zfktr hrijMdr isMG idlgIr
bfdl akflI dl afpxy afp nUM pMQk pfrtI kih ky pMQ nUM DoKf nf
dyvy – zf: idlgIr
mohflI - iswK ivdvfn zfktr hrijMdr isMG ny bfdl akflI dl vwloN
afpxy afp nUM pMQk pfrtI kihx df sKLq noits ilaf hY. AunHF ny iek ibafn ivc ikhf
hY ik bfdl akflI dl ‘pMQk’ qF kI ieh qF iswK pfrtI vI nhIN hY. ies nUM pMjfbI
pfrtI jF bfdl pfrtI kihxf vDyry ZukvF hY. ivdvfnF df ieqrfjL hY ik bfdl akflI dl
df pMQk ajMzf KLqm ho cukf hY. 1997 ivc bfdl ny pMQ dy nF ‘qy rfj hfisl kr ky
pUry pMj sfl pMQk ajMzf iblkul Bulfieaf hoieaf sI. hux vI Aus dy ajMzy ivc pMQ
qF kI, pMjfb dIaF icrokxIaF KVHIaF mMgF ivwcoN iek vI sLfiml nhIN hY.
AunHF bfdl dl qoN svfl kIqf hY ik kI piqq AumIdvfr KVHy krn
vflI pfrtI pMQ aKvf skdI hY? kI hvn krn vfilaF nUM iswK ikhf jf skdf hY? kI
iswKF dy kfqlF dy mddgfrF qy AunHF nUM isropfE dyx vfly pRihlfd isMG cMzok qy
afqmf isMG lubfxf nUM idwlI coxF ivc itktF dyx vfilaF nUM ‘pMQk’ mMinaf jf skdf
hY? kI qMmfkU kMpnI qoN dfn lYx vfly iswK aKvf skdy hn? kI ryp dy muljLm ggnjIq
brnflf nUM sItF dyx vfly gurU dy gunhgfr nhIN hn?
AunHF ikhf ik bfdl akflI dl ‘pMQ’ dy nF qy votF mMg ky pMQ
lPLjL dI byadbI kr irhf hY. AunHF ikhf ik myrf isafsq nfl koeI sbMD nhIN. lok
ijs nUM mrjLI vot pfAux pr bfdl dl nUM afpxy afp nUM pMQk pfrtI nhIN kihxf
cfhIdf. ieh nfarf pMQ nfl DoKf hY. ies pfrtI df ikrdfr aYNtI-iswK hY ik nhIN
bfry do ivcfr qF ho skdy hn pr ies nUM iswK pfrtI nhIN ikhf jf skdf. AunHF ikhf
ik ieMÖ hI bfdl akflI dl nUM kFgrs nfl cox lVfeI nUM pMQ bnfm kFgrs lVfeI kihxf
iblkul gLlq hY.
jgqfr isMG jfck (inAUXfrk)
pMjfbI XunIvristI pitaflf ny ‘dsm gRMQ’ ivcoN cirqRopfiKXfn aqy
hkfieqF nUM asLlIl rcnfvF jfx ky kiZaf .
pMjfbI XUnIvristI pitaflf dy sRI gurU gRMQ sfihb aiDaYn ivBfg
vloN ‘dsm gRMQ’ df sLbdfrQ iqMn poQIaF ivwc vMz ky pRkfisLq kIqf igaf hY . pr,
KLflsf pMQ leI KusLKLbrI vflI gwl ieh hY ik XUnIvristI ny cirqRopfiKXfn aqy
jLPrnfmy nfl juVy hkfieqF vfly Bfg nUM sLbdfrQ ivwc sLfml nhI kIqf . sUJvfn
ivdvfnF ny asPotk kibqF ivwcly "KXfl . imqR ipafry nUM …[[" nUM vI rfg-bwD sLbdF
(sLbd hjLfry) dy sMgRih ivwc nhI igixaF .
pihlI poQI dI BUimkf qoN ik spsLt huMdf hY ik XUnIvristI ny ieh
ihMmq Biraf qy slfhuxXog PYslf awj qoN 25 sfl pihlF 1972 ivwc hI kr ilaf sI .
pr, ieh pRgt qdoN hoieaf jdoN sLbdfrQ Cp ky mfrkIt ivwc afieaf . aijhf joKm
Biraf qy inrxYjnk PYslf lYx leI jo AuWckotI dy ivdvfnF dI kmytI inXukq hoeI,
Auhdy knvInr sn, siqkfrXog zf[ qfrn isMG jI aqy sihXogI mYNbr sn zf[ pRym pRkfsL
isMG, zf[ jIq isMG sIql qy pRo[ gulvMq isMG . zf[ BfeI joD isMG jI vI ivsysL
swdy qy kmytI dIaF bYTkF ivwc Bfg lYdy rhy .
zfktr blkfr isMG vloN qIjI poQI dy arMB ivwc ivBfg dy muKI vjoN
hyT ilKy sLbd sMprdfeI aqy XUnIvristI dy AunHF ivdvfnF dy ivcfrnXog hn, ijhVy
ieh dfavf bMnHI bYTy hn ik ‘dsm gRMQ dI sfrI rcnf sRI gurU goibMd jI mhfrfj dI
hY . zfktr sfihb jI ilKq hY : "sRI dsm gRMQ sfihb dy krqRIqv (krqf jF ilKfrI
kOx) dI smisaf nUM ikMqU mukq ZMg nfl nhI sulJfieaf jf sikaf . ies bfry ijMnIaF
ku koisLsLF hoeIaF hn, AunHF nUM iDafn ivwc rKidaF ‘iqRaf cirqRF’ nUM sLfml nhI
kIqf igaf . ‘iqRaf cirqRF’ dI BfsLf, pRBfv aqy sur nUM iDafn ivwc rKidaF ienHF
ivwc gurmiq ankUl kuwJ vI njLr nhI afAuNdf ."
zfktr blkfr isMG jI ny ivsLysL qOr ’qy ieh vI iliKaf hY ik
BfvyN dsm gRMQ dy "prMprf ivwc nfm bdldy rhy hn, ijvyN ik ‘bicqRR nftk’, ‘dsvyN
pfqsLfh df gRMQ’ aqy (hux) ‘sRI gurU dsm gRMQ sfihb’ afid . (pr, sLbdfrQ dy
ilKfrI) BfeI rxDIr isMG aqy soDk kmytI ny ‘sLbdfrQ dsm gRMQ sfihb’ nfm pRvfn
kIqf hY . XUnIvristI dy ies Xqn nfl dsm gRMQ sfihb dI prmfixkqf vl kdm cuikaf
igaf hY . (pRMqU) ies nfl ies pfsy vI sMkyq iml jFdf hY ik ‘gurU mfinE gRMQ’ dI
mfnqf kyvl sRI gurU gRMQ sfihb nUM hI pRfpq hY ."
vloN : jgqfr isMG jfck (inAUXfrk)
sfbkf gRMQI (isMG sfihb) sRI hirmMdr sfihb cyarmYn sRI gurU gRMQ
imsLn ieMtrnYsLnl . Pon: 516, 674, 6793
gurmIq isMG afstRylIaf
akfl purK -
vfihgurU aqy BgAuqI ?
avqfr isMG jI ny bhuq ivsqfr ivc “BgAuqI aqy BgvMq” lyK duafrf jfxkfrI idWqI hY
. (www.sikhmarg.com)
ijvyN sfnMU siraF nMU pqf hY ik “isWK ardfs”, isWK rihq mrXfdf (1945, sLRomxI
gurduafrf pRbMDk kmytI, aMimRqsr) ivc aMkq hY . PuWt not duafrf ieh BI hdfieq
kIqI hoeI hY ik * ieh ardfs df nmUnf hY . “ipRQm BgOqI” vfly sLbd aqy ‘nfnk nfmf
vflIaF aMqlIaF do qukF ivc koeI qbdIlI nhIN ho skdI . sLRomxI kmytI vloN Cpy
“inqnym aqy suMdr gutikaF” ivc BI ieh ardfs drjL kIqI hoeI hY . keI lyKkF ny qF
ikqfbF ilK ky ardfs vfry bhuq jfxkfrI idWqI hoeI hY qF jo sfnMU ies dI mhWqvf df
pqf rhy ik asIN “gurU gRMQ sfihb” agy Klo ky ikvyN ardfs krnI hY .
ieMtrinWt aqy isWK mYgjLInF duafrf “bicqR nftk / dsm gRMQ” vfry kfPI crcf ho rhI
hY qF pqf lgf ik isWK ardfs dI sLurafieq “vfr durgf kI” qoN hoeI jfpdI hY . ies
vfr dIaF pihlIaF do aqy afKLIrlIaF do pAuVIaF jfxkfrI leI idWqIaF jf rhIaF hn qF
jo sfnMU pqf rhy ik asIN ardfs ikhVy BgAuqI agy kr rhyN hF ?
vfr durgf kI
ÃÄ siqgur pRsfid
sRI BgAuqI jI shfie
aQ vfr durgf kI ilKHXqy
pfiqsfhI 10
BgAuqI ismrkY gurU nfnk leI iDafie . aMgd gur qy amrdfs rfmdfsY hoeI shfie .
arjun hirgoibMd no ismro sRI hir rfie . sRI hir ikRsin iDafieaY ijsu izTy sBu
duKu jfie . qyg bhfdur ismrIaY Gir nOinD afvY Dfie . sB QfeI hoie shfie . 1 .
gurU goibMd isMG sfihb aqy gurU gRMQ sfihb df ijLkr nhIN . nfl hI aWTvyN qy
nOvyN gurU sfihbfn dI ijLafdf mhqWqf drsf idWqI ikAuNik AunHF dy idWlI ivKy
suafs KLqm hoey ?)
pRQmY sfijkY ijn sB sYsfr Aupfieaf. bRhmf ibsnu mhys sfij kudriq df Kylu bxfieaf
isMDu prbq mydnI ibnu QMmf ggn
rhfieaf . isrjy dfno dyvqy iqn aMdir bfdu rcfieaf .
qY hI durgf sfijkY dYqf df nfs
krfieaf . qYQO hI blu rfm lY nfl bfxf rfvxu Gfieaf .
qYQo hI blu ikRsn lY kMs kysI
pkiV igrfieaf. bzy bzy muin dyvqy keI jug iqnI qn qfieaf .
iknY qyrf aMq n pfieaf . 2 .
3 qoN 53)
aqy dfnvI ByV pieaf sbfhI . ssqR pjUqy durgsfh gih sBnI bfhI .
suMB insuMB sMGfiraf vQ jy hY
sfhI . PAujf rfks afrIaf vyK rovin DfhI .
muih kVUcy Gfhu dy Ciz GoVy
rfhI . Bjdy hoie mfrIan muiV Jfkin nfhI . 54 .
suMB insuMB pTfieaf jm dy Dfm
no . ieMdR sid bulfieaf rfj aiBKyK no .
isr pr CqR iPrfieaf rfjy ieMdR
dy . cAudI lokI Cfieaf jsu jgmfq df .
dugf pfT bxfieaf sBy pAuVIaf .
Pyir n jUnI afieaf ijin ieh gfieaf . 55 .
sRI durgf kI vfr smfpqM squ subm squ}
sfnMU ieh BI pqf lg igaf hY ik “kibXo bfc bynqI . cOpeI” . cirqR pKHXfno iqRXf
cirqR nMbr 404 ivcoN 377 qoN 401 nMbr bdl ky 1 qoN 25 CfpI jf rhI hY . pr nMbr
402, 403, 404 aqy 405 gutikaF ivc nhIN Cfpdy qF ik isWKF nUM pqf nf lg jfvy !
sLRomxI gurduafrf pRbMDk kmytI dI Drm pRcfr kmytI ieh vI mn rhI hY ik “cirqRo
pKXfn” jo dsm gRMQ ivWc aMikq hn, ieh ‘dsLmysL bfxI’ nhIN . ieh purfqn ihMdU
imiQhfsk sfKIaF df Auqfrf hY .
(dKo :
ienHF dI pfqI nM: 36672 imqI 3 - 8 - 1973)
cOpeI df
nfl hI sYvXf : pFie ghy jb qy qumry qb qy koAU aFK qry nhIN afnXo . aqy
dohrf :
sgl duafr kAu Cfiz kY gihE quhfro duafr. bFih ghy kI lfj as goibd dfs quhfr .
“cObIs avqfr” dy afKIrly nMbr 863 aqy 864 hyT drjL hn ?
qoN ieh jLfhr huMdf hY ik ikvyN aMimRqDfrI isWKF nMU 1945 qoN hI KMz ivc ilpyt
ky jLihr idWqI jf rhI hY aqy jy koeI gurisWK afvfjL AuTfAuNdf hY qF Aus nMU cuWp
krf idWqf jFdf hY jF iPr gurU pMQ ivcoN Cyk hI idWqf jFdf hY qF jo isWK qoqf rtn
krdy rihx !
isMG (isWznI, afstRylIaf)
27 jnvrI
bIbI hrismrq kOr KLflsf
rfmklI mhlf õ .. (øøø,
rfmklI, mhlf õ) Raamkalee, Fifth Mehl:
Bibi Harsimrat Kaur Khalsa, President
Guru Granth Parchar Mission of USA, Inc.
PO Box 65
Hayward, California 94587
(510) 432-5827
pMc sbd qh pUrn nfd ..
"The Panch Shabad, the five primal sounds, echo the perfect sound current of
the Naad."
Just as there are five vices, Guru Ji has provided us with
wonder resources to control those five vices with these five counterparts. What
exactly are these five primal sounds? Does sound really exist? Not at all. What
is sound? Sound is the brain’s interpretation of waves bouncing on the eardrum.
The distance between wave crests determine high pitch or low pitch. Whales
probably have the keenest sense of hearing and range of voice. Sound cannot be
measured infinitely. Some wave crests can be miles apart, while others are
infinitely close. This is the infinity realm which is beyond man’s sense and
reason. It is the pure action of God’s hukam. Everything surrounding you,
including your inner self are a product of these waves and infinite invisible
bits of matter governed by the completeness of the Almighty, compassionate
anhd bfjy acrj ibsmfd ..
"The wondrous, amazing un-struck melody vibrates."
The shabads in Guru Granth Sahib are written in raags to teach
us of the unlimited perfect harmony of the universe, the righteousness of God’s
Kingdom which is the house of God, the body of God, and sach khand Reality. Rare
is the person who comes to this realization. How is this melody un-struck? There
cannot be a melody without playing the musical instruments. One explanation is
that the melody of truth is always there, but the vibrations have not struck the
minds of those who are trapped in maya materialism of the five vices. In other
words, there is no stimulation in the brain to trigger the parasympathetic
nervous system to allow the body to relax. The un-struck melody of shabad does
not require the vibrations of an instrument. There is a melody that man cannot
create. This is the un-struck melody of reality and truth. The melody is the
patterns of reality as taught in the Guru Granth Sahib. It is a lovely melody of
salvation, wisdom, comfort, enlightenment, inspiration and stimulation to
function properly in life. People waste thousands of dollars on melodies that do
not really help them, but little do they realize that the melody of Gurbani is
free. The more you listen, the more you want.
kyl krih sMq hir log ..
"The Saintly people play there with the Lord."
Saintly people are those who have the wisdom to discern between
what is good for you and what is bad for you. They also practice what they
preach and encourage others into the path of truthfulness. What is the meaning
of play? Play is an activity of sharing enjoyable time with an object or with
someone else. Children spend most of their time playing, sometimes dramatic
scenes of rescue, sometimes of competition, and sometimes just to laugh. The
mind explores reality in play. Play is also learning. Play time is important for
children in school, because if they are deprived of it, they will never develop
an interest in the important things of life. Drama rescue play allows the
children to deal with conflicts in life. This will help them to develop their
survival skills. What is playing with God? God made the game of life, and He
wants all of us to win, that is why He provided all the game pieces and the
scenes. This game is easy, but we make it difficult if we denied the rules and
purposes of the game. Nobody wants to lose any game, so they do their best to
lean the rules and the tricks. When it comes to living in reality, rare are the
individuals who study the rules and strategies. Guru Granth Sahib is that very
game manual that we need to win the game. Who are we competing against? Who is
our enemy. Our enemy is Satan, which is our ego in five parts. Kaam krod, lobh,
moh, and ahankaar. When we have victory over each area of our vices, we declare
the victory of God,"Khoob, khoob, khoob, khoob Tera naam." When we fall sucker
to each of our vices, we are like animals,
kUkrh sUkrh grDBh kfkh srpnh quil Klh ..óó.. (ñóõö,
shsikRqI, mhlf õ) That blockhead is just a dog, a pig, a jackass, a crow, a snake.
||33||" So there are five animals listed with the most intelligent animal (dog)
first, then each animal following is less intelligent progressively. We have a
choice of the panch shabad or the panch shatreyn as we move our game pieces. One
leads to happiness, health, and success and the other leads to blindness, pain,
greed, and loss.
pfrbRhm pUrn inrjog ..ñ..
"They remain totally detached, absorbed in the Supreme Lord God. ||1||"
We cannot detach ourselves from the world in which we live, but
we can detach ourselves from our blind perspectives of reality. When we begin to
see God in everything, when we humble ourselves and acknowledge God everywhere
and every time, then we realize lose our ego
hA and mYN.
sUK shj afnMd Bvn ..
"It is the realm of celestial peace and bliss."
Everyone you go, there is peace and bliss, because God is
always at peace and bliss, and He is everywhere at the same time. When we
experience chaos, it is not because of God, but because of our blindness. People
commit evil things, but that should not rob you of your peace and bliss. If you
experience any trauma, it is first better to calm yourself down before you
react. When you are calm, you can think clearly of what you want and what you
need, and the best way to help yourself. This is where Guru Gian already planted
deep in the mind comes to the rescue.
sfDsMig bYis gux gfvih qh rog sog nhI jnm mrn ..ñ.. rhfAu ..
"The Saadh Sangat, the Company of the Holy, sits and sings the Glorious
Praises of the Lord. There is no disease or sorrow there, no birth or death.
Disease is also a natural phenomena created by God. If we don’t
keep ourselves clean, then the hukam of God is we will get sick and pass the
disease to others. Sangat sits in harmony and in agreement of Guru’s wisdom.
Sangat is not simply a Sikh concert in a gurdwara where people show off their
fancy suit styles and gossip about each other. Sangat can be any area where wise
gursikhs dwell, encouraging each other, teaching each other, sharing with each
other of the delicious delicacies of Guru Granth Sahib. When we realize God. we
lose focus on pain, disease, and birth and death, because everything is just a
mere continuation of God’s hukam. We need to follow the raag of reality to
benefit from life. Birth and death are no longer realized at this point, because
we don’t even understand half the concepts of birth and death, and we have made
up these concepts, not God. When you die, you are still in the universe, still a
part of reality. There is no escape from God. When you are born, you did not
come from anywhere else. There is no distance, height, length, or time in sach
khand. Everything is always in the center of God.
AUhf ismrih kyvl nfmu ..
"There, they meditate only on the Naam, the Name of the Lord."
What is this naam name? Name is something we label attributed to something
else’s attributes to help us identify and remember in the future. God doesn’t
really have a name, yet we give Him countless names. Naam is everything that we
benefit from, as provided by God and as Guru Granth Sahib shows us. Naam is the
source of the gifts. Sat Naam is the gift of reality that we ignore or are
afraid to learn about.
ibrly pfvih Ehu ibsRfmu ..
"How rare are those who find this place of rest."
Why are they rare who find this? What can we do to make more
people aware. First, people must be willing to learn. Second, there must be
people who are capable and willing to sacrifice their lives to education society
of this perfect unstruck melody of Shabad. Third, we must protect our listeners
from kache banee preachers who twist Gurbani to try to Hinduize the Sangat
against Guru’s teachings. The numbers do not have to be rare that find this
place of rest. If we can make the number more, then there is greater hope for
world peace.
Bojnu BfAu kIqn afDfru ..
"The love of God is their food, and the Kirtan of the Lord's Praise is their
What is food? It is the grace of God’s essence which is the
foundation for the composition of food. When a gurmukh eats food and enjoys it,
he realizes it is the flavor of Amrit Guru gian that reminds him that the
Creator is what one should crave for, and not for the creation.
inhcl afsnu bysumfru ..ò..
"They obtain a permanent seat in the infinite. ||2||"
The manmukh strives to seat in a high seat, but the gurmukh
realizes that no matter how low the seat is in which one is seated appears to
the naked eye, high and low have no definition in the realm of infinity. There
is no distance, height, size, or length in infinity. Everything is right in the
center of the universe. Man’s perception is a lie. The highest seat is to be
seated comfortably and confidently in the Royal Cruise liner of Gurbani. All
seats are executive first class, free of charge.
izig n zolY kqhU n DfvY ..
"No one falls there, or wavers, or goes anywhere."
