amrIk isMG DOl
Dear Editors,
Waheguru ji ka Khalsa Waheguru ji ki Fateh
Can you please print the views of
Prof: Harinder Singh Mehoob regarding the controversial issue put forward first
time by Karam Singh, in the beginning of the 20th century under the high
sounding name of scientific research.
I do not hold any particular views
strongly. It is the Khalsa Punth who should decide for my sort of ordinary,
insignificant and unimportant people what is the most correct date. The rest is
with your wise, sincere and learned readers and researchers.
Yours sincerely
Amrik Singh Dhaul
Guru Nanak’s Birthday
[ Note: Someone asked my opinion of his book and he wanted me
to comment on the controversial issue of Guru Nanak’s birthday whether or not it
falls on one of the two dates people believe. I told very clearly that I do not
hold any particular bias for one of the two options. But, what information is
available for Kattak from the saintly Sikh philosopher and poet, Prof: Harinder
Singh Mehboob, who is currently writing an Epic on the lives of the Sikh Gurus,
is presented here for the Sikh Marg readers and writers. Follows below an
account of what I had written to my friend.]
- Amrik Singh
Following the “so called historian” (akhauti
it-haaskaar) Karam Singh’s line of thought, you said: “…. but, truly Guru
Nanak’s birth date is in Vaisakh, and not in Kattak”. To emphasise your point
you sought to advise the reader to read the book: “Kattak Ke Vaisakh?” which is
full of judgemental naïve and ill conceived material seen as worthy “research”.
It is nearly 100 years old and, more so, unwisely written exponent with a bias
and bigotry.
You have badly failed to critically analyse by not building
“for and against” arguments as a salient part of scholarly reasoning, which
could have been conducive to the desired outcome. If your hypothesis was to
prove Vaisakh as the legitimate birth date then your “desired outcome” could
have been a natural conclusion resulting from your discussion following your
healthy reasoning. Absence of such a dramatic progression of discussion in your
exponent further failed to successfully convince the prudent reader. While
writing such rational essays in future you should put yourself in sharp contrast
with, and follow the example of, Prof. Harinder Singh Mehboob who has quite
rightly built healthy reasoning in his book: Sehje Racheo Khalsa. Moreover,
Prof. Mehboob’s prudent, detailed critical and analytical study or criticism of
Sikh literature found in Punjabi, English, Hindi, and Persian languages meets
the criteria for such an in-depth analytical evaluation and thorough study.
However, Prof. Mehboob writes on page 1 of his world famous
book: Sehje Raheo Khalsa, “To bestow the biggest ever gift on humanity, Guru
Nanak was born in Kattak in the Rai Bhoie Dee Talwandi …” ( Mehboob 1988:1, 1106
- 1110). Further, in his recently published books “Ilahi Nadar Dey Paindey”,
Volume 1 (Mehboob 1999: 25-7, 88), he provides even more supporting
argumentative scholarly reasoning. On page 88 he sings in poetry as:
Sammat sadi solvin Kattak
Dhhoond ke chan jagaaie
sMmq sdI solHvIN kWqk
ZUMz ky cMn jgfey
Raavi naal Jhnaa dey supney
Sandal baar tey aayey
rfvI nfl JnF dy supny
sFdl bfr qy afey
Similarly, really in-depth comments can be read in his more
recent thesis in Punjabi poetry: “Ilahi Nadar Dey Painday”, Volume 4; (Mehboob
2007:35-37) relating to the (“akhauti it-haskaar”) “so-called historian”
Karam Singh and others.
You also wrote that it was Bhai Vir Singh, the leading
Traditionalist (Taksali) who led the way to promulgate for believing
Kattak as the birth month of Guru Nanak, is an absolutely wrong fact. Please
check your facts again. If it had been so, the famous writer of repute Isher
Singh Nara would not have harshly criticised Bhai Vir Singh in his exponent:
“Vaisakh Naheen, Kattak” on pages 125, 150 and 157 (Nara 1970:125,150,157).
Prof. Mehboob also verifies this assertion (Mehboob 1999:31).
Further, Dr. Trilochan Singh, a gur-bhai (both present
in the Khalsa initiation sacrament of self) of the famous 20th
century freedom fighter Bhai Randhir Singh, has mentioned names of 22 learned
writers in his book: “Jiwan Chritter of Guru Nanak Dev”. All of them have
unequivocally evidenced Kattak dee Puran-mashi as the legitimate and established
birth date of Guru Nanak. So is the stance of the SGPC as is found in their
seven Gur-pra-Naalian. Moreover, the Kabitt No. 345 of Bhai Gurdas also
corroborates this fact.
Secondly, the issue of Bhai Balla as a concrete historic figure
has been upheld in “Vaisakh Naheen, Kattak” by the wise author, Isher Singh Nara
(1970), who has rendered an in-depth analytical study in this book (Nara
Please use this information for enhancing your repertoire of
knowledge rather than seeing them my views. They are NOT my views, however.
Amrik Singh Dhaul
gurcrn isMG (ijAux vflf) brYNptn
krm isMG ihstorIan dI ikqfb, ‘kqk ik vYsfK’ dy ivroD ivwc sR[
igafnI eIÈr isMG nfhrf ny afpxI ikqfb, ‘vYsfK nhIN kqk’ akqUbr 1970 ivwc CfpI.
pRkfÈk, ipRtr qy ilKfrI vI Auh afp hI sI. ies ikqfb ivwc ihstrI vflI koeI gwl
nhIN qy sR[ krm isMG ihstorIafn ny iesdf jvfb ies krky nhIN idwqf ikAuNik Auh 10
sqMbr 1930 nUM akfl clfxf kr gey sn.
ies ivcfrDfrf nUM kwtx vfsqy iewk hor vDIaf nukqf Xfd afieaf.
Auh ieh hY ik imhrbfn, jo gurU arjn pfqÈfh dy mukfbly qy mhly CyvyN hyT ÈrIk bx
ky bfxI Aucfrn kr irhf sI, ny vI sfKIaF ivclI vYsfK vflI qfrIK nUM nhIN CyiVaf.
jy quhfzf mn kry qF ies gwl df jvfb jrUr dyxf ik igafnI eIÈr isMG nfhrf iks kdr
dy guriswK sn. sR[ mwKx isMG jI horF TIk hI iliKaf hY ik mYN AunHF dI ieh ikqfb
ies krky nhIN pVI ikAuNik igafnI eIÈr isMG jI mYnUM iksy kdr guriswK ivdvfn nhIN
lwgy. jvfb dI AuzIk ivc.
gurcrn isMG (ijAux vflf) brYNptn
(not:- ieh icwTI zf: idlgIr nUM sMboDn kr ky ilKI sI. ikAuNik
Auh hux afpxy afp nUM ‘isWK mfrg’ qoN vwK kr cuwky hn ies leI asIN ies nUM aYizt
kr ky pf rhy hF aqy keI gwlF ivcoN kwt idWqIaf
bIrjoq isMG
United we Stand Divided we Fall
Having interest in Sikh Affairs, there is no hide in saying
‘Sikh Marg’ is one of Sikh Website being run updating Articles on Guru Granth
Sahib Bani. Every writer of ‘Sikh Marg’ consider Guru Granth Sahib as ‘Sarab
Kala Samrath’. Respect for ‘Shabad Guru’ as enshrined in Guru Granth Sahib,
attributed as ‘Satguru of Sikhs’ as Guruship passed by tenth Nanak in 1708, Sikh
was ordered to take Decision of Life, Guidance on every aspect from Guru Granth
When every Writer on ‘Sikh Marg’ has so much respect for Guru
Granth Sahib and is keen to spread Philosphy of Guru Granth Sahib, commonly
known as ‘Dasan Guruan Di Jyot’, then in my view, there should be no ego/anger
among any of writer, but we are all ‘Humans’ and are prone to mistakes, so as a
Sikh of Guru Granth Sahib we sholve resolve matters by taking Guidance of Guru.
As a Student, I will humbly request all my elder Respectable
Sikh Writers to leave aside their anger and differences and let be united to
fight anti-sikh forces. Danger is quite high these days when ‘Pujari Tola’ is
leading Sikh Panth to Nowhere and ‘Fake Letters’ under the sign of RSS program
Visitor Jathedars (Tankhaiya themselves, accused of Polygamy) are circulated by
‘Dubious Character’ individuals sitting behind PC to confuse all
Some Apanthic websites are seen missing ‘Guru Granth Sahib’
bani articles, and are busy promoting some Durga Stories or Incarnations of
Hindu Mythology or Gossip Sex-Stories under the ‘Sweet-Coated’ name used as
‘Dasam’ to emotionally blackmail and confuse Sikh Youth. Dubious Character
have brain-washed Young Sikhs so much, that Apanthic websites forgetting
Important Issues hitting Sikh Panth like
b)Sikh Youth marrying Non-Sikh
c)Sikh Minority Rights
d)Akalis performing Brahmanical Rituals in Mandirs.
e)Sikh Taksals/Sampardas performing Havans.
f)Non-Follower Sikh Rehat Maryada individuals appointed as
Granthis/Jathedars of Sikh Quam.
But are busy making cartoons on one of Respected Sikh
Pacharaks – Prof.Darshan Singh and S.Jagtar Singh Jachak. They are wasting
energy spitting venom on ‘One Granth Follower/Parcharaks’ as ordered by Tenth
Nanak but hardly put any articles on Rashtriya Sikh Sangat Website’s Eminent
Personalities, all ‘Two/Three Granth Follwers’
I remember, Dilgeer ji few days back write a very informative
article regarding current Situation of Sikh Panth ‘Sikh Dharam Da Ki Banega’.
And similar Painful Article depicting current Scenario of Sikh Panth was
published by S.Gursharan Singh Kasel namely ‘Bhai, Kitte tu Gurmat di gal te ni
Karnee’. Both the writers are on same track and have same Pain for Sikh Panth ?
Then there is no reason for all not getting all Under One belt of Guru Granth
Sahib Samarpat/Dedicated website ‘Sikh Marg’.
It’s a jodree/benti from one of the Sikh Marg reader (Sangat)
to S, Harjinder Singh Dilgeer ji to leave aside differences and keep your
articles maintain on Sikh Marg and keep updating ‘Sikh Marg’ with your
informative Posts/Articles. We look forward toward you to clear many Doubts
regarding Sikh History.
Difference of Opinion is healthy sign of Any Developed Quam
and when we have Guru Granth Sahib ji with us to guide on every aspect, we can
come out to any Solution with keeping base/kaswatti of Guru Granth Sahib.
Similar request to S.Gurcharan Singh Brar ji and S.Gursharan Singh Kasel ji,
last thing we don’t need is Infighting among ‘One Granth Followers’. Let us all
be united and try to put more and more informative articles on Guru Granth Sahib
Bani along with creating Awareness among Sikh Youth about Dangers these days
from ‘Kesadhari Hindus’ who are bent to take Sikhism into Brahmanism under the
name of ‘Puratan Maryada’
Let us all read, Guru Granth Sahib bani shabad and be united
as ‘Gursikhs of Satguru’ and preach One Granth (Guru Granth Sahib),One Panth
(Khalsa), One Maryada (SRM) as ‘Eko’ sidhant enshrined in Guru Granth Sahib.
pAuVI ]
gurmuiK sKIaf isK gurU mylfeIaf ]
ieik syvk gur pfis ieik guir kfrY lfeIaf ]
ijnf guru ipafrf min iciq iqnf BfAu gurU dyvfeIaf ]
gur isKf ieko ipafru gur imqf puqf BfeIaf ]
guru siqguru bolhu siB guru afiK gurU jIvfeIaf ]14]
'Gurmukh sakhian sikh Guru Milayean
Ik Sewak Gur Paas Ik Gur Kaare Layean
Jina Gur Pyara Man Chit Tina Bhao Guru Devaiyan
Gur Sikha Iko Pyaar Gur Mita Putta Bhaiyan
Gur Satgur Boleh Sab Gur Aaakh Guru Jivaaeyan"
jsbIr kOr iQMd mlysLIaf
Waheguru ji ka khalsa waheguru ji ki Fateh.
I don’t know anyone of you personally. What I do know is that
me and lots of my friends go to the Sikh Marg website and learn so much about
Tatt gurmatt. Dr Dilgeer Jis articles are full of Gyan.
I would appeal to Dr Sahib Ji to withdraw his action
and continue posting on Sikh marg. I would also appeal to Makhan Singh Ji to
keep on updating the site. I visit it almost every week and download articles
for my friends and pass on to those who don’t have internet. Just because we do
not write emails don’t mean we are not reading or visiting- we are the silent
majority. as it is Tatt gurmatt has so little space - only Singh Sabha Canada
and Sikh marg and Rozana Spokesman. Rest so many anti gurmatt sites providing
wrong info.
Your younger sister
JKThind Malaysia.
srbjoq isMG svwdI
gFDI dy ichry qoN ‘mhfqmF’ vflf mKOtf lhux vflI ikqfb “gFDI
aMzr krOs aYgËfmInyÈn” nUM PrImFt ivwc irlIË kIqf igaf.
PrImFt (srbjoq isMG svwdI) amrIkn PoË ivwc bqOr krnl
(irtfiert) srivs kr cuwky jI bI isMG aqy AunF dy sfQI itm bfstn vloN ilKI ikqfb
“gFDI aMzr krOs aYgËfmInyÈn” nUM PrImFt ivwc iewk pwqrkfr smyln ivwc irlIË kIqf
igaf. ikqfb ivwc gFDI vloN afpxIaF jIvn khfxIaF ivwc vfr-vfr ilKy JUT nUM jwg
Ëfhr kIqf. ies ikqfb ivwc 1893 qoN lY ky 1914 qwk gFDI nfl aPrIkf ivwc krmvfr
1909-1924-1936 ivwc vfprIaF GtnfvF, ijMnF ivwc pRmuwK qOr qy gFDI nUM tryn ivwco
Dwkf mfr ky suwt dyx dI khfxI nUM mUloN hI rwd kIqf hY. krnl jI bI isMG ny
pwqrkfrF nfl gwlbfq kridaF ikhf ik tryn vflI Gtnf gFDI nfl vfprI hI nhIN. ieh
iewk mnGVq khfxI hY. Aunf iewk tYlI mUvI idKfAuidaF ikhf ik Bfrq srkfr tryn vflI
GtnF nUM komfqrI pwDr qy pRcwlq krn aqy Xfd nUM qfËf krn leI Bfrq ivwc AuWc
ahudy qy ibrfjmfn iksy nf iksy ivakqI qoN Ausy tryn ivwc Xfqrf krvfAudI hY. AunF
ikhf ik 2002 ivwc BfrqI suMdrIaF, 2003 ivwc BfrqI ikRkt tIm, 2004 Bfrq dy sfbkf
rfÈtrpqI abdul klfm koloN 2006 ivwc pRDfn mMqrI mnmohn isMG koloN ies gwzI ivwc
Xfqrf krvfeI geI. krnl jI bI isMG ny ikhf ik ies ikqfb nUM pVHn qoN bfad ijhVy
lok gFDI nuM sFqI df msIhf mMndy hn AunF sfiraF df Brm dUr ho jfvygf ik gFDI dI
aslIaq kI sI. ies qoN pihlF vI krnl jI bI isMG ny “ibhfeINz df mfsk afP
izvIintI” ikqfb rfhIN gFDI df kfPI pKMz nMgf kIqf sI. ies smyN krnl jI bI isMG
ny amrIkn pwqrkfrf nfl qswlI bKÈ svfl juvfb kIqy. ies pwqrkfr sMmyln df sfrf
pRbMD ‘iswK ienPrymÈn dy koafrzInyÈn’ sf Bjn isMG iBMzr ny kIqf sI.
BfeI kfn isMG nfBf Drm pRcfr Porm, kfnpur
Ç ÃÄsiqgurU pRsfid] Ç
“jfgrqI Xfqrf” jF “bRfhmxI Xfqrf” !
Kflsf jI awj asIN Èbd gurU sfihb gurU gRMQ sfihb jI dI iqn sO
sflf gurqf gwdI ÈqfbdI mnf rhy hF. afAu! afpxy ihrdy qy hwQ rK ky ieh pVcol
krIey ik vfkeI asIN Èbd gurU dI 300 sflf ÈqfbdI mnf rhy hF ik afpxI cODr aqy
svfrQF dI Kfqr gurU dy nfm qy isrÌ ÉfnF pUrI hI kr rhy hF.
kuJ kU virh pihlF qKq hËUr sfihb ivKy gurdvfry dI nvIN
iblizMg dI AusfrI, AuQy dy lokF ny puils mihkmy dy iewk vwzy afPIsr psrIcy
nUM sONpI. ieh bMdf ikMnf kU pMQk hY, ieh Aus dy rMgy hoey dfhVY nUM vyK ky aqy
Aus dIaF by isr pYr dIaF qkrIrF sux ky hI pqf lg jFdf hY. aYzy vwzy iswK
ieiqhfsk sQfn dI ijmydfrI leI ieho ijhf bMdf hI kOm nUM ikAuN aqy ikQoN lwB
gieaf. ies df isDf ijhf jvfb hY ik Auh srkfrI phuMc vflf aqy vwKvfdI ihMdU rfÈtr
dy ihmfieqI, kwtr ihMdUvfdI sMgTn df chyqf hY. ieh iswK ivroDI sMgTn, BtkI hoeI
iswK kOm nUM ihMdU smfj df iewk ihwsf bxfAux dI koeI kor ksr nhIN Cwzxf cfhMudy.
dfs df iswDf ieÈfrf afr[ aYs[ aYs[ vl hY.
gurU svfry iswK vIro! ieQy dfs df mMqv iksy ivakqI ivÈyÈ qy
icwkV AuCflnf nhIN hY. lyikn jy koeI bMdf iswK isDFqf df apmfn kry jF gurU
AupdyÈF df apmfn kry qF Auh Gor inMdf df pfqr hY. aPsos dI gl ieh hY ik gurdvfry
dI nvIN iblizMg dI AusfrI dI afDfr iÈlf rKn df jÈn ies bMdy ny “BUmI pUjx”
dy rUp ivwc mnfieaf sI. ijs ivwc sfzy hor vwzy pMQk adfiraF dy afgU mOjUd sn
jo Aus kuMz ivwc jÜ afidk vI pf rhy sn. iek cODrI nUM kI roeIey ieQy qy sfrf
afvf hI AUq gieaf hY.
ies bMdy df ijkr ies lyK df ivÈf vI nhIN hY, ijkr jrUrI sI
ies leI kIqf gieaf hY ikAuN ik ieh bMdf hI “jfgRqI Xfqrf” dy rUp ivwc kOm nUM
AuWlU bxf irhf hY. BolI BflI iswK kOm ÈÈqrF vflI gwzI dy tfier pUMj pUMj ky
afpxI ÈrDf df pRgtfvf kr rhI hY. ieh kwcI soc vfly iswK hI qy ienHF cODrIaF df
inÈfnF huMdy hn. AuhnF ivcfiraf nUM qy koeI ieh dwsx vflf vI nhIN ky iswK
“Èbd” df pujfrI hY “ÈÈqrF” df nhIN! ÈsqrF df snmfn krnF iewk alg
ivÈf hY. kroVF rupieaf iekwTf krky, kI ienHF ny iswK smfj dy piqq puxy dy
suDfr leI Krc krnF hY jF Drm pRcfr leI? ieh pYsf iswK rihq mirafdf dIaF DwjIaF
Auzfx leI aqy nfnk ÈfhI klMzr dy ivroD leI ieh sfrf Dn afr[ aYs[ aYs[ dI mrËI
nfl Krc hoxf hY, ies gwl df aMdfËf iblkul spÈt hY iesy leI gurqf gwdI purb nfnk
ÈfhI klMzr dI avhylnf kridaF hoieaF, 20 akqUbr (nfnk ÈfhI qfrIÉ anusfr) dI QF,
30 akqUbr 2008 nUM (bRfhmxI jMqrI anusfr) mnfieaf jf irhf hY. ijs nUM pUrf iswK
smfj aqy sfzy srvAuc Dfrimk adfiraF dy afgU vI afpxI prvfngI dy cwuky hn qF hI
Èfied ieh sfry mon hn. afAu mUl ivÈy vwl cfq mfrIey:
iswK pMQ dy do qKq – qKq hËUr sfihb aqy qKq ptnf sfihb qy
viraF qo bRfhmx vfdI, iBÈtR pRbMD qMqr aqy iswK rihq mirafdf df apmfn krn vfly
kuwJ lokF df kbËf hY. ieh lok pMQ Aupr kdoN aqy ikvyN kfbË ho jFdy hn ies nfl
sfzy pMQk afgUaF aqy iswK kOm nUM kdI vI koeI srokfr nhIN rihaf.
ienHF do qKqF Aupr idn rfq iswK rihq mirafdf df KwulHf mËfk
Auzfieaf jf irhf hY. Èbd gurU gRMQ sfihb jI df BrpUr apmfn kIqf jf irhf hY. aqy
sfzy pMQk cODrI aqy bRfhmx vfdI rIqF ivwc glqfn iswK kOm, mUk drÈk bx ky ieh
sfrf qmfÈf keI viraF qo vyK rhI hY. jo gurU df iswK ies ivÈy qy afpxI afvfË
AuTfAuNdf hY, Aus dI avfË guMzf grdI nfl dbf idwqI jFdI hY.
pMQ afgUaF koloN kuJ svfl
1-qKq hËUr sfihb ivKy gurU gRMQ sfihb jI dy nfl pMj Cy gRMQF
df pRkfÈ hY. ik afm ÈrDflU iswKF nUM ieh pqf hY ik Auh ijQy mwQf tyk rhy hn
AuhnF ivwc AunHF dy ipRaf: Èbd gurU gRMQ sfihb jI ikhVy hn?
2- gurU dy snmuK mwQf tykx vflIaF sMgqF (jo gurU rUp hn) vl
gRMQI ipT kr ky bYTf hY. aqy iewk syvf dfr Aus nUM sMgqF vl ipT kr ky cOr kr
irhf hY?
3- gurU gRMQ sfihb jI df pfT ho irhf hY, nfl hI rfgI kIrqn kr
rhy hn kI ieh mirafdf aDIn hY?
4- swc KMz ivKy dsm ipqf dI Poto lgI hoxf, joq jgfAuxf, cMdn
iGs iGs ky sMgqF nUM iqlk lgfAuxf, dIvy QfÜ ivwc rK ky ÈÈqrF dI afrqI krnf. mwuK
qy kpVf bMn ky iqlk DfrI pujfrI df ÈÈqrF vfly kmry ivwc pRvyÈ krnf. aqy AunHF dI
pUjf krnF, ÈsqrF nMU dwuD nfl ieÈnfn krvfnf aqy AunHF awgy DUxI jlfAUnF, AuQy
mOjUd sfihb gurU gMRQ sfihb vl vyKxf qk nhIN, kI ieh vI iswK rihq mirafdf df
koeI ihwsf hY? ik iswK isDFqF aqy Èbd gurU df ieh apmfn nhIN?
awj Èbd gurU df apmfn krn vfly bRfhmxI ivcfr Dfrf vfly
pujfrIaF aqy pRbMDkF df ivroD krn dI bjfey sfzy hor pMQk adfry AuhnF nfl kMDy
nfl kMDf rlf ky AuhnF dI “jfgrqI Xfqrf” dI agvfeI kr rhy hn aqy bwukF dIaF bwukF
sMgq pfsoN iekwTf kIqf Dn AuhnF dI JolI ivwc pf rhy hn.
gurU svfry iswK vIro aqy BYxo! kI gurU gRMQ sfihb jI, iswK
rihq mirXfdf aqy nfnk ÈfhI kYlMzr df ivroD krn vfly kOm ivwc koeI “jfgRqI”
pYdf kr skdy hn. iek pfsy gurU gRMQ sfihb df apmfn ho irhf hovy aqy “isK
rihq mirXfdf” dy Ault “iswK isDFqF” df mÉOl Auzfieaf jf irhf hovy.
dUjy pfsy asIN “300 sfl gurU dy nfl” df dfavf krIey ieh qy korf JUT hY
hor kuwJ nhIN. Èbd gurU dI swcI ÈqfbdI qF ienHF qKqF qy “iswK rihq mirXfdf” bhfl
kr ky hI mnfeI sfrQk ho skdI hY. ieh kMm inzrqf aqy iewCf ÈkqI nfl iewk jut ho
ky ienHF qKqF dy mhMqF aqy pujfrIaF df ivroD krn nfl hI mumikn hY. 1903 dI “isMG
sBf lihr” df ieiqhfs iewk vfr iPr dohrfn dI jrUrq hY. pr! svfrQI, zrpok, ahMkfrI
aqy lflcI srkfrI cftUkfr Dfrimk afgUaF dI aYzI vwzI BIV ivc, ikQoN lwBIey
igafnI idwq isMG vrgf gurU df bytf aqy inzr lIzr, jo dXfnMd dI bxfeI iswK
ivroDI mhfiÈaF aqy lflyaF dI POj nfl kwlf hI iBV gieaf. ieh gurU df ipafrf, qF
qd qwk cwup nF bYTf jdoN qk drbfr sfihb ivcoN, iewk iek pujfrI aqy mhMq nUM bfhr
nF kwZ swuitaf. poRPYsr drÈn isMG jI df Auh lyK Xfd afAuNdf hY- “hr ÈfK py
AuWlU bYTf hY, ies bfg kI hflq ikaf hogI…?
BfeI kfn isMG nfBf Drm pRcfr Porm
gurpRIq isMG smrf
Dear Editor and Dr. Harjinder Singh ji Dilgeer,
Today I read the letter by Dr. Dilgeer where he has stated to
remove all his articles from Sikhmarg website.
It is very unfortunate that learned Sikh Historian has taken
such an adverse decision.
I have been following the messages on your website for past few
Mr. Gursharan Singh ji Kasel (whom I know personally, is a very
humble, honest, helping and learned GurSikh. He personally helped me a lot when
I first came to Canada though he didn’t knew me at all) asked for the reason why
Dr. Dilgeer oppose Nanakshahi Calendar and what is the evidence that Guru Nanak
was born in Katak.
I know that the way Kasel ji wrote is not his usual tone, but
Dr. Dilgeer should have removed the doubts.
Personally I agree with the research of Karam Singh Historian
but I am ready to change my views if some concrete and solid evidence is
provided. As Michael Shermer states :
“History is a knowledge and like all knowledge it progresses
and changes.We continually refine our certainty about claims and that’s what
historical revisionism is all about.”(Why People Believe Wierd Things, p179)
Regarding Nanakshahi Calendar my views are that it is the waste
of time and resources of Sikhs. Also I have read Dr. Dilgeer’s views about
Nanakshahi calendar and I agree with his views. I dont use and I dont think I
will ever use it. I dont know about others.
So I humbly request Dr. Dilgeer to not withdraw his articles
from Sikhmarg website as they are well researched articles and provide good
knowledge about many unknown historical facts.
Historical knowledge is not just obtained from reading one or
two books, Dr. Dilgeer’s articles speaks for themselves, though we all may not
agree with his views.
Lets all agree to disagree.
hoie iekqR imlhu myry BfeI duibDf
dUir krhu ilv lfie ] hir nfmY ky hovhu joVI gurmuiK bYshu sPf ivCfie
(GGS, 1185)
Come and join together, O Brothers; dispel your sense of
duality and let yourselves be lovingly absorbed in the Lord. Let yourselves be
joined to the Name of the Lord; become Gurmukh, spread out your mat, and sit
down together to resolve your differences.
Gurpreet Singh Sumra Brampton, Canada
Thanks S. Gurpreet Singh Sumra for your nice
Gyani Jarnal Singh
Arshi from Malaysia has also requested him to tear off his Bedawa so that we may
continue to follow Gurus' Teachings as brothers and sisters.
Since SGPC and its Head Ministers wish to follow Katak
Pooranmashi as the Birthday of Guru Nanak Sahib, Dr. Harjinder Singh Dilgeer's
view may be then why not accept 20 October 1469, which is equivalent to
Poornmashi of 1526 Bikram, rather than changing every year?
And if it is 15 April 1469, they Nanakshahi Calendar should
also commence from that date wby Chaitra or Vaisakh ??, which are based on Lunar
and Solar Calendars ?
As regards the socalled Nanakshahi Calendar, it is merely a
copy of the Hindus Saka Calendar except advancing 7/8 days. Dr. Pal Singh
Purewal, IOSS, SGPC and their toadies have all erred by changing all the
past dates on false pretext.
I have already sent Email to SGPC and other well-wishers but no
one is going to change stand as most of them have become Kathputlees / Robots in
the hands of RSS Hindutva.
