
bIbI hrismrq kOr KLflsf

slok kbIr ] (1105)Shalok, Kabir:

Bibi Harsimrat Kaur Khalsa

Guru Granth Parchar Mission of USA, Inc.

PO Box 65

Hayward, California 94543

(510) 432-5827

ggn dmfmf bfijE pirE nIsfnY GfE ]
"The battle-drum beats in the sky of the mind; aim is taken, and the wound is inflicted."
What is the purpose of beating drums in warfare? Each army uses rhythm and visible symbols for various reasons. As long as the regular beat is sounding the army is building up its spirit and courage to fight the fight of victory. Why do people wage war? There are several reasons for this. One reason is for self preservation of life or identity. The other reason is for revenge. Another reason is for greed. Sometimes there is a fine line which determines when war must be declared. Kabir Ji is not simply just talking about nations fighting and drums rolling. The drums represent the signal for action. The first word in this shabad is ggn sky. The sky represents the mind full of gian. Until the drums start rolling, the army will not approach to start to fight. Once they hear the drums, then the information is triggered in the mind. The mind processes this information; then feeds it to the rest of the body with detailed instructions. All of existence is the process of infinite rhythm waves. The mind is the supreme commander of the forces which requires proper balance of rhythm to function. If this commander has no stable, constructive information to give, then the whole army will lose. There will be no strategy, no authority, and no willpower. The army will flee with all the soldiers scattered. But when there is a logical reason to fight, warfare should be the last resort; and not the first. Both sides must realize that the only way to avoid killing thousands of people is by trying to comprise a way that both sides will benefit equally. Sometimes the need of a neutral mediator is used to encourage both sides to learn to trust one another. In a situation where promises are severely broken, and the welfare of the people is at stake, then there is no other option. Guru Gobind Singh taught us that the sword is only to be used as a last resort. The bow and arrow and the sword were some of the most popular weapons of warfare used hundreds of years ago. Every strike requires learned and practiced skill with agile aim applying the proper pressure, so that the target is struck in the most effective way. The better the strike: the more severe the wound. The whole purpose of inflicting wounds is to weaken or destroy the enemy. The weakest army will always lose, but no matter how many men are in the army, no matter how much physical skill and weapons they have, intelligence, wisdom is the main factor for winning. Sometimes it is not wise to react to a small violent action, because it may be done to booby-trap you into an ambush. Sometimes you need to react to small episodes, too. The purpose for espionage is to inform the army of the enemy’s future strategies. Watchmen are constantly placed in inconspicuous places in case of surprise attacks. Kabir Ji is presenting in this shabad his documentary of a typical war scenario from the beginning of the battle to the end. Is there really an end to a severe war? There is always room for revenge and retaliation. Once the losers are given enough time and opportunity to recuperate and find many allies, the war will continue sometimes until total destruction. So when someone is attacking you, then that is the main time to plan a war. Once the plan is ready and the army prepared, then the war will begin. Careful planning can only be done by wise people that use their warfare experiences. They know the patterns of the enemy; they know the weaknesses and strengths of their army as well as of their enemy. The must also know the battlefield well. They examine all territory structures and physical features, such as forests, caves, hills, cliffs, high grass, and sources of water. They must know the psychology of the enemy well in order to entice them into a trap. They must also know when it is a good time of the year to fight. If a field battle is during a drought, the army will die of thirst. If a long war bout is during the heavy rainy season, the soldiers will be stuck the mud and catch the flu or pneumonia.

Kyqu ju mFizE sUrmf ab jUJn ko dfAu ]1]
"The spiritual warriors enter the field of battle; now is the time to fight! ||1||"
It is very important for an army to have commanders that are expertise and trustworthy. The commander must also be able to trust in the abilities and faithfulness of his entire army. Warfare is strictly a team operation of total cooperation. The failure of one soldier, regardless of rank can jeopardize the entire army and nation. It takes only one act of deception to weaken the entire chain of cooperation and success. What is the battlefield in this shabad? It is the battlefield of life where one fights his five vices towards the victory of self control. There is no particular battlefield in which all battles are done. Any area can be a battlefield. Our minds go everywhere we go, walk, sleep, and sit. The enemy can surprise attack at any time. We must be constantly on our guard, continually being aware of our weaknesses and strengths. We must always develop our physique with proper diet and exercise. We must continually use our minds to learn about our surroundings by daily contemplation of the teachings of Guru Granth Sahib. This kind of war is not just about bloodshed. All wars are caused by what goes on in the mind. It’s a long chain reaction of facts, lies, or exaggerations spread to hungry listeners. Sometimes wealthy people cause wars to make money manufacturing weapons and the newest billion dollar booming business – security guards and computer war technology for ships, fighter jets, and submarines.

War should be understood as an actual, intentional and widespread armed conflict between political communities.
Just war theory can be meaningfully divided into three parts, the first which concerns the justice of resorting to war in the first place; 2) which concerns the justice of conduct within war, after it has begun; and 3) which concerns the justice of peace agreements and the termination phase of war. Just war theory insists all six criteria must each be fulfilled for a particular declaration of war to be justified: it's all or no justification, so to speak.

1. Just cause for starting war. This is clearly the most important rule; only for the right reason.: self-defense or the defense for others from those in violation of someone else's basic rights; the protection of innocents from brutal, aggressive regimes; and punishment for a grievous wrongdoing which remains uncorrected. Should one must wait for the aggression actually to happen, or is it permissible to attack against anticipated aggression; or one must wait, since it would be bad to "punish someone for an offense they have yet to commit." But it is the seriousness of the anticipated aggression; evidence required; the speed with which one must decide; and the issue of fairness and the duty to protect one's people. If one knows a terrible attack is coming soon, one owes it to one's people to shift from defense to offense. The best defense, as they say, is a good offense. Why let the aggressor have the upper hand of the first strike? But that's the very issue: can you attack so that you do not become the aggressor? Can striking first still be considered an act of defense from aggression? International law, for its part, sweepingly forbids pre-emptive strikes unless they are clearly authorized in advance by the UN Security Council.
2. Right intention. A state must intend to fight the war only for the sake of its just cause. Having the right reason for launching a war is not enough: the actual motivation behind the resort to war must also be morally appropriate. Ulterior motives, such as a power or land grab, or irrational motives, such as revenge or ethnic hatred, are ruled out.

3. Proper authority and public declaration. A state may go to war only if the decision has been made by the appropriate authorities, according to the proper process, and made public, notably to its own citizens and to the enemy state(s). The "appropriate authority" is usually specified in that country's constitution.

4. Last Resort. A state may resort to war only if it has exhausted all peaceful alternatives to resolving the conflict in question, in particular diplomatic negotiation. One wants to make sure something as momentous and serious as war is declared only when it seems the last practical and reasonable shot at effectively resisting aggression.

5. Probability of Success. A state may not resort to war if it can foresee that doing so will have no measurable impact on the situation. The aim here is to block mass violence which is going to be futile.

6. Proportionality. A state must, prior to initiating a war, weigh the universal goods expected to result from it, such as securing the just cause, against the universal evils expected to result, notably casualties. Only if the benefits are proportional to, or "worth", the costs may the war action proceed.

We must also consider the expected consequences of launching a just war, the right conduct in the midst of battle, which is the responsibility or the military commanders, officers and soldiers who formulate and execute the war policy. We need to be concerned with the rules that a state should observe regarding the enemy and its armed forces and also be concerned with the rules a state must follow in connection with its own people as it fights war against an external enemy. There are several rules of a state regarding the enemy and its armed forces in relation to the states own people and army

1. Obey all international laws on weapons prohibition. Chemical and biological weapons, in particular, are forbidden by many treaties. Nuclear weapons aren't so clearly prohibited but it seems fair to say a huge taboo attaches to such weapons and any use of them would be greeted with incredible hostility by the international community.

2. Discrimination and Non-Combatant Immunity. Soldiers are only entitled to use their (non-prohibited) weapons to target those who are, "engaged in harm." Thus, when they take aim, soldiers must discriminate between the civilian population and legitimate military, political and industrial targets involved in rights-violating harm. International law seeks to protect unarmed civilians as best it can.

3. Proportionality. Soldiers may only use force proportional to the end they seek. They must restrain their force to that amount appropriate to achieving their aim or target; and not to use weapons of mass destruction.

4. Humane treatment of quarantined prisoners of war (POWs).because the enemy soldiers they stop being threats to basic rights. Thus it is wrong to target them with death, starvation, rape, torture, medical experimentation, and so on. They are to be provided, as The Geneva Conventions spell out, with benevolent—not malevolent—quarantine away from battle zones and until the war ends, when they should be exchanged for one's own POWs. Do terrorists deserve such protection, too? Great controversy surrounds the detainment and aggressive questioning of terrorist suspects held by the U.S. at jails in Cuba, Iraq and Pakistan in the name of the war on terror.

5. No Means. Soldiers may not use weapons or methods which are "evil in themselves." These include: mass rape campaigns; genocide or ethnic cleansing; using poison or treachery (like disguising soldiers to look like the Red Cross); forcing captured soldiers to fight against their own side; and using weapons whose effects cannot be controlled, like biological agents.

6. No reprisals. A reprisal is when a country violates in war with the enemy country. then that country takes revenge to commit the same violation, to punish the other country into obeying the rules. There are strong moral and evidentiary reasons to believe that vengeance does not work, and they instead serve to escalate death and make the destruction of war increasingly indiscriminate. Winning well is the best revenge.

How do you conduct the third and final stage of war: that of war termination? It involves regulating the ending of wars, to ease the transition from war back to peace.

1. Proportionality and Publicity. The peace settlement should be measured and reasonable, as well as publicly proclaimed.
2. Rights Vindication. The settlement should secure those basic rights whose violation triggered the justified war, such as life and freedom and community entitlements to territory and sovereignty.

3. Discrimination. Distinction needs to be made between the leaders, the soldiers, and the civilians in the defeated country one is negotiating with. Civilians are entitled to reasonable immunity from punitive post-war measures.

4. Punishment #1. When the defeated country has been a blatant, rights-violating aggressor, proportionate punishment must be meted out. The leaders of the regime, in particular, should face fair and public international trials for war crimes.

5. Punishment #2. Soldiers also commit war crimes. Justice after war requires that such soldiers, from all sides to the conflict, likewise be held accountable to investigation and possible trial.
6. Compensation. Financial restoration helps the defeated country to begin its own reconstruction.

7. Rehabilitation. The post-war environment provides a promising opportunity to reform week institutions in an aggressor regime, such as: demilitarization and disarmament; police and judicial re-training; human rights education; and even deep structural transformation towards a minimally just society governed by a legitimate regime.

Just as the science of war ethics is vast, so is the actual method of fighting. Bhagat Kabir Ji teaches us in this shabad what war we must be ready to fight, and what to expect in the process. Guru Granth Sahib teaches us what we are to battle every day, and that is our five vices. If we surrender to our vices, then we weaken ourselves and deprive ourselves the very right to believe in truthfulness. The religion of Kabir Ji is the same teachings as the philosophy of all of the Guru Granth Sahib. We fight to defend our faith which keeps us going.

sUrf so pihcfnIaY ju lrY dIn ky hyq ]
"He alone is known as a spiritual hero, who fights in defense of religion."
This is typical of Sikh history, fighting for freedom of religion. For a very long time, India has been under the control of Brahmans. The new threat to India has been the Mogul Moslems terrorizing in the name of Islam, when they were not religious themselves. They were only outwardly showing their religiosity. These Moguls were only interested in land and money. They know that very few would convert, and if they would, they would be considered fools. Guru Tegh Behadar risked his life for the sake of rescuing and entire Hindu village in Dehli from Moslem forced conversion. He made a deal with Mogul leader Aurangzeb that if they could successfully force him to convert, then his Sikhs would allow them to convert the entire village. So what was Guru Ji’s plan? He tricked the Mogul ruler by convincing him that if the executioner would try to cut off his head, God would not allow the knife to cut him. After the attempt, the Mogul ruler would read a note that is in Guru Ji’s hand. So, the Mogul was order to cut his head off: and he did. When the ruler read the note that was in Guru Ji’s hand, he became furious. The not read. "Head off, but turban still on." Thus the entire village was saved. Guru Gobind Singh Ji’s three sons preferred a slow death rather than convert to Islam. and Guru Arjan Dev Ji suffered his torturous death from Moguls

purjf purjf kit mrY kbhU n CfzY Kyqu ]2]2]

He may be cut apart, piece by piece, but he never leaves the field of battle. ||2||2||
When is a soldier ready for battle? After he is trained and disciplined physically and psychologically, then he becomes aware of the reality of the potential dangers. Any wrong move or bad timing can be devastating. He should not hesitate in battle when he sees or experiences physical blows. Once the fighting stops, there is no escape. He must fight for his life as well as for his community. There is no room for giving up, regardless of the cost. This type of soldier requires spiritual maturity.

Guru Nanak Dev Ji gives another historical example on terrors of the Moguls[ afsf mhlf 1 ] (360) Kurfsfn Ksmfnf kIaf, ihMdusqfnu zrfieaf ]Having attacked Khuraasaan, Baabar terrified Hindustan. It was not enough for Baabar to slaughter Khuraasan; he had to invade Hindustan as well with the same genocides and tortures. afpY dosu n dyeI krqf, jmu kir muglu cVfieaf ]The Creator Himself does not take the blame, but has sent the Mugal as the messenger of death." The opens the philosophical question, "Why did God allow terrorists to murder the innocent?" eyqI mfr peI krlfxy, qYN kI drdu n afieaf ]1]There was so much slaughter that the people screamed. Didn't You feel compassion, Lord?" People think that God does not exist because so many good people suffer in the hands of the wicked. The existence of God should not be the question here. One must ask how God allowed it to happen. The natural laws of the universe operate equally for all people, regardless of age, color, race, or beliefs. We are all created with the free ability of movements, but it is the power of nature that allows us to cause our brains to send commands to the rest of our body parts to do something. This shabad says that God sent the Mogul as the messenger of death. How did God send this Mogul? The natural laws of nature operated as they were created to. God did not have a desire to to evil. All His doings are perfect and complete. God does not need to send anything. A human sends things. This is a figure of speech that murder is one of many causes of death that are results of nature. Sometimes we die of disease, or ignorance by abusing our bodies with drugs and alcohol and smoking. Sometimes we die of natural disasters, such as the tsunamis or earthquakes. ||1|| krqf qUM sBnf kf soeI ]O Creator Lord, You are the Master of all." jy skqf skqy kAu mfry, qf min rosu n hoeI ]1] rhfAu ]If some powerful man strikes out against another man, then no one feels any grief in their mind. ||1||Pause||" skqf sIhu mfry pY vgY, KsmY sf pursfeI ]But if a powerful tiger attacks a flock of sheep and kills them, then its master must answer for it." Murders happen every day, but if many people are murdered in the same area like a flock of sheep, then people start to feel grief and fear, especially the mayor of the town. But God is concerned with each individual and each part of the universe He created. He makes sure that the cycles of the universe keep rotating. rqn ivgfiV ivgoey kuqIN, muieaf sfr n kfeI ] "This priceless country has been laid waste and defiled by dogs, and no one pays any attention to the dead." Why are the dead ignored here? This is an example of a society suckered into greed and insensitivity to the needy. Greedy dogs have defiled a family, a town, or even a church, mosque, or gurdwara while the innocent members only have a small voice crying for justice. They are ignored by the greedy who exploit in the name of religion. Instead of fighting for justice, they sit back and say they don’t want to get involved in politics. If a committee is corrupt, God will punish them. This is a cop out excuse. We are to fight to protect the family, city, and gurdwara from corrupt Moguls dogs. don’t sit back and let the greedy posing and religious leaders exploit Sangat gifts. afpy joiV ivCoVy afpy, vyKu qyrI vizafeI ]2]"You Yourself unite, and You Yourself separate; I gaze upon Your Glorious Greatness. ||2||" God creates and maintains the stability of the natural laws of the universe. He causes things to join and to separate. Everything He does is a reflection of His glorious greatness. jy ko nfAu Drfey vzf, sfd kry min Bfxy ]One may give himself a great name, and revel in the pleasures of the mind," This is an example of the fool who thinks he does everything by himself, without the hukam of God which he never believed existed. KsmY ndrI kIVf afvY, jyqy cugY dfxy ]but in the Eyes of the Lord and Master, he is just a worm, for all the corn that he eats." The manmukh continually acts in foolishness and is compared to a worm that is easiest prey to anything. It’s only defense is to dig into the dirt and hide; but even the dirt will not protect it. mir mir jIvY qf ikCu pfey, nfnk nfmu vKfxy ]3]5]39]Only one who dies to his ego while yet alive, obtains the blessings, O Nanak, by chanting the Lord's Name. ||3||5||39||" What does it mean to die to one’s ego? This verse used die twice mir mir, so what can we learn from this? When someone dies, he does not get back up again, he stops breathing, moving, and thinking. When we learn to control our ego, we must not simply weaken it, but totally destroy it. The only way to defeat a terrorist army is to totally wipe is out, to kill them all. If you leave any survivors, they will build up strength to attack again. One cannot truly live a life of peace, happiness, and success if he ego is strong. What are the blessings that he gets from defeating his ego? Easily answered, it’s self control, poise, contentment, happiness, being able to function fully, worry free, you learn better, to get along better with your family, friends, and coworkers. You become more creative and relaxed. Your learning and health improve. You make more logical decisions in life. You also start to share how to be this successful with other. You begin to care for others in a new way. How does chanting God’s name bring these blessings? Chanting God’s name does not mean literally repeating a phrase over and over again to get in to a hypnotic state. Chanting God’s name means to take the teachings of Shri Guru Granth Sahib and understand them, then let them saturate in your mind, keeping the awareness of this great enlightenment in our minds at all times, sitting, standing, walking, sleeping, and awake.

