qrlocn isMG (iPijks)
qrlocn isMG (iPijks)
vfihgurU jI kf Kflsf]
vfihgurU jI kI Piqh]
gurcrn isMG jI qusF iliKaf
mYN quhfzy svflF dy Auqr nhIN idqy
quhfzy svfl sn:
kUMjF, hvf, phfV aqy sfrI kfienfq ivcoN ijhVy pMjfbI pVHn
nhIN jfxdy qy jbfn vI nhIN lwgI Auh nfm ismrn ikvyN krdy hn? qusIN koeI jvfb
nhIN idwqf qy JUTf mYNnUM krI jf rhy ho. iewk vfrI qusIN iliKaf sI ik kudrq nhIN
cfhuMdI ik sfnUM Ausdy BydF df pqf cly. svfl kIqf igaf sI ik iPr albrt
afeInÈitfn nUM kudrqI BydF df ikvyN pqf cwilaf? jvfb awj qk nhIN afieaf qy JUTf
gurcrn isMG jI qusIN JUTy ho ik nhIN ieh PYslf mYN quhfzy aqy
bldyv isMG qy Czdf hF ikRpf krky 31 julfeI dI icTI isK mfrg qy pVo. icTI pVH ky
jrUr dsxf ky kox JUTf? gurcrn jF qrlocn? bldyv isMG jI afpxy qrfjU nfl iensfP
kro, swc swc! hF mYN Aus icTI df kuwJ rPrYNs ieQy dy irhf hF, qF ik qusI afpxy
qrfjU nfl shI shI qol sko.
quhfzy pihly svfl df jvfb
kUMjF nfm ikvyN jpdIaF hn?
jo bolq hY imRg mIn pMKyrU su ibnu hir jfpq hY nhI hor] 3]
nfnk jn hir kIriq gfeI CUit gieE jm kf sB sor] 4] 1] 8] (pMnf 1265)
hr pRfxI cfhy Auh psU hY cfhy Auh mnuwK hY cfhy Auh pMKyrU hY
Aus hrI dI joiq dy afsry hY. ies joiq nUM Auh mihsUs krdf hY jF nhIN ieh Aus
pRfxI mfqr qy aqy pRmfqmf dI rjf qy inrBr krdf hY.
quhfzf dUjf svfl
albrt afeinÈtfeIn, inAUtn qy hor sfeIsdfnF nUM kudrqI inXmF
bfry jfxkfrI ikvyN hoeI? ,
sfieMsdfnF nUM kudrq bfry kuwJ jfxkfrI siQr nhIN huMdI aqy
ieh jfxkfrI imldI hY pRXogF rfhIN. keI vfr iewk iviganI dy isDFq nUM dujy
ivigafnI vloN rwd kr idqf jFdf hY.
gurcrn isMG jI qusF iliKaf
quhfnUM sR[ jsbIr isMG kYligrI
dI vkflq dI loV nhIN.
qF disE ik sfrI dunIaf dI vkflq krn df Tykf gurcrn isMG ny
ilaf hoieaf hY?
qusF qrlocn isMG nUM iliKaf ik Auh pKMzI Auh pMzf.
pr awj iPr qoN qrlocn isMG
mhfjn vrgy pfKMzI pMzy gurU nfnk sfihb dy dwsy hoey rsqy qoN hwt ky lokF nUM ieh
dws rhy hn ik nfm jpx nfl ÈrIr ivcoN qrMgF inkldIaF hn qy myry ividafrQI myrI hr
gwl mMndy hn . iewk
iensfn dI afqmf nUM duKI krn vfly
asl ivwc qusIN hI aslI sMq ho, qusIN
bRhmigafnI ho, qusIN pMQ dy dfs ho, qusIN qq igafn df jfxU ho, qusIN sq dy
igafqf ho, qusIN mhFpurÈ ho. gurcrn isMG jI qusIN ies sB kfsy dy hwkdfr ho
ikAuNik qusIN afpxI ÈbdfvlI nfl dusiraF dy idlF nUM ivndy ho.
qusIN afpxI iewk icTI ivwc iliKaf sI ik:
pRo[ qrlocn isMG mhfjn jvfb dyx qoN Bwjy Aultf sfvl pfey qy
kIqI koJI cfl.
aOr ijnHF svflF dy
Auqr hux qk nhIN qusIN dy sky.
gurcrn isMG jI asl ivwc qusIN afp svflF qoN Bwjo
svfl sn:
ikRpf krky dsogy ky isK-isDFq kI hn? gurcrn isMG jI mYN
quhfzf kMm asFn kr irhf hF. mYN smJ jfvFgf ky quhfzy isDFq kI hn. qusI isrP ies
pRÈnfvlI ivwc hF jF nF kr ByjxI hY.
(1) nfm ismrn dI koeI loV nhIN (hF/ nF)
(2) kIrqn dI loV hY (hF/nF)
(3) iksy kfrj leI ardfs krn dI mhwqqf hY
(4) sfry sMq cfhy Auh pKMzI hn cfhy nhIN Auh
Tg hn (hF/nF)
(5) ieh jnm imTf aglf iks ny izTf (hF/nF)
(6) gurbfxI ivwc ijQy vI pUrb lPj afieaf hY
Auh iesy jnm nfl sMibDq hY (hF/nF)
(7) grB Xoin aqy jnm ijnHf sbdF ivwc afey hn
AuQy AunHF df mqlB iviafkrx anusfr nhIN hY (hF/nF)
(8) mrn AuprMq iensfn mukq ho jFdf hY cfhy
Auh ikho ijhf vI ikAuN nf hovy (hF/nF)
(9) jy punr jnm aqy jonIaF nhIN hn, qF vI Drm
dI loV hY (hF/nF)
(10) kI iswK Drm df mqlB kyvl ikrq krnf, vMz
Ckxf aqy jIvn df krYktr Aucf bxfAuxf hY, ijvyN ky kfmryz vIr vI
krdy hn (hF/nF)
gurcrrn isMG jI qusIN ies df vI Auqr nhIN idqf ik:
quhfzI ivdvqf qy hYrfnI huMdI hY! qusIN ikho ijhy qq igafn dy
pRcfrk ho, soc soc ky isr duKxf lgdf hY. qusIN iswK mfrg dy pfTkF nUM hokf dy
rhy ho
Eh iswK mfrg dy pfTk jno!
quhfnUM smJ nhIN pYNdI sR[ qrlocn isMG mhfjn gurU nfnk sfihb nUM mdfrI bxf ky
pyÈ kr rhy hn. ijs mdfrI puxy nUM gurU nfnk sfihb ny sfzy idmfgF ivcoN bfhr
kwiZaf sI mhfjn jI ny Ausy gurU nUM mdfrI bxf ky hI sfh lYxf hY.
gurcrn isMG jIE mYN qF gurU nfnk
dyv jI nUM mdfrI bxfAux dI nmfxI ijhI koiÈÈ hI kr irhf hF (quhfzy muqfibk). Bgq
kbIr jI ny keI so sfl pihlF pRmfqmf nUM hI mdfrI bxf idqf hoieaf hY. suxo
gurbfxI nUM afpxI aMqr afqmf nfl:
bfjIgr zMk bjfeI] sB Klk qmfsy
afeI] bfjIgr sÍFgu skylf] apny rMg rvY akylf] 2]
hF mYN sfihb isMG jI dy arQ vI ilK irhf hF nhIN qF khogy
quhfzy kIqy arQ glq hn jF khogy sfrf pfT pVHo.
bolo gurcrn isMG jI, mdfrI hY ky nhIN rwb? jdoN
pRBU-bfËIgr zugzugI vjfAuNdf hY, qF sfrI Élkq (jgq-) qmfÈf vyKx af jFdI hY, qy
jdoN Auh bfjIgr Kyl smytdf hY, qF iekwlf afp hI afp afpxI mOj ivwc rihMdf hY. 2[
gurcrn isMG jI ikRpf krky iewk icTI Bgq kbIr jI nUM pfE qy
AunHF nUM puCo ik Auh rwb nUM mdfrI ikAuN bxf rhy hn? hF jy jvfb afieaf qF isK
mfrg dy pfTkF nUM jrUr dsxf.
bldyv isMG jI nUM … … … … … … … … … … …[
qusF iliKaf ik
asl svfl hux ieh hY ik gurU nfnk sfihb dy bwicafN ny gurU jI
dI iewk nhIN mMnI. gurU aMgd dyv jI dy puqrF ny vI gurU jI dI gwl nUM swc krky
nhIN jfixaf. iesy hI qrHF qIsry gurU jI byty (mohrI qy mohn) qy cOQy gurU jI dy
byty, ipRQI cMd, nfm jpx vfly gurU jI qoN afkI sn. pMjvyN gurU jI dy nfm ismrx
nfl ijhVIafN qrMgF PutIafN AunHF df jhFgIr qy koeI asr nhIN hoieaf[
agr qF qusIN iehnF svflF dy AuWqr jfxdy ho, iPr qF qusIN jrUr
hI gurcrn isMG jI nUM bihs ivwc hrf swkdy ho.
bldyv isMG jI qsIN ikAuN iKafl kr rhy ho ik mYNN gurcrn isMG
jI nUM hrfAux ligaf hoieaf hF. jo afpxy afp nUM hr iewk qrHf dy igafn df ivDfqf
smJ irhf hY Aus nUM dunIaf dI koeI qfkq nhIN hrf skdI, mYN kI cIj hF. mYN Aus
nUM hrf ky krFgf vI kI. mYNnUM koeI mYzl QoVHy hI iml jfxf hY. hF gflF jrUr
imlxgIaF. ijvyN ik iml rhIaF hn.
bVHI hYrfnI ho rhI hY ik qusIN vI svflF dy arQ puC rhy ho. jy
qusIN puC hI ley hn qF suxo jvfb hF jy gurcrn isMG puCdy qF mYN nhIN sn jvfb
dyxy ikAuNik AunHF dI bol-bfxI TIk nhIN.
qrMgF kI hn? ijnHF bfry aYnf rolf pfieaf hoieaf hY, ieh vyv
hn. ijvyN afpF bol rhy hF ieh sfAuNz vyv hn. vyv jF qrMgF hr iensfn dIaF huMdIaF
hn ikAuNik Auh Boiqk axUaF df bixaf hoieaf hY. hr axU kMpn avsQf ivwc hY jo
qrMgF nUM jnm idMdf hY. ieh iksy vI Boiqk ÈfsqrI qoN puC skdy ho. gurfAuNz ivwc
10 ividafrQI KVy hn, mYN AunHF nUM afrzr idMdf hF myry kol afE. kuwJ qF doV ky
afAuNdy hn. kuwJ arfm nfl afAuNdy hn. kuwJ mry hoey afAuNdy hn. kuwJ afAuNdy hI
nhIN. ikAuN? myrf afrzr sB leI ieko ijhf sI pr irspFs awZ awZ hY ikAuN? iksy dy
hukm nUM irspFs dyxf iensfn dy cyqnf lYvl qy jf juVdf hY. ijhVy jVH hn Auh prvfh
nhIN krdy. jo QoVy bhuq jfgy hn Auh kuwJ irspFs idMdy hn. jo pUrn jfgrq avsQf
ivwc hn Auh pfr ho jFdy hn. Auh afpxy gurU df hukm jfgI hoeI cyqn avsQf ivwc kr
rhy hn ijs sdkf BfeI lihxf jI qoN Auh gurU aMgd dyv jI ho jFdy hn jd ik AunHF dy
lVky Auh pdvI qy nhIN phuMc skdy. gurU nfnk dyv jI dI PIlz jF sMgq jF vyv df asr
sI. pr ieh asr cyqn afqmf qy sI jVH qy nhIN. iewk cMgI afqmf jy gurU nfnk dyv jI
dI PIlz ivwc jfeygI qF Auh BfeI lihxf qoN gurU aMgd dyv jI bx jfeygI. ijhVy vI
mfVy lok hoey hn Auh jVH rUp sn, zIT hzI sn, jo afpxy afp nUM hI sB kuwJ smJdy
sn. jo afpxf Drm hI suprIm smJdy sn aqy afpxy afp nUM sfry bRihmMz df igafqf
smJdy sn (ijvyN ik hrnfKs). pr gurUaF ny sfnUM iswK bxfieaf jo hr smyN isKx nUM
iqafr hY. jo kdI ieh nhIN kihMdf ik mYnUM pUrn igafn hY. isK kdI vI invfx vl
nhIN jFdf. Auh kdI Aucy bol nhIN boldf. Auh sc nUM sc kihMdf hY sohxy bolF nfl,
pwQr mfr ky nhIN. gurU arjn dyv jI qqI qvI qy bYT ky vI ÈFq sn. gurU nfnk dyv jI
ny isD gost kIqI, isDF nfl bihs kIqI pr AunHF nUM koVy bol nhIN boly.
bldyv isMG jI qusF iliKaf
mYN iPr kihMdf hF qusIN swcy ho, aqy ijafdf pfTk quhfzy ivcfrF nfl sihmq hn. mYN
vI quhfzI gwl nfl sihmq hF, pr iPr vI qusIN afpxIN scfeI nUM iswD nhIN kr swky.
vIr jI ies df kfrn lwBo. vIr jI quhfzI iksy CotI ijhI glqI nfl pfTkF df quhfzy
nfl sihmqI df grfP vI nIcy igr swkdf hY.
ik bldyv isMG aqy ijafdf pfTk mMndy hn ik qrlocn
isMG swcf hY pr iPr vI swc df sbUq dyvo. bldyv isMG jI swc nUM swc sfbq krn dI
kI loV hY? . rwb hY ieh iewk swc hY qF kI iPr rwb nUM sfbq krnf hoeygf? jy swc
nUM vI sbUq dyxy pYx qF iPr Auh swc hI ikhf! hF ieh klXug hY ijQy hr swc df
iemiqhfn ilaf jFdf hY iPr Aus dI sihmqI idqI jFdI hY qF Auh pRvfn huMdf hY nhIN
qF Aus swc nUM JUT dy Zyr qy sut idqf jFdf hY ijvyN ik afm mnuwKI adflqF ivwc
huMdf hY.
qrlocn isMG
suKdyv isMG isiKafrQI aqy sfQI
suKdyv isMG isiKafrQI aqy sfQI
vfihgurU jI kf Kflsf]
vfihgurU jI kI Piqh]
pRvfn hovy
gurÈrn isMG ksyl jIE, srvjIq isMG jI aqy avqfr isMG jI
bVHf duK hoieaf ik myrI ilKq dI Bfvnf nUM smiJaf nhIN igaf.
ijhVy iensfn Èbd gurU df pRcfr krn leI imsLnbMd hn Auh sfzy leI bVy hI siqkfr
Xog hn, ikAuNik Auh Èbd gurU df pRcfr Gr Gr phuMcf rhy hn. ieho ijhy imÈnrIaF
nUM sfzI do hwQ joV ky nmskfr hY. pr kuwJ aKOqI lok jo asl ivwc imÈnrI nhIN hn
pr afpxy afp nUM pyÈ imÈnrI vjoN krdy hn AunHF nUM aKOqI imÈnrI ikhf jFdf hY Auh
BYVy nf hoey qF kI Auh cMgy hn qusIN afp dso. jo vI gurU nfnk dyv jI dy imÈn qy
pihrf dy irhf hY Auh pUjxXog hY pr jo Aus qoN Ault hovygf Auh inMdxXog hY. ieho
mYN iliKaf sI ijs qy aYnf bvfl KVHf kIqf igaf hY.
suKdyv isMG
bldyv isMG (iProËpur)
srdfr gurcrn isMG jI,
aqy isMG sBf knyzf dy swB vIrF nUM, gurU Piqh bulfeI prvfn hovy.
vfihgurU jI kf Kflsf
vfihgurU jI kI Piqh]
vIr jI, quhfzf bhuq bhuq Dnvfd jI, ik qusIN mYnUM afpxF sfQI
bnfAux vfsqy rfËI ho. qusIN agr rfjI nF vI huMdy mYN iPr vI quhfzf sfQI sI aqy
rhF gf. mYN afpxy sKq qoN sKq ivroDI ivcfrF vfly df vI sfQI hF. vIr jI mYN vI
gurU nfnk jI dI soc df DfrnI hF, aqy gurU nfnk dy imÈn nUM gurU nfnk dyv jI dy
sMdyÈ nUM, jo ky swB df muwZ hY nUM Gr Gr phucfAux, aqy hr iewk dy ihrdy ivwc
vsfAux dI syvf krnIN cfhuMdf hF. ivcfrF ivwc qF QuhVf bhuq mwqByd swB df hI
huMdf hY, sfnUM Aus mwqByd nUM imtfAux dI koiÈÈ krnI cfhIdI hY jI. Aus mqByd nUM
ivroD nhIN bxn dyxf cfhIdf. iesy nUM hI ivcfr krnF kihMdy hn. bihsbfjI qo ijnF
ho sky bcxf cfhIdf hY.
vIr jI kuwJ GrylU kMmF krky awj kuwJ vI ilKx vfsqy vkq nhIN
kwZ sikaf. quhfzf DMnvfd krn vfsqy isrP ieh cfr lfeInF hI ilK sikaF hF, blik ieh
vI rih hI clIaF sI, so muafP krnF jI. gurU nfnk jI dI ikrpf ivcfr qF sFJy huMdy
hI rihx gy jI.
quhfzf vIr
bldyv isMG (iProËpur)
jsbIr isMG (kYlgrI)
gurcrn isMG (ijAux vflf jI) aqy iswK mfrg dy pfTk swjxo
vfihgurU jI kf Kflsf vfihgurU jI kI Pqih.
ijAux vflf jI! qusIN myry pwqr df jvfb idwqf hY aqy nfl hI
qusIN kuwJ svfl vI kIqy hn.
"iewk dJih iewk dbIaih ieknf kuqy Kfih] ieik pfxI ivic
AustIaih ieik BI iPir hsix pfih] nfnk eyv n jfpeI ikQY jfih smfih] (pMnf- 648)."
ies slok bfry qusIN svfl kIqf hY: "ienHF pMgqIaF ivwc iks
awKr df mqlb qusIN afqmf kZdy ho, qy ikAuN? ienHF pMgqIaF ivwc mry hoey pRfxI dy
ÈrIr nUM lyKy lfAux dI gwl hY. smfj dy pRcwlq rIqI irvfj muqfbk lok kihMdy hn ik
mry hoey pRfxI dI jIvfqmf pMizq muqfbk 365 idnF ivwc ÌlfxI ndI pfr
krky Ìlfxy dyÈ jFdI hY. lokF nUM gurU jI puwCdy hn ‘ikQy jfie smfie’. ieh
qF mr igaf hux dwso kI ikwQy jfky smfey gf".
ijAuxvflf jI! ies Èlok bfry ijhVf muK muwdf hY ‘jIvfqmf’ df
Auh qF qusIN afp hI svfl kIqf hY aqy afp hI hl vI kr idwqf hY. qusIN Èlok dy hr
awKr nUM, afpxy ivcfrF nUM aqy myry ivcfrF nUM Ërf gOr nfl Pyr qoN iDafn nfl
pVHo. quhfzy muqfbk "lok kihMdy hn mry pRfxI dI jIvfqmf … … Ìlfxy
dyÈ jFdI hY. quhfzy muqfbk vI lokF nUM gurU jI puCdy hn ‘ikQy jfie smfih’ ? ies
ivcfr nUM Ërf ÊOr nfl pVHo, lokF nyN jIvfqmf dI gwl kIqI hY. Ëfihr hY ik
gurU jI ny vI iesy jIvfqmf bfry hI ivcfr dyxy sI ijs nUM ik qusIN afp vI
mMn gey ho. byÈk aglI pMgqI ivwc afpxI mrËI nfl hI qusIN QohVf ijhf hyr- Ìyr kr
idwqf hY. qusIN afpxy koloN hI ijhVf "kI" Èbd lgf idwqf hY ies nUM drusq kro qF
quhfnUM quhfzy svfl df jvfb iml jfey gf. jy hjy vI jvfb nhIN imilaf qF "nfnk eyv
n jfpeI" ienHF ÈbdF dy arQ kro. kI iksy qrHF vI ies dy arQ inkldy hn ik ‘gurU
sfihb lokF nUM puC rhy hn?’ myry muqfbk arQ hn: ‘hy nfnk! ieh nhIN ikhf jf
skdf’. pUrI quk df arQ hY: hy nfnk! (srIr dy) ies sfVn dwbx afid nfl ieh nhIN
ikhf jf skdf ik (jIvafqmf) ikQy jf ky smf jFdI hY. "nfnk eyv n jfpeI" gurU sfihb
ies leI ilK rhy hn ikAuNik AunHF muqfbk ies bfry Auh prmfqmf hI jfxdf hY. ieh
Aus dy hI hwQ hY ik koeI joqI ivwc joq rl jfiegf jF afvfgAux dy gyV ivwc. gurU
sfihb kihMdy hn "nfnk ijin krqy kfrxu kIaf so jfxy krqfru]
jnvrI 2005 ivwc iesy Èbd dI ivafiKaf kridaF hoieaF qusIN
iliKaf hY: "gurU nfnk dyv jI sskfr krn dy cfr pMj qrIky dws ky aKIr ivwc
afpxf mq dwsdy hn ik BfeI koeI pqf nhIN ik pRfxI mrn
qoN bfad ikwQy clf jFdf hY".
so gurU sfihb iewQy ‘jIvfqmf’ bfry hI ivcfr dy rhy hn, ies
bfry BulyKy dI koeI guMjfieÈ nhIN hY.
qusIN dUsrf svfl kIqf hY ik ijhVf pMgqIaF ivwc mYN ‘agY’ lÌË
vriqaf hY Aus df mqlb mYN ies jnm qoN bfad dy iksy jnm qoN ikAuN lYNdf hF?
ijAuxvflf jI! mYN qF qukF df koeI vI arQ jF mqlb nhIN iliKaf.
mYN qF gurU gRMQ sfihb coN kuwJ pMgqIaF dy nfl svfl ilKy sI ijnHF bfry quhfzy
vwloN mYN jvfb dI AumId rwKdf sI pr koeI jvfb nhIN afieaf so pMgqIaF dubfrf ilK
irhf hF:
"eIhf duKu afgY nrk BuMcY bhu jonI
BrmfvY] (pMnf- 1224) (ienHF pMgqIaF ivwc afey "eIhf aqy afgY df Ìrk
dwsxf jI. Xfd rhy ik ies quk ivwc ‘eIhf’ dy nfl ‘afgY’ Èbd afieaf hY aqy eIhf
smy df boDk nhIN hY ies leI afgY vI smy df boDk nhIN ho skdf)
"mnmuK krm kmfvxy hAumY jlY jlfie] jMmxu mrxu n
cUkeI iPir iPir afvY jfie"] (pMnf- 68) (ikwQy afvy jfey?)
"jnim mrY iPir jonI afvY drgh imlY sjfeI]
(pMnf- 607) (iPir afvY aqy drgh df arQ smJfxf jI)
1- koit jnm BRim afieaf ipafry aink join duK
pfie] (pMnf- 640)
2- iqsu isAu bymuKu ijin jIAu ipMzu dInf] koit jnm
Brmih bhu jUnf] rhfAu] (pMnf- 195)
3- "aink jnm bhu jonI BRimaf bhuir bhuir
duKu pfieaf] qumrI ikRpf qy mfnuK dyhu pfeI hY dyhu drsu hir rfieaf]" (pMnf-
4- "koit jnm join BRimE hfir pirE duafir]"
(pMnf- 1307) (ienHF AuprlIaF cfr qukF ivwc ‘anyk jnmF ivwc anyk jUnF’ df iËkr
afieaf hY ies leI iesy jnm ivwc bhuq icr afid arQ krn ligaF ies gwl df iDafn
rwKxf jI)
"eyqu jnim hir nf cyiqE BfeI ikaf muhu dysI jfie]"
(pMnf- 639) (eyqu jnm ilKx df kI mqlb ho skdf hY, kI koeI hor jnm vI huMdf
hY? jfie- ikwQy jfky?)
"PrIdf aml ij kIqy dunI ivic drgih afey kMim]"
(pMnf- 1383) (dunI ivwc aqy drgih df mqlb smJfxf jI)
mYN iewk Èbd pyÈ kIqf sI "Audm krih anyk hir nfmu n
gfvhI] Brmih join asMK mir jnih afvNhI] pÈU pMKI sYl qrvr gxq kCU n
afvey] bIj bovis Bog Bogih kIaf apxf pfvey] …" (pMnf- 705) pÈU, pMCI,
pwQr, drKq afid ikhVy ivarQ dy Audm krdy hn? anyk jUnF ivwc jMmdy mrdy hn df kI
mqlb hoieaf? ‘afvNhI’ df kI mqlb hoieaf? ieh sB ikhVy mfVy kMmf dy Ìl Bugq rhy
hn? aqy ienHF nyN hrI df nfm iks qrHF jpxf sI? ienHF svflF df koeI jvfb nhIN
iesy jnm ivwc grB jon iks qrHF hoeI ies bfry mYN svfl puiCaf
sI ies df vI koeI jvfb nhIN afieaf.
mYN iliKaf sI jy koeI bMdf corIaF TwgIaF mfr ky dOlq iekwTI
krdf hY aqy aYÈ dI ijMdgI bsr krky ies jhfn qoN qur jFdf hY qF Aus bfry gurbfxI
df kI Ìurmfn hY? afpInHy Bog Boig kY hoie BsmiV BAuru isDfieaf] vzf hoaf
dunIdfru……[] ies df vI koeI jvfb nhIN afieaf.
qusIN svfl kIqf hY "awj dy hr pl qoN bfad afAux vflf pl klH
qy awgf nhIN? jy nhIN qF ikAuN nhIN? awj df hr pl afAux vfly pl df pUrb hY jF
nhIN? jy nhIN qF ikAuN nhIN?"
ijAux vflf jI! afAux vflf pl, klH jrUr huMdf hY aqy
awgf vI huMdf hY. pr pl smy nfl sMbMDq hY. aqy awgf smy aqy sQfn
dyhF df boDk hY. gurbfxI ivwc "afgY" dohF rUpF ivwc afieaf hY smyN nfl vI aqy
sQfn nfl vI sMbMDq. so ijwQy vI ‘afgY’ Èbd ‘eIhf’ jF ‘aYQY’ dy nfl afieaf hY ies
nUM smyN df sUck nhIN ikhf jf skdf. imsfl dy qOr qy:
"eIhf Kfit clhu hir lfhf afgY bsnu
suhylf] (pMnf- 13)
"aYQY sfcy su afgY sfcY] mnu scf scY sbid
rfcy] (pMnf- 116)
pUrb bfry ivcfr: ijAux vflf jI! hr pl afAux vfly pl df
pUrb jrUr hY. pr jdoN ieh ‘iek pl pUrb’ dy rUp ivwc afey gf qF ies df mqlb iewk
pl pihlF. jy ieh ‘iek sfl pUrb’ rUp ivwc afey gf qF ies df mqlb hoeygf ‘iek sfl
pihlF’ ……… aqy jdoN ieh ‘pUrb jnm (bhu vcn), jF pUrb jnmu (iek vcn) rUp ivwc
afeygf qF ies df mqlb hovygf ipCly jnm jF ipClf jnm afid. imsfl dy qOr qy: "mfq
ipqf binqf suq bMDp iest mIq aru BfeI] pUrb jnm ky imly mMjogI aMqih ko n
shfeI] (pMnf- 700) {arQ: mF, ipAu iesqRI puwqr irsqydfr ipafry imwqr aqy Brf
ieh sfry ipCly jnmF dy sMjog krky (iewQy) iml pey hn. aKIr vyly ienHF ivwcoN
koeI BI sfQI nhIN bxdf}.
AumId hY quhfnUM quhfzy sfry svflF dy jvfb iml gey hoxgy. jy
koeI jvfb dyxf rih igaf hovy jF iksy jvfb nfl quhfzI qswlI nf hoeI hovy qF dws
dyxf jvfb dyx dI pUrI koiÈÈ krF gf. Bul cuwk leI muafÌI cfhuMdf hF. DMnvfd.
jsbIr isMG (kYlgrI)
(403) 248 2169
srvjIq isMG
suKdyv isMG isiKafrQI aqy Aus dy gumnfm sfQIE
vfihgurU jI kf Kflsf, vfihgurU jI kI Piqh]
afp jI ny afpxy pwqr ivwc rfhIN s: qrlocn isMG dupflpur nUM
bynqI kIqI hY ik Auh afp dy Aus pwqr nUM, jo pMjfb tfeImË Cipaf sI, iswK mfrg qy
CpvfAux. isiKafrQI jI, BfeI avqfr isMG imÈnrI aqy afp jI ivwc ho rhy icwTI-pwqr
ivwc s: qrlocn isMG dupflpur nUM Èfml krn df kI kfrn hY?
isiKafrQI jI, afp ny afpxy pihly pwqr ivwc BfeI avqfr isMG
imÈnrI jI dI isÌq kIqI sI ikAuNik AunHF ny afpxy lyK ivwc BfeI rxDIr isMG jI
vloN kIqy gey XqnF df vI ijkr sI. Aus lyK ivwc qF BfeI vIr isMG, po: gurmuK isMG
aqy ig: idwq isMG jI df vI ijkr kIqf igaf sI. pr afp jI ny ienHF ivdvfnF df
afpxy pwqr ivwc koeI ijkr nhI kIqf. kI afp jI ny ieh nfm lyK ivwc nhIN pVy jF
afp nUM ienHF ivdvfnF bfry koeI jfxkfrI hI nhI hY? avqfr isMG imÈnrI df Auh lyK
qF pRo[ avqfr isMG vlo, po: sfihb isMG jI dI kIqI geI alocnf dy sbMD ivwc sI.
afp ny afpxy pwqr rfhI pRo[ avqfr isMG jI dy ivcfr dI pROVqf kIqI sI. pfTkF dI
jfxkfrI leI afp df pwqr hfjr hY.
"pRo[ avqfr isMG df lyK ‘kvI mn vflf ivdvfn hI gurbfxI nUM
shI qrHF smJ skdf hY’ pVH ky lyKk nUM DMnvfd krn leI myrI klm mjbUr ho geI. myry
iKafl ivwc klm df sihnÈfh AuhI hY jo lokF dy idlF ivwc vwsdf hovy qy ijsdf idl
sdf vfsqy lokF dy duwKF leI DVkdf hovy. so, lok ihqF nfl rimaf sfihq hI asl
sfihq aKvf skdf hY. sfnUM dmdmI tksfl jQf iBzrF vfilaF nUM mfx hY ik sfzy smfj
dy BKdy srokfrF nUM afpxIaF ilKqF rfhIN pRo[ avqfr isMG ny sMgqF sfhmxy ilaFdf
hY. ijhVf iensfn mUl mMqr nUM smJ nhIN
sikaf, pRo[ horF AunHF df vI afpxIaF ilKqF ivwc iËkr kIqf hY. idmfgI
igafn hor cIË hY, pr Kflsf mn igafn gurU dI bKÈÈ hY. asIN pRo[ avqfr isMG horF
nUM inmrqf sihq hOslf idMdy hF ik goibMd gurU df sunyhf Gr Gr phuMcfx leI
kmrkwsy kr lAu, ikAuNik aKOqI imÈnrI vI
pUhly qoN Gwt nhIN hn. QoVHf hI Prk hY.
suKdyv isMG isiKafrQI,
tksfl jQf, phuMivMz" (pMjfb tfeImË, 13 sqMbr- aMk 37)
isiKafrQI jI, afp ny afpxy pwqr ivwc po: sfihb isMG jI bfbq
iliKaf hY, "ijhVf iensfn mUl mMqr nUM smJ nhIN sikaf, pRo[ horF AunHF df vI
afpxIaF ilKqF ivwc iËkr kIqf hY". mYnUM pUrI afs hY ky afp ny qF mUl mMqr nUM
jrUr smJ ilaf hovygf. afp nUM bynqI hY
ky mUl mMqr dI ivafiKaf krn dI ikRpflqf krnI jI. afp ny s: gurÈrn isMG
ksyl df pwqr qF pVH hI ilaf hY, Aus bfry vI afpxy ivcfrF dI iswK mfrg dy pfTkF
nfl sbUqF smyq sfJ pfE jI.
afdr sihq
srvjIq isMG
gurcrn isMG (ijAux vflf) brYNptn
pRo[ mhfjn df jvfb.
bygmpurf shr ko nfAu. Bgq rvIdfs jI iks Èihr dI gwl kr rhy
hn? jvfb awj qk nhIN afieaf pr JUTf qusIN mYNnUM iÜKI hf rhy ho.
gurU nfnk sfihb qy iksy hor gurU sfihbfn dy ÈrIr ivcoN
inklIaF qrMgF ny sRI cMd, ÜKmI cMd, dfqU dfsU, mohn mohrI, ipRQI cMd, jhFgIr qy
cMdU, aOrMgjyb qy hor lwKF lVfeIaF ivwc mrn vfilaF qy ikAuN asr nhIN hoieaf?
jdoN ik BfeI lihxf jI gurU nfnk sfihb dI bdOlq gurU pdvI hfsl kr gey. gurU
armdfs, gurU rfmdfs aqy gurU arjn dyv jI qy ikhVIaF qrMgF df asr hoieaf?
iek vfrI qusIN iliKaf sI ik kudrq nhIN cfhuMdI ik sfnUM Ausdy
BydF df pqf cly. svfl kIqf igaf sI ik iPr albrt afeInÈitfn nUM kudrqI BydF df
ikvyN pqf cwilaf?
kuJ pMgqIaF qusIN afpxI icwTI ivwc ilKIaF sn qy mYN quhfnUM
svfl pfieaf sI ik pMgqIaF `c qF vrqmfn tYns dI gwl kIqI geI hY pr qusIN koeI
jvfb nhIN idwqf?
kUMjF, hvf, phfV aqy sfrI kfienfq ivcoN ijhVy pMjfbI pVHn
nhIN jfxdy qy jbfn vI nhIN lwgI Auh nfm ismrn ikvyN krdy hn? qusIN koeI jvfb
nhIN idwqf qy JUTf mYNnUM krI jf rhy ho.
ieh pMgqIaf qusIN kot kIqIaF sn:
"jo bIjY soeI Plu pfey supnY suKu n pfvixaf (pMnf113-114) "[
"kUiV kpit iknY n pfieE jo bIjY KfvY soie" (pMnf 39-40)[
"jyhf bIjY so luxY, mQY jo iliKafsu (pMnf 134) "
PrIdf loVY dfK ibjaAurIaF, ikkir bIjY jtu[ [ , pYDf loVY ptu
{pMnf 1379}
"krm DrqI srIru jug aMqir jo bovY so Kfiq[ [ pMnf 78"[
jyhf bIjY so luxY, krmf sMdVf Kyqu {pMnf 134}[ [
pRo[ mhfjn jI qusIN ieh vI dwsx dI ikRpflqf krnI jI ik ienHF
pMgqIaF ivwc iks iks awKr df mqlb ipClf jnm inkldf hY qy ienHF pMgqIaF ivwc
Buqkfl jF BivKq kfl iks iks awKr df mqlb hY?
jvfb awj qk nhIN afieaf qy JUTf mYN?
quhfnUM sR[ jsbIr isMG kYligrI dI vkflq dI loV nhIN.
hor bhuq sfry svfl hn bfkI aglI icwTI ivc.
gurU pMQ df dfs,
gurcrn isMG (ijAux vflf) brYNptn, kYnyzf.
sR[ bldyv isMG ProËpurI nUM jvfb.
quhfzI gwl iblkul TIk hY asIN sfQ dI mMg kIqI hY qy quhfnUM
afpxf sfQI vI bxFvfgy. asIN ies ivcfrDfrf dy hfmI hF ik gurU nfnk sfihb qoN lY
ky ds gurU sihbfn ny lokF nUM jfgruk kIqf, lokF dy hwQF ivcoN mflf CzvfeIaF,
DUxy qfpxy, Xog mwq rfhIN iksy ÈkqI nUM pRfpwq krn dy vihm nUM nMigaF kIqf, hr
iksm dy pKMz qoN lokf nUM mukq hox df hokf idwqf, lokF dI ho rhI luwt qoN lokF
nUM jfxU krvfieaf, iewjq mfx nfl ijAux df rfh idKfieaf, nIvIaF hoeIaF DoxF nUM
Aucf kIqf, gurbfxI nUM pVH smJ ky lokF ny gurU vloN drsfey hoey rfh qy cwl ky
KMzf KVkfieaf qy bfbf bMdf isMG bhfdr ny srihMd dI iewt nfl iewt KVkf ky shI
mfieinaf `c lok rfj sQfpq kIqf. hl-vfh lokF nUM ËmInF dy mflk bxfieaf. sdIaF qoN
qurI af rhI gulfmI dIaf ËMËIrF nUM kwtx leI gurU nfnk sfihb ny aËfdI dI pihlI
lVfeI arMBI.
ikRq kro, vMz Cwko qy nfm jpo dy nfhry ivwc ivhlV qy lbVgwty
sfDF dI jmfq nUM nMigaf kIqf pr awj asIN Ausy gurU nfnk sfihb qoN ienHF ivhlV qy
lokF dIaF rotIaF qy plx vfly sfDF nUM swcf sOdf krdy idKf rhy hF. ijhVy lok bYT
ky nfm jpdy sn qy kihMdy sn ik asIN afh ÈkqI pRpwq kr leI hY gurU nfnk sfihb ny
Ausy pFzy df mUhry ipaf lotf Ausy hI pFzy dy ipCy rwK ky Aus pfKMzI df pfKMz
nMgf kIqf. pr awj iPr qoN qrlocn isMG mhfjn vrgy pfKMzI pMzy gurU nfnk sfihb dy
dwsy hoey rsqy qoN hwt ky lokF nUM ieh dws rhy hn ik nfm jpx nfl ÈrIr ivcoN
qrMgF inkldIaF hn qy myry ividafrQI myrI hr gwl mMndy hn. mYN 1957 qoN lY ky
1967, qk dsvIN pfs krn qk, aiDafpk dI hr gwl mMnI jdoN ik sfzf koeI vI mfstr nfm
jpx vflf nhIN sI. dUsry pfsy gurU nfnk sfihb qoN lY ky ds gurU sihfbn dy nfm jpx
nfl inklx vflIaf qrMgF nfl koeI vI isDy rsqy nhIN quiraf sgoN mUhirE ÈÈqr lY ky
lVn vI afey qy DoxF ktvf ky mr gey (pYNdy Kfn afid).
asIN imÈnrI soc dy DfrnI gurU ky iswK hF qy pMjfb ivwc ipzF
ivwc pRcfr krn df kMm ÈurU kIqf hoieaf hY. dUsrf kMm asIN ieh krdy hF ik jy koeI
vI ivdvfn mnuwK ijvyN pRo[ mhfjn lokF nUM gurbfxI dI glq ivafiKaf krky glq rfh
pfAux dI koiÈÈ `c hY qF smf kwZ ky AusdI aslIaq nUM lok-kichrI `c hfËr krnf hY.
ies krky hI pRo[ mhfjn nfl glvwkVIaF qF pYNdIaF hI rihxgIaF qy ienHF dI hr ilKq
df ivÈlysx kIqf jfvygf. jy kr qusIN ies kMm nUM TIk smJdy ho qF myrf eI-myl
isrnfvf sR[ mwKx isMG jI horF koloN lY ky sunyhf Byjxf bfkI dI gwlbfq awgy cwldI
rhygI. DMnvfd.
gurU pMQ df dfs,
gurcrn isMG (ijAux vflf) brYNptn, kYnyzf.
bldyv isMG (iProËpur)
pRo: qrlocn isMG jI,
vfihgurU jI kf Kflsf
vfihgurU jI kI Piqh.
vIr jI, iPr vI pqf nhIN ikAuN, myrf mn kihMdf hY, ik iewk idn
gurcrn isMG jI quhfnUM ipafr nfl glvwkVI jrUr pfAux gy.
mYN Bolf hF Èfied qusIN TIk kihMdy hovogy. pr mYN qF kihMdf
hF qusIN vI Boly bnoN. sR: gurcrn isMG jI vI Boly bx jfx. afpF sfry, sfrI sMgq
hI Boly bx jfeIey. bfl suBf Bolf hI igixaF jFdf hY, aqy Boly-Bf hI prmfqmF nUM
imilaf jf swkdf hY. qusIN Kud vI iliKaf hY.
jdoN iewk bwcf jnm lYNdf hY qF Aus dI kMpn iblkul ÈuwD huMdI hY,
qF hI Auh sfiraF nUM cMgf lgdf hY, Aus nUM rwb rUp smiJaf jFdf hY
bfl sKfeI Bgqn ko mIq] (863)
jo quDu syvih sy quD hI jyhy inrBAu bfl sKfeI hy] (1021)
hir ky Bgqu sdf suKvfsI. bfl suBfie aqIqu AudfsI]
jy kr afpF sfry hI bfl suBfa bx jfeIey, qF iPr JgVf hI kfhdf
rih jfvygf.
quhfzI gwl swcI hY, hr iensfn dy aMdr iewk kiÈÈ huMdI hY, jo
afpxyN afly duafly nUM pBfvq krdI hY, ieh gwl afpF sfry hI sdIaF qoN suxdy af
rhy hF. iewk muhfvrf vI hY,
"idlF nUM idlF dI rfh huMdI hY"
ieh vI iesy hI scfeI nUM jfhr krdf hY. pr
gwl iËafdf qF ivgVI jd qusIN gurmwq nUM Cwz ky, jF kih lvo gurmwq nfloN ivigafn
aqy tYknflojI qy ijafdf izpYNizz ho gey.
mYN iPr kihMdf hF qusIN swcy ho, aqy ijafdf pfTk quhfzy
ivcfrF nfl sihmq hn. mYN vI quhfzI gwl nfl sihmq hF, pr iPr vI qusIN afpxIN
scfeI nUM iswD nhIN kr swky. vIr jI ies df kfrn lwBo. vIr jI quhfzI iksy CotI
ijhI glqI nfl pfTkF df quhfzy nfl sihmqI df grfP vI nIcy igr swkdf hY.
vIr jI kI qusIN smJ swkdy ho ky bihs ivwc qusIN sR: gurcrn
isMG jI nUM afpnI gwl nfl sihmq krvf swkdy ho. kI svflF df JgVf Kqm kr swkdy ho.
smJ lvo, jy qusIN sR: gurcrn isMG jI nUM afpxIN gwl nfl sihmq krvfAuxF cfhuMdy
ho, qF quhfzI iQAUrI dy jvfb ivwc AuhnF nyN jo nIcy ilKy svfl quhfzy sfhmxyN
rwKy hn, quhfnUM AuhnF df AuWqr dyxF hovygf. kI dy swkdy ho iehnF svflF dy
AuWqr. ik ikAuN hoieaf hY ies qrF, kI kfrn hY ies df. jd ik ieh iewk scfeI hY,
aqy afpF sfry hI jfxdy hF ik ieNj hI hoieaf sI.
pr ikAuN? ieh koeI vI nhIN jfxdf.
asl svfl hux ieh hY ik gurU nfnk sfihb dy bwicafN ny gurU jI
dI iewk nhIN mMnI. gurU aMgd dyv jI dy puqrF ny vI gurU jI dI gwl nUM swc krky
nhIN jfixaf. iesy hI qrHF qIsry gurU jI byty (mohrI qy mohn) qy cOQy gurU jI dy
byty, ipRQI cMd, nfm jpx vfly gurU jI qoN afkI sn. pMjvyN gurU jI dy nfm ismrx
nfl ijhVIafN qrMgF PutIafN AunHF df jhFgIr qy koeI asr nhIN hoieaf.[
agr qF qusIN iehnF svflF dy AuWqr jfxdy ho, iPr qF qusIN jrUr
hI gurcrn isMG jI nUM bihs ivwc hrf swkdy ho.
vIr jI myrI gwl df ikqy glq mqlb nF lY lYxF, mYN swc nUM swc
khF gf BfvYN Auh swc myry iksy duÈmx dy hwk ivwc vI ikAuN nF jFdf hovy. JUT nUM
JUT khFgf BfvyN Auh myry afpxyN iKlfP vI ikAuN nF jFdf hovy.
