
jiqMdr isMG dubeI

ÃÄ vfihgurU jI kf Kflsf, vfihgurU jI kI Piqh ÃÄ

aiqsiqkfrXog srdfr mwKx isMG jI,

myrf nfm jiqMdr isMG hY mY dubeI rihMdf hF aqy rojfnf iswK mfrg pVdf hF ikRpf krky mYƒ ieh jfxkfrI idAu ik sfzy Drm ivwc kVfh pRÈfid dI kI mhwqqf hY ieh ikAu vrqfieaf jFdf hY.


jiqMdr isMG dubeI

rivMdr isMG nvIN idWlI

Sr. Purewal ji,

Waheguru ji ka Khalsa Waheguru ji ki Fateh

I have ben trying to attach a file but have not been successful for the last two weeks. I have read Giani Bhag Singh's Dasam Granth Nirnay ( It was so called when published for the first time) and never believed it to be from the mighty pen of Tenth Nanak. I happen to have a cursory glance at Hindu Puranas, Mahabharta, Ramayana during my school days as my father has a large collection of Hindu Mythological books, and even these are not obscene in true sense, though mention of rape, women's beauty, etc., do appear even in Mahabharta.The so called Triya Charitra is not part of well known Hindu Mythology( Ramayana, Mahabharta, Eighteen Puranas) Vedanta contains plilosophical discourses and differs in great extent from the path laid down by Guru Nanak. If you agree I will try to send brief of only two Upnishads, Ishavasyo and Kathopnishad.Most of the Hindus even do not know about these important Upnishads, as with us sikhs (Young generation of sikhs most probably do not know even names of all Gurus, Sahibzadas, Panth Piyaras, Banis of Nitnem, and long Banis in Guru Granth Sahib).Please try to put on you site, the code of ethics a sikh has to follow in his life.(It can be compared with code of ethics of other faiths, and even western philosophers).

Ravinder Singh New Delhi India.

vrlz isWK kONsl

WSC-AR Commends SGPC for Deciding to Withdraw Nomination of Siri Darbar Sahib for UNESCO World Heritage Status; Appeals to SGPC to Ensure Immediate Withdrawal of Nomination by Government of India

April 21, 2005

Contact: Dr. Tarunjit Singh, Secretary General, 614-210-0591,

World Sikh Council - America Region (WSC-AR)
P.O. Box 3635, Columbus, Ohio 43210, USA
Phone: 614-210-0591, Fax: 419-535-6794
Website: www.worldsikhcouncil.org

The World Sikh Council - America Region (WSC-AR) notes with satisfaction media reports that on April 21, 2005 the Executive Committee of the Shiromani Gurdwara Parbandhak Committee (SGPC) recommended that the proposal to declare Siri Darbar Sahib a UNESCO world heritage site should be withdrawn.

The WSC-AR has been advised by UNESCO's World Heritage Centre that only the State Party of India (Government of India through its Permanent Delegation to UNESCO) has the authority to withdraw this nomination.

Mr. Amolak Singh, Chairperson of WSC-AR remarked "We request the SGPC to ask the Government of India for the immediate withdrawal of the nomination and its accompanying dossier. We also call upon the SGPC and other Sikh organizations in Punjab and the rest of India to act without delay and, should the Indian Government hesitate, organize massive peaceful protests to ensure that the Government of India withdraws this ill-fated nomination."

Dr. Tarunjit Singh, Secretary General of WSC-AR said, "We call upon the Government of India to respect the religious sentiments of one of its religious minorities, to immediately withdraw the nomination and dossier submitted by it to UNESCO, and to end this interference in the religious affairs of the Sikhs. WSC-AR also requests Sikhs all over the world to ask the State Party of India to end this misadventure."

WSC-AR calls upon Sikh organizations across the world to urgently contact their respective country's UNESCO delegation and request they vote no for world heritage status for Siri Darbar Sahib, prior to the July 2005 potential vote at the meeting of the World Heritage Committee in South Africa.

The World Sikh Council - America Region (WSC-AR) has reviewed the nomination dossier and communicated over the last several months with the UNESCO World Heritage Centre. It is the considered opinion of the WSC-AR that the request to nominate Siri Darbar Sahib as a cultural symbol of Indian civilization by the Government of India is wrong and ill-advised.

The dossier submitted by the Government of India to UNESCO is misleading, has serious flaws, and is strongly objected to by Sikhs around the world.

The WSC-AR has written letters to the Prime Minster of India, President of SGPC, and officials at UNESCO as well as the US Mission to UNESCO requesting immediate withdrawal of this nomination.

The fundamental argument set forth in the nomination dossier that Siri Darbar Sahib represents the cultural heritage and uniqueness of Indian civilization is misleading and incorrect. Such claims undermine the religious importance of this site and are offensive. The status of Siri Darbar Sahib in the Sikh Religion is similar to that of the Kaaba in Islam and the Vatican in Roman Catholicism. Kaaba is not a Saudi Arabian cultural site but the center of Islam; the Vatican is not an Italian cultural entity but the center of the Roman Catholic faith. Neither of these two places is on the World Heritage List under Saudi Arabia or Italy. Siri Darbar Sahib is the heartthrob of a living faith; it is not an archeological relic or a symbol of Indian culture and it is not a cultural tourist site.

Along with Siri Darbar Sahib, the Government of India has also nominated a railway project in North-East India for world heritage status. The Bombay Railway Station is another place already so designated by UNESCO.

Siri Darbar Sahib, Amritsar, as center of the Sikh faith, already has an exalted status and any action to place it on any list alongside archeological sites or other buildings, complexes, structures, railway stations would be an insult to our most cherished shrine and to the entire Sikh community.

Two public statements issued earlier by WSC-AR on March 29 and April 10 can
be accessed at www.worldsikhcouncil.org.

The WSC-AR is a representative and elected body of Sikh Gurdwaras and institutions in the United States. Its members include 37 Gurdwaras (Sikh places of worship) and other Sikh institutions across the nation.

blbIr isMG sUc aYzvokyt



First of all, it is happy occasion to congratulate you on your very secret and most democratic election as a religious head of a very powerful section of people to give a message of God for peace of humanity throughout the World.

Today, the conversion is being seen in action everywhere for destabilizing the existing society in particular or specific sphere resulting into hatred, isolation, distrust and violation etc through this undignified act which should be discouraged, otherwise gaining knowledge of all religions is appreciable by the persons who have capacity and constructive intelligence to do so. The exploitation of human weaknesses for enhancing and backing ‘divide and rule’ policy must be checked for peace, which can be the only desire of God.

To my mind, the reasons for conversion in brief are as under:

(1) Lack of self-dignity;

    1. Suffering from inferiority complex resulting into hypocrisy to show that he/she is doing something different and has landed in some superior class but actually all this is being done by the individual concerned to cover up his/her own disqualification or inferiority complex by keeping others in mental agony;
    2. Feelings of self created isolation;
    3. Lack of knowledge of teachings of religion including effect of misinterpretation, defective management and implementation of one’s own real religion;
    4. Devotion to master at working place not to God;
    5. Due to greed and expectation of more economical gains in the long run through this type of undignified short cut;
    6. No value for self-respect;
    7. Discarded individually or as a section by his countrymen due to seen or unseen reasons;
    8. Superiority of one of family members to dictate his own terms and conditions against the wishes of other members and taking undue advantage of their poverty, duress, isolation, incapability etc or to degrade them and his own relatives/parents, near and dear ones in the eyes of society due to his ingratitude behaviour or at the instance of some mischievous reasons.

Kindly entrust my submission.

Balbir Singh Sooch, Advocate,

Human Rights Activist; and



April 20, 2005

gursLrn isMG ksyl

sMpfdk jIE,

vfihgurU jI kf Kflsf] vfihgurU jI kI Pqih]

Kflsy dy sfjnf idvs ivsfKI dI smUMh iswK kOm nUM bhuq bhuq vDfeI hovy.

akfl purK ikRpf kry ! iswK, gurU sfihbfn vwloN idKfey swcy suwcy mfrg qy cldy hoey, iek akfl purK dI AupfsLnf krdy; Dfrimk pfKMzF, aMDivsLvfsF, ivhmF-BrmF qy krmkFzF qoN dUr rihx.

gurU pMQ df dfs,

gursLrn isMG ksyl


dlIp isMG KLflsf

vfhu pRgitE mrd agMmVf virafm akylf
vfh vfh  goibMd isMG afpy gur cylf]
ieq mfrg pYr DrIjy isr dIjY kfn nf kIjy.
smUh iswK jgq nMU Kflsy dy jnm idhfVy dIaf lwKf hI vfr mubfrkf hox. sfnMU sfiraf nMU ies idn ivcfr krnI cfhIdI hY ky kI asI gurU goibMd isMG jI mhFrfj vlo bKsI hoeI aMimRMq dI dfq prfpq kr leI hY, jy nhI kIqI qF kI kfrn hn ky asI munkr hF. dfs bhUqf kuwJ nhI kihxf cfhMudf jy kr iewk iensfn 15 sfl gurdvfry jf ky syvf krdf hY jF kQf - kIrqn suxdf hY Auh iPr vI kysf dI byadbI krn qo nhI htdf nisLaf df iqafg nhI krdf. afpxy afp nMU iswK vI srvoqm aKvfuAdf hY iesdy kI kfrn hn ?

iswK kox hY:

rihq ipafrI muj ko iswK ipafrf nfhI. rihxI rhY soeI iswK myrf] Auh sfihb mY Aus kf ichrf]
asI afpxy mn nMU qswlI dyx leI jo kuwJ mrjI khIey jF ilKIey . pr gurU sfihbfn df Purmfn' pivhu pfhul KMzY Dfr hovhy jnm suhylVf'
sfry vIrf- BYyxf dy crnf ivwc bynqI hY ky Auh sfrQk qrIky lwBy jfx ijs nfl gurU goibMd isMG jI mhFrfj vlo sfjy Kflsy df nfm pRPuwlq kIqf jf sky. afpxy afp nMU shI iswD krn leI afpf sfry jo mrjI ilKI jfeIey pr mhFrfj jI qf kihMdy hn:
sfbq sUrq dsqfr isrf
sfiraf vIrf bYxf dy crnf ivwc bynqI hY ky Kflsy dI cVHdI klf leI Auprfly krn ivwc shfeI hoeIey aqy klgIDr ipqf dIaf KusLIaf prfpq krIey.
vfihgurU jI kf Kflsf,
vfihgurU jI kI Pqih]
Kfls pMQ dI cVHdIaf klF locdf hoieaf dfs,
dlIp isMG Kflsf

gurmIq isMG afstRylIaf

Ç ÃÄ siqgur pRsfid ] Ç

[By the Grace of Almighty God, the Supreme True Entity]


It gives us great pleasure to extend our heartiest greetings on the occasion of KHALSA ADVENT DAY CELEBRATIONS, being arranged by the Australian Sikh Association Inc. with the full co -operation of NSW Government and Blacktown City Council.

We are proud to be the selfless members of the Guru Khalsa Panth founded by Guru Nanak Sahib (1469-1539 CE) though placed it on Globe on 30th March 1699 by Guru Gobind Singh Sahib by selecting Five Dear Ones, namely, Bhai Sahib Singh, Bhai Himmat Singh, Bhai Daya Singh, Bhai Dharam Singh and Bhai Mohkam Singh.

Therefore, let us follow their footsteps by maintaining our Sikh Identity, and live in Harmony with all like a bunch of different fresh flowers.