I am sure Dr. Harjinder Singh Dilgeer will change his mind and
continue to share his Articles on Website: www.sikhmarg.com in the best
interest of Guru Panth Globally.
Gurmit Singh (Australia)
qijMdr isMG
Respected vir ji
Waheguru ji ka khalsa waheguru ji ki fateh.
Veer ji you have written a letter dated 27.04.2008 in your site. The last
line is that u will not update the site if some people give some reasons.
You know many people do not like this site specially sants and babaas and so
many likes.
They will take advantage of your this offer and will flood your site with
messages to close this site.
So please do not think like this. If any body does not like anything on this
site then he should not visit this site or read it.
Please continue with your present policies and keep on updating this site as
Tejinder singh.
srvjIq isMG
igafnI Èyr isMG vI JUTf
s: amrIk isMG DOl jI df ‘dsm gRMQ df ilKfrI kOx?’ (Bfg dUjf) df
rivAU krn leI buhq-buhq DMnvfd. ivdvfn lyKk aqy alock ny buhq hI sohxy Èbdf ivwc
rivAU krky, pfTkF dy idlF ivwc ikqfb nUM pVHn dI iKwc pYdf kr idwqI hY. rivAU
nUM pVHn AuprMq mYnUM iewk Gtnf Xfd af geI jo mY pfTkF nfl sFJI krnI cfhuMdf
sYkrfmYNto (kYlyPornIaf) ivKy dsm gRMQ bfry (23 PrvrI 2008)
hoey aMqr rfÈtrI sYmInfr ivwc igafnI Èyr isMG dy Èfml hox bfry sYmInfr dy
pRbMDkf vlo pRcfr kIqf igaf sI. pr igafnI Èyr isMG sYmInfr ivwc Èfml nhI hoieaf.
pRbMDkf vlo igafnI Èyr isMG dI gYr hfjrI ivwc Aus dI iewk vIzIAu ivKfeI geI. Xfd
rhy ieh vIzIAu 31 jnvrI nUM qKq sRI dmdmf sfihb ivKy hoey sMmfgm smyN bxfeI geI
sI. pfTk ies vIzIAu nUM
http://www.panthic.org/news/125/ARTICLE/3899/2008-02-14.html dyK skdy hn.
igafnI Èyr isMG ny ivdvfnF (?) dI sBf ivwc bolidaf ikhf, “sRI
dsm gRMQ sfihb jI dI bfxI df muwdf ijhVf ÈrfrqI lokF vlo smyN-smyN AuTfieaf jFdf
irhf. kuwJ sfl pihlf qKq sRI akfl qKq sfihb qoN pMj isMG sfihbfnF ny hukmnFvf
jfrI kr idwqf beI dsm gRMQ sfihb qy iksy pRkfr dI vI, hwk ivwc jF ivroD ivwc
iksy qrF dI koeI tIkf itwpxI nf kIqI jfvy. ijhVy hwk dy ivdvfn sn, Auh sRI akfl
qKq sfihb nUM smrpq ho ky iblkul cuwp rhy. pMj sfl iksy ny jubfn nhIN KolHI,
acfnk ipCly sfl iewk awT piVaf bMdf, ijhnUM eynf vI pqf nhIN beI ÈUm dy arQ kI
huMdy ny, Auny ÈUm iewk kvI dws ky beI bfxI ivwc afAuNdf nF ‘suxy ÈUm soPI lVY
XuD gfVY’ qy kihMdf iksy ÈUm nfm dy kvI dI bfxI hY. arQ qF Auhdf hor aY beI ÈUm
suxy ies bfxI nUM qy Auh ÈUrmf bx jFdf, ÈUm lV nhI skdf qy Auh gwl nUM iksy hor
pfsy lfky qy ikqfb ilK mfrI ‘dsm gMQ df ilKfrI kOx’ mY iewk kroV rupieaf idaFgf,
jy Auhdf, myry svflF df koeI jvfb dyvy. myry nfl BfeI guribMdrvIr isMG afey hoey
ny ienHF ny Gr jf ky AunUM afiKaf beI kroV rupieaf qUM ikQoN dyvyNgf, aKY mY
rupieaf iek-iek sMgq qo iekwTf kr lF gf qy Auh mYN dy idaFgf pr mYN Èrq nhIN
hfrFgf. ienHF afiKaf beI sMgq jy iek-iek juwqI mfry qF kroV juwqI sih leyNgf.
Auh bMdf awj qfeIN njr nhI afieaf beI ikQy igaf. nf AuhdI ikqfb df koeI ijkr
afieaf qy nf hI muV ky AunHy kdI cYNlj kIqf.”
BfeI jsibMdr isMG Éflsf dI pihlI ikqfb ‘dsm gRMQ df ilKfrI
kOx?’ (Bfg pihlf) jUn 2006 ivwc rlIj hoeI sI aqy kroV rupieaf dyx df aYlfn lyKk
vlo qKq sRI kysgV sfihb jI dy muK syvfdfr igafnI qrlocn isMG jI nUM 29 jUn 2005
ivwc ilKy gey pwqr ivwc kIqf igaf sI. ieh pwqr ‘dsm gRMQ df ilKfrI kOx’ Bfg
pihlf dy pMnf nUM: 268 qy piVaf jf skdf hY. BfeI jsibMdr isMG Éflsf dI dUjI
ikqfb 28 sqMbr 2007 nUM cMzIgHV ivKy rlIj kIqI geI sI. Aus ikqfb df rivAU gurmuK
ipafry BfeI s: amrIk isMG DOl vlo kIqf igaf hY aqy pfTk Aus nUM pVH cuwky hn.
ijs qoN ieh spwÈt ho igaf hY ky ig: Èyr isMG aMbflf styj qoN JUT hI nhI boldf
sgo guriswK ivdvfnF nUM anpVH dsdf hoieaf Kqrnfk DmkIaF vI dy irhf hY.
ig: Èyr isMG jI ieh jfxkfrI idE, afp df AupRokq ibafn 31 jnvrI
2008 df hY jdoik BfeI jsibMdr isMG Éflsf jI dI dujI ikqfb 28 sqMbr 2007 nUM
cMzIgHV ivKy rlIj kIqI geI sI qF afp ny ieh JUT ikE boilaf, “Auh bMdf awj qfeIN
njr nhI afieaf beI ikQy igaf. nf AuhdI ikqfb df koeI ijkr afieaf qy nf hI muV ky
AunHy kdI cYlMj kIqf.”
ig: Èyr isMG jI, afp ny afpxy sfQI ivdvfnF smyq BfeI jsibMdr
isMG Éflsf vlo aYlfny gey iewk kroV nUM ijwqx df Xqn ikE nhI kIqf? kI gurU gRMQ
sfihb jI dI hjUrI ivwc JUT bolxf, afp jI nUM ÈoBf idMdf hY? ig: Èyr isMG jI,
ajyhf JUT bolx df kI lfB jo PiVaf jfvy?
afdr sihq
srvjIq isMG
sR[ mwKx isMG puryvfl jI,
vfihguru jI kf Kflsf] vfihgurU jI kI Pqih]
mY ipCly 9 sfl qoN ‘iswK mfrg’ nfl juiVaf hoieaf hF. mY iswK
Drm dy bfry jo kuwJ vI isiKaf hY Aus ivcoN jy ijafdf nhI qF 60-70% iesy vYb
sfeIt qoN hI isiKaf hY. ivdvfnF dy Koj BrpUr lyKF nUM pVHky mY svfl vI puwCxy
ÈrU kr idwqy aqy jo vI mY tuwty Puwty lPjF ivwc iliKaf Aus nUM vI afp jI ny vYb
sfeIt qy post krky myrI hONslf aÌjfeI vI kIqI. pr afp jI dI ies hPqy dI ilKq pVH
ky hYrfnI hoeI hY ky afp jI ies nUM bMd krn bfry vI soc rhy ho. afp jI inÈkfm
syvf kr rhy ho, ieh bYb sfeItF ikvyN cldIaF hn ieh qF zf: dlgIr jI nUM vI pqf
hY. ienF dI vYb sfeIt (dlgIr zft kfm) ny iewk sfl vI pUrf nhI sI kIqf. afp jI
nUM inmrqf sihq bynqI hY ky ‘iswK mfrg’ nUM iesy qrF hI cwldf rwKo jI. hF! jy
iksy lyKk ny pfTkf vlo puwCy gey svflF dy jvfb nhI dyxy qF Auh afpxI ilKq Byjx
qoN vI sMkoc kry. pr, afp jI dI inrpwK aqy AusfrU nIqI qy iksy nUM ikMqU-pRMqU
krn df koeI hwk nhI hY.
afdr sihq
srvjIq isMG
(not:- asIN sfeIt nUM awpzyt bMd krn bfry iliKaf sI nf ik sfeIt
nUM hI bMd krn bfry. Bfv ieh sI ik asIN afpxf hor smF jo hr hPqy ies qy lfAuNdy
hF Auh lfAuxF bMd kr dyvFgy. ijqnI ku jfxkfrI pY cuwkI hY Auh hI TIk hY. aqy jy
kr koeI afpxy lyK htfAuxf cfhuMdf hovy htf dyvFgy. gwl bhuqI pYsy dI nhIN smy dI
hY. pYsy qF asIN keI sflF dy zomn nym aqy hositMg dy pihlF hI Ëmf krvfey hoey
gurÈrn isMG ksyl
siqkfr Xog mwKx isMG jI,
vfihgurU jI kf Kflsf] vfihgurU jI kI Pqih]
afp jI ny jo ‘iswK mfrg sfeIt’ dy bMd krn dI gwl kIqI hY. iesƒ
bMd krn bfry qF quhfƒ socxf hI nhIN cfhIdf. mYN qF smJdf hF ik ‘iswK mfrg sfeIt’
sfzy leI swB qoN cMgI hY ijQy isrP gurbfxI dI ivcfr huMdI hY. qusIN iekwly hI
iesdf sfrf Krcf vI shfr rhy ho. mYN jo QoVI ijhI gurmiq bfry jfxkfrI hfsl kIqI
hY Aus ivwc ‘iswK mfrg sfeIt’ df muwK Xogdfn hY. ijs pfTk ƒ ieh aiBmfn hY ik ieh
sfeIt isrP Ausdy lyKf jF icwTIaF krky cldI hY, Auh AusdI mrËI hY afpxy lyK jF
icwTI Byjy jF nF Byjy. mYN ies sfeIt ƒ sihXog dyx leI hr qrHF nfl afp jI dy nfl
afp df ÈuBicMqk,
gurÈrn isMG ksyl
gurmIq isMG afstRylIaf
Dear S. Makhan Singh jee Purewal (Canada),
Waheguru jee ka Khalsa Waheguru jee kee Fateh
Every week, I have been getting a lot of vaulable Gurmatt
Knowledge by reading various Articles in Punjabi. Please continue this selfless
As regards, solution of such controversies or (between Dr
Harjinder Singh Dilgeer and S. Gursharan Singh Kasel) as joined by S. Gurcharan
Singh Brar Jeownwala & Dr Awatar Singh Sekhon..... I am of the view that in
future when any person raises any issue or wishes to seek certain clarification
from other person, you may wish to send his views by Email to the person
concerned with a request to respond to the said person under advice to you. If
still remains unresolved, then only it should be shared on Website for others
views/comments, if so desired.
Once, I was also caught but when I responded, discussion came
to an end though at the first instance, personal issue raised could not have
been shared on Website !!
In regard to my doubts about Nanakshahi Calendar, you may pass
on my Email to M/s Kasel and Brar so that they can assist me with specific
replies not exceeding two or three paragraphs in English or Punjab as private
correspondence [ OR ] give me Email Address of S. Gursharan Singh Kasel.
With best wishes,
Gurmit Singh (Sydney)
isMG sBf ieMtrnYsnl kYnyzf
sR[ mwKx isMG puryvfl jI iswK Drm df pRcfr krn leI jo nIqI
qusIN apxfeI hoeI hY Ausdy leI isMG sBf ieMtrnYsnl kYnyzf quhfzf bhuq bhuq
DMnvfd krdI hY qy kfmnf vI krdI hY ik qusIN afAux vfly smyN ivc vI iesy qrHF
inrMqr ies pRcfr dy islisly nUM jfrI rwKo.
ikRpf krky sMgqf nUM apIl kr dyxI ky jQydfr ptny vfly dI pihlI
pqnI kI kihMdI hY nUM suxn leI Auh
www.singhsabhacanada.com qy kilk
krn. DMnvfd.
gurU pMQ dy dfs,
isMG sBf ieMtrnYsnl kYnyzf.
gurdyv isMG swDyvflIaf
pMjfb gfrzIan aYnIvrsrI
kyvl gurU gRMQ sfihb dy isDFq nUM smrpq aKbfr, pMjfb gfrzIan
vloN ‘pMjfb gfrzIan aYnIvrsrI (PMzryijMg) kIqf jf irhf hy. ijhVf idn aYqvfr 11
meI nUM iÈMgfr bYNkAut hfl ivKy 2 vjy qoN Èfm 6 vjy qwk hoyvygf. ijs ivwc hor
bulfiraF qoN ielfvf pRo: drÈn isMG jI Kflsf, vYnkovr qoN sR rGbIr isMG bYNs,
astRylIaf qoN sR ibjypfl isMG, imltn qoN zf, gurqrn isMG, lokl bulfiraF ivcoN sR
amrIk isMG mukqsr, sR bldyv isMG rYkszyl vI Aucycy qOr qy Èfml hoxgy. gurmiq dy,
iswK kom ivwc afeIaF hor kurqIaF jF aMDivÈvfsF dy alwg-alwg iviÈaF qy Kuwl ky
vIcfr kIqI jfvygI. pfTkF dy aKbfr sbMDI suJfa vI ley jfxgy. ies aKbfr nUM hor
dUr qwk iljfx qy ies dy sPr nUM lMmyrf qy sOKf krn leI pfTkF qy suihrd vIrF-BYxf
df puwjxf byhwd jrUrI hY. ies PMzryijMg dI itkt kyvl 50 zflr hY. Èfm df iznr vI
nfl hovygf. vDyry jfxkfrI leI sfzy Pon hn-
sucyq isMG- (905) 4540-5547
mnjIq isMG (426) 616-4882
nirMdrjIq isMG (647) 296-0974
ieMdrjIq isMG (416) 856-5371
gurdyv isMG swDyvflIaf (4160 882-6360
spoksmYn ivcoN iek KLbr
mfn PokI Èohrq leI aÉbfrF dIaF surÉIaF `c afAuxf cfhuMdY: zoz
kotkpUrf, 19 apRYl (guirMdr isMG mihMdIrwqf) : hrI rqn Xukqf
jI dy 12 apRYl nUM pRkfÈq hoey lyK ivcoN hMkfr jF inMidaf dI boa nhIN afAudIN.
sgoN iewk icMqk qy cyqMn lyKk vjoN AunHF ny bRfhmxvfdI rsmF nUM iswKF vloN apxf
ley jfx `qy ivcfr crcf kIqI hY. pr mfn dl vloN ies lyK ivwc koeI Éfs gwl nf hox
kr ky ies nUM 15 apRYl qk nf gOlxf qy 15 qfrIÉ nUM apxI ivsfKI dI kfnÌrMs dI Ébr
spoksmYn ivwc nf dyK ky ros vjoN 16, 17 qy 18 apRYl nUM ies lyK nUM rfeI df phfV
bxf ky pyÈ krn bfry Cpy ibafnF `coN eIrKf dI boa JlkdI hY ijhVI ik iewk rfjnIqk
pfrtI vfsqy bhuq hI mfVI gwl hY. ienHF ÈbdF df pRgtfvf kridaF iksy smyN ismrnjIq
isMG mfn dy nyVly sfQI rhy qy mfn dIaF Êlq nIqIaF kr ky akflI dl aMimRqsr (pMj
pRDfnI) dy jQybMDk skwqr bxy BfeI suKdyv isMG zoz ny kIqf. AunHF mfn nUM svfl
kIqf hY ik ies lyK ivcoN isrÌ quhfnUM hI ieh kuwJ nËr ikAuN afieaf? jy afieaf vI
qF ivsfKI qoN bfad hI ikAuN afieaf? AunHF puiCaf ik mfn sfihb ipClI ivsfKI `qy,
qrn qfrn, bfbf buZf jI qy mMjI dIvfn hfl aMimRqsr ivKy hoey smfgmF mOky sRI gurU
gRMQ sfihb jI dI hËUrI ivwc zFgo-zFg ho ky quhfzy ihrdy ikAuN nf vlUMDry gey?
AunHF ikhf ik ÈRomxI kmytI vloN pRkfÈq ikqfb iswK ieiqhfs `c iswK gurUaF nUM
lutyry, zfkU qy hor apmfn-jnk ÈbdF nfl sMboDn kIqf igaf quhfzy ihrdy AudoN vI
ÈFq rhy? bfdl dI BfeIvfl pfrtI Bfjpf dy afgU aYl[ ky[ azvfnI dI ikqfb dIaF
kfpIaF quhfzI pfrtI ny ikAuN nf sfVIaF qy Aus ivruD mfmlf drj krn dI mMg ikAuN
nf kIqI? AunHF ikhf ik hrI rqn Xukqf mfn dl df buDIjIvI sYWl df pRDfn ho ky jy
mfn dy sohly gfvy qF Auh buDIjIvI hY qy jy mfn dI pfrtI dI ivsfKI kfnÌrMs dI Ébr
spoksmYn ivwc nf lwgy qF spoksmYn dy sMpfdk qy hrI rqn Xukqf `qy prcf drj krn dI
mMg ÌokI ÈOhrq hfsl krnf nhIN qF hor kI hY? mfn PokI ÈOhrq leI aÉbfrF dIaF
surKIaF `c afAuxf cfhuMdf hY. AunHF sRI gurU gRMQ sfihb nUM ikqfb ilKx bfry mfn
sfihb dy igly nUM byhUdf dsidaF ikhf ik mhfn ivdvfn qy iswK icMqk BfeI kfnH isMG
nfBf dI ikqfb mhfn koÈ dy pMnF nMbr 436 ivwc AunHF iksy gwl df hvflf dyx mOky
sRI gurU gRMQ sfihb nUM mhfn pusqk iliKaf hY. AunHF ikhf ik mfn sfihb Éud afeI[
pI[ aYs[ aÌsr hox nfqy ies gwl qoN axjfx ikAuN hn ik dÌf jF Dfrf nIXq nUM muwK
rwK ky qYa kIqIaF jFdIaF hn. hrI rqn Xukqf dI nIXq sfzIaF BfvnfvF nUM Tys
phuMcfAux dI nhIN ikAuNik AunHF iliKaf hY ik “mYN spwÈt kr idaF ik mYN qF
iewk ÈrDflU dy nfqy ies bRfhmxI rIq nUM gurU Gr ivwc cldI vyK ky jfxnf cfhuMdf
hF ik ies nUM iswKI ivwc ikAuN pRvfn kr ilaf igaf? mYN ikMqU nhIN kr irhf, kyvl
jfxkfrI hI mMg irhf hF”. AunHF ikhf ik ieQy lyKk dI nIXq mfVI nhIN ikAuNik
keI vfr qF mfVI nIXq nfl siq sRI akfl bulfeI vI pRvfn nhIN kIqI jFdI. AunHF ikhf
ik iewk afdmI apxIaF anmol qy kImqI ilKqF nfl iswK kOm dI syvf kr irhf hY pr mfn
isrÌ aÉbfrF dIaF surKIaF `c afAux leI qy ÌokI ÈOhrq Kwtx leI Aus mhfn ÈÉsIaq
ivruD prcy drj krn dI mMg kr irhf hY. s[ zoz ny ikhf ik mfn nUM s[ bfdl qy
afr[ aYs[ aYs[ df QfpVf iml igaf hY ikAuNik pihlF vI qF spoksmYn `qy srkfr dy
QfpVy nfl hI prcy drj hoey sn. iesy ibnfa `qy mfn sfihb spoksmYn `qy prcy drj
krn dIaF zINgF mfr rhy hn.
ivcfr crcf ivcoN kuwJ ivcfr
Waheguru jee ka Khalsa Waheguru jee kee Fateh
All these political and religious Sikh leaders have outlived
their utility, if any. Since they are not interested to retire, they deserve the
same treatment as was meted to the egoist and greedy Masands by Guru Gobind
Singh Sahib.
As no one extended any assistance to the Editor Joginder
Singh except discharged Faujis and other common persons, now the current corrupt
regime is unable to digest his progress in the form of ROZANA SPOKESMAN. Like
Rajay Sheenh Mukadum Kutay... (GGS 1288), they wish to entangle him in different
court-cases over silly matters because they can't match him.
Badal, Vedanti, Makkar and other Pujaris have already failed,
so others will also lick the dust whether editors of Ajit or santsipahi or
brahminical cults or such frustrated and defeated persons.
Gyani Jarnail Singh and Khalsa Harjinder Singh have already
explained that no offence has been committed by calling Granth as Book, there
being no other equivalent English word. It is just as Amrit Initiation - Khanday
Dee Pahul is written as "Baptism" in the Sikh Reht Maryada (1945, SGPC). Then no
action against SGPC. Gurduaras in foreign countries continue to be described as
Temple including Golden Temple ??
Let us strengthen the VOICE OF SPOKESMAN and extend our
assistance and cooperation by way of Tann, Mann, Dhann Daswandh.
Gurmit Singh (Australia)
Guru Piayario
I have also said it before.... this isnt about anything
except Language/Vocabulary/semantics.. Wasnt it Shakespeare that wrote - a Rose
by any other name is still a Rose ? We get all riled up about the English word
"Book" and are perfectly at ease with the exact same word "Granth" in
Sanskrit/Hindi/Punjabi/Urdu ?? why ?/ the right word is ETERNAL GURU because the
Divine Message is ETERNAL..aad SACH jugaad Sach Nanak hoise bhee Sach...its the
MESSAGE not the physical trappings....after all the physical human dehs of our
Guru sahibs have also left this earth..1469-1708..BUT their MESSAGE is HERE and
will be Forever..in whatever FORM..the next millineum may show..whoever ever
imagined CD/DVD/Internet/WWW..memory sticks/flash cards/hard disks..etc etc when
Bhai Gurdass Ji was scribing the AAD Granth Ji in the 16th century ?? Who can
tell what MEDIUM is coming NEXT ?? BOOKS may go out of fashion
alltogether...where are the stone tablets of the babylonians? the leather leaves
of the egyptians...SIKHISM/GURMATT is the FUTURE and not time bound to any
GURBANI/SGGS will OUTLIVE everything....Genuine SATIKAAR of SGGS is
reading/vichaar and LIVING GURBANI - as our Gurus did..our ancestors did...fokeh
RITUALS are for Fokeh sikhs
Yukta just posed a query...and Sardar joginder Singh ji has
answered it rather well..i would say..others should have answered the question
according to Guru nanak Jis gurbani...ROSS na keejey UTTAR deejeh..Provide the
answers and not get OFFENDED. Others will ask even more questions..GURU NANAK JI
was asked so many questions....even addressed as BALAKl..BUT GURU JI didnt take
offense at all..GURU JI answered each and every one of the questions..just read
SIDDH gost Bani in SGGS. Guru Ji didnt lodge a FIR..How dare this oldie call me
Balak ?? arrest him immediately !!! what type of Sikhs are we ?? GURMATT is all
time SACH..it has the power to stand up and be counted against all odds and
enemies - within and without.
Jarnail Singh Gyani
Dear All,
How thick can one get ....
Granth means Book (substantial book, tome). Guru Granth means
Teacher Book or Enlightener Book, and this Enlightener Book is
our Living Guru !
The Guru Granth these days also comes in the form of software that is
part of a website, on a cd or other software carriers. You could than call it
the Guru CD or the Guru Website, and it will still be the Living
Harjinder Singh
avqfr isMG imsLnrI
iswK sYNtr rYizMg kYlyPornIaF dI ivlwKx
(avqfr isMG imÈnrI) gurduafrf iswK sYNtr rYizMg kYlyPornIaF
ivKy Kflsf sfjn idvs vYsfKI dy sbMD ivwc ijwQy ÈukRvfr nUM gurbfxI df aKMz pfT
arMB kIqf igaf, gurduafry nUM KUbsUrq sjfieaf igaf, lMgr aquwt vrqy, ÈnIvfr nUM
bIbI srbjIq kOr cImF dy jQy ny gqky dy KUbsUrq ËOhr idKfey EQy pihly kfnPRMs
mIitMg kIqI geI ijs ivwc amYrkn goiraF nUM ivÈyÈ qOr qy bulfieaf igaf. sfzy
imÈnrI jQy nUM vI ivÈyÈ qOr qy pRogRfm qy bulfieaf sI. kfnPrMs mIitMg ivKy sB
bulfiraF ny afpxy afpxy ivcfr pyÈ kIqy. pRbMDkF aqy bulfiraF ivwc ivÈyÈ sn-ig[
amrjIq isMG, zf[ hrivMdr isMG "ibrk", sYktRI lYNhbr isMG dusFJ, sR[ gurmyl isMG,
sR[ mohn isMG, bIbI srbjIq kOr, bIbI hrismrq kOr Kflsf, istI myhr im[ kIq
vYbstr, crc muKI tOm mfrf aqy ims lIn PYirk pfdrI afidk. gurU gRMQ pRcfr imÈn
USA vloN Dfrimk iltRycr dI stfl lgfeI geI ijwQy ijafdf iltRycr amYrkn goiraF
ny ilaf aqy iswKI dy icMn kVf aqy KMzy krIb hryk amYrkn ny lY ky pihny. AunHF
ivwc iswK Drm bfry jfnx df BfrI AuqÈfh sI. bfbf gurcrn isMG aKMz kIrqnI ny vI
aKMz pfT dI syvf kridaF sroiqaF nUM iswKI bfry pRyrnf idwqI.