swB sMgq jIAu jd vI kdy do ilKfrIaF ivwc bihs huMdI hY qF
pfTk afm krky do iDrF ivwc vMzy jFdy hn. ieh gwl suBfvk hI hY. iesy qrF pRo:
qrlocn isMG jI aqy srdfr gurcrn isMG jI vyrF vI hoieaf. pr mYN iksy df vI pwK
nhIN lYdf, mY dohF vIrF ivwc sulhf krvfAux dI koiÈÈ jrUr krFgf. myry vfsqy donoN
hI brfbr hn.
swB sMgq jIAu iewk gwl hor, ies qrF dIaf bihsF aqy svflF dy
JgiVaf df sfmxF asIN sYNkVy sflF qoN krdy af rhy hF. jd ky ieh sfry JgiVaf df
hwl isrP do awKrF ivwc hY, jF sfry JgiVaF df hwl isrP do awKrF nfl hI ho skdf
hY. aqy jo AUpr ilKy svfl gurcrn isMG jI ny AuTfey hn AuhnF df hwl vI iehnF du
awKrF ivwc hY. jy asIN do awKrF df Byd nhIN jfxdy qF ieho kuwJ hI hoxF hY jo
sfzy sfhmxyN ho irhf hY. aYvyN kfgË kfly krn df koeI lfB nhIN.
bldyv isMG (iProËpur)
gurmIq isMG
veer ji
waheguru ji ka khalsa
waheguru ji ke fateh
veer ji mainu sikh marg bare Shwinder singh Gill Ghallkalan
walian ne dasya. site vekh k man khush hoya. mai ghaalkalan shabad vichar de
duty nibha riha ha. pehle mail kar riha ha. ago tu j rabta bnya riha ta aap ji
nal hor vichara sanjian karana. j mail mel gye ta jwab bhejna.
unj mai MA Religiopn 2nd year da student ha. veer ji jionwala
wale veer bhupinder singh ji te hor bahut sare jagian jamiran wale gursikhan nu
padhda sunda rehnda ha.
w j k khalsa
w j k fateh
qrlocn isMG (iPijks)
qrlocn isMG (iPijks)
vfihgurU jI kf Kflsf]
vfihgurU jI kI Piqh]
gurcrn isMG jIE
quhfzI ivdvqf qy hYrfnI huMdI hY! qusIN ikho ijhy qq igafn dy
pRcfrk ho, soc soc ky isr duKxf lgdf hY. qusIN iswK mfrg dy pfTkF nUM hokf dy
rhy ho
Eh iswK mfrg dy pfTk jno! quhfnUM smJ nhIN pYNdI sR[ qrlocn isMG mhfjn gurU
nfnk sfihb nUM mdfrI bxf ky pyÈ kr rhy hn. ijs mdfrI puxy nUM gurU nfnk sfihb ny
sfzy idmfgF ivcoN bfhr kwiZaf sI mhfjn jI ny Ausy gurU nUM mdfrI bxf ky hI sfh
lYxf hY. gurcrn
isMG jIE mYN qF gurU nfnk dyv jI nUM mdfrI bxfAux dI nmfxI ijhI koiÈÈ hI kr irhf
hF (quhfzy muqfibk). Bgq kbIr jI ny keI so sfl pihlF pRmfqmf nUM hI mdfrI bxf
idqf hoieaf hY. suxo gurbfxI nUM afpxI aMqr afqmf nfl:
bfjIgr zMk bjfeI] sB Klk qmfsy
afeI] bfjIgr sÍFgu skylf] apny rMg rvY akylf] 2]
hF mYN sfihb isMG jI dy arQ vI ilK irhf hF nhIN qF khogy
quhfzy kIqy arQ glq hn jF khogy sfrf pfT pVHo.
bolo gurcrn isMG jI, mdfrI hY ky nhIN rwb? jdoN
pRBU-bfËIgr zugzugI vjfAuNdf hY, qF sfrI Élkq (jgq-) qmfÈf vyKx af jFdI hY, qy
jdoN Auh bfjIgr Kyl smytdf hY, qF iekwlf afp hI afp afpxI mOj ivwc rihMdf hY. 2[
qusIN jsvIr isMG (kYlgrI) jI nUM koeI propr Auqr nf dy ky
afpxIaF ipClIaF icTIaF Prolx dI slfh idqI hY. iesy sbMD ivwc iewk vfikaf Xfd af
irhf hY. suxo:
iek sjx ny bVI myhnq kr ky iewk ihstrI dI ikqfb ilKI, rfq idn
ivcfry ny iewk kIqf. jdoN KrVf iqafr ho igaf qF Auh myry kol lY ky afieaf qy
kihx lgf pRoPYsr sfihb mYN ieh ikqfb bVI myhnq nfl ilKI hY, Kycl kro, ies leI do
Èbd ilKo. mYnUM bVI KuÈI hoeI ik myrI aYnI puC ik myry kol ividvfn sjx do awKr
ilKfvfAux leI afpxIaF ikqfbF lY ky af rhy hn. mYN Aus sjx nUM bVy ipafr nfl
bTfieaf. Aus ny afpxI ikqfb mYnUM idqI. mYN pihlf pMnf Koilaf. Aus qy iliKaf sI
"iek rfjf sI, bVf dlyr, lVfeIaF krn df Aus nUM bVf ÈoNk sI. iek vfr Aus ny afpxy
guafZI mulk nfl lVfeI df mMn bxfieaf. sYnf iqafr kIqI. hukm idqf ik myry ipCy
ipCy afE qy Aus ny clx leI afpxI GoVy dI lgfm iKcI"
mYN soicaf ik ajy qy ieh pihlf pMnf hY. ies pMny qy ajy qF
sYnf ny kUc hI kIqf hY. ikqfb dI motfeI vyK ky lg irhf sI ik ieh koeI so pMinaF
dI jrUr hovygI. mYN soicaf ik pVHn nUM kfPI tfeIm lg jfxf hY ies df muK-bMD iPr
ilKFgf. ies leI Aus sjx nUM mYN dubfrf afAux leI qor idqf. Aus dy jfx bfad mYN
ikqfb df aKIrlf pMnf Koilaf Aus qy iliKaf sI "rfjf hux XuD dy mYdfn ivwc phuMc
igaf hY." ieh Ausy rfjy df nfm sI ijs rfjy df iËkr pihly pMny qy sI. mYnUM bVI
Auqsukqf hoeI ik pihly pMny qy rfjf lVfeI qy jf irhf hY qy aKIrly pMny qy Auh
lVfeI dy mYdfn ivwc phuMc irhf hY qy iPr bfkI dy pMinaF qy kI hY mYN jdoN bfkI
dy pMny Poly qF hYrfnI dI hwd nf rhI AunHF qy isrP GoVy dI tfpF dI avfj hI ilKI
hoeI sI. dgV, dgV, dgV, dgV, dgV, dgV, dgV, dgV, dgV, dgV, dgV, dgV, dgV, dgV,
dgV, dgV, dgV, dgV, dgV, dgV, dgV, dgV, dgV, dgV, dgV, dgV, dgV, dgV, dgV, dgV,
dgV, dgV, dgV, dgV, dgV, dgV, dgV. 98 pMny dgV dgV nfl hI Bry hoey sn
ieh iksf hY gurcrn isMG jIE smJo, quhfzy leI ieÈfrf hI kfPI
bldyv isMG jIE
qusIN bVy Bolo ho. iewk inmfxf ijhf BfeI (qrlocn isMG) inmfxy
ijhy mulk ieMzIaf ivwc bYTf hY qy dUjf Èyr (gurcrn isMG) qy Auh vI svrg ivc. ieh
do BfeI jPIaF ikvyN pf skdy hn. bldyv isMG jIE qusIN scmuc hI Bolo ho. gurcrn
isMG jI sbdF dI jPIaF mYnUM pf hI rhy hn, myrIaF ieMtrvIAU krvf ky Cfpdy hn,
myrI aslIaq lokF nUM dsdy hn qy mYN Aus nÈy ivwc awgoN ilKdf clf jFdf hF.
gurqyj isMG nUM
hF myry iewk vIr ny BUqF pRyqF bfry iliKaf sI,
mYnUM qF ienHf bfry smJ nhIN. pr iksy vIr ny ies
df koeI Auqr nhIN idqf. ikAuN? Èfied gurqyj isMG jI nUM ies df pqf hovy! (gurqyj
isMG jI plIË ikqy ieh nf ilK idE ik mhfjn hI BUq hY! iesy nUM vyK lo). iewk gl
hor gurqyj isMG jI ikRpf krky dsogy ik XblI df arQ kI huMdf hY? kI ijQy gurbfxI
df rYPrYNs ilaf jf irhf hovy kI AuQy ieh sbd df iesqymfl krnf Auicq hY? kI
vIrpfl dI icTIaF df Auqr dyxf myrf Prj nhIN sI bxdf? kI qusIN dfvy nfl kih skdo
ho jo quhfzI soc hY Auho hI 100% TIk hY?
qrlocn isMG
gurÈrn isMG ksyl
sR: suKdyv isMG isiKafrQI jI,
vfihgurU jI kf Kflsf] vfihgurU jI kI Pqih]
awj hI sR: avqfr isMG imÈnrI hurF dI icwTI pVHI qF pqf lwgf
ik afpny "ipCly hPqy pMjfb tfeImË aKbfr ivKy pRo[ avqfr isMG dy lyK bfry ilKidaF
aqy AunHF dI Ausqiq kridaF afpxI icwTI ivwc aKIr qy iliKaf hY ik "aKOqI
imÈnrI pUhly duÈt qoN vI BYVy hn."
vIr jI, qusIN jfxdy ho ik bgYr sbUq dy iksy qy ies qrHF df
GtIaf ieljfm lfAuxf cMgf nhIN huMdf. qusIN qF jumyvfr ivakqI ho, jykr qusIN ieh
gwl ilKI hY qF quhfzy kol AuhnF imÈnrIafN dy nFa aqy jo gurmiq aqy iswK kOm
ivroDI kMm Auhnf kIqy hn ijhVy "pUhly" qo vwD BYVy hn; Auh sfry sbUq quhfzy kol
jrUr hoxgy. Auh sfry sbUq aglI icwTI ivwc ‘iswK mfrg’ qy jrUr Byjxy, qF jo aijhy
aKOqI imÈnrIafN dIafN gurmiq ivroDI krqUqF nUM iswKF sfhmxy nMigafN kIqf jf sky.
siqkfr sihq,
gurÈrn isMG ksyl
sR: amnjIq isMG jI,
vfihguru jI kf Kflsf] vfihgurU jI kI Pqih]
vIr jI, ieh lyK
‘iswK ihMdU
nhIN hn’ mYN kuwJ smF pihlF
iliKaf sI aqy ieh lyK qusIN ‘iswK mfrg’ qy myry purfxy lyKF ivc pVH skdy ho. ies
nUM dubfrf iqafr nhIN kr sikaf. jykr afp nUM ies ivcoN afpdy ivÈy "iswK ihMdU
nhIN" nfl sMbMDq koeI gwl cMgI lwgy qF KuÈI hovygI.
suKdyv isMG isiKafrQI qy sfQI
suKdyv isMG isiKafrQI qy sfQI
qrlocn isMG dupflpur jI,
vfihgurU jI kf Éflsf, vfihgurU jI kI Ìqih.
avqfr isMG imÈnrI jI nUM myrI ‘pMjfb tfeImj’ qy ilwKI icwTI
psMd nhI afeI qy Auh myry nfl sÉq nrfË jfpdy ny. bynqI hY ik qusIN myrI Auh
icwTI iswK mfrg qy pfAux dI Kycl krogy jI qF jo duD df duD qy pfxI df pfxI ho
myrI bynqI hY sfrI iswK-mfrg dI sMgq nUM ik agr icwTI pVn qo
bfad sfzy ivwcoN (myry qy avqfr isMG imÈnrI ivwcoN) jo vI dosLI pfieaf jfvy Aus
nUM sÉq qo sÉq sËf lfAux.
suKdyv isMG
bldyv isMG (iProËpur)
srdfr gurcrn isMG jI
vfihgrU jI kf Kflsf,
vfih gurU jI kI Piqh.
vIr jI lwgdf hY srdfr mihMdr isMG jI rficstr quhfzy nfl ruws
gey hn, iesy krky AuhnF nyN quhfzy úö/úù/úø vfly pwqr df AuWqr nhIN idwqf,
quhfzf awj vflf ivaMg,
soicaf ik gurU dI bKÈI hoeI Pqih df sMpUrx rUp hI ilKF ikqy mihMdr isMG rficstr
hI nf qIr lY ky mgr pY jfvy."
pVH ky BfvyN Èfied QoVf hs pey hox. vIr jI
qusF nyN mihMdr isMG jI nUM rusf idwqf hY hux iesy qrF hlkIaF PulkIaF
kuqkuqfrIaF kwZ ky afpxyN vIr nUM hsfAuxF hovygf, mnfAuxF hovygf. hux Buwl ky vI
kdy AuhnF nUM cUMZI nhIN vwZxIN. iPr vI ikqy cUMZI vwzx nUM jI kry qF byÈwk
mYnUM cUMZI vwZ lYxF, ikAuNky myrI Kwl krVI hY.
dUjI bynqI, vIr jI afpF hux ieh svflF vflI bihs nUM, svflF
vfly JgVy nUM CwzIey, aqy ivcfr krIey. aqy asl ivÈy qy ivcfr krIey, ijs nUM afpF
sfry hI mMndy hF, Auh hY gurU nfnk df imÈn, gurU nfnk df AupdyÈ, gurU nfnk dI
isK, gurU nfnk df swc df hukm, hmyÈF vfsqy ijMdf hox dI hmyÈF vfsqy mukq hox dI
jugq, aqy jo jo gurbfxIN ivwc iliKaf hY Aus nUM afpxIaF awKF nfl vyKx df jqn
krIey. qF jo sfiraF dy sfry Brm dUr ho jfx. sfry JgVy Kqm ho jfx.
srdfr gurqyj isMG jI quhfzy gusy ivcoN iswKI pRqI ipafr Jlkdf
hY. qfhIN qy qusIN iliKaf hY
"isrÌ iswK hI ieho ijhIafN XwblIafN df iÈkfr nhIN bx rhy sgoN amrIkf ivwc qF
ivigafn dy nF qy aKOqI ‘kRIeyÈinËm’ pVHfey jfx dy rfh pwDry kIqy jf rhy hn."
vIr jI, quhfzI gwl iblkul TIk hY, ies vyly
sfzy iswK Brf iewk nhIN hjfrF hI jwblIaF df iÈkfr bnyN hoey hn. afAu iswKF nUM
iehnF jwblIaF ivcoN kwZIey. pr iehnF jwblIaF nUM iksy ivawkqI ivÈyÈ jF iksy
qrlocn isMG dy nF nfl nF joVIey. aqy nF hI iksy iekwly nUM ies df ijmyNvfr
TihrfeIey. afs krdf hF jld hI quhfzy mn dI mnsf pUrI hovygI. kI qusIN srdfr mwKx
isMG jI nUM -- nhIN khogy?
srdfr qrlocn isMG jI, inrfs nF hovo, gurcrn isMG jI, quhfzf
Brf hY, aqy gurqyj isMG jI vI quhfzf vIr hY. iehnF nyN jF iksy nyN vI quhfzy
pRqI koeI mfVy Èbd khy hn, qF qusIN gurmuKF dI qrF, guriswKF dI qrF, hws ky
AuhnF nUM jr lvo jI. guriswK duwK ivwc duKI nhIN huMdf, suK ivwc glqfn nhIN
huMdf. KuÈI hovy jF gmIN, Ausqq hovy jF inMdf, nUM iewk smfn jfxdf hY. jo kuwJ
qusF nyN sihx kIqf hY, ies nUM gurU nfnk dI syvf dI ieh iewk CotI ijhI kurbfnIN
smJ lvo jI. mYN iehnF swB vIrF dI qrPoN quhfzy pfsoN muafPI mMgdf hF jI. qusIN
vI iehnF swB afpxyN vIrF nUM mfP kr dyvo jI. iKmF iswKI df gihxF hY,
ipafr aqy iKmF df iÈgfr muwK iÈMgfr hY pqI prmfqmF nUM KuÈ krn df. jy pqI KuÈ ho
igaf qF swB kuwJ iml igaf.
srdfr qrlocn isMG jI, afE afpF sR: gurqyj isMG jI dy hukm jF
suJfE nUM mMn ky ies bihs nUM Kqm krIey. aqy ijs qrF mYN vIr gurcrn isMG jI nUM
vI byNnqI kr cuwkf hF,
vIr jI afpF hux ieh svflF vflI bihs nUM, svflF
vfly JgVy nUM CwzIey, aqy asl ivÈy qy ivcfr krIey. so myrI bynqI agr mMnoN qF
ieh ivigafn duafrf iksy vI ruhfnIN gwl nUM iswD krn df ivcfr ikrpf kr ky iqafg
dyvo jI. ikAuNky ivigafn
qF lPË hI igafn
dy Ault hY.
iv+ igafn.
ijvyN ky
aqy vygux
(bygux) vy+ gux.
so vIr jI afE ivigafn nUM CwzIey aqy gurU nfnk dy
igafn nUM apnfeIey. afpF nUM ivigafn nhIN igafn dI jrUrq hY.
srdfr avqfr isMG jI imÈnrI jIE, vfihgurU jI kf Kflsf, sRI
vfihgurU jI kI Piqh] vIr jI lwgdf hY srdfr gurcrn isMG aqy pRo:
qrlocn isMG jI qF afps ivwc jwPIaF pfAux nUM iqafr hn. jy ikqy myrI avfj nUM
qusIN vI sux rhy ho qF hux qusIN aqy vIr isiKafrQI jI vI afpxyN ies vIr dI bynqI
mMno aqy qusIN vI afps ivwc jwPIaF pfAux dI iqafrI kro jI. hux dyKxF ieh hY ky
dohF gruwpF ivcoN kOx pihly ijqdf hY.
srdfr gurcrn isMG jIE, isMG sBf ieMtrnYÈnl knYzf dI sfeIt dy
muwK pwnyN qy
sunyhF: sfQ dI mMg piVHaf mYN syvf
vfsqy iqafr hF. kI mYnUM afpxF sfQI bnf swkdy ho.
nf ko myrf dusmnu rihaf nf hm iks ky bYrfeI] bRhmu psfru
psfirE BIqir siqgur qy soJI pfeI] ò]
sBu ko mIqu hm afpn
kInf hm sBnf ky sfjn]
dUir prfieE mn kf ibrhf qf
mylu kIE myrY rfjn] ó] syvk isK pUjx siB afvih siB gfvih hir hir AUqm bfnI]
gfivaf suixaf iqn kf hir Qfie pfvY ijn siqgur kI afigaf siq siq kir mfnI] ñ] ö÷ñ
kvxu su aKru kvxu guxu kvxu su mxIaf mMqu] kvxu su vyso hAu
krI ijqu vis afvY kMqu] ñòö]
invxu su aKru Kvxu guxu ijhbf
mxIaf mMqu] ey qRY BYxy vys kir qF vis afvI kMqu] ñò÷]
bldyv isMG (iProËpur)
gurcrn isMG (ijAux vflf) brYNptn
sR[ jsvIr isMG jI kYligrI! vfih gurU jI kf Kflsf vfih gurU jI
kI Pqih.
mYN soicaf ik gurU dI bKÈI hoeI Pqih df sMpUrx rUp hI ilKF
ikqy mihMdr isMG rficstr hI nf qIr lY ky mgr pY jfvy.
sR[ jsvIr isMG jI quhfnUM myry kuwJ vsfl hn qy sR[ bldyv isMG
jI dy svfl df Auqr -:
mÚ 1] iewk dJih iewk dbIaih ieknf kuqy Kfih] ieik pfxI ivic
AustIaih ieik BI iPir hsix pfih] nfnk eyv n jfpeI ikQY jfie smfih] 2] {pMnf 648
ienHF pMgqIaF ivwc iks awKr df mqlb qusIN jIv afqmf kwZdy ho
qy ikAuN? ienHF pMgqIaF ivwc mry hoey prfxI dy ÈrIr nUM lyKy lfAux dI gwl. smfj
dy pRcwlq rIqI rIvfj muqfbk lok kihMdy sn ik mry hoey pRfxI dI jIv afqmf, pMizq
muqfbk 365 idnF ivc, PlfxI ndI pfr krky Plfxy dyÈ jFdI hY. lokF nUM gurU jI
puwCdy hn ik ‘ikQY jfie smfih’. ieh qF mr igaf hux dwso kI ikQy jf ky smfey gf?
dUsrf svfl ieh ik jo vI pMgqIaF qusIN ilKIaf hn qy svfl pfey
hn AunHF ivwc ‘agY’ df mqlb qusIN ies jnm qoN bfad dy iksy jnm df mqlb ikAuN
lYNdy ho?
awj dy hr pl qoN bfad afAux vflf pl kwlH qy awgf nhIN? jy
nhIN qf ikAuN nhIN?
awj df hr pl afAux vfly pl df pUrb hY jy nhIN qF ikAuN nhIN?
sR[ bldyv isMG jI jwPIaf qF mYN sR[ mhfjn jI nUM hr pl hI
pfAuNdf rihMdf hF. jdoN vI ilKx bYTdf hF afpxy afp jwPIaF hI nhIN sgoN glvwkVIaF
pYNdIaf hn. ijs ‘rYjonYns’ dI mhfjn jI gwl krdy hn jy nfm jwpx vfilaF kol huMdI
qF Auh jrUr sRI cMd, ÜwKmI cMd, dfqU dfsU, mohn qy ipRQI cMd afid kol phuMcdI.
jdoN aYsf kuwJ hY hI nhIN qF phuMcy kI? Eh iswK mfrg dy pfTk jno! quhfnUM smJ
nhIN pYNdI sR[ qrlocn isMG mhfjn gurU nfnk sfihb nUM mdfrI bxf ky pyÈ kr rhy hn.
ijs mdfrI puxy nUM gurU nfnk sfihb ny sfzy idmfgF ivcoN bfhr kwiZaf sI mhfjn jI
ny Ausy gurU nUM mdfrI bxf ky hI sfh lYxf hY.
sR[ jsvIr isMG jI quhfzI icwTI qoN ieMÖ lwgdf hY ik qusIN
gurbfxI cMgI qrHF smJI nhIN qy bfkI sfzIaF ipCly iqMn mhIinaF qoN ilKIaf icwTIaF
vI cMgI qrHF nhIN pVHIaF. ikRpf krky smF kwZo qy pVHo. DMnvfd.
gurU pMQ df dfs,
gurcrn isMG (ijAux vflf) brYNptn, kYnyzf.
qrlocn isMG (iPijks)
qrlocn isMG (iPijks)
myry vIr
amirMdr isMG jI aqy sfrI sMgq jIE
vfihrgurU jI kf Kflsf]
vfihgurU jI kI Piqh]
qusIN jvfb puCy hn. mYN jvfb dyx qoN pihlF mYN kuwJ glF klIar
krnIaF cfhuMdf hF.
svfl qusIN puCdy ho, jvfb mYN dyNdf hF. iPr ieljfm mwKx isMG
jI qy ikAuN? ijvyN ik gurqyË isMG ny iliKaf ik
isMG jIE, lwgdf hY ik quhfnUM vI qrlocn isMG dI icwTIafN Cfpx df cskf pY igaf
hY" aOr ieQoN qk ky mwKx
isMG jI nUM ieh alPfj vI shfrny pey
srdfr mwKx isG jI vI hMB ky KVH
cuwky hn. ieh ikhf ienfm asIN mwKx isMG jI
nUM dy rhy hF. AunHF dy ivcfr kuwJ vI hox pr AunHF ny kdI vI bihs ivwc Bfg nhIN
ilaf hF jdoN aiq huMdI hY, qfihEN Auh kuwJ sbd ilKdy hn. mYN mwKx isMG jI nUM
qih idloN bynqI krnf cfhuMdf hF jy myry kr ky AunHF nUM Aucf nIvF suxnf pYNdf hY
qF mYN agy qoN bihs bfjI qoN muafPI mMgFgf. aOr jo iliKaf igaf TIk hY, hor kuwJ
nhIN ilKFgf. Auh bihs hI kI jo sfnUM iksy df mfx krnf nf isKfey! Auh bihs hI kI
jo sfzy ivwc lfeInF iKcy! koeI nhIN dfvf kr skdf ik kox TIk hY. iPr aijhI BfÈf
‘XblIaF’ df iesqymfl krnf aOr ieh Èbd Aus bihs leI vrqxf ijs ivwc gurbfxI dIaF
qukF df rPrYNs ilaf jf irhf hovy. kI ieh bihs sfnUM ieho isKf rhI hY? aOr bihs
pwky hoey GiVaF nUM kuwJ nhIN isKf skdI. ijs nUM jo pqf hY Auho As ny swc smJ
ilaf qy sfrI dunIaf nUM Auh Ausy qrHf clfAuxI cfhuMdf hY. afpo afpxI buD hY iksy
df koeI ksUr nhIN hY. ieh sB Ausy dy hukm anusfr ho irhf hY.
ikRpf krky pihlF qusIN vI ieh ilK Byjo
(1) ik kl nUM qusIN vI ieho kuwJ qF nhIN dhrfEgy
(2) myrf suBfa hY mYN jd vI kuwJ ilKx lgdf hF, qF cfhuMdf hF
ik spÈt ilKF pr hor df hor iliKaf jFdf hY, ieh myry vs dI gl nhIN. aOr mYN afpxf
iliKaf afp nhIN imtfAuNdf. qfihAuN gurqyj isMG ny ikhf hY
jykr qrlocn isMG df idmfÊI qvfËux TIk nhIN qF iswK mfrg dy
pfTkF qy kuwJ qF rihm kro.
AunHF ny JUT nhIN iliKaf, TIk iliKaf hY. jy myrf idmfgI
qvfjux TIk huMdf qF ikAuN mYN aYNnI anrjI qy afpxf smF pwky hoey GiVaF leI Krfb
krdf (ijnHF qy rMg nhIN cV skdf, rMg kyvl kcy GiVaF qy cVdf hY) ijnHF ny aKIr sB
kuwJ pVH ky kih dyxf hY ik sB XblIaF hn, jF myrI sI[ afeI[ zI[ leI kuwJ bMidaF
nUM myry kol Byj ky (ieMdr isMG Gwgf vrigaF nUM) iPr afrtIkl bxf dyxf hY ijs df
isrlyK hoeygf ‘mhfjn dI aslIaq’ jy mYN Aus lyK dy sbMD ivwc Auqr idaFgf qF iPr
amirMdr isMG jI dI koiÈÈ hoeygI aijhf puafieMt lBx dI ijs nfl mYnUM nIvF
iviKafieaf jf sky ikAuNik aimMrdr isMG jI qusI ies qoN pihlF iewk icTI ilKI sI
jdoN myrI bihs vIr pfl nfl cl rhI sI qusIN mwKx isMG jI nUM iliKaf sI ik bihs
Kqm kr dyxI cfhIdI hY
I think you might need to
intervene again or stop the discussion as it is tumbling down the
wrong road again.
qF iPr hux ikAuN qusIN ieh sB dubfrf krnI cfhuMdy ho?
(3) qusIN Aus icTI ivwc iliKaf sI ik
He is using science for
Veerpal Singh, by suggesting a flawed experiment to measure the mass of light
qF disaf jy ik ienHF pRXogF ivwc kI Plf hY? ienHF pRXogF ivcoN iewk qF vIr pfl
df afpxf hI sI. myry qoN svfl puCx qoN pihlF ikRpf krky ies df Auqr jrUr dyxf,
mYN pRXog dubfrf ilK dyNdf hF sfied qusIN Bul hI nf gey hovo.
KflI zbf lvo Aus nUM qolo, iPr Aus ivwc lfeIt afAux idE iPr
Aus nUM qolo qy vyKo ik Bfr
hoeygf. ivigafnI jI, pihlF ieh pRXog qusIN afp kr ky vyKxf iPr dsxf ik Bfr ivwc
Prk pYNdf hY? . jy Bfr ivwc Prk pYNdf hY qF ikMny gRfm vwDdf hY. ilK Byjxf. ies
qoN vwD idlcsp pRXog mYN ds dyNdf hF quhfnUM iksy sfeIt qoN lBx dI loV nhIN.
qusIN iewk Bfr qolx dI mÈIn
lYxf, bfhr grfAuNz ivwc svyr 3 vjy dy krIb Aus qy KVy ho jfxf ikAuNik AudoN
roÈnI nhIN huMdI qy afpxf Bfr vyKxf ikMnf hY. mÈIn qy KVy rihxf, ijvyN ijvyN
roÈnI hoeygI qF vyKxf ik quhfzy Bfr ivwc Prk pY irhf hY ik nhIN. ikAuNik pRkfÈ
qF quhfzy ivwc vI jf irhf hY. idn dy 12 ku vjy qk ieh pRXog qusIN mukf skdy ho
ikAuNik AudoN roÈnI awCI KfsI ho jFdI hY. aOr AudoN qk qusIN KfsI awCI roÈnI soK
lvogy aOr ijvyN quhfzf Bfr vwDygf qF jrUr not kr lYxf. iPr quhfzy ies pRXog nUM
asIN iksy mYgjIn ivwc vI pRkfiÈq kr skdy hF. hY nf anoKf pRXog.
(4) qusIN afpxI icTI ivwc iliKaf sI ik
mYN cItr hF qF hux qusIN ies cItr qoN kI
afs rwKdy ho ieh vI ilK Byjxf
Nothing will come out of
this discussion, especially since one person is "cheating" and fighting to win
instead of fighting for principles
(5) myry qoN Auqr lYx qoN pihlF quhfnUM iewk Kycl hor krnI
hoeygI Auh ieh ik iesy lVI ivwc hux dIaF icTIaF vyKo jsbIr isMG jI (kYlgrI)
bldyv isMG (iPrjopur) aqy amnjIq isMG igl (ienHF dIaF do icTIaF df jvfb iksy vIr
ny nhIN idqf). ikRpf krky ienHF dIaF icTIaF dy Auqr dyx dI koiÈÈ kro quhfnUM
afpxy svflF dy jvfb jrUr iml jfxgy aOr myry qoN puCx dI loV nhIN rhygI.
qrlocn isMG
bldyv isMG (iProËpur)
srdfr amnjIq isMG jI,
vfihgurU jI kf Kflsf,
vfihgurU jI kI Piqh.
vIr jI, afp jI nyN jo svfl ik,
"iswK ihMdU nhI"
dy ivÈy qy smUh sMgq ivwc rwiKaf hY. mYN bynqI
krnIN cfhuMdf hF, ky agr ieh svfl qusIN sfzy vrgy axjfx, sDfrn buwDI, aqy Kuwd
hI Buwly hoieaF koloN puwCx dI bjfey gurU pfsoN puCo qF ijafdf TIk rhygf.
iPr vI koeI vIr afpxyN ivcfr hor vI cMgy ZMg nfl dws swkdf hY
qF jrUr dwsy jI. amnjIq isMG jI qd qwk hyT iliKaF pMcm pfqÈfh df Èbd ivcfr ky
dyKo jI, Èfied quhfnUM ies Èwbd ivcoN quhfzf AuWqr iml jfvy jI
mhlf õ] kfrn krn krIm] srb pRiqpfl rhIm] alh
alK apfr] Kuid (øùö) Kudfie vz bysumfr] ñ] EuN nmo BgvMq gusfeI]
Kflku riv rihaf srb TfeI] ñ] rhfAu] jgMnfQ jgjIvn mfDo] BAu
BMjn ird mfih arfDo] irKIkys gopfl guoivMd] pUrn srbqR mukMd] ò]
imhrvfn mAulf qUhI eyk] pIr pYkFbr syK] idlf kf mflku kry hfku]
kurfn kqyb qy pfku] ó] nfrfiex nrhr dieafl] rmq rfm Gt Gt
afDfr] bfsudyv bsq sB Tfie] lIlf ikCu lKI n jfie] ô] imhr dieaf kir
krnYhfr] Bgiq bMdgI dyih isrjxhfr]
khu nfnk guir Koey Brm] eyko
alhu pfrbRhm] õ] (øù÷)
sMgq df dfs
bldyv isMG (iProËpur)
amirMdr isMG
Wahe Guru Ji Ka Khalsa, Wahe Guru Ji Ke Fathe
Tarlochan Singh Mahajan,
In your last letter you wrote about an infant’s state of
mind. You mentioned,
iewk bwcf jnm lYNdf hY qF Aus dI kMpn iblkul ÈuwD huMdI hY, qF hI Auh sfiraF nUM
cMgf lgdf hY, Aus nUM rwb rUp smiJaf jFdf hY… pr ijvyN ijvyN Auh vwzf huMdf hY,
Aus dI kMpn ivwc ÈuDqf GtxI aqy aÈuwDqf
vDxI ÈurU ho jFdI hY, nqIjy vjoN ibmfrIaF Aus nUM af GyrdIaF hn.
Mahajan ji, if the child’s mind is pure, then what did he
bring from previous lives? What will he carry into the next life if at the
beginning of life he does not bring in? If the diseases are attached to him
after birth, then where will they be cured? What happens when the child grows
up? He will be raised according to his parents, peers, etc. But, what did he
bring in to this life from previous lives? So according to your theory, after
Gurcharan Singh Brar dies then in his next life, will his state be pure or not?
You also wrote:
aglf jnm vI hY. lyKy joKy hoxy hn.
iesy jnm nUM hI nf sB kuwJ smJo.
Where is this next life? What happens? How do you know what
you were in previous life? Who decides the account balance? Where is this court?
After a person dies, how will you know that the person was punished? How will
you know what happened to him? Which form of life did he go into? Will his mind
be pure then in the next life? Do you remember anything you did in your previous
life? You are professor, which is a very respected job, did you earn this
because of your actions, good grades, good test scores in this life, the 20-30
years you studied in this life or because of what actions you did in your
previous life?
Please answer these questions precisely as possible using
logic and science, because many readers of Sikh Marg, including myself believe
that you do not answer questions directly. You answer vaguely and try to avoid a
direct showdown, for example you completely ignored the points brought by
Gursharan Singh Kesal.
Regards, Amrinder Singh
amnjIq isMG igwl
vfihgurU jI kf Kflsf,
vfihgurU jI kI Piqh]
mYN kuwJ idn pihlF
ies sfeIt qy ‘iswK ihMdU nhIN’ ivÈy qy ilKx
dI smUh sMgq nUM
bynqI kIqI sI pr ajy qwk iksy vI isMG ny ies ivÈy qy kuwJ vI nhI iliKaf, bynqI
hY jI afpxy jo vI ivcfr hn ikRpf krky ilKo jI.
kI gurbfxI BUqF-pRyqF
nUM mMndI hY ik nhIN. awgy jo gurbfxI Èbd ilKy hn, iehnF ivwc afey ‘BUq’ ‘pRyq’
ÈbdF dy kI arQ hn.
keI koit
jKH ikMnr ipsfc]
keI koit
BUq pRyq sUkr imRgfc] p
vIr Brim Bulfey]
pRyq BUq
siB dUjy lfey] pM
ikrpf aMqir Aur Dfry]
psu pRyq
muGd pfQr kAu qfrY] pM
srdfr gurqyj isMG jI vYilMgtn quhfzy ivcfr pVy, afp jI nUM
jykr pRo[ qrlocn isMG jI huxF dI cl rhI ivcfr crcf cMgI nhIN lg rhI qF qusIN
afpxf guwsf mwKx isMG
jI qy ikAuN kwZ rhy ho, s[ bldyv isMG ny
TIk iliKaf ik qusIN dlIl nfl pRo[ qrlocn isMG nUM smJfAuNdy, s[ mwKx isMG huxF
nUM kihxf ik ‘s[ mwKx isMG jI vI hMB ky KV cuwky hn’ ikwQoN qwk TIk hY? ies ivwc
mwKx isMG huxF dy hMBx vflI ikhVI gwl hY, srdfr huxI qF hr iksy dI rcnf ibnF
iksy bdlfa dy ies sfeIt qy QF idMdy hn, ies sfeIt nUM
pRo[ qrlocn isMG huxF dy hmfieqI vI pVdy hn
qy ivroDI ivcfrF vfly vI. jykr s[ mwKx isMG huxF ny iksy iewk iDr dI vI ilKq nf
CfpI qF AuhnF qy pwKpfqI hox df doÈ lwgygf. jd ik ieh 100% JUT hY ik srdfr huxI
iksy qrF df pwKpfq krdy hn.
srdfr mwKx isMG jI afp
jI nUM bynqI hY jI ik afp ies sfeIt nUM awpzyt krnf bMd nf kirA jI, aijhf krn
nfl iswKI dy ho rhy shI pRcfr nUM bhuq Gftf pvygf jI.
amnjIq isMG igwl
avqfr isMG imsLnrI aqy sfQI
isiKafrQI dIaF jblIaF
ipCly hPqy pMjfb tfeImË aKbfr ivKy pRo[ avqfr isMG dy lyK
bfry ilKidaF aqy AunHF dI Ausqiq kridaF isKafrQI jI dmdmI tksfl df nfm vrq ky
afpxI icwTI ivwc aKIr qy jblI mfrdy hn ik aKOqI imÈnrI pUhly duÈt qoN vI BYVy
hn. aKOqI imÈnrIaF nUM duÈt pUhly nfl qulnf dyx vfly jrf afpxy igRhIvfn myN JfqI
mfr ky dyKx ik Auh blfqkfrI sfD phyvy vfly dI muwTI cfpI krdy rhy hn aqy hor
ikqinaF sfDF aqy aKOqI ivdvfnF dIaF KuÈfmdF krky bldI qy qyl pf rhy hn. Blf pRo[
avqfr isMG bfry ilKdy-ilKdy aKOqI imÈnrIaF nUM pUhly duÈt nfl qulnf dyx ivwc kI
rfj hY? jd ik pUhlf iewk kfql, blfqkfrI, zfkU, inhMg bfxy nUM bdnfm krn vflf
srkfrI tfAUt sI. kI isiKafrQI jI dwsxgy ik imÈnrIaF pUhly vfly kukrm ikwQy kIqy?
sgoN imÈnrI qF iewk akfl purK df afsrf lY ky gurU gRMQ sfihb jI iswK ieiqhfs aqy
iswK rihq mrXfdf df pRcfr krdy hoey pfKMzF aqy pfKMzIaF df pfj AuGyVdy hoey iswK
kOm nUM ienHF qoN bcx dI hI pRyrnf krdy hn. afpxy ivÈy qoN bfhr axjfx lyKk hI jf
skdf hY. asIN isiKafrQI nUM dono hwQ joV bynqI krdy hF ik iksy nfl qulnf soc smJ
ky kiraf krn. DMnvfd! ! ! !
asIN hF-sR[ gurcrn isMG ijAuxvflf aqy srbjIq isMG (ieMtrnYÈnl
isMG sBf amrIkf knyzf) sR[ ieMdRjIq isMG rfxf aqy sR[ ieMdr isMG Gwgf (gurmiq
igafn imÈnrI kflj luiDafxf) sfbkf ipRMsIpl sR[ jsbIr isMG aqy pRo[ ipafrf isMG
(sfihbËfdf juJfr isMG imÈnrI kflj ropV) pRo[ mwKx isMG aqy sR[ igafn isMG imÈnrI
(gurmiq pRsfr sBf sYkrfmYNto) avqfr isMG imÈnrI, zf[ gurmIq isMG brsfl (gurU
gRMQ pRcfr imÈn afP XU[ aYs[ ey) sR qrlocn isMG sfbkf mYNbr ÈRomxI kmytI, sR
blkfr isMG aqy blbIr isMG imÈnrI.
suKdyv isMG isiKafrQI
suKdyv isMG isiKafrQI
smUh sMgq nUM
vfihgurU jI kf Kflsf]
vfihgurU jI kI Piqh]
pRvfn hovy jI
srdfr avqfr isMG imÈnrI jI nUM vDfeIaF
qusI afpxy lyK
‘pRo: sfihb isMG jI dI vzmulI
dyx gurbfxI ivafkrx aqy srl ivafiKaf’ dy qihq iliKaf "BfeI vIr isMG jI ny bhuq
sfrf sfihq ricaf, kudrq dI klf nUM klm dI kfnI nfl kivqf rfhIN ibafn kIqf. BfeI
rxDIr isMG jI ny inrol gurbfxI kIrqn rfhIN grbfxI pRcfr nUM pihl idwqI aqy keI
pusqkF dy nfl gurbfxI dIafN "lgF mfqrF dI ivlwKxqf" vI ilK ky gurbfxI arQF nUM
smJx leI vzmulf Xogdfn pfieaf"
sfnUM byhwd KuÈI hoeI jo qusI BfeI rxDIr isMG jI nUM srfihaf
aqy AunHF dy Xogdfn nUM vzmulf dsidaF AunHf dI inrol gurbfxI rfhIN gurbfxI pRcfr
dI iswK kOm nUM dyx dI aihmIaq nUM smiJdaF AunHF dI pRÈMsf kIqI. ies leI qusI
vDfeI dy hwkdfr ho.
suKdyv isMG
gurqyj isMG vYilMgtn-inAUËIlYNz
ipafry mwKx isMG jIE
quhfzy ivcfr pVHy. DMnvfd. nf qF ieh gwl idlgIr dI hY qy nf
hI DVHy dI. akfdimk dunIafN ivwc ivcfr crcf dy kuwJ nym huMdy hn. jy kr qrlocn
isMG ieDr AuDr dIafN mfr ky afpxy gË hI lMmy krdf rhHy qF iPr vkLq dI GVHI rok
ky qusIN vI afpxI iËMmyvfrI qoN dUr rih rhy ho.
mYN bhuqy alPfË nf ilK ky iehI bynqI krFgf ik cMgf hovy jykr
aijhy mËmUn lY ky qusIN iewk nvF sÌf bxf ky ieh ds idE ik ivcfr crcf ikwQy ku hY
qF jo Aus qy awgy hI quiraf jfvy nf ik duhrf hI kIqf jfvy.
nfly gwl ieh vI ik isrÌ iswK hI ieho ijhIafN XwblIafN df
iÈkfr nhIN bx rhy sgoN amrIkf ivwc qF ivigafn dy nF qy aKOqI ‘kRIeyÈinËm’ pVHfey
jfx dy rfh pwDry kIqy jf rhy hn. Ausy qrHF qrlocn isMG, qrMgF dy nF qy bfhmxvfd
nUM iswD krx ivwc lwgf hY. pr jykr qsIN ienHF XwblIafN qoN muqfsr ho qF quhfnUM
mubfrkL. myrI koeI iewCf nhIN hY ies ivwc AulJx dI. hF awgy jd mYnUM koeI vI
iswKI bfry vYb sfeItF dy nF puwCdf sI qF mYN ijhVy nF igxFAuNdf sI Aus ivwc iswK
mfrg vI huMdf sI pr jy hux GVHI ieMJ hI rukI rhI qF iPr mYN iehI khFgf ik srdfr
mwKx isG jI vI hMB ky KVH cuwky hn.
inmrqf sihq,
gurqyj isMG
bldyv isMG (iProËpur)
srdfr gurqyj isMG jI vYilMgtn-inAUËIlYNz dy pwqr dy AuWqr
ivwc bynqI
srdfr mwKx isMG jIE,
vfihgurU jI kf Kflsf,
vfihgurU jI kI Piqh.
ñò/úù/úø df quhfzf sMpfdkI not (jo vIr gurqyj isMG jI dy pwqr
dy sbMD ivwc sI)
bxn nfloN qF cMgf iehI hY ik asIN ies sfeIt nUM awpzyt krnf hI bMd kr deIey.
pVH ky keI swcy jigafsUaF dy isr qy qF
mfnoN zFg ijhI vwjI hovygI. srdfr mwKx isMG jI qusIN gurU nfnk dy iswK ho.
dunIaF nyN qF gurU nfnk dyv jI nUM vI nhIN sI bKiÈaf. qy qusIN gurU nfnk dyv jI
dy imÈn df pRcfr kr rhy ho. ajyhy qfhnyN qF dunIaF dyvygI hI. ies nUM vI gurU
nfnk df pRsfid smJ ky JolI ivwc pvf lvo.