All the Members of Sikh Khalsa Mission Incorporated

vrlz isWK kONsl

WSC-AR Follows up With UNESCO on Consideration of Siri Darbar Sahib; Calls
Upon Sikh Community to Organize Worldwide Protests

April 10, 2005

Contact: Dr. Tarunjit Singh, Secretary General, 614-210-0591,

World Sikh Council - America Region (WSC-AR)
P.O. Box 3635, Columbus, Ohio 43210, USA
Phone: 614-210-0591, Fax: 419-535-6794
Website: www.worldsikhcouncil.org

The World Sikh Council - America Region (WSC-AR) notes with satisfaction media reports that a majority of the dossier special sub-committee, appointed by the Shiromani Gurdwara Parbandhak Committee (SGPC), has recommended that the proposal to declare Siri Darbar Sahib a UNESCO world heritage site should be withdrawn immediately. WSC-AR also notes that the SGPC is considering the recommendations of the sub-committee.

Unfortunately, the matter does not rest there. The WSC-AR has been advised in the last few days by Mr. Giovanni Boccardi, Chief of Asia and Pacific Unit of UNESCO's World Heritage Centre (WHC) in Paris, France, that: - "On 25th of March, the WHC had received a request from SGPC to suspend the project.The request of SGPC had been immediately conveyed to the State Party of India through its Permanent Delegation to UNESCO. No response to date has been received by WHC from the State Party of India." - "India has the option of not responding to the clarification asked of it regarding SGPC's request to suspend the process."

- "The SGPC was not the nominating entity but instead it was the State of Party of India.The nomination cannot be withdrawn by SGPC but that the State Party of India is the only authority that can withdraw the nomination. If the State Party of India chooses not to respond or declines to withdraw the nomination, there is not much WHC can do."

- "In the case the State Party of India chooses not to withdraw the nomination, it will be processed under the current framework and will come up for consideration and possible approval in the July 2005 meeting of the 21 member World Heritage Committee to be held in South Africa. This meeting will be chaired by a representative of South Africa."

- Written communications submitted to UNESCO are "shared with the 21 members of the World Heritage Committee" as summary comments but not verbatim..."However, all correspondence is shared with ICOMOS [International Council on Monuments and Sites] and it is kept fully informed on all matters pertaining to a nomination."

- UNESCO has "received many letters and communications from Sikh organizations across the world raising objections and concerns with regard to the nomination and its submitted dossier."

- Media reports that a representative of UNESCO will be visiting Siri Darbar Sahib soon are "incorrect" because "the visit of the UNESCO representative will be to the Buddhist Mahabodhi Temple in Bihar, and not to Siri Darbar Sahib."

- Mr. Boccardi "will be meeting with the Director of the Archeological Survey of India next week."

Because the SGPC does not have the authority to withdraw the nomination made by the State Party of India, the fact that it has withdrawn its request or requested that the nomination be in abeyance is not material to the world heritage nomination process. Unless withdrawn by the State Party of India, the nomination "will be processed under the current framework and will come up for consideration and possible approval in the July 2005 meeting of the 21 member World Heritage Committee to be held in South Africa."

WSC-AR affirms that the request to nominate Siri Darbar Sahib, Amritsar, as a cultural symbol of Indian civilization by the State Party of India is mischievous and wrong. The dossier submitted by the State Party in collaboration with the SGPC is misleading, has serious flaws, and is strongly objected to by Sikhs around the world.

The fundamental argument set forth in the nomination dossier that Siri Darbar Sahib represents the cultural heritage and uniqueness of Indian civilization is misleading and incorrect. Such claims undermine the religious importance of this site and are offensive. The status of Siri Darbar Sahib in the Sikh Religion is similar to that of the Kaaba in Islam and the Vatican in Roman Catholicism. Kaaba is not a Saudi Arabian cultural site but the center of Islam; the Vatican is not an Italian cultural entity but the center of the Roman Catholic faith. Neither of these two places is on the World Heritage List under Saudi Arabia or Italy. Siri Darbar Sahib is the heartthrob of a living faith; it is not an archeological relic or a symbol of Indian culture and it is not a cultural tourist site.

WSC-AR calls upon the Indian Government (State Party of India) to respect the religious sentiments of one of its religious minorities, to immediately withdraw the nomination and dossier submitted by it to UNESCO, and to end its interference in the religious affairs of the Sikhs. WSC-AR requests Sikhs all over the world to ask the State Party of India to end this misadventure.

WSC-AR calls upon Sikh organizations across the world to urgently contact their respective country's UNESCO delegation and request they vote no for world heritage status for Siri Darbar Sahib, prior to the July 2005 vote at the meeting of the World Heritage Committee in South Africa.

WSC-AR especially calls upon the SGPC and other Sikh organizations in Punjab and the rest of India to act without delay and organize massive peaceful protests to ensure that the State Party of India withdraws this ill-fated nomination.

WSC-AR has been in touch with UNESCO since January 2005 and has exchanged several written communications. On March 29, 2005, WSC-AR had publicly urged UNESCO and its World Heritage Centre to immediately drop the consideration of Siri Darbar Sahib, Amritsar for world heritage status after reviewing a written response from UNESCO and the complete three-volume nomination dossier. In a letter addressed to Mr. Francesco Bandarin (Director of UNESCO World Heritage Centre), dated March 25, 2005, WSC-AR had communicated that pursuing this project would entail serious protests by Sikhs around the globe as interference in their religious affairs. The March 29, 2005 press statement issued by WSC-AR can be accessed at www.worldsikhcouncil.org.

The WSC-AR is a representative and elected body of Sikh Gurdwaras and institutions in the United States. Its members include 36 Gurdwaras (Sikh places of worship) and other Sikh institutions across the nation.

pRo: divMdr isMG cfhl

Dear Mr Brar and his associates,
A very well written Question to the Jathedar Akal Takht, Singh Sahib Vedanti.

I would like to request you to pose the following question (# 13 in your letter) to the Vice Chancellors of the Guru Nanak Dev University and Punjabi University also where their professors are working on Gurbani and Sikhism to prove that the philosophy in Aad Guru Granth Sahib is based on Vedas and Upanishads. Keeping that in views the Hindu scholars are openly declaring that;


Please read my article: OMKAR; and the response to the SGPC Dossier of World Heritage Status (Sent to you and Mr Sangha a few days ago).

Undermining of the Nanakian Philosophy is going on at a very high level and is being done by the Sikh scholars.

The duty of Vedanti Jee is to excommunicate the Sikh scholars who are trying to portray the originality and uniqueness of Nanakian Philosophy. On the other hand those who undermine the Nanakian Philosophy are being honored with degrees, high posts, extension in their retirements, and with many other benefits by Universities, the Jathedars, SGPC, and many Sikh organizations in India and abroad.

I am with you people. Think over it what to do on a big scale to awaken the Sikhs who are busy in making Gurdwara of marble and gold and wasting money on Nagar Kirtans, Akhand Paaths, etc.

I will be in Toronto on May 7 Saturday. If possible I would like to meet you and your associates once again to put my views on this situation since I failed to do so in our last meeting.

Prof Devinder Singh Chahal, PhD
4418 Martin Plouffe, Laval, Quebec, Canada H7W 5L9
Phone: 450-681-1254; Fax 514-370-8823

hrjIq isMG aqy hOlYNz dI sfD sMgq


‘mfns kI jfq sBY eyko pihcfnbo’

iswK kimAuintI bYnyluks

Sikh Community Benelux

Capadose straat 39, 2523 Ac Den Haag , Holland TEL: 0031-620682862

siqkfrXog pMQ drdIE,

vfihgurU jI kf Kflsf,

vfihgurU jI kI Pqih.

nfpfk pfku kir hdUir hdIsf sfbq sUriq dsqfr isrf]

(mfrU mhlf 5, pMnf 1084)

13 apRYl (dsqfr idvs)

smUh iswK jgq nMU jordfr apIl

ipCly sfl dI qrfN amrIkf dIaf iswK jQybMdIaf vlo ies sfl vI sfry iswK vIrF nMU apIl hY ky jo vIr dsqfr nhI sjfAudy Auh sfl ivwc iewk vfr 13 apRYl dy idn nMU (dsqfr idvs) mnfAudy hoey afpxy kMmf kfrf Auwpr afpxy mNn- psMd dI dsqfr sjf ky jfx. aqy jy koeI vIr pwuCy qF Aus nMU dsqfr dI mhfnqf qo jfxU krvfieaf jfvy.

bynqI krqf iswK kimAuintI bYnyluks aqy smUh sfD sMgq hOlYNz

gurmIq isMG afstRylIaf

Dear Makhan Singh jee,

Waheguru jee ka Khalsa Waheguru jee kee Fateh

Sikh Khalsa Mission is grateful to you for sharing our view-point with the Internet viewers vide  www.sikhmarg.com  Bibi Kiranjot Kaur has also stated her views but she has not commented in respect of various inaccuracies/mis-statements reflected in the Dossier. I am sure unbiased Sikh Scholars will now look into it more deeply. Once again thanks for your selfless services in the larger interest of Guru Khalsa Panth.

 May Akaal Purkh bless us with Charhdi Kalaa.

Gurmit Singh

isWK KLflsf imsLn afstRylIaf



ABN 14 366 769 006

Ref. No. SKM: 45 Date: 2005-04-04


The Director

World Heritage Committee, World Heritage Centre,

UNESCO, 7 Place de Fontenoy 75352 Paris 07 SP


Subject: Darbaar Sahib, Amritsar nomination as World Heritage by India.

Dear Sir

We have come to know through media that you have received a nomination from the government of India through SGPC for grant of world Heritage status to Darbaar Sahib at Amritsar in India. Our organization strongly opposes this move and requests you to reject this nomination outright. If you go ahead to grant this status you will be a party to a great crime committed against humanity. We are making this statement on the basis of following facts:

1. The dossier for nomination of Darbaar Sahib is a deliberate distortion of Sikh religion and its tenets. This precisely is the reason why this document was not made public before being sent to your office. The one and only motive of this distortion is to present Sikhism as a sect of Hinduism. It is to be noted that out of the 50 odd people who prepared this document only 6 are Sikhs. To start with even the original name has been distorted and changed from Darbaar Sahib to Sri Harimadir Sahib. If the purpose is to preserve the heri! tage then the original name sould have been retained. The name Darbaar Sahib is still popular among the ordinary Sikhs. The name Harimandir is being promoted to make Darbaar Sahib look like another Mandir (temple) of Hinduism. This becomes evident when it is suggested in the text of the Dossier that the structure of Darbaar Sahib is based on the philosophy of Vedas and Upanishads. This is absolutely wrong. Sikhism is a distinct religion and has nothing to do with Hinduism or any other religion as for as its philosophy is concerned. It has been suggested that three levels of Darbaar Sahib are personifications of three letters of the word OAM which represents the concept of Trinity of God in Hinduism. It has been further stated that this word OAM is part and parcel of beginning verse of Sikhism which reads as Ekkoankaar. However the fact is that Guru Nanak Sahib, the founder of Sikhism rejected this concept of Trinity by qualifying God with digit One. Ekk means one in Punjabi and Oanka! ar means the force that permeates this cosmos. The most prominent feature of the structure of Darbaar Sahib is that it has got four doors which remain open to all irrespective of any caste, creed, race or gender. What this means is that this place is open for every one irrespective his/her caste or creed or gender. This has not been highlighted as this makes Darbaar Sahib distinct from Hindu Temples where people from lower castes can not enter to pray.

2. It has been suggested that this place has been selected for building the shrine by Sikh Gurus due to the healing powers of its waters. This is gross misrepresentation of historical facts and distortion of tenets of Sikhism. With the growing number of followers it was the need to the time to establish a bigger centre of preaching. There was no existing pond or Sarovar with water having healing powers at this place. This place was bought by paying a sum of seven hundred to the then Mughal King of India. Sikhism does not believe in any miracles and all the stories quoted about the healing powers of the water are figments of imagination.