In conclusion. I have mentioned these two shabads about warfare and bloodshed because of the importance of the month dedicated to the Sahid for the sake of religious freedom. Since God has dedicated His entire essence to sustain us and the entire universe, we owe it to ourselves to protect the rights to teaching the meanings of Guru Granth Sahib to all people. Our short 500 years history of bloodshed, torture, and bravery have paid off to win humanity back to have the opportunity to meet God. We have dealt with forces against our faith under the disguise of Brahmanistic agents, fake Khalistani people, in which some are even terrorists, pakandi baba ji saints, these examples of pakandi fanatical groups that have been sponsored by Brahaministic leaders in India to re-Hinduize the Sikhs. Some of our gurdwaras are run like greedy businesses by greedy granthis and hypocritical ragies and some corrupt committees. We as a sangat must not sit back and let God punish them. God’s punishment is the natural course of things, where they will automatically pay for their evil. We must still fight for the rights of the gurdwaras, the town, and the home to be safe from these parayas, dogs. The dangers we face with these are far more worse than what the Moguls have done. We survived the dangers of the Moguls with our faith and understanding of Shri Guru Granth Sahib. Today, we live in an age where we can’t even get knowledge of Guru Ji, because we have no interest to learn, and the teachers available are untrained. All they do is read paath and make the money. Most of them can’t even explain the meanings, or don’t want to. If we lack Gur gian, then how will we ever fight our gravest danger, loss of identity and loss of Guru Ji teacher. We will then wander in ignorance, ruled by our tyrant five vices. So, we need to fight, be strong. Prepare our wars with the know how, develop our skills of righteousness, understanding, and courage. Let’s gets this movement going to promote Sri Guru Granth Sahib’s teachings to all people, not just Indians. This is our first hope, our only and our last hope. Just as God has no enemies, so must we not have any enemies. An enemy is one who is a threat to one’s life. God is not intimidated by inferior beings as us. He has no rivals, no one can compete with Him. His hukam is unbreakable. His hukam is truthfulness. When we meet God, then we also have no enemies. The greatest threat to man is his own ego and ignorance. People start to hate each other for greedy, selfish gain. Their blindness makes them totally unaware or simply insensitive to the hurts of others. They will find every clever deceiving trick and lie to dissuade to follow them. Many disguise themselves as holy saints, when they are nothing but fools who have lost the battle against their five vices and start manipulating others. When this common behavior gets out of hand, then the entire group is labeled with a bad reputation. Both the righteous and the wicked are identified together as deceivers. The bad apples in the group spoil the reputation of the entire group. Many Sikhs have immigrated to USA for a better life, but when some of them become enslaved to the US dollar, they begin to be corrupt. We Sikhs have a responsibility to learn Guru Granth Sahib’s wisdom and offer it to all people. If we are engrossed in high profit at the cost of hurting others, then we are misrepresenting the very scriptures that we bow down to. The function of the gurdwara is to offer a haven of tranquility through the education of the Shri Guru Granth Sahib Ji wisdom which follows with naam simran. Naam simran literally means to contemplate of the hukam of God and His glory. We remember the meanings in the Shabad and keep the power fuel of it in our minds to keep us alert day by day of the schemes of our five vices. This is very important to remember – that while we exist in the hukam of God, we never leave the battlefield. The only way to go is to victory fateh. If we listen to the plans of Almighty God’s hukam, if we give Shri Guru Granth Sahib Ji the chance to prove his perfection, then we will never lose the battle. You may be cut piece by piece with physical losses, insults, poverty, victim of slander and lies, but you still must fight. If you do not fight, then your loss increases. It does not stop with injury. It does not stop with death. In every dimension of existence, we need the enlightenment of God, His word and power absorbed in our body and mind. God’s way in battle is the only way. We do not battle each other, but battle ignorance, ego, pride, lust, and over attachment. We must chose to be Shaitan or Gurmukh.

gurpRIq isMG smrf



Omni TV News, South Asian Edition

Subject : Your News Broadcast on December 13th,2006 regarding Sikh Heritage Temple in Brampton.

Dear Sir/Madam,

This letter intends to get some detailed information and clarification from you about the mentioned news item in your bulletin around 8:15 to 8:20 pm.

I am writing you this letter at 8:40 pm, just 20 minutes after the broadcast to let you know the seriousness of false propaganda and irresponsible reporting.

In you news item Indira Naidoo harris talked about Prof. Inder Singh Ghagga. She said that Inder Singh Ghagga has been banned from speaking in any Gurdwara.

1)Who has banned him? Canadian Govt., Indian Govt. ? United Nations War Tribunal? Or self styled religious zealots who are in a habit of issuing Khomieni styled Fatwas?

Please share this information that who has banned him.

Note : For your kind information from where he has been banned i.e. India, he is giving religious sermons in any Sikh religious place he wants.

2)She further states that we tried to contact him.

Can the Omni TV give us the medium through which it tried to contact him. Through Phone, email, or contacting anyone in Canada.

If you tried to contact him or any of his contacts in Canada, please provide us the details.

3)The lady in concern further declares that He (Inder Singh Ghagga) is controversial.

But She has not mentioned about the controversy, What the controversy was about?

3.1) Did he say anything blasphemous?

3.2) Did he say anything that is wrong or false?

3.3) To sum it up please provide us with the information what he said that was controversial.

4)You have shown a clip of Video of clash from youtube.com, Even in that Inder Singh Ghagga was attacked by some people, But anyways

4.1)Have you seen the entire Video, to find out what was the entire incident about?

4.2)Have you even tried to find out?

5)Then Indira Naidoo Harris shows brief interview with 2 people

One is the caretaker of Gurdwara, a literally illiterate person who could not read or write English, But he was not biased, he said what was true.

Second person was some Jagdish Garewal ,Editor of some Punjabi paper who could hardly speak English and said what he wanted to.

But Did the above mentioned editor spoke of the controversy???? NOOOO!!!!!!

So I am left in midst of nowhere to know what was the controversy for which Inder Singh Ghagga was attacked!!!!!!!, that led to a clash between some religious zealots and free thinking people.

It raises some serious question on your news broadcast, which I have been listening since I came to Canada.

1)Are you broadcasting under pressure from zealots/fanatics who claim to blow themselves up?

2)Or you have been specifically approached by the branch of that religious seminary with fanatic views to broadcast it.

2.1)If this is the case then have you been offered money?

2.2)If not then why didn’t you care to find out the real truth.

2.3)Why it has been broadcasted 3 months after the incident happened.

I am deeply concerned as I was the person who didn’t belong to any fanatic organization, I was present there and I have been shown in that Video.

So for this insult, I want you to please respond it with utmost urgency.

I would also like to have a copy of this news broadcast from you.

Note : Full Video of that clash can be watched at the following link, and try to get some neutral observers to find out the real truth, It will also show the people who attacked started problem right from the beginning.


With Regards,

Gurpreet Singh Sumra


Ph. No: 416-817-1684

CC: CBC news, City News, Sikh Bulletin (www.sikhbulletin.com), Sikh Virsa(www.sikhvirsa.com), Rozana Spokesman(A daily news paper in India, www.rozanaspokesman.com) India Awareness (A monthly in India, www.indiaawareness.com), Sawaddi News(A daily Punjabi news paper in America, www.sawaddinews.com), Sanjh Savera (A weekly News paper in Canada, www.sanjhsavera.com), Nagara(A weekly News paper in Canada), Singh Sabha International,Canada (An organization registered with Govt., www.singhsabhacanada.com), Sikh Marg (An online Sikh Magazine, www.sikhmarg.com)

Note : The Editor of news paper which was interviewed, I don’t know his email id or web address and could not find it. Please forward it to him as well.

blbIr isMG sUc, aYzvokyt


bfjF vfilaf af! af! af!

qyrI sLkqI qy iswiKaf (nfm) qoN vgYr

koeI suxvfeI nhIN-hr mrd aDUrf bYTf hY

bfjF vfilaf af! af! af!

awj rox mrd dysL dy

lwKF DIaF geIaF kurlf

bfjF vfilaf af! af! af!

awj hMJU suwk gey ny, KLUn suwkdf jFdf hY

ijAuxf mrn qoN vI mihMgf lwgdf hY

bfjF vfilaf af! af! af!

qyrf nFE lY ky, ByKI iPrdy ny

qyry dsvMD dI dfq nMU hVwpx leI cor bYTy ny

bfjF vfilaf af! af! af!

qUM ikAuN Cwz igaF sfQ sfzf?

dyK qF shI hfl sfzf

bfjF vfilaf af! af! af!

sfzI iswiKaf (nfm) dI AUxqfeI nMU dyK ky

qUM ikAuN moiVaf mUMh sfzy vwloN?

bfjF vfilaf af! af! af!

AUxqfeI Cupf, sB kuwJ gvfeI bYTy hF

hMJU qy KUn sukfeI bYTy hF, dsvMD Kfx leI lV pey hF

bfjF vfilaf af! af! af!

sUc pukfry! cIkF mfry!

BlF kI qyry nfl rl gey hF?

qYnMU apxf kihx leI sLbd-sLbd ’qy lV pey hF

bfjF vfilaf af! af! af!

blbIr isMG sUc, aYzvokyt, muKI qy bulfrf, iswK ivcfr mMc, luiDafxf.
mobfeIl: 98143-34544

December 15, 2006

dsm gRMQ ivcfr mMc ieMtrnYsLnl

pRYs not

  • bIbIaF ny iqRXf cirqR dI arQI ƒ mozf idwqf aqy sfiVaf.
  • dsm gRMQ ivcfr mMc ieMtrnYsLnl dy swdy ’qy PLrIdfbfd dIaF smUh isMG sBfvF, iswK jWQybMdIaF vwloN jorF sLorF nfl kflf idvs mnfieaf igaf.

PrIdfbfd (13/12/2006) dsm gRMQ ivcfr mMc ieMtrnYsLnl dy swdy ’qy awj PLrIdfbfd ivKy bIbIaF vwloN iqRXf cirqR dI arQI ƒ moiZaf ’qy cuwk ky sVkF ’qy jlUs kiZaf igaf. ieh jlUs nIlm cOk pYtRol pMp qoN huMdf hoieaf, mfrkIt nM[ 5 , bFky ibhfrI mMdr moV, rylvy roz, qoN huMdf hoieaf aYn aYc -5 dy pfrk ivKy puwjf ijQy phuMc ky bIbIaF vwloN iqRXf cirqR dI arQI ƒ sfiVaf igaf. ies jlUs ivKy gurduafrf sRI guru isMG sBf jvfhr kflOnI, gurduafrf sRI guru isMG sBf sYktr 22, mfqf sfihb kOr gurmiq aYjUkysLnl susfietI, XMg iswK aYsoiseysLn, iswK imsLnrI kflj luiDafxf-PrIdfbfd srkl, iswK nfrI mMc-PrIdfbfd, guriswK PYimlI klwb, guriswK tIneyjLr gruwp ienHF jWQybMdIaF qoN ielfvf PrIdfbfd dIaF sQfnk iswK sMgqF vI vwD –cVH ky ies rosL-mfrc ivc sLfml hoeIaF aqy pRx kIqf ik jd qk aKOqI dsm gRMQ ivclIaF asLlIl rcnfvF jo gurU goibMd isMG pfqsLfh dy nF nfl joVIaF jf rhIaF hn qo afjLfd nhIN ho jFdy qd qk mhIny dI hr 13 qrIk ƒ kfly idvs vjoN mnfieaf jFdf rhygf.

s[ Aupkfr isMG


dsm gRMQ ivcfr mMc, ieMtrnYsLnl

ajIq isMG – torFto

"swcy mfrg clidaF Ausqiq kry jhfn – pr JUTy qy nhIN"

jo vI mnuwK swc dy ipwCy jfx dI cfh rwKdf hY aqy swc dy mfrg df pFDI hY qoN ieh smJ afANdI hY ik Auh afp vI iewk pRqK rUp ivwc swc hI hY, iPr aijhy mnuwK dI pUry jhfn ivwc Ausqiq huMdI hY. ies ivwc koeI Èwk nhIN ik swc dy mfrg qy cwlx vfly nUM bhuq hI bIafvfn zrfvny ielfikaF ivwc dI lMGnF pYNdf hY, aqy mfrUQlF ivwc grmI dy awq dy idnF vrgI grmI dy duwK sihx krny pYNdy hn, pr afiKrkfr ÈfqI swc ivwc smf ky hI imldI hY. ieh swc byaMq guxfN df mflk iewk axmuwly hIry moqIaF nfl Biraf hoieaf, jiVaf hoieaf aqy miVHaf hoieaf Auh Kjfnf hY ijs df aMq nf qy koeI awj qwk pf sikaf hY aqy nf hI koeI kdy ies df aMq pf skygf, bws ies swc dy awgy isrP aqy isrP smrpx hI kIqf jf skdf hY. jd koeI ies swc dy awgy inmrqf ivwc af ky pUrn rUp ivwc afpf Bfv imtf ik Aus qUM hI qUM ivwc smfAux vfsqy imnqF qrly krdf hY qF ieh swc vI iPr ies imnqF jodVIaF krn vfly nUM agFh ho ky afpxI glvwkVI ivwc smfAux leI anykF hI iBafnk mgrmwCF qoN bcf ky lYx afAuNdf hY. smuMdr ivwc phuMc ky vI mwq koeI smJy ik aMq af igaf hY, sgoN smMudr ivwc pfxI ivwcly rihx vfly jIv jMqUaF aqy iBafnk swpF dy zMg df KdÈf hr vkq bixaf rihMdf hY.iehnF jihrIly swpF qoN Cutkfrf swc dy mfrg qy cldy hoey syvf aqy ismrn dy AuprfilaF duafrf smrpx krky hI ho skdf hY. iewk gwl ieh vI ivcfrn vflI hY ik ies swc dy mfrg qy cwlx vfly dI swcI KuÈbo vI swc dy mfrg qy cwlx vfly nUM hI af skdI hY. jo afp iksy mhFmfrI dI bdbo nfl Biraf huMdf hY nUM swc ivwcoN vI bdbo hI afAuNdI hY. keI vyrF ieh bdbo nfl Bry hoey ies swc nUM afpxy nfl imlf ky iehnF kUVIaF sMsfrk ÈohrqF dy rsF df afp afnMd lYx vfly swc nUM dbfAux dI koiÈÈ krdy hn qF iehnF bdbo nfl BiraF hoieaF dI bdbo Kqm krdy hoey BfeI GneIaf jI dy afÈy anusfr qfq prfeI nUM imtf ky ieh swc iewk aijhf Dmfkf krn dI smrwQf rwKdf hY ik Auh iehnF bdbo BiraF dI bdbo Kqm krky iehnF nUM nfl lY ky cwlxf cfMhudf hY. pr agr ies dy bfvjUd vI koeI swc dy mfrg qy cwlx vfly nUM rukfvtF afAux qF siqgurU jI iehnF kUiVaF dI aYsI PwtI pocdy hn iPr ieh kfly mUMh vfly ikDry vI mUMh idKfAux dy kfbl nhIN rihMdy. so byhqrI ies ivwc hI hY ik swc dy awgy smrpx kr dyeIey aqy aglf sPr qih krn vfsqy idÈf pRfpq krIey. qy ieh swc Blf kOx ny? ieh hn myry siqgurU DMn DMn ÈRI gurU gRMQ sfihb jI. myry siqgurU jI ieqny byaMq ny ik AuhnF ivwc smf ky vI smfAuxf aDUrf hY.Auh byaMq hn…Auh byaMq hn…Auh byaMq hn.