(ijvyN ik khfvq hY, isr AuWKlI
idwqf…) iesy qrF sIs agr gurU nfnk jI dI
syvf ivwc arpn kIqf hY qF ajyhIaF swtF qoN kI zrnF. mYN swB sMgq dI qrPoN bynqI
krdf hF, ikrpf krky dubfrf ieh kdy nF ilKxF ik,
cMgf iehI hY ik asIN ies sfeIt nUM
awpzyt krnf hI bMd kr deIey. quhfzI awT ds
sfl dI syvf df, kI pqf gurU nfnk dyv jI kd qy iks rUp ivwc Pl dy dyx.
ies vfsqy afpxIN ies gwl qy, afpxyN ies sMklp qy hmyÈF pihrf
dyxF ijhVf ik qusIN iliKaf hY,
(asIN ies sfeIt nUM kuwJ
bMidaF jF DVy dI nhIN bxfAuxF cfhuMdy, ijs qrHF dIaF hor sB sfeItF jF pypr hn sB
dI sFJI bxf ky rwKxf cfhuMdy hF. asIN hr iewk nfl dlIl nfl sihj ivwc gwl krnI
cfhuMdy hF.) gurU nfnk dyv jI jrUr
ikrpf krn gy ivÈvfs rwKo.
vIr gurqyj isMG jI nUM vI myrI bynqI hY ky cMgf huMdf ky
qusIN pRo: qrlocn isMG dI lfh pfh krn dI bjfey, dlIl nfl AuhnF nUM Aus dI glqI,
ies qrIky nfl smJfAuNdy, ky pRo: qrlocn isMG jI vI quhfzI smJfAuqI (AupdyÈ) qoN
kuwJ iswKdy, aqy bfkI swB sMgq nUM vI quhfzy ivcfr pVH ky lfB huMdf.
imsfl dy qOr qy qusF ikhf hY ik pRo: ieMdr isMG Gwgf jI df
svfl ijhVf ky ijAuN df iqAuN KVHf hY.
ijhVI "rYËonYNs" bfry qrlocn
isMG muV dfavf kr irhf hY ik Auh gurU nfnk qoN gurU aMgd qwk geI Auh gurU nfnk
dI afpxI aOlfd kol ikAuN nf geI? hor vI
cMgf huMdf agr qusIN ies svfl df Kuwd AuWqr dy ky dlIl nfl pRo: qrlocn isMG jI
nUM JUTf krdy.
pr vIr jI, vfh! swcmuwc hI ieh ikwzf ivcfrn Xog svfl hY.
ajyhf svfl puwCx qy mYN pRo: Gwgf jI df qih idloN siqkfr krdf hF.
vIr gurqyj isMG jI ajyhy svflF qy ivcfr krnF cfhIdf hY. ajyhy
svflF dI afV ivwc iksy dI lfh pfh nhIN krnIN cfhIdI.
kI ies svfl df AuWqr qusIN dy
swkdy ho? kI ies svfl df AuWqr pRo: ieMdr isMG jI Gwgf jI dy swkdy hn? . kI ies
svfl df AuWqr gurcrn isMG jI ijAuxvflf jI dy swkdy hn? . jy dy swkdy ho qF jrUr
dyxF cfhIdf hY.
vIr gurqyj isMG jIE, pRo: Gwgf jIE, vIr gurcrn isMG jIE, aqy
swB sMgq jIE,
swcmuwc ieh
iewk bhuq hI aihm svfl hY. ies svfl dI
eynIN aihmIaq hY, ik agr asIN ies svfl df AuWqr jfx leIey, qF swB JwgVy Kqm
ho jfxgy. pRo: qrlocn isMG aqy gurcrn isMG jI, afps ivwc jwPIaF pf lYxgy,
iewk dUjy dy gly lwg ky iewk dUjy qoN muafPIaF mMgdy nhIN Qwkxgy. KuÈI aqy
pÈqfvy dy rly imly hMJUaF nfl iehnF dohF dIaF awKF syjl ho jfxgIaF. aqy ieho hI
hfl sfry hI afpsI vroDIaF df hovygf.
vIro ieQy hI bws nhIN ies svfl df AuWqr iml jfx nfl pUrI dI
pUrI iswK kOm ivwc koeI iewk vI JgVf jF axsuliJaf svfl bfkI nhIN rih jfvygf.
ies vfsqy soco ky pRo: ieMdr isMG jI Gwgf jI nyN ieh ikqnF hI
aihm svfl KVf kIqf hY. byÈwky ies ipwCy AuhnF dI mnsf kuwJ vI sI.
so ies vfsqy swB sMgq jI bynqI hY ky swB imlky ies df AuWqr
KojIey. aqy kl klys imtfeIey.
bldyv isMG (iProËpur)
jsbIr isMG (kYlgrI)
‘iswK mfrg’ dy smUh pfTkF aqy lyKkF
vfihgurU jI kf KLflsf,
vfihgurU jI kI PLiqh]
ijAux vflf jI qusIN
iliKaf hY: gurbfxI sfnUM ieh smJfAuNdI hY ik bMdf ies jnm ivwc af ky kMm krdf hY
qy mnuwKI jIv iesy jnm ivwc kIqy kMm df Ìl Bugqdf hY. bfkI awgy ipwCy df iksy
nUM koeI pqf nhIN. "jb kCu n sIE qb ikaf krqf kvn krm kir afieaf] apnf Kyl
afip kir dyKY Tfkuir rcn rcfieaf] myry rfm rfie muJ qy kCu n hoeI] afpy krqf
afip krfey srb inrMqir soeI] rhfAu] gxqI gxI n CutY kqhU kfcI dyh
ieafxI] ikRpf krhu krxYhfry qyrI bKs inrflI] 2] … inrguxu mugDu ajfxu aigafnI
krm Drm nhI jfxf] dieaf krhu nfnku gux gfvY imTf lgY qyrf Bfxf] 3] (pMnf-
ies Èbd dy pihly bMd dy pihly bMd dy pihly awDy ihsy ivwc
svfl hY ik jdoN ajy ieh sMsfr hI nhIN sI (ieh jIv BI nhIN sI) qdoN ieh jIv kI
krdf sI? ikhVy krm krky ieh hoNd ivwc afieaf hY? bMd dy bfkI awDy ihwsy ivwc
jvfb hY ik: (asl gwl ieh hY ik) prmfqmf ny afp hI jgq rcnf rcI hY. Auh afp hI
afpxf ieh jgq qmfÈf rc ky afp hI ies qmfÈy nUM vyK irhf hY. so jgq rcnf Aus dI
Kyz hY. jdoN Aus ny ieh Kyz rcI AudoN qoN hI sB kuwJ hoNd ivwc afieaf. krmF df
islslf vI AudoN qoN hI ÈurU hoieaf. iesy Èbd dy rhfAu vfly bMd ivwc gurU sfihb
kihMdy hn: "myry rfmrfie muJ qy kCu n hoeI] afpy krqf afip krfey srb
inrMqir soeI] rhfAu] iewQy sfÌ iliKaf hY "krfey", aqy krfey df iswDf
aqy sfÌ arQ hY "krm krfey". ies qoN agly bMd - 2 ivwc gurU sfihb ilKdy hn "gxqI
gxI n CutY kbhU kfcI dyh ieafxI …[ [ ] 2] ieQy ies bMd ivwc vI sfÌ
iliKaf hY ik jy kIqy krmF df ihsfb hox lwigaf qF mYN kdy vI surÉrU nhIN ho skdf.
hy pRBU qUM afp hI myhr kr qy mYnUM bKÈ lY. aKIrly bMd ivwc iliKaf hY ik krm Drm
dI mYnUM koeI smJ nhIN ies leI imhr kr ik jo qUM kr krf irhf hYN Auh qyrI rËf
mYnUM imwTI lgdI rhy.
ijAux vflf jI! qusIN iliKaf hY ik jdoN hjy koeI krm nhIN sI
aqy nf koeI krm krn vflf hI sI qF ikhVy krmF dy Ìl krky jIv pihlF sMsfr qy
afieaf. nfl qusIN Èbd dI quk pyÈ kIqI hY "pMc qqu imil kfieaf kInI qqu khf qy
kInu ry] krm bD qum jIAu khq hO krmih ikin jIAu dIn ry] 2] hir mih qnu hY
qin mih hir hY srb inrMqir soie ry] kih kbIr rfm nfm n CozAu shjy hoie su
hoie ry] 3] (pMnf- 870) iewQy Èbd ivwc iliKaf hY ik pMjF qwqF qoN srIr
dI rcnf hoeI hY, (svfl) ieh qwq ikwQoN afey? (hor ikwQoN afAuxy sI, arQfq Aus
pRBU qoN hoNd ivwc afey). awgy svfl kIqf igaf hY ik hy BfeI! qusIN kihMdy ho ik
krmF df bJf jIv sMsfr qy afieaf hY. pr asl gwl ieh hY ik ijs pRBU ny pMj qwq
bxfey Ausy ny hI krm vI bxfey. sMsfr qy sB kuwJ shjy hI Aus dI rËf ivwc ho irhf
hY. so ijAux vflf jI! ieh TIk hY ik bMdf krmF df bwJf sMsfr qy pihlI vfrIN nhIN
afieaf pr jdoN jIv sMsfr qy afieaf AudoN qoN hI krmF df islslf ÈurU hoieaf.
suKmnI sfihb dI iewkIvIN astpdI ivwc iesy ivcfr nUM hor vI ivsQfr nfl smJfieaf
igaf hY. ies astpdI dy arQF dy aKIr’ c pRo: sfihb isMG ny not ies qrHF iliKaf
hY: "ies astpdI ivwc ies iKafl df KMzn kIqf hY ik jgq dI rcnf jIvF dy krmF krky
hoeI. gur afÈy anusfr isrP prmfqmf hI anfdI hY. jdoN ajy jgq hY hI nhIN sI kyvl
akfl purK hI sI qdoN nf koeI jIv sn, nf hI mfieaf sI qdoN krmF df BI aBfv sI.
prmfqmf ny afp hI ieh Kyz rcI. krmF df nrk surg df pfp puMn df islislf
qdoN ÈurU hoieaf jdoN jgq hoNd ivwc af hI igaf".
ijAux vflf jI! qusIN quk pyÈ kIqI hY: "iek dJih iewk
dbIaih ieknf kuqy Kfih] ieik pfxI ivic AustIaih ieik BI iPir hsix pfih nfnk
eyv n jfpeI ikQY jfie smfie] (pMnf- 648) ies slok ivwc dwisaf hY ik mrn
doN ipwCoN jIv df srIr vwK vwK qrIikaF coN iksy qrIky nfl nÈt kr idwqf jFdf hY.
svfl pYdf huMdf hY ik jdoN qwq, qwqF ivwc iml gey qF Auh ikhVI cIj hY ijs dy leI
gurU sfihb ny ieh iliKaf hY "nfnk eyv n jfpeI ikQy jfie smfie". Auh hY jIvfqmf.
‘pqf nhIN afqmf ikwQy jf smfAuNdI hY’ ies leI iliKaf hY ikAuNik ies bfry isrP
prmfqmf hI jfxdf hY.
ijAux vflf jI qusIN iliKaf hY "gurbfxI qF ieh vI kihMdI hY
cMgy krm kro iPr jnm mrx huMdf hI nhIN".
jy koeI khy ik mYnUM cMgy- mMdy krmF nfl kuwJ nhIN, mYN qF
dOlq iekwTI krnI hY cfhy iksy vI ZMg nfl hovy. koeI ivakqI TwgIaF mfr ky dOlq
iekwTI krky aYÈ dI ijMdÊI bsr krky ies dunIaf qoN qur jFdf hY "afpInHy Bog
Boig kY hoie BsmiV BAuru isDfieaf] vzf hoaf dunIdfr……[" qF aYsy ivakqI vfsqy
gurbfxI df kI Purmfn hY?
qusIN ijhVI quk pyC kIqI hY "rfm Bgiq gur syvf
qrxf] bhyiV jnm n hoveI mrxf]" (pMnf- 154) iewQy Èrq hY ‘prmfqmf dI BgqI aqy
gurU dI dwsI hoeI kfr krky pfr lMG jfeIdf hY, Pyr jnm mrn df gyVf nhIN pYNdf.
ijAux vflf jI qusIN gurbfxI coN kuwJ qukF pyÈ kIqIaF hn aqy
puiCaf hY ik "ienHF pMgqIaF ivwc iks iks awKr df arQ ipClf jnm hY?"
gurU sfihb ny bfxI ivwc ‘iehf- Auhf, lok- prlok, hliq- pliq’
dI gwl kIqI hY. minaf ik quhfzIaF pyÈ kIqIaF qukF ivwc ies lok, ies jIvn dI gwl
kIqI geI hY. mYN kuwJ qukF pyÈ kr irhf hF jrf dwsxf ik kI iewQy vI iesy jnm df
iËkr kIqf igaf hY?
"tUtI inMdk kI aD bIc eIhf duKu afgY nrk
BmcY bhu jonI BrmfvY]" (pMnf- 1224) (eIhf aqy afgY df Ìrk dwsxf)
"mnmuK krm kmfvxy hAumY jlY jlfie] jMmx mrn n cUkeI
iPir iPir afvY jfie] pMnf- 68) (ikwQy afvy-jfey?)
"mnmuK BUKy dhids zolih ibn nfvY duKu pfeI] jnm mrY
iPir afvY drgh imlY sjfie] (pMnf- 607) (iPir afvY aqy drgh
df mqlb smJfxf jI)
"aYsI klf n KyzIaY ijqu drgh gieaf hfrIaY]
(drgh jfx df arQ smJfxf jI)
"koit jnm Brim afieaf ipafry aink join
duK pfie] sfcf sfihb ivsiraf ipafry bhuqI imlY sjfie] (pMnf- 640)
"iqsu isAu bymuKu ijin jIAu ipMz dInf koit jnm
Brmih bhu jUnf] (pMnf- 195)
"aink jnm bhu jonI Brimaf bhuir bhuir
duK pfieaf] qumrI ikRpf qy mfnuK dyh pfeI pfeI hY dyhu drsu hir rfieaf]
(pMnf- 207)
"koit jnm join BrimE hfir pirE
duafir] ikrpf goibMd BeI imilE nfm afDfru] jnm sPl nfnk Bv Auqfir pfir]
(pMnw- 1307).
"eyq jnm hir n cyiqE BfeI ikaf muhu dysI jfie]
(pMnf- 639) (ikwQy jf ky?)
ienHF AuprlIaF qukF ivwc anyk jnmF ivwc anyk jUnF df iËkr
afieaf hY iesy jnm ivwc anyk jUnF df nhIN.
"PrIdf aml ij kIqy dunI ivic drgh afey kMim]
ies quk df arQ smJfxf jI.
"Audm krih anyk hir nfmu nf gfvhI] Brmih join asMK mir
jnmih afvNhI] pÈU pMKI sYl qrvr gxq kCU n afvey] bIj bovis Bog
Bogih kIaf afpxf pfvey…[] (pMnf- 705). ijAux vflf jI! pÈU, pMCI, pwQr,
drKq afid ikhVy mfVy kMmF dy Ìl Bugq rhy hn? ieh sB ikhVy (ivarQ dy) Audm krdy
hn aqy AunHF ny hrI df nfm iks qrHF gfAuxf sI?
ijAux vflf jI qusIN quk pyC kIqI hY: "jb ieh jfny mY ikCu
krqf qb lg grB join mih iPrqf" (pMnf- 278). qsIN svfl puiCaf hY ik ieh ikhVI
grB jonI hY?
ijAux vflf jI! kI qusIN dws skdy ho ik iesy jnm ivwc grB jonI
ivwc iPrn df kI mqlb hoieaf? iksy ivigafnk nUM kho ik ijhVf qUM (kloinMg krky)
lbotrI ivwc jIvn pYdf krn dI gwl krdf hYN asl ivwc iksy jIv qoN
living organism
lY ky (jo ik pihlF qoN hI kudrq ivwc mOjUd sI)
kudrq dy hI bxfey hoey inXmF (ijs qrHF ik
D N A dI KfsIaq
hY ik Replication process
dy jrIey afpxy vrgy hor
D N A bxf skdf
hY afid) df iesqymfl krky ijhVf jIvn iqafr krn df dfavf krdf hYN asl ivwc ieh
Aus prmfqmf dI kudrq df kmfl hY. qUM qF isrÌ Aus dI kudrq nUM smJ ky Aus nUM
pRXog kIqf hY. ies leI jy qUM smJdf hYN ik kloinMg krky ijMdgI qUM iqafr kIqI hY
qF gurmq anusfr qUM grB jonI ivwc ipaf hoieaf hYN. jy Auh awgoN khy ik mYN nhIN
ienHF gwlF nUM mMndf, qF qusIN dwsxf ik Pyr iesy jnm ivwc ieh iks qrHF grB jonI
jsbIr isMG (kYlgrI)
gurqyj isMG vYilMgtn-inAUËIlYNz
ipafry mwKx isMG jIE
kfPI icr ho igaf hY pitafly vfly qrlocn isMG dIafN XwblIafN
pVHdy nUM. gwl kuwJ hor ho rhI huMdI hY qy Auh qur iksy pfsy hor irhf huMdf hY.
hux qF hwd hI ho geI jd Auh mukqI dy nF qy swty mfrx lwg ipaf hY. iensfn nUM
qrMgF nhIN blik ieÉlfkL dI loV hY. iehI swcf Drm hY. mwKx isMG jIE, lwgdf hY ik
quhfnUM vI icwTIafN Cfpx df cskf pY igaf hY—nhIN qF qrlocn isMG nUM puwCo ik jo
suafl ieMdr isMG Gwgf ny KVHf kIqf hY Auh hfly vI brkrfr hY. ijhVI "rYËonYNs"
bfry qrlocn isMG muV dfavf kr irhf hY ik Auh gurU nfnk qoN gurU aMgd qwk geI Auh
gurU nfnk dI afpxI aOlfd kol ikAuN nf geI? iewk pfsy qrlocn isMG jo POjIafN aqy
pul dI Audfhrx dy irhf hY Auh ivigafnk qOr qy nfpI jf skdI hY pr qrlocn isMG dy
swty nfpx jogy nhIN hn. ijhVI ivigafnk aqy nfpx jogI "rYËonYNs" bfry qrlocn isMG
gwl krdf hY Auh cMgy mfVy ivwc PrkL nhIN krdI. iPr qrlocn isMG ies Audfhrx nUM
swty mfrx nfl ikvyN rlf irhf hY?
jykr qrlocn isMG df idmfÊI qvfËux TIk nhIN qF iswK mfrg dy
pfTkF qy kuwJ qF rihm kro.
gurqyj isMG
(sMpfdkI not:- gurqyj isMG jI sfnUM afs nhIN sI ik qusIN pVHy
ilKy hox krky dUsiraF pRqI ies qrHF dI sLbdfvlI vrqoNgy. sfnUM nf qF icwTIaF
Cfpx df koeI cskf hY aqy nf hI asIN afpxy ivcfr iksy dUsry qy TosxF cfhuMdy hF.
jy kr iksy dI ilKq quhfnUM nhIN cMgI lgdI inrI XwblI lgdI hY qF qusIN Aus nUM
pVHn leI afpxf smf Krfb nf kro. quhfnUM Xfd hovygf ik sfzy qy pihlF vI idlgIr dy
mfmly ivc ieh ieqrfjL ho cuwkf hY ik asIN pwKpfqI jF DVybMd lgdy hF, hflF ik ieh
gwl 100% JUTI sI. asIN sB nfl ieko ijhf slUk kIqf sI aqy krnf cfhuMdy hF.
pwKpfqI bxn nfloN qF cMgf iehI hY ik asIN ies sfeIt nUM awpzyt krnf hI bMd kr
deIey. ijqnIaF ku ilKqF pfeIaF hoeIaF hn Auh bQyrIaF hn. asIN ies sfeIt nUM kuwJ
bMidaF jF DVy dI nhIN bxfAuxF cfhuMdy, ijs qrHF dIaF hor sB sfeItF jF pypr hn sB
dI sFJI bxf ky rwKxf cfhuMdy hF. asIN hr iek nfl dlIl nfl sihj ivc gwl krnI
cfhuMdy hF. jdoN ivcfr iksy pfsy nf lgdI idsy jF muV-muV AuhI gwlF df duhrfE ho
irhf hovy qF Auh ivcfr cMgI sLbdfvlI ilK ky bMd kIqI jf skdI hY. asIN iksy vI
pfTk jF lyKk dI Aus dI vwKrI soc krky lfh-pfh krnI cMgI nhIN smJdy)
pRo: qrlocn isMG (iPijks)
pRo qrlocn isMG dI aslIaq dy sbMD ivc
pRo[ qrlocn isMG (iPijks)
sfrI sMgq nUM
vfihgurU jI kf Kflsf]
vfihgurU jI kI Piqh]
mwKx isMG jI, mYN quhfzf afdr krdf
hF siqkfr krdf hF aOr mihsUs krdf hF ik BfvyN myry ivcfrF nfl qusI vI sihmq nf
hovo pr qusI hmyÈf mYNnUM afpxI sfeIt qy jgHf idqI hY qy ipafr idqf hY. quhfzI
sfeIt ijhVI ik inrol Dfrimk jo Èbd gurU bfxI dy swc nUM smripq hY leI myN iewk
bynqI krnI cfhuMdf hF keI vfr ilKfrI afpxIaF ilKqF nUM afrtIkl df rUp dy ky
afrtIkl vfly sYkÈn ivwc Byj idMdy hn, jd ik Auh afrtIkl iksy gurmiq dI ivcfrDfrf
nUM Aujfgr nf krdf hoieaf iksy ivakqI ivÈyÈ nfl sbMD rwKdf hY. ieh ivcfr ivtFdrf
vfly sYkÈn df ihsf qF bx skdf hY pr afrtIkl vfly ihsy df nhIN. asIN sfeIt dI
pRiqÈtf vwDdI hoey vyKxI cfhuMdy hF. myrf mqlB ies vfr dy afrtIkl pRo: qrlocn
isMG mhfjn dI asIlaq qy hY. mYnUM ies df vI igafn hY ik qusIN kdI vI ilKfrI dI
ilKq aqy hYizMg nUM nhIN bdldy. pr kdIN kdIN iksy ilKfrI df hYizMg (kyvl afrtIkl
sYksn leI) ies hwd qk iksy ivakqI ivÈys leI pRyÈfnI df kfrx bx jFdf hY. ijvyN ik
myry sbMD ivc. afrtIkl dy hYizMg qoN ieAuN lgdf hY ik mYN afpxy afp nUM projkt
qF kr irhf hF iewk guriswK vjoN pr mYN hF koeI Tg, bdmfs jF kuwJ hor.
kuJ idn hoey mYN kflj ivwc sF, Pon afieaf, mYN ieMdr isMG
Gwgf bol irhf hF, quhfnUM imlxf hY. mYN jI afieaF ikhf aqy puiCaf ik mYNnUM iml
ky kI krogy Auqr imilaf quhfzy nfl afvfgAux dy sbMD ivwc ivcfr ivtFdrf krnf hY.
mYN ikhf jI sdky afE. mYN AudoN kflj ivwc sF aqy kflj ivwc hI AunHF nUM afAux
leI kih idqf. jy mYnUM pqf huMdf ik imstr Gwgy jI nUM gurcrn isMG vloN myrI
ieMtrvIE lYx leI Byijaf igaf hY qF mYN sfP ienkfr kr idMdf. Gwgf jI afey. myry
qo vzyrI Aumr dy sn. gl bfq qoN ids irhf sI ik ieh swjx nfm ismrn, ardfs ivwc
bhuqf XkIn nhIN krdy. iesy jnm nUM hI sB kuwJ igxdy hn. ies jnm ivwc hI cMgy
mfVy sB mukq ho jFdy hn ivwc XkIn rwKdy hn. mYN jdoN puiCaf jy cMgy mfVy sB ny
ies jnm ivwc hI mukq ho jfxf hY iPr cMgy ikAuN bixaf jfvy ikAuNik keI mfVy bMdy
Aucy Aucy AuhidaF qy ibrfjmfn hn, Dn nfl mflf mfl hn ÈrfbF Ckdy hn aqy hor pqf
nhIN kI kI aYb AunHF ivwc hn, KuÈ vI hn aOr Auh iesy jnm ivwc mukq ho jfxgy qF
AunHF nUM iPr cMgy bxn dI kI loV hY. aqy jy mfVy bMdy vI mukq ho rhy hn aOr Auh
glq kMmf nfl pYsf vI KUb kmf rhy hn, srIrk pKoN irst pust vI hn qF iPr AunHF nUM
DrmI bxn dI kI loV hY? AunHF nUM hAumY Czx dI ko loV hY? aqy AunHf nUM Drm dI kI
loV hY? imstr Gwgf jI kol ies df koeI Auqr nhIN sI.
AunHF ny mYnUM puiCaf ik nfm jpx bfry dso. mYN ikhf pihlF
qusIN afpUM aiBafs kro sfry prdy hwt jfxgy. hF mYN ikhf ik iensfn dy ierd igrd
iewk PIÜz bx jFdI hY Aus PIlz ivwc jdoN koeI dUjf iensfn afAuNdf hY qF Aus dy
Auqy asr huMdf hY. qF ijvyN ik gurcrn isMG ny iliKaf hY ky gurcrn isMG jI Auqy
PIlz df asr nhIN ho irhf. ikAuN? mYN AuQy mfx rwKdy hoey ieh nhIN kih sikaf ik
jV Auqy PIlz df asr nhIN huMdf. gurcrn isMG ny nfm ilaf ipRQI cMd df aqy jhFgIr
df jF hor BYVY bMidaF df. qF gurcrn isMG jI suxo, ijhVy vI quhfzy vrgy nYgtIv
soc vfly bMdy hn AunHF qy qrMgF df asr nhIN huMdf.
gurcrn isMG jI mYnUM bhuq qrs af irhf hY quhfzy qy ik quhfnUM
ajy qk PIlz dI, kMpn dI jF vyv dI smJ nhIN afeI. qusI bfr bfr ilKdy ho ik mYN
quhfzy svflF df jvfb nhIN idMdf. aYnf JUT TIk nhIN huMdf. aglf jnm vI hY. lyKy
joKy hoxy hn. iesy jnm nUM hI nf sB kuwJ smJo. qy suxo hux igafn dI gl ijhVI ik
kMmn bfry hY. PIÜz bfry hY
ies iÈRstI ivwc hr vsqU kMpn ivwc hY aqy hr vsqU ivwc agoN
keI qrHF dI kMpn huMdI hY. pdfrQ byhwd Coty- Coty (ijnHF nUM mfeIkRoskop nfl vI
nhIN vyiKaf jf skdf) aYtmF df bixaf huMdf hY. aYtm dy Coty hox df pRmfx ies gwl
qoN lfieaf jf skdf hY ik jy 10, 000, 000 hfeIzRojn aYtmF nUM nfl joV ky riKaf
jfey qF ienHF df Pfslf isrP iewk imlImItr hI bxygf. ieh Cotf ijhf aYtm agoN
ielYkwtRfnF, pRotfnF aqy inAUtRfnF df bixaf huMdf hY. pRotfn aqy inAUtRfn awgoN
kuafrk dy bxy huMdy hn. pihlF kuafrk GuMmxGyrI ivc; iPr ielYkwtRfn, pRotfn aqy
inAUtRfn GuMmxGyrI ivc; iPr agoN aYtm GuMmxGyr ivc, ies qrHF pdfrQ anMq
GuMmxGyrIaF df sumyl hY:
GUmn Gyr agfh gfKrI gur sbdI pfir AuqrIaY ry
GUmn Gyir mhf aiq ibKVI gurmuiK nfnk pfir AuqfrI
ienHF sfrIaF GuMmxGyrIaF qoN pYdf huMdI hY iewk kMpn. ieh
kMpn hr iewk pdfrQ dI awz awz huMdI hY. iesI kMpn sdkf Auh ies bRihmMz ivwc iewk
vwKrI pihcfx rwKdf hY. ies kMpn nUM mihsUs kIqf jf skdf hY. ies kMpn ivwc sfAUNz
(ÈbdF df aqy imAUijk df) iewk mhwqvpUrn rol hY, ies dy keI pRmfx hn:
* lorIaF suxfAux nfl bwcy nUM nINd af jFdI hY.
* XuwD dy mYdfn ivwc POjIaF nUM joÈ ilafAux leI Dfrimk jYkfry
Cwzy jFdy hn. ies joÈ nfl mrnf jF mfrnf asfn ho jFdf hY.
* rfÈtrI gfn suxn nfl dyÈ BgqI dI Bfvnf jfg AuTdI hY.
* iksy mrgq smyN pY rhy vYx, awKF syjl kr idMdy hn.
* klfsIkl rfgF Auqy aDfirq hlkf-hlkf imAUiËk idmfgI ÈkqI nUM
vDfAuNdf hY
* jy Pfrm-hfAus ivwc hlkf-hlkf imAUiËk vjfieaf jfey qF
mwJIaF- gfeIaF duwD iËafdf idMdIaF hn.
* imAUiËk dI pihcfx pOdy vI krdy hn.
jdoN iewk bwcf jnm lYNdf hY qF Aus dI kMpn iblkul ÈuwD huMdI
hY, qF hI Auh sfiraF nUM cMgf lgdf hY, Aus nUM rwb rUp smiJaf jFdf hY
sKfeI Bgqn ko mIq] (863)
jo quDu syvih sy quD hI jyhy inrBAu bfl sKfeI hy]
pr ijvyN ijvyN Auh vwzf huMdf hY, Aus dI kMpn ivwc ÈuDqf GtxI
aqy aÈuwDqf vDxI ÈurU ho jFdI hY, nqIjy vjoN ibmfrIaF Aus nUM af GyrdIaF hn.
kMpn nUM ÈuD krn leI sfAUNz (sbd jF imAUiËk) dI mdd leI jf skdI hY. lwcr gfixaF
nfloN jy GrF ivwc hlkf-Pulkf mwTI-mwTI avfj ivwc klfsIkl sMgIq vwjdf rhy qF mn
ÈFq huMdf hY, ieho afqmf dI Kurfk hY.
sfAUNz (Èbd jF imAUiËk) df pRBfv hËfrF guxf vD jFdf hY jy ieh
pRBfv rYËonYNs dI sMgq ivwc hovy. afE hux rYËonYNs nUM smJx dI koiÈÈ krIey. afm
qor qy do vsqUaF dI kMpn afps ivwc rldI nhI huMdI, pr jy ieh rl jfey qF …[ [ !
qF iewk aijhI ikiraf jnm lYNdI hY ijs nfl AUrjf df sMcfr bVI qIbr gqI nfl huMdf
hY, ies ikiraf nUM rYËonYNs kihMdy hn. ijvyN:
* iewk mËbUq pul ijhVf keI hËfr mx boJ cuwk skdf hY kuwJ ku
POjI BrfvF dy mfrc krn nfl tuwt vI skdf hY. POjIaF dy mfrc krn nfl iewk kMpn
bxdI hY. jy Auh kMpn pul dI kMpn nfl myc Kf geI qF rYËonYNs hovygI aqy pul dI
kMpn ies hwd qk vDygI ik pul leI Aus nUM sMBflxf muÈkl ho jfeygf qy Auh tut
jfeygf. 1940 nUM vfiÈMgtn ivKy qyË cl rhIaF hvfvF tYkomfroz pul nUM hI afpxy nfl
lY AuWzIaF ikAuNik AunHF hvfvF dI kMpn pul dI kMpn nfl jf rlI sI.
* iek afm roÈnI ivwc bhuqI qfkq nhIN huMdI pr jy Aus dy
PotfnF dI kMpn afps ivwc rlx lgy qF iewk afm rosnI lyËr ivwc qbdIl ho jFdI hY
aqy lyËr dy pRBfv qoN qusIN BlI- BFq vfkP ho.
* brfzkfsitMg styÈn qoN hr vkq hjfrF ryzIE qrMgF sfzy
vfXU-mMzl ivwc Èfml huMdIaF hn pr sfzf ryzIE AunHF ivcoN koeI iewk qrMg nUM hI
PVHdf hY. ikvyN? rYËonYNs duafrf.
ryzIE Kud pihlF iewk aijhI qrMg bxfAuNdf hY ijs dI kMpn PVHn
vflI qrMg nfl imldI huMdI hY. ies nfl rYËonYNs huMdI hY aqy mncfhI qrMg nUM kfbU
kr ilaf jFdf hY. rYËonYNs jIvF ivwc vI huMdI hY. iksy iewk ivakqI nUM sfrI
dunIaf ivcoN kuwJ ivakqI iËafdf cMgy lgdy hn. ijnHF nfl Aus dI kMpn QoVHI bhuq
rldI hY. jy iksy pqI-pqnI dI kMpn afps ivwc nf rly qF nObq qlfk qk awpV jFdI hY,
aqy jy ieh pUrn qOr qy rl jfey (hY bhuq muÈkl) qF Auh hIr-rFJf, swsI-punUM vrgy
ho inbVdy hn.
Dfrimk asQfnF dy golfkfr guMbd aMdroN ÈbdF dI avfË leI avql
-drpx (knkyv imrr) df kMm krdy hn. guMbd dy aMdr avfË tkrfAuNdI hoeI guMj pYdf
krdI hY. ies nUM ivigafink BfÈf ivwc rIvrbryÈn kihMdy hn. ies leI guMbd aMdr bYT
ky rYËonYNs hox dI sMBfvnf vD jFdI hY. guMbd bfhroN AuWql drpx (knvYks imrr) df
kMm krdy hn ijs nfl ieh bfhrlIaF avfËF nUM aMdr nhIN afAux idMdy.
aiDafqimk sqHf qy gurU nfnk dyv jI dI kMpn BfeI lihxf jI dI
kMpn nfl hU-b-hU myl KFdI sI qF hI qF gurU nfnk dyv jI afp bfhr jf ky BfeI lihxf
jI ijs GoVy Auqy svfr sn Aus nUM PVH ky afpxy Gr lY ky afey. iPr rYËonYNs duafrf
gurU nfnk dyv jI dI aiDafqimk ÈkqI df sMcfr BfeI lihxf jI ivwc hoieaf qy Auh
BfeI lihxf jI qoN gurU aMgd dyv jI ho gey.
qrlocn isMG
iekvfk isMG pwtI
kI iswKF ivwc axK-Êyrq muwk geI hY jF ivroDIaF nUM KulH dy
idwqI geI hY beI jo mrjI krI cwlo?
mOjUdf smyN ivwc iswKI srUp nUM hr qrHF dIaF muÈiklF df
sfhmxf krnf pY irhf hY, ikAuNik iswKF df aslI srUp Bfv isMG ieË ikMg vflf
ivKfAux dI QF AusnUM piqq, mUrK, JuwzU, byvkUP jF kmilaF dy rUp ivwc mIzIey,
ipRMt mIzIaf aqy ielYktRfink mIzIey rfhIN ivKfieaf jf irhf hY. ijs krky
sfbq-sUrq nOjvfnF nUM nmoÈI df sfhmxf krnf pY irhf hY aqy Kfs vrnxXog hY ik ieh
sB kuwJ ihMdU mIzIey vwloN vwzy pwDr qy kIqf jf irhf hY, ijs ivwc mOjUdf ihMdI
aKbfrF, ihMdI iPlmF aqy sIrIal muwK rUp ivwc ieh Buimkf inBf rhy hn. ijs bfry
spoksmYn hmyÈf hI aijhy pMQ ivroDIaF nUM qfVnf krdy hoey nfl hI lokfeI nUM
jfgrUk krn leI ihMmq krdI rihMdI hY.
pr pMQ ivroDIaF df qF ieh roË df hI kMm bx
igaf hY ik iswKF nUM cYWk krdy rihMdy hn ik iehnF dI axK aqy Êyrq ajy muwkI hY
ik nhIN. pr quhfnUM aPsos hovygf spoksmYn nUM ipwCy Dwk ky pMjfb dI afvfË aqy
pMQk aKbfr bx ky sfhmxy afAux dI koiÈÈ kr rhI jlMDr dI pMjfbI aKbfr ajIq vI hux
iswKF dIaF Dfrimk BfvnfvF nUM Tys phuMcfAux ivwc koeI ksr nhIN Cwz rhI. ijsdI
qfËf imsfl Aus smyN imlI jd imqI 7 sqMbr 08 dI ajIq aKbfr dI sfiet KolI qF muwK
pMny dIaF KbrF dy Qwly iewK kfrtUn Poto ijsdf koeI mqlb jF Ausdy sbMD ivwc koeI
Kbr afly duafly nhIN idwqI geI. pr pqf nhIN lwg sikaf ik aijhI Poto pfAux df
mksd kI sI. ijs ivwc iewk mwgrmwC nUM amrIkf df nfm idwqf iugaf hY aqy Ausdy
Aupr iewk bFdr ibTfieaf igaf hY, ijsnUM bFdr df nfm idwqf igaf hY, qy Auh bFdr
koeI hor nhIN sfzy siqkfrXog iswK pRDfn mMqrI zf[ mnmohn isMG jI hI hn. bFdr dy
isr dy Aupr mnmohn isMG jI dI pwg rwKI geI hY aqy dfhVI vI lgfeI geI hY. nfl hI
mgrmwC dy mUMhoN aKvfieaf igaf hY ik mYnUM qyrf aytmI idwl cfhIdf hY. jo iswDy
rUp ivwc iswKI srUp qy hmlf hY aqy Auh iswK pRDfn mMqrI ijsnUM kuwJ smF pihlF hI
pRmfxU smJoqy ivwc ijwq qoN bfad sfrIaF aKbfrF ivwc aslI "isMG ieË ikMg" df
iKqfb idwqf igaf sI aqy ies ajIq aKbfr ivwc AuhnF dI qulnf iewk bFdr nfl krky
AuhnF df apmfn kIqf igaf hY. jykr aijhI koeI vI glqI spoksmYn koloN ho jFdI hY
vYsy qF ho hI nhIN skdI aqy ibnHF glqI qoN hI aKbfr ivruwD Dfvf bol idwqf jFdf
hY aqy iesdy ivroDI sxy ajIq aKbfr dy brijMdr isMG Jwt afpxI aKbfr ivwc iswK
buwDIjIvIaF dy hI JUwTy ibafn Cfp ky kOm nUM guMmrfh krn lwg jFdy hn. aqy
iPrkfpRsq lok Dfrimk BfvnfvF BVkfAux df doÈ spoksmYn Aupr lgfAux lwg jFdy hn, pr
aPsos ies gwl df hY sB kuwJ vyKidaF hoieaF vI sfzy iswK lok cuwp ikAuN rihMdy
hn? kI iswKF dy jËbfqF nUM Tys phuMcfAuxf koeI gYr-kfnUMnI nhIN hY? jF awj iswKF
dI koeI axK gYrq bfkI nhIN bcI? jo sB kuwJ qmfÈbInIey bx ky dyKI jf rhy hn. jF
iPr iswK ingly jf cuwky hn aqy iswKI srUp ivwc sB bRhfmx hI hn aqy sB pgVIDfrI
aqy gfqrfDfrI ByKI hI rih gey hn. loV hY smF sMBflx dI. afAu rl iml ky afpF iswK
nOjvfnF nUM dsqfr dI afx-Èfn df mhwqv, gurmiq asUl, iswK vIcfrDfrf aqy iswK
iPlfsPI qoN jfxU krvfeIey aqy kOm bcfeIey.
-iekvfk isMG pwtI
joD ngr, sulqfnivMz roz,
aMimRqsr. mo[ 098150-24920
pRo: qrlocn isMG mhfjn
qrlocn isMG (iPijks)
vIr pfl isMG jIE
gurU Piqh pRvfn krnI jI
qusF iliKaf ik
have no time to write down philosophy and emotional statements. My mantra
remains same no philosophy, no emotional statements, no personal attacks.. pure
facts, logic and proofs.
smF nhIN hY iPlfsPI aqy iemoÈn leI. hF quhfzy kol smF hY lfijk leI aqy isD krn
leI. myry BfeI ieh lfijk aqy prUP sB isKy isKfey iesy dunIaf dy ihsfb ikqfb hn.
ieh ihsfb ikqfb aqy lfijk dunIaf df pdfrQ hfsl krn leI kMm afAuNdy hn. ies rfhIN
dunIaf dI ckf coNd pdfrQvfdI mfieaf nUM smJ skdy ho pr qusIN aiDafqmvfd nUM nhIN
jfx skdy. ies dunIaf ivwc asIN pVy ilKy qoqy hF ijvyN iewk qoqf boldf hY AuvyN
asIN sfry qoqy bolxf ÈurU kr idMdy hF.
vIr pfl jI qoiqaF df iewk vfikaf suxo:
iek swjx kol kuwJ qoqy af ky rihx lgy. Aus swjx jI df AunHF
qoiqaF nfl awCf Kfsf ipafr ho igaf. Aus ny soicaf ik ienHF qoiqaF nUM koeI nf
koeI iÈkfrI jrUr PwV lvygf. ies leI Aus ny qoiqaF nUM pVHfAuxF ÈurU kr idqf. Auh
AunHF nUM hr roj pVHfieaf kry ‘iÈkfrI afeygf, jfl pfeygf, cogf iKlfrygf, Aus
cogy nUM asF cugxf nhIN’ qoiqaF ny pVHnf ÈurU kr idqf. swjx purÈ ny bVI myhnq
kIqI. aKIr qoqy bolx lgy. swjx jI ny soicaf ik bVf cMgf hoieaf, myrI myhnq sPl
hoeI, hux ieh qoqy iÈkfrI dy jfl ivwc nhIN Psxgy. qoqy roj AuVdy, Èfm nUM vfps
af jFdy. iÈkfrIaF ny iewk idn jfl iKlfiraf. Auh vyK ky bVy KuÈ hoey ik kuwJ qoqy
AuVdy hoey jfl vl af rhy hn. ieh AuhI pVHy ilKy qoqy sn. Auh af ky jfl dy kol
iewk drwKq qy bYT gey. AunHF ivcoN iewk qoqf boilaf
‘iÈkfrI afeygf, jfl pfeygf, cogf
iKlfrygf, pr Aus cogy nUM asF cugxf nhIN’ iÈkfrI afps ivwc gwlF krn lgy
ik ieh qoqy bVy pVy ilKy hn, bVy clfk hn, ieh sfzy jfl ivwc Psxgy nhIN vyKo
ikMnf sohxf jvfb dy rhy hn. iknF lfijk hY ienHF dIaF gwlF ivc. afE cuko jfl qy
ikqy hor clIey. ajy Auh jfx dI iqafrI hI kr rhy sn kI vyKdy hn ik Auh sfry qoqy
drKq qoN AuV ky jfl ivwc cogf cugx leI af gey aqy nfl bolI vI jf rhy hn ‘iÈkfrI
afeygf, jfl pfeygf, cogf iKlfrygf, Aus cogy nUM asF cugxf nhIN’ iÈkfrI ny AunHF
nUM jfl ivcoN kiZaf qy ipMjry ivwc bMd kIqf qy Ayuh ipMjry ivwc bYTy vI lfijk dy
rhy sn ‘iÈkfrI afeygf, jfl pfeygf, cogf iKlfrygf, Aus cogy nUM asF cugxf nhIN’.
vIr pfl
asIN vI qoqy hF qy ieho kuwJ kr rhy hF. ies nUM idl dIaF ghrfeIaF nfl smJxf. idl
dIaF ghrfeIaF ivwc ihsfb ikqfb lfijk prUP sB Kqm ho jFdy hn. AuQy isrP qy isrP
iemoÈn bcdIaF hn. vIr pfl AunHF iemoÈn nUM sMBflxf aOr ieho iemoÈn jy bUMdF bx
ky awKF rfhIN tpkx qF AunHF nUM afpxI JolI ivwc sMBfl lYxf. Auh byhwd kImqI
hoxgIaF, Auho quhfzf asl srmfieaf hoxgIaF.
aOr jy ieh iemoÈn Kqm ho cukIaF hn qF Auprflf krnf ik ieh iPr qoN jfgx. ienHF df
jfgxf jrUrI hY. jIvn df rws ienHF iemoÈn ivwc hI luikaf hY. rshIx ijMdgI korI
ihsfbI ikqfbI quhfnUM iewk kMmpIAUtr bxf deygI. qusI kYlkulyÈn krogy. qusIN hr
cIj ivwc lfijk lBogy. qusI bology. pr quhfzy bolF ivwc rs nhIN hovygf. AunHF
bolF ivwc quhfzI afqmf dI Jlkfr nhIN hoeygI. AunHF bolF ivwc drd nhIN hovygf.