3. Darbaar Sahib is of extreme historical importance to Sikhs as a religious entity. It is not at all a cultural place. The Culture of Amritsar is same as other places in Punjab in India and Pakistan. Darbaar Sahib has the same importance to Sikhs all over the world even though they have nothing do with the Punjabi Culture. It will be blunder and crime against humanity if we preserve this place as pl! ace of cultural interest.

4. The most important event in the history of Darbaar Sahib is the compilation of the Guru Granth Sahib by our Fifth Guru, Guru Arjan Sahib. By doing this, the great Guru has preserved the writings of his predecessors and many other Saints who propagated the same philosophy in its original, form and content for all generations to come. Any one interested can read and find out what Sikh Gurus taught and lived for. This dossier is intended to misguide the public about Sikhism. When accepted this document will become an authentic sourc! e of information about Sikhs and Sikhism. So it will be in the interest of humanity if you better double check what has been said in this dossier. You must verify whether its contents are corroborated by what has been written in Guru Granth Sahib. Our team is working on the dossier and will send you a detailed report of these distortions in next 4 weeks time.

5. Another aspect to be noted about this dossier is that most of the quotations from Guru Granth Sahib have been quoted out of context to support the weird ideas of its writers. An example will be relevant here. In Volume 1, at page 24 the author is discussing the concept of Piri (the spiritual strength). The learned writer quotes a verse from Guru Nanak about humility and then relates it to the geographical position of the Darbaar Sahib. In his view the low lying area of the precinct is an expression of humility. This obviously is ! not correct. The low lying area was an architectural necessity to build a pond or Sarovar of water. There are many other which we will send you in our detailed report.

We hope you will consider our request and stall any further proceedings on the issue.

With Kind regards

Waryam Singh

President, Sikh Khalsa Mission

hrjIq isMG hOlYNz

hOlYNz dy iswKF vlo pop jfn pfl nMU sLrDfNjlI

zYnhfg (hOlYNz) 4/04/2005: hOlYNz dIaf jQybMdIaf dI sfNJI mItMg ijhnf ivwc sLromxI akflI dl aMimRqsr Xuint hOlYNz, iswK kimAuintI bYnyluks aqy pMjFb aiDkfr sMsQf bYnyluks ny ihwsf ilaf aqy sFJy sLok sunyhy ivwc pop jfn pfl nMU sLrDfNjlIaf Byt kIqIaF. pop jon pfl dy ivCoVy nfl ivsLv nMU iewk Dfrimk sLKsLIaq df nf pUrf hox vflf Gftf ipaf. pop jfn pfl Dfrimk brfbrqf dy hwkf leI hmysf hI avfj AuTfAudy rhy hn. iesfeI BfeIcfry nMU pRmfqmf ies aoKI GVI smy bwl aqy hoslf bKsLy aqy aqy asI pRmfqm awgy ardfs krdy hF ky pRmfqmf pop jfn pfl dI afqmf nMU sLfqI aqy afpxy crnf ivwc invfs bKsLy. sLok sunyhy ivwc sLfml hoey ivsLysL qor qy BfeI juigMdr isMG, BfeI myjr isMG, BfeI hrjIq isMG, BfeI crn isMG, BfeI jrnYl isMG, BfeI suwcf isMG, BfeI sLmsLyr isMG, BfeI gurdyv isMG, BfeI jsivMdr isMG, BfeI jspfl isMG, BfeI ipafrf isMG, BfeI prsn isMG, BfeI kuldIp isMG, BfeI jsvMq isMG, BfeI rfijMdr isMG, BfeI hrijMdr isMG, BfeI divMdr isMG, BfeI avqfr isMG, BfeI kulivMdr isMG , BfeI hrivMdr isMG, jQydfr krm isMG , sR cYn isMG .

isWK kONsl

Sikh Council on Religion and Education (SCORE)

2446 Reddie Dr, Suite 14, Silver Spring, MD-20902

Phone: 301-946-2800, 202 460 0630

Press Release

Washington Sikhs Express Sorrow and Offer Prayers for Pope John Paul II

Washington, April 2, 2005 - Sikh Council on Religion and Education (SCORE) and Guru Gobind Singh Foundation(GGSF), based in Washington, has expressed sorrow at the death of Pope John Paul II. Dr. Rajwant Singh, National Chairman of SCORE said, "WE express our deep sorrow at the demise of Pope John Paul II. He was a godly person who gave hope to many in need and brought smiles on many faces. He enjoyed a unique moral stature.He worked hard to highlight the plight of the people behind the Iron curtain and eventually gave them the hope to fight for their own freedom. He was a symbol of freedom and justice for all people."

Dr Singh added "During his pontificate John Paul II tried to create bridges of friendship and understanding among and with all religions. His was a great ministry of reconciliation. His leadership in calling the meeting of Assisi in 1986 of different religious leaders gave an impetus to worldwide interfaith movement." Pope invited the Sikhs at this gathering for the first time.

Dr Rajwant Singh further stated, "Pope was a man of history who was able to reflect upon and apologize for the mistakes of his own church. Sikhs had also deeply appreciated that it was Pope John Paul II who was the first religious and Western leader to raise concern at the attack and killing of the Sikhs by the Indian army at the Golden Temple in 1984."

In days after this great tragedy, Pope issued the statement by saying, "In these days, the news has followed the ever more serious events in the state of Punjab. I do not want to go into the delicate and complex motives behind these disturbances in a great nation. But the sad fact is that the place where so many people met a tragic death is a temple where men gather in prayer. I address an immediate sentiment of human pity for all the victims with a call that a way to resolve the current strife can be found in a mutual understanding."

Amrit Kaur, Secretary of GGSF said, "He greatly respected the moral and religious teachings of other faith, a mode of thinking to which Sikhs can easily relate. Although an expounder and defender of his own faith, the Pope recognized and vigourously asserted the spiritual values of other religions. We join in prayer with our Catholic brother and sisters in these prayerful moments at the loss of their leader and for ourselves at the loss of an authentic moral human being. "

Dr Rajwant Singh added that "We are very confident that the current deliberations at the Vatican will bring forth a leader who would emulate the actions and philosophy of Pope John Paul II" .

Pope had called a second meeting of 200 religious leaders including the Jathedar of Akal Takhat (highest Seat of Authority among Sikhs) from all over the world on January 24, 2002 in which he wanted the day of prayer to reinforce the message after the 11 September attacks that religion must not be a motive for conflict in the 21st Century but a stimulus for peace and reconciliation." Dr. Rajwant Singh had attended the meeting in Assisi in 2002.

On the closing of this great gathering, Pope said, "With all our differences, we sit at this table, united in our commitment to the cause of peace. That commitment, born of sincere religious sentiment, is surely what God expects of us. It is what the world seeks in religious men and women. That commitment is the hope we have to offer at this special time. May God grant us all to be humble and effective instruments of His peace."

Pope had further added, "God himself has placed in the human heart an instinctive tendency to live in peace and harmony. This desire is more deeply-rooted and determined than any impulse to violence; it is a desire that we have come together to reaffirm here, in Assisi. We do so in the awareness that we are representing the deepest sentiment of every human being."

SCORE has worked with various officials of Vatican on many different issues. Dr. Rajwant Singh of SCORE and Cardinal Theodore McCarrick of Washington were together at a meeting called by the World Bank President recently in Ireland which was hosted by the Bishop of the Catholic church. GGSF representing the Sikhs has also worked with the Archdiocese of Washington headed by Cardinal Hickey in the past and now by Cardinal McCarrick.

blbIr isMG sUc aYzvokyt

Condolence on the Death of Pope John Paul II


The United Nations Secretary-General Kofi Annan has condoled the death of Pope John Paul II and rightly said that he was an advocate of peace', a pioneer in interfaith dialogue and a strong moral force but to my mind, spirit of the message was / is being disobeyed-violated with impunity everywhere especially by those who should enforce it. On the other hand SIKHISM is for equality, justice and peace and its defiance is clear for obvious reasons because of undue interference by the powerful and with the result of its non-implementation. In view of the circumstances prevailing and for all times to come, it is the right time for introspection by all not only for critical self-evaluation by the Church itself'. All other prayers are useless at this junction. Every body has to perish except God.

Submission by

Balbir Singh Sooch,

Human Rights Activist;


April 3, 2005

vrlz isWK kONsl

US Sikhs Express Condolences on the Death of Pope John Paul II

The World Sikh Council - America Region (WSC-AR), on behalf of the United States Sikh community, expresses it condolences on the death of Pope John Paul II. The Pope dedicated his life to promoting peace with justice, and increased inter-religious dialogue among the religions of the world.

Mr. Amolak Singh, Chairperson of WSC-AR remarked, "Pope John Paul II was a beacon of hope and joy for millions of Catholics and other people of faith in the world. He will continue to be a source of inspiration for generations to come."

Dr. Anahat Kaur, Vice-Chairperson of WSC-AR added, "Pope John Paul II was one of the world's leading champions for interfaith understanding. He brought together religious leaders from across the world to commit themselves to peace and justice. With his vision and dedication, the day when people of faith will view people of other faiths as being partners in faith rather than in competition with each other to save souls, is not far."

The WSC-AR reaches out in prayer to the Roman Catholic community across the world in this hour of grief and expresses its deepest condolences to the Vatican on the passing away of this great soul.

The WSC-AR is a representative and elected body of Sikh Gurdwaras and institutions in the United States. Its members include 36 Gurdwaras (Sikh places of worship) and other Sikh institutions across the nation.

XunfeItz isWK

April 2, 2005 Saturday 20 Chayt (Samvat 537 Nanakshahi)

Press Release


2nd April 2005,London : 25 million Sikhs around the world remember the intrepid Pope John Paul II for his support for human rights when their religious freedom was attacked last year and twenty years earlier.

‘Last year Pope John Paul II threw his weight behind Sikhs to oppose the French government’s ban on religious signs, including the Sikh Turban, at schools, saying ''the government cannot be an arbiter in any religious matter.'', said Sameep Singh, inter-faith Director of UNITED SIKHS, a global human development organisation that works for the betterment of Sikhs globally.

''In other words, Governments should respect dignity of the human person and of his inalienable rights among which his right to adhere, practice and propagate his religion is fundamental. No Government should interfere with the inner core of any religion,'' the Pope had said in a message.

The Pope’s message came after the Sikh community sought his intervention to oppose the French ban on the Sikh turban, an expression of the Sikh identity and faith. UNITED SIKHS led a petition campaign seeking the intervention of world leaders to persuade the French government to abandon its plan to pass the ban-law.

Pope John Paul II said in a message, ''In recent times, we have witnessed in some European countries an attitude that could endanger the effective respect for religious freedom. Everyone may agree to respect the religious sentiment of individuals but the same can not be said of the religious factor, that is the social dimension of religions. It is nothing other than respect for all beliefs on the part of the State that assures the free exercise of ritual, spiritual and cultural and charitable activities by communities of believers.''

The Pope said a healthy dialogue between the Church and the State would encourage harmony in society.

"The Pope’s contribution to interfaith dialogue made him a veritable saint-soldier whose influence on spiritual and temporal matters was phenomenal," said Sameep Singh.

Twenty years earlier, when the Sikhs’ holiest shrine in Amritsar, popularly known as the Golden Temple, was attacked by the Indian armed forces, the Pope did not mince his words in support for the human rights of thousands of innocent worshippers who had been killed during the attack.

"In these days, the news has followed the ever more serious events in the state of Punjab. I do not want to go into the delicate and complex motives behind these disturbances in a great nation. But the sad fact is that the place where so many people met a tragic death is a temple where men gather in prayer.

"I address an immediate sentiment of human pity for all the victims with a call that a way to resolve the current strife can be found in a mutual understanding..." Pope John Paul II said.

