMG dy pRDfn mMqrI bxn qy iswK kOm dI iewjq dI gwl krdf hY pr awj dy iswK nMU ieh nhI pqf ky pRDfn mMqrI dy mMqrI mMzl df ayn afr afeI minstr jgdIs tfeItlr ijsdy anykf hI nMny mMUny iswKf df kql jo mMUhf ivwc pYtrol pf ky jF glF ivwc tfier pfky hoey sn hjfrF hI bIbIaf dI iewjqF lwtIaf aqy kql kIqIaf sn dy kqlf df muwK dosLI hY aqy hr dysL ivwc prvfsI BfrqIaf dI musLklf suxn dy nF hyT iswKf dy jKmf Auwpr lUx iCVk irhf hY. iswKF dI iewjq qf bhUq ho geI ikAuik iswKf df kfql jgdIsL tfeItlr minst jo lwg igaf aqy aikRqGxf nMU nfl bYT ky cfh pIx df mokf ijAu iml igaf. pr iPr vI dsvy pfqsLfh df kUMzlIaf swp bIr Kflsf hfly ijAudf hY aqy Ausy ny hI jrmnI ivwc jgdIsL tfeIUtlr nMU Bjfieaf aqy PrFs dy iswKF nMU dsqfr msly dy sbMD ivwc BfrqI aMbYsI rfhI jgdIs tfeItlr nfl vfrqf PrFs dIaf sfrIaf gurduafrf kmytIaf ny ieh kih ky Tkrf idwqI ky qMU idwlI dMigaf df dosI hY aqy asI iswK kOm dy kfql nfl gwl nhI krnI. pr pRDFn mMqrI mnmohn isMG df sfry siqkfr krdy hn ikAuik shI iswK hn. jdo tfeItlr astryliaf ivwc igaf qF AuwQo dIaf iswK jQybMdIaf ny jordfr ivroD kIqf aqy XU aYn Ao ivwc nvMbr 1984 leI iensfP dI putIsLn pfeI aqy Bfrq dy rfstrpqI, pRDfn mMqrI, aqy kfgrs pRDFn sonIaf gFDI nMU Kq ilK ky jgdIsL tfeItlr dI ibdysL PyrI qy pfbMdI dI mMg kIqI. aqy ikhf ky BfrqI Kjfny df njfiej Pfiedf AuTf irhf hY. aqy ies njfiej Krcy nMU roikaf jfvy. jgdIsL tfeItlr dy inAujIlYz ivwc phMUcx Auwpr aYysf ros mujfhrf kIqf ky Aus nMU nfnI cyqy af geI . inAujIlYz iswK susfietI dy isMGf ny pfrlImYt mYbrf nUM puiCaf ky iswKF df kfql ikvy afieaf hY qf pfrlImYt mYbrf ny ikhf ky asI ienkuarI krf gy ik ieh tfeItlr ikvy afieaf hyY. asI koeI vI vI[ afeI[ PI[ swdf nhI Byijaf. dfs df ies vfrqf nMU ilKx df mksd ieh hY ky gurU mhFrfj jI dI afpxy iswKF Auwpr ikRpf hY aqy Auh kOm Awupr hoey julm dI gwl ijwQy ikqy vI bYTy hn kr rhy hn . afr: aYs: aYYs: dy jfl ivwc nhI Psy pRmfqmF iesy qrHF isMGf nMU sumwq bKsLy aqy isMG julm df tfkrf krdy rihx jfgdI jmIr vfly iswK iesy qRf pUrI dunIaf ivwc psry rihx nhI qf aikRqGx qf ieh cfhMUdy hn ky ieh ikAu nhI pMjFb dI awg ivwc mry sfzy rfh df roVf bxy pey hn. gurU nfnk dyv jI mhFrfj jI dy smy iewk sfKI hY ky jdo mhFrfj jI iewk ipMz ivwc gey qF Aus ipMz dy lokf ny mhFrfj jI nMU pwQr afid mfry aqy burf Blf ikhf gurU nfnk dyv jI mhFrfj jI ny ikhf bsy rho aqy BfeI mrdfnf jI bhUq hYrfn hoieaf. jdo dUsry ipMz gey qf AuwQo dy lokf ny bhuq iewjq mfx idwqf aqy cMgI afAu Bugq kIqI. qF gurU nfnk dyv jI ny ikhf ky AuwjV jfvo. qf BfeI mrdfny qo irhf nf igaf afKr AuhnF ny gurU jI nMU puwC hI ilaf qy ikhf ky gurU jI kI gwl hyY ijhnF ny sfnUM burf Blf ikhf qusI AuhnF nMU qf ikhf ky bsy rho ijhnF ny sfnMU lMgr aqy afdr siqkfr idwqf AuhnF nMU afp jI ny ikhf ky AuwjV jfvo. mhFrfj jI ny ikhf ky ijhnf ny sfnMU burf Blf ikhf jy iewQy hI rihxgy qf TIk hY ikAuik iehnf ny koeI cMgf kMm nhI krnf ijhnF ny sfnMU afdr siqkfr idwqf hyY Auh ijwQy vI jfxgy qF Blf hI krngy. julm ivwruD avfj bulMd krn vfly ijwQy vI rihxgy Auh AuQy hI nvIaf piVIaf leI cfnn munfry df kMm krngy. dfs dI AuhnF nMU bynqI hY
ky jo lok jfxy axjfxy afr[ aYYs[ aYYs[ dI bolI boldy hn Auh gurU gMRQ sfihb jI
dI muwK Dfrf nfl juVn. ikAuik ieh iewk scfeI hY ky Kflsf kOm ny Kqm nhI hoxf ies
nMU Kqm krdy krdy , awbdflI, mwsf rMGV, jkrIaf Kfn, vjId Kfn, ieMdrf, jrnl brfV,
drbfrf, lilq mfkn, jrnl vYidaf aqy byaMqy ijhy anykf hI qur gey hn. aqy kOm awj
vI cVHdI klHf ivwc hY. ikAuik ies dI nIhf ivwc gurU sfihb df afpxf KuUn hY 4
sfihbjfidaf dI shfdq hY aqy anykf hI sLhIdf df KUun hY. ijs ny vI burI njr nfl
bfjf vfly dI kom nMU qwikaf Auh afp qf ies dunIaf qo kUc kr igaf pr kOm dy akfl
qKq df insLfn sfihb awj vI vfjf mfr mfr kih irhf hY ky aY jflmo mY awj vI suqMqr
hF aqy Kflsy dI idRVqf df pRqIk hF. akfl purK dI afpxI sfjI hoeI iswK kom kdy vI
Kqm nhI hovygI. afs hY sfry pyprf vfly kom dI avfj nMU afpxy pyprf ivwc
Xog sQfn dy ky DMnvfdI bxfAuxgy. |
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