pr dUjy pfsy ieh mfzrn bfby, supr qFqirk gurU sfihb jI nUM iewk byaMq guxF dy mflk smJx dI vjfey bhuq hI ijafdf hfrs pfvr vflI supr qFqirk mÈIn smJI bYTy hn. ieh kfly mUMhF vfly, moty iZwzF vfly pMQ DrohI isrP aqy isrP juwqIaF dy hfrF dy hI kfbl hn. Auh supr qFqirko Buwl gey qusIN ik gurU sfihb jI jd qoN hI hoNd ivwc afey ny AudoN qoN hI pUrI Klkq qy rfj krdy af rhy hn, kr rhy hn aqy hmyÈF vfsqy krdy rihxgy. Koty hF asIN, agr asIN afpxf Kotpuxf nf dUr kIqf qF BfNvy 1000vIN sdI af jfvy quhfzy ihsfb nfl gurU sfihb jI bgYr rfj qoN hI hoxgy ijvyN awj kihMdy iPrdy ho ik …rfj krngy. quhfzIaF qMqrIaF mMqrIaF ny iewk idn quhfzIaF afpxIaF hI DwjIaF Auzf dyxIaF hn. sfvDfx ho jfvo ajy vI. Auh sMgqF pfsoN mfieaf iekwTI krky ÈfhI TfTF nfl aYÈo arfm nfl ijMdgI ibqfAux vfilAu ieh aYÈo arfm qy sB inkwl jfxgy bws iewk swc dy swcy blfst dI jrUrq hY. Èbd gurU dI vjfey srIrF nfl joVn vfilAu ajy vI mOkf hY, suDr jfvo, nf kro pMQ drdIaF nUM eyarportF qy jf ky iCwqrF dy hfrF nfl kflIaF bUQIafN df svfgq krfAux leI mjbUr, Auh ikwDry swc nU cwK ky qF vyKo, Pokt ny ieh sB quhfzy qMqr mMqr. jnmdfqf ny ieh qMqr mMqr ies qrkÈIlqf dy iPr bhuq hI drdnfk bUQIaF bxf ky styjF qy kihMdy ho ik sMqfp Bog rhy hF asIN pMjfb aMdr. ies ivigafn dI durvrqoN ny awj qok pvfVy hI pfey hn. ivigafn mfVf nhIN hY ies dI durvrqoN mfVI hY. agr ies dI vrqoN ipwCy srbwq dy Bly dI soc hY qF ieh gurU afÈy muqfibk iblkul shI hY. pr agr ies dI vrqoN gurU dI soc qy pihrf nhI dy rhI qF ies df mqlb hY ik asIN ikDry kurfhy pY gey hF. afDuink smyN ivwc ies mobfeIl Pon aqy ieMtrnYt dI durvrqoN ny vI kUV nUM bulMdIaF qy iljfx ivwc bhuq iBafnk Xogdfn pfieaf hY. ies dy iswty qy smF afAux qy hI sfhmxy afAuxgy ikAuNik ies ny anykF hI juVy hoieaF dy ihridaF nUM gihrI Tys phuMcfeI hY.

iehnF JUTy sfDF nUM iksy dI DI BYx dI iejwq df kI iKafl hoxf hY ijhnF nUM afpxIaF DIaF BYxf dI iewjq df jrf ijqnf vI iPkr nhIN hY. ies kUV dIaF mMdIaF vfÈnfvF dy vs afey ieh bfby skImF lgf ky afp hI ieh kUVy nÈy pYdf krdy hn, afp hI sMgq dI mfieaf nfl KrIdIaF hoeIaF motrkfrF ivwc iewk Èihr qoN dUjy Èihr lY ky jFdy hn. dUjy pfsy ieh ByKI nÈf mukqI dIaF sMsQfvfN df nINh pwQr rwKdy iPrdy hn. Auh Èrm kro kuJ…. vws iehnF dI dOV qF guriswKI dy ByK ivwc Èryafm DwjIaF AuzfAuNdy hoey isrP mn KuÈ krky rMg rlIaF mnfAux qwk hI sImq rih geI hY.

agr iehnF ByKIaF nUM Borf vI Èrm hY qF afAu awj sB rl ky afpxIaF afpxIaF kmjorIaF suDfr ky BfeI GneIaf jI dI swcI suwcI soc qy pihrf idMdy hoey rl iml ky syvf krdy hoey DMn DMn ÈRI gurU gRMQ sfihb jI df sMdyÈ ivÈv ÈfNqI aqy srbwq dy Bly dI soc dy DfrnI AuhnF ivrly hI gurmuK ipafiraF df sfQ dyeIey jo afpf Bfv imtf ky DMn DMn ÈRI gurU gRMQ sfihb jI pfs smrpx krn dy cfhvfx ny.

dsm gRMQ ivcfr mMc ieMtrnYsLnl

pRYs not

* gurU gRMQ sfihb jI dI sLfnO-sLOkq ƒ Zfh lfAux vflI asLlIl rcnfvF qoN BrpUr pusqk (aKOqI dsm gRMQ) dy ivruwD hr mhIny dI 13 qrIk ƒ iswK sMgqF kfly idvs vjoN mnfAux. - dsm gRMQ ivcfr mMc ieMtrnYsLnl

imqI 12/12/2006 PrIdfbfd, dsm gRMQ ivcfr mMc ieMtrnYsLnl dI hMgfmI mIitMg hoeI. ies mIitMg ivc dsm gRMQ ivcfr mMc dy knvInr s[ Aupkfr isMG, s[ suirMdr isMG (koafrzInytr), s[ BuipMdr isMG, s[rxjIq isMG, bIbI hrbMs kOr, s[ guirMdr isMG afid kmytI mYNbr sLfml sn. ies mIitMg ivc dsm gRMQ ivcfr mMc dy mYNbrF vwloN iswK kOm ƒ hWQ joV ky apIl kIqI geI hY ik Auh apxy gurU dy siqkfr ƒ brkrfr rKx aqy pMQ ivroDI qfkqF df mukfblf krn leI vwD-cVH ky sfhmxy afAux.

s[ Aupkfr isMG (knvInr) aqy s[ suirMdr isMG (koafrzInytr) ny ikhf ik iswK kOm ies 13 qrIK ƒ kdy vI nhIN BulygI aqy iswK-qvfrIK ivc ies idn ƒ kfly awKrF ivKy iliKaf jfvygf. AunHF smuwcy iswK jgq ƒ bynqI kIqI ik asLlIl rcnfvF nfl BrpUr pusqk (aKOqI dsm gRMQ) qoN iswK kOm ƒ afjfd krvfAux leI hr mhIny dI 13 qrIk ƒ kfly idvs vjoN apxy apxy sLihrF ivKy mnfAux. (ies idn bIbIaF kfly dupwty aqy vIr kflI dsqfr bMnH ky hWQF ivc qKLqIaF lY ky ies asLlIl rcnfvF nfl BrpUr pusqk dy ivruWD sLFqmeI ZMg nfl roh pRgt krx) ikAuNik iesy idn pMj qKqF dy muwK syvfdfrF dI cMzfl cOkVI ny rl ky gurU gRMQ sfihb jI dy siqkfr ƒ nIvF ivKfAux vfly Piqh idvs smfgm ivc hfjrIaF BrIaF aqy gurU gRMQ sfihb jI dy brfbr asLlIl rcnfvF nfl BrpUr pusqk (aKOqI dsm gRMQ) df pRkfsL krf ky gurU gRMQ sfihb jI df sLrIk pYdf krx vfilaF dI cfl ivc AunHF df sfQ idwqf. ies krky ieh muwK syvfdfr iswK kOm dy gwdfr qy rihq mirafdf dI AulMGxf krx krky qnKfhIey hn. ijs leIy dysL-ivdysF ivc bYTIaF iswK sMgqF qo apIl kIqI jFdI hY ik Auh ienHF df mukMMml bfeIkft krn aqy mhIny dI hr 13 qrIk ƒ kfly idvs vjoN mnfAuNdy hoey qdoN qk apxI jMg jfrI rKx jdoN qk ies asLlIl rcnfvF nfl BrpUr pusqk (aKOqI dsm gRMQ) qoN KihVf n Cuwzf ilaf jfvy.

jfrI krqf

s[ Aupkfr isMG


dsm gRMQ ivcfr mMc ieMtrnYsLnl

zf: hrijMdr isMG idlgIr

zf: hrijMdr isMG idlgIr dI bMdf isMG bhfdr bfry ikqfb mhfrfxI prxIq kOr ny rlIjL kIqI

cMzIgVH – iswK ieiqhfskfr zfktr hrijMdr isMG idlgIr dI 48vIN ikqfb "mhfn isK jrnYl bMdf isMG bhdr" nUM bIqy idn eyQy mhfrfxI prxIq kOr, mYNbr pfrlImYNt ny iek smfgm ivc rlIjL kIqf hY. AunHF ny ies dI pihlI kfpI s[ dmnbIr isMG jspfl, ipRMsIpl sYktrI pMjfb srkfr nUM ByNt kIqI.

zf idlgIr dI bMdf bhfdr bfry ieh ikqfb pihloN CpIaF ds ikqfbF qoN keI gwlF kr ky vwKrI hY. zf idlgIr ny ieh QIiss pysL kIqf hY ik bMdf isMG aqy ibnod isMG ivckfr kdy vI JgVf nhIN sI hoieaf. aKOqI qwq kflsf qy bMdeI Kflsf df JgVf drasl 1719 ivc mugLl bfdsLfh PLrKLsIar dy kql mgroN AudoN sLurU hoieaf sI jd bMdf isMG dy iek sfQI amr isMG kMboj aqy gurU amr dfs sfihb dI pIVHI coN kuJ iswKF ny drbfr sfihb ‘qy afpxf kbjLf kfiem krnf cfihaf sI. zf idlgIr ies crcf nUM vI rwd krdf hY ik bfdsLfh dy afKy lwg ky mfqfvF (gurU goibMd isMG sfihb dIaF dohF bIvIaF) ny kdy bMdf isMG dy iKLlfPL icwTIaF jfrI kIqIaF sn.

lyKk ny ies ikqfb ivc 150 dy krIb AunHF mugLl, jwt qy rfjpUq jrnYlF, rjvfiVaF vgLYrf dy nF vI prgt kIqy hn ijhVy bMdf isMG dy ipwCy lwgy hoey sn. lyKk ny bMdf isMG nfl sLhId hox vfly 10 muKI iswKF dI jIvnIaF vI idwqIaF hn. ies ikqfb ivc 10 kImqI nksLy qy 10 rMgIn qsvIrF vI hn.

PLoto kYpsLn:

mhfrfxI prxIq kOr zf idlgIr dI ikqfb rlIjL krdy hoey. AunHF dy Kwby KVy hn s[ dmnbIr isMG jspfl qy swjy pfsy lyKk

hrijMdr isMG

Press Release

December 4, 2006

dsm gRMQ sbMDI iswK kOm nMU apIl

nvMbr 11, 12 aqy 13, 2006 nUM idafl purf BfeI kf (biTMzf) ivwc gurduafrf jPrnfmf ivKy dmdmI tksfl, kuJ inhMg jwQybMdIaF aqy keI hor sfD sMprdfvF vloN mnfey gey ‘Pqih idvs’ smfgm dOrfn sRI gurU gRMQ sfihb jI dy brfbr dsm gRMQ df aKMz pfT krky iswKI dy muZly asUlF dI Gor AulMGxf kIqy jfx aqy Kfs krky ies smfgm ivc sLfml qKLq sfihbfnF dy jQydfrF vloN dsm gRMQ dI smuwcI rcnf nUM dsm ipqf dI rcnf vjoN mfnqf dy ky pRvfnq iswK rihq mirXfdf dI Gor AulMGxf kIqy jfx dy sMdrB ivc trFto aqy afs-pfs dy pMQ drdIaF dI BrvIN mIitMg nvMbr 25 aqy dsMbr 1, 2006 nUM izksI gurduafry, imsIsfgf, knyzf ivKy hoeI. sfrIaF hI iDrF iewk gwl ‘qy iewkmwq sn, ik aijhf sfihq ijhVf jnqk qOr qy jF pirvfrF ivWc bYT ky piVHaf hI nhIN jf skdf, nUM dsm ipqf dy nfm nfl joVnf, pMQ dI ipwT ivwc Curf mfrn dy brfbr hY. ies smfgm ivwc qKLq sfihbfnF dy jQydfr, dmdmI tksfl, sfD aqy hor aKOqI pMQk jQybMdIaF afid dI sLmUlIaq, afpxy-afp ivwc iswK pMQ nfl Droh kmfAux aqy sfihb sLRI gurU gMRQ sfihb nUM ipwT ivKfAux dy nfl-nfl iswK rihq mirXfdf dI vI AulMGxf hY. mIitMg ivc ieh mihsUs kIqf igaf, ik jykr mOjUdf smyN pRmuwK pMQk jQybMdIaF aqy qKLq sihbfnF nMU, iehnF AuWqy kfbjL, svfrQI rfjsI afgUaF aqy pujfrI toly qoN ajLfd krvfAux leI gurmiq qwq dy DfrnI iswKF vloN iewkmuT ho ky avfjL bulMd nf kIqI geI qF iswK kOm, iswK ivcfrDfrf aqy sdIvIN kdrF-kImqF qoN dUr clI jfvygI. Aukq ivcfrn qoN bfad hyT iliKaf mqf srb-smMqI nfl pfs kIqf igaf:

ipCly kuJ smyN qoN dyiKaf jf irhf hY ky iswK (pMQk) lIzr aKvfx vfilaF vwloN pMjfb dI isafsI qfkq pRfpq krn leI iswKI aqy iswK Drm dy isDFq iCwky tMg idwqy gey hn. gYr-iswK pfrtIaF dI BfeIvflI aqy iehnF pfrtIaF dy afkfvF dI KusLI lYx leI afey idn iswKI srUp aqy iswK isDFq nfl iKlvfV kIqf jf irhf hY. iehnF aKOqI pMQk lIzrF vloN Drm asQfnF, Dfrimk pdvIaF aqy gurU kI golk dy srmfey dI afpxy isafsI ihqF leI kIqI jFdI glq vrqoN ipCly idnIN sfhmxy afeI. BfnU mUrqI nfm dy gYr iswK hQoN keI sflF qoN krfeI jf rhI sRI gurU gRMQ sfihb dI byadbI, aMimRqDfrI aKvfx vfly sLLRomxI kmytI mYNbrF vwloN krvfeyy gey rmfiex dy pfT, akflI pfrtI dy pRDfn vwloN kIqy hvn-Xg, aKOqI pMQk lIzrF vwloN pMQ ivroDI zyrydfrF koloN ley jf rhy asLIrvfd isrP ieh hI iswD krdy hn ik iehnF vwloN, gurU nUM ipwT dy ky, afpxy isafsI muPfdF dI pUrqI hI muwK insLfnf hY.