Issued by:

Tel: 0044 870 199 3328

rivMdr isMG

Respected Sr, Makhan Singh Purewal ji
Waheguru ji ka khalsa Waheguru ji ki Fateh

Earlier I had sent an article on Guru Granth Sahib which appeared on your web site. I have been inspired by the sikh Missionary moment from the earliest days and had very long association with Giani Surjit Singh ji.

Ravinder Singh, New Delhi, India.

dlIp isMG Kflsf

iswK kOm dy bhfdr vIro ,

vfihgurU jI kf Kflsf ,
vfihgurU jI kI Pqih]

awj iswK kOm dy dusLmx hr iewk Auh cfl cldy hn. ijs nfl kOm duicqI ivwc pY jFdI hY. bhfdrI jMg dy mYdfn ivwc hI nhI hMUdI (Kflsf so jo krY inwq jMg) scfeI dy Auwpr pihrf dyxf bhUq vwzI syvf hY. hr iewk iswK df Prj bxdf hY ky hr roj sLfm nMU sox qo pihlf 2 imMt jrUr socy ky mY gurU goibMd isMG jI vlo sfjy Kflsf pMQ dy iKlfP rcIaf jf rhIaf sijsf ivwc jfxy -axjfxy sfQ qf nhI dy irhf, afpxy hr roj dy kMmf aqy gurdvfiraf ivwc kfbj pMQ ivroDI sLkqIaf df ikqy axjfx puxy ivwc sfQ qf nhI dy irhf. awj sfzy ivwc sMq puxy df buKfr bhuq hY. dyh DfrI gurU zm jor PVdf jf irhf hY. iswK kOm dy lIzrf nMU afsLU-qosLIaf, ipafrf BinafrIaf, drsLn dfsIaf, gryvflIaf, nrkDfrIaf afid iswK ivroDI dusLmxf dy iKlfP sLMGrsL ivMzxf cfhIdf hY. gurdvfiraf dIaf iblzgF qy sMgmr mr lfAux nflo iswK pYdf krny cfhIdy hn nhI qf afAux vfly smy ivwc sfbq sUrq iswKF dI Gft hr jgHf mihsUs hovygI jo ky afr ayYs[aYys jhIaf pMQ ivroDI sLkqIaf cfhMUdIaf hn. hr iewk iswK df Prj bxdf hY ky shI soc nMU apxf ky pMQ ivroDI sLkqIaf df BfzF curfhy ivwc BMinaf jfvy.

dlIp isMG Kflsf

vrlz isWK kONsl

WSC-AR Urges UNESCO to Drop Consideration of Siri Darbar Sahib, Amritsar
for World Heritage Status
March 29, 2005
Contact: Dr. Tarunjit Singh, Secretary General, 614-210-0591,

The World Sikh Council - America Region (WSC-AR) has urged UNESCO and its World Heritage Centre to immediately drop the consideration of Siri Darbar Sahib, Amritsar for world heritage status.

In a letter addressed to Mr. Francesco Bandarin (Director of UNESCO World Heritage Centre), dated March 25, 2005, WSC-AR communicated that pursuing this project would entail serious protests by Sikhs around the globe as interference in their religious affairs.

The WSC-AR has been in touch with UNESCO since January of 2005. Having reviewed the response from UNESCO and the complete three volume nomination dossier made available by the Shiromani Gurdwara Prabandhak Committee (SGPC) at its website, it is the considered opinion of the World Sikh Council - America Region that the request to nominate Siri Darbar Sahib as a cultural symbol of Indian civilization by the State Party of India is mischievous and wrong. The dossier submitted by the State Party in collaboration with the SGPC is misleading, has serious flaws, and is strongly objected to by Sikhs around the world.

Siri Darbar Sahib, located in the South Asian city of Amritsar, Punjab, is the central Sikh place of worship for 25 million Sikhs worldwide. It was established by the founders of the faith and holds deep historical and spiritual significance for the entire Sikh community spread across the globe. The Sikh Diaspora, including large Sikh communities in Europe, North America, and the Far East, has not been consulted in this proposal and in the preparation of the nomination dossier submitted to UNESCO.

The fundamental argument set forth in the nomination dossier that Siri Darbar Sahib represents the cultural heritage and uniqueness of Indian civilization is misleading and incorrect. Such claims undermine the religious importance of this site and are offensive. The status of Siri Darbar Sahib in the Sikh Religion is similar to that of the Kaaba in Islam and the Vatican in Roman Catholicism. Kaaba is not a Saudi Arabian cultural site but the center of Islam; the Vatican is not an Italian cultural entity but the center of the Roman Catholic faith. Neither of these two places is on the World Heritage List under Saudi Arabia or Italy. Siri Darbar Sahib is the heartthrob of a living faith; it is not an archeological relic or a symbol of Indian culture and it is not a cultural tourist site.

Emotionally and spiritually Siri Darbar Sahib has the greatest importance to Sikhs worldwide. It is managed by the SGPC as a representative body of Sikhs living in Punjab and Haryana states of India. The SGPC does not represent Sikhs outside these two Indian states. It certainly does not represent Sikhs living outside India. The nomination dossier claims on page I-160 and II-27 that "The SGPC is acknowledged as the highest authority in religious matters by Sikhs worldwide" and "It [SGPC] takes decisions on religious matters which are considered final by all Sikhs." Both these statements are false and we take the strongest exception to these claims. The SGPC is merely a managing body operating under the laws of the states of Punjab and Haryana in India. It has no jurisdiction in matters of faith. Siri Akaal Takhat Sahib is that authority.

Since the overall responsibility for the protection of a world heritage site lies with the state party, the placing of Siri Darbar Sahib on this list would effectively cede control of the site to the Indian government. This is an affront to Sikhs everywhere. The Indian Government interference in Sikh religious affairs is already considerable because the SGPC has to operate under laws made by the Punjab and Haryana state governments. The experiences of the Sikh community worldwide over the last two decades have shown that the Indian State is attempting to extend not only its control of Sikh institutions and places of worship but to rewrite Sikh history and undermine the Sikh faith. Sikhs cannot forget the bloody invasion of Siri Darbar Sahib in 1984 followed by the attempted reconstruction of Siri Akaal Takhat Sahib and the construction of Galiyara (corridor) around the complex to ensure ease of armed intervention in the future.

The importance of the highest authority in the Sikh faith, Siri Akaal Takhat Sahib, has been significantly understated in the dossier. Decisions by Siri Akaal Takhat Sahib taken through a Sikh community consultation process (Gurmatta) are respected and followed by all Sikhs worldwide. The SGPC has recently been highly politicized. Acting in collusion with and under directives from the political establishment in India, this committee has undermined the status of Siri Akaal Takhat Sahib and attempted to make it subservient. The international Sikh community has been opposed to these moves and seeks to restore the position of Siri Akaal Takhat Sahib as the supreme authority not subject to the SGPC or the local politicians controlling that committee.

In addition, the nomination dossier contains numerous historical inaccuracies, factual mistakes, and misinformation about the Sikh faith and its history.

We call upon Sikh organizations across the world to write to Mr. Francesco Bandarin, Director of UNESCO World Heritage Centre, expressing concerns over the proposed project and requesting that the consideration of this proposal be dropped.

The WSC-AR is a representative and elected body of Sikh Gurdwaras and institutions in the United States. Its members include 36 Gurdwaras (Sikh places of worship) and other Sikh institutions across the nation.

ieMtrnYsLnl ihAUmn rfeIts aOrgynfeIjysLn

International Human Rights Organisation

Of The Indian Subcontinent

210, New Judicial Courts Complex, Ludhiana- 141 001 (India)

Tel & fax: 91 161 500 9210/ 395 7771


LUDHIANA, March 28- The International Human Rights Organisation (IHRO) today censured Capt Amarinder Singh administration, especially the police officials facing murder trial in the case of Jaswant Singh Khalra, expressing strong condemnation of the threats to the life of Paramjit Kaur Khalra’s counsel by the accused officials in the CBI court at Patiala.

The IHRO, in a release issued to the press here, said, "It is the height of the state repression let loose on the prosecuting team, including witnesses and Ms Khalra’s advocate, Barjinder Singh Sodhi. And it is not only the denial of justice and negation of the rule of law but also it exposes the intriguing silence maintained by the justice system, more disgustingly by the higher judiciary."

Human Rights group’s chairperson D S Gill and secretary-general M S Grewal, in their statement, added: "We need to bridle the state (police) highhandedness, criminal intimidation and atrocious behaviour against its citizens, especially lawyers defending victims in law courts, in order to protect the judicial system so that it could render fair justice to the people."

And for that, the IHRO activists said, all human rights groups active in the state have decided, in their conference call meeting, to file a writ petition in the high court and to take up the matter with lawyers fraternity, including the Punjab and Haryana Bar council, if need be.

The writ petition, besides other things, would seek suspension of the accused officials from the service and cancellation of their bails, along with security to the counsel and witnesses, in this case of international importance because the deceased Mr Khalra had shown the fascist face of the state (police) to the world. "And that was the motive of liquidating him after making the enforced disappearance," the statement added.

Meanwhile, the IHRO has lent its support to the campaign of socio-religious and political groups, spearheaded by the Shiromani Khalsa Dal, for the release of Sikh activists rotting in jails since long appreciating initiative taken by Punjab and central governments in the regard, according to Inderjit Kaur, secretary public relations of the organisation.

(Inderjit Kaur)


Public Relations

International Human Rights Organisation

Of The Indian Subcontinent

210, New Judicial Courts Complex, Ludhiana- 141 001 (India)

Tel & fax: 91 161 500 9210


LUDHIANA, March 24: The International Human Rights Organisation (IHRO), while hailing the decision of the British Columbia Supreme Court for acquitting two innocent Sikhs in the AIR India Kanishka disaster who were entrapped and framed in this case, condemned the Canadian Security Intelligence Service (CSIS) and Royal Canadian Mounted Police (RCMP) for suppressing evidence against the real culprits who had played with the lives of 329 persons.

The IHRO, in a statement, also hailed the denial of US visa to Indian chief minister Narinder Modi, the neo Nazi, for his acts of omission and commission in the 2002 Muslim carnage in Gujarat, urging other States to follow the suit by including in their list the other Indian Nazis such as KPS Gill and all those indicted by credible public inquiries for the November 1984 Sikh genocide in Delhi and elsewhere in India.

Chairperson D S Gill, secy-gen M S Grewal, Secy-admn Avtar Singh Gill and secy public relations Inderjit Kaur of the NGO here today said that Indian government had something to hide in so far as its police had killed Talwinder Singh Parmar, the alleged prime suspect in this infamous case.

If revelations in "Soft Target: How the Indian Intelligence Service Penetrated Canada" by Zuhair Kashmiri and Brian McAndrew and "Open Secret": India’s Intelligence Unveiled" by Maloy Krishna Dhar, who served for three decades in India's Intelligence Bureau are any indications, the involvement of the Indian Mission in Canada and its R & AW’ in the sad disaster which was aimed at defaming the Sikhs and painting them terrorists the world over, can not be ruled out.

The IHRO has demanded a judicial inquiry into the faked killing of Talwinder Singh by the police in India and public inquiry in Canada to sift out the truth about the whole episode in order to punish the real culprits so as to give justice to the people affected by the disaster and the state machinations.