KUbsUrq njfrf Es vyly dyKx nUM imilaf jd gOry gorIaF dsqfrF sjf
aqy pMjfbI sUt pf ky hU-bhUh pMjfbI lwg rhy sn. gorIaF nUM pMjfbI sUt bhuwq hI
suhxy lwg rhy sn. ieh sB pwgF aqy sUt iswK sYtr rYizMg vloN PrI idwqy gey sn.
ieh BrfqrI Bfv df ivlwKx idRÈ sI. gory gorIaF pMjfbI Kfxf bVy svfd nfl Kf rhy
sn. bhuq sfry gory gorIaF ny dfsF dI Dfrimk stfl qy af ky iswK Drm aqy klcr bfry
svfl puwCy ijnHF dy jvfb Kfs krky bIbI hrismrq kOr Kflsf ny bVy AuqÈfh nfl
idwqy. BfvyN ies ielfky ivKy sMgq svfeI hY pr amrIknF ny pMjfbI sUt pf ky sMgq
dI rOxk vDfeI. aijhF idRÈ dfsF ny pihlIvfr ivdyÈ ivwc vyiKaf. asIN ies kmytI aqy
sMgq dI qfrIP krdy hF ijnHF ny gYr iswKF nUM ieqnI vwzI igxqI ivwc gurU Gr ivKy
bulfieaf. bfkI gurduafiraF nUM vI aijhI ivÈflqf idKfAuxI cfhIdI hY aqy suwc iBwt
jfq pfq qy kwtVpuxy df iqafg krnf cfhIdf hY. iswK Drm srbsFJf Drm hY ijs df ijkr
gurU gRMQ sfihb ivKy keI vfr af cuwkf hY-
sBy sFJIvfl sdfien aqy avl alfh nUr Aupfieaf kudriq ky siB
bMdy] (gurU gRMQ jI) asIN ies ivÈfl srbsFJI
ivcfrDfrf nUM kyvl gurU gRMQ sfihb jI dy bfhrI siqkfr aqy rumfilaF ivwc hI vlytI
iPrdy hF. awj sMsfr aijhI sFieMtyiPk ivcfrDfrf nUM qrs irhf hY ijs nUM dunIaF dI
hryk bolI ivwc pRcfrn dI loV hY.
aYqvfr nUM inÈfn sfihb df colf bdlx dI syvf pMjF isMGF dI
rihnmfeI hyT kIqI geI. aKMz pfT dI spmfpqI AupRMq dIvfn sjfey gey ijs ivwc pihlF
gurU Gr dy muwK gRMQI Bf[ amrjIq isMG aqy sfQI blrfm isMG jI ny kIrqn kIqf, zf[
"ibrk" jI dy mfmF jI ny kwcI bfxI dIaF Dfrxf vI lfeIaF. iewk trwk zRfeIvr
guriswK hrdyv isMG ny Kflsy dI Èfn ivwc kivqf gfeI. sMgq dy AuWGy syvk sR mohn
isMG ny vI Èbd kIrqn nfl hfjrI lvfeI. ies qoN AupRMq dfs avqfr isMG imÈnrI ny
Kflsf sfjn idvs vYsfKI aqy iswK rihq mrXfdf qy Bfv pUrq kQf kIqI ijs ivwc ijwQy
pRbMDkF dy ies Auprfly dI srfhnf kIqI EQy ikhf ik iknHF cMgf hovy jy ies gurU Gr
"iswK rihq
mrXfdf" vI lfgU kIqI jfvy aqy vwzy vwzy coilaF vfly ByKI sfDF sMqF
df KihVf Cwz ky gurU dy hI lV ligaf jfvy ikAuNik gurU jI ny sMq ispfhI Kflsf
sfijaf sI nf ik kyvl sMq. iPr bIbI hrismrq kOr Kflsf ny kIrqn viKafn krdy hoey
aslI aMimRq gurU kI bfxI nUM drsfieaf-"aMimRq Èbd aMimRq hY bfxI" (gurU gRMQ jI) ies qoN bfad afKrI lYkcr
sR gurmyl isMG jI ny idwqf jo Kflsy dI cVHdI klf bfry sI. sfzy syvf pRcfr qoN
pRBfvq ho ky igafnI jI, pRDfn jI aqy sMgqF ny awgy qoN vI afAux df swdf
ieh sfrf Auprflf gurU Gr dy muwK gRMQI Bf[ amrjIq isMG aqy
gurduafry dy PfAUNzr pRDfn sR[ hrivMdr isMG "ibrk" aqy hor pqvMqy swjnf df sI.
ijnHF ny rfq idn iewk krky bhuwq hI QoVy smyN ivwc KUbsUrq gurduafrf iqafr kIqf
jiqMdr isMG
Dear Bhai Makhan Singh ji
Waheguru ji khalsa
Waheguru ji ki fathe
Bhai Sahib ji firstly a extremely thanks for running gurmat
site sikhmarg.com. I want to know one thing that why katha is not being held at
shri harminder sahib, Amirtsar, is it any rule if yes then could u please tell
us the history for always meditation with kirtan not with katha
Jatinder Singh
(ieh iek purfxI glq prMprf qurI af rhI hY ijs df ik gurmiq
nfl koeI sMbMD nhIN hY. ies qrHF dIaF hor vI keI rvfieqF hn jo ik ibwlkuwl hI
gurmiq qoN Ault hn. ijvyN ik bIbIaF nf qF hirmMdr sfihb kIrqn kr skdIaF hn aqy
nf hI koeI hor syvf. ieh sB iswKI isDFqF dy muZly asUlF dy hI Ault hY. jy kr
koeI ies ivc qbdIlI krnf cfhy qF prMprfvfdI, zyrfvfdI aqy smuwcf pKMzI sfD lfxf
asmfn isr qy cuwk lYNdf hY. rfjnIqk lok votF dI Kfqr iksy nUM nrfjL nhIN krnf
cfhuMdy, isWKI isDFqF df BfvyN mlIaf myt hoeI jfvy-sMpfdk)
gurmIq isMG afstRylIaf
The Sikh Congregation Halls (Gurduara Sahib) established by the Sikhs all
over the world are the best example of Harmony and friendly environment where
all persons irrespective of caste, colour, gender, race, region, religion and
status are welcome to participate and share free food as equals. This concept is
well known as "Sangat and Pangat". Hence, we all should live in Harmony and
Extracts from Guru Granth Sahib, Sacred Scripture of the Sikhs
pMnf ñõ: isrIrfgu mhlf ñ]
nIcf aMdir nIc jfiq nIcI hU aiq nIcu] nfnku iqn kY sMig sfiQ
vizaf isAu ikaf rIs]
ijQY nIc smflIain iqQY ndir qyrI bKsIs] ô] ó]
Guru Nanak Sahib says that I crave for the company of those
persons, who are the most humble and of the lowest status in society because I
don’t wish to associate with the wealthy people, who are full of ego. Moreover,
the True Lord also bestows blessings and Grace on those humble people.
pMnf ù÷: rfgu mfJ mhlf õ]
sBu ko afsY qyrI bYTf] Gt Gt aMqir qUMhY vuTf]
sBy sfJIvfl sdfiein qUM iksY n idsih bfhrf jIAu] ó]
Everyone in this Universe has been pinning high hopes on the
Almighty God because the True Lord pervades in the hearts of all beings. All
people consider themselves as equal partners in receiving God’s benedictions and
none perceives God as a separate Entity.
pMnf ñøñ: gAuVI guafryrI mhlf õ]
qUM myrf sKf qUM hI myrf mIqu] qUM myrf pRIqmu qum sMig hIqu]
qUM myrI piq qU hY myrf ghxf] quJ ibnu inmKu n jfeI rhxf] ñ]
O God! You are my own and mate. You are my dearest and
well-wisher relative. You are my Honour and my valuable possession. Even for a
moment, I cannot afford to live without God’s support.
pMnf óøö: afsf mhlf õ]
pr kf burf n rfKhu cIq] qum kAu duKu nhI BfeI mIq] ó]
O Mate! Never entertain any ill will or enmity against anyone
else. Thus, you will not experience any suffering in life.
pMnf öññ: soriT mhlf õ Gru ò cAupdy]
eyku ipqf eyks ky hm bfirk qU myrf gur hfeI]
sux mIqf jIAu hmfrf bil bil jfsI hir drsnu dyhu idKfeI] ñ]
O Friend! God is our Father; we all are the children of the same
Father and we are brothers & sisters having blessed with the greatest virtues by
the True Lord. Listen and enable me to have a glimpse of the True Lord-sublime,
and I would offer myself as a sacrifice to you.
pMnf ö÷ñ: DnfsrI mhlf õ]
nf ko myrf dusmnu rihaf nf hm iks ky bYrfeI] bRhm psfru psfirE
siqgur qy soJI pfeI] ò] sBu ko mIqu hm afpn kInf hm sBnf ky
dUir prfieE mn kf ibrhf qf mylu kIE myrY rfjn] ó]
Neither we have any enemy or bitter feelings against others nor
there is any one having enmity against us. By virtue of Gurus’ Teachings, we
have been made to realize that the Almighty God, who is pervading throughout the
world, is present within our hearts. Now we have made all the persons, as our
friends and we too are friendly towards the whole world. Once we are united with
God, all our afflictions, due to separation from the True Lord, have been cast
pMnf ÷òø: sUhI mhlf ñ Gru ò]
hm nhI cMgy burf nhI koie] pRxviq nfnku qfry soie] ô] ñ] ò]
We are not good and others are not bad. Guru Nanak Sahib
prays: O God! You alone are the Saviour of all.
pMnf ññøõ: bsMqu mhlf õ Gru ò ihMzol]
hoie iekqR imlhu myry BfeI duibDf dUir krhu ilv lfie]
O Good Mates! Let us sit together and get rid of our difference
and duality by attuning ourselves to God. Let us lead Truthful life by
performing noble deeds.
pMnf ñòùù: kfnVf mhlf õ]
ibsir geI sB qfiq prfeI] jb qy sfDsMgiq moih pfeI] ñ] rhfAu]
nf ko bYrI nhI ibgfnf sgl sMig hm kAu bin afeI] ñ]
jo pRB kIno so Bl mfinE eyh sumiq sfDU qy pfeI] ò]
O Brother! Since the time, we have enjoyed the company of true
devotees we have got rid of the jealousy of others. Now we find no one is our
enemy or a stranger as we have developed love for the whole mankind. By virtue
of God’s benediction, we have gained the right guidance in the company of true
pMnf ñóôù: ibBfs pRBfqI bfxI kbIr jI kI]
avil alh nUru Aupfieaf kudriq ky sB bMdy]
eyk nUr qy sBu jgu Aupijaf kAun Bly ko mMdy] ñ]
First of all, the Almighty God created the Divine Light and
thereafter, whole universe came into existence. Since from the One Light, whole
universe has welled-up, there should not be any doubt: "Who is good, and who is
pMnf ñóøò: slok syK PrId ky]
PrIdf bury df Blf kir gusf min n hZfie] dyhI rogu n lgeI plY
sBu ikCu pfie] ÷ø]
Sheikh Farid says that try to be nice to a person, who has
inflicted some injuries and loss to you, without bearing any malice towards him,
as this forgiveness will result in your eternal bliss else you will be fretting
and fuming inside with revenge, and you will gain everything in life.
Gurmit Singh, Tel. No. 61 2 9837 2787
gurÈrn isMG ksyl
sMpfdk sR[ mwKx isMG puryvfl jIE,
vfihguru jI kf Kflsf] vfihgurU jI kI Pqih]
bynqI hY ik ‘pMQk vIklI’ vYb sfeIt `qy iksy zf[ hrBjn isMG
pitaflf vwloN ilKI ilKq “sRI dsm gRMQ: ivroDIaF ƒ Auqr” pVHI sI. Aus ivwcoN
iewk- do gwlF dy bfry mYN afpxy ivcfr zf[ sfihb qIkr phuMcfAuxf cfhuMdf sI. ies
krky mYN pMQk vIklI dy sMpfdk jI ƒ bynqI kIqI sI ik ieh myrI icwTI afpxI vYb
sfeIt `qy lf dyx; pr pqf nhIN AuhnF iks mËbUrI krky myrI ies mfmUlI icwTI ƒ
afpxI ‘vYb sfeIt’ `qy lfAux df hoNslf nhIN kIqf. so, hux afp jI ƒ ieh bynqI krdf
hF ik qusIN myry ieh mfmUlI ivcfr afpxI vYb sfeIt `qy lfAux dI myhrbfnI kro qF
ik zf[ sfihb qIkr gwl phuMc sky. ies leI afp jI df DMnvfdI hovFgf.
zf[ hrBjn isMG jI, vfihgurU jI kf Kflsf] vfihgurU jI kI Pqih]
zf[ sfihb, afp dI ies icwTI ivwc qF bhuq kuwJ iliKaf hY pr
mYN afp jI nfl isrP do gwlF bfry hI ivcfr krnI hY.
afp ny iliKaf hY, “kflf Èbd df arQ qF swB ƒ pqf hY, Ërf
aPgfnf df ivÈlyÈx vI kr leIey. aPgfnf Èbd dy muZly arQ- rOlf, Èor-Èrfbf; ivrlfp,
Èok afid hn”. kI afp jI ƒ ieh igafn nhIN hY ik ‘kflf aPgfnf’ iewk ipMz df nFa
hY? ies ipMz ivwc keI afdmI afp jI dy dfdf, ipAu, vwzy Brf, dfdI, mF, BYx, DI
aqy keI hor irÈqydfrF dI brfbr Aumr dy lok ies ipMz ivwc rihMdy hn. afp jI ny jo
gflHF AuhnF sfiraF ƒ kwZIaF hn kI afp vrgy gurmiq dy ivdvfn aqy XUnIvristI dy
zfktr aKvfAux vfly iensfn ƒ soBdIaF hn? kI afp jI dwsx dI Kycl krogy ik ‘kflf
aPgfnf’ vfsIaF ny afp jI df kI vgfiVaf hY? kI afp jI ƒ iensfnIaq qOr qy ‘kflf
aPgfnf’ ipMz vfilaF qoN ies hrkq dI mfPI nhIN mMgxI cfhIdI? kI afp jI ny jo gflF
pypr `qy ilwKky kwZIaF hn kI qusIN ieh sfrI ‘imwTI bolI’ Aus ipMz jf ky
AuQoN dy vsnIkF sfhmxy bolx dI Ëuraq krogy?
dUsrI gwl, afp jI ny iliKaf hY ik, “ienHF ivcoN pihlf nfm
hI iksy aisK df hY, ikAuNik jfiqvfd ivwc ivÈvfs rKx vflf koeI ivakqI kdy vI gurU
df isK nhIN ho skdf”. kI afp jI df koeI vI irÈqydfr afpxy nFa nfl ‘goq’ (
Name) nhIN ilKdf? jy ilKdf hovy iPr qF
qusIN Aus nfl irÈqydfrI rwKdy ho jF nhIN? ikAuNik qusIN qF Ausƒ iswK hI nhIN
smJdy? kI quhfzy pRIvfr dy irÈqy hryk brfdrI ivwc hoey hn?
afs krdf hF ik afp jI jvfb ËrUr dyvogy. hF swc myrI ivafkrx
bhuq mfVI hY ies dIaF glqIaF kwZx qy afpxf kImqI smF Krfb nf krnf jI.
siqkfr sihq,
gurÈrn isMG ksyl
bIrjoq isMG
Waheguru ji ka khalsa Waheguru ji ki Fateh !
A very warm Congratulations to all on Khalsa Sajna Divas.
Lets promise ourselves to Read, Understand and Apply message of Guru Granth
Sahib ji (Dasan Guruan Di Jyot). And for all who have
not taken Khande-Di-Paul shall take Initiative this Vaisakhi to be Baptized.
All Sikhs should get United, to spread Guru Granth Sahib
message all over Globe and celebrate 300 sala Gurgaddi Divas of Sahib Guru
Granth Sahib in OCT, 2008.
Sikh Marg and Singh Sabha Canada has done great effort in
Guru Granth Sahib Parchar and trying to update Sikhs all over on Current Sikh
Affairs. It is really nice to see Updated Articles on
Guru Granth Sahib Bani on Routine basis from S.Gurbachan Singh Thailand,
Gurcharan Singh Kasel, Gurcharan Singh Brar, S.Jagtar Singh Jachak, S.Gurmeet
Singh ji and many other Great Parcharaks of Guru Granth Sahib Philosphy.
It would be great if Service Providers can start Discussion
Groups so that 'Sikh Youth' like us can input and start Forum threadz as
majority Websites are controlled by Non-Followers of Sikh Rehat Maryada
(basically Dera/Taksal/Jatha followers) who don't listen Truth as it is Bitter
and they Restrict Freedom of Speech .
Few of the Vaisakhi Resolutions Sikh shall Adopt:
a)Guru Granth Sahib is complete Guru and have Highest
Authority in Sikh Religion.
b)Guru Panth can be defined as 'Individuals' considering Guru
Granth Sahib as complete and pass each Decision on Kaswatti/Touchstone of Guru
Granth Sahib.
c)Those individuals who don't consider Guru Granth Sahib
complete and need other Books/Granths(written by whosoever) to make Guru Granth
Sahib 'Complete' in their aspects, [ as they still consider Guru Granth Sahib
incomplete in ?Shakti? and ?Sex-Desire Control? ] can't be counted as 'Panths'
but can be considered as Hypocrates ?
d)Let us Raise Voice to Replace Failed Pujari-Tola from Top
Sikh Institues, and place Individuals who have both Religious as well
Administrator Qualities and they shall have background in Study/Experience from
Sikh Panthic Organisations who have been Preaching Sikh Rehat Maryada
(SGPC-1945) and Guru Granth Sahib message only. Sikh Takhats shall stop placing
Takhat Sewadars from Taksals/Sampardas/Jatha's who never followed and preahced
Sikh Code but only Publicised their Dera Maryadas and make fun of Sikh Rehat
Maryada (Sgpc-1945) in their Deras/Taksals ? And when
they are placed Jathedars at Akal Takht ? How can they apply and preach same
Sikh Rehat Maryada on Sikh Institues and Sikh Guru Ghars all over . Root Cause
lies here only. 'PLacing Wrong People at Right Places'
e)Solve Long-Pending issues of Ragmala, Meat Issue, Dasam
Granth by collective Sittings by listening voices from all Sides ? To say there
is no Difference of Opinions is Joke in itself ? No one shall impose One side
views and try to play Jathedars with False Tricks and make Hue & Cry and get
Difference of Opinion individuals Ex-Communicated ? As they consider Danger from
Opinions ? Sikhs are all Sons of Guru Granth Sahib and should resolve issues and
ignore 'Individuals' responsible for creating Haterdness among others on some
Sensitive Issues by able to get issue Fake Edicts ?
f)Base of Sikhism should be kept as -Guru Granth Sahib -Sikh
Rehat Maryada (SGPC-1945) Even though there may b few
limitations in Code that need to be corrected and brought more in line with Guru
Granth Sahib by 'Panthic Representatives' but till any further change is made,
we all need to accept and apply current version of Sikh Rehat Maryada
(Sgpc-1945) in our Lives.
g)Principle of 'Eko' as being taught by Guru Granth Sahib,
Sikhs shall also go by One Granth (Guru Granth Sahib) One Panth (Khalsa) One
Maryada (Sikh Rehat Maryada-sgpc, 1945)
Birjot Singh
svwdI inAUjL vloN
“gMgf sfgr bnfm pMj kkfr”
awj kwlH iswKF nUM gMgf sfgr df cMgf buKfr ciVHaf hoieaf hY.
aqy gurduafiraF ivwc drÈn krfAux df islslf ËfrI hY. BfvyN gMgf sfgr df ieiqhfsk
koeI pRmfx nhIN imldf, BfeI kfn isMG nfBf jI ny vI ‘mhfn koÈ’ ivwc ijQy gurU
sfihb dIaF vsqF jF hiQafrF df iËkr kIqf hY. Aus ivwc vI gMgf sfgr df koeI bhuqf
iËkr nhIN kIqf. keI purfxy ieiqhfskfrF ny isrP loty df iËkr kIqf hY. loty df
iËkr rfeykot Èihr nfl sbMDq hY. jd gurU gibMd isMG jI ny rfey kwlHf ky Gr ivÈrfm
kIqf hY. Aus vyly dI iewk mnGVHq khfxI hY jo ik gurmiq dI ksvwtI qy pUrI nhIN
AuWqrdI aqy hY vI gYr-kudrqI, khfxI ies qrF hY ik gurU sfihb ny duwD pIx dI ieCf
prgt kIqI. qF Aus vyly nF qF duwD hI sI nF koeI duwD dyx vflI mwJ sI, aqy nF hI
duwD pfAux vflf koeI BfzF sI, qF gurU sfihb ny kol KVHy afdmI nUM ikhf ik Auh
ijhVI afAusr (Bfv sUey aqy Joty dy sumyl qoN ibnF) JotI KVI hY Aus nUM co lvoN
qF awgoN afdmI ny ikhf ik jI ieh qF afAusr hY duwD dy nhIN skdI qF gurU sfihb ny
ikhf qUM QfpI mfr afpy duwD dyvygI. qF Aus ny awgoN ikhf ik afpxy kol qF duwD
pfAux leI koeI BfzF vI nhIN qF gurU sfihb ny ieh lotf idwqf (gMgf sfgr) qoN awgo
afdmI ny ikhf ik, ies ivwc df glIaF (Cyk) hn, qF gurU sfihb ny ikhf qUM JotI co,
ies ivwc duwD zulHy gf nhIN. ieh hY gurU sfihb dy ienklfbI jIvn nfl joVI
hfsohIxI mngVHq khfxI jo ik hY vI gYr-kudrqI.
keI ieiqhfs kfrF ny ieh vI iliKaf hY ik ieh iewk ierfnI
imsqrI vloN iewk ivigafnk qknIk nfl iqafr kIqf hoieaf lotf (BfzF) hY aqy ieh hor
vI keI sQfnf qy Kfs krky arb dy ÈyKF dy GrF ivwc mOjUd hY. ies loty nUM vI iksy
ÈrDflU ny gurU sfihb nUM ByNt kIqf sI. duwD df nF zuwlxf koeI gYbI ÈkqI nhI ieh
qF iewk ivigafnk qOr qy hvf dy dbfAu dI krfs ivDI hY. jo awj kwl bwicaF dy duwD
pIx vflIaF boqlf ivwc vI mOjUd hY. ieMglYNz dI iewk kMpnI ny bwicaF dy duwD pIx
vfsqy boqlf iqafr kIqIaF hn, jo ik amrIkf dy sfry storF qoN iml jFdIaF hn. AunF
boqlF dy Qwly ivwc glIaF (Cyk) hn. AunF glIaF ivwc dI duwD nhIN zuwldf pr hvf
krfs huMdI hY. ies boql nfl bwcf duwD sOKf pI skdf hY. pihlIaF boqlF ivwc jd
bwcf duwD pIdF sI qF cuMgx smyN inwpl ipwck jFdI sI. kI ienF boqlF nUM vI mwQf
tykxf ÈurU hovygf?
iswK kOm dy Boly px df hmyÈf Pfiedf hI AuTfieaf jFdf hY lMbf
smF pihlf iewk slmf nf dI bIbI ny kMGy ivwc kys rwK ik ieh kihxf ÈurU kr idwqf
ik ieh gurU goibMd isMG jI dy kys hn aqy ieh AuhI kys hn jo gurU sihb ny pIr
buwDU LÈfh nUM ByNt kIqy sn. jdoN ik bfad ivwc pqf lwgf ik Auh aslI nhIN sI, jd
nUM Auh pYsy iekwTy kr ky lY geI sI, 1974-75 dy lfgy igafnI ËYl isMG cwkI dy pOV
lY ky af igaf sI ik ieh AuhI cwkI dy pOV hn jo gurU nfnk dyv jI ny bfbr dI Ëyl
ivwc pIsI sI, aqy igafnI jYl isMG iswKF dIaF kfPI votF hfsl krn ivwc kfmXfb ho
igaf sI. ipwCly smyN ivwc iewk sMq koeI purfxf kiCwhrf lY ky af igaf ik ieh vI
gurU sfihb df hY. iksy nUM ibËns ivwc Gftf pY jfvy qF Auh iksy nfmvfr sMq nUM
ieQy ilaf ik, iswKF qoN vwzI pwDr qy pYsy iekwTy krky afpxf Gftf-vfDf pUrf kr
lYdf hY. ikMnf ku icr iswK kOm afpxI Aun lhfAudI rhygI?
gMgf sfgr (loty) df ijwQoN qwk suafl hY pihlF df gMgf sfgr
Èbd hI iswK iPlfsPI nfl myl nhIN KFdf dUsrf jykr asIN mMn vI lYNdy hF ieh gurU
sfihb nfl sbMiDq hY qF iPr ieh iksy imAUjIam Ëf qoÈf Kfnf ivwc ÈÈobq hoxf cfhIdf
hY nf ik pYsy iekwTy krn leI vriqaf jfvy. aY gur iswKo agr qusIN gurU dI insfnI
nUM ipafr krnf hI hY qF gurU sfihb dI insfnI ijs nUM asI gurU dI mohr vI kihMdy
hF, Bfv pMj kkfrF nUM ipafr kroN ijnF qoN asIN bymuwK ho rhy hF. awj dy iswK dI
dÈf ieh ho geI hY gMgf sfgr vrgy BFizaF nUM qF mwQy tyk irhf hY. pMj kkfr ijnF
dI gurU goibMd isMG jI ny afp bKÈÈ kIqI hY AunF nUM mKOl kr irhf. jy koeI
aMimRqDfrI isMG KVHf hovy qF Aus nUM mKOlIaf nËrIey nfl hI dyiKaf jFdf hY. kfÈ
awj df iswK cMgy-mfVy dI prK kr sky.
iswK avyarnYWs gruwp
iswK avyarnYWs gruwp
dPLqr : ey-11, Èfm ngr, nvIN idwlI-110018 (Bfrq)
Pon : +91 11 64534073, 9811102260 PYks : +91 11 25984673
hvflf nM:
imqI : 11/04/2008
pRYs irlIË
ig: iekbfl isMG ƒ dsm gRMQ bfry jnqwk bihs leI cuxOqI
nvIN idwlI, 11/04/2008 : qÉq ptnf sfihb dy jwQydfr ig: iekbfl
isMG vwloN sRI akfl qÉq sfihb dy sfbkf jwQydfr aqy pRiswD pRcfrk pRo: drÈn isMG
ƒ iek mhIny bfad ‘qnÉfhIaf` krfr dyx dI DmkI df iswK avyarnYWs gruwp vwloN sÉq
noits ilaf igaf hY. awj gruwp dy dPLqr ivwc hoeI iek hMgfmI mIitMg ivwc gruwp dy
ahudydfrF ny ies ivÈy `qy ivcfr-vtFdrf kIqf aqy ies nqIjy `qy phuMcy ik ig:
iekbfl isMG pMQ-ivroDI ÈkqIaF dy hQ-Toky bx ky pMQ-pRsq pRcfrkF ƒ ivvfdF ivwc
AulJfAux aqy AunHF vwloN kIqy jf rhy gurmiq pRcfr ƒ rokx leI GtIaf ÈbdfvlI vfly
Pqvy jfrI krn `qy AuqfrU ho gey hn.
ies mOky sR: gruwp dy vfeIs-cyarmYn sR: svrx isMG ny ikhf ik
ig: iekbfl isMG dUijaF `qy doÈ lgfAux qoN pihlF afpxI pIVHI hyTF sotf Pyrx.
AunHF ikhf ik ig: iekbfl isMG `qy syvfdfr nfl bdPYlI krn, afpxI pihlI pqnI ƒ
qlfk idwqy ibnF dUjI aOrq nfl ivafh krn aqy qÉq sfihb dy cVHfvy ivwc Gply krn dy
gMBIr afrop lwgdy rhy hn. kfƒnI qOr `qy Auh qÉq sfihb dy jwQydfr qF dUr, iek
gRMQI vI nhIN hn. gruwp vwloN pRkfiÈq kIqy jFdy mYgËIn ‘ieMzIaf avyarnYWs` dy
mfrc 2008 aMk ivwc AunHF `qy gMBIr ielËfm lgfey sn pr AunHF ny ies bfbq cuwp
vwtI rwKI. pr Éud Auh pRo: drÈn isMG vrgy sqkfrq pRcfrk qoN spÈtIkrn mMg rhy hn
aqy pRbMDkF ƒ AunHF dy kIrqn/pRcfr `qy pfbMdI lgfAux df afdyÈ dy rhy hn.
mIitMg dy aMq ivwc sR: srbjIq isMG ny ikhf ik ig: iekbfl isMG
vrgy pujfrI kOm ƒ drpyÈ gMBIr msilaF ƒ sulfAux leI qF zwkf BMn ky dUhrf krn df
kÈt nhIN krdy pr iswKF ƒ bRfhmxvfdI cflF qoN sucyq kr rhy pRcfrkF dIaF rfhF `c
roVy atkfAux leI pwbF Bfr hoey rihMdy hn. AunHF doÈ lgfieaf ik aijhy pujfrI
afr[aYs[aYs[ dy eyjMt dy ieÈfiraF `qy iswK kOm ƒ inwq nvyN BMbl-BUisaF `c pfeI
rKdy hn. AunHF ikhf jykr ig: iekbfl isMG sMpUrn dsm gRMQ ƒ gurU goibMd isMG jI
dI ikRq mMndy hn qF pRo: drÈn isMG iKlfPL Pqvy jfrI krn qoN pihlF Auh gruwp dy
pRqIinDIaF nfl mIzIaf dI mOjUdgI ivwc, gurU gRMQ sfihb dy AupdyÈF dI rOÈnI ivwc
KulHI bihs krky afpxf dfavf shI sfibq krn.
jfrI krqf :
srbjIq isMG
(jnrl skwqr)
Pon : 9871683322
gurmIq isMG astRylIaf
Waheguru jee ka Khalsa Waheguru jee kee Fateh
Dear S. Makhan Singh jeeo,
Thanks for the updated Messages as on 10 April 2008.
1) You have aptly explained that Gurbaani from Japp Jee Sahib
to Mundavani contained in the Guru Granth Sahib is the Supreme and Highest
HukamNama/Reht for the Sikhs and we all should obey as ordained by Guru Gobind
Singh Sahib before breathing his last on 7 October 1708.
In his Book: RehatNamay, Author late Prof. Piara Singh Padam
had explained that all such Rehat Namas were written by some Sikhs at the end of
18th Century by using the names of those Sikhs, who were very close to Guru
Gobind Singh Sahib simply to make them acceptable...
Retired Lecturer Author Harinder Singh Mehbood in his Book:
"Sehje Rachio Khalsa" has also stated that past HukamNamas are not real, and are
The modern brahmins in the guise of Sikhs have been spreading
falsehood and as such Sikhs should make use of their own Intellect in conformity
with the Divine Knowledge reflected through the Guru Granth Sahib.
Amrit Initiation Ceremony by means of Khanday Dee Pahul is to
take admission in Sikh religion as we do in Schools/Colleges or join any other
service like Police, Military, etc. But for the purpose of further studies with
a view to elevate our lives for attaining emancipation in life, we should read,
comprehend and follow Gurbaani as the True Way of Sikh Life - Truthful Living as
expected from a Sachiaar - Khalsa, an ideal and noble person.