hux Cqr, cvr-qKq dy mflk iewko iewk siqgurU sRI gurU gRMQ sfihb jI dy mukfbly ‘qy Ausy qrHF gurU goibMd isMG jI dy nfm hyT dsm gRMQ df pRkfsL krky kIqI geI gurU dI Gor byadbI aqy isK rihq mrIXfdf dI AulMGxf iswK sMgqF leI asih ho geI hY. iswK sMgqF kdI BI gurU dI byadbI brdfsLq nhIN krngIaF. ivakqIgq qOr ‘qy koeI jQydfr iksy isafsI jF duinafvI dbfa hyT qF af skdf hY pr isK sMgqF dI gurU pRqI aquwt sLrDf nUM iksy qrHF BI dbfieaf nhIN jf skdf, ies leI awj mjbUrI vs asIN dysL-ivdysL ivc vsdy hr iswK vIr aqy BYx nUM duKI aqy Bry idl nfl bynqI krdy hF ik gurU isDFq qy gurU adb nfl iKlvfV krn vfly aYsy isafsI jF Dfrimk lIzrF, sMprdfvF, zyrydfrF nUM iksy vI styj ‘qy mMUh nf lfieaf jfvy aqy ijQy vI Auh jfx AuhnF df sKq ivroD kIqf jfvy, BfvyN Auh iksy BI vwzI qoN vwzI Dfrimk jF isafsI pdvI ‘qy ikAuN nF hox. aijhy sKLsL sfnUM gurU adb nfloN ijafdf ipafry nhIN ho skdy, ijqnI dyr asIN mjbUq hoky ieh PYslf nhIN krFgy AuqnI dyr iswKI nMU lwg rhI Zfh nUM Twl nhI pfeI jf skygI

ies mqy nUM hyT ilKy qwq gurimq dy DfrnI guriswK sR: sucyq isMG, sR: amrIk isMG mukqsr, sR: blkrn isMG, sR: mnjIq isMG shoqf, sR: hrjIq isMG, sR: gurjMt isMG, sR: blivMdr isMG, sR: kulqfr isMG, sR: nirMdrjIq isMG mwtU, sR: jsvIr isMG Kflsf, sR: cYn isMG DflIvfl, sR: ajfieb isMG, sR: gurcrn isMG jIAuxvflf, sR: drsLn isMG Gxks, sR: gurpRIq isMG smrf, sR: mndIp isMG, sR: hrmnjIq isMG, sR: sMqoK isMG, sR: jgjIq isMG, sR: suirMdr isMG joqI, sR: mnjIq isMG mFgt, sR: ajIq isMG, sR: ieMdrdIp isMG, sR: gurdieaf isMG Zflf, sR: rndIp isMG DflIvfl, sR: hrijMdr isMG, sR: jsvIr isMG mFgt, sR: primMdr isMG prmfr, sR: bldyv isMG, sR: gurdyv isMG swDyvflIaf sR: gurnfm isMG kuMZfl sR: ieMdrjIq isMG jgrfAuN, sR: iskMdrjIq isMG aqy sR: jskrnjIq isMG (sfry knyzf invfsI) vloN srbsMmqI nfl pfs kIqf igaf.

ies mqy nMU iek alwg mIitMg, ijs ivwc Aupr ilKy guriswK sLfml sn, ivwc sfbkf jQydfr akfl qwKLq isMG sfihb pRo: drsLn isMG vloN vI sihmqI idwqI geI aqy iswK sMgqF nMU apIl kIqI ik ijhVy Dfrimk jF rfjnIiqk lIzr gurU grMQ sfihb dy quwl iksy hor grMQ nUM mfnqf dy rhy hn, AunHF nUM mUMh nf lfieaf jfvy.

avqfr isMG imsLnrI aqy sfQI

sR[joigMdr isMG spoksmYn, ipRM[ nirMdr isMG jMmU, dsm gRMQ ivroDI mMc PrIdfbfd aqy bfbf dIp isMG dl dI aKOqI dsm gRMQ pRqI iKcI lkIr qy llkfr df iswK imsLnrIaF qy ivdvfnF nUM pMQk rfhy pfAux leI DMnvfd!

iewk pfsy aKOqI dsm gRMQ bfry cl rhI ivcfr crcf aqy dUjy pfsy gurU gRMQ sfihb, iswK rihq mrXfdf afidk iswKI dy sunihrI asUlF nUM iCwky tMg ky sfDF, tksflIaF aqy aKOqI inhMgF ny ijwQy aKOqI dsm gRMQ dI asLlIl kivqf nUM gurU gRMQ sfihb jI dy brfbr pRkfsL, aKMz pfT krky aqy 300 sflf pRkfsL idvs mnf ky Gor aprfD kIqf aqy ivcfr dI QF DmkIaF aqy gMzfsy briCaF nfl iswK kOm nUM aKOqI dsm gRMQ nUM mMnx vfsqy BfrI zrfvy idwqy. Aus df akIdqmMd ivdvfnF aqy gurU pRqI jfigRq guriswKF ny ijQy iekwTy ho ky aKOqI dsm gRMQ df kflf idvs mnf ky BfrI ivroD kIqf EQy afm jnqf nUM aKOqI qy asLlIl kivfqfvF nfl Bry dsm gRMQ pRqI jfgirq kIqf, AunHF dI ijnIH vI sLflfGf kIqI jfvy QoVI hY. bfbf dIp isMG jI sLhId dy pfey pUrinaF qy ivrly hI cwly hn bhqy qF aKOqI jQydfrF qy sMpRdfeI sfDF awgy Juk gey.

sR[ juigMdr isMG spoksmYn, sR[ ieMdr isMG Gwgf jI qy hor gurmuK ijnHF ny bVI bybfkI aqy dlyrI nfl sMpRdfeIaF dy pfey Brm-BulyiKaF qoN jfxUM krvfieaf hY, EnHF nUM vI aKOqI pujfrIaF dI kropI df isLkfr hoxf ipaf, vydFqI dy njLdIk rhy sR[ suKpRIq isMG Audoky ky vI bKsLy nf gey aqy hornF ivdvfn guriswK ilKfrIaF nUM vI aijhy Pqvy sunfey jf skdy hn. ies leI sB pMQ drdIaF nUM afpxy Coty moty Brm BulyiKaF nUM Cwz ky iewk sFJy pMQk plytPfrm qy iekwTy ho ky ivcrn dI aiqaMq loV hY nhIN qF qKqF qy ibrfjmfn qy kfibj ajoky pujfrI aqy aKOqI afgU gurU gRMQ sfihb jI dy brfbr aKOqI dsm gRMQ qoN ielfvf, srbloh gRMQ aqy hor pqf nhIN ikhVy-ikhVy gRMQF df pRkfsL krky guriswKF nUM "gurU mfinEN gRMQ" dy isDFq nfloN afpxy dbikaF aqy PqivaF nfl qoVn ivwc bfkI koeI ksr nhIN Cwzxgy!

aYs vyly smuwcy pMQ drdI vIrF nUM rojLfnf spoksmYn pypr cMzIgVH, iswK mfrg zft kfm, iswK ivrsf mYgjLIn knyzf, pMjfb aYkspRYs inAujL pypr inAUjrjLI amrIkf, iswK avyrnYs idwlI, isMG sBf knyzf zft kfm, svwdI inAUjL zft kfm, ryzIE pMjfb ieMglYNz, ryzIE inrvYr knyzf aqy hor vI pMQ df pwK inrpwKqf nfl pysL krn vflIaF jQybMdIaF, aKLbfrF, ryzIE, rsfilaF aqy vYWb sfietF nUM gOr nfl pVHnf suxnf aqy hr pwK qoN pUrf pUrf sfQ dyxf cfhIdf hY, ijnHF rfhI asIN afpxy ivcfr afm sMgqF qwk pucf skIey ikAuNik bhuqy gurduafry, ryzIE, rsfly, vYWb sfietF aqy tI[ vI[ afidk qy vI ienHF mfieafDfrI aqy DwkV afgUaF df kbjf hY ijQy DVybMdI aqy kmrsLIal qoN Auwpr AuwT ky ivcfr krny nf mumkn hn.

Auprokq sB df DMnvfd qy sLlfGf krdy hoey:-

isMG sBf ieMtrnYsLnl amrIkf, isMG sBf ieMtrnYsLnl kYnyzf, gurU gRMQ pRcfr imsLn afP XU[aYWs[ey, gurmiq pRsfr sBf sYkrfmYNto (kYlyPornIaf), imsLnrI srkl amrIkf, bfbf dIp isMG tksfl phUivMz, gurmiq gRMQI sBf kYlyPornIaF aqy nyvfzf, gurmiq sihq sBf byeyrIaf aqy sYkrfmYNto, gurmiq gRMQI sBf inAUXfrk, dl KLflsf alfieMs amrIkf aqy smuwcIaF gurU gRMQ sfihb aqy iswK rihqmrXfdf nUM mMnxvflIaF jQybMdIaF aqy pMQ drdI mfeI BfeI afidk.

jfrI krqf

BfeI avqfr isMG imsLnrI, ig[ jgqfr isMG jfick, srbjIq isMG sYkrfmYNto aqy sR[ gurcrn isMG ijAUxvflf

hrijMdr isMG

iek iswK prcfrk dI jLrUrq hY.

kYnyzf dy bI[ sI[ pRFq ivcly gurduafrf sfihb leI iek pRcfrk dI loV hY jo ky kIrqn, kQf aqy gurduafrf sfihb dIaF rojLfnf syvfvF inBfAux dy Xog hovy. kyvl iksy imsLnrI kflj qoN pVy hoey hI awgy idwqy Pon nMbrF ‘qy sMprk krn (778) 839-8385 jF (416) 454-5782

gurmIq isMG afstRylIaf

Dear Gurpreet Singh Jee Sumra (Canada),

 Thanks for explaining the essence of Stanza 18 of "Japp Jee Sahib". I have also read your message at www.sikhmarg.com and shared views with younger brother Makhan Singh Purewal today on Phone.  Please try to explain Stanza 17 in which there is a reference to -      "Asankh Granth Mukh Ved Paath.." There could be countless Granths like Veds, dasam granth, Ramayan, Gita, Samritis, Puraans, etc. But for the Sikhs there is only one "Guru Granth Sahib" as ordained by Guru Gobind Singh Sahib since 7 October 1708.

 With best wishes and Chardi Kalaa,

Gurmit Singh (Sydney)

dsm gRMQ ivcfr mMc ieMtrnYsLnl

pRYs not

ijs QF qy aKOqI dsm gRMQ df pRkfsL hovy iswK sMgqF Aus QF ’qy mwQf nf tyikaf krn-PrIdfbfd dy pMQk iekwT ivc sMgqF vloN gurmqf

10/12/2006 dy idn dsm gRMQ ivcfr mMc ieMtrnYsLnl vwloN PrIdfbfd ivc kIqI geI ivcfr gosLtI ivc vydFqI qy hor gRMQIaF ƒ iswK pMQ dy qnKfhIey qy mujLrm krfr idwqf igaf. ies qoN ielfvf iswK pMQ ƒ apIl kIqI geI ik Auh gurduafiraF ivc AunHF sQfnF Auqy mwQf n tyikaf krn ijQy aKOqI dsm gRMQ df pRkfsL kIqf hoieaf hovy.

ies mOky ’qy iswK ivcvfn zf[ hrijMdr isMG idlgIr nfrvy Aucycy qOr ’qy puwjy hoey sn. AunHF ny aKOqI dsm gRMQ dy hmfieqIaF ƒ gurU inMdk qy pMQ doKI krfr idwqf. AunHF ikhf ik ieh lok iswK ivroDI qfkqF dy hwQ Toky bxy hoey hn aqy akfl qKLq sfihb qy iswK rihq mirafdf df Gfx krn ivc mohry dy qOr ’qy iesqymfl ho rhy hn. iswK nfrI mMc dI bIbI hrbMs kOr ny iswK rihq mirafdf dI AulMGxf aqy bIbIaF dy nfl kIqy gey ivqkry dI inMdf kIqI. s[ Aupkfr isMG (knvInr dsm gRMQ ivcfr mMc ieMtrnYsLnl) ny ikhf ik iswK pMQ aKOqI dsm gRMQ dy hmly dy iKlfP AudoN qk kflf idn mnfAuNdf rhygf jd qk ieh jLulm bMd nhIN ho jFdf.

ienHF qoN ielfvf s[ joigMdr isMG jnrl skwqr gu[ isMG sBf sY[-22, s[ blvMq isMG jnrl skwqr gu[ isMG sBf aYn aYc -5, s[ ieMdr isMG jnrl skwqr gu[ isMG sBf jvfhr kflOnI, s[ inrml isMG (gurU nfnk imsLn), s[ guirMdr isMG (XMg iswK aYsoiseysLn) s[ ikrpfl isMG cyarmYn mfqf sfihb kOr imsLnrI kfilj[ sL[ slivMdr isMG , s[ iqrlocn isMG (iswK imsLnrI kflj, luiDafxf-PrIdfbfd srkl), s[ suKdyv isMG, suKmnI sfihb syvf susfietI, s[ suirMdr isMG guriswK PYimlI klwb, s[ gurbKsL isMG gurmiq pRcfr jWQf, s[ Bgvfn isMG, s[ dlbIr isMG (imsLnrI) ny vI apxy ivcfr rwKy.

ies smfgm ivc hyT ilKy mqy srb smMqI aqy jYkfry dI gUMj ivc pfs kIqy gey:

  1. aKOqI dsm gRMQ ƒ 13 nvMbr 2006 dy idn gurU grdfxn dI pMQ ivroDI kfrvfeI dy iKlfPL Aus idn ƒ iswK pMQ ny kflf idn vjoN mnfieaf sI. ajy qk ies aKOqI gRMQ dy hmfieqIaF ny gurU dI byadbI bMd nhIN kIqI. jdoN qk ieh hrkq jfrI rhygI AudoN qk iswK pMQ hr mhIny dI 13 qfrIK ƒ kflf idn vjoN mnfAuNdf rhygf.

  2. 13 nvMbr 2006 dy idn gurU gRMQ sfihb jI dI jo byadbI hoeI sI Aus dy ijMmyvfr joigMdr isMG vydFqI, blvMq isMG nMdgVH, iqRlocn isMG, gurbcn isMG, pUrn isMG, iekbfl isMG ptnf, nMdyV dy pujfrI, inhMg sMqF isMG, srbjoq isMG bydI, hrnfm isMG DUMmf qy AunHF dy sfQI hn. aijhf krn krky ieh sfry akfl qKLq qoN jfrI hoeI iswK rihq mirafdf dI AulMGxf dy gunfhgfr hn qy qnKfhIey hn. jdoN qk ieh iswK pMQ qoN qnKfh luaf ky Bugq nhIN lYNdy ienHF df mukMMml bfeIkft kIqf jfey.

  3. hjLUr sfihb aqy ptnf sfihb ivc aKOqI dsm gRMQ df pRkfsL kIqf jf irhf hY. ieh gurU gRMQ sfihb dI Gor byadbI hY. sMgqF ƒ apIl kIqI jFdI hY ik ienHF dohF QfvF jF ijQy ikqy vI aKOqI dsm gRMQ df pRkfsL jF pfT kIqf jFdf hY AuQy mwQf n tyikaf jfvy.

  4. jfp sfihb qy inqnym dIaF bfxIaF ƒ aKOqI dsm gRMQ ivc sLfml krky ienHF bfxIaF dI byadbI kIqI geI hY. jd qk ieh bfxIaF aKOqI dsm gRMQ ’cON kwZIaF nhIN jFdIaF qdoN qk iswK kflf idn mnfAuNdy rihxgy.