(D S Gill)


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dMgfkfrIaF leI nvyN kfnUMn dI loV

bI[ aYWs[ iZwloN aYzvokyt

ies sfl df bujt smfgm dI sLurUafq kridaF sMsd dy dovF sdnF nMU sMboDn kridaF rfsLtrpqI zf[ klFm sfihb ny ikhf hY ik iPrkU ihMsf nfl inptx leI nvF kfnUMn bxfieaf jfvygf. ipCly sfl qoN hI pRDFn mMqrI aqy kyNdrI girh mMqrI isLvrfj pfitl aijhf kfnUMn bxfAux bfry kihMdy af rhy hn. sDfrx POjdfrI kfnUMnF nfl dMigaF dy aprfDIaF nUM sjLf nhIN huMdI. dosLI adflqF ivcoN ‘sLwk dI ibnHF’ ‘qy ‘bfiewjLq brI’ hox df lybl icpkf ky iPr qoN snmfnXog sLihrI bx jFdy rhy hn. jnqf mUMh awzI vyK rhI hY. pr hux pMjfh sfl bfad hI shI, afKr sMsd ivc ihljul qF hoeI hY.

idlcsp gwl ieh hY ik ipCly sqvMjf sflF ivwc dMigaF ivwc hjfrF lok mfry gey hn, sYkVy aOrqF dy blfqkfr hoey qy kroVF rupY dI jfiedfq qbfh hoeI qy kdI koeI dMgfkfrI PfsI lwgdf nhIN vyiKaf. pIVq lok iensfP leI qrsdy rhy pr iksy ny ieh nhIN soicaf ik sfzy kol qF dMgfkfrIaF nUM sjf dvfAux vflf kfnUMn hI nhIN. dMgy sDrx kqlF nfloN vwKry huMdy hn. smyN smyN bxdy pVqflIaf kimsLn sflF bwDI afpxIaF irportF hI idMdy rhy pr kimsLn afP ienkuafrI kfnUMn hyT kimsLn dI irport koeI POjdfrI adflq df PYslf nhIN huMdI ijs nfl sbMDq dosLIaF nUM sjf ho skdI hovy. hux BfrqI kfnUMn kimsLn, kfnUMn ivBfg aqy girh ivBfg vwloN dMgfkfrIaF nfl nijwTx leI nvF kfnUMn bxfAux qy ivcfr kIqI jf rhI hY.

hux qwk dy sfry dosLI idwlI dMigaF ivcoN brI ho cuwky hn. 1984 dy dMigaF dI jFc kr rhy anykF kimsLnF ny ikhf sI ik keI isafsI lIzrF dI dMigaF ‘c aihm BUimkf hY. ieQy vrnxXog hY ik keI aihm kysF ivwc adflq nUM dwisaf igaf sI ik ijs BIV ny Aus aOrq dy pqI dI hwiqaf kIqI, Aus dI agvfeI kFgrsI lIzr kr rhy sn. adflq ny sbUqF dI Gft kfrn muljmF nUM brI kr idwqf sI. gujrfq ivwc 21 dMgfkfrI brI ho cuwky hn. sLryaFm crcq hoey bYst bykrI kys dy brI hox qy dysL Br ivwc kurlfht mwc igaf. mnuKI aiDkfr kimsLn aqy suprIm kort ny kys dobfrf KuwlHvfieaf qF hux zrdI mfrI jF lflc ivwc kys dI muwK gvfh jihrf sLyK adflq ivwc muwkr geI. pihlF 1947 ivc vI lwKF lokI mfry gey pr iksy df kuJ nhIN ivgiVaf . kfrn kI hY? sfzy mOjUdf POjdfrI kfnUMnF hyT dMgfkfrIaF nUM sjLf hoxI asMBv hI hY. ikAN ik dMgy sDfrx kqlF nfloN vwKry huMdy hn. ijnHF leI ‘rwqI Br vI sLwk dI guMjfiesL’ vflf PfrmUlf nhIN lfgU hoxf cfhIdf.

sfzf POjdfrI kfnUMn mMg krdf hY ik muljLmF dy nF aYP LafeIL afrL ivc hoxy cfhIdy hn. kI ieh sMBv hY ik dMgfkfrIaF dI BIV dI koeI gvfh pihcfx krky AunHF dy nF prcy ivc drj krvfey. pr jy koeI pihcfx kr vI lvy qF, awgy irport ilKxf pulIs df kMm hY qy pulIs srkfrI hukmF anusfr cwldI hY. idwlI qy gujrfq ivwc puils srkfrI sLih qy jF qF Kud BIVF nfl rl geI jF pIVq ivakqIaF dI koeI mwdq nhIN kIqI. ipCly idnIN sfbkf rfsLtrpqI sRI nrfienx ny iewk qfiml prcy nUM ieMtrivAU dOrFn ikhf hY ik gujrfq dMigaF smyN AunHF dy kihx qy vI srkfr ny ZuwkvIN kfrvfeI nhIN kIqI. so muljLmF dy nF aYP LafeI LafrL ivc nf hox kfrn awDf kys qF ieQy hI Auwz igaf. dosLI ‘sLwk dI ibnHf’ qy ipwCoN JUTy Psfey kih ky brI ho jFdy hn. dUjf nukqf sfzf gvfeI kfnUMn (1872) kihMdf hY gvfh ieh dwsy ik iks ny llkfrf mfiraf, iks ny tfier gl ivc pfieaf, iks ny qyl pfieaf qy iks ny qIlI lfeI, iks ny aWg lfeI, iks ny Curf mfiraf? iek vI glq ibafnI nfl dosLI ‘sLwk dI ibnHf’ ‘qy brI ho jFdy hn. iPr agFh gwl qurdI hY ik kI post mfrtm hoieaf sI (dMigaF dy post mfrtm kOx krfAuNdf hY) jy nhIN hoieaf qF imRqk dI mOq sLwkI hY. dosLI iPr brI. agFh khfxI qurdI hY ik kI zfktrI irport qy gvfh dI gvfhI imldI hY? jy zfktrI mOq Curf vwijaf dwsdI hY qy gvfh lfTIaF nfl kuwt ky mfiraf kihMdy hn qF iPr ‘khfxI iPr sLwkI hY’. jy vkIl qy muljm kys nUM lmkfAux ‘qy hI qur pYx qF kys purfxf hox kfrn adflq kihMdI hY ik hux "ieMny sflF bfad dosLI nUM jylH Byjxf" byiensfPI hY, rihm krn dI loV hY. jy muljLm gYrhfjLr ho jfvy qF iPr kys ltk jFdf hY, ikAuNik muljLm dI hfjLrI jLrUrI hY. adflq nUM muljLm nUM BgOVf krfr idMidaF sflF lMG jFdy hn qy jdoN acfnk muljLm pRgt ho jfvy qF iPr sfrI khfxI muwZoN sLurU hovygI. AudoN qwk pysLIaF Bugq cuwky gvfh qy mudweI Kud hI Qwk ky Gry bYT jFdy hn. jy zfktr pYsy lY ky, gvfh pYsy lY ky jF mudweIaF dIaF DmkIaF qoN zr ky aqy koeI vkIl ‘byeImfnI’ krky kys df BwTf ibTf dyvy qF dosLI iPr brI. jy gvfhF ny dosLIaF dI sLnfKq TIk smyN nhIN kIqI (bhuqy dMgfkfrIaF dI huMdI hI nhIN) qF vI dosLI brI. jy sqfrF sfl Aumr df ivgiVaf dMgfkfrI vIh afdmIaF nUM mfr dyvy qF vI sjLf koeI nhIN. Aus nUM suDfr Gr Byj ky cMgf mnuwK bxn df mOkf dyx df kfnUMn hY. mrn vfly BfvyN pytF ’coN kwZ ky mfry gey (gujrfq) mfsUm hI hox. jy cfr dosLIaF ny dMgf pIVq kuwt ky mfr idwqf pr zfktrI irport kihMdI hY ik mOq isrP isr dI swt nfl hoeI qy isr vflI swt bfry gvfhF ny iksy dosLI dy kIqy vfr bfry nhIN iliKaf, ies kfrn ‘sLwk dI ibnHf’ ‘qy sfry hI brI.

sfzf kfnUMn ieh nhIN kihMdf ik mfiraf qF sfiraF ny hI sI. pMdrF sfl ltky kys ivc jy sfry gvfhF ny ieMn ibMn ieko ijhI khfxI nhIN dwsI qF gvfh sLwkI hn. dosLI Pyr brI. AuproN jy dMgfkfrI dosLIaF nUM vwKo vwKry jurmF leI do, cfr, Cy, ds (kuwl bfeI) sfl dI sjLf ho jfvy (ijsdI sDfrx POjdfrI kfnUMnF nfl sMBvxF GWt hI hY) qF ieh sfrIaF sjLfvF iekwTIaF cwlx df kfnUMn hY. XfnI vwzI sjLf ds sfl. Aus ivcoN vI awDI kwtxI huMdI hY. AuproN nvIN srkfr bxn dI KusLI ivc, iksy sQfpnf idvs dI KusLI ivc, afjLfdI dI vrHy gMZ jF jublI dI KusLI ivc sfl do sflF dIaF muafPIaF imldIaF hI rihMdIaF hn. mqlb inkldf hY isPr. iksy Bly vyly gvfhF dI JUTI gvfhI qy jfalI iqafr kIqy sbUqF kfrn koeI bygunfh PFsI cVH igaf sI. AudoN qoN hI sfzy kfnUMn aqy adflqF dI aMqr afqmf kMb AuwTI. inaF sLfsqr dI ieh iPlfsPI bxf leI geI ik iksy bygunfh nUM Cwzx leI sO gunfhgfrF nUM brI kr dyvo. iehI iensfP hY. ikAuN ik bygunfh nUM sjf dyxI Gor pfp hY. pr hux aprfD krn dy nvyN nvyN ZMg qrIky inwkl afey hn. Kfs qOr ‘qy dMgfkfrIaF nUM AuksfAux vfly bhuq clfk aqy byeImfn lok huMdy hn. hux Dfrnf ieh hoxI cfhIdI hY ik iek byksUr nUM jy Cwzxf pvy qF bysLwk Cwz idAu, pr sO gunfhgfrF nUM vI nfl hI Cwzxf mudweI iDr nfl srfsr byiensfPI hovygI.

dosLIaF nUM TIk sjLf nf imlx df dUjf kfrn hY ik kys dI khfxI jo rwpt smyN ilKI jFdI hY aksr mnGVq huMdI hY, ikAuN ik kfnUMn df iZwz Brn leI sbUq GVxy pYNdy hn. sfzf qPqIsL krn df kfnUMnI ZMg ivigafnk nhIN hY. sB leI iensfP aqy smfijk brfbrI leI dMgfkfrIaF nfl nijwTx leI nvF kfnUMn bxfAux dI loV hY, vrnf dMgfkfrIaF dy ieMJ hI brI huMdy rihx qoN jn sDfrx df kfnUMn aqy inaf pfilkf ivwcoN ivsLvfs AuwT jfvygf aqy aijhI siQqI kfnUMn nUM afpxy hwQ ivwc lYx leI mjLbUr krdI hY aqy bdly dI Bfvnf nUM jnm idMdI hY. idwlI qy gujrfq dMigaF ipwCoN anykF nOjvFn bdly dI BvnF nfl hI aWqvfdI bxy sn. dMgf kfrIaF leI vwKrf kfnUMn bnfAux dI loV hY qF jo pIVq ivakqIaF nUM iensfP iml sky. girh mMqrI ny ikhf hY ik ies kfnUMn leI sfrIaF isafsI pfrtIaF, smfj syvk sMgTxF qy buWDIjIvIaF dy ivcfr jfxy jfxgy. pihlI gwl aYP[ afeI[ afr[ ikvyN ilKI jfvy? gRih mMqrI df kihxf hY ik puils Kud pRBfvq ielfky ivwc jf ky rwpt ilKyygI. pr ieh vI XkInI bxfieaf jfvy ik irport ilKx smyN koeI hyrfPyrI nhIN hovygI. dUsrf irport ilKx ivwc hoeI dyrI afid nUM kfnUMNnI nuks nf mMinaf jfvy. qIjf gvfhI dy ZMg ivwc qbdIlI kIqI jfvy qF jo ipWCoN jihrf sLyK vFg gvfh muwkr nf skx. ipCly idnIN lKnAU ivwc dMgy smyN iewk Gr nUM lwgI aWg kol iewk ivakqI Gr qy pQrfAu kr rhy dI qsvIr aKbfrF dy muK pMinaF qy CpI hY, aijhy dosLI leI hor iks sbUq dI loV hY? qIjf hr hflq ivwc imQy smyN ivwc qPqIsL mukMml krky clFn adflq ivwc pysL kIqf jfvy. cOQf spYsLl adflq lfky kys df PYslf sfl dy aMdr aMdr kIqf jfvy. pMjvF apIl dfKl krn dI QF pihlI suxvfeI smyN hI PYslf kIqf jfvy. rihm afid dI apIl vI pihl dy aDfr qy inptfeI jfvy. dMgf kfrIaF leI vwKrf kfnUMn bnfAux dI qurMq loV hY qF jo pIVq ivakqIaF nUM iensfP iml sky.