Auh bol iksy dy ihrdy nUM TMZk nhIN dy skxgy. kI ieho ijhy iemoÈn qoN sKxy bol
qusIN psMd krogy? ies leI myry vIr quhfzf ieh kihxf mYnUM cMgf nhIN lgf ik
quhfzy kol iPlfsPI aqy iemoÈn leI smF nhIN.
ipqf kflU jI ny vI ihsfb ikqfb qy lfiËk isKfxf cfihaf sI nfnk
dyv jI nUM. iesy leI 20 rupey idqy sn ik jf ky vpfr kro. 20 dy 200 bxf ky ilafE.
ieho dunIaf df ihsfb ikqfb hY. 20 qoN 200 bxfAuxf. nfnk jI cly, ajy Èihr nhIN sn
apVy, rsqy ivwc hI kuwJ lok jo pytoN BuKy sn iml gey. nfnk jI dy pYr AuQy hI ruk
gey. hux agy jfx df svfl nhIN sI. mrdfnf jI ny bQyrf smJfieaf. nfnk jI smJo. 20
qoN 200 bxfAuxy hn. nfnk dyv jI ny ikhf TIk hY mrdfinaf asIN ieho kr rhy hF. jfE
ienHF leI Bojn df ieMqjfm kro. lMgr lgfey gey. KUb Br pyt sB ny KfDf. rfhI afpxy
rfh pY gey qy rih gey nfnk jI aqy mrdfnf. mrdfnf khy hux mYN nhIN jfxf Gr vfps.
kI khFgy 20 rupey ikQy gey. nfnk dyv jI ny smJfieaf. asF vpfr hI kIqf hY ijhVf
qyrI smJ nhIN af irhf. qyrf lfijk ihsfb ikqfb vwKrf hY. mrdfny ny ikhf TIk hY,
nfnk jI clo Gr qusIN hI disE ik vIh rupey df kI bixaf. ipMz phuMcy. mrdfnf zr
irhf sI. nfnk dyv jI dy ipCy ho igaf. ipqf jI bVy hYrfn hoey nfnk dyv jI nUM vyK
ky. aYnI CyqI vpfr kr ky af gey. ikvyN irhf. smfn ikQy hY? kI GoiVaF qy af irhf
hY? nfnk dyv jI ny BuiKaF nUM Bojn krfAux dI gfQf bVI msqI nfl suxfeI. nfnk dyv
jI nUM bVI hYrfnI hoeI ieh vyKdy hoey ik ijvyN ijvyN Auh gfQf suxf rhy sn AunHF
dy ipqf df ichrf lfl huMdf jf irhf hY. gfQf suxdy sfr ipqf jI afpy qoN bfhr ho
gey qy lgy nfnk dyv jI dy gulfl vrgy ichry qy QwpV mfrn. ipqf jI kihx lgy, kI
vpfr kr ky afieaf hYN? ihsfb ikqfb nhIN afAuNdf? lfijk df nhIN pqf? 20 qoN 200
ikvyN huMdy hn, qYNnUM kox isKfeygf? .
gurU nfnk dyv jI df ihsfb ikqfb hI vwKrf sI ijsnUM asIN nhIN
smJ skFgy vIr pfl jI smJo ijs ihsfb ikqfb lfijk aqy prUP df qusIN ijkr kr rhy ho
ieh sfzy idmfg dIaF vpfrk KyzF hn. jy smJxf hY qF afqmf nUM smJo, iemoÈnË nUM
smJo, dUijaF dy dUKF nUM smJo. bs hor kuwJ smJx dI loV nhIN hY.
hux ivigafn bfry
vIr pfl ijnHF
nUM qusIN smJ rhy ho, AunHF dI smJ vI quhfnUM aDUrI hY. Aus aDUry pn nUM qusF
swc jfix ilaf hY.
ijvyN qusI smJ rhy ho ik Potfn asl ivwc mfs hY.
nhIN vIr pfl nhIN.
ieh asl ivwc mfs nhIN hY blik ies ivwc keI vfr mfs vrgy gux
ibrfjmfn ho jFdy hn ikAuNik
1) jy ieh asl ivwc mfs huMdf qF agoN Koj hoxI sI ik ieh ikny pRotfnF, ikMny
ielYktRfnF, ikMny aYtm hUMdy hn. hF jy quhfnUM pqf hovy ies df qF jrUr ilKxf.
2) jy Potfn Kud hI mfs huMdf qF afienstfeIn nUM jy Auh mfs hovy qF iPr
afienstfeIn nUM Aus aYnrjI nUM mfs ivwc qbdIl krn dy PfrmUly leI aYnI myhnq nhIN
sI krnI pYxI. aYnI ku qF quhfnUM vI smJ hY ik aYnrjI mfs ivwc qbdIl huMdI hY
vIr pfl mYN bVI soKI BfÈf ivwc ds irhf hF ies nUM socy ieQy Èbd
df hY. qusIN bfr-bfr jor dy rhy ho ik nhIN pRkfÈ ivwc mfs hY. jy pRkfÈ ivwc mfs
hY iPr Conversion
dI loV ikAuN. aOr ijhVY Potfn dI qusIN gl kr rhy
ho Auh aYnrjI dy pYkt hn. mYN pihlF vI disaf sI ik qusIN iksy bwcy qoN vI puC
skdy ho. aYnrjI df pYkt, mfs nhIN huMdf. jy ieh mfs huMdf qF iviganIaF ny dsxf
sI ik ies mfs ivwc ikMny aYtm hn, ikMny ielYktRfn hn ikMny pRotfn hn pr vIr
myiraF Energy
df pYkt byhwd sUKÈm hY. ieh kyvl
Concentrated Energy hY ijhVI ik suBfa qoN
keI vfrI pdfrQI guxF df BulyKf pfAuNdI hY. vyKo ikMnI ajIb cIj hY, ik hY ieh
aYnrjI dY pYkt, ieh mfs nhIN hY, ieh mYtr nhIN hY pr ies ivwc pdfrQ vfly gux vI
ibrfjmfn hn.
mYN quhfnUM do pRXogF leI iliKaf sI pr qusF Aus df vI koeI
Auqr nf idqf. ikAuN? vIr pfl Coty-moty ivigafnI qF qusIN vI ho. pr quhfzf
ivigafn aDUrf hY. jy iksy sfeIt qoN qusI pV ilaf ik KflI zbf lvo Aus nUM qolo,
iPr Aus ivwc lfeIt afAux idE iPr Aus nUM qolo qy vyKo ik Bfr
Different hoeygf. ivigafnI
jI, pihlF ieh pRXog qusIN afp kr ky vyKxf iPr dsxf ik Bfr ivwc Prk pYNdf hY? .
jy Bfr ivwc Prk pYNdf hY qF ikMny gRfm vwDdf hY. ilK Byjxf. ies qoN vwD idlcsp
pRXog mYN ds dyNdf hF quhfnUM iksy sfeIt qoN lBx dI loV nhIN.
qusIN iewk Bfr qolx dI mÈIn lYxf,
bfhr grfAuNz ivwc svyr 3 vjy dy krIb Aus qy KVy ho jfxf ikAuNik AudoN roÈnI nhIN
huMdI qy afpxf Bfr vyKxf ikMnf hY. mÈIn qy KVy rihxf, ijvyN ijvyN roÈnI hoeygI
qF vyKxf ik quhfzy Bfr ivwc Prk pY irhf hY ik nhIN. ikAuNik pRkfÈ qF quhfzy ivwc
vI jf irhf hY. idn dy 12 ku vjy qk ieh pRXog qusIN mukf skdy ho ikAuNik AudoN
roÈnI awCI KfsI ho jFdI hY. aOr AudoN qk qusIN KfsI awCI roÈnI soK lvogy aOr
ijvyN quhfzf Bfr vwDygf qF jrUr not kr lYxf. iPr quhfzy ies pRXog nUM asIN iksy
mYgjIn ivwc vI pRkfiÈq kr skdy hF. hY nf anoKf pRXog.
qusIN ienHF pRXogF dy koeI Auqr nhIN
dy rhy. qF mihsUs huMdf hY ik qusIN jrUr myry nfl nrfj ho gey ho. jy qusIN nrfj
nf huMdy qF qusF jrUr Auqr dyxf sI. quhfzy Auqr nf dyx kfrn avqfr isMG myry nfl
nrfj ho jFdy hn pqf nhIN ikAuN?
qrlocn isMG
gurÈrn isMG ksyl
pRo[ qrlocn isMG mhfjn jI,
vfihgurU jI kf Kflsf] vfihgurU jI kI Pqih]
afp jI ny iliKaf hY ik "vIr pfl jIE qusF puiCaf ik sfieMs nfl
qusIN afqmf nUM isD kr rhy ho, kI ieh aiDafqmvfd hY? . hF ksyl jIE jy sc puCo qF
ieh aiDafqmvfd hY.
sfieMs kdI dyÈF ivwc lkIrF nhIN iKcdI. ies dy nfm qy kdI dMgy Psfd nhIN huMdy.
nIvIaF jfqF dy kMnF ivwc isky Gol ky nhIN pfey jFdy. ies dy nfm qy bicaF dy gl
ivwc tfier pf AunHF nUM ijMdf nhIN jlfieaf jFdf. vIrf ieh vI aiDafqmvfd hY
ijhVf swc nUM Kojdf hY, aOr Aus swc dI Koj ivwc koeI vI Èfml ho skdf hY, Aucf,
nIvF, kflf, gorf, ihMdU, isK koeI vI. byÈk ies dI aproc pdfrQ Auqy itkI hY. pr
aj pdfrQ vI iewk qrMg hY ies dI Koj ivigafnI kr cuky hn".
pRo: sfihb kI qusIN sfieMs dy pRXog rfhIN ‘afqmf’ df srIr
ivwc dfKl hoxf aqy srIr ivcoN bfhr jfxf ‘iswK mfrg’ dy pfTkF nUM ivKf skdy ho?
jykr nhIN qF iPr afpxf kImqI smF ikAuN lf rhy ho? myrf qF quhfnUM suJfa hY ik
ies ivÈy qoN hwtky iksy hor ivÈy qy ivcfr-crcf kro; awgy afp dI mrjI hY.
AuNJ vI gurbfxI qF sfnUM akfl purK nUM vyKx bfry ieh smJfAuNdI hY:
loiex loeI izT, ipafs n buJY mU
GxI ] nfnk sy aKVIaf ibaMin, ijnI izsMdo mf iprI ]3] (pMnf 1099)
ijAuN) mYN iehnF awKF nfl (inry) jgq ƒ (Bfv, dunIaf dy pdfrQF ƒ) qwkdf hF (iehnF
pdfrQF vfsqy myrI lflsf bhuq vDdI jFdI hY, lflsf muwkdI nhIN .
hy nfnk !
(iq®snf-mfrIaF awKF nfl ipafrf pRBU idws nhIN skdf) Auh awKF (iehnF
iq®sLnf-vyVHIaF awKF nfloN) hor iksm dIaF hn, ijnHF nfl ipafrf pqI-pRBU idwsdf
hY .
pr jykr qusIN iPr vI sfieMs dy pRXog rfhIN sfnUM ivKfAuxf
cfhuMdy ho qf ivKf dyvo.
Aus hryk jgHf vwsx vfly bfry Auh afp hI jfxdf hY ik AusdI
qfkq ikvyN kMm krdI hY myrI mfmUlI ijhI mq ivwc qF eynI smJ nhIN hY. sfnUM
gurbfxI smJfAuNdI hY ik:
puiC n sfjy, puiC n Zfhy, puiC n dyvY lyie ] afpxI kudriq afpy jfxY afpy krxu
kryie ] sBnf vyKY ndir kir jY BfvY qY dyie ]4](m:1, pMnf 53)
arQ:- pRBU ieh jgq nfh
iksy pfsoN slfh lY ky bxFdf hY nfh hI pwuC ky nfs krdf hY, nfh hI iksy dI slfh
nfl srIr ivc ijMd pFdf hY nfh kwZdf hY . prmfqmf afpxI kudriq afp hI jfxdf hY,
afp hI ieh jgq-rcnf rcdf hY . imhr dI ingfh kr ky sB jIvF dI sMBfl afp hI krdf
hY, jo Aus ƒ BfAuNdf hY Aus ƒ (afpxy guxF dI kdr) bKLsLdf hY .4.
pRo: sfihb, mYN ies ivÈy qy hor icTI nhIN ilKfgF. hor jo
afpny puwiCaf hY ik, "qusF bVf vDIaf gurbfxI df hvflf idqf ik kVCIaF nUM Kfxy df
svfd nhIN af skdf pr soicE ksyl jI ieh svfd kI hY? ieh msqI kI hY? ieh anMd kI
hY? jy kVCIaF mfrn nfl nhIN qF ikvyN ho skdf hY? idn qy pihr aqy pihr qy GVIaF
bIqIaF clIaF jf rhIaF hn. goibMd imlx kI ieho vfrI (ieho jnm) dI bfxI hr pl cot
mfr rhI hY. ibrQf jnm nf jfey vIrf ikRpf krky ds ik ikMvyN svfd afvy, ikvyN Aus
dI joiq df aihsfs hovy. mYN quhfzf aihsfnmMd hovFgf ikRpf krky dso ik Aus dI Xfd
hr vkq bxI rhy Auh ikhVf qrIkf hY? ikvyN aihsfs hovy ik ieh sB kuwJ iewk suPnf
hY? ieh sMsfr suPnf hY, ieh irÈqy nfqy suPny hn, ieh sfzI bihs suPnf hY, ikvyN
aihsfs hovy" ?
ies bfry ivcfr kdI iPr shI, pihlF qusIN ‘afqmf’ ivKfAux vfly
cwkr ivcoN inkl jfvo.
siqkfr sihq,
gurÈrn isMG ksyl
amirMdr isMG
Dear Editor,
I have been reading the discussion between Veerpal Singh and
Tarlochan Singh Mahajan. Recently you intervened in the discussion to steer it
in the right direction. I think you might need to intervene again or stop the
discussion as it is tumbling down the wrong road again.
Last year around this time, September 9, 2007, I wrote a
response to Mahajan’s letter. In his original letter Mahajan said that nature
does not want us to understand it. I responded by giving specific examples where
we have understood nature. Mahajan responded by saying that first scientist says
one thing, and second scientist says another. This is an absurd generalization
coming from a physicist. Yet, in his discussion with Veerpal Singh, he posts a
huge list of scientific papers. So when science supports his views, it is ok to
use science, but when science proves Mahajan wrong, then science is wrong. This
is precisely where Mahajan stands.
I agree with Veerpal Singh’s and Jarnail Singh Australia’s
last letters published September 6, 2008. Mahajan has miserably failed to answer
the questions. Instead, he goes off on tangents. This is exactly what Daya Nand
did and when someone gives Mahajan this "degree", he gets offended and claims
this as personal attack. I am sorry, but calling a liar a liar is not a personal
He is using science for Veerpal Singh, by suggesting a flawed
experiment to measure the mass of light. However, when Gursharan Singh Kesal
asked about the mice experiment conducted by Rationalists, Mahajan completely
ignored it and did not answer with science.
Nothing will come out of this discussion, especially since
one person is "cheating" and fighting to win instead of fighting for principles.
Thus, I think this discussion needs your intervention, again.
Amrinder Singh
amnjIq isMG igwl
swK mfrg dy smUh pfTkF nUM
vfihgurU jI kf Kflsf
vfihgurU jI kI Piqh]
smUh sMgq awgy bynqI hY jI ik ikRpf krky
‘iswK ihMdU nhI hn’
ies ivÈLy qy afpxy-afpxy Tos ivcfr ilKx dI
kRpflqf krnI jI ikAuNik keI vfr afm hI keI swjx kih idMdy hn ik iswK pihlF ihMdU
hI sn, mfVIaF-motIaF dlIlF nfl AuhnF dI qswlI nhI huMdI. iewk vfr iksy swjx ny
ikhf ik ‘iswKF dI vMÈ qy ihMdU hI hn ikAuNik gurU sfihbfn vyly bhuq sfry iswK
ÈhId ijvyN BfeI dieaflf jI, BfeI sqI dfs jI, BfeI mqI dfs jI afid ihMdU Drm ‘coN
afey sn iehnf dIaF awgy pIVHIaF cwlIaF aqy iesy qrF hor iswK. ies qrHF ieh vMÈ
qy ihMdUaF qoN hI cwlI hY.
‘myrIaF dlIlF nfl Aus dI qswlI nhI hoeI.’ mYnUM ijMnI jfxkfrI hY, EnI nfl mYN
Aus dI qswlI krvfAux dI koiÈÈ kIqI pr mYnUM ies ivwc koeI Èwk nhI ik ‘iswK iewk
vwKrf qy inafrf Drm hY’ pr iksy dUjy nUM iks qrF pUry Tos afDfr qy ies gwl df
jvfb idwqf jfvy ikAuNik mYnUM ajy ies qrF df ijafdf
experiance nhI
ikRpf krky koeI vI ies
ivÈy qy ijMnf vI ilK skdf hY ilKy. ijMnI vI jfxkfrI imlygI, myry leI qy horF leI
mhwqvpUrx hovygI. BfeI kfnH isMG nfBf duafrf ilKI ikqfb ‘hm ihMdU nhIN’ qoN ibnf
jykr ies ivÈy nfl sMbMDq koeI hor ikqfb dI jfxkfrI hY qF dwsx dI ikRpflqf krnI
amnjIq isMG igwl
vIrpfl isMG
Dear Prof Mahajan,
Sorry sir, I have no time to write down philosophy and
emotional statements. My mantra remains same no philosophy, no emotional
statements, no personal attacks.. pure facts, logic and proofs.
I can't proceed until you forward me a single proof or link
of some experiment which says that Energy and Mass are not associated with each
other and energy can stay without mass.
Please don't repeat same old story of Light and wave theory
experiments as it is just one side of coin and I had already given sufficient
proof and logic that Light is also associated with Mass, below is again
you say photon is packet of energy, by saying it as PACKET
you have agreed that it is particle. Just for your information we all, you, me
and all are packet of energy and have mass.
Also one more thing about the other questions, how come you
are the owner of those questions. Questions were raised by me first which
I have put on hold because you only don't like hoch poch.
I don't have any right to stop your imagination, its your
assumption that I am angry. I don't know which particular statement has made you
to think so.
jrnYl isMG afstRylIaf
Dear All
In his latest missive Prof Mahajan has been very unfair to
Veerpal Singh. He has dubbed him as some one full of ego. This is simply
bizarre. Further Veerpal has never denied about Atama and Prof Mahajan has
accused him of this and he does stop here and goes on to take credit for making
him realize about Atma. Reading his letters one can not but feel that Prof
Mahajan is always speaking from podium, not discussing the issue, but delivering
It looks like this discussion is now going no where. Prof
Mahajan is using all the literary skills in his armour to disorient this
discussion. Though I am not a science person, I have followed this discussion
with keen interest for the last few weeks. And I do understand but they are
talking about. Prof Mahajan is playing the tiring out game. Veerpal Singh has
been asking him to provide some scientific evidence about the assertions he has
made about energy, light and mass, but so far he has been avoiding to do so. I
do not know who is right and who is wrong. But from the past few weeks, one can
easily judge that Veerpal will never succeed in getting a straight forward
answer to his question. (Though Prof Mahajan expects others to give straight
forward answers like yes or no) I know Prof Mahajan will come back saying that
there is no straight forward answer. But he must keep in mind that this
discussion was about a question of science, not philosophy. Prof Mahajan should
step down from the podium and discuss the issue instead of delivering judgements
on others.
Jarnail Singh
qrlocn isMG mhfjn
qrlocn isMG mhfjn
myry vIr gurÈrn isMG ksyl jIE.
gurU Piqh pRvfn krnI jI.
KuÈI hoeI ik qusIN mMndy ho ik Aus hrI dI joiq Gt Gt ivwc hY.
Aus hrI dI joiq qoN ibnf koeI ÈrIr nhIN. bhuq KuÈI hoeI. ksyl ijE. awDI qoN vwD
dunIaf vI mMndI hY ik rwb hY, rwb sfnUM vyK irhf hY, rwb cohIN pfsIN hY. aOr
ihMdosqfn qF ieh mMnx ivwc
sB qoN agy hY pr iPr corIaF ikAuN? kql ikAuN? TgIaF ikAuN? irÈvqKorIaF ikAuN?
Drm dy nfm qy dMgy Psfd ikAuN? iksy nUM jlIl krn leI inÈfny ikAuN?
ksyl jI soicE ik, kI mMnx nfl mMnxf ho jFdf hY? .
qusF bVf vDIaf gurbfxI df hvflf idqf ik kVCIaF nUM Kfxy df
svfd nhIN af skdf pr soicE ksyl jI ieh svfd kI hY? ieh msqI kI hY? ieh anMd kI
hY? jy kVCIaF mfrn nfl nhIN qF ikvyN ho skdf hY? idn qy pihr aqy pihr qy GVIaF
bIqIaF clIaF jf rhIaF hn. goibMd imlx kI ieho vfrI (ieho jnm) dI bfxI hr pl cot
mfr rhI hY. ibrQf jnm nf jfey vIrf ikRpf krky ds ik ikMvyN svfd afvy, ikvyN Aus
dI joiq df aihsfs hovy. mYN quhfzf aihsfnmMd hovFgf ikRpf krky dso ik Aus dI Xfd
hr vkq bxI rhy Auh ikhVf qrIkf hY? ikvyN aihsfs hovy ik ieh sB kuwJ iewk suPnf
hY? ieh sMsfr suPnf hY, ieh irÈqy nfqy suPny hn, ieh sfzI bihs suPnf hY, ikvyN
aihsfs hovy?
hyT ilKIaF qukF qy vI vIcfr kirE
hir kIaf kQf khfxIaf
guir mIiq suxfeIaf] bilhfrI gur afpxy gur kAu bil jfeIaf] 1] afie imlu gurisK
afie imlu qU myry gurU ky ipafry]
quhfzy qy ieljfm kox lf skdf hY ksyl jIE? aOr ienHF ieljfmF
df mfienf hI kI? aOr jy koeI afqmf df
pRXog puCygf qF ieh koeI gunfh nhIN? ieh ieljfm ikvyN? ieljfm qF huMdf hY jy
qusIN iksy df kql kro? iksy nUM afpxy Èbdf dy afsry jlIl kro. mYNnUM Bul
hoeI ik mYNnUM ligaf ik qusIN afqmf ivwc XkIn nhIN rwKdy. Aus Bul leI mYN do hwQ
joV ky pRBU ipqf qoN muafPI mMgdf hF. ieh muafPI qF mYN hr pl mMgdf hI rihMdf hF
pRBU qoN ik hy rwbf myry qoN ieho ijhy Èbd nf ilKvfeIN ijs nfl iksy dy ihrdy nUM
Tys phuMcy. iPr vI pqf nhIN ikvyN ieh sB kuwJ ilK ho jFdf hY. jy qusIN afqmf nUM
hrI dI joiq mMndy ho qF aYnI dyr dI bihs cl rhI sI qusF pihlF hI ds idMdy qF
ikhf cMgf huMdf. hF hux vIr pfl isMG jI vI mMnx lgxgy ik ieh hrI dI joiq nUM hI
mhfjn afqmf kih irhf hY.
vIr pfl jIE qusF puiCaf ik sfieMs nfl qusIN afqmf nUM isD kr
rhy ho, kI ieh aiDafqmvfd hY? . hF ksyl jIE jy sc puCo qF ieh aiDafqmvfd hY.
ikAuNik sfieMs kdI dyÈF
ivwc lkIrF nhIN iKcdI. ies dy nfm qy kdI dMgy Psfd nhIN huMdy. nIvIaF jfqF dy
kMnF ivwc isky Gol ky nhIN pfey jFdy. ies dy nfm qy bicaF dy gl ivwc tfier pf
AunHF nUM ijMdf nhIN jlfieaf jFdf. vIrf ieh vI aiDafqmvfd hY
ijhVf swc nUM Kojdf hY, aOr Aus swc dI Koj ivwc koeI vI Èfml ho skdf hY, Aucf,
nIvF, kflf, gorf, ihMdU, isK koeI vI. byÈk ies dI aproc pdfrQ Auqy itkI hY. pr
aj pdfrQ vI iewk qrMg hY ies dI Koj ivigafnI kr cuky hn.
bVI KuÈI hoeI ik qusF
mYNnUM inAuqf idqf. jy rwb ny cfihaf qF asF jrUr imlsF. qhfzIaF sB dIaF
ilKqF dy drÈn qF huMdy rihMdy hn pr kdI sMgq vjoN jy drÈn iddfr hoey qF ieh pRBU
dI bKiÈÈ hoeygI. myrI BYx ieMglYNz hY. keI vfr kih cukI hY, afE. myry nfl byhwd
nrfj hY ik mYN ieMglYNz afAuNdf nhIN. Auh 25 sflF qoN AuQy hY pr mYN iewk idn
leI vI kdI ieMzIaf qoN bfhr nhIN igaf. ikAuNik rUh hI nhIN mMndI aOr mYnUM koeI
bhuqf Gumx iPrn df Èok nhIN. hF jy kdyN ieMglYNz qoN huMdy hoey, trFto afieaf qF
quhfnUM jrUr imlxf cfhFgf.
qrlocn isMG
iekvfk isMG pwtI
ÃÄ vfihgurU jI kI Ìqih]
nfnk nfm lyvf sMgqF df spoksmYn dy hwk ivwc
23 agwsq df ieiqhfsk iekwT
-iekvfk isMG pwtI
gurU nfnk sfihb jI dy afgmn nfl hI JUTy, pKMzIaF, pFizaF aqy
Drm dy nfm hyT lokfeI dI luwt-Ksuwt krn vfilaF nUM hwQF pYrF dI pY geI sI. hr
qrHF dI ivAuNq GVI geI pr gurbfxI AupdyÈF, gurU sfihbfn dy amlI jIvx dy sdkf
gurU nfnk sfihb jI dy iswKF nUM koeI vI qoV nf sikaf aqy iswKF dI igxqI idno-idn
hI vwDdI geI. aqy iewk aYsy mwq dI nINh rwKI geI jo mukMml rUp iensfnIaq df Drm
sI. iksy vI qrHF dy jfq-pfq, Cuq-Cfq, vihm-Brm, dyÈ-ivdyÈ, AUc-nIc, vYr-ivroD
nUM pUrI qrHF rwd kridaF
sBY sFJIvfl sdfiein, koie n dIsih bfhrf jIAu] df AupdyÈ
idMidaF sfrI mnuwKqf nUM "eyk ipqf eyks ky hm bfirk]" dy lV lfieaf.
pr smyN dy gyV nfl jF kih lAu ik kOm dI bdiksmqI ik mnuwKqf
nUM sFJf AupdyÈ dyx vfly guriswKF Aupr musIbqF dI aijhIaF hnHyrIaF smyN dIaF
srkfrF aqy iswK ivroDIaF vwloN clfeIaF geIaF. ijs sdkf kOm dy anykF mrjIvVy ÈhId
qF ho gey, pr iswKI afn-Èfn nUM brkrfr rwiKaf. pr iewk sB qoN vwzI kuqfhI ieh ho
geI ik gurduafrf pRbMD ivwc ivroDI iDrF dy kfbË hox nfl iswKI isDFqF nfl vwzy
pwDr qy iKlvfV hoieaf. pr AusnUM druwsq krn ivwc smyN dy guriswKF ny koeI Kfs
Audm-Auprflf nf kIqf.
mhfrfjf rxjIq isMG dy smyN vI koeI Kfs kMm guru nfnk imÈn nUM
awgy vDfAux leI nhIN kIqf igaf. Kflsf rfj qoN bfad aMgryjF ny vI iswKI Kqm krn
aqy iesfeIaq pRPuwlq krn ivwc koeI ksr nhIN CwzI. ijs sdkf iswKF pirvfrF dy cfr
nOjvfn lVikaF ny iswKI Cwz ky iesfeI bxn dI iewCf jfihr kIqI qF iswKF dy aMdr
BFbV mwc igaf. aqy hor keI qrIky vrqy gey. ies smyN koeI jQybMdI jF sBf bxfAux
leI loV mihsUs hoeI. ijs sdkf gurU ky bfg dI mhfn iewkqrqf qoN bfad sRI guru
isMG sBF hoNd ivwc afeI. jo bhuwqI dyr qwk kfmXfb nf ho skI aqy KVoq af geI.
ijsnUM muwV surjIq krn df ishrf pRoPYsr gurmuwK isMG jI nUM jFdf hY. anykF XqnF
sdkf pRoPYsr sfihb ny iswKI smfj ivwc iewk jfigRqI lihr hI clf idwqI. ijs sdkf
iswK smfj ivwc nvI lihr AuTI pr AusnUM vI pujfrIaF ny PylH krn dI pUrI koiÈÈ
kIqI aqy kfPI hwd qwk kfmXfbI vI imlI. iesy dOrfn pRo[ gurmuwK isMG jI nfl
igafnI idwq isMG jI vI af gey. gurwmuK isMG jI nUM sRI akfl qKq sfihb nUM vrq ky
aKOqI pujfrIaF ny Cyk idwqf. Aus smyN vI spoksmYn dI qrHF iewk "Kflsf" aKbfr
ÈurU kIqf igaf sI. ijs ivwc pRo[ gurmuwK isMG jI nfl kIqI geI ies DwkyÈfhIaF df
jvfb ivwc ig: idwq isMG jI dy mn ivwc ieqnf joÈ Br idwqf ik AuhnF ny notsF rfhI
aqy aKbfr rfhIN hukmfnmy dI muKlfiPq krky AusdIaF DwjIaF Auzf idwqIaF. ijs nfl
aKOqI pujfrIaF dIaF hrkqF nUM nMigaF vI kIqf igaf. ijs sdkf iswKI srUp ivwc bYTy
pMQ ivroDIaF ny igafnI jI iKlfP JUTy kys drj krky aKbfr bMd krvfAux dI hr sMBv
koiÈÈ kIqI. pr igafnI jI dI ijwq hoeI qy aKbfr muV cflU hoeI. ijs nfl iswKF ivwc
vwzI jfigRqI afeI. pr kuwJ vwzIaF mjbUrIaF sdkf "Kflsf" aKbfr 1901 ivwc "c bMd
ho igaf. ijsnUM iswK sMgqF ny bcfAux leI vI vI ivÈyÈ Audwm nhIN kIqf. 6 sqMbr
1901 nUM igafnI jI vI axizwTy dyÈ jf pDfry. ijs qy nfnk nfm lyvf ny "kOm luwtI
geI" df nfarf mfiraf.
lMmy smyN dy ieMqjfr qoN bfad roËfnf spoksmYn ny luwtI hoeI
kOm nUM muV vsfAux leI Xqn afrMB kr idwqy. ijsny 100% qoN vI vwD ky 101% gurU
nfnk dy swc nUM pRvfixq kridaF scu suxfiesI sc kI bylf `qy afDfirq nfnk
sfihb dy PlsPy nUM Aujfgr krn leI aKoqI pujfrI ÈRyxI dy ivruwD, bRhmxvfdI
vIcfrDfrf nUM nfnk iPlfsPI qoN Auqfrn, smuwcI mfnvqf nUM eyks ky hm bfirk dy
JMzy hyT iekwTy krn df afihd kr ilaf aqy gurU nfnk sfihb nUM aMg-sMg jfx ky kfrj
ÈurU kr idwqy. anykF muÈiklF, mjbUrIaF, aOkVF df sfhmxf kridaF hoieaF nfnk dI mr
rhI vIcfrDfrf nUM muwV srjIq krn ivwc vwzI sPlqf vI hfisl kr leI. pujfrIvfd dIaF
mfno jVHF hI ihwl geIaF, AuhnF vI afpxI grj pUrI krn leI AuhIE purfxf hiQafr
hukmfnmf ÈRI akfl qKq sfihb dy nfm hyT jfrI kr idwqf. ijs anusfr s[ joigMdr isMG
jI afP spoksmYn nUM pujfrIaF ny afpxy inwjI pMQ ivwcoN Cyk idwqf. ijsnUM mohflI
knvYNÈn dy srwbq Kflsy ny rwd kridaF pujfrIvfd ivrwD Pqvf dy idwqf. ijsqoN nvyN
ienkflfb dI ÈurUafq ho geI. jo hux qwk ijAuN df iqAuN bf-dsqUr jfrI hY.
hux aKOqI pMQk srkfrF, bRhfmxvfd, pujfrI ÈryxI hr sMBv aKbfr
nUM bMd krvfAux dy Xqn kr rhI hY. kdy ilKqF qy ieqrfË, kdy sMpfdk ivruwD, kdy
lyKk ivruwD, kdy aKbfr qy hmly krky, kdy srkrI pfbMdIaF lgf ky, kdy Drm dy nfm
hyT aKOqI hukmfny jfrI krvf ky pUrI vfh lf rhI hY. ijs qy clidaF imqI 15 agwsq
08 dy prsUrfm dy iewk lyK ijsnUM iewk ihMdU ilKfrI ivdvfn asvnI kumfr ny joqI
rfey Pulky dI ikqfb gulfmigrI gRMQ ivwcoN lY ky CpvfieaF sI aqy ijsnUM mhFrfÈtr
srkfr vwloN mfnqf vI imlI hoeI hY. spoksmYn ivruwD, sMpfdk lyKk ivrwUD kys drj
ky nfl hI aKbfr Auqy hmlf krvf idwqf. ijsdy ros vwjoN imqI 23 agwsq nUM cMzIgHV
ivwKy iewk lf-imsfl iewkT hoieaf. ijs ivwc hr vrg dy lok, dilq jF iksy hor
iPrky, ibnHF jfq-pfq, nslI ivqkry qoN inrlyp afm iswK aqy hor DrmF dy lok vI
iewkTy hoey. jo iksy vrg dy nf ho ky sgoN nfnk sfihb dI vIcfrDfrf dy hfmI sn.
hËfrF dI igxqI ivwc nfnk sfihb dI vIcfrDfrf dy ivruwD bolx vfilaF nUM smJfAux
leI do mIl qoN vwD df sPr pYdl qYa krky smyN dy hfkmF nUM hoÈ ivwc ilafAux leI
ipafr BrI bynqI kIqI geI. hr pfsy jYkfry Cwzy jf rhy sn. ieMj pRqIq ho irhf sI
ijvy bfbf nfnk jI awj afp ies sMgq rUp ivwc af ky ajoky bfbr (bfdl) nUM jfbr
kihx leI jf rhy hox ky qUM hux hor julm bMd krdy aqy shI rsqy qy af ky iewk pRBU
nfl joVn vfly lokF nUM afpxI gwl kr lYx dy.
ies iekwT dI sPlqf ipCy vI nfnk sfihb jI dI vIcfrDfrf hI kMm
kr rhI sI. ies leI ijhVy afpxy kMmF kfrF nUM iqafg ky swc aqy hwk leI AuWQy
puwjy AuhnF df qih idloN DMnvfd aqy jo koeI mjbUrIaF vws nhIN puwj sky AuhnF nUM
vI afAux vfly smyN ivwc swc dI afvfË nfl KVHn dI bynqI kIqI jFdI hY. aqy akfl
purK awgy ieho jodVI kIqI jFdI hY ik Auh sMpfdk sfihb s[ joigMdr isMG jI nUM
lMmI Aumr aqy ishqXfbI bKÈx qF ik iesy qrHF guru nfnk df Drm pUry sMsfr df Drm
bx sky. aqy sfry mnuwK afpsI vMzIaF Cwz ky eyks ky bfirk hox ivwc mfx mihsUs
gurU BlI kry.
-iekvfk isMG pwtI
joD ngr, sulqfniuvMz roz,
aMimRqsr. mo[ 98150-24920
gurpRIq isMG smrf
I have been looking for past two years, a book written by
Giani Ditt Singh titled "Dambh Vidaran" and has not been able to find it
so far.I have tried all the possible sources that I know off.
If any one can help me in obtaining this book, I will be
grateful. Alternately if someone posess this book and if he/she could photocopy
it and send it to me I will be thankful.
I will pay all the costs including postage in advance.
So if anyone can help me out please let me know.
Some information about the book : Giani Gurditt Singh in his
biography of Giani Ditt Singh calls it "Dambh Vidaran" while Prof. Sher
Singh in his book calls it "Dambh Nivaran". So I am not sure about the
exact title of the book.This book was written by Giani Ditt Singh in response to
the comments made about Guru Nanak by Dayanand Saraswati in his book Satyarth
Gurpreet Singh Sumra
Brampton, Canada
gurcrn isMG (ijAux vflf) brYNptn
sR[ mihMdr isMG rficstr vfilaF nUM kuwJ svfl
- gurbfxI df mMglf crx/mUl mMqr ilKx nfl ieh nhIN pqf cwilaf ik gurbfxI df
rwb kI cIË hY. ikRpf krky gurbfxI df rwb kI hY? qusIN qy mYN vwKry vwKry
QFvF qy bYTy hF. vwKrI vwKrI sfzI soc hY. vwKrI vwKrI sfzI bxqr hY. sfzf swB
kuwJ iewk dUjy qoN vwKrf hY pr iPr vI sfzy ivwc iewk cIË hY jo iblkuwl
hU-bhU ieko ijhI hY. Auh ikhVI ÈY hY? gurbfxI dy rwb dI ivafiKaf kro jI?
- qusIN m: 1, iesdf Aucfrx mhlf pihlf ikAuN krdy ho jdoN ky ieh ieAuN
iliKaf nhIN?
- ÃÄ iesdf Aucfrx iewk EaMkfr ikAuN krdy ho jdoN ky ieh ieAuN iliKaf nhIN
- icrfmM, bfdM, srIrM df Aucfrx ikvyN krIey? ijvyN krnf hY Auh ikAuN jdoN
ky ies qrHF iliKaf nhIN?