2) In regard to another Email, I shall be grateful if you
could kindly share my Article on Chaupayee, recently sent to you, though
sufficient information is already available on Website:
under the names of other Authors.
Thanks for your Seva.
Gurmit Singh (Australia)
drsLn isMG
agY jfq n joru hYY agYY jIAu nvYY
To my understanding some Sikh Scholar are misunderstanding
Gurubani.They are saying there is no such thing called (SOUL) Jivatma, if they
are correct than there is no Paramatma, Hukam, no Karta .They are saying there
is nothing after death of a body, that is the end of it. Some times, I feel that
perhaps they are atheist Sikhs. Some of them are my friends; we are working
together with SSI a charitable organisation opening Missionary centres in
We had many discussions on this subject i.e.Atma, Soul,
Spirit, and Matter, They are adamant.
In my quest to find answers from (GGS) Gurubani in English and Punjabi and I
found 44 times Guru jee has used this word agYY this
means in the hereafter.
1-nFnk jy ko apo jFxYY agYY gieaf n sOhy---p 5
2-agYY gieaF jFxaYY ivx nFvy vykfr-------p 16
3-agYYY sfhu sujFn hYY lYYsI vsq smfil-----p 22
4-ijnI sqgurU syivaf iqn agYY imilaf QFA –p 43
5-aYYQYY agYY hir nfm sKfeI-------------p 230
6-mnmuK mugD n cyqih nfhI agY gieaf pCuqfvy –p 441
7-agY krxI ikrq vfcIa bih lyKf kr smJfieaf—p 464
8-agYY jfq nf jor hYYY agYY jIAu nvy--------------469
9-agYY nfA jfq nf jiesI mnmuK duKu Kfqf--------p 514
10-mnmuK agYY lyKf mSgIaf bhuqI hovy mfr--------p 1280
All the other pages
To support my research there is another word sbd
used by Guru jee in GGS that is afgYY which is used
about 59 times. Please read it here below.
1-afgY sh Bfvf ik n Bfvf---p 357
2-afgY suKu guir dIaf-------p 626
3-afgY suKu pfCyY suKu---------p 609
4-afgY suKu myry mIqf---------p 629
5-afgY srpr jfxf--------
p 579
6-afgY hukmu n clY-------
p 579
7-afgYY hI qy sBu ikCu--------p 383
8-agfhf kU qRfiG ipCf, Pyir n muhzVf---p 1096
9-afgY kAu ikCu qulhf bFDhu ikaf Brvfsf Dn kf—p 1253
10-afgYY drgih kfm n afvY CuiT clY aiBmfnI—p 379
All the other pages are from GGS
As I understand Guru Bani which is telling
us to be care full you are not alone some system is watching us, observing us,
it is invisible, it is silent it is a eye in the sky nothing is out of reach for
this kind of largest telescope in the universe it can see us as well as read our
minds.We should tell our cleaver minds to become a Gurmukh nothing more nothing
less otherwise get ready for Divine order (Hukam). Gurmukh will know what kind
of Divine order he will receive at the end of his life while living in his body.
Munmukh will be fooling them until the last breath of their lives than it will
be too late.
Darshan Singh
dysL syvk ivcoN iek KLbr
pRo[ drÈn isMG qlb
aMimRqsr/qlivMdr buwtr
qÉq sRI ptnf sfihb dy jQydfr igafnI iekbfl isMG ny iek vfrI iPr
qYÈ `c afAuNidaF akfl qÉq dy sfbkf jQydfr pRo[ drÈn isMG ƒ dsm gRMQ dI ivroDqf
krn dy doÈ ivc 10 meI ƒ qÉq sRI ptnf sfihb ivKy qlb kIqf hY.
pRYs ƒ jfrI kIqy gey hukmnfmy dI kfpI rfhIN igafnI iekbfl isMG
ny ikhf ik iksy vI ivakqI ƒ dsm gRMQ df inrfdr krn df aiDkfr nhIN qy iPr akfl
qÉq dy sfbkf jQydfr pRo[ drÈn isMG vrgf ies pivwqr gRMQ dI aflocnf krdf hY qF
ieh kdficq brdfÈq nhIN kIqf jfvygf. AunHF ikhf ik awj qÉq sfihb qy pMj ipafiraF
dI iek iekwqrqf hoeI, ijs ivc srbsMmqI nfl PYslf krky pRo[ drÈn isMG ƒ 10 meI ƒ
qÉq sRI ptnf sfihb ivKy pMj ipafiraF dy snmuwK pyÈ hox dy afdyÈ jfrI kIqy gey
hn. AunHF ikhf ik pyÈ nf hox dI sUrq ivc iekqrÌf kfrvfeI kr idwqI jfvygI. AunHF
ikhf ik pMj ipafiraF dI 13 apRYl vfly ivsfKI vfly idn muV iekwqrqf hovygI, ijs
ivc hor keI pMQk mOky ivcfry jfxgy.
iekbfl isMG dy jIvn bfry jfxkfrI jo ik "ieMzIaf avyarnYWs" dy mfrc aMk ivc CpI
sI Aus nUM pVHn leI ieWQy kilk kro jI. ieh pI: zI: aYWP: PormYt ivc hY)
mnjIq isMG
Some Doubts about Rehatnamas Generally Quoted by our Preachers
Because of Vaisakhi Purb nearby, all Guru Ghars are
very busy in Amrit Parchar. Some Guru Ghars have special programs.
Efforts are being done by well wishers of Panth to bring as many people
as possible into the khalsa Panth fold.
Some preachers are overzealous in this effort and to
prove their points, they are quoting from Gurbani as well as other
sources like "Rehatnamas". Some of these quotes have created doubts in
my mind that is why I am writing this letter to you. I request you to
please help me in clearing these doubts by writing a few lines or
suggesting me some articles/books already available on this subject.
Alternatively, any scholar reading my letter can help me in clearing my
doubts by writing a well searched article on the subject.
1. Some preachers in their effort to do Amrit Parchar
interpret Gurbani word "NIGURA" (i.e. a person without any
Guru) as a person who has not part taken Amrit. They condemn
non-Amritdhari people with all sorts of names as are mentioned in Holy
Scripture for the "NIGURAS". Is it correct and justified?
Is it justified to condemn a big section of "SANGAT" like this?
2. Other preachers in their effort to prove their point quote from "REHATNAMAS".
Recently, I heard a preacher saying:
"He who keeps long hair without partaking Pahul is a hypocrite or
deceiver and dumb"
I checked this quote. I got a book written by Mr. Piara Singh Padam
named "Rehatnamein". According to this book, these lines are from
Rehatnama written by Mr. Sahib Singh. I read
this Rehatnama and found many things which are not in line with Sikh
Philosophy. For example:
a. (Guru says) If you keep hair or do not keep hair, I do not care. I
care only if you love me.
b. A Sikh should carry out "Saraadh" for his dead ancestors performed
through Brahmin Sikh only.
c. A Sikh should do "puja" and "daan" during Solar Eclipse.
d. A Sikh who will read "Muktinama" written by this author and bathe
at Muktsar Sarovar will get "mukti".
3. I heard another preacher saying:
"Hooka kutha charas tamakoo, Ganja topi _____ khakoo
Inki aur na kabhu dekhe, rehatwant so sikh bisekhe"
I checked this quotation in the same book as mentioned above. This
couplet is from "Rehatnama Desa Singh". Mr. Desa Singh
writes next stanza as:
"A Sikh can take small amount of hemp (Bhang) and opium without
any fear, but he should not take larger amounts and become addicted"
In another couplet, he writes:
"When going to battle-field, Sikh should consume "Madira" or
hard liquor, but in peace times, he should not look at it"
4. I read other Rehatnamas also like by Bhai Nand Lal, Bhai
Prehlad Singh etc. They preach many things which do not go in
line with what is generally considered as Sikh Philosophy not to talk of
teachings of Holy Guru Granth Sahib. Following are few things mentioned
in these Rehatnamas:
a. He who does not bathe with cold water is tankhayia.
b. He who consumes goat or sheep milk is tankhayia.
c. He who touches "gadha" (donkey or Hooka?) is tankhayia
I request you to please help me in clarifying my doubts about the
above mentioned issues.
Best regards,
Manjit Singh
(aslI rihqnfmf qF gurbfxI hY. jo vI ilKq gurbfxI dI
ksvwtI qy pUrI nf AuqrdI hovy Auh mMnxXog nhIN, BfvyN Auh iksy vI nfm
Qwly pRclq ikAuN nf hovy. aMimRq qF pRmfqmf df nfm hY aqy Auh hr iensfn
dy aMdr hY. ies aMimRq nUM sLbd df zol bxf ky aMdroN kwZ ky pIxf hY.
isWKI ivc dfKly leI phul dI mrXfdf hY. ieh gurbfxI anusfr jIvn jIAux leI
ieh iek pRx hY. isWK Drm smuwcI mnuwKqf df Drm hY aqy jo vI iensfn iek
akfl purK nUM sB df krqf mMndf hY aqy sB ivc Aus dI hI joq nUM dyKdf hY
aqy iksy nfl vI rMg, rUp, jfq pfq aqy ilMg dy aDfr qy nPrq nhIN krdf qF
smJ lE ik Auh isWK Drm anusfr clx dI koisLsL kr irhf hY. jo dUsiraF pRqI
nPrq krdf hY aqy gflHF vrgI BfsLf vrqdf hY Auh BfvyN inwq hI aMimRq Ckdf
qy CkfAuNdf hovy, ikwzf vI vwzf sMq mhMq ikAuN nf hovy aqy aijhy aisWKI
kfry krn vfly nUM gurU vflf nhIN ikhf skdf-sMpfdk)
hirMdr kOr
I just want to thank you for this website. It is
great. I want to request that if you can also put Choupi sahib and
Rehras Sahib on this great website. It will be great. Once again thank
you so much for this website. God bless you
Harinder Kaur
Resources Analyst III
Martek Global Services/On Assignment at the
Acquisition Services Directorate
National Business Center
US Dept of the Interior
703-964-8422 (of)
703-964-5300 (fax)
avqfr isMG imsLnrI aqy sfQI
Bomy ipMz ivKy Èrfb nUM pRÈfd kih ky vrqfAux ivruwD ig[ jgqfr
isMG jfck aqy ig[ kyvl isMG vloN ley stYNz dI ivdyÈI imÈnrIaF, ivdvfnF aqy lyKkF
vloN pUrn hmfieq
(qrlocn isMG dupflpur/avqfr isMG imÈnrI) nÈf qF koeI vI srIr
vfsqy cMgf nhIN BfvyN qMbfkU, crs, qfVI, BuwkI aPIm, suwKf smYk jF Èrfb afid
hovy. keI gRMQ vI niÈaF df pRcfr krdy hn ijvyN ik aKOqI dsm gRMQ. gurU gRMQ
sfihb jI ivKy qF niÈaF nUM miq mfrn vfly ikhf igaf hY-
ijiq pIqY miq dUir hoey brl pvY ivic afie]
afpxf prfieaf nf pCfxhI KsmoN Dwky Kfie] JUTf mid mUl nf pIceI jy kf pfr vsfey]
rihqnfimaF ivKy vI drj hY ik-hukf kuwTf crs qmfkU] gFjf topI qfVI KfkU] …[
ien kI aOr nf kbhUM dyKY] rihqvfn so isMG bÈyKY] pr Esy gurU gRMQ sfihb jI dy pRkfÈ asQfn qy Èrfb-suwKf afidk nUM pRÈfd
kih ky vrqfieaf jfvy qF ies qoN vwzI byadbI hor kI ho skdI hY. kih jFdy smuwcy
sMqF sfDF vloN Jtkf mIt dI qF awzIaF AuWcIaF krky aqy sMG pfV ky ivroDqf kIqI
jFdI hY jo isMG Bojn hY pr niÈaF vwl koeI iDaFn nhIN idwqf jFdf. sRomxI kmytI,
tksflF aqy gurduafrf pRbMDk kmytIaF nUM cwpxI c’ nwk zob lYxf cfhIdf hY ijnHF dy
sfhmxy ieh sB kuwJ ho irhf hY jy Dfrimk asQFn hI nÈy vrqfAuxgy qF iPr bfkI
asQFnF dI kI hflq hovygI! so kOm nUM niÈaF, PjUl dy krmkFzF, idKfvy ByK aqy
JUTIaF ÈohrqF Cwz ky gurU dy dwsy mfrg qy hI cwlxf cfhIdf hY nF ik aKOqI jQydfrF
dy jo kOm nUM zyiraF vwl Dkyl rhy hn. dyKo iekwlf sOdf sfD srsy vflf jy
grIbF dI mdd krky lwKF nUM afpxy mgr lf skdf hY qF kI ijs pMQ kol ÈRomxI kmytI
vrgI sMsQf hovy ijs kol vwzy-vwzy gurduafiraF df pRbMD hovy aqy lwKF kroVF df
bjt hovy kI Auh nhIN aYsf kr skdI? qKqF qoN isrP iswK ivdvfnF nUM zrfieaf
Dmkfieaf jFdf hY pr pMQ ivroDI pRcfr krn vfly sfDF aqy nÈy vMzx vfly aKOqI lIzrF
qoN sropy lY ky AunHF nUM snmfnq kIqf jFdf hY. hux imÈnrIaF aqy spoksmYn dy
pRcfr sdkf kOm ivwc jfgRqI af rhI hY ijs sdkf ig[ jgqfr isMG jfck vrgy ivdvfn vI
mYdfn ivwc inwqr afey hn. so asIN smuwcy ivdyÈI imÈnrI, isMG sBf dy mYbr aqy pMQ
drdI ig[ jfck jI aqy ig[ kyvl isMG jI dy ies stYNz dI hmfieq krdy hF.
gurU pMQ dy syvk
pMQk ivdvfn sR[ iqrlocn isMG dupflpur (sfbkf mYNbr ÈRomxI
kmytI) dl Éflsf alfieMs dy pRDfn Bf[ prmjIq isMG dfKf, gurU gRMQ pRcfr imsn afP
(XU[ aYs[ ey) sMsQf dy BfeI avqfr isMG imÈnrI-bIbI hrismrq kOr KfÜsf, sR primMdr
isMG pRvfnf zf[ gurmIq isMG brsfl, zf[ hrmn isMG aqy sfQI (kYlyPornIaF)
ieMtRnYÈnl isMG sBf (knyzf XUint) dy sR[ gurcrn isMG ijAux vflf aqy sfQI (knyzf)
ieMtRnYÈnl isMG sBf (amrIkf XUint) dy sR[ hrdyv isMG Èyrigwl aqy sfQI, gurmiq
pRsfr sBf sYkrfmYNto dy pRo[ mwKx isMG, sR[ hfkm isMG aqy sfQI (sYkrfmYNto)
gurmiq imÈnrI srkl (kYlyPornIaF) dy sR[ igafn isMG, srbjIq isMG sMDU aqy sfQI
(sYkrfmYNto) byby nfnkI sBf (sYkrfmYNto) dy sR[ kyhr isMG-bIbI surjIq kOr aqy
sfQI (sYkrfmYNto) sihq sBf sYkrfmYNto dy bIbI mnjIq kOr aqy sihXogI (sYkrfmYNto)
bfbf nMd isMG aqy mfstr gurbcn isMG (smfj syvk) ig[ bKÈIÈ isMG sfbkf hYWz gRMQI
(rIno-nyvfzf) Bf[ aMimRqpfl isMG kQfvfck pRcfrk, aqy sfQI (cldf vhIr dl) sR[
jsbIr isMG sfbkf ipMsIpl sfihbËfdf juJfr isMG gurmiq imÈnrI kflj ropV, vfeIs
ipRMsIpl Bf[ hrBjn isMG aqy ig[ amrjIq isMG imÈnrI (amrIkf) bfbf ipafrf isMG
sfbkf pRoPYsr iswK imÈnrI kflj bIbIaF (amrIkf) Bf[ blivMdr isMG imÈnrI, sR blbIr
isMG aqy sfQI (Pirjno imÈnrI srkl) Bf[ suKivMdr isMG imÈnrI, sR blivMdr isMG
(bfltImor) sR[ iekbfl isMG imÈnrI, gurmIq isMG imÈnrI aqy sfQI (aYl[ ey) sR[
blkfr isMG imÈnrI aqy sfQI (imÈnrI srkl-ibkrsPIlz)
sMqoK isMG afstRylIaf
Satkarit Purewal Sahib Ji
Writing this after long time and from Brussel because I left
Sydney more than tow month ago; During my stay for one last month? I, by the
Kirpa of Satguru Ji managed to publish my two books. They are being released in
UK in this month. The SGPC couldn’t change that yet but Sardar Brar Sahib Ji
done that.
Here is one article for Sikh Marg.
I read the letter Of S. Gurcharan Singh Ji Brar on this
Sikh Marg.
When I saw in Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji, under the influence of
Late Bhai Joginder Singh talwara Ji, SGPC changed the sarup of 'Satnamu'
siqnamu) in to 'Sati Namu', (siq nwmu) then I thought they may change
'Waheguru' (vwih gurU) into 'Wahe Guru' any time.
If some body thinks it is my Bhull then Khima in advance.
Santokh Singh
gurmIq isMG afstRylIaf
Waheguru jee ka Khalsa Waheguru jee kee Fateh
Today only I have a chance to read Article: "Shree Guru Granth
Sahib Dee Sampaadann - Kalaa Tey Kasvatti" by Giani Jagtar Singh jee Jachak, by
Similar views have also been expressed by late Dr Sahib Singh
and several other Sikh Scholars. But it is not clear why are we prefixing "Shree
or Sri ?" Guru Granth Sahib should be OK.
I don't know whether I have missed, there are no comments in
respect of "Raag Mala". I reckon that Guru Granth Sahib ends with Mundavani, and
that Raag Mala was neither included by Guru Arjan Sahib nor by Guru Gobind Singh
Sahib. Moreover, it also cannot be considered Mala of all (31) Raags as Nine
Raags do not figure there. Hence, it could have been stated that Raag Mala is
not Baani and should not be printed.
{Please note I have nothing to do with akj or any other cult)
Gurmit Singh (Sydney)
spoksmYn ivcoN iek KLbr
hux qÉqF aqy ‘hukmnfimaF’ vfly vI sMg lfh ky roËfnf spoksmYn
ÉrId ky pVHdy ny!
cMzIgVH 5 apRYl, 2008 (spoksmYn ibAUro): jlMDr dy ajIq aÉbfr dy
brijMdr isMG ny DONs nfl do-ZfeI sfl pihlF ‘roËfnf spoksmYn’ ivruD ijnHF
‘jQydfrF’ koloN ‘hukmnfmy’ jfrI krvfey sn, AunHF nUM vI awj mMnxf pY irhf hY ik
AunHF koloN Êlq kMm krvf ilaf igaf sI qy brijMdr isMG ny apxy vpfrk ihqF nUM
bcfAux dy afhr ivc, apxI aÉbfr dI DONs dy ky, ÈRomxI kmytI aqy ‘jQydfrF’ nUM
apxy mksd leI vrq ilaf sI. iesy leI Auh cMgI soc vfly bMidaF nUM imlx ligaF aksr
kihMdy rihMdy hn ik "ijhVI ÊlqI ho geI sI, Aus nUM TIk krn df koeI rfh qusI hI
suJfAu ijs nfl sfzI vI hyTI nf hovy qy dUjI iDr nUM vI apxy stYNz nUM Cwzx leI
nf kihxf pvy." 1 dsMbr, 2005 nUM ajIq dy brijMdr isMG vloN Dwky nfl krvfeI geI
ÊlqI nUM ‘jQydfr’ qy ‘qÉq’ vI ikMnf Êlq smJdy hn, ies df sbUq ieQy qÉq scKMz sRI
hËUr sfihb abcl ngr dy pYz `qy roËfnf spoksmYn dy sMpfdk nUM ilKI icwTI aqy
aÉbfr lgvfAux leI Byjy 1100 rupey dy cMdy qoN pqf lwg skdf hY. icwTI aqy bYNk
zrfÌt, duhF dI Ìoto-kfpI Aupr idqI geI hY. qÉq hËUr sfihb vfly iekwly hI nhIN,
sfry qÉqF dy ‘jQydfr’ svyry swB qoN pihlF ‘spoksmYn’ hI pVHdy hn qy Aucycy qOr
`qy mMgvfAuNdy hn. sfry hI KulH ky mn cuwky hn ik ‘ajIq’ dy aYzItr ny AunHF nUM
vrq ky vwzf pfp AunHF koloN krvfieaf sI. hux pMjF `coN koeI iewk vI ieh kihx nUM
iqafr nhIN huMdf ik roËfnf spoksmYn iewk ‘pMQ ivroDI’ aÉbfr hY - isvfey brijMdr
isMG dy ‘ajIq’ aÉbfr dy. brijMdr isMG ikAuN swc nUM pRvfn nhIN krdf? ikAuNik Aus
ny apxy vpfrk ihqF nUM bcfAux leI hI qF ‘roËfnf spoksmYn’ nfl pfp kmfieaf sI.
Aus nUM zr hY ik jy ‘roËfnf spoksmYn’ kl nUM ‘hukmnfmy’ qoN afËfd ho igaf qF Aus
df kI bxygf? isafxy lokF df kihxf hY ik ‘spoksmYn’ qF pihlF hI hukmnfimaF dI
bMdÈ `coN afËfd ho cuwkf hY qy afm lokF dy nfl nfl hux, ‘hukmnfmy’ jfrI krn vfly
jQydfrF ny vI sMg lfh ky ies dI qfrIÌ krnI ÈurU kr idqI hY, BfvyN ik ajy AunHF
ivwc eynI ihMmq nhIN af rhI ik apxI ÊlqI nUM KulH ky mMn lYx qy vfps lY lYx.
ienHF isafxy lokF df kihxf hY ik brijMdr isMG nUM vI kMD `qy iliKaf pVH lYxf
cfhIdf hY qy sfAUaF vflf vqIrf apxf ky, spoksmYn df ivroD bMd kr dyxf cfhIdf hY
ikAuNik Auh pihlF hI bfËI hfr cuwkf hY aqy ivroD nUM hor jfrI rwK ky, mUMh ivKfx
jogf vI nhIN rih jfeygf. Aus nUM hor kuwJ nhIN qF qÉq scKMz sRI hËUr sfihb dI
AupRokq icwTI qoN hI kuwJ isK lYxf cfhIdf hY. 21vIN sdI ivc, iewk aÉbfr dy mflkF
vloN dUjI nvIN aÉbfr df rfh rokx dI ieh bVI GtIaf imsfl hY qy Éud ‘hukmnfmy’
jfrI krn vfly vI cfhux lwg pey hn ik ijvyN vI hovy, jQydfrF dI ÊlqI dI hor sËf
‘akfl qÉq’ nUM nf idvfeI jfvy.
gurpRIq isMG smrf
Dear Editor, Few days back, a press release about the book
"Ik Ooo" by Giani Jagtar Singh ji Jachak was published on your website. But
there is no information about how and from where that book can be obtained in
Canada. If the person who shared this news or any other person can also share
the above required information. I will be grateful.
Regards, Gurpreet Singh Sumra Brampton, Canada
(sfzy iKafl muqfbk ijhVy Auhnf dy lyK ‘isWK mfrg’ qy Cp cuwky
hn, Auhnf lyKF nUM hI ikqfbI rUp idWqf hY. hor jfxkfrI Auhnf nUM puwC ky ‘isWK
mfrg’ qy pf idWqI jfvygI-sMpfdk)
ajIq isMG torFto
pRYs rIport
(2 aprYl 2008, torFto)
BfeI GneIaf cYrItybl trst tFzf AuVmuV anykF hI aOkVF dy bfvjUd
sVk durGtnf dy iÈkfr ivakqIaF vfsqy iewk aihm vrdfn.
ijs smfj ivwc asIN rih rhy hF ivwc mnuwKqf dI BlfeI dy nyk
kMmf ivwc Xogdfn pfAux dy Audwm Auprfly krnF swcmuwc hI swc dy mfrg dy pFDIaF dI
iewk Kfs inÈfnI huMdI hY. awj bhuqfq ivwc vyKx nUM iml irhf hY ik loVvMdF dI
syvf aqy Drm krm dy kMmF dy aDfr qy iekwTf kIqf igaf PMz swc dy mfrg qoN kohF
dUr jf ky Krc ho irhf hY aqy iswty vjoN awj dI jvfnI iBafnk niÈaF ivwc glqfn ho
ky swcy mfrg qoN Btk rhI hY. kfrn kI hY? pMjfb jF Bfrq aMdr qF ies df kfrn kuwJ
ieMJ jfpdf hY ik jo vI ivakqI jF sMsQf afpxI quwC buwDI muqfibk pUrn iemfndfrI
aqy ivÈvfÈ dI ksvwtI qy syvf ismrn dy Auprfly krn leI qwqpr huMdI hY nUM iksy nf
iksy rUp ivwc srkfrI jF gYrsrkfrI Ëulm jF qÈwdd df sfhmxf krnf pYdf hY. pr DMnqf
dy Xog huMdIaF hn aijhIaF sMsQfvF jF ivakqI jo pUrI dlyrI nfl aijhy qÈwdd df zt
ky mukfblf krdIaF hn aqy Pqih hfsl krdIaF hn.
aijhf hI iewk ivÈyÈ Auprflf tFzf AuVmuV, iËlHf huiÈafrpur,
pMjfb ivKy BfeI GneIaf cYrItybl trst vloN kIqf jf irhf hY. awj gurU gRMQ sfihb
jI dy 300 sflF gurgwdI idvs mnfAuNdy hoey asIN ieh zMky dI cot nfl kih skdy hF
ik BfeI GneIaf cYrItybl trst dI tIm awj dI jvfnI nUM iBafnk niÈaF dI mfr qoN
bcfAux vfsqy anykF hI sPl Auprfly kr rhI hY. BfeI GneIaf cYrItybl trst tFzf
AuVmuV jo julfeI 1990 ivwc hoNd ivwc afieaf sI awj kOVy swc dy mfrg qy sPl
pulfNGf puwtdf hoieaf dunIaF Br dIaF AuhnF mhfn sMsQfvF ivwc Èfml hY jo iksy
jfq, pfq, Drm afidk dy Byd Bfv jF ivqkry qoN Aupr AuT ky isrP mnuwKqf dI syvf
krdIaF hn. BfeI GneIaf cYrItybl trst dy cyarmYn srdfr Aujl isMG iewk bhuq hI
iemfndfr aqy dlyr iensfn hn. afp jI sfl 1990 ivwc pMjfb srkfr pfsoN bqOr izvIjnl
soafiel kMjrvyÈn aPsr irtfier hoey aqy irtfiermYt AuprMq afpxI Drm pqnI aqy
ieklOqy pOqry bUtf isMG nfl iml ky swcI suwcI ikrq krn dy nfl nfl syvf ismrn dy
kfrjF ivwc jut gey aqy hux qwk anykF hI byshfiraF nUM sMsfrk aqy aiDafqmk cfnx
dyx vfsqy sMGrÈ kr rhy hn. tFzy nËdIk jlMDr pTfnkot rfÈtrI mfrg qy agr koeI vI
aYksIzYNt ho jFdf hY qF trst dy vlMtIar Pon kfl afAux jF pqf lwgx AuprMq mobfeIl
aYNbUlYNs lY ik ibjlI dI qrHF loVvMd mnuwKF dI syvf ivwc jf hfjr huMdy hn. trst
dy nOjvfn syvfdrF dy jQydfr srdfr divMdr isMG mUnk klF vfly aqy muwK vlMtIar
srdfr amrjIq isMG dfrfpur vfly aMimRqDfrI isMG hn aqy ieh anykF hI nOjvfnF nUM
afpxI tIm ivwc Èfml kr ky niÈaF dI mfr qoN sucyq kr rhy hn aqy aijhy progrfm
AulIkx dy sPl Auprfly kr rhy hn ijs nfl pMjfb dI jvfnI nUM afpxy axmol iswK
ivrsy qoN jfxU krvfieaf jf sky. BfeI GneIaf cYrItybl trst bfry vDyry jfxkfrI lYx
vfsqy kYnyzf ivwc Pon nMbr 416-301-8114 qy sMprk kIqf jf skdf hY jF trst dI
vyKI jf skdI hY.
awj sfrI dunIaF awgy iewk aihm svfl hY ik sMsfr aMdr ÈfqI df
vfqfvrx ikvyN pYdf hovy? agr gurU kf iswK hMBlf mfry qF Auh sMsfr aMdr ÈFqI
Biraf vfqfvrx kfiem krn ivwc ivÈyÈ Xogdfn pf skdf hY. ikAuNik gurU gRMQ sfihb jI
pfsoN idÈf pRfpq krn vflf mnuwK hmyÈF swc dy mfrg qy cldf hY. ijwQy swc hovygf
AuWQy ÈFqI df vfqfvrx kfiem hoxf suBfivk hI hY. Auprokq gurU ky iswKF vloN kIqy
gey Auprfly swcmuwc hI bhuq hI ÈlfGfXog AuWdm hn. afAu awj asIN sfry ies sMsfirk
ÈFqI ivwc pIzI sFJ pfAux vfsqy gurU gRMQ sfihb jI df 300 sflF gurgwdI idvs
mnfAuNdy hoey aijhy anykF hI hor syvf aqy ismrn dy kfrjF ivwc Xogdfn pfeIey.