bI[ aYs[ iZwloN, aYzvokyt
146, aYzvokyt sosfietI, sYktr 49-eyL
cMzIgVH - 160047
Pon: 0172-2631684

Mobile: 9814103269

Web: http://www.geocities.com/dhillonak /mypage.html

hrjIq isMG hOlYNz

gujrfq dy muwK mMqrI nirMdr modI nMu amrIkf dI Bfrq siQq aMbYsI vlo vIjf nf dyx df svfgq krdy hF

zYnhfg(hOlLYNz) 22/3/2005: iswK kimAuintI bYnyluks aqy sLromxI akflI dl aimRMqsr hOlYNz vlo jfrI ibafn ivwc ikhf igaf hY ik asI gujrfq dy muwK mMqrI nirMdr modI nMu amrIkf dI Bfrq siQq aMbYsI vlo vIjf nf dyx df svfgq krdy hF . Kflsf jI ieh Xfd rwKx Xog hY ky gujrfq ivwc vI goDrf kFz qo bfad AuhI kuwJ vfpiraf sI jo kuwJ iswK kOm nfl 31 akqUbr 1984 nMU bIbI ieMdrf gFDI dy hoey kql qo bafd vfpiraf sI. guMzf grdI df gujrfq ivwc nvMbr 84 vFg hI Kuwlf nfc hoieaf sI. jo nIqI nirMdr modI Auwpr vrqI geI hY ieho nIqI ayYc ky aYwl Bgq, jgdIsL tfeItlr, ky pI aYws igwl aqy hor anykf hI ijhnF ny iswKF dI nslkusI ivwc ihwsf pfieaf AuhnF Auwpr pfbMdI lwgxI cfhIdI hY jo pfbMdI nirMdr modI Auwpr lwgI hY. sfzy jQydfr sLRI akfl qwKq sfihb BfeI gurdyv isMG kfAuky nMU jflm pils aPsr svrny Gotny ny qsIhy dy ky sLhId kr idwqf pr koeI suxvfeI nhI hoeI. jQydfr juigMdr isMG vydFqI nUM jQydfr sLhId gurdyv isMG kfAuky df kys ieMtrnYsLnl pwDr Auwpr AuTfxf cfhIdf hY. sI bI afeI dI irpotr afAux dy bfvjUd pRkfs isMG bfdl Aus smy dy muwK mMqrI ny koeI kfrvfeI nhI kIqI. Aultf mnuwKI aiDkfr jQybMdIaf vlo imhnq sdkf ijhnF jflm pils aPsrf Auwpr muwkwdmy clfey sn AuhnF nMU sR bfdl ny gupq qrIky nfl qnKfhF qy rwiKaf aqy jo ky awj vI adflqf ivwc kys cwlx dy bfvjUd nokrIaf kr rhy hn jo ky jsits isstm nfl koJf mjfk hY.

Harjit Singh Holland


vIr mwKx isMG jI ,

vfihgurU jI kf Kflsf,

vfihgurU jI kI Pqih]

bynqI hY jI afp jI dI sfeIt Auwpr kuwJ smf pihlf dljIq isMG isLkfgo vfly dy zyry dI Poto lwgI sI ijs Auwpr topIaf vfly kIrqn kr rhy sn. aqy nfl hI isLkfgo vfly dy Bfrq ivwc cwl rhy qlfk dy kys dI adflq dy PYNsly dI kfpI aqy AusdI isMGxI vlo akfl qKq sfihb dy jQydfr nMU ilKI icwTI vI sI smyq Kbr lwgI sI jy kr afp jI pfs hovy qf dfs nMU Byjx dI Kycl krnf. dfs ny afp jI dI sfeIt Auwpr pfTkF dy sfry Kq dyKy hn pr ieh Kbr nhI hY. ieh Kbr sLfied srvjIq isMG vlo ByjI geI sI.

afp jI df DMnvfdI hovfgf.

vfihgurU jI kf Kflsf,

vfihgurU jI kI Pqih]

Please look at everything here: http://www.sikhmarg.com/baba-vedanti.html


arivMdr isMG Kflsf

Dear Sikhmarg
waheguru ji ka khalsa, waheguru ji ki fateh
Can you please help me with finding out some facts re. so called Bibi Rajni daughter of 16th century Raja Duni Chand of Patti.
There has been a Panjabi film made in 70s about this story, I would like to research some facts through Sikh scholars.
Kind regards
Arvinder Singh Khalsa

(srdfr arivMdr isMG jI ieh rjnI vflI sfKI mn-GVq bxfeI lgdI hY. BfeI kfnH isMG nfBf ny mhfn kosL ivc rjnI dy arQ 'rfq' kIqy hn ieQy hor koeI aYNtrI nhIN hY. hF, duwK BMjnI vflI ieMtrI ivc dunI cMd dI puqrI dy pqI df ijLkr jrUr hY ijsdf ik kiQq sfKI muqfbk kohV dUr hoieaf sI. ies sfKI dI aslIaq jfnx leI ikrpf krky pRo: ieMdr isMG Gwgf jI df lyK 'qum srvr hm hMs ipafry' jrUr pVHo jI. ies lyK nUM pVHn leI ieWQy kilk kro jI-sMpfdk)

blbIr isMG sUc aYzvokyt

IN RE: Visa decision taken at highest levels-US acted on NHRC's findings-

My Views:


I submit that Gujarat Chief Minister Narendra Modi is a criminal under the 'International Religious Freedom Act'. To my mind, he actively, intentionally and deliberately participated in violation of rights of particular religious minority being head of State and always used his tongue to annoy and provoke minorities and thereafter in order to teach them a lesson. His act of criminality is already proved by various reports and the findings/comments of National Human Rights Commission on the basis of which the US has taken decision to deny visa to him. He is trying to legalize his heinous crime against the Humanity by visiting US and the true democratic country like US under her/his constitution cannot allow him to do so. He is now trying to take shelter in name of the Indian Constitution, which only permits criminals to get elected and discriminate with others in every field. Here politically immature society and opportunist people may plead in his support otherwise he has no case to justify himself legally. He must be advised correctly and accordingly.

Balbir Singh Sooch, Advocate;

Human Rights Activist, LUDHIANA

19, 20 March 2005

Mobile: 98143-34544

blbIr isMG sUc aYzvokyt

Submission and reaction about Judgment by Canadian Court-AIR INDIA BOMBING CASE-JUNE 23, 1985


Then question was to defame the Sikh community at the peak of struggle for their freedom in either way at International level to get licence to liquidate and teach a lesson to the Sikhs in India especially in Punjab and it was successfully done openly without any justice for them till date. However, this judgement protected/saved them (SIKHS) for the time being from further damage to their image and religion of humanity internationally. In order to give justice to the victims and families, there is need of sincere efforts to unearth deep-rooted conspiracy behind it. Please do publish my reaction as a pointer for further inquiry in this case.

With great regards.
Balbir Singh Sooch, Advocate;
Human Rights Activist;

srbjIq isMG, srbjoq isMG aqy hrdyv isMG syLrigWl

Purewal Sahib Sawaddi had called asking me to send this to you for posting on your website. Since I did not have access to my computer I had asked Sarbjit to email it to you.

 Thanks. HSS

sMq dljIq isMG isLkfgo afr[ aYs[ aYs[ df eyjMt! -iswK XUQ afP amrIkf

PrImFt-iswK XUQ afP amrIkf dy cotI dy nyqfvF ijnHF ivwc srv sRI srvx isMG stfktn, pRIqm isMG jogf XUnIan istI, gulivMdr isMG mYntIkf, kuljIq isMG inJr, kulvMq isMG Kihrf, kuldIp isMG bI[ey[,qrnjIq isMG, hrdIp isMG stfktn, ipRqpfl isMG hnI aqy gurcrn isMG rfxf afid ny bfbf dljIq isMG isLkfgo qy dosL lfAuNidaF ikhf ik kiQq bfbf afr[ aYs[ aYs[ df eyjMt hY ikAuNik bfby dI hr rojmrf kfrvfeI afr[ aYs[ aYs[ nUM lfB pfhuMcf rhI hY. Xfd rhy ik kuJ smF pihlF Kflsf pMcfieq ny vI aKbfrF ivwc ibafn jfrI krky ikhf sI ik bfbf dljIq isMG ny KflsfeI pRMprf nUM Kqm krn leI afr[ aYs[ aYs[ qoN 2-kroV rupey ley hn aqy afr[ aYs[ aYs[ dy AulIky pRogrfm anusfr bfbf KflsfeI asUlF nUM Kqm krn qy quilaf hoieaf hY. pihlF pihl ies kiQq bfby ny inrMkfrIaF, rfDf suafmIaF, swcy sUdy vfilaF, nUrmihlIaF, Binafry vfilaF aqy hor pfKMzI sfDF aqy dyhDfrI zMmI gurUaF ijnHF ny vI pihlF iswKI pRcfr krn df dfvf kIqf sI iPr hOlI-hOlI afpxIaF vwKrIaF-2 dukfnF sLurU kr leIaF. iesy qrHF ies kiQq bfby ny pihlF iswKI df pRcfr sLurU kIqf iPr hOlI-hOlI afpxf zyrf sQfpq krky afpxf dyhDfrI gurU zMm df ZONg clfAuNxf sLUrU kr idwqf hY.

ies kiQq bfby ny afr[ aYs[ aYs[ vloN iqafr kIqy rfgI jiQaF jo mnGVq sfKIaF jo bRfhmxvfdI soc dI Aupj hn Auh suxfdy hn. iswKF nUM kysfDfrI ihMdU bxfAux df Xqn krdy hn AfnHF rfgIaF dIaF DfVF vwzI pwDr qy swd ky amrIkf ivwc Gumfieaf aqy hr gurduafry ivwc vfVn df Xqn kIqf. XUQ afgUaF ny afpxf ibafn jfrI rwKidaF ikhf ik ieh bfbf pMjfb qoN kiQq akflI aqy kFgrsI afgUaF nUM ieQy swd ky afpxI sMqigrI nUM cmkf irhf hY. ies qoN ielfvf ijvyN pMjfb ivc pfKMzI sfDF dy iewk qoN vwD bIbIaF dy ikwsy cwl rhy hn. Ausy qrHF ieh bfbf vI afpxI Drm pqnI nUM qlfk dy ky hor bIbIaF nUM afpxIaF cylIaF bxfAuxf cfhuMdf hY ijs dI imsfl ropV dI adflq vloN ies bfby iKlfP idwqy PYsly dI hY jo ik ies bfby ny afpxI Drm pqnI qoN qlfk lYx leI adflq ivwc kys kIqf sI jo ik adflq ny rwd krky ies dI Drm pqnI dy hwk ivwc PYslf suxfieaf hY.