  5. smUh iswK jWQybMdIaF sBfvF, aqy sMgqF ƒ apIl kIqI jFdI hY ik Auh gurU inMdk aKOqI dsm gRMQ dy iKlfP pMQk jdo-jihd ivc vwD-cVH ky ihwsf pfAux aqy hr 13 qfrIK ƒ kflf idn mnfAux ivc sLfml hox.

jfrI krqf

s[Aupkfr isMG


dsm gRMQ ivcfr mMc ieMtrnYsLnl

ÈrnjIq isMG

igafnI joigMdr isMG vydFqI jQydfr sRI akfl qKq sfihb aqy

srdfr avqfr isMG mwkV ÈoR: gu: pR[ kmytI pRDfn,

sRI aMimRqsr.

srdfr sfihb,

vfihgurU jI kf Kflsf] vfihgurU jI kI Pqih]

bVy duwK dI gwl hY, ik ipCly kuJ smyN qoN jo pMQk PYsly ienHF sMsQfvF vwloN ley gey hn Auh pMQ leI bhuq hI inrfÈf jnk hn aqy afAux vfly smyN ivwc hor vI Gfqk iswD hoxgy. ijvyN aKoqI dsm gRMQ df 300 sflf idvs mnfAuxf aqy sRI gurU gRMQ sfihb dy quwl pRkfÈ krn smyN qKqF dy jQydfrF df Èfml hoxf. ijs nfl ijQy sRI gurU gRMQ sfihb df siqkfr GtfAux dI koJI koiÈÈ kIqI geI hY AuQy pMQk rihq mrXfdf dI vI AulGxf hoeI hY.

jQydfr sfihb, afp jI ƒ Xfd hovygf ik afp ny afiKLaf sI ik ‘dsm gRMQ’ dy inrny vfsqy kmytI bxfeI jfvygI pr iPr Aus kmytI ƒ bxfAux vwl koeI vI iDafn nhIN idwqf igaf. hux acfnk hI afp ny aqy quhfzy sfQI jQydfrF ny iswK kOm Auqy hukm Tos idwqf hY ik sfrI rcnf hI dsm pfqÈfh dI hY . ieh Ébr pVH sux ky bhuq hI mn ƒ Tys phuMcI. pMQ dy ienHF siqkfr vfly ahuidaF ‘qy ibrfjmfn hsqIaF qoN aijhy iek pfsV gurmiq ivroDI PYsly dI afs nhIN sI.

afp ies nqIjy ‘qy ikvyN phuMcy, ies bfry quhfzy vwloN koeI sMkyq nhIN idwqf igaf. dfs ny, sfrf aKOqI dsm gRMQ aqy ies dy hwk qy ivroD vflIaF keI ikqfbF pVHIaF hn. aKOqI dsm gRMQ aqy ikqfbF pVHn qoN bafd dfs ies nqIjy qy phuMicaf hY ik ies dIaF buhqIaF rcnfvF gurU jI dIaF ho hI nhIN skdIaF. ijvyN iqRaf cirqR vrgI kok ÈfsqrI gMdI ilKq ƒ gurU dI rcnf kihx vfly vI kI gurU dy iswK aKvfAux dy lfiek hn ? ijhnf ƒ vI aKOqI dsm gRMQ iËafdf ipafrf lwgdf hY, Auh ijs vI rfm jF isafm kvI dI ieh rcnf hY Aus dy syvk bxn pr gurU goibMd isMG jI nfm nfl aijhIaF gMdIaF aqy gurmiq ivroDI ilKqF ƒ myhrbfnI krky nf joVn .

vydFqI aqy mwkV sfihb, afp ny keI vfr sfrf sRI gurU gRMQ sfihb piVHaf hovygf, kI afp dws skdy ho ik afpƒ sRI gurU gRMQ sfihb ivwc kI kmIaF nËr afeIaF ijs krky afp ƒ iksy hor gRMQ ƒ "Èbd gurU" df ÈrIk bxfAux dI ËrUrq mihsUs ho rhI hY.

awj jo iswK Drm dy bxy TykydfrF vwloN gurmiq ƒ Zfh lfAux vfly qy gurmiq doKIaF ƒ KuÈ krn vfly PYsly ley jf rhy hn, kI aijhy PYsilaF qoN ijMnF iswKF ny purfqn smyN eynIaF kurbfnIaF krky gurduafry mhMqF qoN aËfd krvfey sI, kI awj AunFH dIaF rUhF qVP dIaF nf hoxgIaF?

sfzy gurU sfihbfn ny Drm aqy isafsq ies krky iekwTI kIqI sI qF ik DrmI bMdy isafsq ivwc af ky lokF dy Bly leI kMm krn pr hux qF lwgdf hY ik isafsI bMidaF ny Drm ‘qy kbËf ies krky kIqf hY ik Auh Drm ƒ vrq ky isafsq dI Kyz skx. ieh isafsq dI Kyz KyzidaF Drm df jo vI nuksfn huMdf hY hoeI jfvy; ieQoN qwk ky jykr gMdIaF rcnfvF ƒ afpxy gurU dI rcnF kihxf pvy qF kih idwqf jfvy.

vydFqI aqy mwkV sfihb, ieQy hmyÈF iksy ny bYT nhIN rihxf, pr jykr awj qusF ies kuPr dy iKlfP avfË nf AuTfeI qF quhfzf nFa vI qvfrIK ivwc iliKaf jfvygf; ikAuNik quhfzI jQydfrI qy pRDfngI hyT ieh swB kuJ ho irhf hY. ajy vI smF hY ik afp PYslf kr lvo ik quhfzf nFa afAux vfly iswK ieiqhfs ivwc pMQk drdIaF ivwc iliKaf jfvy jF pMQk ivroDIaF ivwc ?

gurU pMQ df dfs,

ÈrnjIq isMG

aOÈvf, knyzf

blbIr isMG sUc, aYzvokyt

Way to Perfection->

kfiv ikafrI-Cwz afs nvfb dI

kr mjLbUq afpxf

akl vrq akfl dI

Cwz afs nvfb dI

smJ! hox iewk-do

bhuqI loV nhIN sMsfr dI

Cwz afs nvfb dI

smfjI jIv jLrUr bx

bhuqI gwl krdYN sMsfr dI

Cwz afs nvfb dI

jdoN hovyN sMpUrn

iPr kI loV hY bhuqy sMsfr dI

Cwz afs nvfb dI

GuMmx-GyrIaF ’c Pisaf

gwl kI hY? ipafr dI

Cwz afs nvfb dI

qMU bixaf KLfs qoN afm

qfhINE qF gwl krIN jfvyN afm dI

Cwz afs nvfb dI

ipaf hYN kqfrbMdI ’c

gwl kr afpxy afp dI

Cwz afs nvfb dI

vwloN: blbIr isMG sUc, aYzvokyt; muKI qy bulfrf, iswK ivcfr mMc, luiDafxf.
House # 12333/1, Street # 12, Vishvakarma Colony, Behind Sangeet Cinema, Ludhiana-141003 Punjab (India)

December 10, 2006; Mobile: 98143-34544

BuipMdr isMG

Bibi Harsimrat Kaur Khalsa ji,
Waheguru ji ka Khalsa, Waheguru ji ki Fateh!
As concerned and related, I read your writings, translations of Guru Granth Sahib ji's every time hukam to us, to the whole world, as all other writers kirt on www.sikhmarg.com.
Guru sahaii hove, write more and more you both in future!!.
Satkar sahit
Bhupinder Singh


Dear Sir,
I like the various articles posted at your web site especially by s Gurcharan Singh 'jeonwala'.
Can you please give comments upon the following post especially at page no. 9 and 10
Page 9-10
Because of his total, unflinching commitment, dedication and faith in Gurbani, he found all his desires and wishes fulfilled by Guru Ji.

One of Veerji’s helpers, Ravinder Singh became a victim of severe tuberculosis. He had undergone three separate surgeries and the leading medical practitioners were unable to help him any longer. When Veerji came to know about this, he commented very seriously to Ravinder Singh that from now on, he would be treated and cured by Guru Ji. From that day itself, a Sehaj Path of Sri Guru Granth Sahib was commenced. Arrangements were made for Harvinder Singh to be able to listen to the entire recitation of the path. Veerji made him commit himself to continually recite the verse "Dukh rog santaap utre, suni sacchi baani".

"Dukh rog santaap utre, suni sacchi baani".

As Harvinder Singh progressively heard the recitation of the Gurbani, his pain started to lessen. Only after the recitation of the first three hundred pages, the doctors took samples and found that the infection had disappeared. Within a few days, he was cured completely.

Veerji with his jatha at Crescent Beach in White Rock, B.C., Canada

All of this was due to Veerji’s total and absolute faith and conviction in the truth of the Guru’s word.

- 10 -

Ravinder Singh has now undertaken the katha duty at the Gurdwara Akaal Ashram,

Another incident concerned Jaswinder Singh Khalsa head of the Guru Nanak Trust, Manchester, UK, was infected with cancer and the doctors had told him that he would only be able to survive for a few days. Veerji lovingly encouraged and guided him to listen to Gurbani with faith. Khalsa Ji made arrangements to have a paath at his own residence and upon being tested after that, the cancer had totally disappeared.

There are numerous other instances of other people who were cured through Veerji’s intervention and assistance after they had placed their total faith and devotion in the Sri Guru Granth Sahib.


Veerji stressed on the importance of getting up at amritvela. He narrated several personal experiences that he had at amritvela which got him out of bed. One morning, when he was sleeping at home, all utensils in the house began banging against one another. Veerji got up suddenly and he thought that it was his mother in the kitchen who was making the noise. When he saw the time and it was amritwela and there was no one in the kitchen. On another occasion, he was sleeping and he heard someone shouting loudly but when he woke up, there was none there. It was amritwela and time to rise.

He remained above all political frays and retained a completely untarnished image.

His unconditional surrender and dedication to the Sri Guru Granth Sahib and the promotion of the concept of "shabad Guru" touched a nerve amongst the Sikhi masses who are under a constant barrage by self proclaimed sants, dehras and babas who themselves are forever eager to become the subject to worship


Veerji was exceptional in that he did nishkaam kirtan and katha i.e. purely for the love and joy of it and to spread the word of the Shabad Guru - without any expectation of financial rewards or other material gains. Money was never the motive nor the purpose for which Veerji did kirtan and katha. It was purely to spread the word of the Guru.

- 11 -

Khalsa Ji (in black turban) with Amardeep Singh who served as Veerji’s Secretary since 1997

And that is why when Veerji sung, he did so with passion and with fervour.

With best reagrds,

gurpRIq isMG smrf

"Asankh Moorakh AndhGhor, Asankh Chor Haramkhor"

Guru Nanak Saab in Jap bani describes different types of human beings on the basis of their attitude, behaviour, self conscience, and their loyalty.

In the recent times and on the issue of so called Dasam Granth, various people can be divided into the above 4 categories (Moorakh, Andhghor,Chor and Haramkhor) depending upon their role and characterstics which they are performing with utmost dedication towards this so called Dasam Granth.

Lets see the characterstics of these 4 category of people:

1)Moorakh : Guru Nanak Saab says that there are countless fools, who have closed the door of their mind and thinking and never try to find out what exactly the truth is.

In this category those people come who have promised themselves that they will never read Guru Granth Sahib, to understand its message. These people only bow (matha tek) to Guru Granth Sahib and think that they have served God.

So such people has definitely not read "Dasam Granth" as they hardly find time to read and understand Guru Granth Sahib.

1.1)For such people the word "Dasam" is enough for them to reach the conclusion that it has been written by Guru Gobind Singh.

2)Andhghor: Guru Nanak saab further says that countless are those idiots and stupids who even after reading still keeps on wearing the glasses of ignorance.

2.1)Among this category comes those people, who read Guru Granth Sahib and may have read Dasam granth as well. But they read Gurbani without understanding it which they call Nitnem. They also like calling themselves as "Nitnemi", "Naam Rasiye","Naam Japiye","Bibeki","Sarblohi","Taksali","AKJ" etc.

2.2)These type of people also have different vidhis to do Naam Jap by emitting dhuns.

2.3)These people even when they are shown that Dasam Granth is anti Gurmat and in no way its possible that it is written by Guru Gobind Singh, they without any rational thinking keeps on hanging to their false belief and knowingly insults Guru Gobind Singh.

3)Chor: Guru Nanak Saab further says that countless are those shameless people who knowingly deceive people for their ego and benefit and say lies in wholesale.

3.1)In this category falls those people who understand and know that Dasam Granth is in no way writing of Guru Gobind Singh, but they don’t have the courage to say so openly because of their ego and their own benefit.

3.2)In this category are also those people who have authored books and in them they have mentioned that Guru Gobind Singh wrote Dasam Granth. So now they don’t have the courage to admit that they were wrong. It can affect the sale of their books and also affects their ego as big authors can never be wrong!!!.

3.2.1)These people in order to defend their stand cooks different stories like, poets of Guru Gobind Singh wrote this or Bhai Mani Singh compiled it etc.

3.2.2)When these people are asked direct questions like "Is Bachitar Natak autobiography of Guru Gobind Singh?", then instead of replying to the question they write a page long essay quoting other authors who have done the same mistake as them.

3.2.3)Some of these people also has a habit of calling themselves as "Balak Buddhi","Panth da sewak","Sewadar","Guru ka Das","Charanaa di dhood" etc.

3.2.4)These people knowingly insults Guru Granth Sahib’s teachings for their false pride and financial benefits.

"Maya dhari at anna bola, Sabad naa sune bahu rol ghachola"(GGS,313)

4)Haramkhor:Then Guru Nanak Saab says that countless are those people who are back stabbers. They have some motive for which they don’t even hesitate to back stab others.

4.1)There is not much difference between Chor and Haramkhor. Haramkhor usually posess all the characterstics of Chor in addition to his own.

4.2)These people are working for organizations like RSS, Bajrang Dal,Shiv Sena,Durga Bahini. These people are popularly known as Rashtriya Sikh.

4.3)Many of these people have their Magazines, media etc through which they propagate Dasam Granth.

4.4)They may also like calling themselves as "Baba","Sant","Sampradayi","Sanatani","Jathedar" etc.

4.5)These people in order to propagate Dasam Granth has a habit of attacking Guru Granth Sahib as well. This property is also found in many members of Chor category.

But these people are living in a fools paradise that their deeds are not seen by others.For such back stabbers Guru Saab says :

"Hat patan bij mandir bhane kar chori ghar aawe

Agge dekhe piche dekhe tujh te kaha chuppawe"(GGS,156)


People try to propagate falsehoods and attack Guru Granth Sahib by promoting and propagating Dasam Granth for their gains and benefits, and think they are doing it very secretly hidden from others but are finally exposed by their own activities.