AumId hY ik BivwK ivwc sfzIaF smfijk aqy Dfrimk sMsQfvF ies ivÈy qy jrUr ivcfr
gurmIq isMG afstRylIaf
Dear Dr. Hakam Singh Jee (USA),
Waheguru jee ka Khalsa Waheguru jee kee Fateh
I am truly grateful to you for your Article: Dasam Granth Dee
Vashatviktaa as shared through:
Earlier, Dr. Jasbir Singh Mann (USA) has also explained the
background of this controversial mythical literature.
Several persons in Punjab and India have also been raising
their voice about the authenticity of BN/DG but SGPC and its goluck paid
servants have not been listening under the influence of akj /damdami taksaalis /
deravaad /RSS/BJP.
But I don't know why Institute of Sikh Studies (IOSS) is silent
as if they have nothing to do ?
Although, you have already explained all the aspects, please
advise me if draft attachment could be shared with other well-wishers of the
Guru Panth here locally.
Thanks for your guidance,
Gurmit Singh (Sydney, Australia)
gurcrn isMG (ijAux vflf) brYNptn
jsbIr isMG
astrylIaf jI! vfih gurU jI kf kflsf, vfih gurU jI Pqih.
qusIN afpxI icwTI ivwc imÈnrIaF dy qrkÈIlF nfl sMbMDF bfry
iglf Ëfhr kIqf hY ho skdf hY qusIN TIk hovo. qusIN vDIaf imÈnrI bxfAux dI gwl
kIqI hY. kI qusIN awj qk vDIaf imsLnrI bxfAux ivwc koeI shfieqf kIqI hY? srIrk
qOr qy jf mfiek qOr qy iksy imÈnrI kflj dI mwdd kIqI hY? jy nhI qF isrP icwTIaF
ilKx nfl ieh mslf hwl hox vflf nhI.
qrkÈIÜF nUM, ‘Drm iewk aPIm hY’ kih ky gurbfxI qoN dUr kr
idwqf igaf. Auh gurU isDFq qoN iblkul dUr ho gey. afpxy afp nUM DrmI aKvfAux
vfly lok lMmy Jwgy pf ky, nMgIaF lwqF rwK ky, zyZ ku jf do ieMc df cOVf gfqrf pf
ky aqy gol pwg bMn ky iswK Drm dy lMmy cOVy Tykydfr bx gey. pVHy ilKy qy smJdfr
lokF nUM nfsqk kih kih ky ieh lok durkfrn lwg pey jo ieh srfsr glq hoieaf.
qkÈIl, lokF nUM vihmF BrmF ivcoN bfhr kwZdy hn, qy gurUbfxI
vI. aKOqI DrmI, sMq-sfD vr-srfp nUM iswK Drm ivwc vfVdy hn jdoN ik qrkÈIl qy
gurUbfxI vr-srfp nUM jVoN rwd krdI hY. dmdmI tksfl gurU gRMQ sfihb nUM Bog
lvfAuNdI hY jdoN ik gurUbfxI df Purmfx hY:
Bfqu pihiq aru lfpsI, krkrf kfsfru] Bognhfry Boigaf, iesu
mUriq ky muK Cfru] 4] mfilin BUlI jgu Bulfnf, hm Bulfny nfih] khu kbIr hm rfm
rfKy, ik®pf kir hir rfie] 5] 1] 14] {pMnf 479}
jy kr iswK Drm ivcoN vr-srfp nUM kwZ idwqf jfvy qF iksy
sfD-sMq dI loV hI nhI rih jFdI, jo ik iswK isDFq muqfbk iblkul TIk hY. iPr
luwt-Ksuwt df mfmlf Kqm ho skdf hY. pr nhI, ies qoN bgYr iswKI dI dukfndfrI nhI
cldI qy afm lok luwty hI sUq afAuNdy hn ieh iewk khfvwq hY. ho irhf hY.
mYN huxy huxy pMjfb jf ky afieaf hF qy ijhVy ijhVy qrkÈIlF
nfl myl imlfp hoieaf hY AunHF qoN iehI pqf lwigaf ik Auh lok gurUbfxI qoN iblkul
kory hn pr mYN iPr vI dfhvy nfl ieh kih skdf hF ik Auh lok iewkf duwkf glqIaF
nUM Cwz ky iswK Drm dy aKOqI jQydfrF nfloN vI vDIaf hn qy iswKI asUlF qy pihrf
idMdy hn. Auh hwk swc qy mrn qk pihrf idMdy hn. biTMzf iËlf, mihl klF ivwc mfrI
geI nOjvfn lVkI df kql kys jwg jfhr hY qy ies ivwc agFh vDU jwQybMdIaF ny mUhry
lwg ky hI ipMz dy lMbrdfrF nUM sjf dvfeI sI qy ZINZsy horIN lMbrdfrF vfly pfsy
KVy sn. iehI kfrn hY ik pRo[ Gwgf ny qrkÈIlF dy hwk ivwc ibafn dfg idwqf.
ijhVIaF ikqfbF dy hwk ivwc ibafn dfigaf igaf hY Auh ikqfbF mnuwKqf nUM kurfhy
qoN rfhy pfAuNdIaF hn qy ÈfeId qusIN pVHIaF hI nf hox.
sfry gurU sfihbfn sfkqF kol gey, corF zfkUaf qy DfVveIaf kol
gey qy AunHF ny AunHF nUM suDfiraf. suDry hoey lokF kol jfx df kI Pfiedf. iswK
Drm df muK mMqv hI lok BlfeI hY.
kbIr sfkq sMgu n kIjIaY, dUrih
jfeIaY Bfig] bfsnu kfro prsIaY, qAu kCu lfgY dfgu] 131] {pMnf 1371}
pr ies pMgqI ivwc afey ‘sfkq’ df mqlb iksy mnuwKI jIv qoN nhI. ies krky qusIN
iesdI hor ivcfr krnI qy afpF afpxI crcf awgy jfrI rwKFgy.
guru pMQ df dfs,
gurcrn isMG (ijAux vflf) brYNptn, kYnyzf.
zf[ gurdyv isMG iswDU jI! vfih guru jI kf Kflsf, vfih guru jI
kI Pqih.
isMG sBf kYnyzf, kYnyzf ivwc hI hY. qusIN sfrI iswK jnqf nUM
bVf vwzf hnorf mfiraf hY aqy ieh vI puiCaf hY ik isMG sBf kYnyzf ikwQy hY. hr
sMsQf df afpxf afpxf pRogrfm AulIikaf huMdf hY qy Auh ssMQf Aus anusfr kMm krdI
hY. sfzy kol koeI gurduafry dI golk nhI ijs ivcoN asIN afpxI mrjI nfl DMn kwZ ky
afpxI qy iksy dI injI jyb ivwc pf dyeIey. iews dy bfvjUd vI ipCly sfl iswK Drm
dy pRcfr leI pMjfb dy 40 ipMzF ivwc pRcfrk Byjy gey qy ieh imsnrI awj pMjfb dy
300 ipMzF ivwc pRcfr kr rhy hn. Krcf keI lwKF rupY hY ijhVf ies ssMQf dy mYNbrF
ny afpxI afpxI injI jyb ivcoN idwqf hY. hornF nUM hnorf nf mfiraf huMdf qF mYnUM
vI koeI hwk nhI sI bxdf quhfnUM puCx df ik iswK Drm dy pRcfr vfsqy qusIN kI kIqf
hY. jdoN qusIN hux ieh kMm ÈurU kr hI ilaf hY qF ieh dwsx dI ikRpflqf krnI jI ik
qusIN kdI lwK do lwK rupY iswK Drm dy pRcfr leI afpxI injI jyb ivcoN Krcy hn jF
aYvYN zIgF hI mfrdy ho?
quhfzf vIr,
gurcrn isMG (ijAux vflf) brYNptn.
zf: gurdyv isMG iswDU
Dear Editor Sahib Ji,
Sat Sri Akal.
I was shocked to note that Dr Dilgeer Ji's book
wont be published because he has no money and those who promised are not keeping
their word. It is shameful. I have seen Dal Khlsa Alliance website. They offer
money to publish books on Sikhism. Where are they? Where is Singh Sabha Canada?
Where is World Sikh Organization? What is being done by International Sikh
Youth Federation? What is then the role of Gurdwaras.
Are there no genuine Sikh
businessmen or professionals?
It is shame for the Sikh
leaders and organisations.
Sorry for Panth.
Sorry if I have said any harsh word while TELLING THE
(If there is any genuine Sikh donor, please contact
Dr Dilgeer at:
Tel 00 91 94171 83277
With no malice, a Panthik Dardi
Dr Gurdev Singh Sidhu
jsbIr isMG afstRylIaf
Dear editor,
Waheguru ji ka Khalsa, Waheguru ji ki Fateh||
Sikhi is a unique religion and it got a unique philosphy which is answer of most of world problems. But if we look at sikh diaspora, they are influenced by other philosphies in masses. Part of this is human nature but the main reason is non propagation of Sikh thought.
If we look at our past, thousands sikhs joined Arya Samaj which was though little bit rationalist but certainly favouring Vedas over Satguru Granth Sahib. Many Sikhs were influenced by Swami Ram Tirth and his mission which include our beloved one Pro Puran Singh.
Then appeared Nirankari mission(Fake one) and hundreds of thousands joined this mission. They were saying that they are not a religion, but their so called Gurus and religious books were treated more pious than sikhs.
Similar case is Radha Swamis (Sacha Sauda is a part of this) which is joined by millions of Guru Nanak followers. One of my close relative is a follower of them. On one of my visits they asked to listen a lecture of Charan Singh. His lecture was fully based on Gurbani and foolish sikhs were treating a postman a Guru. Why our people do not listen to our missionaries instead go on supporting dummies.Reasons might be many but one which is hard to ignore is failure from our side to produce quality dedicated missionaries and failure to read psyche of listeners. Our missionaries are same for toddlers, youth and elders. They are same for illiterate and highly educated people. They are same for insane or sane. Our organisations should discuss this issue from heart and try to find answers with scientific knowledge and Gurbani teachings.
Another form of influence which made a bigger loss from above was from Communists or so called Tarksheels. Unfortunately I spents years of my precious life with members of Tarksheel society and nearly came under their influence. God bestowed His mercy and got me out of their influence. Our missionaries are influenced by their thoughts. Last year on behalf of Sikh Khalsa Mission, we distributed a CD of International Sikh Missionary Pro Inder Singh Ghagga in which he mentioned about Bhagat Prahlad. It is a general consent that Bhagat Prahlad is mythical hero whose example Guru Sahib mentioned in Gurbani to preach sikhs a full faith in God who is protector of us. Pro.Inder Singh in his CD mentioned Prahlad as real but not as hero instead a villain. After spending years with the members of so called Tarksheel Society I immediately recognised his thought. I did not say anything other than good wishes for him. Now when Punjab assembly banned a few of books of Tarksheel Society, Pro Ghagga was very eager to issue a statement. The cat is out of bag. Why Pro Sahib has so much love this atheist organisation. Tarksheel society belongs to faithless people. For them all religious people are robbers or exploiters. In other word they treat Guru Nanak Sahib and Sajjan Thug equal. For Tarksheel society donating parts of body by a cancer ridden person (Kishan Bargadi) is more important than family sacrifices of Guru Gobind Singh jee. Years back they write a sarcastic poem in their magazine Tarksheel , titled Naam Dukhan da darroo' clealy quoting Dukh Bhanjan Tera Naam. Guru's order for us is Sakat Sang Naa Keejeyey Dooroh Jaiey Bhag. Saakat is worse than mughad. It is time for us to awake. We should also stop titling our selves like International Sikh missionary or pro unless there is such qualification and we possess it. I would like to mention here about the editor spokesman Sardar Joginder singh who is also giving importance to this society but he can be spared being an editor and victim of so called panthic goveronment.Thanks.
Jasbir Singh Australia
pRYWs irlIjL
igafnI jfck jI dI ‘ÃÄ drpx’ nfmI nvIN pusqk rlIË ipRMsIpl hirBjn
isMG mYmorIal tRst vloN õñúúú rupY ienfm
awj cMzIgV sYktr óô dy gurduafrf sfihb ivKy pMQ dy pRiswD qy
pRmfxIk ivdvfn BfeI sfihb ipRMsIpl hirBjn isMG cMzIgV vfilaF dy XfdgrI smfgm
smyN iewk ivcfr goÈtI ajoXiq kIqI geI, ijs ivwc BfeI gurbKÈ isMG ÈFq dy gurbfxI
kIrqn AuprMq ivÈv pRiswD ivdvfn zf: hrnfm isMG Èfn aqy zf: hrijMdr isMG idlgIr
ny ipRMsIpl sfihb jI dI gurmqI sfihqk dyx aqy nËrIey qy pypr pVHy. AunHF disaf
ik ipRMsIpl sfihb gurU pMQ nUM smrpq iewk aijhI bhupwKI ÈKsIaq sn, ijhVI
ividafrQIaF leI rol mfzl bxI. zf: blkfr isMG, zf: kyhr isMG aqy isMG sfihb pRo:
mnjIq isG hurF ivcfr crcf ivwc Bfg lYNidaF ipRMsIpl sfihb nfl sbMDq XfdF qfËf
kIqIaF. ivdvfnF, imÈnrI ividafrQIaF aqy gurmiq sfihq dIaF pRymI iswK sMgqF dy
BrvyN iekwT ivwc sfihbËfdmjfbf juJfr isMG imÈnrI kflj ropV dy ipRsIpl bljIq isMG
jI nUM ipRMsIpl hirBjn isMG aYvfrz nfl snmfnq kIqf igaf. pMjfbI XUnIvristI
pitaflf dy vfeIs cFslr zf: jspfl isMG jI duafrf iswK sMgqF dy KuÈI Bry jYkfiraF
dI gUMj ivwc igafnI jgqfr isMG jfck jI dI ‘ÃÄ drpx’ nfmI pusqk rlIË kIqI. AunHF
afiKaf ik jfck jI dI ieh pusqk gurbfxI df mUl-qwq hY, ijhVI gurmiq dI isDFqk
ivafiKaf ivwc iewk mIl-pwQr sfibq hoeygI. pRcfrk sjxF leI vI ieh iewk anUTI
sugfq hY. ipRMsIpl hirBjn isMG mYmorIrl tRst vloN ipRMsIpl siqnfm isMG hmrfË ny
ies pusqk leI õñúúú rupY df ienfm aYlfn kIqf. pr, jfck jI ny ienfm df aÈIrvfd
vjoN iewk ruipaf rKidaF bfkI mfieaf tRst rfhIN ipRMsIpl sfihb dIaF pusqkF Cfpx
leI vrqx dI bynqI kr idwqI. iswK Porm ieMk inAUXfrk dy sfbkf pRDfn sR: siqnfm
isMG nrUlf ny pusqk leI vDfeI idMidaF òñúú rupY ienfm vjoN idwqy. isMG sfihb
igafnI kyvl isMG hurF styj dI syvf inBfeI. igafnI gurbcn isMG QfeIlYNz vfilaF
smUh ivdvfnF qy iswK sMgqF nUM jI afieaF afiKaf qy jfck jI ny sfry ivdvfn
bulfiraF qy sMgqF df DMnvfd kIqf.
rIpotr: sMdIp isMG, ividafrQI gurmiq igafn imsnrI kflj, jvwdI,
imqI òõ mfrc òúúø
dsm gRMQ ivcfr mMc ieMtrnYÈnl
holy mhwly qy sMgqF nUM gurU gRMQ sfihb dI srvAuWcqf leI cYlMj
bx cuwky dsm gRMQ bfry svyr qy Èfm dy ÈYÈn ivwc jfxU krvfieaf
PrIdfbfd ivwc holy mhwly dy avsr `qy hox vfly smfgm ivwc dsm
gRMQ ivcfr mMc ieMtrnYsnl vwloN vI sYmInfr df afXojn kIqf igaf sI ijs df smF Èfm
df sI. ies smfgm ivwc keI ivdvfn swjx ÈmUlIaq krx leI puwjy sn. sYmInfr df smF
Èfm df hox kfrx kuwJ ivdvfnF vwloN svyry dy ÈYÈn ivwc vI ÈmUlIaq kIqI geI aqy
ivdvfnF vwloN guru gRMQ sfihb dI srvAuNcqf dI gwl kIqI geI aqy srvAuNwcqf leI
bxy sB qoN vwzf Kqrf aKOqI dsm gRMQ bfry sMgqF nUM jfxU krfieaf igaf styj skwqr
dI BUimkf inBfAuNdy hoey mMc dy knvInr s[ Aupkfr isMG ny sMgqF nUM jfxkfrI idwqI
ik iks qrHF dsm ipqf dy nF dy nfl aÈlIlqf BrI pusqk nUM joV ky guru gRMQ sfihb
jI df ÈrIk pYdf krx dIaF koJIaF cflF clIaF jf rhIaF hn. s[ joigMdr isMG muwK
sMpfdk rojfnf spoksmYn ny sMgqF nfl ivcfr sFJy krdy hoey ikhf ik iks qrHF nfl
aKOqI dsm gRMQ dy pRcfr leI aKOqI sMqf vwloN mnsUby GV ky guru gRMQ sfihb jI df
siqkfrq drËf aKOqI aÈlIl dsm gRMQ nUM idvfAux dIaF cflF clIaF jf rhIaF hn. AunHF
ikhf ik drbfr sfihb dy cfr drvfjy hn ijs nfl koeI vI iswKI dy vyVy ivwc af skdf
hY pr hux iewk pMjvF drvfjf jo dsm gRMQ df bxf idwqf igaf hY jo ik cfroN rfh bMd
krky iswK nUM iPr qoN ibpr rIqF vwl lY jfx df rfh hY. s[ rijMdr isMG ny guru
gRMQ sfihb jI dI srvAuNcqf leI cYÜMj bx cuwky aKOqI dsm gRMQ bfry Aus dI sbdfvlI
bfry sMKyp ivwc jfxkfrI idwqI. AunHF ikhf ik nMdyV qoN kwZy gey jfigRqI Xfqrf dy
mksd óúú sfl guru dy nfl nUM bVy duK Bry aMdfj ivwc disaf ik ieh lok qF óúú
sYNkz vI guru dy nfl nhIN jo guru dI byadbI krx dy ijMmyvfr hn. ipRMsIpl nirMdr
isMG jMmU ny vI sfihb guru gRMQ sfihb jI dI srvAuNcqf qy afAux vfly cYlMËF bfry
disaf. svyr qoN lY ky Èfm qk clx vfly ies smfgm ivwc Èfm dy ÈYÈn ivwc ivdvfnf dy
dUroN dUroN afey hox krky sYmInfr nUM ivdvfnF dI slfh nfl pRbMDkF vwloN iewk
Cotf rUp dy idwqf igaf. ies ÈYÈn ivwc zf[ gurmuK isMG, lyKk hrI rqn Xukqf, pRo[
ieMdr isMG Gwgf, jsivMdr isMG dubeI aqy mMc dy koafrzInytr s[ suirMdr isMG ny
ÈmUlIaq kIqI. sYmInfr dy aMq ivwc sfry bulfiraF vwloN iewk sur ho ky ieh gwl khI
geI ik iswKF df ieko iewk guru guru gRMQ sfihb jI hn. guru gRMQ sfihb jI dI
srvAuWcqf dy hfmI dsm gRMQ ivcfr mMc AudoN qk ies jMg nUM lVdf rhygf jd qk iswKI
dy vyVy ivwc bicqr nftk aKOqI dsm gRMQ dIaF aÈlIÜqf nUM iswKI dy vyVy ivcoN bfhr
nhI kwZ idwqf jFdf. svyr dy smfgm ivwc s[ qrsym isMG Drm pRcfr kmytI, ÈRmxI
gurduafrf pRbMDk kmytI vwloN vI ÈmUlIaq kIqI geI. zf[ gurmuK isMG vwloN aKOqI
dsm gRMQ bfry ilKI pusqk gurbfxI dI ksvwtI qy dsm gRMQ dI prK pRkfÈk dsm gRMQ
ivcfr mMc, vI irlIË kIqI geI.
s[ ikRpfl isMG cyarmYn mfqf sfihb kOr gurmiq kflj PrIdfbfd,
gurmiq pRcfr jwQf idwlI dy pRDfn s[ bldyv isMG, gurmiq aYjUkyÈn sYNtr, idwlI dy
ipRMsIpl s[ surjIq isMG, guriswK PYimlI kwlb luiDafxf dy pRojYkt ieMjfrË s[
pRBjoq isMG, sRomxI iswK smfj mohflI dy pRDfn krnl gurdIp isMG, BfeI lflo
PfAuNzyÈn dy pRDfn s[ jsivMdr isMG dubeI, Kflsf pMcfieq dy knvInr s[ rijMdr
isMG, s[ rivMdr isMG cMzIgVH, gurmiq pRcfr jwQf biTMzf qoN s[ ikRpfl isMG,
gurmIq isMG kfdIafnI kpUrQlf, iswK imÈnrI kflj kpUrQlf dy srkl ieMjfrË, lyKk hrI
rqn Xukqf PrIdkot, s[ jsvMq isMG PrIdkot, bhfdrpur pMjfb qoN s[ hrlfj isMG,
ipRMsIpl nirMdr isMG jMmU, s[ ieMdr isMG Gwgf, PrIdfbfd gurduafrf sRI guru isMG
sBf nM-ñ, qoN s[ suMdr isMG, gurduafrf sRI guru isMG sBf nM-õ dy pRDfn s[ amrjIq
isMG, gurduafrf isMG sBf sYktr -òò dy pRDfn s[ jsbIr isMG, gurduafrf sRI guru
isMG sBf sYktr-õõ dy Aup pRDfn s[ srbjIq isMG, gurduafrf sRI guru isMG sBf sYink
kflOnI dy s[ srdfr isMG, gurduafrf sRI guru isMG sBf pMjfbI kflOnI dy jnrl skwqr
s[ suKdyv isMG aqy pRDfn bldyv isMG gurduafrf sRI guru isMG sBf sYktr ñõ qoN
kmytI mYNbr s[ gurnfm isMG, kyNdrI isMG sBf dy knvInr s[ KËfn isMG, guriswK
PYimlI klwb dy koafrzInytr s[ rxjIq isMG, s[ iÈMgfrf isMG, dsm gRMQ ivcfr mMc
ieMtrnYÈnl qoN knvInr s[ Aupkfr isMG, koafrzInytr s[ suirMdr isMG, Kflsf nfrI
mMc dy knvInr hrbMs kOr, bIbI mohn kOr, bIbI mihMdr kOr, bIbI bldyv kOr, XMg
iswK aYsoiseyÈn qoN s[ BuipMdr isMG, s[ guirMdr isMG afid jwQybMdIaF Èfml
s[ Aupkfr isMG PrIdfbfd
knvInr dsm gRMQ ivcfr mMc ieMtrnYÈnl
guriswK PYimÜI klwb PrIdfbfd
afDuinkqf dI aMnHI dOV `c'Èfml ho ky, Gon mon pfqrF nUM apxf
afdrÈ bxf ky, afpxy iswKI srUp aqy isDFqF nUM iqlFjlI dy rhI iswK nOjvfn pIVHI
nUM ieh ivÈvfs idvfAux leI ik Auh sfbq sUrq rih ky vI, mIzIey dy Kyqr `c'afpxy
iewk ivÈyÈ mukfm hfisl kr skdy hn, iesy hI lVI qihq holy mhwly dy mOky guriswK
PYmlI klwb PrIdfbfd vloN ipRMsË Kflsf aqy ipRMs Kflsf mukfblf krvfieaf igaf. ijs
`c' òú dy krIb kuVIaF aqy muMizaF ny ihwsf lYNidaF ijQy rYNp qy qur ky afpxI
ÈrIrk suMdrqf df lohf mnvfieaf, AuQy gurmiq sbMDI jwjF vloN puwCy gey suaflF df
juafb dy ky sroiqaF nUM mMqr mugD kridaF ieh drÈfieaf ik Auh smyq mIzIaf dy hr
Kyqr'c'afpxI iewk ivlwKx QF bxf skdy hn. ies pRogrfm nUM vyKx leI hËfrF dI igxqI
ivwc nOjvfn bicaF dI BIV AumVI sI afzItoirafm dy grfAuNz Plor aqy Prst Plor pUrI
qrHF nfl KcfKc Biraf ipaf sI. lokF ny Qwly bih ky vI pRogrfm df luqP
ies Èo `c' ihwsf lYx vfly muMzy-kuVIaF ny sroiqaF nfl afpxy
ivcfr sFJy kridaF iewk sur ho ky ieh gwl khI ik asIN dunIaF dy lokF nUM ieh ds
dyxf cfuhMdy hF ik sfbq sUrq iswK nOjvfn kuVIaF-muMzy sMsfr dy iksy vI Kyqr `c'
apxf lohf mMnvf skdy hn, ijs `c' iswKI srUp qy isDFq koeI rukfvt nhIN bxdy.
pMdrF idnF dy bhuq Gwt smyN ivwc hI ivigafpn, coxF, tryinMg
klfsF qy hor keI kMm kIqy gey. ies pRogrfm dI Kfs gwl ieh sI ik ies ivwc tryinMg
ÈYÈn dy dOrfn nOjvfn bwicaF ny gurmiq dy jfxkfrF vwloN roËfnf gurmiq bfry BrpUr
jfxkfrI vI hfsl kIqI sI. ies pRqIXoigqf ivwc idwlI, PrIdfbfd, blwBgV qoN
pRqIXogIaF ny ihwsf ilaf sI. ies pRogrfm dy koafrzInytr s[ kmljIq isMG, cyarmYn
guru nfnk sInIar sYkMzrI skUl, s[ jsivMdr isMG, s[ mnpRIq isMG, s[ suKpRIq isMG
rYpIar ievMt kMpnI vwloN BrpUr sihXog pRfpq hoieaf.
ies pRogrfm dI aYNkirMg bIbI Èvyqf kOr aqy bIbI hrbMs kOr vwloN
bfKUbI inBfeI geI. ies pRogrfm dy afrMB ivwc sMgqF nUM pihlF bIbI hrbMs kOr
vwloN disaf igaf ik iks qrHF asI "gurbfxI bxIaY" anusfr afpxf jIvn ibqfAuxf hY
aqy aMdroN qy bfhrhu inrml ho ky sicafr bxnf hY. iËMdgI ivwc hr kMm leI sfnUM
Èbd guru qoN agvfeI lYxI cfhIdI hY.
ies pRogrfm ivwc Aucycy qOr’ qy muwK mihmfn vwjoN bRYNz abyNszr
bIbI avnIq kOr "kOr afP df iear, òúúö, bRYNz abYNszr ipRMs Kflsf s[ mnpRIq isMG
bYst PotojYnIk Pys imstr isMG ieMtrnYÈnl òúú÷, s[ jspRIq isMG imstr isMG aMbflf
koiraO gRfPr, imstr isMG òúúö, s[ jgjIq isMG bRYNz abYNszr ieMzIaf tuwzy mYgËIn
aqy imstr isMG ieMzIaf dy Pfienilst afid nUM AunHF dI AuplbDIaF leI iewk sfbq
sUrq iswK vwjoN siqkfiraf igaf.
ies pRogrfm ivwc jwjF dI BUimkf s[ rijMdr isMG knvInr Kflsf
pMcfieq, s[ pRBjoq isMG guriswK PYimÜI klwb luiDafxf, s[ suKdyv isMG jnrl skwqr
gurduafrf sRI guru isMG sBf pMjfbI kflOnI, s[ gurnfm isMG XMg ieMzstr arilst aqy
spFsr mYnyËr ipRMs Kflsf/ipRMsj Kflsf, s[ jsivMdr isMG zfierYktr rYpIar ievMt
aYNz aYNtrtynmYNt afid sn. sfry pRqIXogIaF ny vwK vwK qrHF nfl vwK vwK ilbfËF
ivwc aÈlIlqf qoN kohF dUr pRdrÈn krky iqMn rfAuNz pUry kIqy.