The ship of Guru gian can hold the entire population of the
world. It can never overload and sink. The ship does not travel anywhere,
because everywhere is the same place. We see the hukam of God’s operation, then
we mistakenly judge God according to our understanding of the nowhere in which
we travel. Everything is the same, the process of the stability of will of God.
There is nowhere to go where God is not, because a God is within and without all
the universe. The manmukh ends up going somewhere else where there is no God,
and this is not a geographical place, but a state of mind – Hell, depression,
unproductivity", falsehood, greed, pride, ego, anger, lust, over
gur pRsfid ko iehu mhlu pfvY ..
By Guru's Grace, some find this mansion."
Where is God’s mansion? It is everywhere you go. God’s mansion
has an infinite number of glorious rooms of intrinsic beauty and power. We are
all standing, sitting, running, flying, sleeping, eating, etc. in the expanse of
the body of God. The only way to realize this is to listen to what Guru Ji
teaches us; listening with the mind. The extension God is in His creation, and
because of His grace of educating us with nature, we also can be made aware of
where we abide. If we do not learn Guru Granth Sahib, we will remain wandering
lost in the only home that exists.
BRm BY moh n mfieaf jfl ..
"They are not touched by doubt, fear, attachment or the traps of Maya."
The more one understands Guru gian wisdom, the more power he has not to be
blinded by his five vices.
suMn smfiD pRBU ikrpfl ..ó..
"They enter the deepest state of Samaadhi, through the kind mercy of God.
Sanyasis work hard to achieve samaadhi by torturing their
bodies with severe disciplines, even to go as far as not to eat for many days to
become like God. Noone can become like God, since nothing is like God, but one
can negate his ego and realize that he cannot exist apart from God. God’s atam
essence sustains us and makes us.
qf kf aMqu n pfrfvfru ..
"He has no end or limitation."
Behold God’s handiwork which is beyond measure, so is God
afpy gupqu afpy pfsfru ..
"He Himself is unmanifest, and He Himself is manifest."
What He has manifested is in His creation. What is unmanifest is our limited
perceptions of His glory contain within and without all His
jf kY aMqir hir hir suafdu ..
"One who enjoys the taste of the Lord, Har, Har, deep within himself,"
King David live thousands of years ago in Judea, and the oldest
known text of attributing flavor to God is recorded in his Psalms 34:9 "Taste
and see that the Lord is good, happy is the person who trusts in Him." In the
previous verse, David declares..."from all sufferings He saves the humble who
calls upon Him." To call upon God means to get a vision of what God is and where
we are. If we consider reality by probing beyond are preconceived greedy ways,
we will be able to know how call upon God. God is not waiting for us to call
Him, but we are waiting for ourselves to call Him. Calling God means to accept
Sach Khande, the hukam of God.
khnu n jfeI nfnk ibsmfdu ..ô..ù..òú
"O Nanak, his wondrous state cannot be described. ||4||9||20||"
Why can’t this gurmukh’s wonderous state be described? Because
unless you experience the taste of Amrit, you cannot relate it to anything else
you have experienced. And once you do experience the flavor of Amrit, then you
realize that all the so called "great experiences you have lived through are
nothing compared to the taste of God. Amrit Gurbani is a new experience and a
new taste each time we learn from it. The taste is the same, the taste of truth,
but each time you taste it, there is a refreshing enhancement we sense, because
the more we taste it, the more we delve into the richness of Guru Ji’s wisdom.
If children are deprived of healthy fresh vegetables in their diet, there will
be a natural tendency for them never to taste them. In fact, many people around
the world refuse to taste something they never had before. Even if you convince
them of the benefits of eating certain foods, they will still remain in their
blinds ways. Amrit bani is the most beneficial food for the soul. The ancient
Isaiah asked (55:1 -2), "Ho, every one that is thirsty, come to the waters, and
he that has no money, come and buy, eat...without money. Why do you spend money
for that which is not bread? And your labor for that which does not satisfy?
Hearken diligently tome and eat that which is good, and let your soul delight
itself in fatness." This is simply the experience of what Guru Ramdas declares
(kfnVf, mhlf ô ñòùö) qumry gun
ajm agocr eyk jIh ikaf kQY ibcfrI rfm rfm rfm rfm rfm lfl ‘‘Your glorious virtues are inaccessible and unfathomable; how can my
one poor tongue describe them? Oh my Beloved Lord, Raam Raam Raam Raam."
qumry gun akQ kQf qU qU qU hI
jfnih hAu hir jip BeI inhfl inhfl inhfl[ Oh Dear Lord,
You, You, You alone know Your unspoken speech, I have become enraptured,
ecstatic, overjoyed, meditating on the Lord. (1296).
In conclusion, people go out of the way and waste too much time
on self destruction by following our selfish greed and impulses of our five
vices. Some realize and some don’t. Children are raised in America eating junk
foods full of high sugars, unprocessed flour, fat, and no nutritional values.
Many of these children develop diabetes by the age of 5 years. Guru Gian teaches
us also to take care of our bodies. Part of living truthful means to follow
God’s hukam of eating health to stay healthy. Not only are we required to
physically stay healthy, but we must feed our minds to help maintain our health.
It’s not enough just to refrain from drug abuse and alcohol, we must refrain
from anything that is harmful to us, including associations with people of
negative influences in our lives, negative habits, and negative environments.
Once we deprive our ego of these, the mind will be free to learn the menu of
Guru Granth Sahib.
avqfr isMG imsLnrI aqy sfQI
idwlHI ivKy
srnf BrfvF dI ijwq-bfdl dI krfrI hfr dI idwlHI dIaF sMgqF nUM vDfeI aqy isMG
sfihb pRo[ drsLn isMG dy ley gey stYNz dI slfGf aqy hmfieq
iswK pMQ ivwc sfDvfd aqy afr aYs aYs nUM BrvIN hmfieq dy ky pRPuilq krn vfly
bfdl dl dI krfrI hfr iswK pMQ vfsqy KusLKbrI hY jo ho rhIaF pMjfb coxF ivwc vI
bfdlI toly dy pr kuqr skdI hY. asIN jfqI qOr qy bfdl dy ivroDI nhIN pr pMQk qOr
qy ijnHF nuksfn pMQ qy pMQk mrXfdf df ies ny kIqf hY sLfied hI iksy iswK lIzr ny
kIqf hovy. ies leI asIN bfdl sfihb nUM slfh idMdy hF ik ijvyN AunHF ny akflI dl
nUM pMjfbI pfrtI bfxf idwqf hY EvyN hI akflI dl dI pRDfngI Cwzky pMjfbI pfrtI dy
pRDfn bx jfx ikAuNik jd iewk iswK akflI dl df pRDfn ho ky mwTF aqy pfKMzI sfDF
dy zyiraF qy nwk rgVdf, jgrfqy krfAuNdf, homkrdf aqy mn GVq dyvI nUM cuMnI cVHf
ky pUjf krdf hY qF Auh akflI dl df pRDfn nhIN aKvf skdf. hF Bfjpf nfl rl ky
BfvyN jo mrjI krI jfvy pr akflI ho ky nhIN. idwlIH dIaF sMgqF aqy Kfs krky srnf
Brf vDfeI dy pfqr hn ijnHF ny bfbf ivrsf isMG vrgy pfKMzI sfD jo aKOqI dsm gRMQ
df pujrI qy pRcfrk hY, dy zyry qy nwk rGVn vfly bfdl nUM idwlHI coN KdyV idwqf
dUjy pfsy pRo[drsLn isMG jI jo iswK kOm dy AuGy pRcfrk, Dfrimk lIzr aqy inrol
gurU gRMQ sfihb jI dI bfxI aqy iswK rihq mrXfdf df pRcfr krdy hn AunHF dI byloVI
nukqfcInI aqy ivroDqf bfdl qy vydFqI dy hmfieqI sLRomxI kmytI mYNbr kr rhy hn qy
AunHF nUM akfl qKq qy bulfAux dIaF gwlF krdy hn. jo Kud afp iswK rihq mrXfdf dI
AulMGxf krn krky qnKfhIey hn. AunHF nUM koeI hwk nhIN ik iswK kOm dy inDVk
pRcfrk nUM DmkIaF dy ky pMQ df hor nuksfn krn. hF jy vfikaf hI bfdl, vydFqI aqy
sRomxI kmytI mYbr kuJ krnf cfhUMdy hn qF srnf BrfvF dI qrHF ijvyN AunHF ny idwlI
kmytI pRbMD aDIn gurduafiraf ivwc iswK rihq mrXfdf lfgU kIqI hY EvyN hI sLoRmxI
kmytI dy pRbMD aDIn gurduafiraf ivwc iswK rihq mrXfdf lfgU krn aqy iPr bfkI dysL
ivdysL dy gurduafiraF dy pRbMDkF, gRMQIaF aqy pRcfrkF nUM vI bfeI afrzr lfgU krn
dI purjor hdfieq krn.gurU sfihb ny KLflsf pMQ sfijaf sI nf ik zyry aqy sMpRdfvF,
votF Kfqr EQy jfxf bMd krn, ies ivwc hI iswK pMQ
pMjfb, pMjfbIaF aqy dysL df Blf ho skdf hY.
pfKMzI qy ivBcfrI
mfn isMG phyvy ivruwD sMGrsL kmytI dy cyarmYn zf[ gurivMdr isMG smrf, skwqr BfeI
sfihb isMG aqy krnl sMDU vloN ley sKq stYNz aqy ivwZy sMGrsL dI BrvIN hmfieq
sMqF sfDF dy ilbfs ivwc ivcr rhy pfKMzI qy ByKI lok ikrqIaF df iekwlf DMn dOlq
hI nhIN lutdy sgoN AunHF dIaF bhU bytIaF dI iejLq vI sLryaFm luwt rhy hn.ijvyN
purfqn smyN msMd ivBcfrI ho gey sI qy gurU ny AunHF nUM sKq qoN sKq sjfvF dy ky
msMd pRQf hI bMd kr idwqI sI. ievyN hI awj KMuBF dI qrFH Auwgy hoey ByKI qy
ivBcfrI sMqF nUM sKq qoN sKq sjf dy ky sMq pRQf hI iswK kOm vloN bMd kr dyxI
cfhIdI hY. iPr sMqF dy zyry jo ivBcfr dy awzy bxy hoey hn afpxy afp bMd ho
jfxgy. jy gurU nfnk jI qoN lY ky iswK imslF dy aMq qwk iksy iswK ny vI afpxy nFm
nfl sMq sLbd nhIN joiVaf qF awj dy afpUM bxy sfDF nUM sMq sLbd dI izgrI iks ny
idwqI hY? awj kfby coN hI kuPr AuwT irhf hY, Bfv sRI drbfr sfihb, akfl qKq
sfihb, sLRomxI akflI dl aqy sLRomxI kmytI ivwc ieh sfD qy sMpRdfeI GusV cuwky
hn. jo afpxIaF mn mfnIaF kr rhy hn. akfl qKq ijs dI rcnf jI ieMnsfP leI kIqI geI
sI EQy vI ieMnsfP nhIN iml irhf. pYsy qy pfrtI Kfqr sB isDFq Kqm kIqy jf rhy hn.
koeI smF sI jd KLflsf pMQ dusLmx dIaF bhU bytIaF dI iejLq dI vI rwiKaf krdf sI
pr awj KLflsf pMQ aMdr vVy hMkfrI, ivkfrI qy mkfrI sfDF ny iswKF dIaF hI bhU
bytIaF dI iejLq rolxI sLurU kr idwqI hY. ijnHF lVkIaF dI akfl qKLq dy aKOqI
jQydfr vydFqI ny vI nhIN suxI Auh hux ies nvIN bxI sMGrsL kmytI kol afpxI Pirafd
sbUqF smyq lY ky afeIaF hn. pihly krnl sMDU qy hux zf[ smrf qy BfeI sfihb isMG
jI iewk sLMGrsL kmytI dy rUp ivwc AunHF nUM ieMnsfP idvfAux leI mYdfn ivwc
inwqry hn. AunHF nUM ies sfD vwloN krVF rupey dI pysLksL vI kIqI jf rhI hY ik
myrf KihVf Cwzo. asIN sfry ienHF AudmI qy bhfdr vIrF dI pur jor hmfieq aqy
sLlfgf krdy hoey smuwcy pMQ nUM sinmr bynqI krdy hF ik Auh vI ienFH vIrF df sfQ
idMdy hoey sMq pRQf hI bMd krvfAux. ies ivwc hI pMQ df Blf hY.
-ieh ibafn hyTF ilKIaF pMQk jQybMdIaF vloN jfrI kIqf jFdf hY-
ieMtRnYsLnl bfbf bMdf isMG bhfdr susfietI inAujfrk, ieMtRnYsLnl isMG sBf amrIkf
knyzf XUint, gurU gRMQ pRcfr imsLn afP XU aYws ey, bfbf dIp isMG tksfl phUivMz,
dl KLflsf alfies, imsLnrI srkl kYlyPornIaF, gurmiq pRsfr sBf sYkrfmYNto, gurmiq
sihq sBf by-eyrIaf aqy amrIkf knyzf dIaF smuwcIaF pMQ drdI sMgqF afidk.
(kI qusIN gurU
nfnk qoN gurU goibMd isMG aqy gurU gRMQ sfihb jI dy isWK ho? kI qusIN bysLrm aqy
ZIT isWK qF nhIN ho, ijhVy ik afpxI gurU dI byiejLqI huMdI ZIT bx ky dyK rhy ho?
kI dsm gRMQ ivcly luwc puxy nUM gurU dy nfm nfl juVy hox krky qusIN koeI sLrm
mihsUs nhIN krdy? jy kr qusIN do ku prisMt vI sLrm mihsUs krdy ho qF ies 16 vyN
cirWqr bfry jo vIcfr hrmnjIq isMG mfn ny aMgryjLI ivc ilKy hn iehnf nUM afp pVHo
aqy hornf nUM pVHfE-sMpfdk)
ieh pVHn leI aqy zfAunloz
krn leI ieWQy kilk kro jI. ieh PfeIl mfeIkrosOPt vrz ivc hY.
pRYWs irlIjL
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Press release
For Immidiate Release
Guru Gobind Singh ji’s Birth-anniversary celebrated by Sikhs with fervor in
‘isWK mfrg’ dy
pfTkF nUM bynqI
asIN ‘isWK mfrg’ dy pfTkF nUM
bynqI krdy hF ik jy kr Auhnf dI ikqfbF pVHn ivc idlcspI hY qF Auh hyT ilKIaF
ikqfbF jrUr pVHn. pihlI ikqfb, muMbeI dI iek sLrDfvfn bIbI ijhVI ik isWKI nUM
smripq hY, Aus dI ilKI hoeI hY ieh ikqfb bwicaF vfsqy hY. BfvyN ik asI gurUaF
dIaF nklI mUrqF nfl sihmq nhIN aqy ieh vI jrUrI nhIN ik qusIN sfzI hr gwl nfl
sihmq hovo. ieh CotI ijhI ikqfb qusIN muPLq zfAunloz kr ky pVH skdy ho aqy pirMt
kr skdy ho.
ikqfb bIbI jI dy lVky dy kMm dI sfeIt qoN zfAunloz krn leI ieWQy kilk kro jI.
ijvyN ik pfTkF nUM pqf hI hY
ik ipCly kuwJ hPiqaF ivc pRo: qrlocn isMG ‘mhfjn’ jI dy lyK gurbfxI aqy igafn
ivigafn nfl sMbMDq Cpy sn. Auhnf dIaF do ikqfbF, ‘jIvn qoN mOq df sPr’ aqy
‘gurbfxI ivc mOjUdf aqy BivwKq ivigafn’ bfry hn. iek
ikqfb dI kImq 400 rupey smyq zfkKrc hY aqy dUsrI dI kImq jo vI TIk lwgy, dy skdy
ho. Auhnf nfl sMprk krn leI PUn nMbr hY- 9888169226
srvjIq isMG
siqkfr Xog s: mwKx isMG jI
vfihgurU jI kf Kflsf vfihgurU jI kI Piqh.
5 jnvrI dy hPqfvfrI aKbfr ‘hmdrd’ ivc s: mlkIq isMG (skwqr
akflI df bfdl) aqy s: bKÈIÈ isMG mUDl (shfiek skwqr irNcmMz ihwl gurdvfrf sfihb,
inAUXfrk) df ibafn Cipaf sI. ijs ivc dovF vIrF ny dsm gRMQ sbMDI inAUjrsI `c
hoeI knvYnÈn nMU pMQ leI Gfqk dwisaf sI. ieh ibafn nMU pVHn AupRMq pYdf hoey
sMikaF dI invrqI leI mY sbMDq aKbfr nMU pwqr Byijaf sI. pRYs dIaF nYiqk kdrf
kImqF dI pflxf kr idaF hoieaf sMpfdk df ieh Prj sI ik Auh iksy vI ilKq dy
KMzn-mMzn nUM afpxI aKbfr ivc Xog QF dyvy, pr ies aKbfr dy sMpfdk ny iek Kfs rMg
dI pwqrkfrI df sbUq idMidaf hoieaf myry pwqr nMU, do vfr tYlIPUn qy bynqI krn dy
bfvjUd vI nhI Cfipaf. afp jI nMU bynqI hY ik ies pwqr nMU afpxI vYb sfeIt qy
pfAux dI ikRpflqf krnI jI. pfTkF nMU vI bynqI hY ik jy kr koeI pfTk ies pwqr nMU
AupRokq vIrF qwk pujdf kr dyvy qF DMnvfdI hovfgf.
s: mlkIq isMG aqy s:bKÈIÈ isMG mUDl jI, afp jI dy bcn, ‘ik iek
do bulfiraF ƒ Cwz ky bfkI sfry bulfiraF ny iswK pMQ vloN pRvfinq bfxIaF aqy pMQ
pRvfinq ardfs Aupr ijs qrHF itwpxIaF kIqIaF geIaF Auh pMQ ivroDIaF dI nIqI df
ihwsf sn’.
ieh TIk hY ik pMQ pRmfxq rihq mrXfdf ivc inqnym aqy KMzy dI
puhl iqafr krn vyly pVIaF jfx vflIaF bfxIaF aqy ardfs drj hY. jdo asI dsm gRMQ
dI aslIaq nMU sMgqF awgy pysL krdy hf qF mrXfdf qy vI ikquM pRqUM ho jfdf hY.
mrXfdf ivc soD krvfAux vfilaf nMU qF afp jI pMQ ivroDIaF df iKqfb idMdy ho, pr
ies nMU rwd krky afpxI vwKrI mrXfdf bxfAux vfilaF bfry afp jI dy kI ivcfr
awgy afp jI df ibafn, ik dsm gRMQ ptnf sfihb qy hËUr sfihb qKqF
Aupr purfqn smyN qoN hI pRkfÈ huMdf af irhf hY. inhMg jQybMdIaF aqy dmdmI tksfl
vI dsm gRMQ df pRkfÈ lMmy arsy qoN krdI af rhI hY.
vIr jI, pMQ pRmfxq rihq mrXfdf ivc pMnf 13 Aupr ieh vI drj
h) sRI gurU gRMQ sfihb jI dy vfkr (quwl) iksy pusqk nUM asQfpn
nhIN krnf. gurduafry ivc koeI mUrqI-pUjf jF hor gurimq dy ivruWD koeI rIqI jF
sMskfr nf hovy, nf hI koeI anmq df iqAuhfr mnfieaf jfvy. hF, iksy mOky jF
iewkqRqf nUM gurimq dy pRcfr leI vrqxf aXog nhIN.
ptnf sfihb, hËUr sfihb inhMg jQybMdIaF aqy dmdmI tksfl vlo lMmy
arsy qoN pMQ pRmfxq rihq mrXfdf dI kIqI jFdI avwigaF vfry afp jI dy kI ivcfr hn
?. vIr jI kuJ sMsQfvF ny gurU goibMd isMG jI df pRkfsL idhfVf bRfhmxI klMzr
muqfibk 27 nbMbr nMU mnfieaf sI jdo ik ieh pMQ pRmfxq nfnksLfhI klMzr muqfibk 5
jnvrI nMU sI . ies vqIry bfry afp jI kI ivcfr hn? kI AupRokq vrnx sMsQfvF ivc
pMQ pRvfxq rihq mrXfdf lfgU hY?
afp jI df ibafn, ik pMjy qKqF dy jQydfr,
sMq smfj, inhMg isMG jQybMdIaF ny iek mwq ho ky PYslf ilaf sI ik dsm gRMQ Aupr
koeI vI ivvfd nhIN KVHf krnf. vIr jI, ieh PYslf kdo aqy ikQy hoieaf sI ?.
afp jI df aglf svfl, ies sbMDI iswK afgUaF ny suafl kIqf hY ik
dsm gurU sRI gurU goibMd isMG ny jo afpxy ipCly jnm bfry iliKaf hY ijhVf ik
hymkuMt sfihb nfl sbMiDq hY kI ieh sfzf qIrQ asQfn nhIN hY?.