Gurpreet Singh Sumra

Brampton, Canada

klgIDr susfietI

Akal Rozgar Yojna - A women empowerment project launched by
The Kalgidhar Society
The training session of first batch of 33 women from the rural, remote and backward areas of Punjab was inaugurated by Baba Iqbal Singh Ji on 18 November, 2006 at F-3, Rajouri Garden, New Delhi. This first batch of 33 destitute women will undergo a training session of 30 days (15 days' training and 15 days of commercial production) at Delhi under the supervision of expert professionals in the field of cutting, tailoring, stitching and embroidery. After the successful completion of the training session, this batch of women will run the production centers established by The Kalgidhar Society in their native villages. The same machinery used by the trainees in Delhi will be transferred to the village production center, so that the poor women can start working without any hindrance....More

Kalgidhar Trust (USA) organizes 2nd Akal International Youth Camp at Atlanta from 25th Dec. to 30th Dec. 2006
100 Sikh Youth from U.S and Canada are expected to participate and get engaged in the thought process, discussions, workshops and take steps to address the issues ranging from underage drinking and drug abuse, broken family communications, community involvement to the challenges Sikhs are facing in keeping their identity worldwide. Ish Amitoj Kaur, who scripted and directed the film Kambdi Kalaai will enjoy the honor of being with the participants all these days....More
Sikh Youth Essay Competition on Sikh Pioneers and Sikh History organized by Khalsa Diwan Society, New Westminster, BC
The Essay competition is part of the Centenary Celebrations of the Khalsa Diwan Society New Westminster (1906-2006). The objectives of the 100 years celebration of the Khalsa Diwan Society being held by the New Westminster, BC Society is to share with the community and especially the youth, the achievements and sacrifices of Sikh Pioneers like Sant Teja Singh Ji (AM, Harvard), one of the founders of The Kalgidhar Trust. This competition is open to all worldwide and essays can be written in Punjabi or English. Complete information and rules are available at www.sukhsagar.ca/essay. In addition to this, an effort will be made to create strategies to address current issues with our youth and to take them forward into the next 100 years. The first prize is $1,500 for the adult level and $800 for the junior level. The essay competition deadline is December 15, 2006....More
Sustenance of all philanthropic projects of The Kalgidhar Society depends on your support only. Please donate online to make a secure, tax-deductible donation to The Kalgidhar Society supporting Education, Healthcare, Child Welfare, Social Welfare and Rehabilitation of the remote, rural and underprivileged people of Northern India: $50, $100, $250, $500 or any amount you give will make a big difference.

blbIr isMG sUc, aYzvokyt

cuwp! cuwp! cuwp!

cuwp! cuwp! cuwp!

qyrf hfl dyK ky, qYnMU qyrf dusLLmn apnf lAU,

qYnMU qyry afpixaf qoN hI mrvf dAU,

vws nhIN qyry, qYnMU pqf nhIN ikvyN mrvf dAU?

cuwp! cuwp! cuwp!

ijnHF nMU qUM afpxf khyN, Auh hn cor-lutyryy,

AunHF nMU qUM khNy myry, Auh dusLmn ny qyry,

Gr Auh qyry ibTfey ny, Auh hn sLYqfn! cor-lutyryy.

cuwp! cuwp! cuwp!

qUM KLusL iPrdf hYN ik qyrf dusLmn qYnMU apnf lAU,

qYnMU pqf ey ik Auh qyrf kPLn suaf lAU,

AuzIk afjLfdI nMU nhIN qF qYnMU qyrf dusLmn mrvf dAU.

cuwp! cuwp! cuwp!

nf bdl dlF nMU, iswK ikvyN bcxf hY AunHF qoN?

igafn dI loV ey, smJ kMm afAU,

KVH afpxy pYrF ’qy, dusLmn pYrF ’qy af jfA.

cuwp! cuwp! cuwp!

mYN ikvyN dwsF, qUM afpxf afp Cwz ky, ikvyN viDaf hYN hfr vwl?

qUM pihlF viDaf jLflm dI srkfr vwl, hux Aus qoN vI jLflm iPrkU gdfr vwl,

iGrnf hoxI cfhIdI hY jo lwgx myry pr cor-lutyryy, dusLmn qyry.

cuwp! cuwp! cuwp!

qMU Gr Cwizaf, afjLfdI dI gwl CwzI!

Eey! qUM afpxI bysmJI nfl hI afpxf sB kuwJ guaf ilaf ey,

qfhINE qF qyry dusLmnf ny qYnMU apnf ilaf hY.

vwloN: blbIr isMG sUc, aYzvokyt; muKI qy bulfrf, iswK ivcfr mMc, luiDafxf.

mobfeIl: 98143-34544

December 5, 2006

gurmIq isMG afstRylIaf

Dear Veer Makhan Singh jee Purewal,

Waheguru jee ka Khalsa Waheguru jee kee Fateh

Please convey my thanks to Bhai Avtar Singh Missionary and Bhai Sarbjeet Singh for reponding to Prof. Harpal Singh Punnu. He seems to be the younger brother of Prof. Inder Singh jee Ghagga.

Since Prof. Inder Singh Ghagga is more knowledgable and well known in the Sikh circles, said Punnu feels jealousy and may be having personal grudge/enmity against his brother? Moreover, most of such Sikh Professors/Scholars have been acting as paid agents of RSS/BJP through their mates like baba Virsa Singh, Dr. Ratan Singh Jagi, Sant Sipahi Editor Gurcharanjit Singh Lamba and others who, love to rejoice kok-shaster like obscene fairytales contained in bachiter natak?

I am sure said story may have been planted by - some culprits, because they are in the habit of shooting Emails against Missionaries but when challenged by Kirpal Singh Nijher, Gurpreet Singh Sumra and others they hide behind the computer screen.

We should continue to challenge these persons but also request the Editor of the said Paper what is evidence against Missionary College and from where they got the story?

Thanks for updating your Website: www.sikhmarg.com

Gurmit Singh (Sydney)

avqfr isMG imsLnrI aqy srbjIq isMG

sR hrpfl isMG pMnUM vloN iswK imsLnrI kfljF ivruwD jLihr Auglx dI jordfr inKyDI

(avqfr isMG imsLnrI) ipCly idnI pMjfb tfeImjL jo isLkfgo qoN BfrI igxqI ivwc Cpdf hY, Aus ivwc sR hrpfl isMG pMnUM vloN eIrKf vws ho bVI hI GtIaf soc aDIn jo iswK imsLnrI kfljF ivruwD byhUdf jLihr Augilaf hY aqy sfDF sMqF dy gux gfey hn. ieh ibafn sR pMnUM ny eIrKf vws idwqf hY jF iPr pMnUM sfihb nUM gurmiq df koeI igafn nhIN. iswK imsLnrI kfljF dI awj kOm nUM jo dyx hY, Aus nUM kdy vI Bulfieaf nhIN jf skdf. iswK imsLnrI kflj KolH ky, imsLnrI pRcfrk iqafr krky, ssqf qy pfeydfr iltRycr Cfp ky jo vihmF BrmF, krmkFzF, jfq brfdrI, bRfhmxvfd, bfbfvfd, zyrfvfd, aKOqI sMqvfd ivrwuD, gurU gRMQ sfihb jI dI inrol ivcfrDfrf, iswK ieiqhfs, iPlfsPI aqy iswKI dy sunihrI asUlF iswK rihq mrXfdf df jo ihmq qy qndyhI nfl pRcfr imsLnrI kfljF ny kIqf hY Auh qF sLRomxI kmytI qy hor sMpRdfvF jo afpxy afp nUM Kud pMQ smJI bYTIaF hn nhIN kr skIaF. ijs df pRmfx bhuqy gurU GrF ivwc iswK rihq mrXfdf vI lfgU nhIN hY sgoN kuMB nfrIal rwKy, joqF bflIaF, afrqIaF kIqIaF aqy qrIaf cirqR pVy aqy asLlIl rcnF aKOqI dsm gRMQ dy gurU gRMQ sfihb jI dy brfbr pRkfsL aqy pfT kIqy jf rhy hn. ies sB kuJ pMQ ivroDI vrqfry ivruwD gurUaF-BgqF qoN bfad AuwTI isMG sBf aqy iPr awj iswK imsLnrI kflj hn. ijs sLRomxI kmytI jF sMpRdfvf kol gurduafiraF dI golk df srmfieaf hY, Auh gurmiq pRcfr syvf nUM muwK rwK ky ssqf jF PRI itrycr nhIN vMz rhy. ies dy Ault iswK imsLnrI kfljF ny guriswKF dy dsvMD nfl afpxy sImq sfDnF dy bvjUd kOm nUM ssqy Bfa qy Auwc pfey df iltRyr idwqf hY, ipMz-ipMz qy sLihr-ksby qwk PRI klfsF lf ky, pfrt tfeIm aqy Puwl teIm pRcfrk aqy rfgI gRMQI kOm nUM sOpy hn jo kyvl gurU gRMQ sihb jI aqy iswK rihq mrXfdf df hI pRcfr kr rhy hn ijs sdkf awj kOm QoVI bhuq jfgrq hoeI hY iswK igafn ivigafn df Drm hY nf ik aMD ivsLvfsLIaF aqy byvjf lwTmfrF df. asIN sfrIaF gurmiq sBfvF aijhy eIrKf vfdIaF dI lokF dI jordfr inKyDI krdIaF aqy iswK imsLnrIaF dI ztvIN hmfieq krdIaF hF. ibafn jfrI krdy hoey:-

isMG sBf ieMtrnYsLnl amrIkf dy sR[ hrdyv isMG sLyrigwl, sR[ srbjIq isMG, primSdr isMG ivrk aqy sR[ igafn isMG sYkrfmYNto, isMG sBf ieMtrnYsLnl kYnyzf dy gurcrn isMG (ijAux vflf) qy BfeI hrijMdr isMG, gurU gRMQ pRcfr imsLn afP XU[aYWs[ey dy BfeI[ avqfr isMG imsLnrI qy bIbI hrismrq kOr KLflsf, gurmiq pRsfr sBf sYkrfmYNto (kYlyPornIaf) dy pRo[ mwKx isMG qy sR hfkm isMG, imsLnrI srkl amrIkf dy pRo[ipafrf isMG qy BfeI blivMdr isMG imsLnrI, bfbf dIp isMG tksfl dy BfeI suKdyv isMG isiKafrQI qy sfQI isMG, sRomxI kmytI dy sfbkf gRMQI Bf[ bKsLIsL isMG qy sfQI rIno (nyvfzf), gurmiq dy inDWVk pRcfrk Bf[ aMimRqpfl isMG qy sfQI (sYlmf-kYlyPornIaF), gurmiq sihq sBf byeyrIey dy sR primMdr isMG pRvfnF, sLbd swcI tksfl dy kYptn jugrfj isMG jI (kYlyPornIaF), XUnfieitz isWK alfieMs amrIkf dy bfbf nMdn isMG jI, by eyrIey dy pfTI isMGF vloN Bf[ qrsym isMG qy Bf[ bUtf isMG jI, sfbkf sRomxI kmytI mYNbr-pMjfb tfeImjL aKLbfr (isLkfgo) dy pwqRkfr, pRisWD ilKfrI aqy ivsLv iswK kONsl dy skwqr sR[ iqRlocn isMG dupflpur (sYnhojy) aqy inAUjfrk dy smUh pMQ drdI isMG afidk.

jfrI krqf-BfeI avqfr isMG imsLnrI aqy BfeI srbjIq isMG sYkrfmYNto

hrijMdr isMG (torFto)

BfeI gurmIq isMG sMDU jI

vfihgurU jI kf KLflsf]

vfihgurU jI kI PLiqh]

quhfzf ies ibprvfd dy JwKV nMU Twl pfAux leI aqy ies ivc sfQ dyx leI afp jI nUUM jI afieaF. afp jI bhuq sfrI jfxkfrI 'iswK mfrg' qoN prfpq kr skdy ho. poR Gwgf jI dIaF ikqfbF leI qusIN torFto, knyzf ivc myry nfl Pon nM: 905-861-9311 qy jF gurcrn isMG ijAux vflf jI nfl 716-536-2346 qy sMprk kr skdy ho jF iPr isMG sBf ieMtrnYsLnl knyzf dI vYbsfeIt www.singhsabhacanada.com qy vI af skdy ho. DMnvfd.

hrijMdr isMG (torFto)

gurmIq isMG sMDU

gurU ipafry s[mwKx isMG puryvfl jI,

vfihgurU jI kf Kflsf]

vfihgurU jI kI Piqh]

afp jI vloN eI –myl df jvfb dyx leI bhuq bhuq DMnvfd. iesdy nfl hI afp jI ny jo pRo Gwgf sfihb dI bhu cricq pusqk ‘sfzf byVf ieAuN grikaf’ dy lyKF bfry ‘isWK mfrg dy pMinaF’ df sMkyq idwqf hY, Auhdy leI vI DMnvfdI hF.

swc dy mfrg ‘qy koeI ivrlf hI clx dI ihMmq krdf hY. aqy bhuqI vfr Aus ihMmq df muwl vI qfrnf pYNdf hY. so ivroDqf dI prvfh kIqy ibnF ies nyk kfrj ivc lgy rho, akfl purK sLfied ieh syvf quhfzy koloN lY irhf hY. kUV dI qUqI hux ijafdf dyr nhIN vjygI. lgdf hY, kuJ hor iedfry vI, ijhnF ivc ‘rojfnf spoksmYn’ mohrlI kqfr ivc sLfml hY, ies muihMm ivc lgy hoey hn.

sLuB icMqk

gurmIq isMG sMDU


gurU ipafry BfeI sfihb

vfihgurU jI kf Kflsf]

vfihguruu jI kI Pqih]

mYN kuJ hPiqaF qoN "isK mfrg" df pfTk bixaf hF. myry mn dI iewCf akfl purK ny pUrI kr idwqI hY, mYN ajyhy sroq dI Bfl ivc sI, ijQoN mYNnUM, gurbfxI aqy isWK ieiqhfs dI shI jfxkfrI iml sky. "isWK mfrg" nfl sFJ pYx nfl myry igafn ivc axikafisaf vfDf hoieaf hY. ies vYb sfeIt rfhIN afp vzmuwlI syvf inBf rhy ho. akfl purK afp jI dy aMg sMg rhy, ieho ardfs bynqI hY. mYN pRo ieMdr isMG Gwgf dy lyK bVy gOh nfl pVH irhf hF, AuhnF dI ivdvqf BrpUr lyKxI ny isWK jgq nUM sRI guru nfnk dyv jI dy aslI imsLn vl pRyirq kIqf hY, ijs qoN mihrUm rWKx dI sfijsL lMmy smyN qoN cldI af rhI hY. ies pRQfey dUsry ivdvfnF dy lyK vI bVI mhqwqf vfly hn. mYN pRo Gwgf vloN ricq pusqk "sfzf byVf ieAuN grikaf" dI Bfl ivc hF. ikrpf krky jfxkfrI dyxf ieh pusqk ikQoN iml skdI hY.

afp jI vloN eI –myl dI AuzIk rhygI.

sLuB ieCfvF sihq

gurmIq isMG sMDU

bIbI hrismrq kOr KLflsf

Seheskri Shlok M 1 and Imposters controlling Akal Takht.

Bibi Harsimirat Kaur Khalsa, President

Guru Granth Prachar Mission of USA, Inc.

(510) 432-5827

Is this shok written by Guru Nanak Dev Ji is addressing the invaders who now control Shri Akal Takht, and Harmandar Sahib, misleading millions of blind faith followers. They are collaborating with Prakash (Hanera/Darkness) Sinh Badal, his Akalis and the members of the Rashtriya Sikh Sangat inaugurated with an aid of Rupees ONE cror provided by criminal AB Vajpayee and his administration of the New Delhi in 1999) and with Rashtriya Swamsewak Sangh (RSS), the Hindu Mahasabha (mother of all evils), and RSS' sister and ‘terrorist’ organizations like Bajrang Dal, Ranvir Sena, Shiv Sena, Hanuman Sena, and others.

slok shsikRqI mhlf ñ ..(ñóõó) Shlok Seheskritee, First Mehl (Ung 1353):

piVÙ pusœk sMiDaf bfdM .. "You study the scriptures, say your prayers and argue."

Why do people study scriptures? What is prayer, and arguing? Who was Guru Nanak addressing in this Shabad? The language and literary style of this hymn is elite, classical grammar, and vocabulary. Guru Ji blends this Seheskriti language combined with Sanskrit, Parkriti, Punjabi, Hindi, Farsi, and a few other languages. It appears as if Guru Nanak was addressing pakhandi (hypocritical) religious scholars of the time, in a region dominated by Brahmanism. Brahman Pundits were the experts who publicly argued about their knowledge of scriptures and spiritualism to win rare sacred texts. Often wicked Brahmans would exploit people with superstitious rituals that were contrary to the faith of the scriptures that they taught. If you study this shabad more closely, you will see that Guru Nanak was not criticizing the Brahmans directly. Guru Ji only uses the corruption of the Brahmans as an example of our own human weaknesses. Our ego is given to us to guarantee that we desire to survive by having the best. Our 5 vices confuse us, causing self-centeredness to make us clever, greedy, and corrupt, looking for opportunity to prey on the innocent for lavish gain.

isl pUjis bgul smfDM ..
"You worship stones and sit like a crane, pretending to meditate in a saintly fashion."
Worship of a stone is foolish. Rocks have no biological function, they have no free will, and they are non-productive. The rock as it is, is the opposite of production and self-improvement. The rock is lifeless, passive, hard, and stable; and very little can affect it. Likewise, the crane first appears the same, standing one-legged in a humble, yoga position on this stone, a foundation for his deceitful hunting pose. The bird that looks colorful like flowers, harmless and calm, yet when there is good opportunity to strike, the fish in the sea are not even aware that they are quick prey. And when the crane quickly shovels the fish into its mouth, there is no escape. The path to the crane’s stomach is long and slow, prolonging suffering. The fish slides tightly squeezed down the crane’s throat, as it cannot even wiggle or expand its gills to gasp for breath. Unfortunately, religious leaders are now composed of these Brahman agents like Swami Pundit Vedanti Joginder Singh Saran, Sarkari (State Appointed) Custodian/Mukh-Paid Employee of the Supreme Seat of Sikh Polity or Sri Akal Takht Sahib) the Darbar Sahib Complex Amritsar, Punjab.

muiK JUTu ibBUKn sfrM ..
"You speak lies and well-ornamented falsehood, "

Guru Ji explains how these Pundits go out of their way, misleading devoted people of simple faith away from reality, tricking them into superstitious, meaningless rituals that guarantee no benefit. People are lured into wasted time and effort for the profit of the greedy. It is to the advantage of the crane that the fish remain in ignorance of danger. People are easily enchanted with exquisite language, full of false promises.

qRYpfl iqhfl ibcfrM ..
"and recite your daily prayers three times a day. "

Cranes boast of their caught prey. They swallow the fish then fly away howling in pride and satisfaction. The prayers of the hypocritical religious leaders are nothing but expressions of their gratitude for the blind, innocent followers, allowing them to feast on then - exploitation. If these blind followers would have known any better, they would have avoided the Pundit’s trap.

gil mflf iqlk illftM ..
"The mala sacred beads are around your neck, and the sacred tilak mark is on your forehead."