ipRMsË Kflsf df iKqfb bIbI rmIq kOr vwloN ijwiqaf igaf. sYNkz
rnar ap bIbI gurmIq kOr, Prst rnar ap bIbI gurdIp kOr sn. gurmiq avyarnYs leI
bIbI virMdr kOr, bYst duptf stfiel suKmIq kOr aqy bYst kositXUm leI bIbI qrndIp
kOry ny iKqfb ijwqy.
ipRMs Kflsf df iKqfb s[ AuNkfr isMG nUM pRfpq hoieaf. Prst rnar
ap amndIp isMG aqy sYNkz rnar ap ivwc pRIqpfl isMG jyqU rhy. sohxI dsqfr leI s[
mndIp isMG, sohxI poÈfk leI s[ ieMdrpfl isMG, Potojyink Pys leI arÈdIp isMG, aqy
s[ pwivqr isMG nUM gurmiq avyarnYs df iKqfb idwqf igaf.
jyqUaF nUM dsm gRMQ ivcfr mMc ieMtrnyÈnl dy koafrzInytr s[
suirMdr isMG, guriswK PyimlI klwb dy pRbMDk s[ rxjIq isMG, s[ BuipMdr isMG, s[
isMgfrf isMG, s[ suKdyv isMG, s[ kmljIq isMG pOgrfm koafrzInytr aqy s[ gurnfm
isMG, bIbI ruibMdr kOr aqy ipRMsIpl nirMdr isMG jMmU vwloN snmfn icnH dy ky
siqkfiraf igaf.
guriswK PYimÜI klwb PrIdfbfd.
gurÈrn isMG ksyl
zf[ hrijMdr isMG idlgIr jI,
vfihgurU jI kf Kflsf] vfihgurU jI kI Pqih]
afp jI ny “iswK ihstrI” dI ijhVI 1800 pMny dI ikqfb iqafr
kIqI hY pihlF qF afp jI ƒ AusdI bhuq-bhuq vDfeI hovy. afs hY ik Auh ikqfb iswK
kOm dI jfxkfrI vfsqy vwzmulI hovygI.
kI afp ieh jfxkfrI dyvogy ik ies ikqfb dI ikMnI kImq hovygI
aqy asIN knyzf ivwc bYTy ikvyN pRfpq kr skFgy? ies bfry jfxkfrI dyx leI
bhuq-bhuq DMnvfd.
afp df ÈuBicMqk,
gurÈrn isMG ksyl
gurmIq isMG kfdIafnI
roËfnf spoksmYn dI Kbr
20 pMQk jQybMdIaF ny spoksmYn df sFJf snmfn kIqf:
ÌrIdfbfd, 23 mfrc (jgqfr isMG): ÌrIdfbfd dIaF
sMgqF vloN hr sfl mnfieaf jFdf Dfrmk smfgm ies vfr ieiqhfsk ho inbiVaf jdoN sfry
pMjfb `coN afeIaF hoeIaF 20 dy krIb pMQk sMsQfvF ny smfgm dOrfn, styj `qy af ky
s[ joigMdr isMG aqy bIbI jgjIq kOr df sFJy qOr `qy snmfn krn df ÌYslf mOky `qy
hI kr ilaf. styj Auqy sfrIaF jQybMdIaF qy sMsQfvF dy afgU iekwqr ho gey. pRogrfm
dy muwK afXojk s[ Aupkfr isMG dy kQnF qy Puwl cVHfAuNidaF, sfrIaF jQybMdIaF vloN
s[ joigMdr isMG aqy bIbI jgjIq kOr nUM XfdgfrI icMnH ByNt krn leI s[ rfijMdr
isMG Éflsf pMcfieq dI syvf lgfeI jo AunHF ny jYkfiraF dI gUMj ivwc inBfeI. ies
mOky styj qoN Éfs qOr `qy apIl kIqI geI ik roËfnf spoksmYn ivruD kIqIaF jf rhIaF
kfrvfeIaF df jvfb iehI hY ik spoksmYn dy tIicaF nfl sihmqI rwKx vflf hr nr nfrI,
ies dI mdd leI zwt jfey. KcfKc Bry hfl ivwc do mMËlF Auqy bYTy hoey hËfrF
nr-nfrI ny ‘boly so inhfl’ dy jYkfry Cwz ky spoksmYn nfl KVy hox df aYlfn kIqf.
ies mOky Bfvuk hoeI bIbI jgjIq kOr ny sMKyp ivwc sMgqF nfl ivcfr sFJy kridaF
disaf ik ikvyN s[ joigMdr isMG 18-18 GMty dI sÉq imhnq kr ky aÉbfr dy pRfjYkt
nUM clf rhy hn pr gurU nfnk dI ivcfrDfrf nUM PYlfAux ivwc AunHF nUM AunHF lokF
vloN vI vloN loVINdf mflI sihXog nhIN iml irhf jo gwlIN bfqIN spoksmYn nfl KVy
hox dI gwl krdy hn.
muwK sMpfdk s[ joigMdr isMG ny sMgqF nfl ivcfr sFJy kridaF
ikhf ik AunHF ny afËfd pRYWs kfiem krn leI qy bfbf nfnk dy AupdyÈ nUM, bfibaF,
golkDfrIaF qy isafsqdfnF dy kbËy `coN CuzfAux leI sMGrÈ 14 sfl pihlF mfsk
spoksmYn dy rUp ivwc arMB kIqf sI ijs nUM Pwl 1 dsMbr 2006 nUM roËfnf spoksmYn
dy rUp ivwc lwgf. AunHF aÌsos jqfieaf ik aMimRq sMcfrF dy nfm `qy ÈRomxI kmytI
dy mulfËm ÊYr-iswKF nUM pYsy dy ky aMkiVaF dI pUrqI kr lYNdy hn. AunHF imsflF dy
ky disaf ik ikvyN DnfZ iswK, idKfvy vfsqy qF kroVF rupey Érc idMdy hn pr kOmI
mIzIaf dI mdd vfsqy koeI sihXog nhIN idMdy. AunHF disaf ik ikvyN sfD-bfibaF vloN
spoksmYn dI afËfd ivcfrDfrf nUM Êulfm krn leI AunHF nUM vwzy-vwzy lflc idqy jFdy
hn qfik Auh qwq gurmiq lihr nUM agvfeI dyxI bMd kr dyx pr AunHF nUM koeI lflc
zulf nhIN sikaf qy isDFq dI rfKI leI lVfeI afÉrI svfsF qk lVI jfvygI.
styj skwqr s[ Aupkfr isMG vloN ieh aYlfn krn ik ÌrIdfbfd dIaF
bIbIaF vloN jld hI roËfnf spoksmYn dI afrQk shfieqf kIqI jfeygI, sMgqF ivwc ÉuÈI
dI lihr dOV geI. s[ joigMdr isMG dy pMQk ivcfrF AuprMq mfqf sfihb kOr gurmiq
kflj dy ividafrQIaF vloN iswK nOjuafnF ivwc PYl rhy piqqpuxy dy ruJfn nUM pRgt
krdf iewk aiq pRBfvÈflI nftk pyÈ kIqf igaf, ijs ivwc iswKI qoN tuwtx vfly
nOjuafnF dI mfnisk dÈf df stIk pRgtfvf kIqf igaf. AuprMq rvfieqI Éflsf poÈfk
ivwc sjy ÌrIdfbfd dy nOjuafnF vloN ÉflsfeI mfrÈl afrt ‘gqky’ dy jOhr idKfey gey,
ijnHF nUM vyK ky sMgqF ivwc bIr rs dI Bfvnf pYdf ho geI.
lMgr AuprMq ‘ipRMs aqy ipRMsyË Éflsf’ mukfbly df afXojn kIqf
igaf, ijs ivwc ÌrIdfbfd dy iswK bwcy-bwcIaF ny bVy AuqÈfh nfl Bfg ilaf. holf
mhwlf smfgm mOky mfqf sfihb kOr gurmiq kflj dy ipRMsIpl s[ ikrpfl isMG, guriswK
PYmlI klwb qoN bIbI hrbMs kOr qy s[ suirMdr isMG, idwlI kmytI mYNbr s[ qrsym
isMG, pRo[ ieMdr isMG Gwgf, sRI hrI rqn Xukqf, s[ ikrpfl isMG biTMzf, s[ gurmIq
isMG kfdIafnI, s[ srbjIq isMG ieMzIaf avyarnYs, s[ suKdyv isMG imÈnrI, ipRMsIpl
ig[ surjIq isMG aqy ÌrIdfbfd dIaF smUh isMG sBfvF dy pRqIinD vwzI igxqI ivwc
hfËr sn. iswKF nUM holI df mnmqI iqAuhfr mnfAux dI Êlq pRQf qoN rok ky, bIr-rs
df sMcfr krn vfly ÉflsfeI iqAuhfr holf-mwhlf nfl joVn leI ÌrIdfbfd dy mfqf sfihb
kOr gurmiq kflj dy pRbMDkF ny ÌrIdfbfd dy ngr ingm afzItorIam ivKy byhwd
pRBfvÈflI gurmiq smfgm krvfieaf. smfgm dI arMBqf ivwc bwicaF ny kIrqn aqy gurmiq
ivcfrF rfhIN sMgqF nUM gurmiq isDFqF nfl joiVaf. AuprMq ‘ilivMg tRYËr’ sMsQf dy
muwK pRcfrk vIr BuipMdr isMG ny kIrqn aqy ivafiKaf rfhIN sMgqF nUM holI aqy holI
dy iqAuhfr nfl sbMiDq imiQhfsk pfqrF bfry gurmiq ivcfrDfrf dy sMklpF bfry
ivigafnk ZMg nfl jfxkfrI idqI. AunHF disaf ik gurbfxI ivwc AupXog huMdy aijhy
imiQhfsk nfm vwK-vwK guxF-avguxF nfl sbMDq hn. ies qoN bfad sfihbËfdf juJfr isMG
imÈnrI kflj, ropV dy ipRMsIpl s[ bljIq isMG ny apxf ilKqI viKafn pVH ky sMgqF
nUM gurU gRMQ sfihb dI srb-AuWcqf bfry ivsQfr nfl jfxkfrI idqI. AunHF disaf ik
dunIaF Br ivwc pRcilq hornF Dfrmk gRMQF dy ilKfrIaF jF AunHF dy hoNd ivwc afAux
dy smyN dI pRmfixkqf iswD nhIN ho skI, jdik gurU gRMQ sfihb dI sMpfdnf Éud gurU
arjn sfihb ny kIqI aqy ies ivwc gurU sfihbfn dy ielfvf hornF DrmF nfl sbMDq BgqF
dIaF gurmiq anukUl rcnfvF nUM vI Èfml kIqf. gurbfxI dIaF rcnfvF ivwc 12 bolIaF
df sumyl hY aqy ienHF dI sMgIqkqf vI invykly sqr dI hY. s[ bljIq isMG ny gurU
gRMQ sfihb nUM sdIvI gurU Qfpy jfx dy ÌYsly dI ÈlfGf kridaF ikhf ik mOjUdf smyN
ivwc sfl do sfl bfad iewk gurdvfry df pRDfn cuxy jfx leI byaMq JgVy huMdy hn,
pwgF rolIaF jFdIaF hn, dfVHIaF puwtIaF jFdIaF hn. jy iswKF df gurU hr sfl cuixaf
jfxf huMdf qF kOm df kI hfl huMdf.
ÈRomxI Éflsf pMcfieq cMzIgVH dy knvInr BfeI rfijMdr isMG
Éflsf ny joÈIly aqy jËbfqI ZMg nfl apxf viKafn pyÈ kridaF ikhf ik iswK smfj ivwc
gurU gRMQ sfihb dI srb-AuWcqf nUM sfibq krn dI loV pYxf hI iewk aiq duKdfeI
siQqI vl ieÈfrf hY. AunHF ikhf ik gurU gRMQ sfihb dI srb-AuWcqf sony dIaF
pflkIaF, mihMgy rumfilaF jF sMgmrmr dIaF iblizMgF nfl kfiem nhIN huMdI blik bfxI
ivcly igafn nUM apxf ky apxy jIvn nUM suDfrn nfl huMdI hY. gurbfxI dy AupdyÈF
nUM apxf ky hI BfeI lihxf jI vI gurU aMgd bx sky sn. BfeI rfijMdr isMG ny ikhf
ik gurbfxI ivwc smfj dy AunHF aiq dby-kucly vrg dy BgqF nUM vI brfbrI df drjf
idqf, ijnHF nUM BfrqI smfj vloN ÈUdr afK ky durkfiraf jFdf sI. AunHF ikhf ik
ivigafn vI gurU gRMQ sfihb qoN agvfeI lYNdf hY aqy gurbfxI df koeI vI isDFq,
ivigafn ny Êlq sfbq nhIN kIqf. AunHF apxy injI anuBv bfry jfxkfrI idMidaF disaf
ik ikvyN sfD-bfby lokF nUM gurbfxI dy pivwqr AupdyÈF nfloN qoVn leI ‘nyqR-pfT’
krn ijhy pKMzF ivwc Psf rhy hn. ies mOky jMmU dy AuGy ivdvfn ipRMsIpl nirMdr
isMG ny ikhf ik iswKF df gurU ‘Èbd’ jF gurmiq ivcfrDfrf hY, koeI ivakqI jF
gurbfxI df koeI sQUl rUp nhIN. AunHF disaf ik ies Coty ijhy nukqy nUM nf smJ
pfAux kfrn hI iswK hux qsvIrF qoN bfad gurU nfnk sfihb dIaF mUrqIaF qk pUjx lwg
pey hn. AunHF ikhf ik gurU gRMQ sfihb dI srb-AuWcqf bfry ÈMkf pYdf krn leI kdy
akfl qÉq, kdy rihq mirafdf qy kdy ÈRomxI kmytI dy srb-AuWc hox df pRcfr kIqf
jFdf hY. AunHF ikhf ik akfl qÉq dI iblizMg nhIN blik AuQoN gurU gRMQ sfihb dy
isDFqF dI rOÈnI nUM hor PYlfAux vflf igafn hI srb-AuWc hY. AunHF ikhf ik Éflsf
sfjnf dy 300 sflf idvs mOky ‘smuwcI kOm aMimRqDfrI’ df nfarf idqf igaf sI qF ies
df nqIjf smuwcI kOm dy piqqpuxy ivwc inkilaf sI. hux gurU gRMQ sfihb dy 300 sflf
gurqf gwdI idvs mOky ‘300 sfl, gurU dy nfl’ df nfarf idqf jf irhf hY pr iswKF
nUM gurU gRMQ sfihb nfloN qoV ky dsm gRMQ ijhy aÈlIl aqy ihMdU imiQhfs nfl BrpUr
pusqk nfl joiVaf jf irhf hY. AunHF ikhf ik inrI Dfrmkqf df muKOtf pihnI bYTIaF
sMsQfvF nUM hux apxI cuwp qoVnI cfhIdI hY. AunHF roËfnf spoksmYn dy inkfs nUM
kOm dI ÉuÈiksmqI dsidaF ikhf ik ies nfl juV ky, gurU nfnk dy shI sMdyÈ nUM
dunIaF dy hr mnuwK qk phuMcfAux leI Xqn ÈurU kr dyxy cfhIdy hn.
srbjIq isMG
Shameful ‘Dharam Parchar’ in Gurdwara Rakab
DSGMC organised a Kirtan Darbar at historical Gurdwara Rakab
Ganj Sahib, New Delhi on 15th March 2008, claiming it to be dedicated to Basant
Raag in Guru Granth Sahib. However, the committee invited several Brahmin
musicians as ‘Raag-experts’ and paid them hefty amounts. This was a clear
violation of Sikh Rehat Maryada which states that a non-Sikh cannot perform
Kirtan in Sangat. But it didn’t deter DSGMC or its so-called Dharam Parchar
Committee to promote non-Sikh musicians, who were brought inside the hall
through ‘VIP entry’ and not from front (perhaps the brahmin musicians had put
the condition of not bowing before Guru Granth Sahib).
One of the musician couple Rajan-Sajan Mishra stated in the
presence of Guru Granth Sahib and DSGMC leaders, that Kirtan in Basant Raag is a
result of the hard-work of ‘Satguru’ Jagjit Singh Ji !! One member of DSGMC told
the assistant of the speaker, to apologize for such a grave mistake, as Sikhs
don’t consider any human body as ‘Satguru’. But the raag-expert continued
praising Namdhari chief as ‘Jagjit Singh Ji Maharaj’.
But the most shocking and shameful part of this incident was
that one of these ‘experts’ was carrying a packet of cigarettes in the pocket of
his kurta. DSGMC member S. Inderjeet Singh Monty noticed this and the cigarette
packet was taken out from his pocket with the help of a handkerchief.
All this happened in the presence of hundreds of people and
during live telecast of programme on Time-TV. But the DSGMC or its Dharam
Parchar Committee has not apologized to the Sikhs for their shameful involvement
in this incident. Rather, they are making lame excuses to justify the kirtan by
non-Sikh ‘raagis’ and the desecration of historical Gurudwara Sahib by bringing
cigarettes inside diwan hall.
In my personal view, concerned Sikhs should make phone calls to
DSMGC authorities and ashame them for their misdeeds, so that such incidents are
not repeated in future. The phone numbers of some key DSGMC authorities are
* Paramjeet Singh Sarna (President) – 9810640061
* Balbir Singh Vivek Vihar (Gen. Secretary) - 9899654000,
* Daljeet Singh (Chairman-Dharam Parchar Committeee) –
* Inderjeet Singh Monty (member-DSGMC, key witness of incident) –
-Sarabjeet Singh, New Delhi
Editor-India Awareness
Ph. : 9871683322
dsm gRMQ vIcfr mMc
Mata Sahib Kaur Gurmat College
& Gursikh Family Club, Faridabad.
requests your presence on the occasion of
At Municipal Auditorium(Near Dusehra Ground)
N.I.T. Faridabad (Haryana) India,
Saturday 22nd March 2008
The Details of program are as follows:
-: Programme :-
Registration & Breakfast ------ 07:15 A.M. to 08:00 A.M
Gurbani Kirtan & Vichar-----08:00 A.M. to 08:40 A.M
Welcome Address ---------- 08:40 A.M. to 08:45 A.M
Historical Character Show ------ 08:45 A.M. to 09:45 A.M
Veer Bhupinder Singh (U.S.A.) --------09:45 A.M. to 10:30 A.M
Vichar Goshti(Supermacy of SGGS) 10:30 A.M. to 11:40 A.M
Que.-Ans. Session ------- 11:40 A.M. to 12:00 P.M
Skit & Play ---- 12:00 P.M. to 12:20 P.M
Award Distribution ---- 12:20 P.M. to 12:40 P.M
Guru ka Langar & Gatka ------12:40 P.M. to 02:00
*Grand Finale Princess Khalsa & Prince Khalsa‘08 02:00 P.M.
to 03:30 P.M
Tea Break -------- 03:30 P.M. to 04:00 P.M
**International Seminar (Topic:Dasam Granth) 04:00 P.M. to
07:00 P.M
Goshti's Speakers
Principal Baljeet Singh, Sahibjada Jujhar Singh Gurmat Miss.
College, Ropar
S. Rajinder Singh, Convenor, Khalsa Panchayat
Principal Narinder Singh, Jammu
Seminar's Speakers
Jaswinder Singh, Dubai (Bhai Lalo Foundation)
Giani Jagtar Singh Jachak, International Missionary,
Ex-Granthi Darbar Sahib ASR
* Dr. Harjinder Singh " Dilgir" ( Sikh Historical Research
Board, S.G.P.C., President, World Sikh Writers Conference)
Prof. Gurtej Singh ( IAS, Professor of Sikhism)
Dr. Sarabjinder Singh SGGS Deptt., Punjabi University,
* Dr. Gursharanjit Singh , Guru Nanak Dev University Amritsar
Principal Surjit Singh (Gurmat Education Centre, New Delhi)
Dr. Gurmukh Singh , New Delhi
Gurmit Singh Qadiani , Kapurthla
Rajinder Singh , Convenor Khalsa Panchayat
Dalbir Singh Missionary , Faridabad
* Principal Narinder Singh , Jammu
Prof. Harminder Singh Khalsa College, New Delhi
Prof. Inder Singh Ghagga (International Missionary Parcharak)
Hari Rattan Yukta
Giani Harbans Singh "Teg"
Gurmit Singh Qadiani , Kapurthala
Col. Gurdeep Singh, Shiromani Sikh Samaj
Kirpal Singh , Bhatinda
* H. Kaur , Khalsa Nari Manch
With the full co-operation of : -
* Dasam Granth Vichar Manch International
* Khalsa Nari Manch
* Shiromani Sikh Samaj
* Young Sikh Association
* Gurd. Singh Sabha Sec. 22 Faridabad
* Gurd. Singh Sabha Punjabi Coln' y , Faridabad
* Panth Khalsa Sewak Jatha Gurd. Singh Sabha Mkt. No.1 FBD.
* MSK Gurmat Educational Society
* Guru Nanak Mission , Gatka Akhara , Faridabad.
For more details Contact : 9811512636, 9899109540, 9310575604
gurmIq isMG kfdIafnI
siqkfrXog s[ crnpRIq isMG jI
(rfhIN iswK mfrg),
vfihgurU jI kf Kflsf
vfihgurU jI kI Pqih
afpjI ny iswK mfrg dy vIrF qoN ieh puwC kIqI hY ik gurU arjn
dyv jI pfqÈfh jI ny sB qoN ijafdf bfxI ikAuN rcI?
dfs dI quwC buwDI anusfr ieh svfl hI glq hY. sfzy iswKF dI kI
pfieaf, ik asIN gurU sfihb jI dI ies aduwqI dyx bfry koeI cuMj-crcf krIey.
srbklf smrwQ gurU sfihb jI ny ijMnI vI bfxI dI rcnf kIqI hY, Aus ivcoN gurU nfnk
dI ivcfrDfrf dI hI Jlk imldI hY. dUjy lPjF ivwc kih leIey, ik gurU sfihbfn ny
BfvyNik ÈrIrk qOr qy alwg alwg jfimaF ivwc afgmn kIqf, pr "joiq Ehf jugiq sfie,
sih kfieaf Pyir pltIaY" dy mhFvfk anusfr iewk joq sn. ijs ivcfrDfrf nUM lY ky
gurU nfnk pfqÈfh ny jgq AuDfr df bIVf cuwikaf, hU-bhU Ausy isDFq dy anukUl hI
bfkI gurU sihbfnF ny bfxI dI rcnf kIqI. gurU arjn dyv jI ny vI ijMnI bfxI dI
rcnf kIqI, gurU afÈy dy iblkuwl anukUl sI. quhfzI jfxkfrI leI pMcm pfqÈfh jI dI
rcnf ies pRkfr hY -
isrI rfg - 30 Èbd, 3 aÈtpdIaF, 2 CMq
mfJ - 43 Èbd, 5 aÈtpdIaF
gAuVI - 172 Èbd, 15 aÈtpdIaF, 4 CMq, vfr
afsf - 164 Èbd, 2 aÈtpdIaF, 14 CMq
gUjrI - 32 Èbd, 2 aÈtpdIaF, vfr
dyvgMDfrI - 38 Èbd
ibhfgVf - 1 Èbd, 9 CMq
vzhMs - 9 Èbd, 3 CMq
sorT - 94 Èbd, 3 aÈtpdIaF
DnfsrI - 58 Èbd, 1 aÈtpdI, 1 CMq
jYqsrI - 13 Èbd, 3 CMq, vfr
tozI - 30 Èbd
bYrfVI - 1 Èbd
iqlMg - 5 Èbd
sUhI - 58 Èbd, 5 aÈtpdIaF, 11 CMq
iblfvl - 129 Èbd, 2 aÈtpdIaF, 5 CMq
goNz - 22 Èbd, 1 aÈtpdI
rfmklI - 60 Èbd, 8 aÈtpdIaF, 12 CMq, vfr
nwt nrfiex - 10 Èbd
mflI gAuVf - 8 Èbd
mfrU - 32 Èbd, 8 aÈtpdIaF, vfr
quKfrI - 1 CMq
kydfrf - 15 Èbd, 1 CMq
BYrAu - 58 Èbd, 3 aÈtpdIaF
bsMq - 21 Èbd, 2 aÈtpdIaF, vfr
sfrMg - 140 Èbd, 2 aÈtpdIaF, 1 CMq
mlfr - 30 Èbd, 1 CMq
kfnVf - 50 Èbd, 1 CMq
kilafx - 10 Èbd
pRBfqI - 15 Èbd, 3 aÈtpdIaF
Auprokq qoN ielfvf gurU arjn dyv jI ny pihry, bfrhmfh, idnrYx,
bfvxawKrI, suKmnI, iQqI, ibrhVy, guxvMqI, solhy, slok
shsikRqI, gfQf,
Punhy, cAuboly aqy svwiXaF dI vI rcnf kIqI sI.
so ies pRkfr gurU gRMQ sfihb jI ivcly 31 rfgF ivcoN kyvl
jYjfvMqI rfg ivwc gurU arjn dyv jI dI koeI rcnf nhIN hY.
sfnUM gurbfxI pRqI ÈMky vflf koeI ivcfr mn ivwc nhIN ilafAuxf
gurmIq isMG kfdIafnI
crnpRIq isMG
Baba ji mein chanpreet singh Malaysia ton ha. Mein tuade bare
bahut Kuch sunya hei. Mein tuade ton ik sawal da jawab puchna chaunda ha ki
"Sade 5th Guru Sri Guru Arjan Dev Ji diyan, Sri Guru Granth Sahib
wich sab nalon jyada baniyan han, sirf ohna diyan he ehniya baniyan kyon han.
Mein manda ha k ohna ne sab ton jyada bani likhiyan han par ohna ne he ehniyan
jyada baniyan kyon likhyan han…??"
Tuada shubh chintak!!
Chanpreet Singh
(sMpfdk vloN jvfb: crnpRIq isMG jI ieh gwl quhfzI ibwlkuwl
TIk hY ik sB qoN ijafdf bfxI pMjvyN gurU arjn sfihb jI ny ilKI hY. aqy ieh vI
TIk hY ik sB qoN ijafdf bfxI nUM sMBflx, jfxI ik gurU gRMQ sfihb jI dI bIV iqafr
krn dI socxI vI pMjvyN gurU dI hI hY. Auh afAux vfly smyN bfry jfxdy sn ik srIr
qF iksy df vI sdf kfiem nhIN rihxf ies leI afAux vfly smyN ivc sdf leI agvfeI
igafn gurU ny hI krnI hY. Auhnf ny afpxy nfnf jI Bfv ik gurU amrdfs jI dI god df
inWG vI mfixaF hY aqy Auh cfhuMdy sn ik isWKF nUM hr pwK qoN vwD qoN vwD jIvn
jFc dI agvfeI leI igafn idWqf jfvy)
ieMzIaf qoN iek pfTk
Satsari Akal ji,
I wish to share my personal family problem and seek
advice to solve the same. First of all I would like to tell you about my
self . By profession I am a Lecturer in a college and teach Computer
Science. I belong to a Gursikh family and we firmly faith in Sri Guru
Granth Sahib Ji.
I got married about 10 months ago with a girl
belonging also to a Sikh family, and their residence is aprox 1 Km away
from our home. She is also teacher of 10 std in a school. Before
marriage they kept hidden certain things those were related to our faith
and religion . And when the things started to come in the light I felt
dishearten .
The Girl (my wife) after the marriage used to worship for 2
hours every day in the evening from 6 -8 pm , during the first 3-4 month I took
it normally as normal worship , but after close observation I came to Know that
she worships the Photos of Bhoot, Prait, Bhairav Ji Maharaj, Prait Raaj
Maharaj, Bala ji , and recites so many Tantra Mantra , Hanuman Chalisa etc.
I asked her why do you do this, she replied that
"Tohade ghar de vich bhoot Pret aatma da vaas hai jo ki mere sapne
(dream ) de vich aunde ne and they seem to be your ancestors." I was
shocked and disturbed after hearing this statement. My self and my
family are well educated and do not faith in such things and also
Gurbani does not permit Sikhs to get involve such misleading beliefs and
worships as for as I am concerned.
After observing all these things I convinced her not
to do such things and link her self only with Gurbani and faith only in
Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji.
She ignored my suggestions and is continuing her act
and insults me by firing comments.