(pfTkf nMu bynqI
hY ik hymkuMt dI aslIaq nMU smJx leI iesy vYb sfeIt qy purfxy lyKF ivc ‘dsm gMRQ
bfry lyK’ ivc iqMn lyK hn, nUM pVHn dI Kycl kr lYxI jI)
vIr jI bynqI hY ik gurU goibMd isMG jI nMU gurgwdI 1675 ivc
imlI sI Aus qo pihlf (1666-1675) Auh sfzy gurU nhI sn. pr afp jI qf gwl hI ipCly
jnm dI kr rhy ho. ipCly jnm ivc AuhnF df sfzy nfl kI irsLqf sI? qIrQ bfry
gurbfxI ivc qF ieh drj hY
qIrQu hmrf hir ko nfm. guir Aupdyisaf qqu igafn. rhfAu.(pMnf
cwlo jy afp jI ieh mMndy hI ho ik ieh gurU jI dI afpxI ilKq hY
qF afpf ies bfry hor ivcfr krdy hf.
ab mY apnI kQf bKfno. qp sfDq ijh ibiD muih afno.
hym kuMt prbq hY jhF. spq isMRg soiBq hY qhF.1.
ieh pMgqIaF bicqR nftk CyvY aiDafey (ijs dy kul 64 CMd hn) ivc
drj hn. ijs nMU sfzy pRcfrkF vlo gurU goibMd isMG jI dI afqm kQF kih ik pRcfiraF
jfdf hY. bicqR nftk ivc qF ieh vI drj hY ik ieh isRstI kMnF dI mYl qo bxI hY. kI
afp jI ies nfl sihmwq ho?
eyk sRvx qy mYl inkfrf. qf qy mDU kIytB qn Dfrf.
duqIaF kfn qy mYl inkfrI. qf qy BeI isRsit ieh sfrI. 13.
(aiDafey dUjf)
vIr jI aigafnI pUrn isMG ny iswKF nMU lv-kusL dI aOlfd vI iesy
bicqR nftk df hvflf dy ky hI ikhf sI. kI qusI afpxy afp nMU lv-kusL dI Aulfd
mMndy ho?
bynqI hY ik dfs nMU kfly jf icwty aPgfny dy cyly df iKqfb dyx
dI QF koeI Tos sbUqF dy aDfr qy jfxkfrI dyx dI ikRpflqf krnI jI qF jo ies sMbfd
nMU AusfrU qrIky nfl awgy qoiraf jf sky.
hoeIaF BulF leI iKamf krnf jI.
afp jI dy AuWqr dI AuzIk ivc
srvjIq isMG
zf: hrijMdr isMG 'idlgIr'
1999 qoN awj qk
sLRomxI gurduafrf pRbMDk kmytI dy PLMzF ivwcoN Gt qoN Gt 1000 kroV rupY df gLbn
kIqf jf cuikaf hY- zf[ idlgIr
mohflI- iswK ieiqhfskfr zfktr
hrijMdr isMG idlgIr ny iek ibafn ivc ikhf hY ik 1999 qoN awj qk sLRomxI
gurduafrf pRbMDk kmytI dy PLMzF ivwcoN Gt qoN Gt 1000 kroV rupY df gLbn kIqf jf
cuikaf hY. sLRomxI kmytI df qkrIbn 200 kroV df bjt pfs kIqf jFdf hY. ieMj hI Drm
prcfr kmytI df vI sfl df 30 kroV rupY df bjt huMdf hY. aj klH sLRomxI kmytI dy
bjt ivwcoN 50 qoN 70 PLI sdI qk dI rkm zkfrI jf rhI hY. ies ivc gurduafiraF vsqy
kIqy gey KLrcy dy ibwlF nUM bxvfAux ivc kIqI jFdI hyrf PLyrI, nklI ibwl, sfmfn
dI corI vI sLfiml hn. bhuqy gurduafiraF dy mYnyjr, AunHF df ihsfb cYWk krn vfly
ieMspYktr, skwqr, sLRomxI kmytI dy mYNbr, akflI afgU ies ivwcoN ihwsf KFdy hn.
keI vfr qF ies corI ivc eynI cflfkI vI kr leI jFdI hY ik iek-iek lwK rupY df
sfbn hI KLrId ilaf jFdf hY.
Drm prcfr kmytI df PLMz skUlF
kfljF nUM grFtF dyx, gurduafiraF nUM ‘shfieqf’ dyx, Drm prcfr dIaF kfgLjLI
kfrvfeIaF ‘qy Krcx dy nF qy KLUb luwt mcfeI jFdI hY.
ies qoN ielfvf drbfr sfihb
KLfs kr ky aqy hor vI bhuq sfry gurduafiraF ivc sMgqF vwloN cVHfieaf igaf dUjf
sfmfn vI mYnyjrF, lokl sLRomxI kmytI mYNbr, skwqrF, sLRomxI kmytI dy sInIar
ahudydfrF qy sInIar akflI afgUaF dy GrF ivc phuMc jFdf hY ijhVy afpxy Gr dI loV
vfsqy sfmfn rwKx mgroN bfkI df sfmfn vyc dyNdy hn. ienHF sfiraF dy GrF ivc
vwloN ByNt kIqy hoey kImqI sfmfn nfl Bry iml jfxgy. ienHF sfiraF df GrF df rfsLn
vI gurduafiraF dy lMgrF ivcoN jFdf hY.
ies qrHF sLRomxI kmytI qy Drm
prcfr kmytI df qkrIbn 150 kroV ruipaf hr sfl corI ho jFdf hY. gurcrn isMG tOhVf
dy huMidaF ieh corI 20 qoN 30 PLI sdI sI jo hux 50 qoN 70% ho cukI hY. ieMj 1999
qoN 2006 qk qkrIbn 1000 kroV ruipaf iswKF df cVHfvf TwgF, lutyiraF dI awXfsLI
vfsqy KLricaf jf cukf hY.
bIbI hrismrq kOr KLflsf
rfmklI mhlf ó anMdu (ùñ÷)
Raamkalee, Third Mehl, Anand ~ The Song Of Bliss:
Bibi Har Simrat Kaur Khalsa
Guru Granth Parchar Mission of USA, Inc.
(510) 432-5827
ÃÄ siqgur pRsfid ..
One Universal Creator God. By The Grace of The True
anMdu Bieaf myrI mfey siqgurU mY pfieaf ..
"I am in ecstasy, O my mother, for I
have found my True Guru."
This shabad focuses on the great joy, the benefits of
Amrit Bani on that everyone is invited to partake of free of cost. Ecstasy if
the first word used, to emphasize the Gurbani’s effects on man, helping him to
reach higher levels of improvement. Guru Ji is addressing his mother here,
because normally infants have much more contact with the nurturing mother than
their father. Mothers nurse the babies while the fathers are off to work. The
baby communicates to his mother that he is very satisfied with what he
experiences from her. A hungry baby wants nothing more than his mother’s breast
– a natural experience. So why does Guru Ji address his mother, and who is he
referring to as his mother? How has he found Sat Guru his nurturing mother of
wisdom. What is Sat Guru? The thrid was Guru at the time he composed this hymn,
so who is he referring to as Sat Guru? He is referring to truthful knowledge,
good news for man’s success embodied in Guru Granth Sahib. This is the gospel
that Guru Nanak preached 500 years ago. God is our father as well as our mother.
Truthful knowledge is the nursing milk me must ingest and digest for
siqguru q pfieaf shj syqI min vjIaf
vfDfeIaf ..
"I have found the True Guru,
with intuitive ease, and my mind vibrates with the music of bliss."
Gur Ji repeats that he has
found Sat Gur a second time, because he is showing that the first time you learn
and understand Guru’s teaching, you begin to experience it in your everyday
walk. All nature testifies of the glory and grace of God. We first hear about it
in Gurbani, then we process it in our minds, then we reflect on it in our daily
routines. We observe the mountains, star, sun, beauty of nature and understand
nature better, the product of God’s great hukam will. Again and again we
acknowledge the wisdom of Guru Ji. This is because Guru knowledge brings
comfort, ease, and reinforcement in all challenges in our lives. The vibrations
in the mind of music is a way of explaining the high technological electrical
phenomena that occurs in our brain when we are enlightened, happy, and at ease.
What is music? You see, it is infinite like numbers and fractions. There is no
such thing as sound, it is only the frequencies and patterns of vibrations of
energy waves that pound on the eardrum, then interpreted by the
rfg rqn prvfr prIaf sbd gfvx afeIaf ..
"The jeweled melodies and their related
celestial harmonies have come to sing the Word of the Shabad."
A jewel is rare and
beautify. People spend too much money for jewels or for false sources of
happiness and success. The jewel of Naam resounding in the mind cost can never
be estimated. Harmony in music is the sounds that appear to complement one
another. If one is sad, then negative feelings do not match, and the person will
remain depressed. If he hears truth of the love of God, for example, his brains
starts to dance with constructive vibrations that produce healing and happiness.
Shabad in the brain is a divine concert of God’s hukam. It is the processing of
powerful information that vibrates the entire universe. "This is the home of
Naam eternally, the devotional treasure house." hm Gir
nfmu Kjfnf sdf hY Bgiq Bry BMzfrf .. (õùó, vzhMsu, mhlf ó)[ The key to this treasure is deep within us. When we hear
and learn Guru Ji’s wisdom, then our mind process the information with reactions
throughout the body to help us. The processes in our minds and bodies are
because of the grace of God, not just our own egotistic skills.
sbdo q gfvhu hrI kyrf min ijnI vsfieaf ..
"The Lord dwells within the minds of those who sing the
does not need us to be his home to dwell. The shabad is simply explaining that
all the constructive activities in our brains to our bodies start by allowing
the symphony of God to be struck in the mind. It’s not about singing hymns
outwardly. It is all about allowing the wisdom of the shabads to minister us to
energize us, to feed us.
khY nfnku anMdu hoaf
siqgurU mY pfieaf ..ñ..
"Says Nanak, I
am in ecstasy, for I have found my True Guru. ||1||"
He quotes that this is how
Guru Nanak found ecstacy. The same way. He focuses on reality that he realized,
then shared it with humanity, because he was a sacrifice for the rest of the
world to be educated the same way. When we accept the natural laws of God, this
is His hukam, then we begin to understand God better. This brings
ey mn myiraf qU sdf rhu hir nfly ..
"O my mind, remain always with the
whole trick to success is not to forget, no matter what situations come up, to
remember to walk in the path of truthfulness, never to forget God. Remember not
to judge only by what you see and sense. Remain humble and ready for new
experiences of truth. Process in your mind what you notice, then use the blue
print guide of discernment found in learning the meanings of Guru Granth Sahib,
so that you can carefully think before you react.
hir nfil rhu qU mMn myry dUK siB ivsfrxf ..
"Remain always with the Lord, O my mind,
and all sufferings will be forgotten."
We remain entrapped by our blind interpretations of what
is going on around us, we well remain suffering stubbornly. Why will all
sufferings be forgotten? Because you will begin to realize that pain and
pleasure are only in the mind as you interpret things. Dook Sookh saam.
Equiniminty - pain and pleasure are also part of Hukam. All activities are
processes of hukam in operation. All things work together as God planned the
laws of nature. It’s a matter of cause and reaction.
aMgIkfru Ehu kry qyrf kfrj siB svfrxf ..
"He will accept You as His own, and all your affairs will
be perfectly arranged."
You will begin to realize that no matter what happens you
are reacting to the natural cycles of nature. You may think your affairs are
mixed up. That is your first impression, but when you dwell on Naam, you begin
to see that everything is always operating the way it is supposed to. Because
God’s commands are stable and true. scf qyrf
hukmu You do you best and then let God do
all the detailed worrying. Success and failure are in the mind. God’s hukam is
always fateh victory. Your affairs become perfectly arranged in that you see
that all has always been in reaction to God’s hukam and plans.
sBnf glf smrQu suafmI so ikAu mnhu ivsfry ..
"Our Lord and Master is all-powerful to
do all things, so why forget Him from your mind?"
All which you see, hear,
feel, taste, and touch around you is a reflection of the glory of God. His power
is infinite and full of varieties, yet He is the unique, only One, eko ek avru nf dUujf. How can
we forget such awesomeness? The greatness of God is so overwhelming and obvious,
yet we tend to close our spiritual sensors and deny the reality we live in. We
tend to hide in our small and blinding definition of reality. The smaller our
world, the bigger our problems, and the lesser we think of God.
khY nfnku mMn myry sdf rhu hir nfly ..ò..
"Says Nanak, O my mind, remain always with the Lord.
It is
important for us to keep the attitude of truthfulness in our minds, so that we
do not slip into foolishness by speaking and doing before thinking twice. To
remain with the Lord is to maintain the constructive flowing patterns of energy
in our brains by learning and remembering Guru Ji’s teachings. We need this
attitude to keep us on the alert against our enemies, the five vices which
distract us away from truth.
sfcy sfihbf ikaf
nfhI Gir qyrY ..
"O my True Lord and
Master, what is there which is not in Your celestial home?"
God is the place in which
everything exists – rent free. Since His provisions and gifts are unlimited,
there is no such thing as lacking, to those who blend with Him know
Gir q qyrY sBu ikCu hY ijsu dyih su pfvey
"Everything is in Your home; they
receive, unto whom You give."
God gives the entire universe abundantly to all, even
when we do not ask for anything from Him. vzI vizafeI
jf puiC n dfiq .. (ôöó) Great is your glory,
You give and you are not even asked. He provides without our asking because of
His hukam of grace. jIa sgl kAu dyie dfnu .. rhfAu ..
(÷òô) He gives His gifts to all beings.
rain falls for the evil and the good.
sdf isPiq
slfh qyrI nfmu min vsfvey ..
singing Your Praises and Glories, Your Name is enshrined in the
The mind
remembers the Guru Shabad teachings of truth and hukam. As the mind reflects on
God’s Word, the electrical currents flow from the brain into the nervous system
throughout the body. As long as the currents of spirituality are flowing the
body will continuously benefit. Where is there a place in the universe in which
God’s glories are not praised naturally?
ijn kY min visaf vfjy sbd Gnyry ..
divine melody of the Shabad vibrates for those, within whose minds the Naam
we understand and accept Naam, our mind becomes aware of the fullness of God
inside of us, as well as outside of us. We relish the lovely melody and harmony
of God’s beauty, hukam, and grace that vibrates in our mind, benefiting our
whole body.
khY nfnku scy sfihb ikaf nfhI Gir
qyrY ..ó..
"Says Nanak, O my True Lord
and Master, what is there which is not in Your home? ||3||"
It’s one thing to
understand this experience only from hearing from someone else, but when you try
it yourself, you agree even more.
sfcf nfmu
myrf afDfro ..
"The True Name is my only
the truth works. There is only one way to drink a glass of water that is by
bringing it to the body to absorb it. Try assembling something very complex
without any directions.
sfcu nfmu aDfru myrf
ijin BuKf siB gvfeIaf ..
"The True Name
is my only support; it satisfies all hunger."
When we taste the Amrit of
Gur Sabad, we no longer crave for knowledge anywhere else. We no longer are
blinded by superstitions of pakandi teachers of kachi gian.
kir sFiq suK min afie visaf ijin ieCf siB pujfeIaf ..
"It has brought peace and tranquility to
my mind; it has fulfilled all my desires."
When we accept Gur Gian’s
Naam, we experience all the benefits and see for ourselves that only this brings
satisfaction. All our desires is to be successful, healthy, and happy. When we
learn how to do this, as Guru Granth Sahib instructs us, then our desires are
thus fulfilled.
sdf kurbfxu kIqf gurU ivthu ijs
dIaf eyih vizafeIaf ..
"I am forever a
sacrifice to the Guru, who possesses such glorious greatness."
In appreciation, we are
anxious to let others have access to such royal wisdom. We become dedicated to
Guru Ji’s cause by living Gur Shabad, thereby showing an example for others how
to benefit free of cost. ijnI nfmu iDafieaf gey mskiq
Gfil .. Those who have meditated on the
Naam, the Name of the Lord, and departed after having worked by the sweat of
their brows nfnk qy muK Aujly kyqI CutI nfil ..ñ.. (ø)
O Nanak, their faces are radiant in the
Court of the Lord, and many are saved along with them! ||1||
khY nfnku suxhu sMqhu sbid Drhu ipafro ..
"Says Nanak, listen, O Saints; enshrine love for the
is the very reason to love Shabad, because we benefit from every letter of
wisdom from Shabad. Anyone posing as a Saint that does not walk in the spirit of
Gur Giyan is a false saint. Be careful who you learn from, as many exploit the
ignorant for profit and pride, only enshrining their ego. They imitate sainthood
by reciting beautiful shabads, yet they twist the meanings or act against Guru
Granth Sahib’s teachings.
sfcf nfmu myrf afDfro
"The True Name is my only support.
This is
a strong reminder – that only Naam will keep your mind and stable, and not any
other source that is contrary to Guru’s teachings.
vfjy pMc sbd iqqu Gir sBfgY ..
"The Panch Shabad, the five primal sounds, vibrate in
that blessed house."
Just as there are five vices of our human nature anger,
lust, over attachment, ego, and passion, so are there five primal sounds
representing remedy of Naam for each of our vice weaknesses. The blessed house
is your body which hosts your physiological functions governed by the numerous
vibrations of Gur Gian in your brain. This is not acquired by repeating or
listening to kirtan over and over again as in hypnotism. It is achieved through
contemplating on the meanings of Gur Shabad, thus acquiring Naam.
Gir sBfgY sbd vfjy klf ijqu Gir DfrIaf ..
"In that blessed house, the Shabad vibrates; He infuses
His almighty power into it."
The vibrations are the power of God in action, like the
vibrations of electricity that circulates through wires which can move heavy
machinery. When we operate using truthfulness, then there is so much that we can
accomplish, because we do things correctly with wisdom. We are obeying the hukam
of God by using the hukam of God with truthfulness. We process Guru Ji’s
information of success in all aspects of our life.
pMc dUq quDu vis kIqy kflu kMtku mfiraf ..
"Through You, we subdue the five demons of desire, and
slay Death, the torturer."
If we have no knowledge of how to overcome our five
vices, then we will remain tortured. Only because of the Grace of God provided
to us can we help ourselves. It is by hearing, understanding, and accepting
Gurbani wisdom to attain this mukam salvation.
Duir krim pfieaf quDu ijn kAu is nfim hir kY lfgy ..
"Those who have such pre-ordained
destiny are attached to the Lord's Name."
They are pre-ordained with
the God’s name because they received the information of truthfulness in Guru
Gian. They are pre-ordained as soon as they hear God’s words.
khY nfnku qh suKu hoaf iqqu Gir anhd vfjy ..õ..
"Says Nanak; happiness is in the home
full of the music of God’s vibrations."
This is the natural
reaction on gets when dwelling on Gur Gian. This is the relish of
andu suxhu vzBfgIho sgl mnorQ pUry ..
"Listen to the song of bliss, O most
fortunate ones; all your longings shall be fulfilled."
Guru Ji is inviting us to
listen to the Gospel of Truthfulness, the realm of Sach Kand’s free divine
wisdom and truth that fattens the soul. While you plan your eternity, why waste
time and money on things that do not last long. All you have to do is listen,
consider what Guru Ji is sharing with you. Once you hear and truly understand,
your life will be one of bliss and success.
pfrbRhmu pRBu pfieaf Auqry sgl ivsUry ..
"I have obtained the Supreme Lord God, and all sorrows
have been forgotten."
The only way to obtain God is by considering what Guru Ji
is teaching. Gurbani throughout the ages, eternal and unchanging is the only
information for stability. Not only will you be cured of the negative symptoms
caused by sorrow, but the sorrows themselves will be forgotten, because the
thoughts of God are more worth focusing on.
dUK rog sMqfp Auqry suxI scI bfxI ..
"Pain, illness and suffering have departed, listening to
the True Bani."
Pain is mentioned first, because the cure of an illness
takes longer than the pain does to depart. When a doctor treats a patient, he
gives the cure, knowing that the patient will also need felief from the pain
which causes one to feel the suffering. The illness causes the suffering and the
pain is what the suffering body feels. As we learn Guru’s teachings day to day,
we are relieved from pain, more and more. Some illnesses take longer to cure,
and the entire pain or symptoms depart slowly. This is why we need to take the
medicine of True Gurbani continually.
sMq sfjn
Bey srsy pUry gur qy jfxI ..
"The Saints
and their friends are in ecstasy, knowing the Perfect Guru."