Notice that the beads that hang over the heart is mentioned before the mark on the head. This shows how the corrupt people are being governed by emotions, rather than intellect. The beauty of the colored, religious beads that cover up the evil plot of these pandits. Likewise, the beautiful crane has a destructive scheme hidden under his beauty - its beautiful beak on its head, and exotic, fluffy feathers covering its chest.

duie DoqI bsqR kpftM ..
"You wear two loin cloths, and keep your head covered."

One cloth isn’t enough, so two are worn to double fool those of blind faith. The loin cloths do not fit tightly around the body. Falsehood can be easily detected if one observes with careful eyes. Without the knowledge of Gurbani, one can easily get caught up in trusting the very people who have no care for your well-being.

jo jfnis bRhmM krmM ..
"If you know God and the nature of karma,"

The only way to know God is by learning about His hukam and living by it. All the natural laws of the universe which we cannot change are God’s hukam. When one accepts this, then one can learn to live truthful. ikv sicafrf hoeIaY ikv kUVY qutY pfil .. So how can one become truthful? And how can the false veil of illusion be torn away? hukim rjfeI clxf nfnk iliKaf nfil .. O Nanak, it is written that you shall obey the Hukam of His Command, and walk in the Way of His Will. and cMigafeIaf buirafeIaf vfcY Drmu hdUir .. "Merits and demerits are read out in the presence of Dharma (Righteous Judge"). krmI afpo afpxI ky nyVY ky dUir .. ‘‘According to their own actions, some are drawn closer, and some are driven farther away." (Jap Ji Sahib)

sB Pokt inscY krmM ..
"You know that all these rituals and beliefs are useless."

When one understands hukam and karma, then it is easy to recognize falsehood, because trying to bribe God is a foolish insult. Even worse is intentionally religiously misleading someone. Imagine a government official lying about what forms to fill out for benefits. The damage could be devastating.

khu nfnk inscO iD´fvY ..
"Says Nanak, meditate on the Lord with faith."

Take the message of Gurbani and reflect on it, day and night. Faith is belief in something that is beyond your understanding. You realize it is all reality that you can never fully comprehend. Giyan Truth will always be beyond our comprehension. We only understand that truth is stable, yet we will never know all the intricate details of the universe.

ibnu siqgur bft n pfvY ..ñ.. "Without the True Guru, no one finds the Way. ||1||"

If we do not follow the teaching of Guru Granth Sahib, we will be lead astray by deceivers of truth, like the crane preying on the innocent fish. Sat Guru is exactly the concept of God teaching us truth with the nature that He created, because of His grace gur pRsfid[ Guru Nanak realized this truth, and blessed humanity with this revelation. Guru Nanak has taken the Giyan Shabad and expressed it in a more contemporary literary style for people to understand. Satgur is not the physical form of anyone or anything- it is the Giyan Shabad itself which is not limited to language, form, or time. For this reason, many hymns in Guru Granth Sahib are from different places, different times, different languages, and different classes of people. Our Guru Granth Ji Maniyo is the Giyan Shabad in the language of mortal man, as seen with Guru Granth Sahib. Gur giyan is so deep that language can only describe it in a limited way.

inhPlM qs´ jnms´ jfvd bRhm n ibMdqy .. "The mortal's life is fruitless, as long as he does not know God."
To believe in God means to know and accept God’s hukam, Guru Ji teaches about hukam through the Guru Granth Sahib. Without the foundation of knowledge of the world we live in, how can one survive? From infancy, we learn about our environment, created and governed by God’s hukam.

sfgrM sMsfrs´ gur prsfdI qrih ky ..
"Only a few, by Guru's Grace, cross over the world-ocean."
Knowledge of Guru’s teaching is the only way to survive in this world of deception. Crossing over the sea is a figure of speech, meaning, "deliverance from our sufferings"[ mMnY qrY qfry guru isK .. ‘‘The faithful is carried across the sea of trouble, and also carries the Sikhs of the Guru across. " (Jap Ji Sahib) So why are only a few rescued? It is because only a few of us are willing to take the challenge of looking beyond ourselves into truth.

krx kfrx smrQu hY khu nfnk bIcfir .. "The Creator, the Cause of causes, is All-powerful. Says Nanak, after deep deliberation."

Creation undergoes an eternal process of recycling. Molecular changes always happen within and without every object, interacting and reacting constantly with other things[ ieik dfqy iek mMgqy sBnf isir soeI .. (ñòøó, mlfr, mhlf ó)"Some are givers, and some are beggars; God is above the heads of all."nfnk hukmI afvhu jfhu .. "Oh Nanak, all are subject to birth and death. (Jap Ji Sahib)

kfrxu krqy vis hY ijin kl rKI Dfir ..ò..
"The Creation is under the control of the Creator. By His Power, He sustains and supports it. ||2||"

Although it seems out of control, everything is always in its correct place, because everything obeys God’s hukam. All the natural laws of the universe are eternally fully functional

jog sbdM igafn sbdM byd sbdM q bRfhmxh .. "The Shabad is Yoga, the Shabad is spiritual wisdom; the Shabad is the Vedas for the Brahmin."

Just as Yoga teaches about the body, so does Gurbani, Guru’s Shabad teach about the secrets of life. Just as Vedas is valuable to the Brahmin, so is Gurbani vital for mankind.

K´qRI sbdM sUr sbdM sUdR sbdM prf ikRqh .. "The Shabad is heroic bravery for the Khshaatriya; the Shabad is service to others for the Shoodra."

Shabad gives us the knowledge of how to battle our five vices. When we recognize hukam of truth, we can function more easily. We learn to make better decisions in life, how we behave. Giyan shabad is our kiyatri weapon to defend ourselves against falsehood. It is bravery in the sense that Shabad truth need not prepare itself for battle against falsehood. Truth is always ready and always prevails. siqafid Bfv rqM .. "He is from the beginning lover of truth and other virtues." Bhagat Jaidev 526) Shoodr are the lowest castes of people who serve all the other castes above them. Shabad unlimitedly serves us. We learn that God’s Hukam of grace operates so intricately and constantly to sustain the universe in which we reside. God is as if our servant, yet we think that He needs our help.

srb sbdM q eyk sbdM jy ko jfnis ByAu .. "The Shabad for all is the Shabad, the Word of the One God, for one who knows this secret."

Shabad of truth is only one for all mankind. It does not know caste or status.

nfnk qf ko dfsu hY soeI inrMjn dyAu ..ó.. "Nanak is the slave of the Divine, Immaculate Lord. ||3||"

Guru Nanak has devoted his life towards making God’s shabad known to all.

eyk ikRs˜M q srb dyvf dyv dyvf q afqmh ..
"The One Lord is the Divinity of all divinities."

There is only one God that exists and He has the power of all gods worshipped. He is self-sufficient and almighty.

afqmM sRI bfsÍdyvs´ jy koeI jfnis Byv ..
"He is the Divinity of the soul, the Supreme Lord who knows the its Secrets."

God has reserved space within Himself for all of us to exist. Only He knows Himself, which is infinitely beyond our capabilities to understand fully.

nfnk qf ko dfsu hY soeI inrMjn dyv ..ô..
"Nanak is the slave of that. He is the Divine Immaculate Lord Himself. ||4||"

All creation testifies of God’s majestic hukam, we are all equally blessed with the essence of reality. This relish of Amrit is offered for everyone. Because this awesome taste of essence is for everyone, Guru Nanak has devoted himself as a slave for the spreading of Giyan Shabad for all.

In conclusion, Guru Nanak uses the image of crane (pakandi Braham Pundits) only as an example to teach us that whatever religion anyone practices, he must accept God’s hukam and live truthful. We all, at times fall into this category of missing the whole point of living faithful and saintly. Among our own Sikh religious circles, we are blessed to have faithful raggies, preachers, and granthis, but there are some wealthy granthis, preachers, and greedy raggies who pose very religious wearing their 5 kakees and long beard. Some of them are thieves and womanizers, dishonoring Guru. They make long lavish Aardaas and read Paath with a Bollywood voice hoping for more money. They fight for extra Akhana Paath duties and deceive committee members and prevent other people from having duties or kirtan time while many sangat are present. There are preachers hired by Brahmanistic agents to preach in gurdwaras against Gurbani, using so called magical stories and only preaching Hinduism. Some gurdwaras have so called Amritdhari committee members who are not truly Amritdhari, they only shak Amrit to gain attention, They break all promises after elections and even use golak money to buy liquor stores and gas stations. They sell American sponsorship letters for unqualified people, deceiving Immigration Department that the gurdwara needs them as raggies and gianis. No poor are being helped, only their relatives. They don’t allow Gurbani to be preached. They promote fake Baba Ji Saints who teach kachi bani contrary to Guru Granth Sahib by twisting verses in Gurbani with Brahmanistic beliefs. All they care about is money and fame. The helpless fish that the crane captures represents the blind people in Sangats whom these religious leaders exploit with Brahmanistic Akhanda Paaths, where no one listens nor understands. Pakandi Granthis sell Akhanda Paath duties to readers or give most of the duties to men or to rich people who receive big pensions from India (from their same village). They don’t give poor women as many as, if any, duties to read. Some paathis read too fast, quiet, or use unclear articulation for anyone to understand. Akhanda Paath in itself is a beautiful experience that very few truly benefit from. It is the opportunity for the Sangat to hear the entire Guru non-stop. Guru Nanak shows us that every religion has good and bad representatives and teachers. Some Sangat come to the gurdwara only for free food and nice music, and they are not learning anything about Guru’s teaching. Some Sangat are aware of gurdwara corruption but they do not fight for righteousness, using the excuse, "Guru knows their evils ways, and they will pay."

The main criticism in Guru Nanak’s Seheskriti Shlok is against man in general and not directly against the Pundits or bad Sikh leaders. Guru Ji only uses Pakandi Brahmins as an example of man’s tendencies to be suckered into his own ego trap, which ensnares him and others affected by his evil. The only way to protect ourselves from our own self destruction and the Sikh Sangat and world peace is to teach the meanings in the Guru Granth Sahib. The second step is to empower humaninity with this divine knowledge. The final step is miri piri, to defend ourselves and to use the sword as a first resort, and I mean the sword of wisdom of Guru Granth Sahib wisdom. If we don’t act soon, then the world will be in turmoil.

I am a white American lady who took Amrit 5 years ago and became extremely blessed by studing Guru Granth Sahib. I am a radio host and have already translated Jap Ji Sahib into Hebrew and preach, read Paath in Gurmukhi script, and sing kirtan with my guitar. After recognizing the danger of Hinduizing Sikhs, I have incorporated Guru Granth Parchar Mission of USA, Inc., a non profit registered spiritual center and organization to take up this task of teaching Guru Granth Sahib to all people. We are doing door to door parchar with Guru Granth Sahib and palkee to teach, read paath do kirtan, and kathaa teaching. We plan to open a free health center to promote holistic wellness for the needy. I am accepting contributions, but I do not ask for them to sponsor our cause, which is Guru Ji’s cause to education the public with Guru wisdom to learn to become happy, healthy, and successful. Our address is:

Guru Granth Parchar Mission of USA, Inc.

PO Box 65

Hayward, California 94543

(510) 432-5827

ajIq isMG

sunihrI ivrsf sMsQf vloN 3 dsMbr 2006 nUM knyzf ivwc imsIsfgf ivKy "ÈhIdF dy isrqfj" iPlm dy pRIimar Èoa ivwc sMgqF nUM vwzI igxqI ivwc phuMcx dI apIl

awj dy iBafnk smyN ivwc ijwQy iewk pfsy nOjvfn pIVHI afpxy sunihrI ivrsy nfloN tuwtdI njr af rhI hY, niÈaF aqy piqqpuxy dy bolbfly dI aDIngI kbUl rhI hY AuWQy dUjy pfsy ajoky ivigafn dI durvrqoN ny ies kUV nUM bulMdIaF qwk iljfx vfsqy koeI ksr bfkI nhIN CwzI hY. swcmuwc hI DMnqf dy Xog ny aijhIaF sMsQfvF aqy pRbMDk jo bwicaF aqy nOjvfnF ivwc ajoky ivigafn dI shI idÈf ivwc vrqoN krky isrP aqy isrP DMn DMn ÈRI gurU gRMQ sfihb jI nUM hI smripq ho ky syvf aqy ismrn dy AuprfilaF duafrf afpxy aMdr aqy afpxy afly duafly ivwc guriswKI nUM pRPuilq krn leI XqnÈIl hn. ijs idn asIN sfry hI cvr qKq dy mflk, jfgq joq DMn DMn ÈRI gurU gRMQ sfihb jI nUM smripq ho jfvFgy Aus idn sfzy ivwc koeI duibDf nhIN rhygI. awj sfzy aMdr duibDf df kfrn hI ieh hY ik asIN ieh qy kih rhy hF ik asIN ÈRI gurU gRMQ sfihb jI nUM gurU mnMdy hF pr iKmf krnf asIN ÈRI gurU gRMQ sfihb jI dI gwl mMnx nUM iqafr nhIN hF. awj vDfeI dy pfqr ny aijhy guriswK jo Kud ÈRI gurU gRMQ sfihb jI dI gwl mMndy hoey swc dy mfrg qy cwl rhy hn, cwlx leI cfhvfx hn aqy jo swc dy mfrg qy cwlxf cfhuMdf hY vfsqy lfhyvMd shfeI ho rhy hn. DMn DMn ÈRI gurU gRMQ sfihb jI pfsoN idÈf pRfpqI df mqlb huMdf hY ik gurbfxI nUM afDfr bxf ky, smJ ky, Aus qy aml krky afpxy jIvn aMdroN kUV df siqafnfs krky swc df bolbflf krnf. jykr asIN ies qrFH dy qfq prfeI imtfAux vfly Xqn iml-jul ky krFgy aqy aijhy guriswK vIrF nUM AuqÈfihq krFgy jo sfnUM ajoky ivigafn dI shI vrqoN krn dy nfl nfl smrpx Bfvnf nfl syvf aqy ismrn dy Auprfly krdy hoey sfnUM afpxy sunihrI ivrsy nfl joVn qF Auh idn dUr nhIN jd piqqpuxy aqy niÈaF dI mfr hyT kucly hoey nOjvfn afpxy sunihrI ivrsy qoN jfxU ho ky, iswKI dy kurbfnIaF Bry ieiqhfs bfry jfx ky, swc dy mfrg qy clwx vfsqy Xqn krngy aqy aijhy Auprfly iewk pRym Bfvnf df mfhOl pYdf krdy hoeyy iewk sfP suQrf aqy afdrÈ smfj isrjx ivwc kfmXfbI hfsl krngy, jo ik ajoky smyN dI muwK loV hY.