DMnvfd. bfkI svfl aglI icwTI ivc.
gurcrn isMG (ijAux vflf) brYNptn kYnyzf.
qrlocn isMG mhfjn
qrlocn isMG mhfjn
vIr pfl jIE
gurU Piqh pRvfn krnI jI
vIrf myiraf hAumy dI dIvfr kdoN tutygI? aqy asIN akflpurK dI joiq nUM hr pfsy
kdoN mihsUs krFgy? . dunIaf ivwc kuwJ vI afpxf nhIN, ieh sky sbMDI, ieh mihl
mfVIaF, ieh vwzIaF vwzIaF gzIaF, ieh ruqby qy ieh rMg brMgI dunIaf, ieh sB hY,
iPr vI ieh sB sfzf nhIN. gurbfxI ivwc bfr-bfr ikhf igaf hY ik ienHF sMg pRIq nf
pfE. aMq iksy ny sfQ nhIN dyxf. soco vIr pfl ieh aMq ikhVf hY? kI iesy jnm ivwc
buZypy dy aKIrly smyN nUM ikhf hY jF mOq qoN bfad.
sfzy nfl iksy df sfQ kuwJ plF
df hY, iksy df sfQ kuwJ imMtF df, kuwJ df sfQ GMitaF df, kuwJ df idnF df, kuwJ
df mhIinaF df, kuwJ df sfl df, qy iPr Ayuh sB quhfzy qoN judf ho jfxgy qy aMq
kox bcygf. qy iPr kox bcygf? quhfzy anusfr koeI nhIN bcygf. pr myry vIr AudoN vI
kuwJ bcygf ijs df nfm hY afqmf jF cyqnf (ijhVI ik pRBU dI aMÈ mfqr hY). ies nUM
pihcfxo. ies ny hI aMq ivwc bwcxf hY. ieho hI quhfzI hY. bs iewk cIj afqmf. hY
ieh pRBU dI joiq, pr quhfzy Gr rihMdy rihMdy ies joiq ivwc quhfzI KuÈbU vI nfl
juV geI hY. quhfzf asqIqv imtygf nhIN. qusIN pRBU dI joiq dy shfry ho. hY ieh
joiq pRBU dI, pr nfsmJI kfrx asIN ies nUM mlIn kr rhy hF. hr pl asIN afqmf df
Gfx kr rhy hF. ies nUM smJxf qF dUr awj asIN ies nUM murdf isD krn leI pUrI vfh
lf rhy hF. ikAuN?
mYN jy ikhf ik afqmf aYNnrjI hY qF ies ivwc kI glq hY? vIr pfl nrfj hY myry nfl,
ik mYN ieh kI kih idqf? . ieh ikvyN ho skdf hY? aYnrjI afqmf ikvyN bx skdI hY?
ieh qF mfs ivwc qbdIl huMdI hY. ieh qF afienstfeIn ny ikhf hY. vIr nUM pqf hI
nhIN ik aYnrjI ikMnI qrHF dIaF huMdIaF hn. vIrf myiraf smJ mYN smJFdy smJFdy
quhfnUM Qk igaf hF, ies nUM smJo ik kudrq ivwc aYnrjI byaMq iksmF dIaF hn aqy sB
dy suBfa aZo aZ hn. ijvyN iewk bMdy df ichrf dUsry nfl nhIM imldf, iewk dIaF hwQ
dIaF ryKfvF dUjy nfl nhIN imldIaF, iewk dy krm dUjy nfl nhIN imldy, iewk dI soc
dUjy nfl nhIN imldI ievyN hI iewk aYnrjI df suBfa dUjI aYnrjI nfl nhIN imldf.
koeI aYnrjI df grm suBfa hY qy iksy df pRkfÈ rUp. koeI aYnrjI aYtm dy inAUklIas
nfl sbMiDq hY qy koeI DrqI dI iKc nfl. jy afienstfeIn ny ikhf ik aYnrjI mfs ivwc
qbdIl huMdI hY qF ieh prosYs iewk Kfs qrHF dI aYnrjI leI sI. qusIN soicaf ik hr
qrHF dI aYnrjI nUM mfs ivwc bdl skdy hF. nhIN vIr pfl nhIN
ijvyN hr jIvafqmf pRBU ivwc
nhIN rl skdI iesy qrHF hr aYnrjI mfs nhIN bx skdI.
vIr pfl smJo jdoN aYnrjI,
afpxy aYnrjI dy rUp ivwc hY qF Auh mfs nhIN hY. jy Auh mfs hovy qF iPr
afienstfeIn nUM Aus aYnrjI nUM mfs ivwc qbdIl krn dy PfrmUly leI aYnI myhnq nhIN
sI krnI pYxI. aYnI ku qF quhfnUM vI smJ hY ik aYnrjI mfs ivwc qbdIl huMdI hY
vIr pfl mYN bVI soKI BfÈf ivwc ds irhf hF ies nUM socy ieQy Èbd
df hY. qusIN bfr-bfr jor dy
rhy ho ik nhIN pRkfÈ ivwc mfs hY. jy pRkfÈ ivwc mfs hY iPr
dI loV ikAuN. aOr ijhVy Potfn
dI qusIN gl kr rhy ho Auh aYnrjI dy pYkt hn. mYN pihlF vI disaf sI ik qusIN iksy
bwcy qoN vI puC skdy ho. aYnrjI df pYkt, mfs nhIN huMdf. jy ieh mfs huMdf qF
iviganIaF ny dsxf sI ik ies mfs ivwc ikMny aYtm hn, ikMny ielYktRfn hn ikMny
pRotfn hn pr vIr myiraF
Energy df pYkt
byhwd sUKÈm hY. ieh kyvl
Concentrated Energy
hY ijhVI ik suBfa qoN keI vfrI pdfrQI guxF df BulyKf pfAuNdI hY. vyKo ikMnI ajIb
cIj hY, ik hY ieh aYnrjI dY pYkt, ieh mfs nhIN hY, ieh mYtr nhIN hY pr ies ivwc
pdfrQ vfly gux vI ibrfjmfn hn. mYN quhfnUM sfry irsrc pypr pVHn leI ikhf sI,
qusIN ieAuN nhIN kIqf, iesy leI quhfnUM Potfn bfry pUrI jfxkfrI nhIN. mYN
quhfnUM kuwJ pRXog dy bfry disaf sI pr qusIN AunHF bfry koeI gl nf kr ky mYNnUM
iPr ilK rhy ho ik pRXog dso. bfbf jI smJo.
ieh pRXog hn ienHF nUM pVo. ienHF nUM lYbfrtrI ivwc kr ky vyKo. sB klIar ho
jfeygf ik pRkfÈ df rUp pRkfÈ hI hY.
vIr pfl iksy vI cIj nUM sOKf
nf smJo. soKI qoN vI soKI cIj vI byhwd jitl hY. jy afqmf nUM aj qusIN nhIN mMn
rhy (Èfied vIr pfl nUM hux afqmf df kuwJ kuJ
aihsfs hoxf ÈurU hoieaf hY, ies leI hux vIr pfl dsygf ik afqmf kI hY?) qF
kI pRkfÈ nUM vI qusIN nhIN mMnogy. koeI vIr kih irhf sI vyKo
ihMdU Drm ny rb nUM awgy iqMn ihisaF (bRhmf ivÈnUM mhyÈ)
ivwc vMz idqf hux mhfjn Aus dy do ihsy krn jf irhf hY, afqmf aqy prmfqmf. vyKo
ikMnI hnyrgrdI hY. ieh gurbfxI dIaF DjIaF AuVf irhf hY. qF kI Auh myrf
vIr dsygf ik pRmfqmf ny qF afpxy afp nUM anMqqf ivwc vMz idqf hY. Auh hvfvF ivwc
hY, Auh iPjf ivwc hY, Auh kx kx ivwc hY, Auh suafs suafs ivwc hY qF kI ieh anrQ
hY. pRmfqmf dy aYny tukVy. anMq. qF myry Aus vIr nUM gujfirÈ hY ik Auh AunHF
anMq tukiVaF bfry iKafl kry ijs ivwc pRBU vMizaf igaf hY. aOr ieh vI iKafl kry
ik pRBU ienHF sfiraF ivwc ibrfjmfn huMdf hoieaf vI awZ hI. aOr Auh BfeI socy ik
ieh ikvyN?
jy aYnrjI dIaF tfeIps byaMq hn qF iPr ieh vI smJo ik AunHF dy suBfa vI
byaMq hn. mnuwK ny bVI koiÈÈ kIqI hY ienHF aYnrjI dy suBfa nUM pihcfxn dI pr aMq
ivwc mnuwK nUM vI kihxf ipaf ik kuwJ vI hY Auh smJ qoN pry hY ijvyN pRkfÈ. pRkfÈ
pUrn qor qk aj vI ivigafnI nhIN smJ sky. hux qk pRkfÈ dI spIz sB qoN vwD mMnI
jFdI sI afienstfeIn dI rYltIvtI df isDFq ies afsry KiVaf hY ik pRkfÈ dI spIz
siQr hY ies ivwc bdlfv nhIN afAuNdf pr nvIaF KojF ds rhIaF hn ik jdoN bRihmMz
bixaf qF pRkfÈ dI spIz anMqqf qk sI qy iPr ieh afihsqf afihsqf Gtx lgI. KrbF sfl
bfad hux ieh ies vYlXU qy phuMcI hY. jy pRkfÈ dI spIz ivwc lgfqfr bdlfv hY qF
afienstfeIn dI rYltIvItI vfly isDFq df kI hoeygf ivigafnI ies leI icMqfqur hn.
vIr pfl Coty-moty ivigafnI qF qusIN vI ho. pr quhfzf ivigafn aDUrf hY.
jy iksy sfeIt qoN qusI pV ilaf ik KflI zbf lvo Aus nUM qolo, iPr Aus ivwc lfeIt
afAux idE iPr Aus nUM qolo qy vyKo ik Bfr Different
hoeygf. ivigafnI jI, pihlF ieh pRXog qusIN afp kr ky vyKxf iPr dsxf ik Bfr ivwc
Prk pYNdf hY? . jy Bfr ivwc Prk pYNdf hY qF ikMny gRfm vwDdf hY. ilK Byjxf. ies
qoN vwD idlcsp pRXog mYN ds dyNdf hF quhfnUM iksy sfeIt qoN lBx dI loV nhIN.
qusIN iewk Bfr qolx dI mÈIn lYxf,
bfhr grfAuNz ivwc svyr 3 vjy dy krIb Aus qy KVy ho jfxf ikAuNik AudoN roÈnI nhIN
huMdI qy afpxf Bfr vyKxf ikMnf hY. mÈIn qy KVy rihxf, ijvyN ijvyN roÈnI hoeygI
qF vyKxf ik quhfzy Bfr ivwc Prk pY irhf hY ik nhIN. ikAuNik pRkfÈ qF quhfzy ivwc
vI jf irhf hY. idn dy 12 ku vjy qk ieh pRXog qusIN mukf skdy ho ikAuNik AudoN
roÈnI awCI KfsI ho jFdI hY. aOr AudoN qk qusIN KfsI awCI roÈnI soK lvogy aOr
ijvyN quhfzf Bfr vwDygf qF jrUr not kr lYxf. iPr quhfzy ies pRXog nUM asIN iksy
mYgjIn ivwc vI pRkfiÈq kr skdy hF. hY nf anoKf pRXog.
hF myry
pihly svflF df kI hoieaf?
kI nrfj ho
gey ho?
Coty vIr
nrfj nhIN huMdy, ies dI mYNnUM afs hY.
qrlocn isMG
rfxI kOr
Sat Shri Akaal Everyone,
Professor Tarlochan Singh Ji you are a very wise person. You
anticipated and showed concern that people will make personal attacks against
me. I suppose my parents must have thought the same thing and were very upset
with me for participating in this discussion. I indeed feel very sad over Sikh
reputation and Sikh affairs, that my parents said, "These Sikh people will start
harassing you at levels unimaginable to you." I am not the kind who gets scared,
but rather sad at all this, that we have little value for the truth, open
discussions, learning from each other, but more of ego problems. We must win at
any cost. So I will have to put my parents mind at peace and end my
participation here.
But please don't say you actually cry after to hear names for
yourself. I am not the crying type, I am the fighting type. :) But my parents
are the crying type. :) Lets instead think of Guru Nanak Dev Ji, as people
called him many names too. As Guru Nanak Dev Ji showed to Bhai Mardana Ji, we
can't win this world, no matter what we do. "Man Jeete Jag Jeet" that is the
only way to survive here.
As far Bhai Veerpal Singh Ji, I actually have no complain
against you. You are simply defending your side in a civilized manner and we all
are learning something from all this. My messages were not as directed at you,
but wanted to make a general statement on the issue. I look forward to hearing
your views on Atma. :)
As far Bhai Sarabjit Singh Ji, Yes it is indeed very true
that Guru Nanak Dev Ji's God is not simple, but very complex, because our
scientific knowledge is very behind to Guru Nanak's revelations about this
universe. For example, Guru Ji said, even vegetables and water itself has life.
Only very recently science has agreed to it. Guru Nanak Dev Ji said, Sun is
moving, now science is finding that as moon revolves around earth, then earth
revolves around sun, similarly sun is also revolving around something else. Guru
Nanak Dev Ji said, there are countless planets, suns (galaxies) ... Now science
is beginning to see that. Guru Nanak Dev Ji said that this universe came out of
God and God will absorb it all into Himself. Now science has discovered that it
all started with a ball, and expanded into its current status, and will
eventually contract and become small again. We are still behind to Guru Nanak
Dev Ji's revelations. But we must have faith in his word and follow it. As far
as his message is concerned, it is rather simple, remember God all the time. It
does not mean we repeat like a parrot, but instead fall in love with Him, and
let our every heartbeat say His name. It is about Love, our desire to reunite
with Him not flattery to God by repeating His name.
Anyways, I can go on and on, as Sikhism is my most favorite
subject to talk about. But I must end this as I just got out of a long lecture
from my parents. The shouting and screaming is still very fresh. :)
Best wishes to all of you.
Thank you God for sending Guru Nanak Dev Ji, and giving us
the scriptures, hence a direct link to Himself. Now we can sit at our homes and
make a connection with our Beloved by ourselves. We are not dependent on any
kind of preachers/humans.
If I have offended anyone, please forgive me, as it was not
my attention to hurt anyone at all. But it is very difficult for me to watch
someone else being hurt, and stay quiet.
Thank you,
bldyv isMG (iProËpur)
bldyv isMG (iProËpur)
iswK mfrg dI sfrI sMgq jIAu,
swB nUM hwQ joV ky gurU Piqh bulfeI pRvfn hovy jI.
vfihgurU jI kf Kflsf,
vfihgurU jI kI Piqh.
swB vIro aqy BrfAu mYN bhuq dyr qoN iswK mfrg qoN gYr hfjr
irhf hF, pr iswK mfrg nfl rYgulr juiVaf jrUr irhf hF. ies smyN dOrfn jo mYN
mihsUs kIqf, quhfzy nfl afpxyN ivcfr sfJy krny cfhuMdf hF.
swB sMgq jIE, kfPI smyN qoN vIr qrlocn isMG jI, aqy hor vI
bhuq vIr ivcfr crcf ivwc ihwsf lY rhy hn. ijvyN ik afpF sB jfxdy hI hf ik keI
vfr mhOl ivwc kfPI qlKI vI pYdf ho geI, ivcfr qkrfr ivwc bdly, GtIaf ÈbdfvlI vI
bhuq vrqI geI, hor vI jo kuwJ hoieaf afpxyN swB dy sfhmxyN hY, dwsx dI loV nhIN
hY. aqy ieh swB ieMtrnYÈnl lYvl qy ho irhf hY. jo afpxyN swB vfsqy bVy hI duwK
dI gwl hY.
swB sMgq jIE! afE ivcfr krIey, ky asIN iswK mfrg qy iekwTy
hoey hF qF iks mksd vfsqy? . afp iswKx vfsqy, isKfAux vfsqy, aqy gurU nfnk dyv
jI dI iswiKaF nUM dunIaF dy kony kony ivwc phucfAux vfsqy. pr aPsos! iej lwgdf
hY ik ieh swB asIN afpxyN afp nUM swB qoN isafxF sfbq krn vfsqy. jF afpxIN
ividaf, akl buwDI jF qfkq df pRdrÈx krn vfsqy. afpxy hI ivcfrF nUM swB qy jbr
dsqI Qopx vfsqy. isrP afpxIN hI gwl mnvfAux jF afpxIN mÈhUrI vfsqy jF pihcfx
vfsqy. jF ijnHF nfl sfzy ivcfr nhIN imldy, AuhnF nUM byieËq krn jF AuhnF dI
inMdf krn vfsqy hI ieh swB kr rhy hF. ieh swB dyK ky iks df mn duKI nhIN huMdf
vIro sfzf swB df mnorQ isrP syvf hoxF cfhIdf hY. syvf jrUrI
nhIN ky Bfzy mFjn dI, JfVU dyx dI, jF iksy dI pYsy nfl mdd krn nfl huMdI hY.
igafn vMzxF swB qoN vwzI syvf hY. aqy rwbI igafn dI dfq dI qF kImq hI koeI nhIN
igafn syvfdfr bxky
inmrqf nfl vMzxF cfhIdf hY, nF ky
izktytr jF lIzr bxky rohb nfl. afpF swB Brf hF, swB brfbr hF, koeI vwzf jF Cotf
nhIN hY, koeI isafxF jF mUrK nhIN hY. aqy sfnUM swB nUM ieh cyqy rwKxF cfhIdf
hY, ky sfnUM iksy nUM vI pUrf igafn nhIN hY. afpF swB nyN igafn sFJf krnF hY,
sFJf krky vDfAuxF hY iksy qy QopxF nhIN.
ieQy mYN swB nUM iewk bynqI krFgf, ik swB nUM ajfdI hY afpny
afpxy ivcfr rwKx dI. swB dI afpxIN afpxIN soc hY. swB dy afpxy afpxyN isDFq hn.
pr jd svfl af jFdf hY gurbfxIN ivcfr df qF,
gurbfxIN df isDFq qF iksy vfsqy
vI vwK vwK nhIN ho skdf. ieh nhIN ho
swkdf ky, gurbfxIN dy arQ myry vfsqy hor aqy iksy vfsqy hor hox. jF iewk gruwp
dy hor hox aqy dUjy grup dy hor hox. jF sfiraF vfsqy hI vwK vwK hox.
pr ieQy sfrf JgVf hI iesy gwl df hY. ik sfry hI gurbfxIN dy
arQ afpxyN isDfqF muqfibk krdy hn. eynF JgVf qF Auh vI nhIN krdy ijnHF df koeI
afpsI vMz ivhfr hovy. kOx TIk hY, kOx glq hY, pr jd qwk asIN sfry hI gurbfxIN qy
iekmwq nhIN ho jFdy,
sfnUM swB nUM hI ieh smJxF cfhIdf hY ik Èfied asIN hI glq hF. agr koeI vIr smJdf
hY ky Aus nUM pUrf jF ijnF vI igafn hY, qF gurU nfnk dI syvf smJ ky, swB sMgq df
syvk bx ky ies kMm dI syvf kry. aqy
syvk nUM ieh dwsx dI loV nhIN pYNdI ky Auh syvk hY. ibnF dwisaF vI Aus df pqf
lwg jFdf hY. myrf iKafl hY ky qusIN myrI ies gwl nfl jrUr sihmq hovogy, ik
ijhVf vI koeI vIr iewk
vI Èbd hMkfr df boldf hY, qF smJ lvo ky Auh ajy syvk nhIN binaF.
sMgq jIE qusIN lMby smyN qoN bhuq hI sUJ vfn pVHy ilKy
guriswK ivdvfn ilKfrIaF dy ivcfr pVH sux rhy ho. afpF swB nyN iswK mfrg qoN
byÈumfr igafn hfsl kIqf hY. mYN srdfr mwKx isMG jI nUM ieh khFgf ik,
"qusIN mhfn ho".
sfnUM swB nUM srdfr sfihb jI df irxIN hoxF cfhIdf hY. asIN sfry iml ky vI iehnF
df dyx nhIN dy swkdy. sMgq jIE ieh mihsUs krn dI jrUrq hY ik, iknIN vwzI
inrsvfrQ GflxF Gfl rhy hn ieh sfzy vfsqy. sfnUM swB nUM cfhIdf hY ik asIN iehnF
dy mnorQ nUM smJIey aqy kfmXfb krn ivwc sfQ dyeIey,
"iswK mfrg"
nUM iswK mfrg hI rihx dyeIey, aKfVf nF bnfeIey.
sihj sMqoK, sIl iKmF, ipafr, imTf bol, syvfBfv, df iÈMgfr krIey. kroD aqy hMkfr
qoN bcnF cfhIdf hY. asIN
sfry hI kihMdy hF asIN gurU nfnk dyv jI dy AupdyÈ nUM, sMdyÈ nUM, jF gurU nfnk
dy imÈn nUM Gr Gr phucfAux df kMm kr rhy hF.
pr vIro ivcfr ky dyKo qF pqf cwly gf, ik gurU nfnk
dy imÈn df qF iksy nUM pqf hI nhIN. pr asIN Dfrimk jjbfqF nUM BVkfAux df kMm
jrUr kr rhy hF, jo nuksfn dyh hY sfrI kOm vfsqy.
ipafry vIro qusIN dyK hI rhy ho ies vyly jo ivcfr crcf vIr
pRoPYsr qrlocn jI, vIr pfl jI, aqy hor vIrF ivwc ho rhI hY krm isDFq qo afqmF,
afqmF qoN prkfÈ aqy ivigafnk ZMg nfl afqmF df Byd jfnx dI bihs ho rhI hY. ikAuN
ky mYN aMgryjI nhIN jfxdf ies vfsqy mYN ies bihs bfry ijafdf kuwJ nhIN kih
swkdf. isrP ienF khF gf ky agr ieh iswD ho vI jFdf hY,
ik prkfÈ ivwc pdfrQI gux hn, jF
nhIN hn. qF ies nfl vI mslf hwl nhIN
hoxF. afqmF df mslf qF iblkul hI hwl nhIN ho swkdf, hF bihs vsqy
koeI hor ivÈf jrUr iml swkdf hY. aiDafqimk lfB koeI nhIN hox vflf. ies krky ies
bihs nUM CwzxF hI TIk hY.
aqy afpF ieh vI ÈurU qoN hI suxdy afey hF
ky afqmF prmfqmF dI aMs hY. jy
pRmfqmF smuMdr hY qF afqmF Aus smuMdr dI bUMd hY. pRmfqmF agr sUrj hY qF afqmF
sUrj dI ikrn. aqy hor vI bhuq kuJ. pr
sfzy qy kI asr hoieaf hY iehnF gwlF df. vIro afqmF jF pRmfqmF gwlF df ivÈf nhIN
hY. aqy nF hI afqmF koeI mihsUs krn vflI cIj hY, mihsUs qF awnHF vI bhuq kuwJ kr
lYdf hY, pr dyK nhIN swkdf. afqmF awKF nfl dyKx vflI cIj hY. jd qwk asIN afqmF
nUM dyK nhIN lYNdy asIN awnHyN hF. ibnF dyKy nF qF sfnUM, aqy nF hI iksy hor nUM
ivÈvfs af swkdf hY, gwlF cfhy iknIaF vI kr leIey. aqy nF hI bihs jF JgVf Kqm ho
swkdf hY.
swB sMgq jIE, mYN kuwJ jtkIaF ijhIaF gwlF quhfzy nfl sFJIaf
krnIaF cfhuMdf hF. lwgdf hY hux iekwqr hox vylf af igaf hY. afAu swB vIr BYx
BfeI sPF ivCfeIey, aqy ivcfr krIey. ikAuN nF asIN pihly AuhnF hkIkqF qy ivcfr
krIey ijhVIaF jmInI scfeIaF sfzy sB dy sfhmxyN hn.
ijnHF hkIkqF nUM asIN sfry dyK
vI rhy hF aqy mihsUs vI kr rhy hF.
hYrfnI vI huMdI hY, aqy
pihlI scfeI jF hkIkq
vI iehI hY. ik ijnF vI
vfd ivvfd jF JgVf Drm dy nF qy huMdf afieaf hY, aqy aj qwk vI ho irhf hY, eynF
iksy hor kfrx nhIN hoieaf. ies df kI kfrx hY?
ieh ivcfrn vflI gwl hY, ky kI Drm df ieh kyhf gux
hY, ieh kyhf rMg hY? . afqmF jF pRmfqmF bfry qF ivcfrF ÈurU qoN hI ho rhIaF hn.
pr awj qwk asIN ajyhf koeI vI hwl jF nukqf nhIN lwB sky jo sfiraF nUM hI prvfn
hovy, jF ijs nfl sfry sihmq hox.
jo ivvfd sfzy Drm ivwc pYdf ho cuwkf hY, aqy inwq nvF pYdf ho
irhf hY. ies qoN vI koeI anjfx nhI hY. hor qF hor, asIN qF bfxIN dy arQ krn qy
hI JgV pYNdy hF. imsfl sfzy sfhmxyN hI hY.
ies vfsqy myrI swB sMgq nUM sinmr bynqI hY
swB qoN pihly ies ibmfrI nUM
smJIey. ies ibmfrI df kfrn aqy ielfj lwBIey, aqy ies ibmfrI nUM dUr krIey.
ieh ibmfrI nhIN klMk hY sfzy Drm qy. agr
ies vfd ivvfd ivwc hI sfrf jIvn gvf dyvF gy, qF Auh kMm kdoN krF gy, ijs kMm
vfsqy ies sMsfr ivwc afey hF.
byÈwk mY ieh iewk bhuq hI sDfrn ijhI gwl ivcfr vfsqy quhfzy
sfhmxyN rwKI hY, pr ies vyly ies dy ivcfrn dI bhuq jrUrq hY. agr asIN ies JgVy
jF ivvfd df hwl nhIN lwB swkdy qF afqmF df Byd kI pfvF gy aqy prmfqmF nUM kI
lwBF gy.
myry iKafl ivc, ikAuky asIN gurU nUM ipwCy kr ky afp awgy ho
jFdy hF. gurU df hukm mMnx dI bjfie gurU qoN afpxf hukm mnf rhy hF. gurU dy hukm
ivwc cwlx dI bjfie asIN gurU nUM afpxyN hukm anUsfr clfAux dI koiÈÈ krdy hF.
gurbfxIN nUM asIN afpxIN mn buwDI jF mn dI mwq ivwc kYd krn dI koiÈÈ krdy hF.
aqy sfiraF dI soc vwK vwK hY jF huMdI hY. ies vfsqy nqIjf sfzy sfhmxyN hY.
iknI ajIb gwl ieh hY, ik jd jd vI koeI mhFpurK, cfhy Auh iksy
vI kOm jF Drm nfl sbMDq hovy, ies dunIaF qy afieaf, aqy Aus nyN ies dunIaF nUM
swc df AupdyÈ idwqf, jf rwb dy Gr df rsqf dwsn dI koiÈÈ kIqI, qF ieh dunIaF
AuhnF dy vYr pY jFdIN hY. AuhnF dy ijAuNdy jI qF AuhnF dI gwl nUM, jF AuhnF dy
pRcfr, jF iswiKaf nUM Aultf, jF glq sfbq krn vfsqy JgVf krdI hY. pr AuhnF dy jfx
qoN bfd AuhnF dy ApdyÈ nUM shI sfbq krn vfsqy JgVf krdI hY.
ajyhf ikAuN? .
sfry hI DrmF vfly kihMdy hn.
ik rwb iewk hY, asIN sfry iewk
hI pRmfqmF dI aMs hF dUjf koeI hY hI nhIN,
pr mMndf koeI vI nhIN. dwso kOx, jF ikhVf Drm aml
krdf hY ies gwl qy. gurU nfnk dI iswiKaf jF iswKmwq jo ky ies mfmly ivwc swB qoN
shI, lfsfnI, byjoV, lfjvfb, sMsfr dIaF kuwl vizafeIaF qoN vzf, kuwl scfeIaF qoN
swcf hY, vIro, kI asIN afpxyN afp nUM gurU nfnk dy iswK aKvfAux vfly hI ies gwl
qy aml krdy hF? .
asIN Drm df kMm krdy hF, suK ÈfqI vfsqy, KuÈI vfsqy, afpxyN
aqy dUsiraF dy Bly vfsqy,
pr swB Aultf ikAuN huMdf hY? . kI ieh ivcfrn vflI gwl nhIN hY? .
kI Drm kmfAux df Pl, KuÈI aqy afqimk ÈfqI hoxF
cfhIdf hY, jF ik klys aqy JgVy ivwc vfDf, aqy idmfgI tYNnÈn vwKrI. vIro ies nUM
jrUr ivcfeIey, ky ikAuN
huMdf hY aysf? .
so swB sMgq jIAu ielfj dy nfl nfl prhyj vwl vI iDafn dyeIey.
isafxyN kihMdy hn, jF afm khfvq hY, "ielfj nfloN prhyj jrUrI hY". afpxyN
mn dI mwq afpF bhuq vrq ky dyK leI hY, hux ies qoN QoVf prhyj krky, gurU dI mwq
qy vI aml kr ky vyKxF cfhIdf hY. gurU jo kihMdf hY, gurU df jo hukm hY, ijhVf vI
vIr BYx BfeI jo vI gurU dy hukm nUM jfxdf hY, aqy afp Aus hukm qy cwl irhf hY,
ikrpf krky Auh dUsiraF nUM vI jrUr dwsy jF smJfvy.
mYnUM pUrf ivÈvfs hY ik gurU nfnk pfqÈfh dI ikrpf nfl afpF
sfry jldI hI iekmwq jrUr hovFgy. iPr koeI JgVf nhIN hovygf.
bldyv isMG
gurÈrn isMG ksyl
pRo: qrlocn isMG jI,
vfihgurU jI kf Kflsf] vfihgurU jI kI Pqih]
myrI icTI pVHn leI bhuq-bhuq DMnvfd BfvyN ik qusIN myrI gwl
nUM hor pfsy GuMmf idqf hY. mYN Aus icwTI ivwc afpxy ivcfr qF ilKy nhIN sn. mYN
qF do jfixaF dy ivcfr quhfzy nfl sFJy kIqy sn. myrf Auhnf nfl sihmq hox jF nF
hox vflI koeI gwl nhIN sI.
pRo: sfihb qusIN myrI iksy vI ilKq ivwc piVHaf hY ik mYN srIr
ivwc akfl purK dI joq nUM nhIN mMndf? akfl purK dI joq qF hr srIr ivwc hY. jd
Auh Gwt-Gwt ivwc vsdf hY qF iPr AusdI joq qoN bgYr srIr ikvyN ho igaf. myrf
iKafl hY ik koeI vI iswK ieh gwl nhIN afKdf. ieh gwl vwKrI hY ik mYNnUM jF
quhfnUM AusdI joq dy srIr ivwc rwKx dy qrIky df hfly pqf nF lwg sikaf hovy. gurU
sfihb df Purmfn hY:
srIrf myiraf hir qum mih joiq rKI qf qU jg mih afieaf] hir joiq rKI quDu ivic,
qf qU jg mih afieaf] hir afpy mfqf afpy ipqf ijin jIAu Aupfie jgqu idKfieaf] gur
prsfdI buiJaf qf clqu hoaf clqu ndrI afieaf] khY nfnku isRsit kf mUlu ricaf joiq
rfKI qf qU jg mih afieaf] 33] (m: 3, pMnf 921)
iksy `qy ies qrHF dy afpy ieljfm lfAuxy quhfzy vrgy Dfrimk
ivakqI vwloN soBdy nhIN.
ijhVI mYN qrkÈIl vIr dI gwl kIqI sI Auh qusIN iksy qrkÈIl
kolo puwC skdy ho. myrf iKafl hY Èfied ienF df muwKI knyzf afieaf sI. mYNnUM
Auhnf df pUrf nfm Xfd nhIN. quhfzy qy iswK mfrg dy pfTkF nfl ieh gwl qF sFJI
kIqI sI ik mYN jfx skF ik kI jvfb dyxf hY pr qusIN myry qy hI Auh gwl GuMmf
dUjf, kQf vflf vIr, vIr BuipMdr isMG jI hn jo kdI idlI qy kdI
amrIkf rihMdy hn. AunF dI vIzIE hY. jy kho qF zIvIzI Byj skdf hF.
2[ qusIN ipClI icwTI ivwc iliKaf hY ik: "aj afqmf nUM smJx
leI asIN idmfg df kMm lY rhy hF, jd kI ieh rsqf sihj df hY. ThrfE df hY. ipafr
df hY. nfm dI msqI df hY. asIN sfry mMndy hF ik sfzy ivwc pRBU vsdf hY. sfzy
ivwc pRmafqmf df vfsf hY. pr afqmf nUM asIN mMnx nUM iqafr nhIN."
"vsqF vyKIaF jf skdIaF hn, pRkfÈ nfl dunIaf vyKI jf skdI hY
pr Kud pRkfÈ nUM nhIN vyiKaf jf skdf. aj myry vIr ksyl jI afqmf nUM pRXog rfhIN
vyKx leI pRÈn puC rhy hn. kI mihsUs krn dI cIj nUM vyiKaf jf skdf hY? kI pRkfÈ
vyiKaf jf skdf hY" ?
pRo: sfihb, hyT ilKy ijhnf PfrmUilafN df pRXog krky afp
‘afqmf’ isD kr rhy ho kI Auh aiDafqmk hn?
"pRkfÈ dy do rUp hn
1[ Potfn (ijhf qusIN ibafn kIqf)
2[ vyv (ijs ivwc koeI Potfn nhIN huMdf)
ienHF do rUpF nUM
Physics ivc
df nfm idqf igaf hY.
pRkfÈ jdoN vyv dI qrHF huMdf hY qF Aus ivwc koeI pdfrQI gux
nhIN huMdf.
ies qoN isD huMdf hY ky afqmf vI pRkfÈ srUp hY. Aus dy vI do
rUp hn.
1[ Auh pdfrQ ivwc lIn ho skdI hY
Auh pdfrQ qoN ibnf vI ho skdI hY iblkul iewk vyv vFgUM".
so, afs krdf hf ik iswK mfrg dy pfTk akfl purK dI srIr ivwc
joq hox bfry myry ivcfr jfx gey hoxgy.
pRo: sfihb, jykr kdy torFto afvo qF jrUr drÈn dyx dI Kycl
krnI. myrf eI: myl sR: mwKx isMG jI koloN iml jfvygf.
siqkfr sihq,
gurÈrn isMG ksyl
siqkfr Xog sMpfdk jI aqy pfTko,
vfihgurU jI kf Kflsf] vfihgurU jI kI Pqih]
sR: mwKx isMG jI afp df bhuq-bhuq DMnvfd jo hr roj afpxf
kImqI smF kwZky sfeIt awpzyt krdy ho. ijs nfl vwK-vwK pfTkF dy ivcfrF qoN kuwJ
nf kuwJ isKx nUM imldf hY. hux kuwJ nvyN pfTk vI icwTI pwqr ilKx lwgy hn jo bhuq
cMgI gwl hY. Kfs krky BYx rfxI kOr vI ies ivwc afpxf ihwsf pf rhI hY. mYN smJdf
hF ik jy bIbIafN vI gurmiq pRcfr ivwc afpxf ihwsf pfAux qF sfzI kOm krmkFzF aqy
aMDivÈvfsF dI dldl ivcoN CyqI inkl skdI hY. ies leI BYx rfxI kOr vFgU hor
bIbIafN nUM vI gurmiq bfry ivcfr ivtFdry ivwc afpxf Xogdfn pfAuxf cfhIdf hY.
sfzf afpo ivwc ivcfrF df vwKryvF ho skdf hY pr afpo ivwc
iensfnIaq df irÈqf kfiem rihxf cfhIdf hY. ieh dunIafN bhuq CotI hY, kI pqf awj
ijs nfl sfzy ivcfr nhIN imldy kwlH nUM Auh sfzf irÈqydfr, vfkP jF dosq bx jfvy.
iPr ieh nF hovy ik sfzI koeI ilKI jF bolI gwl krky AusnUM imldy smyN ÈrimMdgI
mihsUs hovy. myrf ivcfr hY ik ieh koiÈÈ krnI cfhIdI hY; ho skdf hY keI ies nfl
sihmq nf vI hox.
AuNJ qF ‘isK mfrg’ dy sfry hI pfTk myry nfloN isafxy hn, myry
mn ivwc gurbfxI df iewk slok jo bfr-bfr cyqy afAuNdf hY Auh sFJF krnf cfhuMdf
hf. gurU jI afKdy hn:
slok mÚ 5] kVCIaf iPrMinÙ, suafAu n jfxinÙ suÖIaf] syeI muK
idsMinÙ nfnk rqy pRym ris] 1] (pMnf 521)
arQ: —hy nfnk! kVCIaF (dfl BfjI dy BFzy ivc) iPrdIaF hn (pr
Auh Aus dfl BfjI) df suafd nhIN jfxdIaF (ikAuNik Auh) ÉflI (hI rihMdIaF) hn,
(iesy qrHF) Auh mUMh (sohxy) idwsdy hn jo pRym dy suafd ivwc rMgy gey hn (inrIaF
gwlF krn vfly mUMh kVCIaF vFg hI hn) (pRo: sfihb isMG jI)
myrI qF akfl purK awgy ardfs hY ik asIN ivcfr ivtFdry krn
vfly ‘kVCIafN’ bxn qoN bwc jfeIey.
afdr ishq,
gurÈrn isMG ksyl
vIrpfl isMG
Dear Prof Mahajan,
I think now you are wasting time by saying that Photon has
zero mass. Can you tell me which scientist and when he did the experiment to
find out mass of photon.
In my previous letter I have already mentioned it is assumed
mass of photon at rest as scientist can't bring photon at rest.
Secondly if photon's mass is zero then at that time energy is
also zero. This clearly proves that mass zero then energy is also zero and
moment photon has some mass light is generated and energy is there.
Third, why does a box having light weighs more than box
without light. This clearly proves Light is associated with mass.
I have already mentioned the experiment is just a way of
looking , you can't see tail side of coin when you are looking towards head side
and vice versa but both side always exist together. All the experiment
Interference, Diffraction, Polarization shows wave behavior but does not deny on
association of energy and mass. Also one more point is that all sort of
light or wave whether it is Polarized, Diffrated light are composed of photons
and have mass.
Sorry, I don't have time to write down big letters full of
philosophy now a days, Please concentrate on facts and figures which are already
All the links you have given again say that it is
LIMIT ON MASS OF PHOTON not that actual mass of photon, THEY CAN'T
on mass of photon.
NOT ASSOCIATED WITH EACH OTHER. None of link provided by you says that energy
and mass are not associated with each other. They just try to calculate mass of
photon by putting limits and then energy is also coming out to be zero.
This is my last letter on scientific proofs (because now
point is already proved and you are repeating same old story which I have
already discussed not giving any proof ) that Mass and Energy are associated
with each other and now Atama is not energy because energy can't exist without
NEXT LETTER- Now a big question is if Atma is not energy then
what is that and what about all the references of Atma which are there in
Gurbaani, what message does it gives to Sikh. I think by scientific theories we
can conclude that Atma is some thing different than energy and now switch
to Gurbaani perspective that what is Atma.
In any case if some one needs more scientific explanation I
am ready to share that happily but hope not any old story and base less
Veerpal Singh
Rani Jee,
Firstly thanks for participating and sharing your opinion.
From your views I am not exactly clear what you want to
conclude. I am just trying to summarize whole discussion going on between me and
Prof Mahajan so that you can reply in that context.
Prof Mahajan mentioned that Soul or Atma is energy, I opposed
this theory because Energy is always associated with Mass and if Atma is energy
than how it exists without mass. So it is clear that Atma is not energy but some
thing different and if it is energy than it should also have some mass.
In your letter you mentioned that :-
We have already established that this whole universe is
energy. The matter can also be converted into energy, and vice versa. Therefore,
it is safe to call it all a form of energy.
on one side you agree that mass and energy are associated
with each other and on other side you write big letter about Atma's explanation.
My small brain :) has to do a lot of hard work to understand your opinion.
So far I have not even mentioned single thing about Atma in
all my letters and not shared what it is(I want to keep it suspense and will say
some thing later) . The only thing I have mentioned is that Atma which
people consider is not energy but some thing different as energy is
always associated with Mass.
Veerpal Singh
qrlocn isMG mhfjn
qrlocn isMG mhfjn
rfxI kOr jI
gurU Piqh pRvfn krnI jI
rfxI kOr jIE,
df kudrq bfry iewk inXm hY ik jy qusI iksy
Object dI
styt nUM bdlxf cfhuMdy ho qF quhfnUM Aus qy qfkq lfAuxI hovygI. jdoN qusIN qfkq
lfEgy qF Auh Object
quhfnUM Oppose
krygf. Object
krnf ies gl qy inrBr krdI hY ik Aus Object
ivwc jVHqf (Inertia)
ikMnI hY. inAUtn vloN pdfrQF qy idqf ieh
inXm mnuwKF qy vI ien-ibn Apply
huMdf hY. rfxI jIE ijhVI bihs cl rhI hY
Aus ivwc quhfzI smhUlIaq iewk aihm rol adf krygI. qusF jo kuwJ iliKaf ies nfl
sfry sMikaF df invfrx ho jFdf hY. ies qoN agy hor koeI svfl nhIN rih jFdf.
Auh bdnsIb mnuwK jVH
hoxgy ijhVy ajy vI pRmfqmf dI aMs nUM ihrdy ivwc mihsUs nhIN krngy, aqy afpxf
rfg alfpdy rihxgy ky mnuwK iewk cyqnf rihq mÈIn hY.
koeI vI ies gl qoN mnuwkr nhIN ho skdf ik mnuwK
aMdr hrI df vfsf hY. asIN ijs cyqnf jF afqmf dI gl krdy hF Auh vI asl ivwc pRBU
df hI aMÈ hY. iPr pRBU dy aMÈ qoN ienkfr ikAuN? mYnUM ieh gl hux qFeI nhIN smJ
afeI ky Drm dI duhfeI dyx vfly pRmfqmf dI aMÈ qoN ienkfrI ikAuN hn?
quhfzy vloN gurbfxI dy idqy hvfly quhfzI cyqnf dI jfgrq avsQf
nUM ibafn krdy hn. qusIN igafn vMzo. quhfzy ivwc gux hn, AunHF dI sFJ kro. iewk
jg irhf dIpk hI dUjy dIpk nUM roÈn kr skdf hY. hF, qusIN dUjf dIpk qF hI jgf
skdy ho jy Aus dIpk ivwc rosn hox leI pihlF qoN iqafrI hovy. Aus ivwc qyl hoxf
cfhIdf hY, bqI hoxI cfhIdI hY. pr jy dIpk ivwc qyl hI hY nhIN, bqI hY Auh vI
murJfeI hoeI qF quhfzI koiÈÈ nfl iewk vfr jrUr Auh QoVf bhuq roÈn hoeygf, pr Aus
roÈnI ivwc DUMaF hovygf aqy QoVI dyr bfad Auh DUMaF Aus roÈnI nUM buJf deygf.
rfxI jIE, myrf
ieh dsdf hY ik quhfnUM Opposition
df sfhmxf krnf pY skdf hY. quhfnUM qrkÈIl kihxgy ik:
qusIN gurbfxI dIaF kuwJ pMkqIaF dy arQ kr rhy ho, pUrf pfT pVo.
gurbfxI dy ivafkrx vfly arQF qy nhIN jfxf. asl arQ hor hn.
BfeI sfihb isMG jI df drpx pfT kro
sfDU dieaf nMd qy idq isMG jI nUM pVo
kyvl ivÈy qk hI sIimq rhy qF Aus df ihsfb ikqfb ho skdf hY. pr ieQy prsnl atYk
hoxy ÈurU ho jFdy hn ijvyN ik mYNnUM iliKaf jf irhf hY ik mYN gurbfxI dIaF DjIaF
AuVf irhf hF … … … …[ [ . myrf gurU hfjr hY ik mYN gurbfxI nUM qnoN mnoN smripq
hF. ieho ijhIaF glF sux ky myrf aMdr suxnf ÈurU ho jFdf hY.
koeI mYNnUM pMzq khy, koeI mYNnUM bfxIaf
khy, koeI mYNnUM BUq khy, koeI mYNnUM kuwJ mrjI khy, mYNnUM koeI Prk nhIN pYNdf.
pr jdoN myry leI ieh BfÈf vrqI jFdI hY ik mYN DjIaF AuVf irhf hF qF myry aFsUM
afp muhfry myrIaF awKF rfhIN vgxy ÈurU ho jFdy hn, aFsMUaF nUM vwgx qoN rokxf
nhIN cfhIdf. ies leI mYN ienHF nUM vwgx idMdf hF, ienHF df vgxf jrUrI hY qF jo
myry rfhIN kIqy gey pfp ienHF rfhIN Dulxgy ieh myrf ivÈvfÈ hY.
pr rfxI jIE mYN quhfzy leI qih idloN pRBU agy ardfs krdf hF
ik rfxI kOr jI leI koeI vI qrkÈIl mMdI BfÈf df iesqymfl nf kry. quhfzy qy koeI
prsnl atYk nf hovy ies leI mYN dovoN hwQ joV ky prmfqmf agy bynqI krdf hF.
qrlocn isMG
srbjIq isMG (srI)
I would like to share my concerns with all the readers on this site.
The problem is about the interpretation of gurbani, some take
gurbani literally and others consider gurbani is full of metaphors. To take an
example let us consider NAAM in gurbani. The word NAAM is repeated many times in
gurbani on every single page of Guru Granth Sahib ji. To me NAAM is Guru's
teaching and sometimes it also means ‘order’ (maryada) of god. When we are
baptised we are given gurmantra, "waheguru" which we are asked to repeat. If
"waheguru" is/was a real gurmantra, Gurus would have made it clear on 1430 pages
that one should say "waheguru" constantly but that is not the case. We have been
mislead. My point is that gurbani does use metaphors.
Now second question arises that how do we know when should we
take gurbani literally and when should we regard something given in gurbani as a
We should try to find a contradiction in guru granth sahib to
a so called accepted belief. For example:
PrIdf by invfjf kuiqaf eyh n BlI rIiq ]
kbhI cil n afieaf pMjy vKq msIiq ]70]
The meaning that is commonly understood is this,"Fareed: O
faithless dog, this is not a good way of life. You never come to the mosque for
your five daily prayers. ||70|| "
The meaning that I understand of the above cited couplet is
that Farid ji is saying that even though you visit mosque five times a day, you
still have not found the way of life in other words you are just following mind
less rituals instead of learning. But then what does the word,"by
means. Does it mean that Baba Farid ji is stressing on reading namaj five times
a day? I do not think so because if we read gurbani we find examples such as:
pMij invfjf vKq pMij pMjf pMjy nfAu ]
pihlf scu hlfl duie qIjf KYr Kudfie ]
cAuQI nIaiq rfis mnu pMjvI isPiq snfie ]
krxI klmf afiK kY qf muslmfxu sdfie ]
nfnk jyqy kUiVafr kUVY kUVI pfie ]3]
Here gurbani is stressing on "krnI" rather than doing
rituals. I don’t think Guru Nanak would write two opposing views. Hence
"by invfjf" is a
metaphor which is supposed to mean manmukh. This leads to another question that
why only reading of 5 banis is stressed upon in rehat maryada when gurbani
refutes all rituals. Shouldn’t we be reading the whole book to understand it
If someone wants to refute Rani Kaur, one should quote lines
from gurbani which contradicts Rani Kaur’s view.