From misery to elation,
from pain to enjoyment, from suffering to ease – those who hear Gurbani
teachings benefit, and become saints. Others observe and are convinced to join
in, and they too benefit. ijnI nfmu iDafieaf gey mskiq
Gfil .. Those who have meditated on the
Naam, the Name of the Lord, and departed after having worked by the sweat of
their brows nfnk qy muK Aujly kyqI CutI nfil ..ñ..
-O Nanak, their faces are radiant in the
Court of the Lord, and many are saved along with them! ||1||
suxqy punIq khqy pivqu siqguru rihaf BrpUry ..
"Pure are the listeners, and pure are
the speakers; the True Guru is all-pervading and permeating."
Listeners are mentioned
first, because one can not speak purely until he has heard the pure Gurbani.
After he hears, understands, and accepts, then he can be a pure speaker. He
realizes that the Gian of Guru is everywhere. God communicates His wisdom of
hukam using nature. All of nature is the reaction of God’s hukam of grace. All
is full of His glory.
ibnvMiq nfnku gur crx
lfgy vfjy anhd qUry ..ôú..ñ..
Nanak, touching the Guru's Feet, the unstruck sound current of the celestial
bugles vibrates and resounds. ||40||1||"
Guru Nanak dedicated his
entire life to show us the way by coming to Guru Feet. This was he was of
praying to God that we might consider the same wisdom of that he
blbIr isMG sUc 'aYzvokyt'
THE Launching of Web ON LINE
Respected Sardar Makhan Singh Purewal ji,
Chief Editor,
Waheguru ji ka Khalsa,
Waheguru ji kee Fateh!
Kindly display it as news and oblige-Thanks
THE Launching of Web ON LINE
The Web is launched on line in the memory of the Founder
President of the ‘SIKH VICHAR MANCH’ Sardar Gurbhajan Singh Gill; Deputy
Superintendent of Police (Retired); 13 April 1919 to 14 February 2005 who
remained extra ordinary ‘honest and religious’ but purely non-ritualistic,
rarely anyone noticed in these days in the spirit of ‘Charhdi
He occasionally used to express grievances and regret as to why
word ‘Ram’ is frequently mentioned by Gurus in ‘Sri Guru Granth Sahib’ though
symbolically in place of the Supreme Lord-God.
His association and closeness for 20 years till expired with me
was almost an asset not only for me but for all his readers and other associates
during his life, except a few odd moments and experience which is of common
feature everywhere among all the associates.
Please do visit and log on at:
Balbir Singh Sooch, Advocate, Ludhiana
Mobile: 98143-34544
January 17, 2007
P.S: For information of all and the corrective
US Department of Justice and Sikh American Legal Defense and
Education Fund to Release New Police Roll Call Training Video about Sikh and
South Asian Americans
The Community Relations Service (CRS) of the Department of
Justice will release a new police roll call training video titled On Common
Ground – Understanding Sikh Americans on January 17, 2007. The
goal of the training video is to increase awareness and develop a better
understanding about the cultural practices of Sikh and South Asian Americans
among law enforcement officials.
Since the terrorist attacks of 9/11, there has been a sharp
increase in the number of hate incidents and hate crimes against Sikh Americans
of South Asian descent. These attacks have been primarily due to the lack
of awareness and the common misconception that Sikh Americans are either from
the Middle East, Arab or Muslim.
The Sikh American Legal Defense and Education Fund (SALDEF)
developed the film for the Community Relations Service. The
ground-breaking 17-minute training video will be distributed to federal, state
and local law enforcement officials across the country. The training video
includes detailed information about cultural practices and articles of faith
that are commonly unfamiliar to law enforcement. The protocols for the
respectful handling of the articles of faith recommended in the training video
are designed with officer safety in mind and are to be followed only in a
non-emergency, non-crisis situation.
What: Release of police roll call training
video titled: On Common Ground – Understanding Sikh
When: Wednesday, January 17, 2007 at
4:30 p.m.
The Charles Sumner School
1201 17th Street, NW
Washington DC 20036
(Enter at NE corner of 17th and M Street, under the
Sumner School Banner)
The Community Relations Service previously developed a similar
training video designed to educate law enforcement and community groups on Arab,
and Muslim Americans. The previous CRS training video, "The First Three to
Five Seconds," was widely successful and is being used by the Department of
Homeland Security currently it to train all of their law enforcement staff.
Represented agencies and organizations at the event will
include the Department of Justice, Department of Homeland Security,
Transportation Security Agency, Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) , and
civil rights leaders from across the nation.
To attend the event, please RSVP Rajbir Singh Datta at
202-393-2700 ext 27
### END ###
SALDEF is a national non-profit civil rights and
educational organization. SALDEF’s mission is to create a fostering
environment in the United States for future generations of Sikh Americans.
SALDEF protects and promotes the civil rights of Sikh Americans through legal
aid, advocacy and educational outreach.
Rajbir Singh Datta
202-393-2700 ext. 27
isMG sBf ieMtrnYsLnl 'knyzf'
jfgo isKo jfgo!! afr[ aYs[ aYs[ afeI hY.
asLlIlqf BrI kivqf gurU goibMd isMG dy nfm mVH ilafeI
ipCly idnIN dmdmI tksfl dy muKI bfbf hrnfm isMG jI DuMmf ny
gurduafrf gur igafn pRkfsL jvwdI ivc iek sYmInfr krvfieaf. sfnUM ‘lv kuC’ dI
Aulfd bxfAux vflf igafnI pUrn isMG, gurU gRMQ sfihb dI isiKaf qoN hIxf zf[ hrpfl
isMG pnUM, JUT qy dlIl hIxf zf[ joD isMG pMjfbI XU[ pitaflf, kptI qy PrybI sMq
ispfhI vflf gursLrnjIq isMG lFbf, aqy kuwJ hor boly. ienHF ny rwj ky dsm gRMQ dI
vkflq kIqI pr ieh nhI dwisaf ik jy gurU gRMQ sfihb jI sfzy pUrn gurU hn qF aih
1780-90 ivc iswK Drm nUM Kqm krn leI ilKI geI asLlIl kivqf, jo gurU gRMQ sfihb
jI dy AupdysL dy iblkul ivprIq BYx Brf dy kfmuk irsLqy dI gvfhI BrdI hY, jy
afpxy cyly nUM qMg krnf hovy qF Ausdy icqVF ivc BwKVy df kMZf cBox df AupdysL
idMdI hY, iksy vI aOqr dy iesLfry qy Aus nfl Bog krn leI iqafr rho nhI qF 1600
juqIaF pYx qy vI Bog qF Aus nfl krnf hI pYxf hY, jo vI afdmI afpxy idl dI gwl
aOrq nUM dwsdf hY smJo Ausdf df swiqaf nfs. jo gRMQ aYYsy AupdysL nfl gVuc hY kI
Auh srbMs dfnI dy nfm nfl miVaf jf skdf hY? dunIaF dy ieqhfs ivc koeI aYsI hor
imsfl nhI imldI isvfey gurU goibMd isMG jI dy ik ijsdy dfdy pVHdfdy, cfcy qfey
dy puq Brf, ipqf mfqf, sfrI Aulfd qy afp dunIaF leI sLhIdIaF pf gey hox.
‘sRI dsm gurU gRMQ sfihb jI’ df mqlb ieh nhI ik ieh kivqf/bfxI
ds gurU sihbfn jI dI ilKI hoeI hY.rfm isXfm kvIaF dy nfm dsm gRMQ ivc afAux dy
bfvjUd vI ieh kivqf gurU goibMd isMG jI dy nfm nfl mVI jf rhI hY.afE dyKIey dsm
gRMQ dI bfxI dI vMngI.
iss kI gudf goKrU (BwKVy df kMzf) idXf] qfqy aiDk duKiq qih
kIXf] cirqR 378,aMk 5]
kI ieh gurU goibMd isMG jI dI bfxI hY?
skl jgq mY jo purKu iqRXf ko krq ibsvfs] sfiq idvs BIqr qurqu
hoq qvn ko nfs]11] jo nr kfhU iqRXf ko dyq afpno icwq] qf nr kO ieh jgq mY hoq
KuafrI inwq]12] dsm gRMQ, pMnf 829] ies jgq ivc ijhVf vI mnuwK iesqrI qy
ivsLvfsL krygf Aus df swqF idnF dy aMdr aMdr nfs ho jfvygf aqy ijhVf afpxy idl
dI gwl aOrq nUM dwsygf AusdI ies jgq ivc hr roj KuafrI hovygI. dwso aorqF df kI
aYsI Pbq duhuMn kI jorI] jnuk ikRsLn iBRKBfn iksLorI]11] duhUM
hfQ iqh kucn mrorY] jn KoXo inDnI Dnu torY]12] bfr bfr iqh gry lgfvY] jnu kMdRp
ko dwRpu imtfvY] Bogq qFih jMG lY kFDy] jnu dvY mYn qrksn bFDy ]13]d:gRM: pMnf
967]icRqr 111]
dohF (ipafr krn vfilaF) dI joVI ies qrHF Pwb rhI sI ijvyN
ikRsLn qy AunHF dI ipafrI rfDf dI joVI hovy. dohF hwQF nfl mMumy ieAuN mroVy jf
rhy sn ijvy koeI grIb afpxf gvficaf hoieaf Dn lwB irhf hovy. Auh bfr bfr aOrq
nUM gly glf irhf sI qy lwqF moiZaF qy rwK ky kfm kRIVf (sYks) kr rhy sn. Auh
dono jfxy ieMJ lwg rhy sn ijvy BwQy ivc bwDy hoey qIr.
mdrf kr mwq mhf BBkM] bn mY mno bfG bcf bbkM] 53] dsm gRMQ pMnf
42] hux dyKo pRBU jI mdrf pIky afp ikvyN jMgl ivc bVkF mfr rhy hn]
"pRIq kry pRBu pfXq hY] ikrpfl n BIjq lFz ktfey]"
ies qrHF dIaF hor bhuq sfrIaF BYVIaF AudfhrxF dsm gRMQ ivc
mOjUd hn.
jdoN ikRsLn qy gopIaF nUM dUqI imlf idMdI hY qF kvI dsm gRMQ
ivc Ausdf ijLkr ieMJ krdf hY.
cfr pRkfr ko Bog kIXo nr nfr hulfs jIXY mY bZYkY] afsn kok ky
bIc ijqy kib BfKq hY su sBY ien kYkY] bfq khI anruwD kCU mhskfie qRIaf sMg nYn
ncYkY] ijAu hmrI qum hoie rhI suMdir iqAu hmhU qumry rhy hvYkY] 2205]d[ gRMQ
pMnf 533. iesqrI nfl nYn imlf ky kok sLfsLqr vfly sfry afsnF ivcoN
cfr iksm dy afsn krky jdoN Bog kiqf qF hws ky ikRsn jI ny ikhf ik jy qUM myrI ho
ky rhI qF mYN vI qyrf hI ho jfvFgf. ikRsLn avqfrf ivc vI kvI ikRsLn Bgvfn nUM
kfm vfsLnf vws hox qoN isvfey hor kuwJ nhI idKf irhf.
kY jV pRfnn kI afsf qju] kY ruic mfin afAu muih kO Bju] kY quih
kfit krY sq KMzf] kY dY moir Bg ibKY lMzf]11] d[g[ pMnf 1267
suBr syj AUpr bYTfXo] BFg, aPIm, sLrfb, mMgfXo] ipRQm khf inRp
soN ien pIjY] bhuir muJY mdnfkusL dIjY]8] cirqR 402, d[ g[ pMnf 1356]
duhUM Kft pr bYT cVHfeI] cfir phr qf soN kir Bogf. Byd n lKf
dUsry logf]1] ieh ibiD qf ko rojL bulfvY] kfm Bog kir, qfih pTfvY]12] cirqR 357,
dohF ny mMjy qy bYT ky mdrf pIqI, 12 GMty Bog kIqf, dUsiraF nUM
pqf vI nhI cwilaf qy ieh kMm ies qrHF hr rojL huMdf irhf.
posq BFg aPIm mMgfvihN] eyk syij,doAU bYiT cVhfvihN]7] kYPih
hoq rsmsy jbhI] kRIVf krq doAU imil qb hI] Bfiq Bfiq qn afsn lY kY] cuMBn hOr
ailMgn kY ky]8] cirqR 3665, 1319] posq BMg qy aPIm dohF ny ieko syj qy bYT
ky pIqI. bfad ivc BFq BFq dy cohl mohl krky Bog krky KusLI pRfpwq kIqI.
bysLrmI dIaF hwdF pfr qy nMgI PfhsL bolI.
kYN quih kfit krY sq KMzf] kY dY moir Bg ibKY lMzf] cirqR 312,
lInf sKI pTfie iqsY Gir] kfM Bog ikXo lpit lpit kir] eyk qurin
aru BFg cVHfeI] cfir phr inis nfir bjfeI]9] cirqR 350 1307] iksy Xfr ny sKI
nUM Gr bulfky BMg afid nsLf krky lpt lpt ky cfr pihr jfxI 12 GMty aOrq nfl Bog
afcrn-hIxqf df sLrmnfk pRcfr.
vf suMdir ko, kCU n bsfXo. mulF ky sMig, Bog kmfXo. bIqI rYin,
BorY jb Bxo. iqh phucfie, qhI iqn dXo]9] aYsI ibiD iqh rojL bulfvY] hoq Audoq
iPrMg pTfvY] mn mfnq ky kyln krY] Bfiq Bfiq ky Bogn krY] cirqR 135, 1011 Ausdy
afdmI nUM koeI pqf hI nhI cwilaf qy Auh hr roj mulF dy nfl sfrI sfrI rfq Bog
krdI rhI qy idn cVHn qy vfps Byj idwqI jFdI.
rfjf ipXq aml sB BfrI] Bfiq Bfiq
soN, Bogq nfrI] posq BFg aPIm cVHfvY] pxfly pI pcfs ku jfvY]3] cfir phr riq krY
aiDk suK pfie kY] ho, jo rfnI iqh rmY, rhY AurJfie kY]4] cirqR 245, 1159] rfjf
bhuq sfrf nsLf krky BFq BFq dI aorq nfl Bog krdf qy ijhVI vI rfxI dI vfrI
afAuNdI Auh bhuq suK pfAuNdI ikAuNik rfjy dy 50 ku ipafly pIqy
kfm ikRXfvF dI sfkqI tryinMg.
jb mid kir mqvfrf kIXo] Buj qy pkir syj pr dIXo] aiDk mfin ruic
gry lgfxo] AuCir AuCir kir, Bog kmfXo] Bog krq qrunI bis BeI] pr kI qyN vfkI hvY
geI] posq BFg aPIm mMgfvY] eyk Kft pr bYiT cVHfvY] his his kir doAU jFGn lyhI]
rfj qruin kO bhu suK dyhI]14] cirqR 290, 1235]
bjLfr ivcoN iljfeI jf rhI pflkI ‘c bYT ky Kyh KfxI.
bIc bjLfr pflkI geI] prdn pFiq Cor kY deI] qy kfhUM ko idRsLit
n afvY. kyl kmfvq cly doAU jfvYN]16] ast khfrn ky kMD AUpr] jFGY leI mIq Buj
dUpr]17] jXoN jXoN clI pflkI jfvY] qxoN pRIqm ctky ctkfvY] lhYN khfr pflkI crkY]
qXoN qXoN ghY kMD idRVH kir ko]18] iliK piqXf zorI mih DrI] mfq ipqf qn iehY
AucrI] nr suMdr mokh Xh BfXo] qf qy mYN Xh cirq bnfXo]20]cirqR 119, 984]
aorq ny afpxy Xfr nUM afpxy nfl, pflkI dy prdy krky, ibTf ilaf qF ik iksy nUM
pqf nf cwly. pflkI awT kuhfrF dy moiZaF qy AuTfeI hoeI sI qy Auh afpxy Xfr nfl
KusL ho ky Gwsy qy Gwsf lf rhI sI. aorq ny afpxy mfqf ipqf nUM iek icwTI ilK
idwqI ik ieh suMdr pursL myry mn nUM Bfieaf hY ies krky mYN ieh cirqR bxfieaf
bd-ieKlfkI dI ieMqhf- bnfvtI ilMg dI sLrmnfk vrqoN.
kMjr kivqf nfl BrI ies gurmiq-GfqI pusqk ivc kfm-mfrIaF qIvIaF
vloN isky joVky bxfey gey bnfvtI (Artificial) mrd gupq aMg cptI qy mfrU
jLihr lgf ky punIM dI rfxI nUM Kyh Kfx dI ikRXf rfhIN mOq dy Gft AuqfridaF disaf
igaf hY.
tikXn kI cptI AurbsI] mom mfir afsn sO ksI]52] ibK ko lyp qvn
mO kIXo]isvih irJfie mfg kr lIXo]53] qfko Byd kCU nih jnfXo] Aurbis kO kir purK
pCfnXo] cirqR 109, 964]
gurU pMQ dy syvk,
isMG sBf ieMtrnYsLnl kYnyzf brYNptn.
bIbI hrismrq kOr KLflsf
jYqsrI mhlf 5 vfr slokf nfil
(705) Jaitsree,
Fifth Mehl, Vaar With Shaloks:
ÃÄ siqgur pRsfid ]
Universal Creator God. By The Grace of the True Guru:
slok ]
afid pUrn miD pUrn aMiq pUrn prmysurh ]
"In the beginning, He was pervading; in the middle, He is pervading; in
the end, He will be
pervading. He is the Transcendent Lord."
Why does this verse start with "the beginning?"
Nobody work on a project that was never started. A project will not be effective
if there is no work done on it once it is started. Once a project is started and
worked on, it can not be effective until it is finished. Once these three steps
are done, then the project is complete. Our lifestyles must be patterned the
same way. We are born, we live our lives, then we die. During our life we are
constantly busy with starting, resuming, and finishing our projects. Some of
these projects are instinctive survival. Other projects involve carefully
planned activities which include mental, physical, and spiritual functions. Some
of these functions involve private issue, while others involve a partner,
family, society, or job related concerns. But many times our lifestyles are
incomplete because we lose our concentration and stop focusing on reality, being
lured into our false illusions. Our ego, pride, lust, over attachment, and anger
stimulate us to think quickly and make spontaneous decisions. If we dont
think things out clearly, then we will make wrong decisions and suffer the
cMigafeIaf buirafeIaf vfcY
Drmu hdUir "Good
deeds and bad deeds-the record is read out in the Presence of the Lord of
Dharma." What are these good deeds? They are simply the very actions that
we do and think in our everyday activities. They are the actions in which we and
others benefit from. The bad deeds are actions that are a waste of time or cause
damage, preventing one from benefiting in life. krmI
afpo afpxI ky nyVY ky dUir ]
"According to their own actions, some are drawn
closer, and some are driven farther away." What are people being drawn
closer to or driven away from? Is there a location? No, it is simply reality and
the benefits of reality that we are drawn to or separated from. Who draws us to
or away from this reality? We do it to ourselves. Our actions cause reactions
sealed by the hukam of God which never changes. If we respond in a positive way
to His hukam, then we will benefit. If we ignore or compete against hukam, we
will suffer. It is all Gods doing, not ours. God has already done His part.
It is up to us to accept reality or reject it. Reality is always complete. It is
the sc KMiz vsY inrMkfru ]
"In the realm of Truth, the Formless Lord
abides." We detect forms and interpret reality by our own limited
understanding and receptors of our nervous system. If you magnify any object
billions of times, there will be nothing to see, just energy waves (the effects
of the commands of the hukam of God operated by His infinite grace). Pain and
pleasure are also our interpretations of what is happening to us. A muscle that
has never been touched is painful because the mind is not accustomed to it and
the brain thinks there is an invasion of damage to that part of the body. In
reality, no damage is happening. There are things in our lives that we ignore or
arent aware of, that once Guru Gian makes us aware of changes that we need to
make in our lives, we interpret these necessary changes we need to make as
unpleasant experiences or failure is we comply. Students prefer not to learn
something new for fear of failure of it being too difficult or boring.
So what happens to those who cooperate with Gods hukam:
nfmu iDafieaf gey mskiq Gfil
"Those who have meditated on the Naam, the Name
of the Lord, and departed after having worked by the sweat of their brows."
They live a proactive life by making their life projects complete from the
beginning to the start. nfnk qy muK Aujly
kyqI CutI nfil "O
Nanak, their faces are radiant in the Court of the Lord, and many are saved
along with them." Their bodies and minds reap the harvest of what they have
sown. They life healthier and are more productive at their jobs and in the home.
Others are drawn to them because of their success. Others are helped even when
they are not aware of them, because they share with humanity.
ismrMiq sMq srbqR rmxM nfnk aGnfsn jgdIsurh ]1]
"The Saints remember in meditation the all-pervading Lord God. O Nanak,
He is the Destroyer
of sins, the Lord of the universe. ||1||"
The saint is one who is in harmony with reality, not blinded
by his five vices. Oh, how wonderful it is to be in the company of those tuned
in to reality, living productive lives and full of compassion, emulating the
grace of God, full of Gurus wisdom which we all need. How are sins destroyed?