iswK XUQ afgUaF ny aKfAuqI PYzrysLn afgUaF dOly nMgl aqy pIrmuhMmd vrgy ijnHF df iswKF ivwc sQFn akflI dl PyrUmfn qoN ijafdf nhIN hY ijvyN akflI dl PyrUmfn kFgrs dI rbV dI mohr sI. Ausy qrHF qusIN vI kFgrs qy bI[ jy[ pI[ dy pYwt ho jo bRfhmxvfdIaF dy hwQ Toky bx ky cldy hn nUM qfVnf kridaF ik agr AunHF ny bfby dI sLfK nUM bcfAux leI ies bfby vloN afpxI Drm pqnI dy iKlfP kIqy kys ivwc pYrvfeI kIqI jF hor koeI vI aYsf kMm kIqf jo ik iswKI isDFqf dy Ault hoieaf AunHF nUM smF afAx qy ies glqI df Kimafjf Bugqxf pvygf. aKIr ivwc iswK XUQ afP amrIkf dy afgUaF ny smUMh gurduafrf pRbMDk kmytIaF nUM apIl kridaF ik Auh iksy vI aYsy rfgI, kQf vfck, kiQq sMq aqy jF koeI rfjnIqk afg jo ik KflsfeI pRMprfvF Kqm krn leI pRcfr krn afvy Aus nUM styj AuproN smF nF idwqf jfvy nhIN qF ies qrHF dy sMq nUM snmfnq krn vfly afgU vI kOm nUM jvfbdyh hoxgy.

ieh aKfAuqI bfbf dljIq isMG ijs idn amrIkf afieaf sI qF ies kol afpxy coly qy kCihry KRIdx leI vI pYsy nhIN sn iPr kI kfrn hY ik awj ieh aKfAqI sfD ies qrHF nfl aKbfrF ivwc afpxy Puwl pyj dy iesLiqhfr dy ky afpxy-afp nUM cmkfAux ivwc lwgf hoieaf hY? ieh pYsy ies nUM ikQoN afAuNdy hn? kI ieh dws skdf hY ik ies amrIkf dI DrqI Auwqy hr iewk afdmI nUM sKq imhnq krn dy bfvjUd vI sPqf hfsl nhIN huMdI? kI ieh sfD dwsygf ik pihly idn qoN awj qk ies ny amrIkf ivwc ikhVI hwQIN ikrq kIqI hY? ieh kuJ nhIN dws skdf ikAuNik ies ny hwQIN qF kMm kIqf nhIN. bs iewk kMm jrUr kIqf ik afpxI rijstysLn krvf leI aqy afp ieh gurjoq pRkfsL dy nfm Qwly rijstrz sfD bx igaf aqy kmfeI df sOKf sfDn lwB ilaf aqy iswKI nUM nuksfn phuMcfAux dy leI iswK ivroDI nfmDfrI, inrMkfrI aqy hor keIaF nfl XfrI lf leI qy AunHF sdy pRogrfm gurjoq pRkfsL ivwcsLurU krvf idwqy. sfzy kol Poto mOjUd hn ik ikvyN inMrkfrI jQf ies dy zyry ivwc kIrqn kr irhf hY.

not-iek pfsy qF iswKI mrXfdf ieh kih rhI hY ik gurU gRMQ sfihb jI dI hjUrI ivwc isrP sfbq sUrq iswK hI kIrqn kr skdf hY pr ies dy zyry ivwc mhFrfj dI hjUrI ivwc inrMkfrIaF ny ikvyN topIaF lY ky kIrqn kIqf kI ieh mrXfdf dI AulMgxf nhIN? jy hY qF bfr-bfr iDaFn ivwc ilafAux dy bfvjUd vI ies nUM akfl qKq qy ikAuN nhIN swidaf igaf? aqy pMj jQydrF ny ies dy zyry isLkfgo amrIkf ivwc jfxf ikAuN nhIN bMd kIqf?

1) pr iesqrI nfl sbMD.
2) inrMkfrIaF dy jQy qoN kIrqn krvfAuxf.
3) nfmDfrI gurU jd afieaf qF iesy gurjoq pRkfsL ivwc gurU mhFrfj dy brfbr Aus dI gwdI lvfeI. iswKI mrXfdf dy Gfx krn vfly sfry gux ies sfD ivwc mOjUd hox dy bfvjUd vI ieh sMq akfl qKq qoN sLRomxI kmytI qoN snmfn lYNdf hY qF ikAuN?
jfrI krqf-iswK XUQ afP amrIkf kYlyPornIaF.
srvx isMG stfktn, pRIqm isMG jogf XUnIan istI, gulibMdr isMG mntIkf, kuljIq isMG inJr, kulvMq isMG Kihrf, kuldIp isMG bI[ ey[, qrnjIq isMG, hrdIp isMG stfktn, ipRqpfl isMG hnI aqy gurbcn isMG rfxf.

jdoN jQydfrF ny isK nOjvfnF dy svflF dy jvfb dyx qoN asmrQf pRgtfeI

PrImFt (ivÈyÈ pRqIinD) sRI akfl qKq sfihb dy kfrjkfrI jQydfr joigMdr isMG vydFqI, qKq ptnf sfihb dy jQydfr iekbfl isMG, qKq kysgV sfihb (anMdpur) dy jQydfr iqRlocn isMG, gu[ ÈIs gMj sihb idlI dy hYz gRMQI rxjIq isMG ipCly hPqy afpxy iek sbMDI dy ivafh smfgm krky sYnhojy ivc phuMcy hoey sn pr ivafh qoN ielfvf sfry jQydfrF ny gurduafiraF aqy GrF ivc pihlF vFg hI afpxy dOry jfrI rKy. ipCly buDvfr isK gurdvfrf sYnhojy ivc hPqfvfrI dIvfn ƒ afpxI rvfieqI qkrIr nfl inhfl kIqf pr jQydfrF dy cl rhy dOiraF ivc Aus smy by svfdI ijhI ho geI jd pMQk soc dy DfrnI ‘‘isK XUQ afP amYrkf dy iek ÈkqIÈflI grup dy isK nOjvfnF ny isK gurdvfrf sfihb PrImFt ivc svfl jvfb krny ÈurU kr idqy. BfvyN jQydfrF dI pihlF hI sKq hdfieq huMdI hY ik ijQy vI jQydfrF ƒ bulfAuxf hY qF Eqy koeI svfl jvfb nhIN hoxy cfhIdy pr ieh sB kuJ PrImFt ivc bdly hoey hlfqF kfrx hI sMBv ho sikaf.

isWK gurdvfrf sfihb PrImFt ivc ‘‘isK XUQ afP amrIkf`` dy afgU pRIqm isMG ‘‘jogf`` svfl kridaF ikhf ik ies smy sRI akfl qKq sfihb Aupr hukmnfmy jfrI krn smy dUhrf mfpdMz apxfieaf jFdf hY ijvyN sMq DMnvMq isMG qy blfqkfr df kys sRI akfl qKq qy afieaf pr qusIN ies ƒ Kurd-burd krky byiensfPI kIqI pr jd dunafvI adflq ivc doÈI bfby ƒ ds sfl dI sjf suxfeI geI hY. sR[ pRkfÈ isMG bfdl dI GrvflI afÈUqoÈ dy pYrF ivc isr rKI bYTI hY ies dI Poto pMjfb ivc qkrIbn sfry aKbfrF ny CfpI hY ies sbMDI pMQk jQybMdIaF ny akfl qKq sfihb qoN kfrvfeI dI mMg kIqI hY pr qusIN Aus dy iKlfP koeI hukmnfmF nhIN jfrI kIqf pr ies dy mukfbly koeI afm ikrqI isK ijs dy kol koeI rfjnIiqk qfkq nf hovy Aus ƒ qusIN qurMq akfl qKq sfihb qy qlb kr lYNdy ho dUsrf sroipaF dy sMbMD ivc vI aijhf hI kIqf jFdf hY ijvyN Gt igxqI kimÈn dy s[ iqRlocn isMG jo dfVI rMgdy qy bMnHdy hn, Bfjpf dy sRI azvfnI, knyzf qoN Aujl dusFJ jo klIn Èyv hn AunHF ƒ isropy idqy gey pr ivroDI pfrtIaF dy afgUaF ƒ KfÜI moV idqf jFdf hY.

s[ pRIqm isMG jogf afpxI jjbfqI aqy qrk BrpUr qkrIr jfrI rKidaF ikhf ik qusIN afey idn amrIkf-knyzf aqy ieMglYNz afAuNdy ho kI pMjfb ivc Drm pRcfr df kMm muk igaF hY. pMjfb dI jvfnI niÈaF ivc gRsq ho ky isKI qoN dur ho rhI hY. pMjfb ivc hr pMj mIl qy pfKMzI sfDF dy zyry bx rhy hn jo ky dyh DfrI gurUzMm df pRcfr krky isKI isDFqF dIaF DjIaF Auzf rhy hn, afÈUqoÈ qy BinNafry vfly afm guru GrF df inrfdr kr rhy hn qusIN AunHF pRqI kI stYNz ilaf hY? muafP krnf aj vzy-ò gurduafiraF ivc vI ienHF zyiraF dI mrXfdf lfgU hY ijvyN kuMb, nfrIal, joqF, DUPF, mUrqIaF rKIaF jf rhIaF hn ijnHF df gurbfxI KMzx krdI hY jo bRfhmxI krmkFz hn. isK rihq mrXfdf anusfr jo sRI rihrfs sfihb df pfT hY ƒ Cz ky cfr sO pFc cirqR, aiVl aqy keI hor dohry jOV ky pVy jf rhy hn, sRI aKMz nfl poQI pfT, ieky QF juVvy keI-ò pfT ho rhy hn. puMNnaF misaF sMgRFdF pUjIaF jf rhIaF hn. gurduafiraF dy pRbMDk qy gRMQI pMQ pRvfixq isK rihq mrXfdf ikAuN nhIN lfgU krdy? qusI ienHF sfDF sMqF, pRbMDkF qy gRQIaF ƒ isK rihq mrXfdf lfgU krn df adyÈ ikAuN nhI idMdy?

s[ pRIqm isMG ny qKq ptnf sfihb dy jQydfr iekbfl isMG ƒ sMboiDq huMidaF ikhf ik qusIN hr do mhIiNnaF bfad sRI akfl qKq sfihb dy jQydfr ƒ hukmnfmf jfrI krky qKq ptnf sfihb qy qlb kr lYNdy ho aqy QoVy idnF bfad qusIN iekdm amrIkf af jFdy ho. kI ieh kOm nfl mjfk nhIN kr rhy? akfl qKq sfihb qoN myjF kursIaF df hukmnfmf jfrI hoieaf hY aqy qusIN AunHf gurduafiraF ivc mQf tykx nhIN jFdy aqy kursIaF qy bYT ky lMgr Ckx vfly dy iKlfP qusIN hukmnfmf jfrI krdy ho pr qKq ptnf sfihb dy jQydfr iekbfl isMG jo ik gurduafrf tfierf ibAUnf Xubf istI ijs ivc kursIaF lgIaF hn EQy Èryafm jFdy hn aqy kQf vI krdy hn ienHF dy iKlfP kfrvfeI ikAuN nhI? ies df mqlb dUhrf mfpdMz hY. ies qoN ielfvf sMq dljIq isMG iÈkfgo vfilaF df jo pMjfb ivc kys cl irhf hY ijs dIaF KbrF aKbfrF ivc lg geIaF hn. Aus df vI vfr vfr ijkr hoieaf pr jQydfrF ny ienHF sfry svflF df jvfb dyx qoN afpxI asmrQf pRgtfeI aqy iehI ikhf ik qUM afpxy suafl akfl qKq sfihb qy ilKqI rUp ivc Byj dyvIN aqy mYN ilKqI rUp ivc jvfb Byj idaFgf. qKq kysgV anMdpur sfihb dy jQydfr qrlocn isMG ny mUvI kYmrf bMd krn leI ikhf jd Aus ivakqI ny kYmrf bMd kr idqf qF jQydfr ny iPr ikhf jI quhfzf kYmrf hfly bMd nhIN hoieaf lfl bqI ajy jg buj rhI hY. pihlF qF jQydfrF dy hr svfl df jvfb sIs gMj sfihb idlI dy hYz gRMQI rxjIq isMG hI idaf krdy sn. ies vfr isK XUQ afP amYrkf dy afgUaF pihlF kih idqf sI ik asIN jo svfl jQydfr ƒ krnf hY Aus df jvfb vI jQydfr qoN hI lYxf hY pr jFidaF-ò qKq ptnF sfihb dy jQydfr iekbfl isMG ny isK XUQ afgUaF ƒ ieh kihidaF suixaF igaf ik qusIN ptnF sfihb dI qfkq bfry nhIN jfxdy ik kI ho skdf hY?