I sometimes wonder if we will ever get to know Guru Nanak’s god and his
Sarabjit Singh (surrey)
suKdyv isMG isiKafrQI qy sfQI
suKdyv isMG isiKafrQI qy sfQI
guirMdr isMG brfV jI,
vfihgurU jI kf Kflsf, vfihgurU jI kI Pqih.
quhfzy afrtIkl dI inMdf asIN ies krky kIqI ky qusI ilKx vyly
gurbfxI dIaF qukF vwl iDafn Gwt qy dUsry nUM nIvF pfAux df Xqn ijafdf krdy jy.
agr quhfnUM gurU nfnk dy Gr dy isDFq dI smJ af geI hY qy bhuq cMgI gwl hY. iesy
qrHF hI gurU nfnk dy isDFq dI smJ pRo: qrlocn isMG mhfjn jI nUM afeI hY. afpo
afpxI soc muqfbk isDFqk mqByd hoxy koeI nvI gwl nhIN pr ies df mqlb ieh nhIN ik
qusIN iksI nUM vI AUt-ptFg nFvf nfl ËlIl krdy rho.
iek pfsy qy mMndy ho ik akfl purKu hI sfiraF ivwc vsdf hY
lyikn dUjy pfsy kih rhy ho ik myry ivcoN ‘mhfjn’ bolygf jf boldf hY. gurbfxI df
Puvmfn hY:-
sBY Gt rfmu bolY rfmf bolY] rfm ibnf ko bolY ry] 1] rhfAu]
quhfzI ilKq nfl vI keI jn sihmq hoxgy lyikn ies df hrigË mqlb
ieh nhI hY ik Auhnf ivwco qusIN boloNgy. ies krky ilKx qo pihlf soc-ivcfr kr
ilaf kro. qusIN koeI gurU nfnk pfqÈfh nhI ho ik quhfzI soc solHF afny shI hovy.
bfkI rhI gwl ieh afqmf dy toipk dI. ijs qrHF mYN iphlF vI
ilwiKaf hY ik hr bMdy dI soc afpo afpxy isDFq muqfibk hI huMdI hY.
mYN quhfzf iDafn hux iswK-mfrg dy isDFq vwl vI idvFAuxf
cfhFgf. ieh afrtIkl sMpfdk sfihb df ilwiKaf hoieaf hY qy ies df isrlyK hY,
‘svfl jvfb iswK iPlfsPI’. ieh afrtIkl quhfnUM, "sfzy afpxy kuwJ tuwty
Puwty vIcfrF vfly lyK’ dy Polzr ivwc afKr ivwc iml jfeygf.
afrtIkl ivcoN:-
afqmf kI hY?
jvfb: afqmf pRmfqmf df hI aMs hY, pr afpxy afp ivwc pRmfqmf
nhI. ijs qrF pfxI dI bUMd df sMbMD sfgr nfl hY aqy rosnI dIaF ikrnF df sMbMD
sUrj nfl hY, bUMd afpxy afp ivwc sfgr nhI hY aqy ikrnF afpxy afp ivwc sUrj nhIN
hn. afqmf jdoN mnuwKI srIr ivwc huMdI hY qF jIvfqmf aKvfAuNdI hY. ieh rwb dI
joiq hY. ieh pRmfqmf dy hukm anusfr hI srIr ivwc rwKI jFdI hY aqy hukm anusfr hI
kwZ leI jFdI hY. gurU amr dfs jI rfmklI rfg ivwc PrmfuANdy hn:-
ey srIrf myiraf hir qum mih joiq rKI qf qU jg mih afieaf] hir
joiq rKI quDu ivic qf qU jg mih afieaf] hir afpy mfqf afpy ipqf ijin jIAu Aupfie
jgqu idKfieaf] gur prsfdI buiJaf qf clqu hoaf clqu ndrI afieaf] khY nfnku isRsit
kf mUlu ricaf joiq rfKI qf qU jg mih afieaf] 33]
pRmfqmf dy hukm anusfr jdoN srIr ivwcoN kwZ leI jFdI hY qF
ieh srIr imwtI dI ZyrI rih jFdf hY. ies nUM koeI imlxF nhI cfhuMdf, afqmf ibnF
ieh ruldf rihMdf hY, afqmf nfl hI srIr dI vizafeI hY, aMg-sfk huMdy hn, afqmf
srIr dy sB mnorQ pUry huMdy hn, afqmf inrlyp hY aqy jIvn mrn qo rihq hY. gurU
arjn sfihb jI ies nUM gurbfxI ivwc ies qrHF ibafn krdy hn:-
AunÙ kY sMig qU igRh mih mfhir] AunÙ kY sMig qU hoeI hY
jfhir] AunÙ kY sMig qU rKI ppoil] Esu ibnf qUM CutkI roil] 2] AunÙ kY sMig qyrf
mfnu mhqu] AunÙ kY sMig qum sfku jgqu] AunÙ kY sMig qyrI sB ibiD QftI] Esu ibnf
qUM hoeI hY mftI] 3] Ehu bYrfgI mrY n jfie] hukmy bfDf kfr kmfie] joiV ivCoVy
nfnk Qfip] apnI kudriq jfxY afip] 4] 31] 82]
ipir kihaf hAu hukmI bMdf] Ehu Bfro Tfkuru ijsu kfix n CMdf]
ijcru rfKY iqcru qum sMig rhxf jf sdy q AUiT isDfsf hy] 8] jAu ipRa bcn khy Dn
sfcy] Dn kCU n smJY cMcil kfcy] bhuir bhuir ipr hI sMgu mfgY Ehu bfq jfnY kir
hfsf hy] 9] afeI afigaf iprhu bulfieaf] nf Dn puCI n mqf pkfieaf] AUiT isDfieE
CUtir mftI dyKu nfnk imQn mohfsf hy] 10]
ies joiq sB iensfnF ivwc iewko hI hY aqy sB df isrjxhfr
vfihgurU, pRmfqmf vI iewko hY. DrmI pursL dI ieh inÈfnI huMdI hY ik Auh smuwcy
sMsfr nUM hI afpxf smJdf hY, Auh iksy nfl Drm jf rMg dI nPrq nhIN krdf, Auh sB
ivwc ieko hI pRmfqmF dI joiq dyKdf hY. dUsiraF nfl nPrq krn vfly aqy mrn mrvfAux
dIaF DmkIaF dyx vfly kqeI qOr qy DrmI nhIN ho skdy, dyKx nUM Auh BfvyN ikqny hI
DrmI idsdy hovx ikAuNik Auh ies srIr nUM hrI df mMdr smJn qoN asmrwQ hn, aijhy
mnmuwKF nUM gurmuK kihxF gurbfxI dI inrfdrI krn dy qul hY, qQf gurvfk:-
hir mMdru eyhu srIru hY igafin rqin prgtu hoie] mnmuK mUlu n
jfxnI mfxis hir mMdru n hoie] 2]
afqmf qy pRmfqmf dy Byd nUM jfnx leI koeI ivrlf hI vIcfr krdf
hY aqy jo ies Byd nUM smJdf hY, gurU aMgd dyv jI kihMdy hn ik mY Ausdf dfs hF:-
eyk ikRsnM srb dyvf dyv dyvf q afqmf] afqmf bfsudyvis jy ko
jfxY ByAu] nfnku qf kf dfsu hY soeI inrMjn dyAu] pMnF
suKdyv isMG
(not:- ieh afqmf vfly ivcfr ilKx vyly qwk jo vI imsLnrI soc
vfilaF dy ivcfr sn Auhnf dy aDfr qy hI iliKaf sI. mrn qoN bfad kI huMdf hY ies
bfry qF pRmfqmf hI jfxdf hY bfkI sB dlIl-bfjLI dy aDfr qy aMdfjLy hI hn. gurU
aqy pRmfqmf qoN ibnf koeI vI prI-pUrn nhIN hY. cMgI sLbdfvlI leI qF asIN vfr-vfr
bynqI krdy af rhy hF-sMpfdk)
qrlocn isMG mhfjn
qrlocn isMG mhfjn
vIr pfl
gurU Piqh
pRvfn krnI jI.
sfzy afly-duafly kudrq df
buixaf hoieaf jfdueI jfl hY. iensfn ies nUM ijMnf smJx dI koiÈÈ krdf hY Auh Aus
ivwc hor AulJwdf clf jFdf hY. jo kuwJ quhfnUM ids irhf hY, jrUrI nhIN Auh Ausy
qrHF df hI hovy. pRkfÈ asl ivwc sq rMgF df sumyl hY pr Auh idsdf sPyd hY. DrqI
nUM nIly rMg dI cdr ny Zikaf hoieaf hY, ijs nUM asIN afsmfn kihMdy hF, pr asl
ivwc afsmfn nfm dI koeI cIj hI nhHIN. DrqI asl ivwc gol hY pr ieh idsdI plyn hY.
ies leI jo ids irhf hY Bul ky vI nf smJ lYxf ik Auh Ausy qrHF df hY. ihMdosqfn
ivwc dirdrF dI koeI kmIN nhIN, pr Xfd rwKxf jo quhfnUM dirdr ids irhf hY, ho
skdf hY Auh quhfzy amIrF qo vI amIr hovy. aOr jo quhfzf amIr qoN vI amIr hY Auh
ho skdf hY ik sfzy dirdrF qoN vI vwD dirdr hovy. ies nUM myry kuwJ vIr nhIN smJ
skxgy ikAuNik Auh cyqnf jF afqmf nUM hI nhIN igxdy. ieh sfrIaF glF cyqnf dy lYvl
nfl juVIaF hn.
vIr-pfl nUM pihlF vI disaf hY
ik pRkfÈ nUM ijnHf soKf Auh smJ irhf hY AunHF soKf pRkfs hY nhIN. blik ieh jitl
qoN vIN vwD jitl hY. pr myrf vIr ieh mMnx nUM iqafr hI nhIN. qF suxo myry vIr
pRkfÈ dI jitlqf:
iensfn dIaF awKF ies sMsfr
ivwc AusdIaF plkF rfhIN iewk iKVkI dI qrHF KuldIaF hn. kudrq ny ies dI rcnf ies
qrHF kIqI hY ik isrP pRkfÈ hI ies dy rYtInf qy pRqIibMb bxfAuNdf hY. vyv qF hor
vI hn ijvyN ienPrfrYz, aYks ry, gfmf ry altrfvfielt afid. kI quhfnUM lgdf hY
ik awKF vyK rhIaF hn. ieh iewk vwzf BulyKf hY. awKF iewk iKVkI hn, ieh vyK nhIN
rhIaF, ieh isrP iejfjq idMdIaF hn pRkfÈ nUM qF jo pRkfÈ iewk jgHf iekTf ho ky
pRqIibMb bxf sky. mYN quhfnUM disaf sI ik pRkfÈ ijsnUM asIN iblkul aYvyN hI
igxdy hF ieh bVy zuMgy rfj afpxy afp ivwc smoeI bYTf hY. jdoN pRkfÈ vsqF Aupr
izgdf hY qF Auh AunHF sfrIaF vsqF df pRCfvF afpxy afp ivwc stor kr lYNdf hY. Aus
stor kIqy hoey prCfvyN nUM lYNj jF awKF dI mdd nfl rYtInf qy As df icqrx kr
idMdf hY. mYN quhfnUM aj ieho ijhI gl ds irhf
hF ijsnUM qusIN bfr bfr socxf, ho skdf hY quhfzI ieho soc quhfnUM cyqnf dy jgq
qk lY jfey qy iPr quhfzy sfry Brm tuwt jfxgy. Auh ieh ik jdoN rYtInf qy
iemyj bxdf hY qF quhfzy ivwc ikhVI aijhI cIj hY jo Aus iemyj nUM vyKdI hY. ieh
bfr bfr soicE ik kox vyK irhf hY rYtInf qy bxy pRqIibMb nUM. kI idmfg vyK irhf
hY? nhIN idmfg ikvyN vyK skdf hY? idmfg dIaF qF awKF hI nhIN hn. hF awKF vI
ikvyN vyK skdIaF hn ieh qF kyvl pRqIibMb bxfAux ivwc pRkfÈ dI mdd krdIaF hn. jy
vIr pfl ienHF df Auqr quhfnUM iml jfey qF iPr sfrI bihs muwk jfeygI.
vIr pfl jo kuwJ vI quhfnUM
asfn lgdf hY qy Auho quhfzy leI iewk idn byhwd muiÈkl ho jFdf hY. vIr pfl
quhfnUM ieh bihs bVI asfn lg rhI sI, pr hux myry iesy vIr nUM lg irhf hY ik ieh
bVf AuliJaf hoieaf mslf hY. vIr swc disE, kI mYN JUT kih rihaf hF. ies bihs qoN
qusIN hux kuwJ nrfj vI lg rhy ho . vIrf myiraf ieh iensfn vI asl ivwc iewk
buJfrq hY. ikAuNik iensfn nUM Kud hI nhIN pqf ik, Auh kI hY? ikAuN hY? Aus df
mkswd kI hY? Aus ny jfxf ikQy hY?
iek vfikaf suxo:
iek vfr iewk jYNtlmYNn tfeI
ÈfeI lfeI sUitz bUitz hoey-hoey ryl df sPr kr rhy sn. ijs kMpfrtmYNt ivwc Auh sn
Ausy kMpfrtmYNt ivwc itkt cYkr dfKl hoieaf. itkt cYkr ny musfPrF dIaF itktF cYk
krnIaF ÈurU kIqIaF. ajy cYkr Aus jYNtlmYNn qoN dUr sI qF jYNtlmYn ny itkt
ivKfAux leI afpxI jyb ivwc hwQ mfiraf. itkt nf lwBI, iPr dUjI jyb ProlI, Aus
ivcoN vI nf lwBI. iPr hYNz bYg Prolxf ÈurU kIqf, pr itkt AuQy vI nhIN sI. Aus
dy mwQy qy psIny dIaF bUMdF ilÈkx lgIaF. itkt cYkr df iDafn vI Aus jYNtlmYn ivwc
sI. jdoN jYNtlmYn afpxf trMk Prolx ligaf qF itkt cYkr nUM qrs af igaf. Aus ny
jYNtlmYn kol af ky ikhf ‘jnfb lgdf hY itkt nf imlx kfrn qusIN kfPI pRyÈfn ho,
koeI gl nhIN. qusIN itkt qoN ibnF qF ho nhIN skdy. lgdf hY qusIN itkt kuwJ
ijafdf hI sMBfl idqI hY. Aus jYNtlmYn ny gusy nfl itkt cYkr vl vyKidaF afpxy
mwQy qy hwQ mfrdf hoieaf kihx lgf ‘qusIN kI soc rhy ho mYN itkt quhfnUM ivKfAux
leI pRyÈfn ho irhF hF, nhIN. mYN afpxI itkt ies leI lB irhf hF qF jo vyK skF ik
jfxf ikQy hY’.
ieho ijhy sn Auh
jYNtlmYn, ijhVy sPr kr rhy hn pr pqf hI nhIN ik jfxf ikQy hY? asIN vI sPr kr
rhy hF, pr aPsos sfnUM vI pqf nhIN ik jfxf ikQy hY? apVnf ikQy hY? mMijl ikQy
hY? itkfxf ikQy hY?
vIrf mYN hux pRkfÈ dy sbMiDq
ivigafink svflF vl af irhf hF
vIr pfl qusIN myry khy nUM
mMndy nhIN. mYN quhfnUM pRXog khy sn AunHF bfry qusIN KfmoÈ ho, ikAuN? mYN
quhfnUM ikhf sI ik pRkfÈ bVf jitl hY. ies ivwc dovoN gux ibrfjmfn hn vyv vfly
aqy pfrtIkl vfly. pr jdoN ieh vyv hY qF ieh vyv hI hY AudoN ieh pfrtIkl nhIN hY.
aj mYN quhfnUM ies dy inrxy qy lY ky jf irhf hF.
Interference, Diffraction,
ieh iqMnoN Facts
qF hI explain
kIqy jf skdy hn jy pRkfÈ ivwc vyv vfly gux hoxgy.
ieh gl qusIN iksy vI BOiqk
ÈfÈqrI nfl izsks kr skdy ho. ho skdf hY ieh sux ky iPr qusIN nrfj ho jfE qy
ienHF Facts
dy sbMD ivwc kuwJ ilKo hI nhIN. aYvyN nf krnf vIr pfl. klIar jrUr kro.
iek gl hor, pRkfÈ dy PotfnF
nUM ijnHF nUM qusIN pdfrQ igxdy ho Auh asl ivwc pdfrQ nhIN hY Auh
hn. ies bfry qusIN iksy bwcy qoN vI puC skdy ho.
hF, mYN quhfnUM kuwJ irsrc
pypr dy hvfly dy irhf hF, hux dI qfjf irsrc jrf suxo iPr mYnUM dsxf ik Potfn df
mfs hY ky nhIN.
Recent research
The fundamental
nature of the photon is believed to be understood theoretically; the prevailing
Standard Model predicts that the photon is a gauge boson of spin 1,
without mass
and without charge, that results
from a local
U(1) gauge symmetry and mediates the electromagnetic interaction. However,
physicists continue to check for discrepancies between experiment and the
Standard Model predictions, in the hope of finding clues to physics beyond the
Standard Model. In particular, experimental physicists continue to set ever
better upper limits on the charge and mass of the photon; a non-zero value for
either parameter would be a serious violation of the Standard Model.
However, all experimental data hitherto are
consistent with the photon having zero charge[16]
and mass.[66]
^ (a)
Goldhaber, AS (1971). "Terrestrial
and Extraterrestrial Limits on The Photon Mass".
Reviews of Modern Physics 43:
(b) Fischbach, E; Kloor H, Langel RA, Lui
ATY, and Peredo M (1994). "New Geomagnetic Limits on the Photon Mass and on
Long-Range Forces Coexisting with Electromagnetism".
Physical Review Letters 73: 514–17..
Official particle table for gauge and Higgs bosons S. Eidelman et al.
(Particle Data Group) Physics Letters B 592, 1 (2004) (d)
Davis, L; Goldhaber AS and Nieto MM (1975).
"Limit on Photon Mass Deduced from Pioneer-10 Observations of Jupiter's Magnetic
Field". Physical Review Letters 35: 1402–1405..
(e) Luo, J; Shao CG, Liu ZZ, and Hu ZK
(1999). "Determination of the limit of photon mass and cosmic magnetic vector
with rotating torsion balance". Physical Review a
270: 288–292..
(f) Schaeffer, BE (1999). "Severe limits
on variations of the speed of light with frequency". Physical Review
Letters 82: 4964–4966..
(g) Luo, J; Tu LC, Hu ZK, and Luan EJ
(2003). "New experimental limit on the photon rest mass with a rotating torsion
balance". Physical Review Letters 90:
Art. No. 081801.
(h) Williams, ER; Faller JE and Hill HA
(1971). "New
Experimental Test of Coulomb's Law: A Laboratory Upper Limit on the Photon Rest
Mass". Physical Review Letters 26:
(i) Lakes, R (1998). "Experimental
Limits on the Photon Mass and Cosmic Magnetic Vector Potential".
Physical Review Letters 80: 1826.
2006 PDG listing for photon W.-M. Yao et al. (Particle Data Group)
Journal of Physics G 33, 1 (2006). (k)
Adelberger, E; Dvali, G and
Gruzinov, A (2007
vIr pfl jIE, ieh sfry irsrc pypr pVHnf, iewk pypr qoN klIar nhIN hoeygf ikRpf
krky sfry piVE qF qusIN nqIjy qy phuMcogy. ieh myrI XUnIvirstI dy nhIN hn,
quhfzIaF XUnIvirstIaF dy hn. ijvyN ik qusIN iliKaf sI ik afpxI XUnIvirstI df
rYPrYNs nf dyxf. so vIr jI mYN AuvyN hI kIqf hY ijvyN qusI disaf hY. hux plIË
myry pihly svflF dy Auqr qF dy idE jI.
qrlocn isMG
rfxI kOr
Sat Shri Akaal Everyone,
We are also disputing that God (hence our souls as souls are
small parts of God Himself) can't be any type of energy.
We have already established that this whole universe is
energy. The matter can also be converted into energy, and vica versa. Therefore,
it is safe to call it all a form of energy.
Now lets look at the following Shabad?
Page 463
sfijE afpInHHY
ricE nfAu
He Himself created Himself; He Himself assumed His Name.
Rani's comments:
God Himself has created Himself into certain form, and also
created what Gurbani calls Naam, source of Amrit, the food of the soul.
sfjIaY kir
afsxu izTo
cfAu ]
Secondly, He fashioned the creation; seated within the
creation, He beholds it with delight.
Secondly, from Himself He has created this universe.
We already agreed that this whole universe is a form of
energy. If it is created from another source, than that source must contain this
energy within too. Something can't come out of another thing, if it were not
present in the another thing to beging with. If it came out of God, then God
must contain it in some shape or form within Himself. So He does consist of this
energy at some level. We just don't know the form of His own energy.
I don't think God would put all His elements into creation,
as that will be like teaching the monkey how to set fire. He off course will
keep the secret in His own control, and from the subset of his own self, He
created this world, keeping certain elements out of this creation, hence above
the laws of this creation. We can't convert this material world back into what
it originally was, as we would be missing certain elements of the equation.
So this proves that God is consistent of energy, it is not
all that He is, but energy is definitely a part of Him.
afip qUM
quis dyvih
krih psfAu
You Yourself are the Giver and the Creator; by Your Pleasure,
You bestow Your Mercy.
sBsY dy
lYsih ijMdu
kvfAu ]
You are the Knower of all; You give life, and take it away
again with a word.
izTo cfAu
Seated within the creation, You behold it with delight. ||1||
And please note, God has created His own seat within this
universe, from where He is actually watching His creation. He is not just
nature, the natural laws, as these laws can't watch anything. Instead God is a
being Who is watching us.
I would also like to discuss one property assigned to God by
Sikh scriptures that is Akal, Timeless One.
Few known scientific facts:
This universe is a closed system. Currently it is expanding,
and eventually it will start to contract again. As the expansion is happening,
the distance between different planets is increasing, hence ***changing**** the
gravitational laws. Our equations won't stay the same forever, after certain
time, these will have to be adjusted.
Then everything is also dying, including the sun. In few
millions of years, humans may even be able to stare at the sun, as it won't be
as bright anymore. Everything we see is diseased/dying, with time, hence time is
our disease, everything that passes through time will eventually die out and is
also currently dying/hence changing.
But God is Some One Who never changes, is not impacted by
time, He is Timeless. If time is impacting this whole universe and killing it
all than God must be something separate from this universe, must also exist out
of this universe to control it. Only being out of this universe will make Him
timeless. This will explain Him creating it, and when it contracts, God will
aborb it all within Himself again. So God is infused Himself into this universe
(permeating), He is also seated somewhere (Aasan that was mentioned in above
shabad), and He is also present out of this universe, hence Timeless.
Ksm kf
kInHHf iehu
prpMcu bDfvnu
Death, and deathlessness are the creations of our Lord and
Master; this show, this expanse, is only an entanglement.
Bhai Kabir Ji is saying this universe is only an entablement,
not to be taken seriously. How can God be all this entablement, which we are not
to take serious.
qy aMqy
mukqy ijnHH
ihrdY rfm
rsfienu ]2]6]
Says Kabeer, those who have the sublime essence of the Lord
in their hearts - in the end, they are liberated. ||2||6||
Finally, I must say with very sad heart, that I hear RSS is
doing this to the Sikhs, fundamentalist hindus are doing that to the Sikhs. But
to show our rejection of Hinduism, if we are even going to deny our God, no one
could do more disservice to us than our own self. No one else could damage us,
if we were strong and knowledgable of our own faith.
Fools are these RSS people that they are fighting with this
kind of Sikhs. Instead they should encourage this kind of philosphies that Sikh
religion only deals with the physical bodies, after the body is dead, it is all
over. Before you know it, all of our Gurudwaras will be empty. What narrow and
destructive view of the Sikh religion that is I can't put into words. If our own
foundations were strong, no one could hurt us. But alas, we ourselves are bent
upon denying everything that our religion stands for. There is incredible
knowledge about the universe, its creation, the Creator, and our souls in Shri
Guru Granth Sahib. Please read it with an open mind and clean heart and improve
your this and next life. Lets not waste our own chance at being one with the
Creator by wasting our time in hatred of others and their religion. Let the
Truth drive our lives, not hatred.
No offence to anyone,
Thank you for listening,
Sat Shri Akaal Everyone,
I did not think I will be participating in this. Now that I
am getting phone calls from friends to provide quotes from Shri Guru Granth
Sahib, otherwise nothing I say can be taken seriously, I am here now.
God must be listening to Professor Tarlochan Singh Ji's
prayers as he is getting a full time supporter here now. :)
I must say I am still in the process of reading Shri Guru
Granth Sahib, and all of you here are lot more knowledgeable than I am. That is
the reason I did not participate earlier. But I have little choice now.
Also you will find me quoting from Aassa Dee Vaar a lot, as I
find listening to this prayer very soothing and listen to it the most.
Over the phone I was told, the discussion is actually that
Sikhism only deals with this life. There is no such thing as soul that leaves
the body.
I was asked only to talk with the quotes.
Please note: lets have a friendly cheerful discussion, no
need to get upset at each other.
Please explain the following in the case we are only bodies:
Page 472
Shalok, First Mehl:
Gru muhY
Gru muih
ipqrI dyie
The thief robs a house, and offers the stolen goods to his
Rani's comments:
Here we are talking about ancestors: The ******DEAD******
people, who still exist somewhere, and still have some connection to their
previous life.
isÖfxIaY ipqrI
cor kryie
In the world hereafter, this is recognized, and his ancestors
are considered thieves as well.
Rani's comments:
Well someone is actually recognizing it somewhere else, where
the ancestors (dead people) are.
dlfl ky
musPI eyh
kryie ]
The hands of the go-between are cut off; this is the Lord's
so imlY
ij Kty
Gfly dyie
O Nanak, in the world hereafter, that alone is received,
which one gives to the needy from his own earnings and labor. ||1||
Rani's comments:
Now what does Guru Nanak Dev Ji say here:
In the World *****HEREAFTER***** that is received....
So there is a world hereafter that still has a connection to
this world. After we are dead, it is NOT all over and done with.
Before someone says, Guru Ji were simply trying to stop such
and such practices, but to stop those practices, this would been the perfect
place to say that, dead people do not exist. They are dead and done with.
Would you say Guru Ji is telling lies, misleading people? Why
would he not simply say the truth, or what he really believed in? Why make up
more stories to cover up the previous false one?
Lets look at the next one now.
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1 ]
Shalok, First Mehl:
srIr kf
ieku rQu
ieku rQvfhu
O Nanak, the soul of the body has one chariot and one
I consulted Mahankosh and Professor Sahib Singh Ji's
The above can be translated as, the human body has one
chariot and one charioteer.
So here clearly there are *****TWO***** things involved in
the human being.
One is the body, and ANOTHER one is the driver. Body in
itself is not the driver.
And lets look at one more please:
suhfvxf Ciz
dunIaf aMdir
jfvxf ]
Abandoning the world of beauty, and beautiful clothes, one
must depart.
PLEASE NOTE: Now we are talking about LEAVING the body in
this world, AND going somewhere else. If body is all there is to it, then how
can we leave the body in this world and still go, unless there are two things
involved in us: body and soul. This line completely separates us from the body.
The body is only clothe, and we are something different. We are NOT body and in
this line this person is leaving the body and going somewhere. Lets see where...
afpxf afpy
hI kIqf
pfvxf ]
He obtains the rewards of his good and bad deeds.
Now that this person has already *****LEFT***** the body in
the above line, now after death, s/he is earning the rewards of the deeds.
min Bfvdy
rfih BIVY
agY jfvxf
He may issue whatever commands he wishes, but he shall have
to take to the narrow path hereafter.
See in this world, this person was actually having a great
time issuing his/her orders. But after DEATH, there is a difficult path. While
alive no difficulty there, s/he was actually dictating the world around. But
after to leave the clothe of body, the narrow path comes.
cfilaf qf
idsY Krf
zrfvxf ]
He goes to hell naked, and he looks hideous then.
This all describes the events taking place, after this being
has left the body in the very first line. And this person is being pushed into
Dojak (hell) and looks very scary. I for one can't imagine how this being can
leave the body and still exist, be punished if soul does not exist.
pCoqfvxf ]14]
He regrets the sins he committed. ||14||
Lets see how do you guys explain the above if nothing
hereafter exists.
Please keep in mind:
nfnkf gux
cMigafeIaf qqu
Sweetness and humility, O Nanak, are the essence of virtue
and goodness.
And that I am also a Jat, not Mahajan, so don't take me
there. :)
Thank you for listening
Best Wishes,
avqfr isMG imÈnrI
tYksI clf rhy avqfr isMG imÈnrI iewk lutyry vloN acfnk kIqy
gey hmly c
’ luwt huMdy guwJIaF
swtF df iÈkfr hoey
19 agwsq 2008 idn mMglvfr nUM rfq dy krIb svf nON vjy XUnIan
istI bft qoN iewk kflf tIneyjr myrI kYb ivwc sYNtrl stRIt XUnIan iswtI jfx leI
bYTf. jd sYNtrl stRIt qy phuMicaf qF kihMdf lYPt moV lY, iPr kihMdf nYst lYPt,
pr jd mYN eIst bYNk dI pfrikMg c
afieaf qF kihMdf mY (ATM)
jfxf hY. jd (ATM) coN
vfps af ky tYksI c’
bYTf qF mYN puiCaf hux ikwQy jfEgy qF kihMdf qUM afpxf vflt, mnI aqy hor kfgË
pwqr kwZ dy nhIN qF mYN qYnUM gMn nfl mfr dyvFgf. iPr Aus ny myry pYsy (zflr),
vflt aqy sYlr Pon Koh ilaf. mYN iPr socx lwgf hux kI kIqf jfvy? jy mYN rOlf
pONdf jF vfjF mfrdf qF suxn vflf koeI nhIN sI aqy jy mYN EQy Aus nfl hwQopfeI vI
huMdf qF Auh myrf hor nuksfn kr skdf sI. eyny nUM jd Aus ny myry vflt coN bYNk
afP amrIkf df (ATM)
kfrz dyiKaf qF Auh hor lflc ivwc kihMdf nyVy vfly bYNk afP amrIkf cwl pr jd asIN
alvrfzo nfiels aqy zIkoto roz dy ieMtRÈYkÈn ivwc phuMcy qF pqf nhIN Aus ny ikqy
pulIs vflf dyK ilaf qy mYNnUM kihMdf go rfeIt, mYN rONg moV nF moiVaf qF Aus ny
jMp krky ipClI sIt qoN awgy af ky jbrdsqI kfr df styirMg swjy moVn dI koiÈs
kIqI. eyny nUM mYN vI pulIs dI gwzI jFdI dyKI aqy jor nfl lYPt trn krky hfrn tU
hfrn dyx lwg ipaf qF lutyrf mYNnUM muwky mfrn qy Bwjx dI pUrI koiÈÈ krn lwgf.
iPr mYN vI vfihgurU dI bKiÈÈ nfl ihMmq krky Aus nUM PV ilaf qy iewk hwQ nfl gwzI
aqy hOrn clfeI igaf, lutyrf mYNnUM mUMh qy muwky mfrI igaf pr mYN Cwizaf nF qy
pulIs dI gwzI jo kfPI awgy jf cuwkI sI df ipwCf krdf mYN hfrn qy hfrn mfrI igaf.
eyny nUM Èfied ikqy pulIsmYn ny gwzI coN hI vfc kr ilaf, EDroN myrf hwQ vI Qwk
igaf qy lutyrf kfql myrI cldI gwzI coN mUrly drvfjy Cfl mfr nwiTaf qF eyny nUM
pulIs dIaF keI gzIaF af geIaF qy Auh PiVaf igaf. qF kuwJ dyr bfad pulIs ny mYnUM
EQy iljf ky ikhf kI eyh hI prsn hY? qF mYN dyK ky pCfn ky ikhf hF eyho hI hY. qF
pulIs kihMdI qUM cfhuMdf hYN eyh jylH jfvy, qF mYN ikhf jI hF ikAuNik mYNnUM qF
vfihgurU pRmfqmF ny hwQ dy ky bcf ilaf hY jy iehnUM Cwz idEgy qF hornF df jfnI
mflI nuksfn krygf qF plIs kihMdI hux ieh jylH c’
idwqf jfvygf. pulIs ny myrf luitaf vflt aqy sYlr Pon mYnUM vfps kr idwqf qF mYN
pulIs df bhuq bhuq DMnvfd kIqf. myry bcfa vfsqy qF XUnIan istI dI pulIs hI rwb
rUp ho ky bhuVI.
mYnUM qwqy Gfh qF swt mihsUs nf hoeI pr kuwJ dyr bfad drd
hoxf ÈurU ho igaf qF mYN pulIs nUM iPr dwisaf qF AunHF ikhf qUM zfktr kol jfh
iPr mYN zfktr nUM idKfieaf qF Aus ny pIV dI dvfeI dy idwqI jo mYN Kf irhf hF qy
hOlI hOlI TIk ho irhf hF. vfihgurU df Èukr gujfr hF ijs ny ies aOKI GVI coN hwQ
dy rwiKaf hY. dfs ikrq dy nfl nfl Drm pRcfr dI vI syvf krdf hY ijvyN kQf vIcfr,
lYkcr, ryzIE hmsPr qy Dfrimk tfkÈoaF ivwc vI ihwsf lYdf hY aqy vfihgurU dI bKÈI
dfq gurmiq lyKxI rfhIN vI aKbfrF rsfilaF qy vYbsfeItF nUM afrtIkl Byj ky vI
gurmiq pRcfr ivwc Xogdfn pfAux dI koiÈÈ krdf hY. imÈnrI kflj aqy hor gurmiq
ivdvfnF rfgIaF aqy kQf vfckF dIaF ikqfbF aqy sIzIaF dI Dfrimk stfl lf ky vI vwK
vwK gurU GrF ivKy gurmiq pRcfr dI syvf krdf hY. dfs ieMzIaf ivKy vI srkfrI qy
gYr srkfrI awqvfd vyly pulIs qÈwdd df iÈkfr ho cuwkf hY aqy iewQy amrIkf ivKy
nvMbr, 1997 nUM iewk iBafnk aYksIzYNt ivwc lMbf smF ijMdgI qy mOq nfl Kyzdf
izseybl ho igaf. aYsIaF keI afPqF df sfhmxf krdy hoey vI dfs ny gurmiq pRcfr df
pwlf nhIN Cwizaf, ieh hMkfr nhIN sgoN gurU dI rihmq aqy sMgq dI pRyrnf hY. dfs
gurU gRMQ sfihb aqy iswK rihq mrXfdf nUM muwK rwK ky pRcfr krdf hY. pr awj isKF
ivKy qwq gurmiq pRcfr nUM smRpq pRcfrkF dI kdr nhIN ijs krky inrfsLfvfd,
pfKMzvfd, zyrfvfd, krmkFzF aqy PokI cODr df bolbflf hY.
aKIr qy mYN hornF tYksI vIrF nUM apIl krdf hF ik Kfs krky rfq
vyly tIn eyjr dirMidaF qoN kyarPuwl irhf jfvy. ieh KuwlHI inAuË hY koeI vI aKbfr
rsflf ies nUM Cfpx dI syvf kr skdf hY. dfs AunHF sB aKbfrF rsfilaF df qih idloN
DMnvfdI hovygf. sMpRk leI Pon 510-432-5827 hY.
avqfr isMG imÈnrI
vIrpfl isMG
Dear Prof Mahajan,
You have made my work very easier by taking reference to Dual
nature of Light and Wave theory of Light.
These both theories are in itself proof that Light is
associated with Mass.
Firstly you are doing miss-interpretation of Dual Nature of
Light. It seems that you are not aware of fact that before Einstein people used
to fight on issue that Light is particles or Light is wave but Einstein
solved this puzzle with his principle of duality and energy mass
equivalence theory.
It was Einstein who proposed both principle of Duality and
association of energy to solve issue.
Now just read below meaning of principle of Duality which
Einstein and Science explained :-
"Light has both behavior of wave as well as particle just like
a coin has two faces head and tail, when we see head then tail is not visible to
us it does not means tail is not there similarly when we observer looks Light as
wave then he can't notice properties of Mass it does not means that Light is not
associated with Mass, similarly when we see Tail of coin Head is not visible to
us this does not means that there is no head in coin. It all depends upon
how we are looking and which properties we are measuring"
and you also said that Light is special because it has got
duality, again you are incorrect over here.
Not only Light but Every thing in this world has got dual
behavior. Even your body and my body also have wave associated with them. If you
want I can measure the your wavelength also.
The experiment you have mentioned demonstrate wave behavior of
Light but they do not deny that Light is not associated with Mass. And already
mentioned it is just a way of looking.
So Einstein's explanation and his mass energy equivalence
formula proved that Mass and Energy are always associated with each other just
like Head and Tail faces of Coin. They can't exist separately.
You are blaiming us that we are trying to measure Atma with
science and brain. but you can read all my letters I have not ever mentioned or
tried this. Infact you were the first one who said that Atama and energy are
same and tried to measure Atma by doing this.
I only questioned your theory...from starting I said I don't
know about the Atma which you are saying about.
I think now we have caught the nerve of your theory and it is
already proved false, Einstein's theory and his principle of Duality are biggest
proof that Energy and Mass are always associated with each other and exist
together just like two faces of coin.
I will answer your questions but first this point should be
brought to conclusion (which now I feel is concluded but still want that equal
change should be given to your views).
Veerpal Singh
rfxI kOr
Sat Shri Akaal Everyone,
I will also make my contribution to our attempts to measure
our soul. :)
The way I see is, this world is made of certain elements (5
elements as Gurbani describes it). The source of our soul is something different
than these used elements. When creating this universe, if one element was
completely not present, than all the laws that dictate the created world won't
apply on that element that is not present in its construction. The laws are our
observation on how the utilized elements interact with each other. But the
element that is not even present, these laws can't apply to that element. It
will be beyond those laws. Think in terms of superset and subsets. This universe
is a subset of what God, the source of our souls, is. Our laws won't apply to
the elements of the superset that are not part of our subset (this universe), as
we have no means to interact with those alien elements, they are not part of our
world. The alien elements could override all of our laws.
Best wishes,
Rani Kaur
qrlocn isMG mhfjn
qrlocn isMG mhfjn
vIr pfl jIE.
gurU Piqh hovy jI.
pRmfqmf dy rfh qy pVHfeIaF
ilKfeIaF aqy cqurfeIaF kMm nhIN krdIaF. ieh rsqf Boly Bf df hY. isafxp nfl
dunIaf ijqI jf skdI hY, pdfrQF dy aMbfr iekwTy kIqy jf skdy hn pr pRBU dy dr qy
ienHF dI kImq kozI vI nhIN.
aj afqmf nUM smJx leI
asIN idmfg df kMm lY rhy hF, jd kI ieh rsqf sihj df hY. ThrfE df hY. ipafr df
hY. nfm dI msqI df hY. asIN sfry mMndy hF ik sfzy ivwc pRBU vsdf hY. sfzy ivwc
pRmafqmf df vfsf hY. pr afqmf nUM asIN mMnx nUM iqafr nhIN. afqmf koeI BUq QoVo
hY. Auh vI pRmafqmf dI iewk byhwd Cotf ijhf aMÈ hY. jy
pRmfqmf iewk sUrj vFgUM lt lt krdf pRkfÈ hY qF iPr afqmf iewk inky ijhy dIvy dI
inkI ijhI lft hY. asl ivwc dIvy dI ies lft df afpxf koeI vjUd nhIN. ies
dI hsqI sUrj hY. asIN gurbfxI nfl ieho isKx dI koiÈÈ krdy hF ik dIvy dI inkI jhI
lft df afpxf koeI vjUd nhIN. ies ny aKIr sUrj dy lt lt krdy pRkfÈ ivwc lIn ho
jfxf hY. pr ieh lIn hoeygI ikvyN? jdoN asIN ies qoN hI ienkfrI hF. asIN ieh mMn
rhy hF ik sfzy ivwc koeI lo nhIN, sfzy ivwc koeI roÈnI nhIN, sfzy ivwc koeI
afqmf nhIN, sfzy ivwc koeI pRkfÈ nhIN. nF hI asIN ieh suxn nUM iqafr hF.
aj myry vIr ksyl jI afqmf nUM pRXog rfhIN vyKx leI pRÈn
puC rhy hn. kI mihsUs krn dI cIj nUM vyiKaf jf skdf hY? kI pRkfÈ vyiKaf jf skdf
hY? pRkfÈ nfl vsqF vyKIaF jf skdIaF hn, pRkfÈ nfl dunIaf vyKI jf skdI hY pr Kud
pRkfÈ nUM nhIN vyiKaf jf skdf. asIN ieh jfxn nUM iqafr hF ik asIN iewk
kMmpIAUtr hF. ijs df idmfg iewk hfrz izsk hY. asIN Auh hF ijho ijhf kMmpIAUtr hY
ijhVf nf hws skdf hY, nf ro skdf hY, hF ieh TIk hY jdoN kMmpIAUtr mrygf qF Aus
df ieh aMqm mrnf hoeygf, ikAuNik kMmpIAUtr ivwc koeI cyqnf nhIN hY. ieho ijhf
igafn asIN aj dunIaf nUM vMz rhy hF. aOr soc rhy hF bVf sohxf kMm kr rhy hF.
ijnHF nUM afqmf Xf cyqnf df ielm nhIN Auh dunIaf nUM Drm dI isiKaf dy rhy hn. qF
ik ijhVy QoVI bhuq cyqnf iksy ivwc rih geI hY Auh vI
AujfV idqI jfey. ijhVf QoVf bhuq pRmfqmf dI msqI ivwc koeI hY Aus nUM vI Aus qoN
qoV idqf jfey. asIN iewk zrfeI sMsfr dI
iqafrI ivwc hF. ijQy nf koeI sMgIq hoeygf nf ipafr hoeygf, ijQy nf koeI
idl df vfsqf hoeygf, nf cyqnf df, nf afqmf df, nf pRmfqmf df.
jo koeI idl df vfsqf deygf qF AusnUM iJVk idqf jfeygf,
Aus nUM ikhf jfeygf ‘Auh qUM byvkUP hY, idl qF KUn sfP krn dI mÈIn hY’
jy koeI cyqnf jF afqmf dI gl krygf qF Aus nUM dXfnMd kih ky Xf bfxIaf kih ky Xf
pMzq kih ky Cuitaf idqf jfeygf Xf ikhf jfeygf ivKfE ikQy hY cyqnf?
mYN muafPI mMgdf hF pqf nhIN
kI kI ilK ho igaf. hux vIr kihxgy vyiKE mhfjn Auqr nhIN dyxf cfhuMdf qF hI aYzf
vwzf pihrf ilK idqf. ies sfrI iPlfsPI qF asIN mhfjn
qoN puCI hI nhIN sI. mhfjn Auqr dyx leI iemfndfr nhIN hY. mhfjn vIr-pfl
nUM mfVf bol irhf hY aqy hor pqf nhI kI kI … … … … …[
hF mYN gusqfKI kir irhf hovFgf
ik sfrf sMsfr hI aj ieho ijhf hY. nhIN sfrf sMsfr ieho ijhf nhIN hY.
ieQy afqmf df drd mihsUs krn vflIaF
rfxI kor vrgIaF afqmfvF aqy hor vIr vI hn, ijnHF dI cyqnf jfgrq avsQf ivwc hY.
myrI duaf hY ik rfxI kOr jI pRmfqmf quhfnUM ÈkqI dyvy qF jo qusIN hmyÈf
inrpwK ho ky sc df sfQ dy sko. iPr cfhy hnyrIaF clx, JKV Julx hmyÈf azol avsQf
ivwc ivcrdy rho aqy afpxy afp ivwc Aus pRBU nUM mihsUs krdy rho ijs dy asI sfry
aMÈ hF, ieho mnuwK df pRXojn hY ies sMsfr ivwc afAux df. pRmfqmf df aihsfs
quhfnUM hovy ieho myrI duaf hY, prfQnf hY, ardfs hY.
vIr pfl dy pRÈnF dy Auqr
vIr jIE qusF iliKaf:
It is really very
sad that as a physics professor you are blindly ignoring proofs of Einstein's
theory and said that Light can exist without mass. I will entertain reply to
your letter only if you can give me some scientific proof or experimental work
which is approves by any international science organization or university
(except the university in which you are professor).
vIr jIE, qusIN ikAuN Èk kr
rhy ho ik mYN afpxy afp ivigafn dy nvyN inXm bxf irhf hF? jo kuwJ hY sfrI dunIaf
sfhmxy hY. kI mYN ivigafn nUM glq kr skdf hF? jy mYN quhfzy qoN kuwJ puC irhf sI
qF Auh quhfzy hI pRÈnf dy jvfb quhfnuM klIar krn leI. pr hux lg irhf hY ik qusIN
nrfj ho rhy ho qfihEN qF ieh sbd qusIN ilKy hn
will entertain reply to your letter only if you can give me some scientific
proof or experimental work which is approves by any international science
organization or university (except the university in which you are professor).
vIr jIE nrfj nf hovo qF suxo
hux Auqr
qusF iliKaf ky lfeIt ivwc hmyÈF pdfrQI gux hoxgy. vIr pfl jIE qusIN ieQy iblkul
glq ho. mihsUs nf krnf. pr qusIN iblkul glq ho. pRkfÈ ijs nUM qusIN aYvyN hI
smJdy ho ieh bVy zuMgy rfj afpxy afp ivwc smoeI bYTf hY.
ieh ajyN qfeIN ivigafnIaF leI iewk buJfrq hY.
ivigafn kdIN vI iksy leI
Dual Nature
df iesqymfl nhIN krdf. ikAuNik ivigafn anusfr hr cIj ivwc iewk Kfs qrHF dy gux
huMdy hn. pr pRkfÈ aijhf hY ijhVf pdfrQI gux vI rKdf hY aqy nhIN vI. jdoN pRkfÈ
vyv huMdf hY qF ieh kyvl vyv hI huMdf hY. jdoN ieh pdfrQI gux aiKqafr krdf hY qF
ieh Ausy vrgf hI ho jFdf hY. vIr qusF gl kIqI ik koeI pRXog dso.
mYN hux Auh pRXog ds irhf hF ijsnUM sux ky qusIN hYrfn ho jfEgy. qy jo qusIN
afpxIaF pihlIaF icTIaF ivwc iliKaf hY qF socx qy mjbUr ho jfEgy ik Auh quhfzy
sfry hI glq sn.