When people saturate Gurus wisdom in their minds, their lifestyles and habits
change from bad to good. They reflect
on Guru Granth Sahibs teachings and have no more
interest to continue in their foolish ways. Their eyes open up to reality, and
both they and others are blessed by it.
pyKn sunn sunfvno mn mih idRVIaY sfcu ]
"See, hear, speak and implant the True Lord within your mind."
Behold all of nature around you. Look beyond your clouded
view, then let others know of His grace and might. Throughout the day, we see,
hear and speak everywhere we go. Speaking is mentioned third, because it is our
response to what we are exposed to. We must be careful what we expose ourselves
to and with whom to associate with. Implant is mention last because the purpose
of reacting is to reinforce ourselves and to inform others of what we
experience. We do this many times without realizing it. This is why it is
important for us to keep the wisdom of Guru Ji in our minds, that we not forget
the reality of Him in which we reside, and He in us.
pUir rihE srbqR mY nfnk hir rMig rfcu ]2
"He is all-pervading, permeating everywhere; O Nanak, be absorbed in the
Lord's Love. ||2||"
We cannot separate ourselves from God or from reality. We can
only blind ourselves from it. If we deny reality the way it truly is, then we
are blind and suffer. We tend to take a short cut and drop our constructive
project of live in exchange for a greedy and selfish one. Its like trying to
run away from God in a space ship that travels billions of light years. Once you
stop, you realize that you are still in the center of the universe that has no
beginning or end. In fact you will realize that you havent traveled at all.
You only think that you traveled. Travel mean to move from one point of location
to another. In the entire expanse of the infinite universe everything is one and
complete. We perceive variations of size, distances, shapes, textures, and
patterns. But our vision is incomplete and false. God has no beginning, center,
or end because He is complete. His creation testifies to this wonder.
pAuVI ]
hir eyku inrMjnu gfeIaY sB aMqir soeI ]
"Sing the Praise of the One, the Immaculate Lord; He is contained within
Singing means to stir a vibration of reaction in harmony to
something experienced or realized. Our attitudes and habits are the song of
praise to God. We should not exclude Him in our lives, but invite Him in by
learning Guru Granth Sahib and living it. Anything that denies reality is
and contrary to Gurbani[ icqu
ijn kf ihir lieaf mfieaf bolin pey rvfxI ] (rfmklI,
mhlf 3) "Their
consciousness is lured by Maya; they are just reciting mechanically." khY
nfnku siqgurU bfJhu hor kcI bfxI ]24] (rfmklI, mhlf
3) "Says
Nanak, without the True Guru, other songs are false. ||24|| "Songs demand
wisdom, rhythm and raag. There can be no song without words, pattern, and music,
and the words are carefully planned. For this reason the Shabads in Guru Granth
Sahib are in Raag, not just for beauty, but to inspire us to be in tune with the
splendor of reality.
krx kfrx smrQ pRBu jo kry su hoeI ]
"The Cause of causes, the Almighty Lord God; whatever He wills, comes to
We can never control reality, but we can combine certain
aspect of reality like an experiment and see the power of nature happen. The
natural laws of nature operate for all, regardless of race, gender, or status.
We may be operating an experiment, but nature along makes the experiment work.
If we do not add the correct measurements and right elements, we will not get
the desired results of the experiment. All credit goes to Gods hukam, the
natural laws of the universe, as seen in this verse:
kIqf jfqo nfhI mYno jogu kIqoeI (1429, muMdfvxI,
mhlf 5) "What
You have done for me, Lord; I cannot fully know, only You can make me
iKn mih Qfip AuQfpdf iqsu ibnu nhI koeI ]
"In an instant, He establishes and disestablishes; without Him, there is
no other."
Everything is constantly changing in the universe. The only thing that never
changes is the Hukam of God. There is no other hukam, no other reality, no other
KMz bRhmMz pfqfl dIp rivaf sB loeI ]
"The continents, solar systems, nether worlds, islands and all
Just as it is impossible to travel infinitely in the universe
from distance to closeness, from large to small, we will never reach the point
of beginning, middle, or end of anything. We must humble ourselves and admit
that without Guru gian, we cannot achieve anything.
ijsu afip buJfey so buJsI inrml jnu soeI ]1
"He alone understands, whom the Lord Himself instructs; he alone is a
pure and unstained
being. ||1||"
God constantly instructed all of us. Behold His creation
which is His teaching tools. Guru Nanak Dev Ji, as well as many humble servants
of the Lord became aware of this. They composed hymns with raags that are the
sacred love songs of reality for all mankind to experience the same revelation
of how to be happy, healthy, and successful
: pyKn
sunn sunfvno mn mih idRVIaY sfcu"See,
hear, speak and implant the True Lord within your mind." When we experience
the song of Reality, then we become pure and unstained. We peel off our foolish,
evil, and wasteful ways and wear the garment of praise and salvation.
I have registered a nonprofit (tax exempt) organization
spiritual center called, Guru Granth Parchar Mission of USA, Inc., dedicated to
spread the teachings of Guru Granth Sahib to mankind. I am accepting donations
to support Guru Js cause, but I will never ask for it. Our mailing address
Guru Granth Parchar Mission of USA, Inc.
PO Box. 65
Hayward, California 94543
Telephone: (510) 432-5827
(Toll free in USA: (888) 875-6415
ikrpfl isMG
Guru Gobind Singh Jees Autobiography:
in "Kanjar
The "Porno Kavita" section named Chritro-Pakhyan of
the so-called Dasam Granth Scripture that the IHRO Team in their Ludhiana
December 2006 Meet has resolved to promote and establish as a "Sikh
Scripture"; portrays a picture of an UN-NAMED RAJA of Anandpur as follows;
In its Charittars 21-23; the said scripture of the so-called
Dasam Granth, portrays some so-called RAJA of Anandpur as a man who, as per the
. deceives, cheats, betrays, and lies at the drop of each feather,
and while visiting some whore house in disguise & under the cover of
darkness ends up running from there like a Chore (thief) leaving his shoes &
a Pamri behind, escapes a severe shoe-beatings through deception, and for his
such an act of despicable behavior, ends up OPOLOGISING and paying HUSH MONEY to
the said prostitute, etc. (For further details please read below, the attached
letter titled "Sikh Leaders Spreading, AIDS of
Furthermore, to add INSULT to the INJURY; like the IHRO Team,
some other hard-core promoters of the said co-called Dasam-Granth, not only have
claimed the above scripture as a "Sikh Scripture" but also have gone a
step further to make a claim; that the UN-NAMED, Low life and Characterless RAJA
of Anandpur of the above description is not only someone real, but
unquestionably he is NONE other than our beloved Tenth Nanak; Guru Gobind Singh
Jee himself.
Piara Singh Jee Padam and Dalip Singh are two such writers;
where in Piara Singh Jee have asserted the above writing to be an
"Aap-Beetee-an (Auto-biography) of the (Tenth) Guru Sahib" and Dalip
Singh has claimed that "It is absolutely clear the Raja referred to, was
Sri Guru Gobind Singh Ji himself, as it is mentioned that Sikhs in large number
used to visit him with devotion, and get their ambitions fulfilled."
Therefore, in the light of the above assertions; the question
that each and every member of the IHRO Team (*listed below) is requested to
answer is; that WITHOUT DANCING AROUND the issue, will each and every of them
take a PUBLIC STAND to answer the QUESTION, that, in their individual opinions;
Is the above RAJA of ANANDPUR in the said episode?
Guru Gobind Singh Jee???
. Or
. NOT???
For sake of being fare to the Team, this authors
unequivocal PUBLIC stand on the same question is that;
Guru Gobind Singh Jee
is neither the said Raja of Anandpur, nor the author of the above referred
"Kanjar Kavita", or any other such Bipar or Porno Trash.
Kirpal Singh, USA.
LIST of the so-called IHRO Team;
Jathedar Puran Singh of Luv & Kush fame.
Dr. Harpal Singh Pannu. Exective Assosiate
Tejwant Singh Grewal Executive Associate.
Nihang Baba Avtar Singh Sursinghwala Taruna Dal.
Dr. Jodh Singh Punjabi University.
Gurcharanjit Singh Lamba Sant Sipahi Editor.
Baba Harnam Singh, Damdami Taksal (Mehta)
Bhai Hardip Singh, Damdami Taksal (Bhindran)
Principal Gurmukh Singh, Akhand Kirtani Jatha
Nihang Singh Giani Sher Singh, Budda Dal
Nihang Singh Baba Naurang Singh, Tarna Dal, Harianvelan
Nihang Singh Baba Santokh Singh, Dal Baba Bidhi Chand
Nihang Singh Jathedar Wasan Singh, Guru Nanak Dal
Nihang Singh Jathedar Gajjan Singh, Tarna Dal Baba Bakala
Gurcharanjit Singh Lamba, Editor Sant Sipahi
Avtar Singh Gill, Retd Sessions Judge and Sikh Historian
D S Gill Chair IHRO, Coordinator Prosecution Committee
Mohinder Singh Grewal Gen Secy IHRO, Project Director on Dasam Granth
Sudhev Singh, Coordinator (Legal Affairs)
Prof Anurag Singh, Project Secretary on Dasam Granth
Inderjit Kaur Secy IHRO, Project Joint Secretary on Dasam Granth
. & any other so-called Dasam Granth Promoters or IHRO members.
gurcrn isMG (ijAux vflf) brYNptn kYnyzf
iswK Drm dy QMm aYho jyhy?
ieh khfvq hY ik iswK Drm dy QMm pyNzU jnqf hY. ijqnI dyr iswK
Drm pyNzU jnqf ivc ijAuNdf hY AuqnI dyr ieh mr nhI skdf. pr svfl ieh pYdf huMdf
hY ik kI ieh ipMzF ivc vsx vflI mnuwKqf iswK Drm nUM bcf pfeI hY jF iesny iswK
Drm nUM kwKO hOly kr rwiKaf hY?
dunIaF dy sfry Drm hI ieh afKdy hn ik Drm aMDivsLvfsL jF
sLrDf qy KVf huMdf hY. pr sLrDf qF aMnI huMdI hY. isrP iswK Drm hI iek aYsf Drm
hY jo ieh afKdf hY ik ijQy igafn hY, cfnxf hY AuQy Drm hY. ijQy aigafnqf hY jF
hnyrf hY Drm AuQy nhI. gurU gRMQ sfihb df Purmfn hY:
kbIrf jhf igafnu qh Drmu
hY, jhf JUTu qh pfpu ] jhf loBu qh kflu hY jhf iKmf qh afip ]155] {pMnf 1372}
hux dyKdy hF ik sfzI pyNzU jnqf ikqnf ku cfnxy c ijAuN rhI
sfzy ipMz dy iCMdy ny bI[ ey[ pfs krky nOkrI lwBxI sLurU
kIqI. hwQ pwlf mfrn qoN bfad ies nqIjy qy phuMicaf ik bfp kol lwK do lwK iksy
nUM dyx vfsqy hY nhI qy nOkrI mYnUM imlxI nhI. hux kI krIey? kridaF krfAuNidaf
iCMdy dy mn ivc iek swsqI, sOKI qy tkfAU skIm afeI. ihMՀ lwgy nf PtkVI rMg vI
coKf hoey. iCMdy nUM itwbI vfly pfsy mfrU vfhxF c rihMdy puwCF dyx vfly bfby
dI kutIaf aqy Bory df iKafl afieaf. gurU ijnHF dy twpxy cyly jfx CVwp vflI
khfxI iewQy af lfgU hoeI. puwCF dyx vflf bfbf anpVH qy cylf bI[ey[ pfs. cyly qy
bfby df ibjLins/ DMdf CyqI hI pYrF isr KVf ho igaf. afsy pfsy idaF ipMzF ivc gwl
PYlf idwqI geI ik bfbf bVI krnI vflf hY. bs muMzy hI idMdf hY. ijvyN kiVaF vflf
kotkpUry ivc msLhUr hoieaf sI bs iesy hI qrHF iCMdy dI imhbfnI nfl bfbf qF kuwJ
hI mhIinaF dy aMdr lopo vfly drbfrI dfs qy bfGy purfxy vfly gurmyl isMG nUM vI
mfq pfAux lwg ipaf. ijvyN gurmyl isMG df qF ivafh vI nhI sI hoieaf pr muMzy qF
Ausny kfPI vMzy hn qy drbfrI dfs dI afpxI sMqfn BfvyN do kuVIaF hI sn qy Auh
afpxI pqnI nUM koeI muMzf nhI dy sikaf pr myry kflj dIaF kuVIaF afpxI mF nUM hr
puinaF qy lopo jLrUr lY ky jFdIaF muMzy dI pRfpqI leI. drbfrI dfs iek vfr afpxy
Bory ivc iek jnfnI nUM muMzy dI dfq bKisLsL kr irhf sI pr bdiksmqI nfl jsits
gurnfm isMG ny rMgy hwQI PV ilaf. ieh sLbd sR[ gurnfm isMG dy hn, "mYN
smJdf sF ik do-cfr sMq cMgy hn pr ienHF ivcoN koeI vI cMgf nhI".
hoieaf kI ik iek idn iCMdy qI qfeI zolxf duWD df Br ky
ilafeI. aMdr geI, duWD iek ctUry ivc pfieaf qy nfl pey iewk kVfhy ivcoN jl df
zolxf Br ky Gr nUM lY qurI. Gr nUM vfps jFdI dy iCMdf njLrIN pY igaf qy afKx
lwgI, vy iCMidaf qYnUM koeI nOkrI nhI lwBI. pr iCMdy ny jfx buwJ ky koeI
jvfb nf idqf qF qfeI ny iPr iehI svfl duhrfieaf. iCMdy ny iPr koeI jvfb nf
idwqf. jdoN qIjI vfrI qfeI ny iPr EhI svfl kIqf qF iCMdf kihx lwgf, qfeI kI
lY ky afeI sYN. qfeI kihx lwgI duwD ilafeI sI qy jl lY ky cwlI hF. qF iCMdf
kihx lwgf bs qfeI hux mYNnUM nOkrI dI loV nhI. qyrf ivkdf jY kury pfxI lokF
df duWD nf ivky vflI khfvq jdoN swc ho inbdI hYy qF iCMdy dIaF pMjy iGE ivc
hn. iCMdy ny qfeI nUM ikhf,qfeI jdoN asIN qYnUM duWD vwty pfxI dyeIey qF
sfnUM hor nOkrI ZUMZx dI kI loV peI hY. pr qfeI qUM ieh qF dws ik ieh jl krnf
kI hY? qfeI afKx lwgI, puwq iCMidaf kI dwsF, prsoN qyrf qfieaf mMzIE iek mwJ
ilafieaf sI qy Auh imldI nhI. sfnUM qF sLwk hY ik afpxy ipMz vflf sLhId EhdIaF
lwqF ivc ksr krdf hY. qfeI sLhId Eh huMdy hn jo dysL kOm leI jF Drm dI Kfqr
afpxI jfn vfr dyx. afpxy ipMz vflf sLhId iswK Drm dI Kfqr jYqo vfly morcy ivc
sLhId hoieaf sI. sLhId Eh nhI huMdy jo mwJF gfvF dIaF lwqF ivc vV bihx qy mwJF
gfvF sLhIdF dy isrF ivc ipCfb qy gohF krn.
ipMz df nMbrdfr qy isiKaf hIx aMD-ivsLvfsLI log.
ieh khfxI iksy dUr dy ipMz dI hY. ipMz ivc iek bhuq BfrI
ipwpl sI. bhuq icrF qoN lokIN ipwpl dI CF df anMd mfxdy af rhy sn. hux jmfny ny
krvwt bdlI. pihlF DrqI ivc pfxI df ql bhuq nIvF huMdf sI ies krky grmIaF dy
mhIinaF ivc ipMzF dy lokF dy sfQI ipwpl qy bohV hI huMdy sn. pr hux sym af jfx
kfrx ieh drKwq suk gey sn qy nfly ibjlI nfl pwKy qy kUlr cwlx krky lok afpxI
cfrdvfrI ivc hI ismt ky rih gey sn ies krky ienHF BfiraF drKqF dI loV vI Gwt hI
mihsUs hox lwg peI sI.
ipwpl idaf pwiqaf vy kYsI KV KV lfeI hY. swB JVy purfxy vy
ruwq nivaF dI afeI hY. ipMz dy kuwJ lokF ny soicaf ky ieh ipwpl, ijs ny ho
skdf hY ik 50 vry ipMz dy lokF nUM Duwp dI mfr qoN bcfieaf hovy, ijs Aupr pwqy
nhI hn, hux nKsmf ijhf lgdf hY, nUM pwt ky ieWQy Drmsfl bxfeI jfvy.
ipMz nUM clfAux vfly lok sDfrx lokF dy mukfbly cusq hI huMdy
hn. ies krky nMbrdfr jI nUM aYn mOky dI PurI. kihMdf loko ieh ipwpl pwkf hY qy
iksy ny ihMmq nhI krnI ies nUM pwtx dI. mYN sLihr jFdf hF qy pqf krdf hF ik koeI
ikMny rupeIey lvygf ies nUM pwt ky lY ky jfx dy. nMbrdfr jI ny sLihr jf ky iksy
afry vfly nUM sfrI gwl bqfeI ik ies qrHF krky sfzy ipMz ivc iek ipwpl hY qy asIN
pMcfieq vfly iesnUM pwt ky ies QF qy Drmsfl bxfAuxf cfhuMdy hF pr lok rfAulf
pfAuNdy hn ik ies ipwpl nUM nhI pwtxf. so imsqrI jI qusIN cup cpIqy Auh ipwpl
dyK ky myry nfl Bfa bxf lYxf qy asIN ipwpl vyc dyxf hY. imsqrI jI ny 17,000
rupeIaF ivc ieh ipwpl KrId ilaf qy nMbrdfr jI ny ipz vfilaF nUM ikhf ik 11,000
rupeIey ipwpl ptfAux dy dyxy kIqy hn. jdoN ipwpl pwitaf igaf qy trflI qy lwd ky
sLihr nUM iljfx lwgy qF igxI-imQI skIm anusfr ipMz ivc zMAuzI iptvf idwqI geI
ik, BfeI kwl nUM koeI ieqrfj nf kry, ijs mfeI BfeI ny ies dI mMnqf krnI hovy
Auh afpxy afpxy ivq anusfr kr skdf hY. swB qoN pihlF nMbrdfr jI ny iewk BUrf
qy pMjfh rupeIey ipwpl sfihb nUM mwQf tyky. iPr nMbdfr jI dy dosqF, iksy ny Kys
qy pwcI rupeIey, iksy ny BUrf qy pwcI rupeIey tyky jo AunHF nUM bfad ivc vfps kr
idwqy gey qy iPr bfkI sfry ipMz ny mMnqf mMnI. agly idwn ies qrHF krky iewk gwzI
KysF qy BuiraF dI Br ky moZI bMdy sLihr vyc afey qy hjLfr ku rupeIaf jo mwQf
itikaf sI AusdI nMbrdfr qy Ausdy sfQIaF ny rl ky sLrfb pI leI.
iesy hI qrHF hux sfzy mulk ivc kwlf rfie dI bMs ivcoN atfrI
bfrzr rFhI gMgf sfgr ipql df iewk lotf, ijs ivc brIk brIk sLyk hn qy ieh
ikhf jFdf hY ik gurU goibMd isMG jI ny nUrU mfhI nUM ies ivc aAusr JotIaF df
duwD co ky iplfAux leI ikhf, lY ky BfrqI pMjfb ivc afey hn. BfeI kfhn isMG nfBf
gMgf sfgr df kwlHfrfX dI bMs kol hox df ijLkr qF mhfn kosL pMnf 311 qy krdy hn
pr ies ivc aAusr JotIaF dy duwD cox dI gwl nhI krdy. asl gwl qF ieh ky gurU
sihbfn kudrq dy iksy vI asUl nUM BMg nhI krdy sgoN kudrq dy inXmF anusfr ijAux
leI hdfieq vI krdy hn:
m: 1 sloku ] so jIivaf, ijsu min visaf soie ] nfnk avru n
jIvY koie ]] {pMnf 142}
asl ivc Auh mnuwK jIAUNdf hY, ijs dy mn ivc prmfqmf vws irhf
hY. hy nfnk ! (bMdgI vfly qoN ibnf) koeI hor jIAUNdf nhIN hY.
so iswK Brfvo qy BYxo, mfeIE qy bIbIE afE rm iml ky Auprflf
krIey. gumrfh kr idwqI geI iswK jnqf c qy hornF ivc vI iswKI df jjbf BrIey.
sfnUM quhfzy sfQ dI bhuq loV hY. pRo[ ieMdr isMG Gwgf, jo gurmiq igafn imsnrI
kfljL luiDafxy ivc iswK ieqhfs pVHfAux dI syvf kfPI lMmy smyN qoN krdy af rhy
hn, nUM
qy jf ky, suixaf jf skdsf hY.
gurU pMQ df dfs,
gurcrn isMG (ijAux vflf) brYNptn kYnyzf
ikrpfl isMG
Sikh Leaders Spreading, AIDS of
Bipar Trash???!!!