After this I contacted her elder brother and told the
entire things, he also replied the same as her sister told me (my wife)
and added that " your mother (mine) is also suffering from same things
as my sister (my wife)" and proposed me to conduct Hawan in my
premises to eliminate problems of Bhoot, Pret Baadha.
I resisted his opinions and felt insulted.
Actually my father is no more , mother is too old and
all elder brothers are in Job in different cities therefore myself one
day told all these things in short to her father , he replied " Jisnu
Jis naal Khushi mildi hai , osnu Oh Kam Karan Deo", and started giving
examples to prove this act as correct one.
During the month of December 07 her brother and
mother took her (my wife) in the Temple of Mehndi Pur Ke Bala Ji, Bharat
Pur Rajasthan (by giving me incorrect information about the purpose of
visit) where they stayed for 11 days and Conducted so many Tantra Mantra
, Jhaad Phook and Hawans.
After coming from there she was wearing TABEEZ
All the above mentioned points I concluded from
conversation with my wife after she came back to home. And after her
visit from that place she became more inclined towards such misleading
worships and started behaving aggressively on this issue.
Sir ultimately my problem is that her mother and
brother are giving her full protection to continue such things as well
as her (my wife’s) inclination is increasing towards fake Babas , and
misleading worships (worships of the Photos of Bhoot, Prait, Bhairav Ji
Maharaj, Prait Raaj Maharaj, Bala ji , and recites so many Tantra Mantra
, Hanuman Chalisa etc.)
And there fore effect of my counseling and guidance
is going to yield no result.
I am afraid of future of my coming generation and
environment of home turning towards wrong direction as she conducts
Hawans and worships the Photos of Bhoot, Prait, Bhairav Ji Maharaj,
Prait Raaj Maharaj, Bala ji , and recites so many Tantra Mantra ,
Hanuman Chalisa etc.).
Kindly help me by giving advice to overcome this faith
related problem.
(sMpfdk vloN:- [[[ isMG jI afp jI dI icWTI pVH ky mn kfPI
prysLfn hoieaf hY ik jy kr pVHy ilKy isWK prvfrF df ieh hfl hY qF afm lokF df
aqy Gwt piVHaF df kI hfl hovygf. iehnf jMqrF-mMqrF, Buq-pRyqF, jfdU-tUixaF aqy
Dfgy qvIqF vfilaF ny GrF dy Gr brbfd kr ky rwK idWqy hn. ies qrHF dy Twg, corF
aqy zfkUaF nfloN vI vwD Kqrnfk hn. ieh idn dIvI lokF nUM mfnisk rogI bxf ky luwt
rhy hn. so ijMnI vI CyqIN ho sky qF afpxI Gr vflI nUM iehnf TwgF qoN bcfE nhIN
qF luwty jFAuNgy. iksy cMgy ijhy mnoivigafnI gurisWK dI sulfh lE. koeI hor dUr
nyVy df irsLqydfr lwBo jy smJf sky. iehnf gwlF qy ivsLvfsL krn vfilaF nUM koeI
aYsf svfl pfE ik jo sB dy sfhmxy hwl krn aqy jF iPr afpxI glqI mMn ky muafPI
mMgx. imsfl dy qOr qy iehnf nUM kho ik mYN afpxI kfr jF motrsfeIkl afidk dI
tfierF dI hvf kwZdf hF qusIN sfry afpxI hvnf dI sLkqI, BUqF pRyqF jF qvIqF dI
sLkqI nfl siraF dy sfhmxy hvf Br ky idKfE. iewk pfxI df iglfs Br ky tybl qy rwK
idE aqy BUqF nUM kho ik sfiraF dy sfhmxy af ky pIvy. BUq sfnUM BfvyN nf idsx pr
iglfs jrUr KflI hovy)
suirMdr isMG XU: ky:
Sikh Sangat Jio,
Waheguru ji ka khalsa Waheguru ji ki fateh,
On event of Women International day, I hereby share a
wonderful contribution by Khasla Nari Manch on unauthentic book and their
promoters suppoters.
In past couple of years, everyone of us are getting clear
signals that how anti Sikh cults, deravadh samaj, few long hair hindus want to
bring the unauthentic so said dasam Granth in the fore front and slowly side
line Guru Granth Sahib Ji. This will serve their purpose of finishing Sikhism
and by this means some long hair hindus & said jathedars can fill their piggy
banks for their self and their upcoming generations.
Guru Gobind Singh has ordered us to follow the Guru "Guru
Granth Sahib" and "Guru Granth Sahib" only. But we do not listen to his order
and on other hand in full swing busy in celebrating 300 years of Gurta
Gadhi Dihara of Guru Granth Sahib Ji, where as the teaching & Sikhaya of Guru
Granth Sahib Ji itself condemn the thoughts within this book complied by some
harry and dick.
Thou, it is crystal clear that this said Dasam Granth that
got different names and add ons thru different stages of time in recent century
is not an authentic composition, is been promoted and supported by paid agents
of Anti Sikh cults, owners of self established so said sikh magzine, news
papers, even our illiterate and self interested Jathedhars (one of them enjoying
two marriages) are seen to openly supporting this for their own and personal
Panth Dhi Chardhikala
S. Surinder Singh
Surrey UK
avqfr isMG imsLnrI aqy sfQI
pMjfb aYkspRYs dy muwK sMpdfk sR[ sqnfm isMG rtYNzf nUM sdmf
inAUXfrk qoN Cpdy ‘pMjfb aYkspRYWs’ aKbfr dy muwK sMpfdk s[
sqnfm isMG rtYNzf dy jIjf jI (svrgI s[ blbIr isMG, 41 sflf) aqy BfxjI rmn kOr
(14 sflf) anMdpur sfihb lfgy iewk sVk hfdsy ivwc acfnk akfl clfxf kr gey hn| kfr
ivwc svfr s[ rtYNzf Kud, AunHF dI BYx, jIjf, aqy Bfxjf-BfxjI vI svfr sn. jo ik
sÉq ËKmI hn. AupRokq dohry sdmy df adfrf gurU gRMQ pRcfr imÈn afP XU[ aYWs[ ey,
ieMtRnYÈl isMG sBf, gurmiq pRsfr sBf, bfbf dIp isMG tksfl, dl Éflsf alfieMs aqy
amrIkf knyzf dy smuwcy imÈnrIaF vloN gihry duwK df pRgtfvf kIqf jFdf hY. pMQ nUM
smrpq pwqrkfr sqnfm isMG rtYNzf dy jldI qMdrusq hox dI ardfis akfl purK pfs hY
ik vfihgurU AunHF aqy AunHF nfl sKq jÉmI hox vfly AunHF dy pRvfrk mYNbrF nUM
jldI qMdrusqI bKÈx. aYsy inDVk aqy gurmiq nUM prxfey hoey inrpwK pwqrkfrF dI kOm
nUM bhuq loV hY. asIN pMjfb aYkspRYs dy smuwcy pfTkF nUM sinmr bynqI krdy hF ik
ies pMQk aKbfr nUM vwD qoN vwD sihXog idwqf jfvy qF ik pMQ dI hor scwjy ZMg nfl
syvf kIqI jf sky.
asIN hF ardfis krqf
qrlocn isMG dupflpur-mYNbr ÈRomxI kmytI, gurcrn isMG brfV qy
srbjIq isMG sYkrfmYNto-isMG sBf ieMtRnYÈnl amrIkf knyzf, kfrj isMG sMDU
iPlfzlPIaf, hrdIp isMG mMz, suKdrÈn isMG mMzyr, kuldIp isMG gurdyv isMG qy
mihMdr isMG-sMsQf-lMgru clY gur sbid hir qoit n afvI KtIaY] Bf[ BUipMdr isMG
sIaYtl-dl Kflsf, pRo: mwKx isMG-gurmiq pRsfr sBf kYlIPornIaf, igafnI Drm isMG
bYNs, Bf[ sqnfm isMG ivrk aqy Bf[ hrbIr isMG Drm pRcfr kmytI iPlfzYlPIaf iswK
sosietI, BfeI avqfr isMG imÈnrI aqy bIbI hrismrq kOr -gurU grMQ pRcfr imÈn afP
Bf[ suKdyv isMG isiKafrQI-tksfl phUivMz aqy Bf[ tihl isMG-bfbf bMdf isMG bhfdr
sosfietI ieMntrnYÈnl. Bf prmjIq isMG dfKf pRDfn-dl Éflsf alfieMs
KLflsf nfrI mMc
International Women Day and Dasam Granth's Anti-Gurmat
As whole Globe celebrate International Women’s Day on 8th
March, 2008 it become very necessary to study Sikhism Teachings . Sikhism
religion as started by Guru Nanak Sahib and formalized by Tenth Nanak, Guru
Gobind Singh ji and philosophy gifted in the form of Shabad Guru…Sri Guru Granth
Sahib...Commonly known as "Dasan Guru’an di Jyot" and also been reffered
in Sikh Code of Conduct , as "Das Guru’an di Bani" . Sri Guru Granth Sahib gives
Equality Status to Women 365 a day. As per Sikhism, all days are equal and Sikh
Women enjoy same right as Men all the days of Year...
jMmIaY BMiz inMmIaY BMiz mMgxu vIafhu
hovY dosqI BMzhu clY rfhu
muaf BMzu BflIaY BMiz hovY bMDfnu
ikAu mMdf afKIaY ijqu jMmih rfjfn] (m:1,
pMnf 473)
Guru Sahib has very beautifully Asked Question, Y to say
badly to Women? Even Kings are born from Women? No man can exist without Women?
Both Men and Women have equal responsibility towards running Society
As we celebrate , Sri Guru Granth Sahib Tricentary (300 Sala)
Gurta Gaddi Divas in Oct, 2008 it becomes duty of every Sikh of Guru Nanak’s
house to preach , understand and spread message of Sikhism as enshrined in Sri
Guru Granth Sahib. But to Shame as our so called Jathedaars are busy in mud
slinging against each other and making fun of our own Sikh Code of Conduct? On
other side, we have some Individuals especially dedicated to preach Anti-Gurmat
writings to divide whole Sikh World at this crucial upcoming Event. When all
Sikh World was looking for Educational Seminars on "Sri Guru Granth Sahib" , we
r seeing some individuals played in hands of G.S.Lamba who has been on Special
Mission to DIVIDE Sikh world and create Hatred among all Sikhs by giving Flaming
Speeches , by Exploiting Sentiments of Sikh Youth by
-Fake Letter of Vedanti justifying Anti-Sikh Literature
- Self-Made statement Of Baba Jarnail Singh Bhindrawala.
It is very important to know about Anti-Sikh writings, which
don’t fit as per Sri Guru Granth Sahib. As writings of Poet Ram, Poet Shyam,
Poet Kaal are being collected by some Bipars and given the Shape of Granth to
confuse all, and when read clearly mention name of book as – Bachitar Natak
Granth. But as per some intentional plans of Anti-Sikh forces, it has been named
as Dasam Granth with passing years, and with no surprise under the success of
plan some people have started calling it as Sri Dasam Guru Granth Sahib ji. It
becomes very necessary to understand, which people are behind in preaching
Anti-Gurmat writings and fooling all to accept it as Tenth Nanak’s writing?
Let us see, how Bachitar Natak Granth (False Name = Dasam
Granth) says so badly about Women?
Neva Trust Women as per Dasam Granth (B.N.G)
As Poet Ram/Poet Shyam/Poet Shyam clearly mentions name of
book as Bachitar Natak , but fooled by Bipar Policy we call it ? Dasam ? Granth?
, which is fearing our Sikh Brother/Sisters to see TRUTH. But when one starts
reading contents, there won't b much time, when one will reject this TEXT saying
so bad about WOMEN.
Women in Triya Chariter of Dasam Granth
(Excerpts from Chritro Pakhyaan in English in 2 volumes,
published by CSJS Amritsar)
Triya Chariter 10
gMDRb jC BujMg gn nr bpury
ikn mfih ]
dyv adyv iqRXfn ky Byv pCfnq
nfih ] 13]
The gods, such as Gandharabh, Jach, Bhujang, Dev, Devil, none
could fathom the attributes of the women, Then what the poor human creatures
could achieve.(13) (1)
Triya Chariter 11
] 20]
Never let a woman know what is in your mind. Rather learn
what are her internal thoughts.
Once she is in the know of the secret, that must become an
open secret otherwise you will have to repent thereafter. (20) (1)
Triya Chariter 12
] 30]
The human being who divulges even a bit of his secret to his
spouse, The contriver annihilates him in an iota of the time period. (30)(1)
Triya Chariter 13
] 10]
The gist of the Simritis, Vedas and Koka Shastras is that the
secret might not be imparted to the females. Rather, instead, one should try to
understand her enigmas.(10) (1)
Triya Chariter 15
] 10]
] 11]
When many people saw her immolating herself. They were satisfied
with her sincerity but they did not realize the truth.(10) One who trust (such)
a woman, within seven days he destroys himself. (11)
Triya Chariter 24
] 49]
No one can understand the cryptic character of women,
Not even sun, moon, gods, demons, Brahmas, Vishnu and Indra.
Triya Chariter 66
] 28]
The accomplishments of the women are such that no one can
In spite of numerous endeavours, one cannot understand their
enigma. (28)(1)
Triya Chariter 67
] 15]
Kinnar, Jachh,, Bhujang, Gann, Humans and Ascetic, all types of
Could not understand the attributes of the female. (15) (1)
Triya Chariter 84
] 21]
No body, not even the gods and the demons, can grasp the female
attributes. What should we designate as female attribute? It is rather prudent
to keep quiet. (21)(1)
Triya Chariter 124
] 15]
Brahma, Vishnu, the gods, the devils, the sun, the moon, The
sage Viyas, and them all, could not fathom the females. (15) (1)
Triya Chariter 129
] 40]
This will remain prevalent in the present and the future that,
The secrets of the delusions of a clever woman cannot be conceived. (40) (1)
Triya Chariter 273
] 11]
This way, the one she had sex with, she assassinated
Such tricks of the women are boundless; no one can acquiesce
them. (11)
Triya Chariter 336
] 12]
The female attributes have not spared any one,
Including Brahma, Vishnu, Shiva and, even, Almighty who
created her.(12)
As these writings clearly says, Not to Trust Women? It seems
shame to see people are bent to prove it as the writings of Tenth Nanak . Even
Dharam Parchar Committee of SGPC has rejected Triya Charitar back in 1970’s ,
its failure to implement decision has made Mess as our Gurudwara administration
is again in hands of Mahants ? And they are eager to place these Anti-Gurmat
writings at par with Sri Guru Granth Sahib?
And with no surprise, supporters of Bachitar Natak Granth are
those, who never ever accepted, Sikh Rehat Maryada of Akal Takhat as published
in 1945. All Sects/Dera’s are leading to preach Dasam Granth? And it has been
same effect of this Triya Charitar when these individuals and Samparda’s like
Taksal, Nihangs opposed move of:
-Sikh Women as Granthis
-Sikh Women as doing Kirtan in Darbar Sahib
-Sikh Women doing duty of Khande-Di-Paul Cermony.
It is appeal to Sikh Sangat all over especially Sikh Women to
raise their Voice against Anti-Gurmat writings, which says so ILL about Women
Character? Sikh Women shall rise above their Jathebandic Stands, and be a Sikh
of Sri Guru Granth Sahib. As Sikh take Life’s every Guidance from Sri Guru
Granth Sahib Ji and Sri Granth Sahib Philosphy lead Sikh into Successful Life by
helping Human to get Secure against ills of Kam, Krodh, Lobh, Moh, Hankaar.
nfAu suhfgxI iqnHHf Jfk n hor ]
114] (gurU gRMQ sfihb pMnf-1384)
Those who are known as happy soul-brides do not look to others.
And Sikh of Guru..Sri Guru Granth Sahib is complete in every
aspect and one do darshan and take Guidance of All Ten Nanak’s in Sri Guru
Granth Sahib, so one need not to Look outside towards writing of Poet Ram, Poet
Shyam , Poet Kaal ?
Its time to look, who are preaching Gurmat and who are
preaching Anti-Gurmat? Sangat need to make decision for how long we have to
continue looking Insult being made by some individuals by Attributing Low Level
Writings to our Tenth Nanak?
As G.S.Lamba is in forefront dividing whole Sikh E-Sangat, we
invite him to give us time , to have Explanation of Triya Chartiar among his
Female Family Members to be recorded live and put up on Net World ?
Guru Panth di Sewak Jathebandi
Khalsa Nari Manch
akfsLdIp isMG
G. S. Lamba in Dasam Granth Seminar
Dear editor,
A seminar was organized in Bradshaw Gurdwara in
Sacramento, CA in February 2008 where the speakers supposedly discussed Dasam
Granth. I could not get enough time to watch all videos in one go, but made sure
to first listen to Gurcharanjit Singh Lamba who is very proactive on the topic.
For some reason, he sounded like coming from the same training system as that of
Dr. (phony) Amarjit Singh (http://www.khalistan-affairs.org). In his entire ~ 54
mins of talk, G. S. Lamba rarely talks/cites from AGGS. However, what he does
cite is "jugo jug atal Ram Katha" and tries to incite violent reaction
against anybody who raises a question on content of Dasam Granth. For this, he
could be charged with instigating hatred and violence in the U.S. under the
In the video, G. S. Lamba is saying that just like Akaal Takhat is
needed in addition to Golden Temple , Dasam Granth is needed in addition to
AGGS. He says that things which have not been said clearly in AGGS have been
told clearly in Dasam Granth. So according to G. S. Lamba, AGGS does not give
clear message and Dasam Granth is needed to understand it. Then he says that we
talk about 4 things. AGGS talks about dharam and moksh but it does
not talk about the other 2 which are covered by Dasam Granth. I have not heard
anything more illiterate than this. If Dasam Granth was intended to complete the
voidness (according to G. S. Lamba), then does it mean the Guru Gobind Singh
made mistake by not asking Sikhs to take Dasam Granth as Guru as well?
says that AGGS is for all but Akal Takhat is for Sikhs only. And then says that
-"Khalse de jede faraz hann, unna the prapti sanu sirf Dasam Granth ton hi
prapat hovegi." This statement is nothing more than gobbledygook. What
"farz" is he talking about here, one gets no idea?
He continues
with funny statement that we have got so much freedom that some people have
started doing "charitar hannan" of Gurus (indicating to Guru Gobind
Singh). He then again tries to instigate people against Sikh scholars who are
researching on Dasam Granth by making the statement - "they are doing to
because, perhaps they have come to know that the Sikhs are not longer the
same Sikhs who would not tolerate any "ninda" of their Gurus.". He
incites people further by using Jarnail Singh Bhindranwala's name and asking -
"what would happen if these people, who say they used to be close to Jarnail
Singh Bhindranwala, said it in front of Jarnail Singh
According to G. S. Lamba, anybody who is researching
on content of Dasam Granth is just talking what Swami Dayanand Saraswati said.
By this claim, G. S. Lamba is perhaps trying to cash on by creating another
blind-folded hatred against the researchers on Dasam Granth. In fact, Swami
Dayanand Saraswati would have been the happiest person on the earth to accept
entire Dasam Granth. He would have been friends with G. S. Lamba et al and not
the people with other point of view.
The most outrageous comment from G.
S. Lamba in the video was: -
"Sri Dasam Granth di bani sadi jindagi da
amal hai, eh sanu jeevandaan den layi hai. Sikh nu Sikh banan layi, Sikh nu Sikh
kayam rakhan layi Eh bani Sri Dasam pita di bani bina, na kissey Sikh banaya ja
sakda hai na kisey nu Sikh kayam rakhya ja sakda hia, is wich kisey kism da shak
nahi reha"
What?? ..does that mean there were no Sikhs before Dasam
Granth appeared on the scene?
On the question that he has not read AGGS
and Dasam Granth he gives another funny statement - "Bilkul sahi, guru nu
padya nahi ja sakda, guru ton padya ja sakda hai" One is left wondering -
Does this statement answer what he pretends to answer by it?
Further in
the video, he is saying that its was Akaal from whom Durga got
"vardaan" and killed the "Rakshas". The question to ask G. S.
Lamba is- does Gurbani agree with this view? Does gurbani agree that somebody
can sit in "tapsya" and get special powers from God? G. S. Lamba also
says in the video that the metaphorical sentence "Sawa Lakh Se Ik
ladayoon" literally means the same.
Towards the end he is citing a
chandd and is saying that - Guru Gobind Singh is asking the almighty for
both - good and bad thoughts. Now this is shocking, G. S. Lamba should
corroborate his claim by citing AGGS that Sikhs should deliberately ask for bad
To summarize, G. S. Lamba in this video does not present even a
single thought provoking argument in favor of his views. All that he does is an
attempt to instigate violence against Sikh researchers who are working on
authenticity of Dasam Granth.
-Akashdeep Singh
For sake of readers who are unaware of this seminar,
the following information is reproduced: -
The seminar videos can be seen
2. http://www.sridasamgranth.com/#/sridasamgranthinternationa/4527525513
G. S. Lamba is the last speaker in the video link
#2 above. He is the current editor of magazine "Sant Sipahi". Sikhs should
listen to videos to see what these "leaders" are saying and what they want you
to believe.
Dr. Harpal Singh Pannu in the Dasam Granth Seminar
editor, my curiosity on the "International Seminar on Dasam Granth" (Bradshaw
Gurdwara, Stockton, CA, Feb 2008) continued and I started listening carefully to
one more video posted at the website
The speaker was much publicized Ph.D. holder with the credentials of having
advised 3 Ph. D.s on the topic of Dasam Granth and known as Dr. Harpal Singh
Pannu. Just like one would expect from a Ph.D. , my expectation from Dr. Harpal
Singh Pannu's speech was to hear something pithy and thought provoking, does not
matter if the same is said in simple language. However, I can only say that I am
disappointed and I believe that he has not done justice to his Ph. D. degree in
the speech.
In the seminar videos, Dr. Harpal Singh Pannu says -"...is
sacramento di dharti te aseen sarey kathey hoye yaan ajj eh sabit karan layi, ke
Sri Dasam Granth Sahib atey Guru Gobind Singh ji de pavan charana ton wadh sari
duniya wich sadey layi koi cheej nahi hai". Right in the beginning Dr. Harpal
Singh Pannu is reflecting what the focus of the talk will be and what he wants
his listeners to believe. However, let me remind Dr. Pannu that it is AGGS (Aad
Guru Granth Sahib) that the Sikhs behold as the highest bani and not anything
According to Dr. Pannu one should either say that all the banis
are of Guru Gobind Singh or none of them are from Tenth Nanak. He says that
those people who present the view that only some of the current content of Dasam
Granth could be from the pen of Tenth Nanak are cowards. According to Dr. Pannu
these people are saying so as they are afraid of being thrashed. They fear
raising the voice against Nitnem banis. Does Dr. Pannu want people to change
views because he thinks there can only be 2 types of views that can exist, or
does Dr. Pannu want researchers to get instigated by his comment and pass
illogical statement on which he can later cash on? Answers are known to Dr.
Pannu only as he does not make them enough clear in his talk.
Dr. Pannu says that starting from Teja Singh Bhasod, Giani Bhag
Singh and to the present 3-4 people like "Ragi Darshan Singh" (who are talking
on the content of Dasam Granth), it has been a trend of first attacking Dasam
Granth and then following up with an attack on Guru Granth. He says, "...this
has continued from 300 years". One should listen carefully what he is saying -
that the current Dasam Granth has been in the intact form from last 300 years.
Just like other speakers in the seminar, Dr. Pannu very quickly resorts to
emotional blackmail and building fear in the minds by saying that people will
now attack Guru Granth.
His focus on Jarnail Singh Bhindranwala is also noteworthy,
perhaps this is yet another method to evoke emotional outbursts and block
logical thinking among the listeners.
After 05 mins of talking he states lets talk about the topic.
He says same things like G.S. Lamba that AGGS is for internal strength, but
Dasam Granth helps in outward war and prepares one externally.
The following comment from Dr. Harpal Singh Pannu would sound
outrageous to any Sikh of Guru Nanak –
"...kai bari rabb dharti te aake ither dakhal dinda
hai....dwapar with Krishan ji, pher Ram Chandar ji...."
(…sometimes Akaal takes birth on this earth and interferes with
the things in progress ….in dwapar Krishan ji, then Ram Chandar ji are some of
the examples)
With this claim, Dr. Pannu is totally flouting the opening
verse of AGGS. On one hand he tries to emotionally blackmail the audience by
saying that if you will not stop people from raising questions on Dasam Granth
they will attack AGGS as well, on the other hand he himself is talking against
the principles and philosophies that are mentioned in AGGS. Now, if God takes
birth and comes into the form, then Dr. Pannu must be disagreeing on the opening
verse of AGGS, right?
In the previous claim, Dr. Pannu is not talking anything
coherent with AGGS, but is just repeating the view in Bhagwat Geeta’s Sanskrit
shlok reproduced below:-
"Oh Arjuna! When there is a decline in Dharma and rise in
Adharma, I incarnate for the establishment of Dharma."
[Sanskrit Verse, Bhagwat Gita, Chapter IV -7]
"To deliver the pious and to annihilate the miscreants, as well
as to reestablish the principles of religion, I Myself appear, millennium after
[Sanskrit Verse, Bhagwat Gita, Chapter IV -8]
Bharat is a known address for Arjun (a character in
Mahabharat), and in the shlok above, it is believed, that Krishan is talking
with Arjun.
On the other hand, AGGS opens with the following view which
should be clear to every reasonable Sikh: -
One is left wondering about Dr. Harpal Singh Pannu's choice of
priorities in choosing examples and his source of philosophies.
According to Dr. Pannu, if AGGS is the soul Dasam Granth is its
body or the skin. He says that if soul is not present the body is useless and
similarly if body is not present soul cannot be found anywhere. He furthers this
logic by stating that Dasam Granth is our fortress (intended for protection). It
is left to the readers to decide how much obnoxious this comment from Dr. Pannu
Then continues with the claim that Bachitter Natak is the
autobiography of Guru Gobind Singh ji and in it Guru wrote about his previous
births. He says that Buddhism and Vedantism has the tradition of telling the
previous birth by creating mythological stories before writing the Granth.
He mentions that he is ready and open to ideas as we all Sikhs
are learners till the end, however does not reflect the same in his talk. Now
note his focus, what he wants to spray on the minds of the young listeners -
"Gairatmand Hindus became Sikhs". He also says that Guru Gobind Singh ji told
about his previous life in the lines "Mahakaal Kalika Aradhi ...." so that the
purpose of writing Dasam Granth could become clear. (…one may wonder, is AKJ now
agreeing on the definition of Mahakaal). There are other things to wonder on
this claim from Dr. Harpal Singh Pannu, but these are left to the interested
What follows up after is perhaps the most insulting statement
anybody can make on AGGS right in the face of Sikhs. Dr. Pannu says that via
Bachitter Natak Guru Gobind Singh ji is telling that the Truth was brought into
this world via various granths like Mahabharat and the Vedas, he is saying that
the Rigvedas contain truth. Dr. Pannu further says that Guru Gobind Singh ji is
saying that the Rigvedas contain the Truth which as brought in this world by the
vedic rishis but now the world has forgotton that Truth. (Great! now one can
clearly see the ulterior motive of Dr. Harpal Singh Pannu). He is then saying
that Guru Gobind Singh ji is saying that it was him who released the Rigved, it
was him who brought the Naths, it was him who did the "tapsyas". And then Dr.
Pannu throws the most intolerable blow in the face of Sikhs by saying, "Guru
Gobind Singh ji (in Bachchiter Natak) is saying that I will now present the same
truth (from Rigvedas) in front of you, but in a different language".
He claims - "I have studied all the major religions of the
world and none of the writers of those Granths say that they are going to tell
you some new thing. They all said that I am going to give you the truth that was
told by our ancestors and that you have now forgotten". Nothing can be more far
from truth than this statement. In fact, many religions existing in this world
claim that theirs is the only Truth. Not just that, they claim theirs is the
only first and last Truth of life which can save you from "Hell" or give you
some kind of "Moksha".
He further says that - Guru Gobind Singh ji found many
instances of Hindu mythological characters in the Guru Granth sahib and realized
that it will be the Hindus which will follow the Khalsa Panth and not the
Muslims, and hence he wrote the stories in Dasam Granth. Dr. Pannu then asserts,
"The flow of Khalsa panth has come out of the Hindus".
He follows up with a lame logic comprised out of assumption
that all the people are opposing or researching the content of Dasam Granth just
because RSS is adopting it. He then asks, "If RSS adopts Guru Granth sahib, will
you then say the same about it?"