Auh ievyN:
pRkfÈ vyv dI qrHF huMdf hY. vIr
pfl mYN iqMn pRXog ilK irhf hF ienHF nUM iksy vI pRXogÈflf ivwc jf ky afpxy
Boiqk ivigafn dy tIcr nUM puCxf ky ieh pRXog pRkfÈ ky ikhVy guxF nUM drsfAuNdy
hn, vyv vfly guxf nUM jF pdfrQI guxF (Potfn) nUM.
pRXog hn:
vIr jIE rb nUM hfjr jfx ky disE ik ieh pRXog kI iswD krdy hn. iksy vI BOiqk
ÈfÈqrI dI hYlp lY lYxf. ikAuNik qusIN myry qy qF XkIn nhIN krdy. pr bfhrly bMdy
quhfnUM ds dyxgy ik ieh pRXog iswD krdy hn ky pRkfÈ dy vyv gux hn. qy jdoN vyvy
gux huMdy hn AudoN pdfrQI gux nhIN huMdy.
Auh vIr ijnHF nUM ies pfsy
idlcspI hY Auh ikRpf krky iksy vI src ieMjn qy jf ky
Wave Nature Of Light
Br dyx jF Dual
Nature Of Light
Br dyx qF anMq afrtIkl Kul jfxgy. iPr vIr pfl nUM kihxf nhIN pvygf ik
I will entertain
reply to your letter only if you can give me some scientific proof or
experimental work which is approves by any international science organization or
university (except the university in which you are professor).
vIr pfl jI afs krdf hF hux qF myrI svflF df Auqr idEgy.
hF AunHF svflF df kI bixaf jo mYN quhfnUM puCy sn pr qusF ipClI icTI ivwc AunHF
df koeI Kbr nhIN leI. ikAuN?
quhfzf svfl: one
side you say that Atma is not field of science because it can't be measured and
on other side you say Atma is energy. All know energy can be measured It has got
units as well Joule and Calories. Now if Atma is Energy then how much atma you
have 2KJ or 2 calorie. Atma can't be measured and can't be defined, energy can
be measured and defined still Atma is energy. Good Laws of physics. You are
contradicting yourself now
vIr myiraf mYN
ikvyN Auqr idaF ies df, ikAuNik ieh smJx leI ies gl dI smJ hoxI aiq jrUrI hY ik
qusF jo aYzI myhnq kIqI Auh sB bykfr hY. AuQoN koeI smJ nhIN afAuNdI ik qusIN kI
kihxf cfhuMdy ho. ikRpf krky iewk awKr ilKo
bs iPr mYN quhfzy
Aupr vfly pRÈn df Auqr afpxy afp sfhmxy af jfvygf.
aihm svfl
qusIN afp ilK rhy ho ik
but it is estimated
to be some where around 30 Million to 50 Million.
kr rhI hY aOr quhfzy anusfr
In fact exact
number of species is not known
ies nMbr df pqf nhIN iPr quhfnUM gurbfxI nUM mMnx qoN ikAuN
ihcikcfht hY. jy ajy sfieMs nUM hI pqf nhIN Aus df quhfnUM ikvyN pqf hY ik
gurbfxI glq hY. ikRpf krky disE jI.
vIr pfl isMG jI mYN hux quhfzy sfry svflF dy Auqr dy idqy hn. hux
qF iskvf nhIN krogy.
qrlocn isMG
guirMdr isMG brfV
afqmf iewk mslf
ijhVI ieh crcf afqmf dy ivÈy Aupr cwlI rhI hY ieh koeI pcIdf
ivÈf nhIN sI ijMnf ik bxf idqf igaf hY. ies dy keI kfrx hn. pihlf ieh hY ik sfzI
gurbfxI dy igafn pRqI aigafnqf. dUjf ieh ik asIN guru gRMQ sihb jI nUM isrP qy
isrP mwQy tykx vfsqy rfKvF rwK ilaf hY. Aus ivwc kI iliKaf hY ies bfry sfnUM
bhuqI jfxkfrI nhIN hY aqy aqy sB qoN vwzf duKFq ieh hY ik sfnUM gurU jI Aupr
buhqf Brosf vI nhIN hY. koeI kihMdf hY ies ilKq nUM pVo, koeI kihMdf hY rjnIÈ dI
ikqfb pVo Bfv “ijMny kMkr Auny ÈMkr” hux jy isiKafrQI aqy mhfjn jI gurbfxI Aupr
tyk lYx dI gwl krdy vI hn pr gurbfxI dy arQ gurbfxI ivcoN lYx qoN kMnI kqrfAudyN
hn. mhfjn jI df inÈfnf hI kuwJ hor hY aqy Auh anmqI prIBfÈfvF nUM guru grMQ jI
dy arQ krn vyly vrqdy hn aqy rwlgwz krI qury afAuNdy hn. pr ieDr ivcfrf
isiKafrQI “Cwj qF boly pr CfnxI vI boly”
ipafry isiKafrQI jI kihMdy hn ik mhfjn jI qF gurbfxI ieMn
ibMn mMndy hn. iPr isiKafrQI jI ies quk dy arQ ikvyN kIqy jfx. hux kI qusIN hyT
ilKI ies pivqr pMkqI dy awKrIN arQ kr ky, ijhVy lok nfsqk hn AuhnF dy isr Auqfr
idAugy jF iPr ies Èbd df Bfv smJogy. jy asIN gurbfxI dy Bfv nfl nhIN juVdy qF
arQF dy anrQ kr idaFgy.
slok m
2 ] jo isru sFeI nf invY so isru dIjY zfir ] nfnk ijsu ipMjr mih ibrhf nhI so
ipMjru lY jfir ]1] {pMnf 89}
jdoN qwk asIN akflpurK dy srUp bfry Bfv akflpurK dy sbMD ivwc
pUrI qrF sfP nhIN ho jFdy Aunf icr BulyKy pYxy suBfivk hn. mYN afp jI nfl sfry
gurU Èbd ies leI sfJyN kr irhf hF ik asIN sfry akflpurK dy sMklp nUM kuwJ hwd
qwk qF jrUr smJIey. jy ies ivÈy ivwc asIN axjfx hF iPr afqmf, punr jnm, nrk svrg
aqy cOrfsI lwK jUnF afidk ibmfrIaF sfzf ipwCf nhIN CwzxgIaF.
jy hux akflpurK jry jry ivwc vsdf hY qF kI mnuwK ies
srbivafpkqf df ihwsf nhIN hY. Bfv kI mnuwK jry jry qoN bfhr hY. jy mnuwK aMdr
afqmf vI vsdI hY qF kI iPr mnuwK aMdr do cIjF hoeIaF. kI pRPYsr mhfjn jI ies
pRmfqmf nUM afqmf qF nhIN smJI jf rhy? pr nhIN ivdvfn pRoPYsr mhfjn jI ieMnI
glqI nhIN kr skdy hF myry ijhf glqI kry qF kih skdy hF.
Gt Gt aMqir myrf suafmI vUTf ] nfnk nfmu pfieaf pRBu qUTf
hy nfnk! (afK-) myrf mflk-pRBU (AuNÖ qF) hryk srIr ivc
vwsdf hY (pr ijs mnuwK AuWqy Auh) pRBU pRsMn huMdf hY (AuhI Aus df) nfm (-ismrn)
pRfpq krdf hY.4.6.
qUM sfJf sfihbu bfpu hmfrf ] nAu iniD qyrY aKut BMzfrf ]
ijsu qUM dyih su iqRpiq aGfvY soeI Bgqu qumfrf jIAu ]2]Gt Gt aMqir qUMhY vuTf ]
sBy sfJIvfl sdfiein qUM iksY n idsih bfhrf jIAu ]3]
hy dfqfr! qUM sfzf sBnF jIvF df ipAu hYN (qy sB nUµ hI dfqF
bÉÈdf hYN). qyry Gr ivwc (jgq dy sfry) nO hI ÉËfny mOjUd hn, qyry ÉËfinaF ivwc
kdy qot nhIN afAuNdI. (pr) ijs nUµ (qUM afpxy nfm dI dfiq) dyNdf hYN, Auh
(dunIaf dy pdfrQF vloN) rwj jFdf hY, iqRpq ho jFdf hY, qy, hy pRBU! AuhI qyrf
Bgq (aKvf skdf) hY. 2[
hy dfqfr! hryk jIv qyrI! (bÉÈÈ dI) afs rwKI bYTf hY, hryk
srIr ivwc qUM afp hI vws irhf hYN. (dunIaf dy) sfry jIa jMq qyry nfl hI sFJ rwKx
vfly aKvFdy hn. koeI jIv aYsf nhIN idwsdf, jo qYQoN vwKrf hovy (ijs ivwc qUM nfh
hovyN). 3[
isiKafrQI qy mhfjn jI qusIN sfrI sMgq nUM apIl krdy ho ik
myrf afrtIkl bVf sKq hY asIN ies dI inMdf krdy hF. pr mhfjn jI aqy isiKafrQI jI
kdy afpxy afp nUM vI apIl kr ilaf kro ik “hy BfeI hux bRfhmxvfd prcfrnf Cwz
deIey aqy gurbfxI dy zUMGy rhws smJx df jqn krIey”. kI qusIN hyT ilKy ÈbdF nUM
ghu nfl vfcx df jqn kr skdy ho. kI qusIN jIE dy awKrI arQ afpxy afp nUM shI isD
krn leI hI krdy jfAugy. kI qusIN ies Èbd dy rhfE dI quk nUM nhIN piVaf? jy pHV
lYNdy qF Èbd dI mUl Bfvnf bfry igafn ho jFdf. kI ieh suQry vflI gwl qF nhIN ho
rhI? iewk quk inKyV ky afpxy anusfr arQ kr lE.
rfgu gAuVI guafryrI mhlf 1 cAupdy dupdy
ÃÄ siq nfmu krqf purKu inrBAu inrvYru
akfl mUriq ajUnI sYBM gur pRsfid ]
BAu mucu Bfrf vzf qolu ] mn miq hAulI boly bolu ] isir Dir
clIaY shIaY Bfru ] ndrI krmI gur bIcfru ]1] BY ibnu koie n lMGis pfir ] BY BAu
rfiKaf Bfie svfir ]1] rhfAu ] BY qin agin BKY BY nfil ] BY BAu GVIaY sbid svfir
] BY ibnu GfVq kcu inkc ] aMDf scf aMDI st ]2] buDI bfjI AupjY cfAu ] shs isafxp
pvY n qfAu ] nfnk mnmuiK bolxu vfAu ] aMDf aKru vfAu duafAu ]3]1]
arQ:- (sMsfr ivkfr-Biraf iewk aYsf smuMdr hY ijs ivcoN
prmfqmf df) zr ihrdy ivwc vsfx qoN ibnf koeI pfr nhIN lµG skdf. (isrÌ AuhI pfr
lµMGdf hY ijs ny) pRBU dy zr ivwc rih ky aqy (pRBU) -ipafr dI rfhIN (afpxf jIvn)
sMvfr ky pRBU df zr-adb (afpxy ihrdy ivc) itkf rwiKaf hY (Bfv, ijs ny ieh ÈrDf
bxf leI hY ik pRBU myry aMdr aqy sB ivwc vwsdf hY). 1[ rhfAu
gAuVI mhlf 1 ] zir Gru Gir zru zir zru jfie ] so zru kyhf
ijqu zir zru pfie ] quDu ibnu dUjI nfhI jfie ] jo ikCu vrqY sB qyrI rjfie ]1]
zrIaY jy zru hovY horu ] zir zir zrxf mn kf soru ]1] rhfAu ] nf jIAu mrY n zUbY
qrY ] ijin ikCu kIaf so ikCu krY ] hukmy afvY hukmy jfie ] afgY pfCY hukim smfie
]2] hMsu hyqu afsf asmfnu ] iqsu ivic BUK bhuqu nY sfnu ] BAu Kfxf pIxf afDfru ]
ivxu KfDy mir hoih gvfr ]3] ijs kf koie koeI koie koie ] sBu ko qyrf qUM sBnf kf
soie ] jf ky jIa jMq Dnu mflu ] nfnk afKxu ibKmu bIcfru ]4]2] {pMnf 151}
[ (hy pRBU!) qyrf zr-adb itkx dy QF) jy jIv dy ihrdy ivwc
koeI hor zr itikaf rhy, qF jIv sdf shimaf rihMdf hY, mn dI Gbrfht mn df shm hr
vyly bixaf rihMdf hY. 1[ rhfAu
mYN ieh do Èbd ies leI ilKy hn ik asIN ieh dyK skIey ky rhfE
iks lVI ivwc qury af rhy hn. guru dI sMgq jIE gurbfxI ivwc joq, jIE, afqmf jF
horF sbdF dy arQ ijMnf icr asIN mUlmMqr dI tyk lY ik nhIN krdy Aunf icr BulyKy
pYNdy hI rihxgy. jd jd sfnUM mUlmMqr df Bfv Bulygf Ausy smYN sfnUM iÈv jI dy gl
vflf swp Kf jfvygf pr ieh sUrmy guru nfnk jI klf sI ik ijs ny ies swp dI isrI
PyhI sI. gurU jI kihMdy hn
ikv sicafrf hoeIaY ikv kUVY qutY pfil ] hukim rjfeI clxf
nfnk iliKaf nfil ]1]
arQ:- (qF iPr) akfl purK df mnuwK ivwc prkfÈ hox leI Xog
ikvyN bx skIdf hY (aqy sfzy aMdr df) kUV df prdf ikvyN tuwt skdf hY? rËf dy mflk
akfl purK dy hukm ivwc qurnf- (iehI iewk ivDI hY). hy nfnk! (ieh ivDI) Dur qoN
hI jd qoN jgq bixaf hY, ilKI clI af rhI hY. 1[
Bfv:- pRØBU nfloN jIv dI ivwQ imtfx df ieko hI qrIkf hY ik
jIv Aus dI rËf ivwc qury. ieh asUl Dur qoN hI rwb vloN jIv leI jrUrI hY. ipqf dy
khy ivwc puwqr qurdf rhy qF ipafr, nf qury qF ivwQ pYNdI jFdI hY.
guru nfnk jI qF mnuwK nUM Aus dy aMdr akflpurK pRgt krn dI
gwl krdy hn Bfv akflpurK nfl ivQ imtfAux dI gwl krdy hn. pRMqU isiKafrQI aqy
mhfjn iswKF dy aMdr afqmf dy prkfÈ leI idRV hn.
ijs qrF bRfhmx ny akflpurK dy iqMn tukVy drsf ky pUry Bfrq
nUM KwjÜ Kuafr kIqf. Aus qrF ieh idafnMdI soc hux iswKF ivwc prmfqmf dy sMklp
nUM do tukiVaF ivwc drsf ky gurbfxI dIaF DwjIaF AuzfAuxf cfhuMdI hY. “hYN, guru
nfnk dI ieh mjfl iqMnF (brmf, ivÈnUM aqy mhyÈ) qoN iewk rwb dI gwl!”
afsf mhlf 1 ] jyqf sbdu suriq Duin qyqI jyqf rUpu kfieaf
qyrI ] qUM afpy rsnf afpy bsnf avru n dUjf khAu mfeI ]1] sfihbu myrf eyko hY ]
eyko hY BfeI eyko hY ]1] rhfAu
hy mF! prmfqmf qoN ibnf koeI hor dUjI hsqI nhIN hY ijs dI
bfbq mYN afK skF (ik ieh hsqI prmfqmf dy brfbr dI hY). 1[
hy BfeI! prmfqmf hI sfzf ieko iewk Ksm-mflk hY, bws! Auh hI
ieko mflk hY, Aus vrgf, hor koeI nhIN hY. 1[ rhfAu.
“bhuqI jFdI dyK ky awDI deIey lutf” vflI gwl anusfr “clo hux
iehnF dy iewk rwb dy ivÈvfÈ nUM BMn ky Gwt qoN Gwt do (Bfv afqmf aqy prmfqmf)
ivwc hI lY afeIey”.
bVy gurmuwK swjx hn sRImfn mhfjn jI, iewk pfsy qF qusIN bVy
hI sUKm qrIky nfl rwbI bfxI dIaF DwjIaF Auzf rhy ho, dUjy pfsy myry iewk vIr df
Pon afieaf aqy kihx lwgf “ik nhIN Xfro mhfjn jI nUM smJf lYx idE afqmf bfry” y
iPijks dI bVI jfxkfrI hY iehnF nUM. kOx kihMdf hY ik iswK ingilaf nhIN igaf. jy
ies qrF gurmiq ivroDI qrIky nfl gurmiq smJxI hY qF sfnUM dunIaF dI koeI vI qfkq
nhIN bcf skdI. hF jy koeI iewk awDf iswK bicaf vI, Auh hovygf isiKafrQI vrgf aqy
Aus dy aMdroN bolygf “mhfjn”.
khq nfnku gur prsfdI bUJhu koeI aYsf kry vIcfrf ] ijAu jl
AUpir Pynu budbudf qYsf iehu sMsfrf ] ijs qy hoaf iqsih smfxf cUik gieaf pfsfrf
nfnk afKdf hY
BfeI! qusI gurU dI ikrpf nfl hI (shI jIvn-rfh) smJ skdy ho. (ijhVf mnuwK smJdf
hY, Auh jgq bfry afpxy) iÉafl ieAuN bxFdf hY ik ijvyN pfxI AuWqy Jwg hY bulbulf
hY (jo Jbdy hI imt jFdf hY) iqvyN ieh jgq hY. ijs (prmfqmf) qoN (jgq) pYdf huMdf
hY (jdoN) Aus ivwc hI lIn ho jFdf hY, qF ieh sfrf jgq-iKlfrf muwk jFdf hY. 4[ 1[
gurU jI kihMdy hn ik isrP qy isrP akflpurK hI amr hY. hor
kuwJ vI amr nhIN. bulblf (Bfv mnuwK) vI pfxI (Bfv akflpurK) df hI iewk rUp hY
aqy tutx qoN bfad ivwc pfxI ivwc smf jFdf hY. Bfv Kqm hox qo pihlF Auh afpxy afp
ivwc kuwJ nhIN sI aqy Kqm hox qoN bfad AusdI afpxI hoNd nhIN. ikAuNky sB kuwJ
pfxI (akflpurK) hI qF hY. isrP hoNd iewk dI hY. gurU jI kihMdy hn ik sB ivwc
akflpurK afp ibrfjmfn hY qusIN dyKx vfly bxo.
jo bRhmMzy soeI ipMzy jo KojY so pfvY ] pIpf pRxvY prm qqu
hY siqguru hoie lKfvY ]2]3] {pMnf 695}
pIpf bynqI krdf hY-jo isRsLtI df rcxhfr prmfqmf sfry
bRhmMz ivc (ivafpk) hY AuhI (mnuwKf) srIr ivc hY, jo mnuwK Koj krdf hY Auh Aus
nUM lwB lYNdf hY, jy siqgurU iml pey qF (aMdr hI) drsLn krf dyNdf hY.2.1.
pr ieDr pRoPYsr mhfjn jI prvcn krdy hn “mYN quhfzy ivwc afqmf
dy drÈn krvfAux dI grMtI krdf hF aqy ies kMm ivwc myrf shfiek isiKafrQI myrI
mwdd krygf”. ieh mhfjn jI hY bVy mhfn. puCo ieh ikvyN, aglI icTI afeI smJo ik
“mhfjn qF guru df inmfxf ijhf iswK hY, aslI iswK kOx hY ieh qF afqmf (akflpurK
nhIN) hI jfxy”, pr ieh guirMdr isMG brfV jwtF vflI gwl qy Auqr afieaf hY”. pr
gurU qy inscf iks df hY, ieh inrDfrq krdI hY ilKq jo ik ilKx vfly bfry ibafn
krdI hY. isiKafrQI jI myry pUrvjF nUM iks dy tIky lwgy sn, Auh sI gurU nfnk jI
ijs dy tIky dI bdolq hux mYN quhfzy vrgy ibpr dy qoiqaF nUM ilK irhf hF. koeI
hor syvf hovy qF Auh vI ilK Byjxf ieh gurU nfnk jI df isK jrUr quhfzI syvf ivwc
iPr hfjr hovygf.
iek mYnUM jwt qo gl Xfd afeI ik pRoPYsr mhfjn jI ipCly lyK
bfry ilKdy hn ik ieh jwt dI ilKq hY aqy isiKafrQI jI vI prvcn krdy hn ik gurcrn
isMG df goq vI brfV hY ies leI guirMdr isMG AuhnF krky ilK irhf hY. ies qrF dI
koeI gwl nhIN hY, ieh ihMmq qF gurU nfnk jI ny bKÈI hY ies gruV pRfx dy jihr nUM
iswKI ivcoN bfhr kwZx leI. pr jwt qoN pMjfbI dI iewk khfvq Xfd af geI “jwt jwtF
dy qy BolU nrfiex df”
hux ikrpf krky BolU df arQ isiKafrQI aqy nrfiex df arQ mhfjn
nf lY ilE. myrI koeI aijhI Bfvnf nhIN hY.
Gurinder Singh Brar
Cambridge, Ont.
rfxI kOr
Sat Shri Akaal Everyone,
I have been following the various letters exchanged between
Professor Tarlochan Singh Ji and other participants. I will have to second
Gurdip Singh Ji's opinion that we should mind our language.
I must say that whenever I read Professor Tarlochan Singh
Ji's letters, I feel humility, kindness in his words, which is saintly, Sikh
like. Whether he is right or wrong, it is irrelevant, it is still
desirable, pleasant to read his letters. Ego displayed in the writings
makes it distasteful, it does not even matter what is written there in.
As noted by Bhai Gurdip Singh, we are discussing something
that can't be proven at this point of time. So with the given laws even if
one can show something, it can't be a definite proof of anything at this point
of time.
Finally, if we are lacking in the basic Sikh values:
kindness, humility, tolerance, love... it really does not matter how much
knowledge we have. We will be far from God due to our own ego. And
religion is all about how close we are to God, not how much knowledge we have.
Thank you,
vIrpfl isMG
Dear Prof Mahajan and Sangat jee,
this time by a very layman language and very simple experiment it was
proved by scientists that light itself has also got mass.
Lets take a close box of Glass, box should not have any light inside and
should be closed so that no light comes inside it. We will measure weight of
this box.
Now we will have some light inside second box either by allowing light to
come inside it, Measure the weight now. In second case it is seen that weight of
box comes more than first box.
This is very simple experiment to think, which scientist used for Einstein's
theory that light is also associated with mass.
I hope Prof Mahajan that now this proof is sufficient that energy is always
associated with Mass and Atma is not energy it is some thing different than
Veerpal Singh
Dear Prof Mahajan,
I never said that mass of photon is zero at rest, you are
imposing this one me. Neither me nor any scientist has done any experiment for
this to bring photon at rest and measure its mass SO SOME PEOPLE ASSUME IT TO BE
Second, Light is wave and every wave has got mass associated
with it that's what Einstein proved by experiment and theory.
Every wave has mass and every mass has wave. Wave can't exist
without mass which is already proved by Einstein and all scientists.
If you still have any doubt you can do experiment can prove
them false.
Second when you say that all things are living things, I took
example from Gurbaani not for discussion but my motive was different.
It is clear that Gurbaani also does not support your this
theory, nor does science then from where you are coming to this statement.
Either it is your own assumption or you heard it from sant
baba. In any case you need to prove it experimentally and then only assumptions
are accepted as universal truth.
It is really very sad that as a physics professor you are
blindly ignoring proofs of Einstein's theory and said that Light can exist
without mass. Please see all the links of wiki and other international science
forums which say that light also can't exist without mass.
Please provide a single proof of any scientist which says
that Light can exist without mass and has no mass, second any scientific proof
which says everything is living. (Please remember Gurbaani also does not support
this view)
Now I leave it upon you whether you want to agree or not but
your atma is not energy because energy can't exist without mass. I will
entertain reply to your letter only if you can give me some scientific proof or
experimental work which is approves by any international science organization or
university (except the university in which you are professor).
Veerpal Singh
Dear Gurdeep Singh Jee,
I totally agree with you that why we should involve in
un-necessary discussion instead there are lot many things to focus upon.
I fully appreciate your another thought as well that Sikh
should thing about present instead of previous janam which is already gone and
next janam which is not in hands after all Gurbaani also makes Sikh to live in
In fact I too don't like useless discussions but here
there was some voice inside me to do so, A Physics Professor openly giving false
statements without any proof and logic. I don't have any personal benefit out of
this discussion but just wanted to tell all sangat that we should be careful
enough from these baseless comments. Since Prof saab is of Physics so I thought
lets speak to him in his own language.
Just imagine if Giani Ditt Singh have not argued with
Dayanand what would have been result. Today all Sikh scholars very claim in
proud that a Sikh defeated Dayanand on his stage itself.
I don't say that I am Ditt Singh or Prof Mahajn is Dayanand
but just want to say that some times discussion is important and its duty of
person to echo the voice of truth. If no one is going to raise voice against
Pakhand then you can imagine what can be the result. We have already lost our
Akal Takhat in hands of corrupt politicians and so called Jathedaars.
Discussion was just first step towards voice against false
claims and statements and believe me my brother Singh Sabha Movement will be
back only thing is to keep courage keep eyes open.
Veerpal Singh
Dear Sukhdev Singh Jee and Party,
I don
’t want
to involve myself in discussion going on between you and Sarabjeet Singh jee but
just came across one statement made by you. It reads that All Gianis Ditt singh
and etc are like us and they don't have any thing extra-ordinary and we don't
require to read there books and take inspiration from them.
This statement could not stop me to write this letter to you.
I totally agree with you that all Gianis specially Ditt Singh
are like us and they don't have anything extra-ordinary . Ditt Singh was no
extra ordinary man he was very simple common man like us like you and like me He
’t had any magical power
nor he could do any chamatkar. After all he was not a sant or baba only sant and
babas are extra ordinary and they can only do magic.
But dear brother one thing was surely extra ordinary in Ditt
Singh, It was his love for Sikhsim, It was his dedication for which he spent
whole life to bring Sikhism out of clutches of fake rituals and person like
Dayanand. If normal person like him would not have shown any courage then
probably today instead of WJKK WJKF we all would have been doing Ram Ram.
Still you may condier yourself superior to Ditt Singh but for
me and may be few others he is source of inspiration.
I hope my request or message is clear to you.
Veerpal Singh
Dear Moderator,
I don't know whether this time I should appreciate your
neutral approach or I should criticize it. Please don't take any remark
A good reader is not one who always praises Moderator
but should also makes complaints when required.
If some one makes any comment against Pandit Randheer (people
often call him Bhai Sahib) not on
but any where then AKJ is ready to fetch out swords to kill him.
While Sukhdev Singh jee knowingly or un-knowingly commented
about Ditt Singh jee, still there were no words from you and you have placed
photos of prof Gurmukh Singh and other with very proud. I don't expected AKJ
behavior but thought that at least few words about who was Ditt Singh should
have been written.
gurÈrn isMG ksyl
pRo: qrlocn isMG jI,
vfihgurU jI kf Kflsf] vfihgurU jI kI Pqih]
pRo: sfihb kuwJ icr qoN afp df aqy iswK mfrg dy kuwJ pfTkF df
‘afqmf’ bfry gurmiq aqy sfieMs anusfr ivcfr-ivtFdrf cwl irhf hY. iesy hI ivÈy
nfl sMbMDq mYN afp jI dy ivcfr lYxf cfhuMdf hF. jykr afp jI kol smF hovy jF afp
afpxy ivcfr sFJy krnf cfho qF TIk hY jy nhIN qF vI koeI gwl nhIN jF jd kdy vI
afp df smF lwgy. ies ivÈy qy mYN pihlF do sjxf dy ivcfr suxy hn. Auhnf ivwc iewk
qF qrkÈIl vfly hn aqy dUsry sjx dyÈ-ivdyÈ ivwc gurmiq df pRcfr krdy hn.
koeI qkrIbn awT-dws mhIny dI gwl hovygI, ieQy torFto dy iewk
ryzIE qoN qrkÈIl vfly sjx iksy jIv dI mOq ho jfx qy srIr ivcoN ‘afqmf’ inkldI hY
jF nhIN ies bfry bol rhy sn. Auhnf dwisaf ik iewk cUhy nUM iksy boql ivwc bMd
kIqf. kuwJ idn bafd cUhf mr igaf pr boql qoVky koeI cIj Aus ivcoN nhIN inklI.
iPr afqmf ikQy geI?
dUsry sjx gurmiq pRcfr krdy hn. mYN AuhnF vloN ‘afqmf’ bfry
ivÈy qy bxfeI vIzIE vyKI sI. ho skdf hY iswK mfrg dy keI pfTkF ny vI vyKI hovy.
Auh afpxI vIzIE ivwc kihMdy hn ik akfl purK df jo inXm hY Aus anusfr hI bwcf mF
dy pyt ivwc jdoN pUrn qOr qy iqafr ho jFdf hY Aus df idl hrkq ivwc af jFdf hY.
koeI vI cIj ‘afqmf’ bfhro af ky Aus ivwc pRvyÈ nhIN krdI.
afp jI ny ikhf hY ik "pRkfÈ dy do rUp hn
1[ Potfn (ijhf qusIN ibafn kIqf)
2[ vyv (ijs ivwc koeI Potfn nhIN huMdf)
ienHF do rUpF nUM
Physics ivc
Duality df nfm idqf igaf
pRkfÈ jdoN vyv dI qrHF huMdf hY qF Aus ivwc koeI pdfrQI gux
nhIN huMdf.
ies qoN isD huMdf hY ky afqmf vI pRkfÈ srUp hY. Aus dy vI do
rUp hn.
1[ Auh pdfrQ ivwc lIn ho skdI hY
Auh pdfrQ qoN ibnf vI ho skdI hY iblkul iewk vyv vFgUM".
so, pRo: sfihb, jy afpF qrkÈIl vfilafN vloN dwsI cUhy dI mOq
vflI hI Audfhrx lY leIey qF kI ‘afqmf’ boql ivwc hI rhygI jF inkl jfvygI jF srIr
ivwc rhygI? jykr bfhr nhIN inkldI qF iPr iksy hor srIr ivwc ikvyN jfvygI? jy
inklygI qF ikvyN?
jykr iswK mfrg dy iksy pfTk ny ies ivÈy bfry afpxI jfxkfrI
dyxI hovy qF AuhnF df vI bhuq bhuq DMnvfd.
siqkfr sihq,
gurÈrn isMG ksyl
gurdIp isMG
Sat Sri Akal Makhan Singh Ji
Please see my letter below whatever you want to edit please let me know and I
can refine/revise/reword wherever necessary. I am very new to Punjabi fonts and
not at all too good in typing it, tried it earlier but will practice it again
and hopefully some day I will be fluent in Punjabi typing as well.
I am not a physicist and not a Sikhism expert, probably consider me a layman in
both terms however I have strong views on how discussion need to be conducted.
To me it is very much difficult to understand that how much energy (not the
photon etc.) has been consumed from both sides.
Sometimes I think is it a so uncommon to think a small concept that none of us
is close to realising the full potential of either Sikhism or Universe or God. I
mean why are we trying to prove things for which we don’t even have sufficient
measurement tools or even basic scientific authority. Can we claim that today we
have achieved or known all the laws of physics or chemistry or… To me science
(and its applied laws) is true only till that time till a new law disapproves
the earlier one. So why go to the lengths of laws, we don’t yet know how many
more inventions are due which will be beyond our thinking as of today.
People are discussing Swarag/Narak ? Why? If none of us can tell as of today
what happens after death then who are we to decide what is all this swarag/narak
or even Aatma. I mean why go into concepts which we don’t have authority upon.
None of these is relevant in my day to day life and even if I fear and consider
these concepts that I have to pay for my sins, still who is the person defining
what a "sin" is. Why can’t we be just discussing and take guidance from people
as well as SGGS with respect to concepts that are applicable to daily life. If I
start thinking in terms of my life’s sins and how to avoid those then I will
better go to a Pandit.
I think going by discussions and people who got involved and taken sides, we
should have enough idea that Sikhism or Gurbani has not a single interpretation
among Sikhs and each of us interpret it according to individual’s beliefs. We
may treat it as either that all Sikhs are not religiously learned (which is
true) and can never be (going by the way the it is happening all over and covert
attacks by Hindu organisations in the form of Hinduised Sikhs and Organisations)
OR we may treat that as a Strength (that Gurbani is universal). The 1st issue
can be tackled but is a mammoth task and none of us as readers can make a
significant difference. A very big lehar may be helpful but there seems to be
hardly anyone left in Punjab to start that. Politics, Money, Power etc. have
consumed the Akalis/AISSF/ and numerous others in its black hole.
I would be much more happy to see energy being consumed on a discussing ‘Kaam
Krodh Lobh Moh and Hankar’ These are the concepts which we encounter in our
day-to-day life. To a simple man (whether he is a Sikh or not) if we can discuss
what these are and how to define these and what are controlling factors and how
we can get a better life by following SGGS. That will actually be worth every
penny as you can see the effect of your actions in this life itself.
A request : even if someone’s views are not as per your interpretation of
Gurmat/Gurbani, please refrain from using abusive ‘Jatka’ language. Jatka
language is very effective in Punjabi to make a person understand but ‘abusing’
is not making understand. And if someone says he has understood what a
Gurmat/Gurbani is totally and what it means he is Brahamgiani, he does not need
to come on SikhMarg to propagate his views. I don’t think we have come to fight
and make our point in the minds of other people. You can’t do that at least by
abusing and fighting and challenging.
I will suggest that even if a person as lowly as Dayanand comes here and ask
question about Sikhism he/she should be answered politely. We always have
control in the form of Makhan Singh Ji who can advice the writer what is proper
and what is not. We should not limit Sikhism to our personal interpretation of
Gurbani. That is not fair from a religion practice.
A last line to clear that SikhMarg is read by all so all the bickering that we
do here is open to public to see how as Sikhs we deal with each other who does
not agree to our viewpoint. I think it is better to realise that those times are
gone of Teg, Talwars and Bullets and abusive language, We should develop if not
in ourselves at least in next generations ability to think and talk and not the
other way and we have to at least tell them the mistakes that we did (seeing the
Deras and RSS and BJP and fate of Akalis) and not to repeat the same again.
Gurdip Singh
qrlocn isMG mhfjn
qrlocn isMG mhfjn
vIr pfl jIE
gurU Piqh.
Coty vIr, ies qoN pihlF ky mYN quhfzI 18/8/2008 vflI icTI df
jvfb idaF mYnUM pihlF iewk gl smJfE, mYN quhfnUM hr icTI ivwc vIr, Coty Brf,
ipafry vIr kihMdf nhIN Qwkdf pr kuwJ lok (avqfr isMG jI vrgy) iPr vI mYNnUM
qfVnf kr rhy hn. vIr pfl ikAuN? vIr pfl qusIN dso ky quhfnUM mYN ikvyN bulfieaf
krF, quhfzy leI ikhVy ikhVy Èbd iesqymfl kiraf krF qF ky quhfzy hmdrd mYnUM
qfVnf qF nf krn. avqfr isMG jI nUM qusIN puCo ky Auh kI cfhuMdy hn? myrI ikhVI
ÈbdfvlI AunHF nUM mfVI lgI. hF mYN iewk lPj hfl-duhfeI iesqymfl kIqf sI. pr ieh
Èbd qF asIN pitafly afm vrqdy hF. ijvyN kihxf hovy qUM kfhlI ikAuN kr irhf hYN
qF asIN kihMdy hF quM hfl-duhfeI ikAuN pf irhf hYN.
quhfzf 18/8/2008 df jvfb
mYN ikhf sI ky ÈkqI ibnf pdfrQ qoN vI ho skdI hY. Audfhrx: pRkfÈ
qusIN ikhf ievyN nhIN ho skdf
qusI ikhf ky pRkfÈ dy nfl Potfn huMdy hn.
qusIN afp mMn vI rhy ho ik Potfn df rYst mfs nhIN huMdf
qusIN ieh vI ikhf ik ienHF df mUvINg mfs huMdf hY
vIr pfl myrf hux Auqr suxo.
aj mYN quhfnUM Auh Auqr dy irhf hF jo
sux ky qusIN hYrfn rih jfEgy.
Auh Auqr sux ky quhfnUM lgx lgygf ky
kuwJ aijhf hY ijs nUM ibafn nhIN kIqf jf skdf.
qF suxo
pRkfÈ dy do rUp hn
Potfn (ijhf qusIN ibafn kIqf)
vyv (ijs ivwc koeI Potfn nhIN huMdf)
ienHF do rUpF nUM
Duality df nfm idqf igaf hY.
pRkfÈ jdoN vyv dI qrHF huMdf hY qF Aus ivwc koeI pdfrQI gux nhIN huMdf.
ies qoN isD huMdf hY ky afqmf vI pRkfÈ srUp hY. Aus dy vI do rUp hn.
1. Auh pdfrQ ivwc lIn ho skdI hY
2. Auh pdfrQ qoN ibnf vI
ho skdI hY iblkul iewk vyv vFgUM
qF myrf iKafl hY ky vIr pfl mY hux sspYNs Kqm kr idqf hY. qF ikRpf krky
afqmf nUM mihsUs kro. hux smF hY mihsUs krn df. nhIN qF dyr ho jfeygI
afE afpF afqmf ivwc lIn hox df Auprflf keIey.
qrlocn isMG
avqfr isMG
My Dear Professor Mahajan Ji
Thanks for responding to my letter and raising few questions.
I.A.S, I.P.S,I.F.S and other cadre officers may be earning
more money along with pomp and power but they can not have the respect and
nobility that a Professor can command.Teaching is a noble profession that
prepares the future generation, the young people, to learn,earn and behave. A
professor is expected to be a wise, learned and polite person who can answer
every question with calm and patience.When a professor is interpreting a
religious philosophy he is supposed to be a more tolerant. You have asked about
Mr.Brar's remarks about you. A gentleman has already said that Mr.Brar's
language and writing is rustic but not rude.
According to my learning of Gurmat there is no previous life
and no life after death. It is this life where i have to achieve fulfilment
(sachiara) and salvation. "Ek boond jal kaarne chatrik dukh pawai -pran gaey
sagar milay phun kaam na aawai" Page 857 Sri Guru Granth Sahib. Thanks.
Regards. Avtar Singh .
mihMdr isMG
rfj BuipMdr isMG jI,
vfihgurU jI kf Éflsf
vfihgurU jI kI Ìqih
afp ny bhuq sohxf ilwiKaf. agr qusI nf ilwKdy qF awj mYN vysY
hI ieh gl sfiraF nfl sfJIN krn jf hI irhf sI. mYN vI keI idnF qo mihsUs kr irhf
sI log afpxy ivcfr pyÈ krn leI vwD qo vwD smF qy spys vrqdy hn qy gurU dI bÉsI
Pqih nUM ijMnf Cotf kr ky ilwK skx Aunf hI
smJdy hn. afp jI dI ieh pihlI
icwTI pVI hY so afp jI nUM myry vwloN
"jI afieaF nUM".
iswKF dI isrP Pqih hI CotI nhI hoeI, sgoN:
- sB qoN pihlF iswKF dy idl qMg hoey.
- iPr afeI iswKF `c afpsI ipafr dI kmI.