Date: Poh 19, 538 NS (Nanakshahi)
Question: In the name of controlling AIDS with the help of
Slogans from the (so-called) Dasam Granth (SCDG);
Is there another BIPAR
CRIME/DECEPTION in the making, right in front of our own eyes???!!!
Moreover, in this latest Bipar plot, is the present day Akal
Takhat Jathedar a senior partner in crime of INSULTING the Guru Sahib, by
promoting the AIDS of Bipar Trash of the so-called Dasam Granth as the writing
of the Guru (that in fact it is not)???!!!
For answers just read on.
As per Veer "Amandeep Singh" email to SGPC; Parvesh
Sharma of TNN News reported as under;
<<< " Ludhiana: Giving a more worldly context
to religious texts, the Punjab AIDS Control Society (PACS) has decided to take
phrases from the Dasam Granth to be used in its campaign to tackle the deadly
disease amongst truckers. For this, PACS has already got the go ahead from the
Akal Takhat Jathedar. Spreading the message of being loyal to one's partner,
phrases like ''Nij nari ke saath nehu tum nit badheyahu, par nari ki sej bhuli
supne hun jaiyahu,'' from the Dasam Granth will be pasted on trucks in the form
of stickers." >>>
No doubt, the said advice
''Nij nari ke saath nehu tum
nit badheyahu, par nari ki sej bhuli supne hun jaiyahu: i.e. Increase the
intensity of love with your own wife everyday, and dont go to another womans
bed even in your dreams
is an excellent eye catching slogan for any
person to benefit from.
However, knowing the latest anti-Sikh activities of
the RSS controlled Sikh leadership, and the fact that the said slogan has been
intentionally picked by its promoters from the pages of the so-called Dasam
Granth, and has been especially approved by the Jathedar Akal Takhat; it needs
serious investigation under the light of the question;
Is there some
nefarious Deception hidden behind this move???
Furthermore, we definitely need to find, if these words are
written by the Tenth Nanak Guru Gobind Singh Jee, as the MISCHIEF MONGERS of
this promotion would like to make everyone believe???!!!
Or, are these the
words of some very clever "Bipar", that the "Bipar Tolla"
has selected to offer as a "Bait" to distract the readers attention
away from the "POISON (of promoting GGS Jee as the author of SCDG)"
that the readers are about to be fed through this slogan???!!!
Furthermore, is the intent of this BIPAR MISCHIEF of
converting the above lines into a truck sticker, really meant to further a noble
cause of minimizing AIDS, as it appears to be on the surface???!!!
it some very deep rooted BIPAR CRIME about to be let loose to feed the
"POISON" of maligning the Name (without naming) of the Tenth Nanak,
Guru Gobind Singh Jee, in a very clever and deceptive way???
Also, should we let ourselves get fooled by this crimes on
its surface appearance?
Should we ask ourselves some investigative
questions to find; if the Akal Takhat Jathedar has devised this plan to give the
Sikh Nation another lethal doze of the BIPAR AIDS, wrapped in a thickly
sugar-coated Lollypop???
To find out the truth let us go back to the original source.
For the information of those who may not know the original
source of this slogan;
its lines "Nij nari ke
. Supne hun
jaiyahu" are a part of a very popular episode of a "Kanjar
Kavita" titled Noop Kaur.
. (Ref: Chhand 51 of Charittar 21 of the
Porno-Kavita named Charitropakhyan of the so-called Dasam Granth.)
Yes, pretty much all the "Bipar Tollas" claim, that
the above episode being a part of Charitropakhyan has been written by NONE other
than our beloved Guru, Guru Gobind Singh Jee, and some writers like Piara Singh
Jee Padam have even gone a step further to claim that the said episode is an
auto-biography of the Tenth Nanak. Therefore, fooled by such suggestive claims;
many Ragis, Dhadis, and Parcharaks in their ignorance or stupidity also sing
these lines in many Sikh Gurdwaras. It is this precise stupidity or Sikh
ignorance that is being taken advantage of by the present day Jathedars &
their cohorts to unfold this latest BIPAR CRIME right in front of our own eyes.
Therefore let us have a look at the REAL PICTURE OF THE
WRITER of these lines that the source of this Mischief, the so-called
Dasam-Granth paints. And after looking at the picture then let each one of us
decide for ourselves, if the said writer is our Beloved Tenth Nanak, Guru Gobind
Singh Jee as suggested by the Bipar Tolla,
Characterless but very clever "Bipar" involved in spreading the Bipar
AIDS of Bipar Deceptions.
According to the so-called Dasam Granth, it is the story of
an UN-NAMED married man, known as the Raja of Anandpur (Note: despite being
un-named the Bipar Tolla claims this Raja to be none other than Guru Gobind
Singh Jee); who, according to the episode;
.. after being approached by a
Rich married woman, Noop Kaurs agent named Magan (Page 80, Tuk 10): disguised
himself as an Ateet (Tapasvi or sadh), and as per plan, remembering Bhagauti
(i.e.Durga, not Waheguru), went alone to the said ladys house (Dera),
at night (Sot, sleeping time), with no intentions of coming back (Phirio
Nahi Pharay), and entered her house with a forceful, unstoppable passion (Dhusio,
i.e. Dhus day kay).
Questions on Tuk 10: If the married Rajas intentions
were very pure and clean, then why will he go alone to some married ladys
house, in the absence of her husband?, and that too in a disguise?
..Why did
he need a disguise?
.Why did he go at night?
..Why didnt he have
any intentions of coming back that night?
..Why will he thrash into her house
(Dera) with an unstoppable passion? ... Is this Raja, the Tenth Nanak?
Then, (on entering the Dera, the Raja does not get upset)
when the Lady (a prostitute?) offers him Phool (Hukka or Opium), Paan, &
Kaif (Sharab).
.. but rather , he proceeds to remove his Athith (Tapasvi)
dress (note: in somebody elses house), and wears his expensive (Bahu
Mol) dress, sits on the womans BED (Saij, in the bedroom). (Ref:
Tuks 11 & 12).
Questions on Tuk 11:
..If this Raja, (as claimed by
the Bipar Tollas to be the Tenth Nanak), then,
.Why didnt he get upset
when offered with the above intoxicants?
..Did he approve of all this?
did he remove his clothes?
..How many guests you know of? who might have
come to your house, and have started stripping themselves naked to change their
cloths as their first order of business?
Next, why did he choose to
proceed to the bedroom?
..Why didnt he stay in the Living area?
he know what happens in the Bedroom of a prostitute?
Next, (Page 82-Tuk 29): when Noop Kaur approaches the Raja
for sex, then gripped with the flashbacks of him being a married man, he refuses
to sleep with her for his fear of Dharamraj (and not because of his moral
character?), and then delivers his sermon containing the above Slogan as an
excuse to not to have sex with Noop Kaur.
However, when Noop Kaur belittles him with taunts, saying,
"if you cant have sex with me them pass under my leg (a very demeaning
act in the Punjabi Culture.)", then the answer that he gives is worth
.He boasts; "Only he who does not know how to do good
sex, will pass under the leg., and who "Baith Niphoonsak (impotent)
Rahay, Rain (Night) sagri (whole) na bajaway"
.(Please excuse me from
refraining from translating this entire line with the word bajaway in it."
ask someone to tell you as to what is meant by "sagri raat bajaway."
(Ref: Page 82-Tuk 29)
Next after quite a detailed exchange of some porno
conversations, the frustrated prostitute, ends up shouting "Chore, Chore
(thief, thief)", and the said man ends up running from the scene leaving
his Pamri (a kind of coat), and shoes behind; however having gotten caught by
the people, takes advantage of the darkness & confusion to escape, and
succeeds avoiding a massive scale SHOE-BEATING.
(Once again, is he the Tenth
Next morning coming to find about the Prostitutes action
of displaying the shoes and the Pamri of the previous nights Chore, outside
her house, the said Raja LIES to his Sikhs declaring that someone has stolen his
above articles; and promises SALVATION to anyone who finds the stolen articles.
Hearing which, quickly, his Sikhs bring in the LOST articles along with the
Prostitute into this powerful mans court;
where, for FOOLING the
audience, while sitting on a Seat of Justice as the judge, he LIES publicly by
playing the DRAMA of making some fake threats to the woman; but in the end,
directs his disciples to bring in the woman to his private quarters for a
private conversation.
(Could this man be the Tenth Nanak?)
And in this private conversation he ends up APOLOGISING to
the woman and PROMISING her Rs 20,000 (of those days) every six months as HUSH
MONEY. He APOLOGISES asking for forgiveness (Chimma), and promises to not to
commit the crime (Praadh, Apraadh) again. (Ref: Page 94, Charitar 23, Tuk 12).
..If the Raja did not commit any Crime,
then what was he admitting to?
.What for did agree to pay the HUSH money?
..What for was he apologizing?
(To see the original Punjabi Version of the Charittar please
click on this link: http://www.gobindsadan.org/institute/dasam/pdf/v4_1.pdf
Does the above picture of the UN-NAMED Raja looks to you,
like the picture of our beloved Tenth Nanak, Guru Gobind Singh Jee?
is it the portrayal of some LOW Life Raja of Bipar Tollas
Isnt it the Raja, who; deceives, cheats,
betrays, and lies, at the drop of a feather, and escapes shoe-beatings while
visiting some whore houses in disguise, under the cover of darkness?
Therefore, are the words of the slogan (which the present day
Jathedar Akal Takhat and his criminal cohorts would like to advertise as the
words of the Guru), really authored by the Tenth Nanak Guru Gobind Singh
Or, are these the words of some very clever "Bipar",
that the Bipar Tolla has selected to be offer as a "Bait" to distract
the readers attention away from the "POISON" that the readers are
about to be fed???!!!
Furthermore, is the intent of this BIPAR MISCHIEF of
converting the above Slogan into a truckers sticker, really meant to further
a noble cause of preventing AIDS, as it appears to be on the surface???!!!
is the real intent meant to spread the AIDS of some very deep rooted
BIPAR CRIME, meant to let loose the "POISON" of maligning the Name
(without naming) of the Tenth Nanak, Guru Gobind Singh Jee???
You, be the judge.
Kirpal Singh, USA.
blbIr isMG sUc, aYzvokyt
kfiv ikafrI-BfvyN koeI vI ijwqy
votrf! qUM vI ijwq ky ivKf, hux DOx qoN gozf lfh,
nisLaF nMU Cwz, nsLf vMzx vfly nMU lfhnq pf.
nhIN qF votrf qyrI DOx qy ieh gozf rwKU hI rwKU,
dm-Br idafnqdfr nMU vot pf, BfvyN koeI vI ijwqy.
ho huisLafr! DOx qF akVf, hux gozf hyTF lfh,
hux idldfr nfl qur , dumUMihaF nMU vot dI qfkq idKf,
DOx qoN gozf lfh, afpxy pYrF qy afp af,
hux mrdf-mrdf vI kuwJ kr idKf! BfvyN koeI vI ijwqy.
swT sfl qoN qYnMU pqf nhIN lwgx idwqf,
kI asl hsqI huMdI hY vot-nIqI?
ho huisLafr! jokF qoN bc qy bcf, vot dI qfkq idKf,
DOx qoN gozf lfh, DOx qF akVf, BfvyN koeI vI ijwqy.
hux mrdf-mrdf vI vot pfAux jf,
ieh kr ivKf ik qfkq huMdI hY vot-nIqI,
hux iemfn nfl qur, byeImfn nMU vot dI qfkq idKf,
DOx qoN gozf lfh, DOx qF akVf, BfvyN koeI vI ijwqy.
votrf ienHF ikhVy pwK qoN qYnMU nhIN mfiraf,
igafn qoN dUr rwK ky, qYnMU ikvyN hY AujfiVaf?
ienHF dI hsqI hY qyrI vot! jy hovy nf vot aMdr Kot,
murdfrF qy jokF nMU vot nf pf, BfvyN koeI vI ijwqy.
hux qF dws dy! ik qfkq huMdI hY vot-nIqI,
qYnMU BulfeI hY asl nIqI-smJfeI hY glq nIqI,
bhu-igxqI, Gwt-igxqI, jfqpfq-nIqI, Drm-nIqI,
Cwz! hux smJ! qfkq hY vot-nIqI, BfvyN koeI vI ijwqy.
sUc ny qF isrP dyKI hY! cfr-cuPyry sLosLx-nIqI,
cfhy Aus nMU kho vihmF-BrmF dI nIqI jF BIK qy nIc dI-nIqI,
jy bcxf hY qF vrq lY vot-nIqI,
nhIN qF BYVf Pisaf rhyNgf ivckfr sLosLx-nIqI,
muridaF nMU Bjf, iksy ijAuNdy nMU vot pf, BfvyN koeI vI ijwqy.
sUc ! klm dI apIl mMn, dlIl mMn, nf bx lfeIlwg-mMn,
qfkq hMudI hY! vot-nIqI, nhIN qF qoN ikvyN iswKyNgf bcxf?
ijAuNdIaF lfsLF qy BUqF-pRyqF ny bxfeI hY jo sLosLx-nIqI,
mMn! jLrUr sPl hoAUgI vot-nIqI,
alop hoAUgI! byiensfPI qy sLosLx-nIqI, BfvyN koeI vI ijwqy.
vwloN: blbIr isMG sUc, aYzvokyt; muKI qy bulfrf, iswK ivcfr
mMc, luiDafxf.
House # 12333/1, Street # 12, Vishvakarma
Colony, Behind Sangeet Cinema, Ludhiana-141003, Punjab (India)
January 6, 2007; Mobile: 98143-34544
zf: srbjIq isMG muMbeI
"Waheguru Ji Ka Khalsa Waheguru Ji Ke Fateh"
Subject: Why the present day Sikhs are lacking behind.
The fundamental reasons behind the lacking of most of the Sikhs are:
Many people have too much ego, which Sikhism does not allow.
Many people follow caste system, which Sikhism does not allow.
Many ladies go for Fast, which Sikhism does not allow.
Many people drink and take drugs, which Sikhism does not allow. Even tea or
coffee and most of the cold drinks come in the category of mild intoxicants.
Hence, Sikhism does not allow these also. This is the reason that most of the
children will drink tea but not milk.
We just do rituals regarding religion, which Gurbani does not allow.
We read as a ritual but do not understand Gurbani and also do not apply it in
our own life.
We treat Guru Granth Sahib as a ritual Guru and not really as Jagat Jyot.
In fact we are more followers of Saints and Deras and not of Guru Granth Sahib.
We think our selves great by modifying and changing Gurbani. Guru Har Rai
Sahib did not forgive his son. How the Guru will forgive us?
Very rarely TRUE Gurbani is being recited in most of the programs.
We waste too much money on marriages and parties.
Many people believe in show business.
Many people give money to the beggars but not to the needy.
We rarely select good quality leaders in Gurdwaras or Politics.
We appoint low quality and uneducated Granthis. The committee members want to
rule over them. In many places the Granthis are ill-treated.
We feel proud by talking in languages other than Punjabi.
We teach other languages to our children but not Gurmukhi.
We rerely study and analyse Sikh History.
If we ourselves go away from the GURU then how he can save us?
The best way to be happy and prosperous in life is
to follow Guru Granth Sahib.
Thanking you and with best regards.
Dr. Sarbjit Singh
isMG sBf ieMtrnYsLnl XU[ ky[
Ç ÃÄsiqgur
pRsfid Ç
kubuiD imtY gur sbdu bIcfir !!
Tel. No. 07939922484
Date 31 -12 -2006
President : Avtar Singh
General Secretary: Sewa Singh
Treasure: Maninderpal Singh
Ref.No. SSI/ 0714………..
slok mhlf 3slok
jgqu jlMdf riK lY afpxI ikrpf Dfir..
duafrY AubrY iqqY lyhu Aubfir ..
suKu vyKfilaf scf sbdu bIcfir ..
avru n suJeI hir ibn bKsxhfr ..
isWKn ko hukm hY, gurU mfinE grMQ”
jI sfiraF nMU pirvfrF smyq DMn DMn srbMsdfnI gurU goibMd isMG jI dy pRkfsL idvs
qy kotn kot vDfeINaF hox. siqgurU sfnUM bWl bKsLx qF ik asIN cvr qKLq dy mflk,
hfjLrf hjLUr jfgq joq sLIR gurU grMQ sfihb jI dy AupdysL nMU smJky afpxy jIvn
ivc Dfrn kr skIey aqy ies dy anmol isDFqF nMU sfrI lokfeI ivc PYlf skIey.
nvF sfl vI afp jI leI KusLIaF aqy KyiVaF nfl BrpUr hovy.
blbIr isMG sUc, aYzvokyt
kfiv ikafrI-pqf hY afAuxI
pqf hY afAuxI hY!
afAuNdI sI pr CupdI rhI,
huxy sI afAuxI! iesy krky CupdI rhI.
ies ivc gm huMdf qF mMjLl afAuxI nhIN sI,
afAuNdI sI pr lukdI rhI,
huxy sI afAuxI! iesy krky lukdI rhI.
qfhINey! qyjL cwilaf nhIN qF sPlqf pfAuxI nhIN sI,
afAuNdI sI pr rukdI rhI,
huxy sI afAuxI! iesy krky rukdI rhI.
ies ’c brbfdI huMdI qF ajy ieh afAuxI nhIN sI,
afAuNdI sI pr smJfAuNdI rhI,
huxy sI afAuxI! iesy krky smJfAuNdI rhI.
mfVI huMdI qF ieh ieQoN qk ilafAuNdI hI nhIN sI,
afAuNdI sI pr GbrfAuNdI rhI,
huxy sI afAuxI! iesy krky GbrfAuNdI rhI.
zrfAuxI hMudI qF ieh bcx df qrIkf ikAuN idKfAuNdI rhI?
afAuNdI sI pr rfh idKfAuNdI rhI,
huxy sI afAuxI! iesy krky rfh idKfAuNdI rhI.
jdoN afeI AudoN hI afAuxI sI,
afAuNdI sI pr kuwJ krvfAuNdI rhI,
huxy sI afAuxI! iesy krky kuwJ krvfAuNdI rhI.
ies df zr huMdf qF ieiqhfs ’c vfrI afAuxI nhIN sI,
afAuNdI sI pr hfrdI rhI,
huxy sI afAuxI! iesy krky hfrdI rhI.
sUc! ies dy afAux nfl hI aMq ihsfb-ikqfb huMdf hY,
kOx kmf igaf, kOx gvf igaf, kOx kI Kf igaf?
ieiqhfs bxy! qfhINey qF sB ihsfb-ikqfb huMdf hY.
blbIr isMG sUc, aYzvokyt, muKI qy bulfrf, iswK ivcfr mMc, luiDafxf.
mobfeIl: 98143-34544
December 31, 2006
pRo: qrlocn isMG mhfjn
pRo: qrlocn isMG mhfjn, iPijks ivBfg, Kflsf kflj pitaflf
quhfzf nvF sfl KusLIaF Biraf hovy. kfmXfbIaF quhfzy kdm cuMmx. duKF-klysLF df
nfs hovy. lksLmI myhrbfn rhy. kfrobfr ivc vfDf hovy. ibmfrIaF qy mukwdimaF qoN
rwb bcfeI rwKy. nvyN sfl vfly idn sfry iek dujy leI ieho duaf kr rhy hn.
sfzI ijMdgI dy keI vry
hsidaf-roNidaF lMG gey aqy keI KusIaF-gmIaF ivwc. sfl 2006 vI afpxIaF aimwt Cfp
CwVdf hoieaf lMG irhf hY. ieiqhfs dI ikqfb dy 365 pMny hor Bry jf cwuky hn.
smyN dI klm quhfzy jIvn dIaF GtnfvF qoN ieiqhfs dy agly kory pMinaF nMU Brn leI
byqfb hY.
ieh sfl iks leI ikho
ijhf hovygf iksy nMU kuJ nhIN pqf. keIaf leI cMgf hovygf qy keIaF leI mfVf.