bfad ivc ies pqrkfr nfl glbfq kridaF isK XUQ afP amrIkf dy afgUaF ny ikhf ik hux guruduafiraF ivc isK Dfrimk aqy rfjnIiqk afgUaF ƒ ÈryaFm isK sMgq ƒ gumrfh nhIN krn idqf jfvygf. hux hr isK afgU ƒ gurduafry dI styj qoN svfl jvfb df sfhmxf krnf pvygf. asIN isK sMgq ivc pMQk soc pYdf kr idaFgy ijhVI ik ienHF dy sfhmxy suxn dI bjfey afp svfl jvfb krn dy smrQ ho jfvygI. svfl jvfb dy ies smy ivÈyÈ qOr qy isK XUQ afP amrIkf dy afgUaF-s[ pRIqm isMG ‘‘jogf``, gurbcn isMG ‘‘rfxf``, pRqpfl isMG hnI, ieMdrjIq isMG, akflI afgUaF srbjoq isMG svwdI, suKivMdr isMG qlvMzI, jgmIq isMG huMdl, gurbfxI pRcfr imÈn dy avqfr isMG imÈnrI aqy hrismrq kOr Kflsf, isK gurduafrf sfihb PrImFt dy pRDfn s[ gurmIq isMG Kflsf, sYnhojy qoN jIq isMG bYnIvfl, suKdyv isMG bYnIvfl, hrimMdr isMG, idlfvr isMG, gurcrn isMG mfn, rfijMdrpfl isMG iZloN, aYys[ pI[ isMG, kuljIq isMG, cyqnf lihr dy krnYl isMG Kflsf, krnYl isMG igl, hrijMdr isMG dusFJ afid ny ihsf ilaf.

dlIp isMG Kflsf

isLkfgo vfly dljIq isMG aKOqI sMq/sfD aqy aKOqI isMG sfihb df sfry dysLf ivwc ivroD hoxf smy dI muwK mMg

iswK kOm dy ivwc sMq sLbd nMU klMkq krn vfly sfDF df ivroD hoxf bhUq jrUrI hY. pIr mhMmd, aqy Bomy ijhy PyzrysLnIey pqf nhI iks aDfr Aywupr dljIq isMG isLkfgo nMU sMq sLbd nfl sboDn krdy hn. isLkfgo vfly bfby ny Xorp dy hryk dysL ivwc afpxI cODr nMU kfiem krn leI DVybMdI pYdf kIqI hY. amrIkf ivwc izspYNsrI dy nf hyT hjfrF hI zflr iekwT kIqy hn. kI amrIkf ieqnf grIb hY ky AuwQy isLkfgo vfly nMU izspYNsrI Kohlx dI jrUrq pY geI sI? jrmnI dy hmbgr gurdvfrf sfihb ny pyprf ivwc pihlf hI ies dy kfly kfrnfimaf nMU Aujfgr kiqf hoieaf hY. gurdvfrf sfihb ivwc dfKl hox leI iehdy awgy icwtIaf cfdrf ivCfeIaf jFdIaf hn. ijhVf aKoqI sfD afpxI GrvflI nfl qlfk dI gwlf krdf hY aqy lokf dIaf jnfnIaf kolo lwqf GuwtvfAudf hY. kI Auh iensfn khfAux dy vI lfiek hY. ieh PyzrysLnIey kOMm nMU dwsx ky iks qKq qy isLkfgo vfly ny isMG sfihb dI syvf kIqI hY aqy iks iswK sMsQf jF XunIvristI qo bfbf, sfD, sMq dI izgrI leI hY. jQydfr vydNfqI vI pqf nhI ikAu ies dy zyry dy cwkr kwZdf hY. jy vydFqI DMnvMqy sfD nMU blfqkfr dy kys ivwco brI kr skdf hYy qF Auh iskfgo vfly nMU ikvy vrj skdf hY. isLkfgo vflf mhfn pursLf dy idhfVy mxf ky BolIaf BflIaf sMgq nMU gumrfh krdf hY Kflsf jI ies afr[ aYys[ aYys dy eyjMt qo sfvDfn rho. Kflsf pMQ dIaf cVdIaf klf locdf hoieaf sfry pyprF aqy sMgqf qo swc pihcfnx dI afs krdf hoieaf.

dlIp isMG Kflsf

gurmIq isMG afstRylIaf

Dear Dr. Kuldip Singh jee,

Waheguru jee ka Khalsa Waheguru jee kee Fateh

The Sikh Review from Kolkata does not take any firm stand on Sikh Tenets. Moreover, there is never any guidance to the Sikh leaders, SGPC or so called Jathedaars and Sikhs in Punjab, Chandigarh, Delhi, etc. But Editor will never displease foreign contributors ! Editor often praises killer Kanwer Pal Singh Gill and journalist Khushwant Singh. What have they done for Sikhs? If Bihari/UP Bhayyaas could start Hindi Dailies or they are boosting circulation of yellow press, why not a Sikh Press in Punjab? What is your stand regarding The Spokesman Weekly ? Kindly rethink your strategy and encourage The Spokesman to start "Weekly" because daily won't be successful until all Sikh Leaders unite without the shadow of Barnala/Badal/other tarnished factions! What happened to "Vishav Sikh Bulletin" in Punjabi by Prof. Gurtej Singh? All wish to become Generals/Editors/Chairmen/Presidents without spending a cent from their own pockets.

In fact, DSGMC should spend money on the well being of 1984 victims or donate to Nishkam Welfare Organsiation functioning from Tilak/Tagore Nagar rather sending to Kolkata where wealthy Sikhs can look after themselves.

Gurmit Singh

zf: kuldIp isMG

ÃÄ siqnfm krqf purKu inrBAu inrvYru akfl mUriq ajUnI sYBM gur pRsfid ]



M.S. (Pb.) F.R.C.S. (Edin), D.M.R.T. (London) M.S. (Pb.) D.A. LONDON

F.R.C.R. (England), M.A.M.S. (India) Retd. Associate Prof. of Anaesthesia

Ex. Prof. & Head Radiotherapy CMC Ludhiana (1973-76) PGIMER, CHANDIGARH

Retd. Professor & Head (1982-87) Founder Trustee: SatyaMev Jayate Mission Trust Regd.

Department of Surgery PGIMER, CHANDIGARH 2080, Sector 15-C, Chandigarh – 160 015

Visiting consultant in Cancer, MD Oswal Hospital LDH (1987 to date) Telefax : 772980

Ex President Institute of Sikh Studies Chandigarh (1992-98)

Founder Trustee: SatyaMev Jayate Mission Trust Regd. Date : 24.02.2005

S. Paramjit Singh Sarna

President & Members of the Executive Committee of DSGPC

Gurdwara Rakab Ganj

New Delhi – 110 001


Subject: Donation of Life Membership of "The Sikh Review" Calcutta to the libraries of English medium schools of Delhi is a scientific plan to remove the persistent Anti-Sikh feeling, ever since November 1984 in all segments of Delhi public.

  1. Following the day and night massacre, burning, looting and rape of Sikhs of Delhi in full view of public including the foreign visitors to the funeral of late Smt. Indira Gandhi Ji, wherein the police and the administrative machinery were silent spectators and several people had noticed the presence of police who were not trying to save the unfortunate victims, the Govt. of India earned a bad name in the eyes of the world.

  2. Sh. Rajiv Gandhi, the New Prime Minister of India, engaged the services of a prominent Adv. Agency to malign the Sikhs during the November 1984 elections to the Lok Sabha in such a way that a message was given firmly to the minds of the every Indian in every village and town of India and to the world public that whatever treatment was meted out to Sikhs was too little. The Sikhs were such bad people that they needed to be wiped out completely. He is reported to have paid Rs. 200 Crores for doing this publicity in the two weeks prior to the voting day.

  3. The United States Education Department made a video on terrorism depicting in the first scene armed Sikhs moving about in the Darbar Sahib Complex. This 20-30 minute video was shown to schoolchildren all over that country for about 15 years. Before the Sikhs learnt and raised their voice against it, generations of Americans began to regard Sikhs as terrorists.

  4. The anti-Sikh feeling was so deeply ingrained in the minds of the Indians that it affected even the Judges and all intelligentsia of India.

  5. Special acts like TADA also helped to poison the minds of the public against the Sikhs.

  6. The judiciary showed their deep animosity to the Sikhs by giving them harsh sentences including death sentence, which was confirmed at all levels. Nobody considered under what circumstances the Sikhs were emotionally charged to kill a few important people who were responsible for ordering killing of lacs of innocent Sikhs attending the martyrdom day function of Guru Arjan Dev Ji in the Gurdwaras all over Punjab.

  7. Many Sikhs are still imprisoned without trial in jails of the country for decades.

  8. Every now and then, the news comes that so many wanted Sikh terrorists have gone abroad and are hiding in foreign countries.

  9. No Member of Parliament has ever thought that what suffering the Sikh community as a whole has undergone and nobody has been punished for the cold-blooded murder of Sikhs in June and November 1984.

  10. By now Sikhs must have noticed and should have realized that their hue and cry about not getting any justice has not been of any avail on account of the persistent and longstanding animosity about the Sikhs which has been created.

  11. The science of human communications tells us that intelligent children between the ages of 8 and 12 years (1 per cent of students) like to read any piece of literature and knowledge, which they come across. These one per cent of the children in these age groups grow up to become leaders of the society in every field of human endeavour. They will become the future judges, members of Parliament and Administrative Services.

  12. If the Sikhs were to donate the Sikh Review, which is non-political journal of longstanding propagating Sikh history and theology to a hundred thousand schools all over the world, then within 10-15 years, we would see that a complete change in the outlook of the people about the Sikhs would occur. Sikhs would be admired and respected in every country of the world.

  13. Delhi has at least one thousand English medium public schools. Nanaksdas requests the Delhi Sikh Gurdwara Parbandhak Committee to gift Life Subscriptions of the Sikh Review to all these schools immediately. There is no shortcut and the Sikhs have been suffering for the last twenty years. You may propagate and get the help of the Sikhs. I am confident that your example would be followed by SGPC, Gurdwara Committees, all over India and Abroad. I hope that in this year "The Sikh Review" gets a hundred thousand (100,000) Life Subscriptions for schools. As a surgeon I look upon this problem as an emergency, requiring immediate action by the Sikhs.

  14. A Daily Newspaper of the Sikhs will not be able to achieve anything and would be a great waste of resources. We have to propagate Sikhism and specially the universal ideology of Guru Granth Sahib amongst the non-Sikh school children between the ages of eight and twelve years only, in order to get immediate and far-reaching benefits.


(Dr. Kuldip Singh)