awj muhflI (pMjfb) dI iewk sMsQf sunihrI ivrsf, ÈRomxI kmytI mYNbr BfeI hrdIp isMG aqy kuJ guriswK vIrF dy AuWdm AuprfilaF sdkf aijhy hI kuJ aihm Auprfly kr rhI hY ijs nfl sfnUM, sfzy bwicaF nUM aqy Kfs krky nOjvfn pIVHI nUM inrol Dfrimk iPlmF dy mfiDam rfhIN afpxy axmol sunihrI ivrsy aqy guriswKI jIvn jfc nUM smJx ivwc mdwd imldI hY. ies sMsQf vloN ieiqhfsk tYlI-iPlm "ÈhIdF dy isrqfj" df pRIimar Èoa 3 dsMbr 2006 idn aYqvfr nUM dupihr 2 vjy qoN 4 vjy qwk vrsfiel knvYnÈn sYNtr, 6721 aYzvrzj bulyvrz, njdIk hfeIvya 10 aqy zYrI roz, imsIsfgf ivKy kIqf jf irhf hY, ijs ivwc smwucI sMgq nUM bynqI kIqI jFdI hY ik afp afpxy bwicaF aqy bjurgF smyq ies pRIimar Èoa ivwc smyN isr phuMc ky ies iPlm rfhIN NgurU arjn dyv jI dy jIvn bfry jfxkfrI hfsl kro. vrnxXog hY ik BfeI hrdIp isMG jI duafrf inrdyÈq iPlmF ivwc gurmiq isDFqf pRqI Aucycf iDafn rwiKaf jFdf hY, iswK ikrdfr kyvl aqy kyvl guriswKF vloN hI inBfey jFdy hn, nfl nfl qknIkI qOr qy vI iPlmF bhuq hI AuWc imafrI huMdIaF hn. ieh iPlm "ÈhIdF dy isrqfj" aMgryjI BfÈf ivwc sbtfeItl kIqI geI hY qF jo ijnHF bwicaF nUM pMjfbI TIk ZMg nfl smJ nhIN afAuNdI Auh vI ieiqhfs dI soJI lY skx. ‘ÈhIdF dy isrqfj’ gurU arjn dyv jI dI Èhfdq jnUnI kwtVvfd dy iKlfP aqy hr iewk nUM afpxy ivÈvfÈ dy muqfibk Drm nUM mMnx dI afjfdI df vWzmulf sMdyÈ idMdI hY. ies sMsQf vloN afAuNdy smyN ivwc keI hor iPlmF vI bxfeIaF jf rhIaF hn, ijvyN ik bfbf bMdf isMG bhfdr jI df ieiqhfs aqy gurU gRMQ sfihb jI dy bfry ivwc. nfl hI bwicaF dI rUcI dy mfiDam aYnImyÈn rfhIN iswK isDFqf aqy ieiqhfs bfry vI iPlmF iqafr kIqIaF jf rhIaF hn. asIN afs krdy hF ik BfeI hrdIp isMG jI aqy iehnF dy sfQIaF vloN ÈurU kIqy gey aijhy Auprfly ajoky smyN ivwc iewk gurmiq krFqI lihr pYdf krn ivwc bhuq hI lfBvMd shfeI hoxgy. ies sMsQf bfbq vDyry jfxkfrI pRfpq krn vfsqy afp jI torfNto ivKy guriswK vIr jgbIr isMG nfl 416-953-0526 jF 416-301-8114 qy Pon krky sMprk kr skdy ho jF vYb sfeIt iswKiPlmj zft nYt qy vyK skdy ho.

isMG sBf knyzf

vydFqI qy sihXogI jwQybMdIaF dy smfjk bfeIkft dI apIl!!

m:3] iekf bfxI ieku guru ieko sbdu vIcfir. scf sAudf htu scu rqnI Bry BMzfr] gur ikrpf qy pfeIain jy dyvY dyvxhfru] {pMnf 646}

gurU sihbfn dy Auprly hukm anusfr iswKF nUM iek gurU qy iek hI gRMQ dy lV lfieaf igaf hY qy iswKF dI ieko hI rihq mrXfdf hY jo iswK pMQ dI pRvfngI nfl 1945 ivc lfgU kIqI geI sI.

slok m: 1] iDRg iqnf kf jIivaf, ij iliK iliK vycih nfAu] KyqI ijn kI AujVY KlvfVy ikaf QfAu] pMnf 1245]

hux iswK smfj rUpI KyqI nUM iesdf rfKf pujfrIvfd hI Kfx lwg ipaf hY ies krky iswKF nUM hux afpxI rfKI afp krnI pYxI hY. jdoN iksy dI jmIr mr jfvy qf smJo Auh mnuwK miraf hoieaf hY.

1[ akfl qKq dy ajoky aKOqI jwQydfr igafnI joigMdr isMG vydFqI ny qF sfry hwdF bMny pfr kr idwqy hn. sfD DMnvMq isMG dy aKbfrI ibafn muqfbk vydFqI ny 70,000 (swqr hjLfr) rupY lY ky Aus nUM ryp dy kys ivcoN muafP kIqf, df dosL.

2[ bfbf dljIq isMG iskfgo nUM prfeI iesqrI nfl sMg krn, jo ky iswK rihq mrXfdf muqfbk iek bjr kurihq hY, vI muafP kIqf, df dosL. dyx lYx df muafmlf sfhmxy nhI afieaf.

3[ vydfqI ny iswK Drm ivc syvf sMklp nUM sjf ivc qbdIl kIqf hY, df dosL.

4[ nvMbr 9, 2006 nUM PrIdfbfd XU[ pI[ ivc iswKF dy dsm gRMQ pRqI svflF dy jvfb nf dyx dI hflq ivc afpxy hI aMg rwiKakF koloN iswKF nUM kutfpf cfVHn df dosL.

5[ Kflsf pMcfieq, jo aKOqI jwQydfr nUM mYmorMzm dyx geI sI, nUM hI afpxI tfsk Pors qy inhMgF koloN kutfpf cfVn df dosL.

6[ 1920 ivc gur iblfs pfqsLfhI CyvIN iswKF ny gurmqf krky gurduafiraF ivcoN cukvfeI sI. ikAuNik ies ikqfb ivc gurU hir goibMd sfihb jI nUM iksy kfjLI dI nfbflg DI nUM kwZ ky ilafAuNdf idKfieaf igaf hY, gurU sfihb dy mihl BfeI ibDI cMd qoN hukm krky rfjy dy mihlF ivcoN rfxIaF dy kImqI dusLfly corI krvfAuNdy drsfieaf igaf hY, gurU hir goibMd sfihb jI afpxy ipqf gurU arjn pfqsLfh dI ibMdI Aulfd nhI hn, gurmiq corF nUM iswK bfxfAuNdI hY pr ies ikqfb muqfbk qF iswK cor bxdy vrnx kIqy gey hn, qy iewkvIN sdI dy sLurU ivc vydFqI jI qy iesy ikqfb df punr sMpfdn krky iPr qoN gurdvfiraF ivc kQf krn leI purjLor apIl kIqI hY, df dosL.

7[ bfdl dl dI rwiKaf qy mfn dl qy do vfr kutfpf cfVHn df dosL.

8[ nvMbr 13, 2006 nUM ipMz idafl purf (biTMzf) ivKy iswKF nUM iswK gurU sfihbfn dy hukmF dy Ault sRI gurU gRMQ sfihb dy brfbr dsm gRMQ sfihb df pRkfsL krn qy kMjr kivqf nUM gurU goibMd isMG jI dy nfmxy nfl mVHn df dosL.

9[ tfeIlr nUM idwlLHI gurdvfrf pRbMDk kmytI dy qqkflIn pRDfn cMzok vloN isropfE dyx bdly dosLI krfr dyxf qy motI rkm lY ky brI krn df dosL. cMzIgHV aMgryjI tribAUn ny qF ieh vI iliKaf sI ik ieqhfs ivc ieh pihlI vfr vfpiraf hY ik jwj dosLI dy Gr jf ky ieh puwCy ik qYnUM ikhVI sjLf lgfeI jfvy.

10[ pRkfsL isMG bfdl kurwpsn krky jylH igaf qy jmfnq qy bfhr afAuNdy nUM hI isropfE dyx df dosL.

11[ vydFqI jI cldI iPrdI XunIvristI (dmdmI) tksfl ivcoN pVH ky afey hn ijQy gurmiq nUM vydF dIaf aYnkF lf ky gurmiq isKfeI jFdI hY iesy krky hI myry afpxy qfieaf jI, kpUr isMG brfV, jo drbfr sfihb isMG sfihb sn afm lokF nfl hwQ mlfAuxf svIkfr nhI krdy sn ijvyN pMizq lok afm afdmI nfl hwQ imlfAuxf psMd nhI krdy. pr vydFqI jI ny qF gurU gRMQ sfihb dy brfbr dsm sRI gurU gRMQ sfihb jI df pRkfsL krky, aKMz pfT krvf ky, dsm gRMQ nUM dsvyN gurU dI ikRq hox df aYlfn krky nf isrP gurU gRMQ sfihb df apmfn kIqf hY sgoN iswK jgq nUM puTy rsqy pfAux df Gor gunfh kIqf hY qy AunHF sfiraF iswKF qy iswK sMsQFvF df vI inrfdr kIqf hY ijnHF ny iswK rihq mrXfdf nUM bxfieaf hY aqy ieh isK rihq mrXfdf dI vI AulMGxf hY.

koeI idn aYsf nhI jdoN vydfqI jI ivvfd dy Gyry ivc nf afey hox. ies krky iswK buDIjIvIaF, Kflsf pMcfieq, dl Kflsf, adfrf spoiksmYn afid ny pujfrI vydFqI nUM 14 nvMbr 2006 NnUM pMQ ivcoN Cyk idwqf hY. awj imqI 25[11[2006 dI mIitMg ivc isMG sBf ieMtrnYsLnl kYnyzf brYNptn ny ieh PYslf ilaf ik aYsy ivafkqI, ijs ny rwj ky iswKI nUM Korf lfieaf hY, dy iswK pMQ ivcoN Cyky jfx dI pRoVqf krdy hF aqy iesdy sfry sihXogIaF nUM nf mUMh lfAux dI apIl krdy hF. BivwK ivc vI jykr koeI ivafkqI aYsf krdf hY qF Ausdf vI ivroD kIqf jvygf. iswK sMgqF nUM inmRqf sihq apIl krdy hF ik jdoN ikqy vI ieh lok ivdysL ivc afAux qF ienHF df smfjk bfeIkft/ivroD kIqf jvy. asIN afpxy afpxy ipMz vfsIaF nUM vI apIl krFgy ik afAux vfly smyN ivc ienHF nUM mUMh nf lfAux.

gurU pMQ dy dfs,

isMG sBf ieMtrnYsLnl kYnyzf brYNptn.

aqy nIcy ilKIaF jwQybMdIaf vloN tYlIPUn qy sihXog dI hfmI BrI geI.

isMG sBf ieMtrnYsLnl inAuXfrk: XU[aYs[ey[ isMG sBf ieMtrnYsLnl hMslo XU[ky[

isMG sBf ieMtrnYsLnl vilMgzn inAujLIlYNz, isMG sBf ieMtrnYsLnl sYkrfimMto XU[aYs[ey:

iswK ivrsf kYlgrI (albrtf)

blbIr isMG sUc, aYzvokyt


kiv ikafrI-igafn

swc khUM: mYnMU dy igaf sI-igafn svYmfx qy snmfn df,

jy igafn nf huMdf, mYN vI huMdf mohrf sLYqfn qy byeImfn df.

kI hY igafn bMdy nMU! Prk pqf hY, svYmfx qy snmfn df?

jy huMdf nf pqf svYmfx qy snmfn df, huMdf mohrf sLYqfn qy byeImfn df.

bMidaf loV hY igafn dI, qfhIN qF pqf lwgU Prk svYmfx qy snmfn df,

jy huMdf nf igafn svYmfx qy snmfn df, mohrf huMdf sLYqfn qy byeImfn df.

qyrI isLkfieq swcI hY! jy huMdf igafn-qMU nf huMdf sLYqfn qy byeImfn df.

igafn qoN vFJy rihxf! iks df ksUr hY?qfhIeyN qF bixaf hYN byeImfn df.

jy iZwz dI BuwK hI hY imtfAuxI qF loV nhIN iksy AuWdm qy igafn df,

iewQy dyK pRcfr! kihMdy rotI qoN vD loV nhIN, AuWdm qy igafn df.

svYmfx dI gwl AuproN dI lMG geI, Gftf hY AuWdm qy igafn df.

jy iZwz dI BuwK hI hY imtfAuxI, loV nhIN AuWdm qy igafn df.

gwl AuproN dI lMG geI, Gftf hY-svYmfx, AuWdm qy igafn df.

rotI df JFsf dy ky, pqf nhIN lwgx idwqf jFdf, Prk svYmfx qy snmfn df,

igafn qy bMdy df vfsqf hY iensfn df, pr ieh kMm ikAuN kry byeImfn df?

nf smJf qy nf CyV mYnMU! myrI gulfmI df mYnMU nsLf AWuqr jfAU!

iPr gwl ikvyN AuproN dI lMG jfAU?

jdoN mYnMU svYmfx, AuWdm qy igafn dI smJ af jfAU!!!!

sUUUc swc khy, myrf ipE dy igaf sI-igafn svYmfx qy snmfn df,

jy igafn nf huMdf, mYN vI huMdf mohrf sLYqfn qy byeImfn df.

vwloN: blbIr isMG sUc, aYzvokyt; muKI qy bulfrf, iswK ivcfr mMc, luiDafxf.
House # 12333/1, Street # 12, Vishvakarma Colony, Behind Sangeet Cinema, Ludhiana-141003.

November 25, 2006; Mobile: 98143-34544


kfiv ikafrI- svYmfx

svYmfx-snmfn guaf ky, sB kuwJ imlUgf,

pr iensfn bx ky, rihxf nhIN imlUgf.

JUTI mihmf, vizafeI, TfT afid- sB kuwJ imlUgf,

pr iewjLq, sLoBf qy pivwqrqf nfl ijAuxf nhIN imlUgf.

sUrimaf? svYmfx-snmfn guaf ky,

sUr vFgUM Kfx nMU imlUgf.

pr iensfn vFgUM ijAux leI,

afqm-snmfn, svYmfx nhIN imlUgf.

bdnsIbI hY mulk dI!

iewQy svYmfx-snmfn guaf ky, sB kuwJ imlUgf,

aMdroN KoKlf, JUTI mihmf, vizafeI, TfT afid df puqlf,

dwso iPr! ieh iBRsLtfcfrI ikAuN nhIN krUgf?

axK guaf ky, iewQy sB kuwJ imlUgf,

Auey Bwul nf!

qMU hmlf kIqf hY axK ’qy, hux mulk afjLfd nhIN imlUgf.

qUM soc qy ivcfr!

qyrI JUTI mihmf, vizafeI, TfT afid df kI bxUMgf?

myry gOrv Kohx dI koisLsL nfl, qyrf insLfn ikvyN rhUgf?

myrf drd kihMdf hY, ieh imtUgf hI imtUgf.

qyry guafcy gOrv qy svYmfx ny!

qYnMU sLYqfn, hYvfn qy pKMzI bxfieaf hAUgf?

qyry ’c nf suhj qy nf qUM swjx!

ies ny hI qYnMU KLudgrjL qy byeImfn bxfieaf hAUgf?

sLYqfnf, byeImfnf, hYvfnf qy pKMzIaf, qyrf insLfn ikvyN rhUgf?

iewQy cVHq dy kdm dyKIN, pRmfqmf dI myhr df insLfn rhUgf.

vwloN: blbIr isMG sUc, aYzvokyt; muKI qy bulfrf, iswK ivcfr mMc, luiDafxf.
House # 12333/1, Street # 12, Vishvakarma Colony, Behind Sangeet Cinema, Ludhiana-141003.

November 24, 2006; Mobile: 98143-34544

{not:- ipCly hor pwqr pVHn leI aYro (qIr) nUM kilk kro jI}