keIaF leI KusLIaF lY ky afvygf qy keIaF leI musIbqF. ies sfl keI iksmq dy DnI
bfdsLfhIaF df qfj pihnxgy qy keI iksmq dy mfry PFsI df PMdy qy ltkxgy. keIaF
dy isr qy ishry sjxgy qy keI kbrF ivc dPnfey jfxgy. lfl kpiVaF ivwc sjeIaF kuJ
nv-ivafhIaF ijQy sUrj dI lflI nMU mfq dyxgIaF AuQy kuJ aBfgxF qy imwtI df qyl pf
ky sfiVaf jfvygf. sfl 2006 nMU alivdf kihx leI aqy sfl 2007 nMU jI-afieaF kihx
leI ijQy klwbF qy hotlF ivc sLrfb qy sLbfb dI msqI ivc not lutfey jfxgy AuQy
PuwtpfQF qy aqy JugIaF ivc pey kuJ iensfn srdI nf shfrdy hoey dm qoV rhy hoxgy.
ijQy amIr-sMsfr rMg-brMgIaF rosLnIaF ivwc afpxI jIvn nMU rosLnI nfl Brn leI kyk
kwt irhf hovygf AuQy grIb-sMsfr AunHF rosLnIaF dy prCfvyN ivc afpxy dIivaF nMU
bflx leI imwtI df qyl lwB irhf hovygf.
ikAuNik nvF sfl sfzI
brUhF qy hY, afE! ies nMU KusLfmdId khIey. bIqy duKF nMU ivsfirdaF qy KusIaF nMU
smytidaF hoieaF duaf krIey ik "hy awlf aijhf kMm nf krfeIN ijs nfl nmosLI df
sfhmxf krnf pey. Auh kMm krfeIN jo dUsiraF nMU KusLI aqy skUn dyvy. musIbqF qoN
bcfeIN vfihgurU. jy musIbqF afvx qF AunHF nMU hsIN hsIN sfhmxf krn df bl bKsIN.
ies nvyN sfl vFgMU sfzf hr idn hr GVI qy hr pl nvF hovy qy kuJ nvF krn dI cfhq
hovy. hy ipqf pRmfqmf! qusI sfnMU sfzI ijMdgI df mksd spsLt krdy hoey AunHF
rfhF qy clx dI ihMmq bKsxF ijhVIaF rfhF qyry dr qy jFdIaF hox. nvyN sfl nMU afE
ienHF rfhF qy sjdf kridaF hoieaF afpxy pYr agFh vl vDfeIey. KusLfmdId nvF sfl -
srvjoq isMG svwdI
sRI akfl
qKq sfihb jI dy sfbkf jQydfr BfeI gurdyv isMG jI kFAuky ijMnF nUM 1 jnvrI 1993
nUM sLhId kr idwqf sI. AunF dI 14 vIN brsI ipMz kFAuky klF ( ijlf luiDafxf) ivwc
smUh iswK sMgq vloN 1 jnvrI 2007 nUM mnfeI jf rhI hY.
zf: hrijMdr isMG idlgIr
ivlwKx ivafh ijs ivc nfrvIjIan gory qF kIrqn suxdy rhy pr kuVI
vfly lFvF huMidaF hI Bwj gey
aMimRqsr (spoksmYn ibAUro) – aj 27 dsMbr 2006 dy idn iswK
imsLn ieMtrnYsLnl dy nfrvy dy pRDfn ibkrmdIp isMG (puwqr hrjIq isMG) df ivafh
bIbI avnIq kOr (puqrI sRI mnmohxjIq isMG) nfl Cyhrtf nyVly ipMz iCwzx ivc pUrn
gurmirafdf nfl hoieaf. ies mOky ‘qy lFvF df pfT joVI ny bYT ky suixaf nf ik
sfrf smF KVHy ho ky (cyqy rhy ik nfrvy ivc anMd kfrj dOrfn muMzf kuVI pUrIaF
lFvF dOrfn pUrf smF KVHy rihMdy hn)
rihq mrXfdf anusfr lFvF df pfT KVHy ho ky suxn df ivDfn hY-sMpfdk}.
ies ivafh ivc ibkrmdIp isMG dy 6-7 nfrvIjIan gory sfQI vI Aucycf "iswK anMd
kfrj" ivc sLfiml hox vfsqy hvfeI jhfjL rfhIN puwjy hoey sn. iswK ieiqhfskfr
zfktr hrijMdr isMG idlgIr vI ies mOky ‘qy Aucycy qOr ‘qy mohflI qoN puwjy
hoey sn. BfeI insLfn isMG dy kirqnI jwQy ny kIrqn qy kQf kr ky iswKI df sunyhf
ies ivafh ivc bhuq sfrIaF ivlwKx gwlF vyKx nUM imlIaF. anMd
kfrj dI rsm vyly iswK imsLn ieMtrnYsLnl dy XUrpIn knvInr sR[ blijMdr isMG dy
spuwqr rmndIp isMG, jo nfrvy ivc pYdf hoey qy AuQy hI pVHy hn, ny gurbfxI dy
sLbdF nfl jFÖIaF qy mFÖIaF nUM inhfl kIqf. ies dOrfn sfry nfrvIjIan gory anMd
mugD hoey pUrf smF bYTy rhy pr kuVI vfly kIrqn qoN bor ho gey qy lFvF mukidaF hI
AuT ky cly gey. ies ivafh dI dUjI ivlwKx gwl ieh sI ik jd bfrfq cwlx lwgI qF
lfVy ny nf qF ishrf bMinHaf hoieaf sI qy nf hI klgI lfeI sI. ielfky ivc ies
ivlwKx ivafh df KLUb crcf hY.
aYWs[ ey[ aYWl[ zI[ eI[ aYWP[
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blbIr isMG sUc 'aYzvokyt'
Gr prvfr
myrI supqnI: ijs df ros vI rhU hI rhU
Respected Sardar Makhan Singh Purewal ji,
Chief Editor,
Waheguru ji ka Khalsa,
Waheguru ji kee Fateh!
Thanks for drawing special attention to the article in the
note itself on the front page of your web.
Again the additions of ‘Gurbani’ to give more religious
touch to ‘Household/Married Life’ narrated in the article shall be like
guidance for others in this respect. It is also like making the article more
important for enlightening and educating all. You further proved your skill by
displaying it in a befitting manner.
I always consider that all Sikhs are members of the ‘Sikh
Vichar Manch’ and I am only acting as their ‘Spokesperson’ in the name of
this forum for collective and larger interest.
Thanks for your additions by specially drawing attention to
it, cooperation and services.
With regards
Balbir Singh Sooch, Advocate, Ludhiana
House # 12333/1, Street # 12, Vishvakarma Colony, Behind
Sangeet Cinema, Ludhiana-141003, Punjab (India)
December 25, 2006; Mobile: 98143-
brijMdr isMG brfV aqy sfQI
pMjfb dy idafl pury ivwc vfprI drdnfk Gtnf nfl amrIkf dy iswK
BfeI cfry nUM BfrI Tys
inAUjrsI dy gurdvfrf dsmysL drbfr ivKy ivvfdI dsm gRMQ pRqI
hoeI pMQk kMnvYnsLn ivwc josL Bry jYkfiraF dI gUMj ivwc keI mqy pfs
kfrtyrt (inAUjrsI)-bIqy nvMbr nUM isK Drm dy bfnI sfihb ÈRI
gurU nfnk dyv jI dy avqfr purb qoN iek hPqf bfad jdoN ik isK jgq afpxy rihbr dy
afgmn purb dIaf KuÈIaf ivc QF QF qy ngr kIrqnF aqy kIrqn drbfrF afidk rfhIN
KuÈIaF mnf hI irhf sI qF dmdmI tksfl dy iek DVy dy muKI hrnfm isMG DuMmF dI
agvfeI hyT idafl purf ivKy ivvfdI dsm gRMQ df gurU gRMQ sfihb dy qul pRkfÈ krn
AuprMq aKMz pfT krky isK jgq dy ihridaf nUM vlUMDr idqf . ieMnHF Dfrimk afgUaF
vloN pMQk isK rihq mirXfdf dI kIqI geI Gor AulMGxf nfl pUrf isK jgq duibDf ivwc
pY igaf hY. isK jgq nUM iek muwT rKx aqy pMQk isK rihq mirXfdf nUM brkrfr rKx dy
mksd nfl amrIkf dy eIst kost qy siQq prmuK Dfrimk sMsQf gurdvfrf sfihb dÈmyÈ
drbfr kfrtyrt/port rIizMg inAUjrsI ivKy iek pMQk iekwT sidaf igaf . ies pMQk
iekT ivwc inAUXfrk-inAUjrsI-pYnslfvfnIaf-mYrIlYNz-vfiÈMgtn-knYktIkt stytF qoN
BfrI igxqI ivc isK afgU aqy pMQ drdI Èfml hoey.
sfihb ÈRI gurU gRMQ sfihb jI dy agy ardfs jodVI krky
kMnvYÈn dI kfrvfeI ÈurU krn qoN pihlF gurU jI qoN hukmnfmf srvx kIqf igaf
AuprMq gurU Gr dy skqr BfeI sqnfm isMG nOrvy ny kMnvYÈn dI kfrvfeI ÈurU kIqI.
hr iek isK afgU dI sur ivc idaflpurf ivKy kIqy gey ivvfdI dsm gRMQ dy aKMz pfT
df zwtvF ivroD sI. sfry afgUaf ny ijQy ies Gtnf nUM isK pMQ nfl isK ivroDI qfkqF
vloN kIqI geI GnOxI hrkq grdfinaf aqy ies gl qy vI gihrf duK prgt kIqf ik ies
mMdBfgI Gtnf df mohrf dmdmI tksfl dy iek DVy dy muKI hrnfm isMG DuMmf bxy. ies
dy nfl hI ieh aPsos vI jfhr kIqf igaf ik isK pMQ dy qKqF dy jQydfr vI isK rihq
mirXfdf nUM iCky tMg ky ies anhoxI Gtnf ivc hrnfm isMG DuMmf dy BfeIvfl bxy.
ieQy ieh ijkr Xog hovygf ik bfbf Tfkr isMG dy akfl clfxy qoN bfad iehI jQydfr sn
ijMnHF ny hrnfm isMG DuMmF dI jQydfrI nf kbUlidaF BfeI rfm isMG jI nUM dmdmI
tksfl dy jQydfr prvfn kIqf sI ikAuN ik bfbf Tfkr isMG ny amrIkf ivc afpxy jIAUdy
jIa BfeI rfm isMG nUM dsqfr bMdI kr idqI sI.
bulfiraF ivcoN ijafdqr dI ieh mMg vI sI ik ijMnHF ny gurmiq
rihq mirXfdf aqy gurU dy hukm dIaF DjIaf AuzfeIaF hn AunHF nUM pMQ ivcoN Kfrj
kIqf jfvy. keI isK afgUaF ny ajoky smyN ivc sfihb ÈRI akfl qKq qy aisDy qOr qy
bfdl df kbjf hox dI gl vI khI aqy jordfr mMg kIqI ik ajyhy rfjnIqk afgUaf df vI
pMQ bfeI kft kry ijhVy afpxy rfjsI ihqF kfrx isK Drm nUM Korf lf rhy hn.
ivvfdI dsm gRMQ sbMDI gl kridaf Aus vyly bulfiraf dy bolx
ivwc idkq afAuNdI mihsUs huMdI dyKI geI ijs vyly ies aKOqI gRMQ ivc drj aslIl
qukF df ijkr krnf qF chuMdy sn pr kMnvYÈn ivc bYTIaF bIbIaF hox krky aysf nhIN
sn kr rhy. isK ieqhfs aqy gurbfxI ivc drsfey gey Auh kFz vI sfied nf vfprdy jykr
smfj dy lok afpxI rihxI bihxI ivwc srm hXf nUM iqlFjlI nf dy cuky hoey huMdy.
gurU sfihb nUM vI bfbr dy kihr df ijkr kridaf qdy kihxf ipaf sI "lflo srmu
Drmu duie Cip Kloey kUVu iPrY prDfnu vy lflo". ies qrF df smfj hI isrj
skdIaf hn aKOqI aqy ivvfdI dsm gRMQ dIaF Auh lfeInF ijMnHf ivc Èrm hXf dy sfry
hwd bMny tp ky aq drjy dy gMdy lPj ilKy hoey hn. ivvfdI gRMQ dy msly qy iekTy
hoey sfry sjx Aus vyly qobf kr rhy sn jdoN iek bulfry nUM mËbUrn ivvfdI dsm
gRMQ dI iek lfeIn styj qoN bolxI peI. pr ivvfdI dsm gRMQ ivc drj kIqy gey gMd
nUM jfhr krn leI prcy vMzy gey.
isK afgUaF ny ies gl qy vI jor idqf ik idafl pury dI Gtnf ivc
Èfml hox vfly zyrydfrF-aKOqI sfDF-Dfrimk afgUaF df bfhrly dyÈF ivwc afAux qy
ros prgt krn leI kflIaf JMzIaf nfl svfgq kIqf jfvy. iek bulfry nUM Aus vyly jor
dfr ivroDqf df sfhmxf kridaf byjvfb hoxf ipaf jdoN Aus ny ivvfdI dsm gRMQ dy hk
ivc gl kridaf ikhf ik ies dI kQf dmdmI tksfl dy muKI krdy afey hn. qqkflI ivroD
hox nfl jdoN cirqRo piKafn dI gl sfhmxy afeI qF ies BfeI nUM ieh kihxf ipaf ik
aYsI ilKq nUM dsm gRMQ ivcoN kZ dyxf cfhIdf hY. ies mOky qy isK afgUaF ny afr[
aYs[ aYs[ dIaf cflF df ijkr kridaf, ijMnF df iÈkfr sfzy aKOqI Dfrimk
afgU-zyrydfr ho cuky hn ikhf ik afr[ aYs[ aYs[ dIaf koJIaF hrkqF nUM kfmXfb nhIN
hox idqf jfvygf. kuJ afgUaF ny tksfl dy iek DVy dy muKI hrnfm isMG DuMmf nUM
afr[ aYs[ aYs[ dy jfl ivwc Pisaf hoieaf grdfinaf.
kMnvYÈn dy aKIr qk mhOl aYsf bixaf irhf ik cfh pfxI dI bryk
leI riKaf igaf smF vI iksy nUM cyqy nf irhf. cfr GMty qk clI ies pMQk kMnvYÈn
ivc bhuq sfry bulfiraF nUM bolx qoN vfJy hI rihxf ipaf. isK ieqhfs dy afAux vfly
smyN df bxI iek snuihrI pMnf ies kMnvYÈn ivc vfr vfr joÈ Bry "boly so
inhfl siq ÈIR akfl dy jYkfry gUMjdy rhy. ieh ijkrXog hY ik kMnvYÈn ivc sfrIaF
pMQk iDrF Èfml sn . aMq ivc jYkfiraf dI gUMj ivc keI mqy pfs kIqy gey jo ik ies
qrF hn-
1- aj df ieh pMQk iekT isK jgq nUM purjor apIl krdf hY ik
gurU goibMd isMG jI dy ies hukm ‘sB isKn kAu hukm hY gurU mfinE gRMQ qoN nf
iQVky. isKF dy gurU isrP qy isrP gurU gMRQ sfihb jI hn.
2- aj df ieh pMQk iekT ies gl dI pROVqf krdf hY ik ÈRI gurU
gRMQ sfihb jI dy brfbr (qul)iksy pusqk poQI nuM asQfpn nhIN kIqf jf skdf aqy
apIl krdf hY ik ijMnHF asQfnf qy ivvfdI dsm gRMQ df ÈRI gurU gRMQ sfihb jI dy
qul pRkfÈ kIqf hoieaf hY qurMq bMd kIqf jfvy.
3- aj df ieh pMQk iekT idaflpury ivKy hoey ivvfdI dsm gRMQ dy
aKMz pfT dI inKyDI krdf hY. ijMNnHF Dfrimk afgUaF dI agvfeI ivwc ivvfdI dsm gRMQ
df aKMz pfT kIqf igaf AunHF dI vI sKq inKyDI krdf hY.
4- aj df ieh pMQk iekT AunHF Dfrimk afgUaf aqy isMG sfihbfnF
qoN ijMnHF ny 13 nvMbr 2006 nUM idafl purf ivKy ihsf ilaf qoN spÈtI krn dI mMg
krdf hY.
5- aj df ieh pMQk iekT pMQk pRqIinD sMsQfvF aYs jI pI sI-zI
jI pI sI - hor sfrIaf sMsQfvF aqy jQybMdIaF nUM apIl krdf hY ik akfl qKq sfihb
qy iekTy ho ky inrpK gurisK ivdvfnF dI mIitMg bulf ky CyqI PYslf kry ik dsm gRMQ
ivwc ikhVIaf rcnfvF gurimq anusfrI hn aqy ikhVIaf nhIN.
ieh dwsxf ijkrXog hY ik gurU Gr ivKyy ivsLysL qOr qy phuMcy
iswK pMQ dy mhfn kIrqnIey BfeI anUp isMG AUny vfilaF ny dsm gRMQ sbMDI afpxy
ivcfr dwsidaf ikhf ik ies ivwc drj asLlIl ilKq gurU goibMd isMG jI dI nhIN ho
skdI, AunHF ny ikhf ik ivdvfnf nUM cfhIdf hY ik Auh inrxf krky iswK sMgq nUM
dwsx ik ikhVI bfxI gurmiq anusfr hY ikhVI nhIN|
siqnfm isMG ‘pMnvF’ zbeI
siqkfr Xog puryvfl jI,
vfihgurU jI kf Kflsf ]
vfihgurU jI kI Pqh ]
srdfr puryvfl jIAu afp jI ny ‘iswK mfrg’ sLurU krky iswK
kOm dI mhfn syvf df bIVf AuTfieaf hY . ieh kMm qF sfzIaF isrmor jwQybMdIaF nUM
krny cfhIdy sn . keI prkfr dI iswKI dy iswKF ivcoN drsLn ho rhy hn . koeI phfVF
vflI rn df syvk bxI bYTf hY koeI muwkt lgf ik muwK mMqrI kursI pRfpq krn leI hvn
kr irhf hY qy koeI sLromxI kmytI dI pRDfngI lYx leI pMj pMj sO rmfiex dy aKMzpfT
krf irhf hY . koeI sLromxI kmytI df prDfn inrMkfrIaF dy gozy rgV irhf hY, koeI
afsLUqosL qy koeI Binafry vfly df cylf bxI bYTf hY . afpxy afp nUM gurU goibMd
isMG vloN clfeI tksfl dwsky ipWCly iekI sfl qoN JUT bol bol ky ieh khI jf rhy hn
ik bfbf jrnYl isMG ajy sLhId nhIN hoey, Auh ijLAuNdy hn, jo khygf sMq jI sLhId
ho gey hn Aus dy mUMh ivc kIVy pYxgy . hux iswKI dI jVIH qyl dyx leI iehnF sfry
afpy bxy sfDF sMqF ny aKOqI dsm gMRQ df gurU gRMQ sfihb jI dy brfbr pRkfsL krfky
afpxI akl df jLnfjf kwZ ilaf hY . sfnUM ieh pUrI afs hY ik afp jI ijs isrV
duafrf jo iswKI isDFq dI gwl kr rhy ho ies nfl iswKI df inafrfpn kfiem rih skdf
hY .
afp jI nUM iek kivqf Byj irhF afs hY ik ies kivqf nUM iswK mfrg ivc QF dy ky
DMnvfdI bxfAugy .
pMQ df drdI ,
siqnfm isMG ‘pMnvF’ zbeI qoN
tYlIPUn nMbr 0097150 2235 991
isKI bUty leI iek qrlf
ijs bUty nUM bfby nfnk ny lfieaf ey, Auh hr QF plLdf afieaf ey .
afry dy dMidaF qy, rMbI dI Dfr qy, srsf dIaF lihrF qy .
awT gurU sfihbfn ny ies bUty nUM KUn psIny dy pfxI nfl lfieaf
ey .
gurU goibMd isMG jI ny prvfr sLhId krf PLlL Kfls pkfieaf ey .
gurU goibMd isMG jI ny dUr aMdysLI dy nfl, iswDf gurU gRMQ dy
nfl lfieaf ey .
ies bUty nUM gurU nfnk ny lfieaf ey pr Auh hux ho cilaf
kmlfieaf ey.
ies bUty nUM muwZoN pwutx leI vYrI quiraf afieaf ey .
ikAuNik bfbf nfnk jI ny bRfhmx df jnyAU nhIN pfieaf ey .