He then alleges that Guru Gobind Singh is using slandering
language for the Hindu characters like Krishan etc. One should note that
Professor Sahib Singh in his teeka of AGGS did not even accept that a ridiculing
language against other people could ever be cited in by the Gurus in AGGs,
forget about themselves uttering such words. On the other hand, Dr. Pannu is
saying that Guru Gobind Singh is using that language in derogatory sense because
he does not have belief in such characters. While it seems fine that Guru Gobind
Singh ji did not have belief in these characters, but would he use such kind of
First, Dr. Pannu says that nobody gave a new theory in
their Granths but just repeated what was said before the period. Then he says
Rigveda say the truth and Guru Gobind Singh ji just repeated that truth in Dasam
Granth using different langauge. According to Hindu belief the vedas are a
direct language of the GOD. So, here Dr. Pannu proves that Sikhism is nothing
but just a branch (or may be the same) of Hinduism. He then continues with a
self-conflicting view that people who give new meanings to the old mythological
stories are very powerful and fertile minds.
He cites Bhansavalinama of Kesar Singh chibber, that people
asked Guru what will be the status of Dasam Granth and then Guru replied,
"Consider it my play", then Guru gave birth to the "chota granth ji" by his own
hands and "played with it with his own hands".
He agrees that the older name of this granth was "Bachchiter
Natak" and the "Khalsa Panth" kept the name "Dasam Granth" and that keeping this
name is the prerogative of the Khalsa Panth. He then says that the world is not
categorized in AGGS but Dasam Granth presents a well categorized view of the
Dr. Harpal Singh Pannu's speech contains claims contradictory
to AGGS (Aad Guru Granth Sahib) and is loaded with emotional appeals (one can
call emotional blackmail). One can note that his speech is full of pathos and
lacks the logos altogether. This cannot be a speech by someone with the
credentials that Dr. Harpal Singh Pannu is perceived with, and hence he kills
the ethos himself. What is left in the speech for the listeners to grasp?
Akashdeep Singh
Portland, OR
sake of readers who are unaware of the different threads in the forum on this
seminar, the following information is reproduced: -
The seminar videos
can be seen here:
2. http://www.sridasamgranth.com/#/sridasamgranthinternationa/4527525513
Dr. Harpal Singh Pannu speaks in the video #1 in
the link #1 above. Sikhs should listen to videos to see what these "leaders" are
saying and what they want you to believe.
gurmIq isMG afstRylIaf
ÃÄ siqgur pRsfid]
aMimRqsr dy ieÈnfn
afpF sfiraF nUM pqf hY ik iswK prvfr jF koeI iewklf iswK ijQy
vI rihMdf hovy jF ijs hflq ivwc ivcr irhf hovy, Auh svyry-Èfm, akfl purK dI
rihmq df Èukrfnf krdy hn aqy bynqI krdy hn: “iswKF nUM iswKI dfn, kys dfn, rihq
dfn, ibbyk dfn, ivsfh dfn, Brosf dfn, dfnF isr dfn, nfm dfn, sRI aMimRqsr jI dy
ieÈnfn, cONkIaF, JMzy, buMgy jugo jug atwl, Drm kf jYkfr, bolo jI vfihgurU!
First of all, let us try to understand about “Amritsar City”,
the foundation of which was laid in 1577 by Guru Ramdas Sahib (1574-1581). Guru
Sahib encouraged the followers practicing various trades and professions to take
up residence for catering the needs of other persons. Thus, the town expanded
further under Guru Arjan Sahib (1581-1606), who completed the Sarovar – Tank and
constructed the Darbaar Sahib. After compilation of Gurbaani uttered by the
Gurus, Bhagats, Bhatts and the devoted Sikhs, Granth Sahib was placed open in
the Darbaar Sahib on 16th August 1604. Subsequently in 1609, Guru
Hargobind Sahib (1606-1644)
constructed the Akaal Takht Sahib. Since then this city has been
known as “Amritsar”, the Headquarter of the Sikh Affairs. Every Sikh is ever
eager to pay obeisance by visiting the “Darbaar Sahib Complex” and most of the
foreign Dignitaries also visit and feel harmony and peace.
Before breathing his last on 7th October 1708,
Guru Gobind Singh Sahib had ordained all the Sikhs to obey the Guru Granth
Sahib. Hence, we always need to comprehend Gurbaani contained in the Guru Granth
Sahib. In respect of “Amrit Sar”, following Shabds are shared -
mfrU mhlf ñ, pMnf ñúññ] guru sfgru aMimRq sru jo ieCy so Plu
pfey] nfmu pdfrQu amru hY ihrdY mMin vsfey] gur syvf sdf suK hY ijs no hukmu
mnfey] ÷]
arQ: gurU smuMdr hY, gurU aMimRq nfl Biraf hoieaf srovr hY
aqy jyhVf pRfxI gurbfxI df Et-afsrf lYNdf hY, AuhI afnMd-meI jIvn bqIq krdf hY.
afpxy ihrdy ivwc akfl purK df nfm
gRihx krnf cfhIdf hY ikAuNik swcf nfm hI sdf shfeI hox vflf
hY. gurU dy AupdyÈ anusfr jyhVf pRfxI akfl purK dI rËfa ivwc rihMdf hY, Auh
sMsfrI bMDnF qoN mukq ho jFdf hY.
The Guru is like the ocean over-whelming with Amrit, God’s
True Naam. The true devotee, who abides by the Guru’s teachings, leads a
satiated life. If we wish to attain emancipation in life, we should always
recite God’s True Naam with devotion. By virtue of Guru’s teachings when the
person accepts God’s Command, such a person gets rid of all the worldly
sufferings. [Amrit Sar: Spiritual and Temporal]
mfru mhlf ñ, pMnf ñúôó] syvhu siqgur smuMdu aQfhf] pfvhu nfmu
Dnu lfhf] ibiKaf mlu jfie aMimRq sir nfvhu gur sr sMqoKu
pfieaf] ø]
arQ: akfl purK siqgurU iewk ivÈfl smuMdr hY, ijs ivwc bhuq
kImqI rqn pey hoey hn pr ienHF dI pRfpqI akfl purK df nfm gRihx krky hI ho skdI
hY. aMimRq nfm nUM ihrdy ivwc vsfa ky hI mfieaf-moh dI mYl Auqr skdI hY qF iPr
gurU jYsf sMqoKI jIvn iml skdf hY.
Akaal Purkh (God) is a vast ocean, which contains invaluable
jewels in the spirit of the True Naam but these could only be obtained if the
devotee follows God’s like virtues. The person, who inculcates the love of God
in the heart, overcomes the vicious thoughts, which then enables the true
devotee to lead the contended life.
mfJ mhlf ó, pMnf ññó] hAu vfrI jIAu vfrI gur crxI icqu
siqguru hY aMimRq sru sfcf mnu nfvY mYlu cukfvixaf] ñ] rhfAu]
afsf mhlf ó, pMnf óöó] gur pUry qy pUrf pfey] ihrdY sbdu scu
nfmu vsfey]
aMqru inrmlu aMimRq sir nfey] sdf sUcy sfic smfey] ò]
gUjrI kI vfr mhlf ó] pAuVI, pMnf õñú] sBu jgu iPir mY dyiKaf
hir ieko dfqf] Aupfie ikqY n pfeIaY hir krm ibDfqf] gur sbdI hir min vsY hir
shjy jfqf] aMdrhu iqRsnf agin buJI hir aMimRq sir nfqf] vzI vizafeI vzy kI
gurmuiK bolfqf] ö]
mfrU mhlf ó, pMnf ñúôö] sbid mrY soeI jnu pUrf] siqguru afiK
suxfey sUrf] kfieaf aMdir aMimRq sru sfcf mnu pIvY Bfie suBfeI hy] ô]
mhlf ó, pMnf ñôñò] lfhOr shru aMimRq sru isPqI df Gru] òø]
Lahore City is like the hell when innocent people are killed
and terrorized but the same city becomes praise-worthy when God’s Virtues are
isrIrfgu mhfl ô, pMnf ôú] siqguru purKu aMimRq sru vzBfgI
nfvih afie] Aun jnm jnm kI mYlu AuqrY inrml nfmu idRVfie] jn nfnk Auqm pdu
pfieaf siqgur kI ilv lfie] ô] ò] öö]
rfgu gAuVI pUrbI mhlf ô krhly, pMnf òóô] mn krhlf myry pRfn
qUM mYlu pfKMzu Brmu gvfie] hir aMimRqsru guir pUiraf imil sMgqI mlu lih jfie]
gAuVI kI vfr mhlf ô, pMnf óúõ] gur siqgur kf jo isKu aKfey su
Blky AuiT hir nfmu iDafvY] Audmu kry Blky prBfqI iesnfnu kry aMimRq sir nfvY]
Aupdyis gurU hir hir jpu jfpY siB iklivK pfp doK lih jfvY] iPir cVY idvsu
gurbfxI gfvY bhidaf AuTidaf hir nfmu iDafvY] jo sfis igrfis iDafey myrf hir hir
so gurisKu gurU min BfvY] ijs no dieaflu hovY myrf suafmI iqsu gurisK gurU
Aupdysu suxfvY] jnu nfnku DUiV mMgY iqsu gurisK kI jo afip jpY avrh nfmu jpfvY]
gUjrI mhlf ô, pMnf ôùó] aMimRq sru siqguru siqvfdI ijqu nfqY
hMsu hohY] nfnk Dnu DMnu vzy vzBfgI ijnH gurmiq nfmu irdY mlu
DohY] ô] ò]
sUhI mhlf ô, pMnf ÷óò] hmu mYlu Bry duhcfrIaf hir rfKhu aMgI
guir aMimRq sir nvlfieaf siB lfQy iklivK pMÕu] ó]
nt mhlf ô, pMnf ùøñ] rfm hir aMimRq sir nfvfry]
siqguir igafnu mjnu hY nIko imil klml pfp Auqfry] ñ] rhfAu]
Aupr ilKy ÈbdF qoN ieh soJI pRfpq huMdI hY ik ieh sfry Èbd
aMimRqsr Èihr vsfAux qoN pihlF dy Aucfrn kIqy hoey hn. ies leI, gurbfxI anusfr
sfzI ardfs akfl purK qoN asIN gurÈbd dI bKiÈÈ leI hI bynqI krdy hF qF jo asIN
akfl purK dy Bfxy ivwc rih ky, afpxf jIvn sPl kr skIey. pr, sfzI ibrqI duinafvIN
mfieaf-moh dy lflc ivwc hox krky, asIN aMimRqsr Èihr ivKy pfxI dy srovr ivwc
cuwbI mfr ky hI sfry rUhfnI gux pRfpq krnf cfhuMdy hF. sfnUM afm pRclq sfKIaf
suxf ky Brm ivwc pf idwqf igaf hY ijs sdkf bhuq sfry isK, ihMdUaF dy qIrQF vFg
srovrF ivwc ieÈnfn krky KuÈ huMdy hn. aYsy aMD-ivÈvfÈ krky, bhuigxqI ivwc iswK
prvfr sMgrRFd/pUrnmfÈI/misaf vfly idn gurduafiraF ivKy sQfpq kIqy srovr, ihMdUaF
dy gMgf ieÈnfn vFg hI pRqIq huMdy hn. pRbMDk BI ÉuÈ huMdy hn ik golk bhuq iewkTI
hoeI aqy rfgI isMGF dIaF BI jybF Br jFdIaF hn. pr, ijs mnmiq qoN gurU sfihbfn ny
sfnUM vrijaf sI, asIN iPr pUry jor-Èor nfl ÈurU kr idwqI! vfihgurU sumiq bÉÈy!
afsf mhlf ñ, pMnf ôñù] ieik igrhI syvk sfiDkf gurmqI lfgy]
nfmu dfnu iesnfnu idRVu hir Bgiq su jfgy] ÷]
There are countless persons leading the life of householders,
who follow the Guru’s teachings and serve the True Lord by inculcating God’s
virtues within their hearts. Such devotees remain engaged in reciting God’s True
Naam as well as encourage others to follow the righteous way of life, which is
tantamount to share alms and bathing.
isrIrfgu mhlf õ, pMnf ÷ó] suix glf gur pih afieaf] nfmu dfnu
iesnfnu idVfieaf] sBu mukqu hoaf sYsfrVf nfnk scI byVI cfiV jIAu] ññ]
Listening to the Greatness of the True Lord, I too sought
Guru’s support. Guru Sahib blessed me the love of True Naam, Charity and the
Purity of deeds. Thus by virtue of the Guru’s teachings, the whole world could
achieve emancipation.
gurU gRMQ sfihb ivwc byaMq Èbd hn jyhVy sfnUM syD idMdy hn ik
bfhr dy ieÈnfn kIiqaf sfzy aMdr dy kfm, kRoD, loB, moh, aMhkfr dI mYl kdy BI nhI
AuqrdI. gurU sfihb ibafn krdy hn:
vfr mfJ kI mhlf ñ, pMnf ñóù] vsqR pKfil pKfly kfieaf afpy
sMjim hovY] aMqir mYlu lgI nhI jfcY bfhrhu mil mil DovY]
isrIrfgu mhlf ó, pMnf óô] sqguru purKu n mMinE sbid n lgo
ipafru] iesnfnu dfnu jyqf krih dUjY Bfie Kuafr]
gAuVI mhlf õ, pMnf òúñ] pUjf iqlk krq iesnfnF]
CurI kfiZ lyvY hiQ dfnf] ò]
gAuVI kbIr jI, pMnf óòô] sMiDaf pRfq iesnfnu krfhI]
ijAu Bey dfdur pfnI mfhI] ñ]
gurU nfnk sfihb sfzy Aupr bKiÈÈ krdy hn, pr asIN krm-kFz ivwc
hI Psy rihxf psMd krdy hF:
jpu jI sfihb (ö): qIriQ nfvf jy iqsu Bfvf ivxu Bfxy ik nfie
sUhI mhlf ñ, pMnf ÷óú] BFzf hCf soie jo iqsu BfvsI] BFzf aiq
mlIxu Doqf hCf n hoiesI] gurU duafrY hoie soJI pfiesI] eyqu duafrY Doie hCf
gurbfxI anusfr, gurduafrf sfihb, lMgr dI prMprf, bOlIaF-srovr
aqy sMgq-pMgq df mksd sI / hY ik iswK Drm nUM mMnx vfly iksy nfl iksy iksm df
ivqkrf nhIN krdy, hr pRfxI iek-brfbr hY aqy sfry pUrI iewËq nfl igafn pRfpq
krky, afpxf jIvn sPlf kr skdy hn. iksy grIb dI syvf krnf BI, nfm jpfAux dI syvf
hY aqy ieMj hI, gurmiq anusfr ieÈnfn qoN isrP afpxf srIr Doxf hI nhIN, sgoN
ihrdy dI pivwqqrqf bxfeI rwKxf aqy sicafr jIvn bqIq krnf hY.
vfihgurU jI kf Éflsf vfihgurU kI Ìiqh
Bulxhfr dfsrf,
gurmIq isMG (iswznI, imqI ò mfrc òúúø)
srbjIq isMG
cODr dy BuwKy idwlI dy iswK afgUaF dI afpsI lVfeI ny
iswK kOm df isr iek vfr iPr nIvF krvfieaf
nvIN idwlI (svrx isMG) 12/02/2008 : dyÈ-ivdyÈ ivwc vwK-vwK
muwidaF kfrn muÈklF df sfhmxf kr rhI iswK kOm dy BivwK leI koeI sfrQk nIqI
Ausfrn dI bjfey iswK afgU cODr dI hvs pUrI krn leI gurduafiraF ƒ isafsq df aKfVf
bxfAux qoN vI sMkoc nhIN kr rhy. ies qwQ df pRgtfvf awj Aus smyN iek vfr iPr ho
igaf jd idwlI iswK gurduafrf pRbMDk kmytI dI kiQq ‘ivroDI-iDr` nfl sbMiDq kuJ
mYNbrF aqy AunHF dy smrQkF ny prmjIq isMG srnf dI agvfeI vfly ‘swqfDfrI` gut qoN
cODr df hwk Kohx leI gu: rkfb gMj sfihb ivKy siQq kmytI dy dÌqr ivwc huwlVbfËI
kIqI aqy asiBak ÈbdfvlI df AupXog kIqf. ÈRomxI akflI dl (bfdl) aqy ÈRomxI akflI
dl (pMQk) nfl sbMiDq ienHF mYNbrF vwloN kmytI dy mOjUdf pRDfn sR: prmjIq isMG
srnf qoN mMg kIqI jf rhI sI ik Auh kmytI dy aMiqRMg borz, ijsdI imafd 9 PrvrI ƒ
hI Éqm ho cuwkI hY, dIaF coxF jld qoN jld krvfAux.
AuWDr sR: prmjIq isMG srnf vI eynI asfnI nfl kursI dI qfkq ƒ
afpxy hwQoN inklx nhIN dyxf cfhuMdy. ies sfl dy aMq ivwc idwlI ivDfn sBf dIaF
afm coxF dOrfn kmytI dy iksy vI pRDfn ƒ, isafsI pfrtIaF nfl gMZquwp krn bdly,
bhuq sfrIaF injI pRfpqIaF ho skdIaF hn. idwlI dy iqMnoN akflI dlF dy afgU prmjIq
isMG srnf, avqfr isMG ihwq aqy mnjIq isMG jI[ ky[ , ies qwQ qoN cMgI qrHF vfikÌ
hox kfrn, idwlI kmytI dy pRbMD ƒ afpxy hwQF ivwc lYx leI bysbry hn. bfdl dl aqy
pMQk dl dy mYNbrF dI kul igxqI 20 bxdI hY pr Auh cMgI qrHF jfxdy hn ik vwK-vwK
kfrnF kfrn prmjIq isMG srnf qoN nrfË, Aus dI pfrtI dy mYNbrF ƒ mfieaf dy gwPy dy
ky, aMiqRMg borz dIaF coxF dOrfn afpxI mrËI dy ahudydfr cuxn leI, asfnI nfl
loVINdIaF votF pRfpq kIqIaF jf skdIaF hn.
iesleI Auh prmjIq isMG srnf ƒ kmytI dy aMiqRMg borz dIaF coxF
krvfAux leI kih rhy hn. pr srnf vI coxF krvfAux df ‘Kqrf` muwl nhIN lYxf
cfhuMdf. iesleI Ausny idwlI dI kFgrs srkfr ƒ ies gwl leI mnf ilaf hY ik idwlI
gurduafrf kmytI aYkt ivwc soD krky pRDfn dI imafd 2 sfl kr idwqI jfey. pr bfdl
aqy pMQk dl nfl sbMiDq afgU, aYkt ivwc soD hox qoN pihlF hI kmytI dy aMiqRMg
borz dIaF coxF krvfAuxf cfhuMdy hn. iesleI buwDvfr ƒ AunHF ny gu: rkfb gMj sfihb
ivKy idwlI kmytI dy dÌqr sfhmxy siQq pfrk ivwc iek Drnf dy ky prmjIq isMG srnf
`qy dbfa pYdf krn dI nIqI apxfeI sI. ivroDI iDr dy mYNbrF nfl nijwTx leI srnf ny
gurduafrf kMplYks ivwc puils dy bYrIkyz lgvf ky afpxI ‘surwiKaf` df ieMqËfm krvf
ilaf sI.
buwDvfr dupihr lgBg 2 vjy, jd idwlI kmytI dI ivroDI iDr dy
mYNbrF vwloN Aukq pfrk ivwc ivroD-pRdrÈn arMB hoieaf, qF ies mOky ho rhIaF
qkrIrF dOrfn mYNbrF ivwc eynf ‘joÈ` af igaf ik Auh puils dy bYrIkyzF ƒ Dkyl ky,
ËbrI kmytI dy dÌqr aMdr vVn leI dOV pey. srnf dI kiQq ‘tfsk Pors` vwloN kmytI
dÌqr df gyt bMd kridaF-kridaF 2-3 mYNbr aqy smrQk, dÌqr aMdr dfÉl ho gey. tfsk
Pors dy hiQafrbMd lokF ny kmytI mYNbrF ƒ qF koeI nuksfn nf pucfieaf pr AunHF dy
smrQkF dI kfPI iptfeI kIqI geI. dUjy pfsy, dÌqr aMdr vV nf skx vfly mYNbr aqy
AunHF dy smrQk bfhr hI rOlf-rwpf pfAuNdy rhy.
ies mOky, idwlI ngr ingm df iek sfbkf ingm pfrÈd, jo aijhy
mOikaF ƒ Èohrq Kwtx vfsqy vrqx ivwc aiq mfihr smiJaf jFdf hY, ny afpxy qËrby dI
muV vrqoN kIqI aqy mOky `qy mOjUd puils aiDkfrIaF ƒ bynqI kIqI ik ivroD-pRdrÈn
kr rhy afgUaF ƒ igRPqfr krn leI puils dI bws mMgvf leI jfey. ies zRfmy qoN jldI
rfhq pfAux leI puils aiDkfrI ny vI iek puils bws mMgvf leI aqy pRdrÈn kr rhy
afgU PtfPt Aus srkfrI bws `qy ieAuN jf cVHy, ijvyN Auh ipkink mnfAux leI jf rhy
hox. ienHF afgUaF Qfnf pfrlIafmYNt stRIt ivKy iljfieaf igaf, ijwQy kuJ srkfrI
KfnfpUrqIaF AuprMq AunHF ƒ ‘irhfa` kr idwqf igaf.
ies qrHF, iswK afgUaF dI iek iDr ny afpxI guMzfigrI aqy dUjI
iDr ny igRPqfr hoky afpxy mËlUmpuxy df nftk kr ilaf. pr idwlI dy cyqMn iswKF
vwloN ies sfry Gtnf-kRm dI BrpUr inMdf kIqI jf rhI hY. ikAuNik AunHF df mMnxf hY
ik iswK afgUaF vwloN cODr Kfiqr jnqwk qOr `qy afpsI lVfeIaF krn, gurduafrf kmytI
dy pRbMD ivwc puilsIaf dÉlaMdfËI krvfAux, tfsk Pors dy nfm `qy lwTmfrF dI POj
rfhIN guMzf-ibrqI df pRdrÈn krn aqy kOmI muwidaF ƒ Cwz ky kursI pRfpqI Kfiqr
igRPqfrIaF dyx ijhIaF kfrvfeIaF nfl, gYr-iswKF ivwc iswK kOm hfsy df pfqr bxdI
hY. idwlI dy buwDIjIvIaF vwloN idwlI kmytI dy sfry mYNbrF ƒ afpsI suihrdqf bxfeI
rwKx aqy gurduafiraF ƒ cODr dy plytPfrm vjoN nf vrqx dI apIl kIqI jf rhI hY, qF
jo afr[ aYs[ aYs[ aqy hor iswKI-ivroDI sMgTnF ƒ kOm ƒ nuksfn phuMcfAux dy hor
mOky nf imlx.
-jfrI krqf :
srbjIq isMG
sMpfdk-ieMzIaf avyarnYWs PUMn: 9871683322
(not:- asIN ‘isWK mfrg’ nUM nvIN QF srvr qy sYWt awp kr rhy hF ies leI smyN
dI Gft kfrn ies nfl ByjIaF PotoaF nhIN pf sky-sMpfdk)
suKdyv isMG isiKafrQI
guriswKF dy kfrtUn bnfAux aqy kbIr pMQIaF dI inMidaf krn
vfilaF nUM sMboDn!
slok zKxy m
5] nfnk kciVaf isAu qoiV ZUiZ sjx sMq pikaf] Eie jIvMdy ivCuVih Eie muieaf n
jfhI CoiV] 1] {pMnf 1102} kwcI bfxI aqy kcy ivcfrF vfly lokF nfloN qoV ky
pwky gurmuKF Bfv rwbI pFDIaF df sMg krnf cfhIdf hY jo DVybMdIaF dy bMidaF aqy
bfhrI ByKF nUM Cwz ky iewk rwb dI bMdgI krdy hn. gurU gRMQ sfihb jI nUM Cwz ky
kflf lFbf aqy ies dy sfQI niÈaF aqy aÈlIl kfmkRIVf nfl Bry pey aKOqI dsm gRMQ
nUM mfnqf dy ky gurU goibMd isMG jI dy ies hukm dI avwigaf kr rhy hn ik "sB isKn
kAu hukm hY gurU mfinEN gRMQ" kbIr pMQIaF aqy isMG sfihb pRo[ drÈn isMG jI dI
inMidaf aqy kfrtUn bxf ky ikhVy pMQ df pRcfr kIqf jf irhf hY. gurUaF-BgqF ny qF
sB ivwc rwb dI joiq qwkI qy ikhf-sB mih joiq joiq hY soie, aqy ieh sMsfr jo qum
dyKdy iehu hir kf rUp hY. pRBU ByK nfl nhIN sgoN pRym nfl hI pfieaf jf skdf hY.
kihxy vfly keI kuC khI jFdy hn ijvyN lflf jgq nrfiex kihMdf
huMdf sI- "kwC kVf ikRpfn, Byj idaFgy pfiksqfn" pr awj iBMzrF vfly nUM kFgrs df
eyjMt kihx vfly Aus qoN keI guxF awgy inkl gey hn ijvyN "kC kVf ikRpfn lfh ky
Byjo pfiksqfn" Bfv pRo[ drÈn isMG vFg nMigaF krky pqMdr QwlVf DV hI lfh ky lY
gey. hux miraf swp pf lYx gl, asl ivwc dUijaF nUM swp kihx vfly ieh afp mry swp
hn. ijvyN iBMzrF vfly nUM kihMdy sI kFgrs df eyjMt Eho hfl pRo[ drÈn isMG nfl kr
rhy hn. kflf nIlf lFbf ienHF dI agvfeI kr irhf hY.
ÈhId BfeI mnI isMG ny Aus ibKVy smyN kOm dI agvfeI kIqI jd
pqf-2 isMGF df vYrI sI. pMQ nUM iewk JMzy Qwly jQybMd kIqf-isKn kAu isKI
idRVfvY] isKIEN cuky iqn qnKfh lfvY] akfl buMgy ky qÉq so bYTy] Kqfdfr ko kMn su
aYNTy] ieh bhfnF bxf ik ik BfeI jI ny khI hoeI rkm nhIN qfrI, jkrIaf KF ny bMd
bMd kwtx df hukm idwqf. jlfd nUM EnHF dI bjurgI qy jrf qrs nF afieaf qF BfeI mnI
isMG jI ny ikhf ik jlfdf qUM afpxf hukm bjf lY mYN afpxy mflk nUM Xfd krdf hF.
sRI drbfr sfihb jI dI mrXfdf vI BfeI mnI isMG jI ny bwDI sI. pr awj sMq ispfhI
rsfly df aKOqI mflk lFbf sB hwd bMny twpdf hoieaf, pMQ ivwc vMzIaF pfAux dI isry
dI Èrfrq kr irhf hY. gurbfxI dI ivcfr krn qoN Bwjdf hoieaf kihMdf hY ik mY awDI
ÊlqI mMin igaf hF, mYnUM smJ af geI hY. ies ny gurU rivdfs sYkrfmYNto dI pRbMDk
kmytI qoN Pon qy muafPI mMgI hY qF ikqy rivdfs aqy kbIr pMQIaF nUM QoVI ÈFqI
mihsUs hoeI hY. ies bfry vDyry jfxkfrI leI Pon kro- (916-548-8902) gurbfxI df
Purmfn hY mfrU mhlf 5] vYdo n vfeI BYxo n BfeI eyko shfeI rfmu hy] 1] kIqf
ijso hovY pfpF mlo DovY so ismrhu prDfnu hy] 2] Git Gty vfsI srb invfsI asiQru
jf kf Qfnu hy] 3] afvY n jfvY sMgy smfvY pUrn jf kf kfmu hy] 4] Bgq jnf kf
rfKxhfrf] sMq jIvih jip pRfn aDfrf] krn kfrn smrQu suafmI nfnku iqsu kurbfnu hy]
5] 2] 32] {pMnf 1008}
ijvyN "pMcflI kAu rfj sBf mih rfm nfm suD afeI ievyN hI sMq
ispfhI rsfly dy aYzItr sRI lFbf jI hurF nUM-pMc pRvfn pMc pRDfn] pMcf kf gur
eyku iDafnu]" vfilaF gurmuKF dI sMgq krky vfihgurU rfm nfm dI suwD buwD af rhI
hY. vfihgurU sB nUM sumwq bKÈy!
gurU pMQ dy dfs
kbIr Éflsy, rivdfs Éflsy, hukm isMG jQf kYlyPornIaF, amn
Éflsy, gurpRIq Éflsy- (510-734-2047)
{not:- ipCly hor pwqr pVHn leI aYro
(qIr) nUM kilk kro jI}