Esy idn bRhfmx ny ies bUty df, krn sPfey leI mqf pkfieaf ey .
iPr kdIN AudfsI qy inrmly bx ky Bys vtfieaf ey .
ies bUty nUM gurU nfnk jI ny lfieaf ey .
pr Auh hux cilaf kmlfieaf ey .
pUry sO sfl iswKF ny GoiVaF dIaF kfTIaF nUM Gr bxfieaf ey .
iek muwT CoilaF dI lMgrF ivcoN Kf GUr GUr mOq nUM zrfieaf ey
ies bUty nUM bfby nfnk jI ny lfieaf ey .
pr Auh hux cilaf kumlfieaf ey .
mIr mMnU vloN vI ieh bUtf vwiZaF vI pilLaf ey .
jLkrIaf Kfn vyly vI grjf isMG boqf isMG nf tilLaf ey .
pr iPr vI Kflsf bUtf kuwp rhIVy vwzy GwlUGfry ivwc nf suikaf
ey .
ies bUty nUM gurU nfnk jI ny lfieaf ey .
pr Auh hux cilaf kumlfieaf ey .
ijs ny vI ies bUty nUM vMgfiraf ey, Kflsf Aus bUhy jf
llkfiraf ey .
iehny nfdrsLfh keIaF nUM keI vfr Bjfieaf ey .
bVI Gflxf nfl rxjIq isMG ny iswK rfj bxfieaf ey .
pr bRfhmxF dI byeImfnI krky, iPr iswKI df bUtf igaf kmlfieaf
ey .
ijs bUty nUM gurU nfnk jI ny lfieaf ey .
pr Auh hux cilaf kumlfieaf ey .
ikAuNik ibwpr rUp Dfr gurduafiraF dy pRbMD leI awgy afieaf ey
rxjIq isMG ny iswKF ivwcoN sLbd ivcfr Cwz, puMn dfn vwl hwQ
vDfieaf ey .
ikAuNik ibwpr ny dsm gRMQ ivcoN iqRaf cRiqwr pVH suxfieaf ey
pr ! ieh bUtf qF gurU nfnk jI ny lfieaf ey .
pr dyKo ! ieh hux cilaf kumlfieaf ey .
JUTy dsmgRMQ nUM, tksfl dy muKIey kihMdy gurU goibMd isMG jI
ny bxfieaf ey .
pr Gr bYT ky mfvF DIaF BYxF nUM nf jFdf suxfieaf ey .
aPLIm BMg qy sLrfb pIxI ies qoN ibnf hor kuJ nf suixaf
suxfieaf ey .
aOKqI sfDF ny ies gRMQ nfl kOm dy jVHIN qyjLfb pfieaf ey .
ijs bUty nUM bfby nfnk jI ny lfieaf ey .
Auh hux cilaf kumlfieaf ey .
mMgF bvMjf mMg ky anMdpur df mqf pkfieaf ey .
bfhvF AuwcIaF AuwcIaF krky aKOqI lIzrF nfhrf lfieaf ey .
bcnf dy pUry jrnYl isMG iBMzrF vfly jo ikhf Auh kr ivKfieaf
ey .
ikAuNik gurbKsL isMG kflf aPLgfnf nUM nfl ibTfieaf ey .
ijs bUty nUM gurU nfnk jI ny lfieaf ey,
pr Auh hux cilaf kumlfieaf ey .
kihMdf tOhVf ies ny mihqy qoN af nfnk invfs zyrf lfieaf ey .
jy ieh awgy af igaf qF sfzf krU sPfieaf ey .
logONvfl hwQ KVy krky, kol Klo iBMzrF vflf sLhId krfieaf ey .
bfdl kihMdf nhIN jI mYN qy bVI pfhuMc kr azvfnI nUM kih ky,
iehnF df nF sLhIdF ivc krfieaf ey .
ijs bUty nUM gurU nfnk jI ny lfieaf ey ,
Auh hux cilaf kumlfieaf ey .
Tfkur isMG muKI tksfl df iewkI sfl irhf kuPr qoldf,
kihMdf mYN Auh nUM iml ky afieaf hF Auh ajy ijLAuNdf ey .
mYN sfrIaF ivDIaF lf ky vwzIaF vwzIaF cOpeIaF pVH ky
keI keI sMpt lf ky dsm gRMQ df keI vfr Bog pfieaf ey .
ijs bUty nUM gurU nfnk ny lfieaf ey,
Auh hux cilaf kumlfieaf ey .
pMQ dy jwQydfr vydFqI isMG ny vI iswK kOm nfl iek Dro kmfieaf
ey .
bRhfmx dI dlLdlL ivc suwtx leI iqMn sO sflf Auwqy
gur iblfs pfqsLfhI CyvIN nF df iek gRMQ sjfieaf ey .
sfiraf gurduafiraF ivc iehdI kQf krky mYnUM TMz pfieaf jy .
gurU gRMQ dI hux loV koeI nhIN muwKoN ieh alfeI jFdy,
dsm gRMQ dy drsLn krky gur iblfs dI kQf suxfieaf jy .
ikAuNik kfjLI dI DI, bIbI kOlF nUM gurU hir goibMd kwZ
ilafieaf ey .
ijs bUty nUM gurU nfnk ny lfieaf ey,
Auh hux cilaf kumlfieaf ey .
vydFqI jI qy eys gRMQ dy vyKo rMg inafry kUV kbfV iliKaf ey .
vydFqI jI dy eys gRMQ ny iek axhoxI bfq suxfeI ey .
dsm gRMQ dy vFg gpOiVaF gur iblfs ny AultI gMg vhfeI ey .
siqnfm df mMqR pVH mfqf gMgf nUM grBvqI drsfieaf ey .
lwK lfhnq ajyhy gRMQF dy jo kOm dy glL pfieaf ey .
cqrBujI ivsLnUM dy kihx qy hI hirmMdr sfihb bxfieaf ey .
ijs bUty nUM gurU nfnk ny lfieaf ey,
Auh bUtf cilaf awj kumlfieaf ey .
ijhVf eys gRMQ nUM JUTf khy Aus nUM pMQ coN Cykx df hukm
suxfieaf ey .
amrjIq isMG kihMdf vydFqI sfnUM zr kfhdf,
ikAuNik bfdl ny quhfnUM Kud jwQydfr bxfieaf ey .
ijs ipwCy sudrsLn qy azvfnI dI rihmq df Cfieaf ey .
ijhnF dy vwizaF ny jYnIaF boDIaF nUM Bfrq coN Bjfieaf ey .
qy hux iswKF df eys gRMQ ny hI krnfa sPfieaf ey .
Eey ! kI juarwq spoksmYn dI,
sfzy ilKy eys gRMQ nUM ijs lokF ivc suxfieaf ey .
Cyko pMQ ivcoN spoksmYn nUM kflf aPLgfnf vI nhIN jFdf
smJfieaf ey .
ijs bUty nUM gurU nfnk ny lfieaf ey,
Auh awj cilaf kumlfieaf ey .
ijhnF mhMqF nUM nnkfixAuN gurU ky bfgoN jYqo ivcoN isMGF
Bjfieaf ey.
ieh sfry sfD sMq qy zyrdfr AuhnF dI aOlfd df hI srmfieaf ey .
ieh jwQydfrF nfl rlL ky qy bxI rihq mrXfd df krn sPfieaf ey .
pMQ drdIE kuJ kro vyKo nOjvfnF df kI nqIjf afieaf ey .
gurU gRMQ sfihb jI nUM jIvn jfc KjLfnf bxfieaf ey .
pr inry suKmnI qy aKMzpfTF leI nhIN bxfieaf ey .
iparIey kOmy sqnfm isMG ny vI iek qrlf pfieaf ey .
ijs bUty nUM gurU nfnk ny lfieaf ey ,
Auh awj cilaf kumlfieaf ey .
DMnvfd sfihq pMQ df drd rwKx vflf ,
siqnfm isMG ‘pMnvF’ zbeI .
tYlIPUn nMbr 00971502235 991
pRo: gurbcn isMG QfeIlYNz vfly
srdfr mwKx isMG jI puryvfl
vfihgurU jI kf ] Kflsf vihgurU jI kI Pqh ] afp jI nUM sR[gurivMdr isMG jI nfnk
imsLn ieMtrnYsLnl jrmn vfilaF dIaF kuJ kivqfvF Byj irhF hF jo pMQ dy drd nUM
muwK rwK ky ilKIaF geIaF hn, afs hY ik iehnF kivqfvF nUM iswK mfrg ivc QF dy ky
DMnvfdI bxfAugy .
kivqf nMbr ---1
tukiVaF ivc vMzI hoeI iswKI
ipMz ipMz mhwly mhwly gurduafry,
glLI glLI ivc Awugy prDfn iPrdy .
hr iewk bMdf eywQy bixaF iPry prcfrk ,
iPr vI iswKI dy ivc ingfr af gey .
gurU pMQ iek Kflsf sfijaf sI ,
tuikVaF ivc asIN ies nUM vMz idwqf .
dsm duafr asF afpxf Kohlxf hY,
aKMz kIrqnIaF ismrn hI mhfn dwisaf .
bxy bRhfmx pUrn mihqy cONk vfly,
krmkFzI ijnHF iswK bxf Cwzy .
afr[ aYs[ aYs[ nfl ijhnF pf XfrI
gfqiraF vfly iswK ihMdU bxf CWzy .
koeI nfnksrIaf koeI hY sMq smfjI,
swcy sOdy vflf koeI awj bxy iPiraf .
sfDF sMqF dI pMjfb ivc Brmfr afeI,
hr koeI pUrn bRhm igafnI afp nUM dwsdf hY .
Eny ipMz nhIN awj pMjfb aMdr,
ijMnHy zyiraF vfly ny sfD sMq iPrdy .
hr koeI aMimRq CkfAux dy kry dfavy ,
hjLfrF lwKF dIaF ilst cwukI iPrdy .
mfro njLr jy awj pMjfb aMdr,
CyvF nisLaF df AuwQy diraf cwly .
nfnk nfm lyvf nf koeI iswK idsy,
dyhDfrIaF dy cyly bysLumfr iPrdy .
kivqf nMbr ----2----
iswKI lwBxI musLkl hY –
mfrI ingfh jF ivc pMjfb dy mYN,
pwg isrF qy lwBxI ho geI musLkl .
ByzF dy vwg hI qurdy afAux njLrIN,
hoieaf lwBxf goibMd df isMG musLkl .
pMjfb dI DrqI qy jo CyvF vwgdf hY,
nisLaF df diraf Twlxf bhuq musLkl .
vwg sfDF dy jo qurdy pMjfb aMdr,
ipwCy lokF nUM htfAuNxf hY bhuq musLkl .
sfD, sMq, lIzr, jwQydfr ivk gey,
awj iswKI nUM bcfAuxf hY bhuq musLkl .
gwl kry koeI iswKF nUM jgfAux vflI,
Auhdf iswKI ivc rihxf hY bhuq musLkl .
kivqf nMbr ---- 3 ----
gruduafry ik dukfndfrI
glLI glLI aMdr gurduafrf bixaf,
krmkFzF dI peI duhfeI hoeI aY .
mwQf dsF QFvF qy rgVI rgVfeI jFdy,
gurU dy adb dI gwl mukfeI hoeI aY .
gurbfxI rcI sI gurF jIvn jfc dy leI,
asIN mMqrF qoN CotI bxfeI hoeI aY .
aKMzpfT qy suKmnI df koeI pfT suwKy,
pRbMDkF gurduafrf dukfn bxfeI hoeI aY .
kry nf gurU isDFqF dI gwl koeI .
PokI sLrDf hI mnI itkfeI hoeI aY .
nMbr ---- 4 -----
Kflsy dI kurbfnI –
bfxI dy aMimRq ivcoN, Kflsy ny jnm ilaf .
Kflsy nUM cVH geIaF igwT igwT lflIaF .
qwqIaF qwvIaF Auwqy, dygF ‘c’ AubfilLaF vI,
mOq Gr QfpIaF Kflsy ny mfrIaF .
rUMeIN ivc sfiVaF, afry nfl vwiZaF vI,
hws hws ijLMdgIaF Kflsy ny vfrIaF .
ihMdUaF dy jMjUaF leI, ipqf gur qyg ny,
cfdnI coNk aMdr sIs Auqrfa ilaf .
KMzy dI pfhul leI pMjF ipaFiraF ny,
anMdpur ivc afpf gurU awgy vfiraf .
gurU nhIN cylf vI hF, jwg qFeI dwsxy leI,
gozf lf ky DrqI qy pMjF awgy bih igaf .
mnuwKqf dy Bly leI, inmfixaF dI Pqh leI,
jMg df juafb srkfrI hfkmF nUM dy igaf .
inmfixaF inqfixaF kmjLorF qy by - idilaF nUM,
msq hoey hfQIaF nfl Kflsf iBVf igaf .
gVI cmkOr ivc aMimRq dI prK hoeI,
kwlf kwlf Kflsf lwKF nfl lVf igaf .
mukqsr dI jMg vyly hwkF dy gIq gf ky,
mhF isMG Kflsy dI sLfn vDf igaf .
cMn qfry rihxy jd qk dunIaF qy,
Kflsy df nfm jwg qy clf igaf .
bMdf isMG bhfdr lY qyrf QfpVf,
iswkf qyry nfm df srhMd qoN clf igaf .
KMzy vflI guVqI lY crKVI dy dMidaF qy,
sLihbfj qy subyg isMG nfm Kflsy df cmkf igaf .
nMbr --- 5 ----
krmkFzF nUM vD irhf Kflsf
mMnxf isKfieaf sfnUM iek akfl nUM .
pUjx lwgy asIN dyhDfrIaF dI zfr nUM .
bRhfmx dy cOhF vrnf qoN dUr rihxf sI .
pr asIN iehnF nUM hI glLy nfl lf ilaf .
afpsI ipafr ieqPfk rwKxf .
eyky ivc rihxf iglf dUr rwKxf .
Kflsy dI ieko hI pihCfx hY.
mVIaF mwTF qy ijhVf lwgf awj jfx hY .
vydF sLfsLqrF nUM ijhVf idloN kwZUgf .
Kflsy dy mfrg qy sdf Auho gwjUgf .
gMgf jmnf df idwloN vihm kwZxf .
qy JUTy qIrQF nUM sdf leI Cwzxf .
rfm, ikRsLn, bRhmF, ivsLnU sfzy avqfr nhIN .
sLyrF vflI vI lYNdI iksy dI sfr nhIN .
pfxI awg swp nUM dyvqf nhIN mMnxf .
qulsI ipwpl byrI qy nhIN isr BMnxf .
ibwlI kwty rsqf jF koeI iswk mfr dyvy .
bixaf hY kMm kihMdy ieh ivgfV dyvy .
imly sonf jy kr aYqvfr pfeIdf .
aKLy mMglvfr lohf Gr nhIN ilafeIdf .
ieho jyhy vihm bhuqy pfey pMzqF .
awj vI rotI tuwk afpxy clfey pMzqF .
gurduafry dy gRMQI vI rhy nf ipwCy jI .
iehnF vI rotI tuwk afpxy clfey awCy jI .
do hjLfr ryt pwkf aKMzpfT df .
DUp, kuMB lflyr df alwg dwsIdf .
pfTF dIaF sfzy kol iksmF ny bVIaF .
KusLIaF dIaF quhfzy Gr lfvFgy JVIaF .
ijhVf not ijMny vwD sfnUM dyvygf .
AuhnF hI sOKf kMm jfxo Auhdf hoeygf .
gurU nUM rumfly jy ardfs Byt krFgy .
quhfzy pVdy Zwkx dI ardfs krFgy .
duwD puwq lYxf hY qF CyqI kr lAu .
muwk nf jfvy kotf afky JolLI Br lE .
svrgF c pfhuMcx dI irjLrvysLn krIey .
mry hoey ipqrF df imlfp AuwQy krIey .
pRo: qrlocn isMG mhfjn
pRYs not
pusqk rlIijLMg
pRo: qrlocn isMG mhfjn (lYkcrfr iPijks, Kflsf kflj pitaflf)
dI nv-pRkfisLq pusqk ‘gurbfxI ivc mOjUdf aqy BivwKq ivigafn’ BfsLf ivBfg
ivKy zf[ sqpfl isMG ivrdI (zfierYktr ieMjInIairMg kflj biTMzf) vloN irlIjL kIqI
geI . ikqfb irlIjL kridaF ivrdI sfihb ny dwisaf ik ies ikqfb ivc ieh pRmfixq
kIqf igaf hY ik jo sfzy gurU sfihbfn ny awj qoN qkrIbn 500 sfl pihlF disaf
ivigafn Auho aj ds irhf hY . zf[ ivrdI jI muqfibk:
ieh afm soc hY ik Drm aqy ivigafn do ieho ijhIaF smfnFqr
lfienF hn ijhVIaF cldIaF qF nfl-nfl hn pr imldIaf ikqy nhIN . hwQlI ikqfb ies
Dfrnf nMU nkfrdI hY . do smfnFqr lfeInF ijnHF df iml skxf asMBv lgdf hY, ies
ikqfb rfhIN imldIaF jfpdIaF hn, ieh soc df DoKf nhIN hY . lyKk ny bVy sohxy
sucwjy ivlwKx aqy idRsLtFq-pUrvk ZMg nfl ivigafink swc df bRihmMzI-swc nfl myl
krvfAux df Xqn kIqf hY . afm ivakqI dI smJ dy dfiery ivc rih ky, ivigafn nMU
gurbfxI dI loa ivc smJfAuxf iek vwzI ikrq hY, ijs ivc ieh ikqfb KrI AuqrdI hY .
ies ikqfb dy do Bfg hn . pihlf Bfg "ajokf ivigafn"
rfg, rMgF qoN sLurU hMudf hoieaf bRihmMz dy jnm qk awpVdf hY . ies ivc Tos qwQ
hn, sbUq hn, gurbfxI aqy ivigafn df qulnfqimk aiDaYn hY . dUjf Bfg "BivwKq
ivigafn" prlo, sUKsLmqf aqy zfrivn nMU ibafn krdf hoieaf aMq ivc mnuwK dI
sLkqI qy pRsLn-icMn lFAudf hoieaf pUrn hMudf hY . ies ivc lyKk dIaF injI BfvnfvF
sLfml hn . BivwKq smf BivwKq ivigafn qy shI pfeygf, ies dI mYnMU afs hY .
ies ikqfb ivc BOiqk, BUgol, Kgol aqy jIv ivigafn nfl sbMDq
lyK hn, gurbfxI hY . jy iek vfr ies ikqfb nMU pVHn bYTo qF jd qk ieh pUrn nhIN
hMudI ies nMU Cwzx df idl nhIN krdf . kul imlf ky ieh ikqfb lyKk vloN smfj leI
iek vwzmulf qohPf hY . sfzy leI ieh iek sMBflx Xog dsqfvyj hY . pfTk ies nMU
byhwd psMd krngy ieh myrf XkIn hY . mYN lyKk qoN ieh vI afs krdf hF ik Auh sfnMU
aglI vfr iek ajyhI ikqfb dyx ijs ivc kyvl BOiqk aqy Kgol ivigafn hovy aqy ies
nMU gurbfxI dI rosnI ivc AulIkaf jfvy.
zf[ hrjIq isMG (zfierYktr, mYzIkl irsrc) horF poR: mhfjn dI
ikqfb dI isPq kridaF ikhf ik ieh hfrz bfAUNz afrt pypr aqy rMgdfr icqrF nfl
susLoiBq iek sMBflx Xog dsqfvyjL hY . pRo: blivMdr pfl isMG (sMpfdk sfzf ivrsf
sfzf gOrv) horF disaf ik asIN ies nMU ies leI nvyklI pusqk df iKqfb dy rhy hF
ikAuNik ieho iek aijhI pusqk hY ijs ivc ‘Drm aqy ivigafn’ df myl bf-KUbI aqy
bVy sucwjy ZMg nfl krvfieaf igaf hY . zf[ gurcrn isMG ijhVy ies smfgm dI pRDfngI
kr rhy sn AunHF anusfr ieh ikqfb ies leI mhwqvpUrn hY ikAuNik ies dy ivc gurbfxI
dI rosLnI ivc afAux vfly ivigafn qy vI iek Jfq hY ijvyN ik prlo df afAuxf
insLicq hY aqy zfrivn dI iQAUrI nMU muV ivcfrn dI loV hY, mOsm bdlxgy afid .
pRo: qrlocn isMG mhfjn (lyKk) ny ikqfb ivcly afrtIklF bfry sroiqaF nMU jfxkfrI
idqI . ies smfgm ivc s[ hrmyl isMG tohVf jI ny afpxIaF sLuB kfmnfvF idwqIaF .
zf[ hrbIr isMG (ipRMsIpl, Kflsf kflj ) aqy s[ qrlocn isMG jIq (skwqr gurU arjn
kIrqn mMzl) horF pusqk dI BrpUr pRsLMsf kIqI . zf[ rvI BUsLn ny afey hoey sfry
mihmfnF df stwzI srkl vloN DMnvfd kIqf. styj skwqr dI BUimkf s[ gurpRIq isMG
horF bf-KUbI inbfeI . ieh ikqfb hfsl krn leI lyKk nfl sMprk kIqf jf skdf hY Pon:
{not:- ipCly hor pwqr pVHn leI aYro
(qIr) nUM kilk kro jI}