- iPr iswKF nUM
"aMimRqu kAurf ibiKaf mITI"
lgxI ÈurU hoeI.
holI-holI ÈhrI iswKF dy bwicaF df Jukfv ihMdI qy aMgryjI BfÈf vwl ho
iPr iswKF dy muMizaF dy isrF qy dsqfrF dI QF afey, ptky.
holI-holI ptikaF Aupr af geIaF topIaF.
sfzy mjOUdf sMgIqkfrf df pRBfv jdo nvI pIVHI qy pieaf qF glHF `c af gey
KMzy pr mUMh qo AUz geIaF dfhVIaF.
iPr kihx lwgy ik kys hoxy cfihdy ny lMbfeI CotI hovy jF lMbI
(kys vI kql)
hux gwl muwkI ik "Pqih" hoxI cfihdI hY cfhy ilwKo pUrI qy cfhy ilwKo "WJKK
pr iPr vI awj df nfarf ieh hI hY ik
IS KING" …………..pqf
nhI ikvyN.
myrI bynqI hY sB mfeI-BfeI nUM gurU dI gwl ilwKx lwigaF asI
Pqih dI sFJ bVy ipafr nfl pUrI Pqih ilwK ky krIey.
vfihgurU jI kf Éflsf, vfihgurU jI kI Pqih]
mihMdr isMG
rocYWstr inAU Xfrk
[email protected]
avqfr isMG imsLnrI qy sfQI
BfjpfeI aqy hMkfrI bRfhmxF vloN spoksmYn dy mohflI dÌqr qy ÈryaFm kIqy hmly dI
ivdyÈI iswK jQybMdIaF aqy sMgqF vloN sKq inKydI
mhFrfÈtr ivKy CpI ikqfb
"gulFmigrI gRMQ"
pMjfbI anuvfdk: aÈvnI kumfr blfcOr, ivwcoN lY ky
bRfhmx prsUrfm
bfry Cpy lyK qoN, ibnf vjf BVky hoey Bfjpf aqy afr[ aYWs[ aYWs[ afidkF dy BUqry
hoey hulVbfjF ny spoksmYn qy jo sfry kfiedy kfnUMn twp ky hmlf kIqf hY, asIN Aus
dI sKq lPjF ivwc Bry mn nfl sKq inKydI krdy hF. ieh iekwly spoksmYn qy hI nhIN
sgoN pRYs dI aËfdI qy qfbVqoV hmlf hY. asIN ienHF nUM puCdy hF ik jd ihMdI dy
aKbfrF aqy rsfilaF ivKy iswK Drm, gurUaF aqy kOmI ÈhIdF bfry glq itpxIaF aqy
ieiqrfjXog smwgrI CpdI hY jo iekwly iswK Drm bfry hI nhIN sgoN hornF DrmF bfry
vI huMdI hY qF Aus vyly ieh lok ikhVI kMdrf ivwc jf Cupdy hn? spoksmYn qF swc
Drm df pRcfr kr irhf hY jo ihMdUaF, iswKF, boDIaF, jYnIaF, eIsfeIaF aqy muslmfnF
afidk bfry Koj BrpUr lyK Cfpdf hY aqy ByKIaF pfKMzIaF dy pVdy vI PfÈ krdf hY.
ijs krky spoksmYn aFm jnqf ivwc hrmn ipafrf ho irhf hY. ijs nUM ivroDI vI bVI
Auqsukqf nfl pVHdy hn. kwtVvfdI jQybMdIaF koeI nf koeI bhfnF BfldIaF rihMdIaF
hn. sfzy dyÈ ivwc votF dI gMdI rfjnIqI ny lokF nUM dInoN bfdIn kIqf hoieaf hY.
ieh rfjnIqk lok afpxy muPfd leI afm jnqf nUM Auksf ky
"swc bolx aqy ilKxvfly"
vfly df ivroD krdy hn BfvyN ienHF nUM ies leI smfj
ivroDI pfKMzI zyrydfrF dI Èrn ikAuN nf jfxf pey. asIN Kfs krky mOky dI bfdl
srkfr jo AupRokq jQybMdIaF nfl XfrI pf ky iswK Drm aqy pMjbI ivrsy dI ivlwKxqf
df mlIamyt krn qy qulI hoeI hY df vI krVy ÈbdF ivwc ivroD krdy hF aqy slfh idMdy
hF ik afE afpF sfry ihMdU, muslm, iswK, eIsfeI aqy hor vI iekwqR ho ky pfKMzvfd
df ivroD krIey nf ik iksy mIzIey df. mIzIaf qF sB leI hY koeI vI afpxy ivcfr
mIzIey rfhIN pRgt kr skdf hY. jy sfzy ivwc ieMnsfnIaq hY qF asIN koeI
hfE hwlf
krn dI bjfey Aus ilKq df ivdvqf aqy puKqf dlIl nfl ilKqI jvfb deIey qF ik iewk
AuWcy suwcy aqy agFh vDU smfj dI isrjnf ho swky. awj asIN bVy Pkr nfl kihMdy hF
ik sfzf Bfrq dyÈ aËfd hY pr pRYs aËfd ikAuN nhIN? kI iksy qoV BMn, sfV PUk aqy
ivroDI nfiraF nfl dyÈ qrwkI kr swkygf? dyÈ nUM cMgy smfj, agFh vDU cMgy afgUaF
aqy aËfd mjbUq pRYs dI dI loV hY.
asIN sfry ies iGnfAuxI aqy bdlf lAU socI smJI gYr smfjI hMkfr
qy eIrKf BrI aqy rfjnIqI qoN pRyrk kfrvfeI dI krVy qoN krVy ÈbdF ivwc inKyDI
krdy hoey spoksmYn aqy pRYs dI aËfdI dI BrpUr hmfieq krdy hF.
ieMtRnYsnLl isMG sBf amrIkf knyzf dy sR gurcrn isMG brfV aqy
srvjIq isMG, gurU gRMQ pRcfr afP XU[ aYWs[ ey dy Bf[ avqfr isMG imÈnrI, bIbI
hrismrq kOr Éflsf aqy zf[ gurmIq isMG brsfl, gurmiq pRsfr sBf amrIkf dy sR[ mwKx
isMG aqy hfkm isMG, imÈnrI srkl XU[ aYs[ ey dy sR igafn isMG imÈnrI, gurmiq sihq
sBf dy sR[ primMdr isMG pRvfnF, byby nfnkI pRcfr sBf dI bIbI surjIq kOr, lok
BlfeI pfrtI amrIkf dy pRDfn sR[ nirMdrpfl isMG huMdl aqy ig[ kuldIp isMG
sYkrfmYNto, sfbkf ÈomxI kmytI mYNbr aqy pRisD lyKk sR[ qrlocn isMG dupflpur,
roËfnF spoksmYn amrIkf dy pwqrkfr sR[ srbjoq isMG svwdI, pRiswD smfjsyvI bfbf
nMdn isMG kYlyPornIaF, ieMtRnYÈnl pRcfrk ig[ jgqfr isMG jfck amrIkf, imÈnrI kflj
ropV dy sfbkf ipMsIpl sR jsbIr isMG aqy po[ bfbf ipafrf isMG jI, pMjfb aYkspRYs
aKbfr inXUrsI dy sMpfdk sR[ sqnfm isMG rtYNzf, sfbkf ÈomxI kmytI gRMQI Bf[ bKÈIÈ
isMG ieMizafnf, iswK PfAUNzyÈn imlpIts amrIkf dy pRDfn sR[ gurdyv isMG sMDU, Bf[
jIvn isMG mntIkf, sR[ iekbfl isMG imÈnrI aYl[ ey, sR[ blkfr isMG iswK imÈnrI
ibkRsPIlz, sR[ jsvMq isMG Èfd stfktn, sR[ avqfr isMG rMDfvf lozfeI, ig[ aimRqpfl
isMG aqy ig[ gurbcn isMG pRiswD kQfvfck, sR[ BUipMdr isMG zubeI, aqy rojfnF
spoksmYn dy smUMh pfTk.
suKdyv isMG iswKafrQI qy sfQI
suKdyv isMG iswKafrQI qy sfQI
vIr srbjIq isMG (lMbrdfr, mhMq) jI,
vfihgurU jI kf Éflsf vfihgurU jI kI Pqih]
quhfzI ilwKq anusfr, "
isMG jI, jy kr afp po: qrlocn isMG jI dy ivcfr krn dy ZMg nUM smJxf cfhuMdy qF
‘sfDU dieaf nMd qy myrf sMbfd’
igafnI idwq isMG jI ieh
ilKq jrUr pVo".
vIr jI myry leI gurU gRMQ sfihb jI hI sB kuwJ ny. jo vI mYnUM
cfhIdf hoeygf Aus dI Koj mYN gurU gRMQ sfihb ivwcoN hI krFgf. qusF nUM vI jdoNN
iksI nUM kuwJ pVHx leI suJfa dyxf hovy qF gurU gRMQ sfihb dy iksI Èbd df idaf
kro nf ik iksI igafnI df, ikAuNik bfkI dy sfry igafnI quhfzy-myry vrgy hI ny.
suKdyv isMG
vIrpfl isMG
Dear Prof Mahajan,
Ok it was printing mistake but logically it was correct but
second time you made incorrect statement and that too knowingly:-
I hope this answer is going to close the discussion now. As
per you Light energy is not associated with Mass and now below explanation is
going to prove that Light is also associated with Mass. Without mass Light also
can't exist.
I am now changing mode of discussion to make it straight
forward and direct. Earlier either one of use used to raise the question and
other one used to answer it but now after this explanation there will be no
question and it will be proved that Energy and Mass are associated with each
It seems that you have not understood Einstein's Law and how
Einstein concluded that Light is also associated with Mass like other energies
Light has got particle behavior as well in form of Photon and
now this photon has got mass. Just in simple language Light is nothing but
vibration of photons. These Photons are particles and have got definite
mass and momentum.
I know you will say that Photons are mass less particles and
its mass is zero but I want to close discussion so I am explaining it in more
Photons don't have zero mass it is assumed mass, just like
for electron it is assumed that they have zero mass but in actual they don't
have zero mass.
Now if Photon's have some actual mass then question is
what is its value?
There are two cases in this, Rest Mass and Mass of Photon in
motion. Rest Mass is mass of photon when it is at rest while mass of photon
during motion is called as Relative Mass. To know the rest mass photon's mass in
rest we need to stop the photon and up till now photon can't be captured
in rest so its rest mass can't be calculated experimentally, this is the reason
most of people assume it to be zero or take it as zero.
If you want to say that actual mass of photon is zero then
please tell me who was the scientist who did experiment in which lab and found
that actual mass was zero.
Second for your happiness even if we assume that Rest
Mass of photon is zero then question comes what is energy of photon when it is
at rest answer is zero. If photon is at rest its energy will also be zero as
there will be no light. This clearly proves mass zero energy also zero and
energy can't remain without mass.
Now lets take photon in motion, when photon are in motion
there mass can be calculated and formula is also there
I am not writing formula because all readers are not from
technical background over here but if you want formula I will post in next
Thus if you say photon have zero mass (actual mass at
rest you can't calculate) then energy will also be zero and if you say energy
is there then mass will also be there and that mass can be calculated
theoretically as well as experimentally can be demonstrated.
Now your Atma needs to stay without mass so clearly it
can't be energy it should be something different than energy as energy is always
associated with Mass and can't stay without mass.
Hence Proved.
Atma as per me :-
I don
think about this because I follow simple logic "Bande khoj DIL har roj,
na fir pareshani me" -Bhagat Kabir
Easy explanation for Readers without technical background:-
Above explanation is very hard to understand and common
reader may go and sleep after reading that. Probably he may not visit SikhMarg
after reading it saying that Sikhmarg has lost focus form Sikhism to Physics .
This may annoy Makhan Singh jee as well :)
But I am trying to explain it in very easy language so that
common person can also understand how light has got mass associated with it and
they can also conclude that Atma is not Energy but it is something different
which has got relation with Man (heart) and emotions. For this common man has to
keep one thing in mind that Physics is not like katha of sant baba jee where
they make laws on there own and say whatever they like. They have to put some
efforts on brain and littlie thinking can create magic.
I will take example of sound over here, Sound is generated
due to vibration of particles, these particles can be of gas, liquid or solid.
Like when we usually speak then there is vibration in air which causes sound to
be generated and energy can be transferred from one location to another.
More easy example will be lets say in a Cycle stand lot of
cycles are parked in a row, If we push one cycle all cycles get pushed and
energy gets transferred from first cycle to another. WE can imagine that cycle
as particle over here and due to there motion energy got transferred.
Same is concept of Light for Light also there are some
particles which vibrate or push each other. These particles are called as
I hope above explanation is bit clear if not 100%.
Any way if it is not cleat than there are many other
questions which are very simple and are in layman language which are not touched
by Prof Mahajan jee up till now which will further make discussion to the
Veerpal Singh
qrlocn isMG mhfjn
qrlocn isMG mhfjn
vIr pfl jIE
gurU Piqh sfrI
sMgq nUM.
quhfzy svflF
dy Auqr.
pihlf Auqr
mYN ikhf sI:
asIN glq lPË
iesqymfl krdy hF ik Plfxf mr igaf. mrnf qF huMdf hI nhIN. srIr jdoN jjrI ho jFdf
hY qF nvF colf Dfrn krnf huMdf hY. srIr vI
mrdf nhIN (kyvl pirvrqq huMdf hY) pr ieh smyN aDIn hY. jo kuwJ vI smyN
aDIn hY Aus qy kudrq dy privrqn df isDFq lfgU huMdf hY. ijs qihq Auh lgfqfr
pirvrqq huMdf clf jFdf hY. iesy leI qusIN vyKdy ho ik quhfzy ivwc lgfqfr bdlfv
af irhf hY. kl qusIN bcy sI, iPr juafn hoey, hux isafxy hovogy qy iPr buZy
hovogy qy iewk idn Auh vI afeygf jdoN iblkul privrqq ho jfEgy. ieh sB kuwJ qusIN
nhIN kr rhy. ieh smJx dI loV hY. ieh pirvrqn kox kr irhf hY? qy ikAuN kr irhf
hY. jdoN ies dI smJ qhfnUM afvygI qF qusIN igafnI ho jfEgy. iPr qusIN ieh nhIN
puCogy ik afqmf kI hY? bilk qusIN iPr afqmf nUM mihsUs krn lgogy:
hux quhfzy
anusfr: So
everything in this world is living thing as per you because they get changed
with time, what is the change in water, oxygen, metals, non metals. Water was
H2O ages back and today also it has same properties and features. What about
dead cells of Nails and Hairs. Infact if there is no death then what about
salvation as per you.
vIr jIE kI
qusIN afpxy afp ivwc bdlfv mihsUs krdy ho. nhIN. ikAuNik asIN afpxy afp nUM hr
roj ÈIsy ivwc vyKdy hF. sfnUM QoVf bhuq lgdf hY, jdoN asIN afpxIaF ipClIaF
aYlbYm ivwc peIaF qsvIrF vyKdy hF qF socdy hF, ikzf bdl gey asIN. jy quhfnUM mYN
puCF kI asmfn bdl irhf hY? DrqI bdl rhI hY? hvfvF bdl rhIaF hn? phfV bdl rhy hn?
smUMdr bdl rhy hn? qusIN khogy nhIN. ikAuNik ieh byjfn hn ieh nhIN bdl skdy. pr
myry BfeI ieh sB bdl rhy hn. ijs jgHf qusIN hux sfh lY rhy ho agly hI pl qusIN
Aus jgHf nhIN huMdy ikAuNik DrqI afpxy Dury duafly aqy sUrj dy ierD igrD GuMm
rhI hY. jogrPI pVo, ijQy aj smUMdr hY AuQy pihlF phfV sn. ijQy aj phfV hn kl nUM
AuQy smUMdr hoxgy. ijQy smUMdr aqy phfVF df ieh hfl hY AuQy ivcfry
df kI bxygf ieh
qusIN afp isafxy ho aMdfjf lf hI lvogy. vyKo vIr pfl mYN Auqr idqf hY qusIN qy
quhfzy sfQI hmyÈF Èkfieq krdy hn, ky mYN Auqr nhIN idMdf.
dUjf Auqr:
quhfzy khy anusfr
Gurbaani also distinguishes
between living and non living things :- 'Paaati torhe Malini Paati Paati Jeo,
Jis Pahan ko Paati torhe So Pahan Nir Jeo. Bhooli Malini hai eo Satguru Jeota
hai Deo' Rahao.
myry vIr,
kI qusIN Bul gey ky ajy asIN gurbfxI nUM ajy izsks krnf ieh sfnUM sfzy ipafry
vIr mwKx isMG jI dI hdfieq sI. qusIN hdfieqF ikAuN Bul jFdy ho? ies leI mYN ajy
ies df Auqr nhIN dy irhf.
qIjf Auqr:
quhfzf svfl: one
side you say that Atma is not field of science because it can't be measured and
on other side you say Atma is energy. All know energy can be measured It has got
units as well Joule and Calories. Now if Atma is Energy then how much atma you
have 2KJ or 2 calorie. Atma can't be measured and can't be defined, energy can
be measured and defined still Atma is energy. Good Laws of physics. You are
contradicting yourself now
vIr myiraf mYN
ikvyN Auqr idaF ies df, ikAuNik ieh smJx leI ies gl dI smJ hoxI aiq jrUrI hY ik
qusF jo aYzI myhnq kIqI Auh sB bykfr hY. AuQoN koeI smJ nhIN afAuNdI ik qusIN kI
kihxf cfhuMdy ho. ikRpf krky iewk awKr ilKo
bs iPr mYN quhfzy
Aupr vfly pRÈn df Auqr afpxy afp sfhmxy af jfvygf.
quhfzf coQy svfl df Auqr
vIr pfl jIvyN qusIN iliKaf ik
don't run from the question
of Swarg Nark by taking excuse of small mind. We all have small mind but with
god's grace and hard work knowledge can be attained. If Swarag Nark are result
of human actions on this earth only as per you then why does person gets result
of same action in next life.
svrg nrk Relative
BfÈf dy sbd hn. ieh svrg nrk hr QF mOjUd hn. quhfzy Gr qoN lY ky quhfzy afiPs
qk. quhfzy muhly qoN lY ky quhfzy Èihr qk quhfzy dyÈ qoN lY ky ies DrqI dy hr
kony qk. ies DrqI qoN lY ky keI koit akfÈ bRihmMz qk. anMq DrqIaF qy anMq jIvn
qk ieh svrg nrk PYilaf hoieaf hY. ies nUM zUMgfeI nfl smJo myry ipafry. quhfzy
krm ikhVy ikhVy svrg nrk nUM twc krdy hn ieh qusIN jfx skdf hY Xf rwb jfx skdf
hY, mYN nhIN.
quhfzy pMjvyN svfl df Auqr:
qusF iliKaf
share your opinion clearly on Mant tu jot saroop hai apna mool pachan.ijvyN
mYN pihlF disaf qusIN ikAuN hdfieqF df iDafn nhIN rwKdy. asF gurbfxI bfry ajy
izsks nhIN krnf. hF jy qusIN mn bfry jfxnf cfhuMdy ho qF isK mfrg qy ies afrtIkl
nUM pVo asIN ies nfl iblkul sihmq hF
mn qUM joiq srUpu
hYN…”--- ipRMsIpl igafnI surjIq isMG, iswK imÈnrI, idwlI’
quhfzy CyvyN svfl df Auqr:
qusIN afp ilK rhy ho ik
but it is estimated to be some where around 30 Million to 50
sfieMs estimate
kr rhI hY aOr quhfzy anusfr In
fact exact number of species is not known
ies nMbr df pqf
nhIN iPr quhfnUM gurbfxI nUM mMnx qoN ikAuN ihcikcfht hY. jy ajy sfieMs nUM hI
pqf nhIN Aus df quhfnUM ikvyN pqf hY ik gurbfxI glq hY. ikRpf krky disE jI.
vIr pfl isMG jI mYN hux quhfzy sfry svflF dy Auqr dy idqy hn. hux
qF iskvf nhIN krogy.
qrlocn isMG
jrnYl isMG jI.
qusIN vI vIrpfl vFgUM ikAuN sMikaF ivwc ho ik mYN Auqr dyx leI
100% iemfndfr nhIN hF. jF mYN pfTkF df iDafn muwK mudy nfloN moVnf cfhuMdf hF.
asIN sfry gurbfxI pVHdy hF. sihj hox bfry bfr bfr iliKaf igaf hY. ikRpf krky
sihj bxo. sB smJ af jfvygf.
svfl ieh nhIN hY ik pRkfÈ ikQoN inkl irhf hY. svfl ieh hY
ik kI pRkfÈ df afpxf Bfr huMdf hY ik nhIN? myrf Auqr hY: pRkfÈ kyvl pRkfÈ hY.
ies df nfl mYtr juiVaf hoieaf nhIN hY. jdoN pRkfÈ inkldf hY qF Aus nfl sUrj
juiVaf hoieaf nhIN huMdf. jy ievyN huMdf qF hr roÈnI dI ikrn nfl iewk sUrj ny
juVnf sI qF pqf nhIN ikMny anMq arbF KrbF sUrjF dI loV pYNdI. iesy leI pRkfÈ df
nfm lfeIt hY. afqmf vI pRkfÈ rUp hY.
qrlocn isMG
avqfr isMG jI
bhuq KuÈI hoeI, qusF vDIaf aiDaYn kIqf. ijs mhfjn nUM brfV aqy
hor sfiraF ny mfVy qoN mfVy sbdF df iesqymfl kIqf qF AudoN kI mhfjn
learned professor
nhIN sI? kI learned professor
nUM kuwJ vI boilaf jf skdf hY? Auh vI hyTly drjy df. kI
learned professor
dIaF koeI PIlINgs nhIN huMdIaF? AudoN qusIN kuwJ nf boly jdoN mfhjn nUM hrt kIqf
jf irhf sI. qy jy mYN vIrpfl nUM iewk isDFqk bihs ivwc afpxf Cotf Brf smJ ky
kuwJ iliKaf hY qF quhfnUM duK ho irhf hY. dsogy ikAuN? jy ieho ijhf
ho ky pwK pUrogy
qF Xfd rwKo krm iQAUrI anusfr qhfnUM XkInn ies df jvfb gurU nUM dyxf pvygf.
pRmfqmf sB dyK sux irhf hY. Aus dI cwkI cldI afihsqf hY pr Auh pIsdI bVf brIk
iek gl dI smJ nhIN afeI. qusIN 17/8/2008 nUM icTI ilK rhy ho aOr myrI iesy qfrIK
dI icTI qy
dy rhy ho. ieh ikvyN?
(qrlocn isMG jI quhfzI icwTI mYN svyry hI 17 qfrIK nUM pf idwqI
sI, AuNj mYN ies qrHF aYqvfr nUM kdI nhIN krdf. ikAuNik vIrpfl isMG df ajy jvfb
nhIN sI afieaf. ieh quhfzf dohF df smF bcfAux leI kIqf sI. avqfr isMG dI icWTI
aqy hor icwTIaF sLfm nUM pfeIaF sn-sMpfdk)
qrlocn isMG
rfj BUipMdr isMG, luiDhfxf, pMjfb
ikrpf krky "Pqih" nUM nf ivgfVo jI [ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ awj kwl afpF
jgf jgf : "vfihgurU jI kf Kflsf ! vfihgurU jI kI Pqih !!" nUM
wgjkk wgjkf ilK ky sfr idMdy hf [ [ [ [ kI ieh
shI hY [ [ [ [? kI awj afpf nUM "Pqih" ilKxI vI aOKI lwgx lwg geI hY [ [ [ [? nYt qy
vwzIaf vwzIaf gwlf krn vfly "Pqih" ilKx qo guryË ikAuN krdy ny [ [ [? ies
short form dy qf hor vI mqlb
inwkl skdy ny [ [ [ kI afpxy kol ieMnf vI tfeIm hYnI ik afpF "Pqih" vI cMgI qrf nf
ilK skIey [ [ [ [ [ [ [ [? ies qo qf byhqr af ky afpf "Pqih" ilKxI hI Cwz idMny
af [ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ aKIr ieh hI bynqI krFgf ik ikrpf krky "Pqih" nUM vI mOm-zYz dI qrf nf
ivgfV idAu jI [ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ jykr qusI afpxy inmfxy vIr nfl sihmq ho qf afpxI sihmqI
df pRgtfvf "Pqih" bulf ky idAu jI [ [ [ [ [ [ [ Buwl cuwk leI iKmF [ [ [ [ gwj-vwj ky Pqih
bulfE jI [ [ [ [ vfihgurU jI kf Kflsf ! vfihgurU jI kI Pqih !!
[ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ rfj BUipMdr isMG, luiDhfxf, pMjfb
vIrpfl isMG
Dear Prof Mahajan,
To begin with I like your view and philosophy of positive
opinion and your motive of sharing of knowledge instead of taking it as war of
words to see who wins in that. I will try to make discussion more fruitful.
Just to let you know I am not among those who did cheating
with Prof Ghagga by initially saying that it is sharing of knowledge and once
the discussion was over all over the internet they advertised 'Prof Ghagga lost
discussion against a Young Khalsa'.
I should not have used word Hypocrisy but there was Duality
on your approach because you were answering and selecting questions on your own
view. You ignored and answered questions as per your own choice without even any
indication. Positive thinking applies to you as well, Let almighty give you long
and happy life irrespective of any criticism and fake support as well.
I agree that things are related but at same time they are
independent also, Wife is related to Husband but only to her own husband :).
I don't want to further touch philosophy but can involve that
in discussion if you feel it is required. Things have got degree of relationship
and of independence as well. Just like in Karam theory you will get results of
your own karam not of my karam. I have repeated the questions again and your
answers are also there.
1. So everything in this world is living thing as per you
because they get changed with time, what is the change in water, oxygen, metals,
non metals. Water was H2O ages back and today also it has same properties and
features. What about dead cells of Nails and Hairs. Infact if there is no death
then what about salvation as per you. Gurbaani also distinguishes between living
and non living things :-
'Paaati torhe Malini Paati Paati Jeo, Jis Pahan ko Paati
torhe So Pahan Nir Jeo. Bhooli Malini hai eo Satguru Jeota hai Deo' Rahao.
Page 471.
Pahan is called as Nirjeo, Infact you also have taken example
in your earlier letters about Janam and Maran.
2. On one side you say that Atma is not field of science
because it can't be measured and on other side you say Atma is energy. All know
energy can be measured It has got units as well Joule and Calories. Now if Atma
is Energy then how much atma you have 2KJ or 2 calorie. Atma can't be measured
and can't be defined, energy can be measured and defined still Atma is energy.
Good Laws of physics. You are contradicting yourself now.
3.Potential Energy Answer:-
So you agree that Energy and Mass are always associated with
each other, Mass has always got energy and Energy has always got Mass and energy
can't exist without mass. Ideally discussion can be closed over here because now
if you say Atma is energy than Atma should also have some mass. If Atma has got
mass then whole philosophy of salvation, distinction between Matter and Atma
will be in trouble. There should be no distinction between Atma and Matter in
such case then both should be one thing.
But I will not close discussion because there are many other
questions you have to answer and secondly it will be cheating to ignore your
question of Potential Energy.
I am bit surprised they way you have changed question, Please
see your letter in which you first time asked this question It was how Potential
Energy can be converted to Matter and it was not specific to Gravitational
Potential Energy. Infact it was me who said that there are different types of
Potential Energy and then I took example of Nuclear energy and asked you that
does Nucleus posses Potential Energy or not but you again very innocently
changed question to Gravitational Potential Energy.
But before proceeding with answer we have to focus on
Einstein's Law because that is basis of all. One problem over here is that all
readers are not from technical background and it is very hard to come with law
in layman language.
The important thing of Law is that Mass and Energy are always
associated with each other which is already discussed above and which clearly
signifies that Mass has got relationship with energy not Atma. Infact now
science takes energy and mass as same view of one thing just like we have two
faces of one coin but coin is same.
The concept is much like of Calories and Joule where earlier
people use to think that Heat and Energy are different thing and heat comes due
to some fluid calorie. Heat was measured in calories but later Joule established
relation ship between Joule and Calorie
and today 1 Calories =4.2 is just a conversion factor like we
have 1Km=1000 meters.
Similarly energy and mass have conversion factor where
1KG=9.0 × 1016 joules so summary is that energy and mass are view of
one and same thing. Reason mostly science takes Nuclear energy in experiments is
because they need strong forces for experiments and forces inside nucleus is
much stronger than Coulomb's electrostatic force and Gravitational forces. So
reason nuclear energy is considered is not because of energy but the underlying
strength of the force which is attributing energy.
Still to satisfy your Gravitational Potential Energy we can
take below example from Wikipedia :-
Example is
hydroelectric generation.
The electrical energy produced by
Grand Coulee Dam's
turbines every
3.7 hours represents one gram of mass. This mass passes to the electrical
devices which are powered by the generators (such as lights in cities), where it
appears as a gram of heat and light.[5]
Turbine designers look at their equations in terms of pressure, torque, and RPM.
However, Einstein's equations show that all energy has mass, and thus the
electrical energy produced by a dam's generators, and the heat and light which
result from it, all retain their mass, which is equivalent to the energy. The
potential energy – and equivalent mass – represented by the waters of the
Columbia River
as it descends to the Pacific Ocean would be converted to heat due to
viscous friction
and the
of white water rapids and waterfalls were it not for the dam and its generators.
This heat would remain as mass on site at the water, were it not for the
equipment which converted some of this potential and kinetic energy into
electrical energy, which can be moved from place to place (taking mass with it).
Dam is based on principle of Gravitational Potential Energy
of Water stored at Height.
4. Please don't run from the question of Swarg Nark by taking
excuse of small mind. We all have small mind but with god's grace and hard work
knowledge can be attained. If Swarag Nark are result of human actions on this
earth only as per you then why does person gets result of same action in next
5.Please share your opinion clearly on Mant tu jot saroop hai
apna mool pachan. I don't think so that this point is any way connected to Virus
or Energy theory. This point is very independent and can be discussed. Also
another importance of it is that this is not related to Science and all readers
are not interested in science. Man is always jot saroop, Man in illusion is not
happy and not satisfied while Man not in illusion is happy you can take example
of Lion's cub in with Cattle to understand.
6.One more issue in your Karam theory, Gurbaani generally
references 84 Lakh species just to take example. Guru saahib never claimed that
there are exactly 84 lakh species. Since starting of world many species came and
went away and also Science do not agree that there are 84 Lakh species. In fact
exact number of species is not known but it is estimated to be some where around
30 Million to 50 Million.
Veerpal Singh
jrnYl isMG afstRylIaf
Dear All
I would like to thank both S. Veerpal Singh and Prof Mahajan
for the time and energy put by them in the discussion. However I can not help
but observe that Prof Mahajan is not being hundred percent honest in this
discussion. He has avoided to answer the questions posed to him and has used all
of his energy to divert the attention of the readers from the main issues. For
example in his last letter he spent full paragraph on proving that everything is
related/dependent in response to Veerpal’s remark that all the questions he has
posed are independent of each other. No where in his response Veerpal has
asserted that everything in this universe is independent.
In his rider to his last letter, Prof Mahajan has said that
light is an example of energy existing without mass. Though I do not have a
science background, but as a layman I know that Sun is the biggest source of
light on this earth. I might be wrong but sun does have a mass. The other day I
was watching a programme on TV (I Should not be Alive) and in that programme,
two persons were stranded in ocean for more that 24 hours. At night they
observed that there is a stream of light underneath the water. They found that
this is a kind of fish. The fish do have mass. Similarly glow worms do have
mass. So it will be better, if Prof Mahajan can clarify what kind of light he is
referring to when he says that it does not have a mass. This will make this
discussion more intelligible to laymen like me.
Kind Regards
Jarnail Singh
Sydney Australia.
srvjIq isMG
suKdyv isMG isiKafrQI aqy sfQIE
vfihgurU jI kf Éflsf] vfihgurU jI kI Ìiqh]
afp jI nUM amrIkf dI lMbVdfrI imlx dIaF buhq-buhq vDfeIaF.
afp jI dy bcn, “asIN amrIkf ivwc ies afrtIkl nUM inMddy hF.” suKdyv isMG jI, afp
jI nUM do pwqrF ivwc ieh bynqI kIqI jf cukI hY ik afp jI afpxy sfQIaF dy nfm vI
iliKaf kro. pr afp jI ny ajyhf nhIN kIqf. kI afp jI dy sfQI eyny hI inmrqf vfly
hn ik afpxf nfm vI jfihr krnf nhIN cfhuMdy jF qusIN vI
‘mhMq syvf dfs’
vFgUM svf lwK isMG hI ho?
afp jI dy bcn, “afs krdy hF ky sfrI sMgq ies afrtIkl dI
inMidaf kry” qo pRBfivq ho ky hI mY ieh pwqr ilK irhf hf. afp df pwqr pVHky
mYnUM qF ieE mihsUs hoieaf hY ik afp df nF qF lyK ivwc ilKy gey isDFq nfl koeI
srokfr hY aqy nF hI po: qrlocn isMG mhfjn jI nfl koeI hmdrdI, afp nUM qF isrÌ qy
isrÌ lyKk dy goq (brfV) nfl hI nÌrq hY. ieh mslf afp df injI mslf qF ho skdf hY
pr smUhk nhIN. so bynqI hY ik pwqr ilKx vyly ieh iKafl jrUr rwiKaf kro ik afp jI
df pwqr sfrI dunIaF ivwc PYlI hoeI iswK sMgq ny pVHnf hY. ikMnf cMgf huMdf jy kr
afp jI lyKk nUM koeI svfl krdy jF isDfqk alocnf.
n jIAu mrY n zUbY qrY]
ikCu kIaf so ikCu krY]
hukmy afvY hukmy jfie] afgY pfCY hukim smfie] 2]
afp jI ny afpxy pwqr ivwc gurbfxI dI ies pMgqI df hvflf idwqf
hY aqy afpxf PYslf ienHF Èbdf ivwc iliKaf hY, “mhfn koÈ anusfr jIAu df arQ afqmf
hY. ienHF arQF muqfibk mhfjn jI TIk hn qy qusIN glq ho.”
isiKafrQI jI, ikMnf cMgf huMdf jy afp jI ies sfrI pMgqI dy hI
arQ ilK dyNdy. pr afp jI ny ajyhf nhI kIqf ikAuNik afp jI qF isrÌ afqmf qFeI hI
sImq ho ky ieh amr hY qy ies ny iPr jnm lYxf hY. ikqy ieh koeI eyho jyhf srIr
Dfrn nf lY lvY ijs nUM awj asIN cMgf nhIN smJdy jF asIN nPrq krdy hF. afE ies
pfvn pMgqI dy arQ ivcfrIey!
(pRBU dy zr-adb ivc irhF hI ieh XkIn bx skdf hY ik) jIv nfh
mrdf hY nfh ikqy zuwb skdf hY nfh ikqoN qrdf hY (Bfv, jyhVf ikqy zubdf hI nhIN
Aus dy qrn df svfl hI pYdf nhIN huMdf). (ieh XkIn bixaf rihMdf hY ik) ijs
prmfqmf ny ieh jgq bxfieaf hY AuhI sB kuJ kr irhf hY, Aus dy hukm ivc hI jIv
jMmdf hY qy hukm ivc hI mrdf hY, lok prlok ivc jIv nUM Aus dy hukm ivwc itky
rihxf pYNdf hY. 2[ (po: sfihb isMG jI)
afpxy afp nF afqmf mrdI hY, nF zubdI hY aqy nF hI pfr AuqrdI hY. ijs ny rcnf rcI
hY, AuhI sB kuwJ krdf hY. sfeIN dy amr duafrf bMdf afAuNdf hY, aqy Aus dI afigaf
duafrf Auh cilaf jFdf hY. ies jnm dy agfVI qy ipCfVI BI pRfxI Aus dy Purmfn aMdr
lIn rihMdf hY. (BfeI mnmohn isMG jI)
vfsqv sy Xh jIv afpny afpqy n mrqf hY n zUbqf hY n qrqf hY
ijs qYny kCu eyhu pRpMcu kIaf hY soeI kCu krqf hY Bfv qUMhI zobnf qfrnf krqf
hYN] qyry hukm mYN (afvY) jnmqf hY aOru hukm mYN hI jfie mr jfqf hY afgy pICY ar
mD arQfq qIn kfl mYN qyry hukm mYN hI smfie rhf hY] 2] (PrIdkotI tIkf)
The soul does not die; it does not drown, and it does not
swim across.
The One who created everything does everything. By
the Hukam of His Command we come, and by the Hukam of His Command we go.
Before and after, His Command is pervading.
||2|| (Dr sant singh)
ies pfvn pMgqI ivwc pRmfqmF dy hukm df ijkr kIqf igaf hY. jo
vI hoieaf hY, jo ho irhf hY aqy jo hovYgf, ieh sB Aus df hukm hI hY. jdoN sfnUM
ieh smJ af jfvy qF sfzy sfry iÌkr hI Kqm ho jfxy hn. zr qF sfnUM ieh hI hY ik mY
mrn qoN bfad kuqy, swp, sUr jF gDy dI jUnI ivwc nf jf pvF. ieh zr ibpr df pYdf
kIqf hoieaf hY. pihlF Aus ny zr pYdf kIqf, Pyr Aus qoN bcfAux dy sfDn dwsy. nrk
pYdf kIqy Pyr nrk qo bcx aqy sugr nUM jfx dy qrIky afm lokF nUM dwsy jo grV
purfx ivwc ilKy hoey awj vI imldy hn.
Prj kro, mY ies jnm qoN pihlf kF dI jUnI ivwc sI qF ies ivwc
myrf kI doÈ sI jF ieh iksy nUM ikvyN pqf lwgf ik mY iks jUn ivwc sI? hux mY
iensfn dI jUn ivwc hf qF ikE? mrn qoN ipCo mYN iks jUn ivwc hovfgf? kI mYnUM
koeI ieh sbUq sihq dws skdf hY? jy nhIN qF sfnUM ies bfry iPkr krn dI kI loV hY?
jy mYN mrn qoN ipCo agly jnm ivwc gMdI nfÜI df kIVf bx jfvf qF quhfnUM ieh ikvy
pqf lwgy gf ky mY nflI df kIVf hf? isiKafrQI jI, kI qusI jF koeI qhfzf sfQI ieh
dws skdf hY ik ies jnm qoN pihlf Auh iks jUn ivwc sI?
mYN ijs vI jUn ivwc pYxf hY kI ieh myrI ieCF dy muqfbk hovygf
jF Aus dy hukm muqfbk? (gurbfxI pfT drpx dy pMnf 80 qy iewk PfrmUlf jrUr iliKaf
hoieaf hY) jy Aus df hukm atwl hY qF mY vI ikE iPkr krF? hF! hux ies jnm ivwc mY
jrUr ieh iPkr krdf hf ik myry krky iksy nUM koeI qÉlIÌ nf hovy. jy kr mY dUijaF
dy iksy kMm af skf qF mYnUM buhq KuÈI huMdI hY.
soeI hoaf jo iqsu Bfxf avru n ikn hI kIqf]
qumrY BfxY Brim moih moihaf jfgqu nfhI sUqf] ò]
suKdyv isMG jI, jy kr afp po: qrlocn isMG mhfjn jI dy ivcfr
krn dy ZMg nUM smJxf cfhuMdy qF
dieaf nMd qy myrf sMbfd’
igafnI idwq isMG jI
dI ieh ilKq jrUr pVo.
afp jI df afKrI svfl, “qF disaf jy aj qoN 400 sfl pihlF
quhfzy purvjF nUM ikhnF dy tIky lgdy huMdy sn?” isiKafrQI jI! horF dI qF gwl
Cwzo, pVo gurU aMgd dyv jI aqy gurU amrdfs jI df ieqhfs, jfxkfrI ivwc vfDf
hovygf. svfl ieh nhIN ik kwlH asIN kI krdy sI svfl qF ieh hY ik awj asI kI kr
rhy hF. jy awj vI asI Auh hI krdy hf jo asIN kwlH krdy sI jF awj vI ihMdU imQhfs
nUM nfl hI cwkI iPrdy hF qF ieh ikhf jF skdf hY ik isDFq dI smJ nhIN afeI. asIN
amrIkf ivwc afpxI kfr Kwby pfsy nhIN clf skdy. jdo vI afpxI glqI df aihsfs ho
jfvy AudoN hI XU-trn kr lYxf hI isafxp huMdI hY. asIN awj jo vI Drm-krm krdy hF
Auh jF qF Audfr Auqfrdy hF jF agly jnm dI iPkr ivwc krdy hF. afE gurU gRMQ sfihb
jI qoN agvfeI lYky afpxy aMdr dI sON rhI afqmF nUM jgfAux df Xqn krIey qF jo ies
jnm ivwc vDIaF iensfn bx skIey.
afdr sihq
srvjIq isMG
avqfr isMG
Dear Professor Mahajan Ji
I will request you to please re-read the last two lines of your letter dated
17.08.2008. Such sarcastic comments can not be expected from a learned man, a
Professor, especially when he is writing about Gurmat. "It is that what you
choose to say, that makes difference what you say". Thanks.
Avtar Singh.
Hayes, London.
pRo: qrlocn isMG mhfjn
qrlocn isMG mhfjn
vIr pfl isMG jIE aqy hor pfTk sjxo.
gurU Piqh.
myrI ipClI icTI ivwc mYQoN iewk
Printing Mistake
hoeI hY. sfry sjx not kr lYx.
mYN afpxy jvfb ivwc iliKaf sI:
quhfzf dUjf svfl
Can energy exist without mass ( Yes/No) if yes please provide examples.
ÈkqI ibnf mYtr qoN nhIN ho skdI.
ijvyN pRkfÈ.
mYN ÈyzIz lfeIn nUM drusq kr irhf hF ies nUM ievyN piVHaf jfvy
ÈkqI ibnf mYtr qoN vI ho skdI hY.
ijvyN pRkfÈ.
Printing mistake
leI iKmf mMgdf hF.
vIr pfl nUM:
vIr pfl qusIN sfied ies
mistake vflI lfeIn nUM pVH ky hfl duhfeI
pfAux lgo ky hux dso ky afqmf ibnf ÈrIr dy ikvyN ivcr skdI hY. ieh pRÈn quhfzI
hux dI icTI ivwc jrUr hoeygf. qF ikRpf krky myrI Printing
Mistake nUM drusq kr lvo qy ies dy aDfr qy
nvF pRÈn bxf ky Byjxf jI.
qrlocn isMG
pRo: qrlocn isMG mhfjn
qrlocn isMG mhfjn
vIr pfl jIE
gurU Piqh.
vIr pfl qusIN bfr-bfr ieh ikAuN ilK rhy ho ik mYN ‘qrlocn isMG mhfjn’ quhfzy
svflF df Auqr nhIN dyxf cfhuMdf. quhfzy anusfr
Please don't make lame excuses for not
answering questions, All readers are reading this discussion and they can judge
that you are attempting to run from questions.
jy mYN ieAuN krnf hI
hovy qF mYN ikAuN quhfnUM icTIaF ilKFgf. jy mYN quhfnUM icTI ilK irhf hF qF myrf
ihrdf sfP hY. mYN BjFgf hI ikAuN? . ajy pRmfqmf vloN bulfvf vI nhIN afieaf? hF
jy bulfvf hI af igaf iPr myrf ksUr nhIN hoeygf. pr jd qk myrI cyqnf ies ÈrIr
ivwc hY qd qk mYN jrUr AuWqr idaFgf. mYNnUM smJ nhIN afAuNdI, qusIN ikvyN soc
lYNdy ho ky myry kol quhfzy svflF dy jvfb nhIN aOr mYN Bj irhf hF. qF Coty vIr
ijafdf kfhlI nf mcfE. sihj nfl clo. sihj ivwc hI sB kuwJ hY.
mYN pihlF vI iliKaf sI ik sfry svflF df BMzfrf ieko vfr nf Kolo, ieAuN
hoc-poc ho jfvygf. afpF iksy vI nqIjy qy nhIN phuMcFgy. pr qusIN sfied ies nUM
myrI kmjorI smJ rhy ho. quhfzy anusfr
None of the question is mixed with another one, all are
independent questions and we can proceed in parallel.
vIr pfl qusIN iPr glq kih rhy
ho. quhfzy svfl Independent
nhIN hn blik ieh
iewk dUjy nfl irlytz hn. Coty Brf, ieh qF svfl hn ijhVy
nhIN ho skdy, ies dunIaf ivwc koeI vI vsqU aijhI nhIN ijhVI
hovy. ieh Independent
sbd qy hI lkIr Pyr idE. bcy mF ipE nfl irlytz hn. pqnI pqI iewk dUjy nfl irlytz
hn. jIv-jMqU DrqI nfl irlytz hn, DrqI sUrj nfl irlytz hY. sUrj iksy dUjy solr
isstm nfl irlytz hY. dUjy solr isstm iksy glYksI nfl irlytz hn. glYksI iksy hor
supr glYksI nfl irlytz hY. myry vIr ieh iewk nf mukx vflf ihsfb ikqfb hY. ieh
sfry Relations
ilKx leI dunIaf dI koeI vI klm, iÈafhI jF kfgj
sufficient nhIN hn. qF
iPr quhfzy svfl ikvyN Independent
ho skdy hn. jrf mYnUM smJfE. vIr pfl aj kl qF hr qrHF df ielm dUjy ielm nfl
irlytIz hY qfhINE hux Interdisciplinarry
pVHfeIaF krfeIaF jf rhIaF hn.
iek gl hor vIr pfl jIE qusIN myry svflF vl Èk dI ingfh nfl ikAuN vyK rhy ho,
quhfzy anusfr If you
are so concerned about Potential energy question and want to discuss that first
then why did you answered question of living organism that is every thing living
in this world. You did this because for this question you got something in your
mind but for other questions you don't have any answers. This clearly proves
your hypocrisy.
aOr afpxy afp ikAuN aMdfjy lgf rhy ho ik jy mYN quhfnUM
Potential Energy
leI puC irhf hF qF jrUr ies leI myry idmfg ivwc quhfnUM hrfAux leI koeI cfl clI
jf rhI hY. vIr pfl asIN gurisK hF. hmyÈF pfiËtv socIey. iewk pfËItv soc hI mnuwK
nUM pfËItv bxfAuNdI hY. nYgitv soc mnuwK nUM hI nYgitv kr idMdI hY. ieh koeI
lVHfeI df mYdfn nhIN hY, ijQy cflF clIaF jfx. myrI qy quhfzI isrP isDFqk soc dI
bihs hY. ies leI Hypocrisy
vrgy Èbd myry leI
iesqymfl krny quhfnUM ÈoBf nhIN idMdy. myrf
hfr isMgfr brfV dy afrtIkl rfhIN pihlF hI kfPI ho cukf hY. mYnUM myry
pfqÈfhf ny biKÈÈ kIqI hY, aOr mYnUM ienHF ijgrf idqf hY ik mYN ieh hfr isLMgfr
nUM brdfÈq krdf hoieaf iPr vI quhfzIaF icTIaF df Auqr dy irhf hF. mYN ZIT hF
ijhVf hux qk afpxI Ausqiq ivwc brfV df afrtIkl pVH ky vI jIa irhf hF myrI jgHf
koeI hor huMdf qF Aus ny jrUr hux qfeIN miraf hoxf sI.
quhfzy khy anusfr It
seems that Prof Saahab you are now totally confused in your own views and you
have started contradicting yourself,
mYN afpxIaF glHF nUM
kr irhf hF. vIrf kuwJ vI Contradiction
nhIN hY. gl isrP vyKx dI aqy mihsUs krn dI hY. pfxI df iglfs vyK ik iewk kihMdf
hY ieh awDf KflI hY. Ausy iglfs nUM koeI dUjf vyK ky khygf ik ieh awDf Biraf hY.
iglfs AuhI hY, iewk Aus nUM KflI kih irhf hY iewk Biraf kih irhf hY. kox glq hY?
kox TIk hY? kox inrxf krygf? . agoN inrxf krn vfly df vI pqf nhIN ik Auh ikho
ijhf hY?
quhfzy khy anusfr As
per you everything in this world is living thing then why does person dies. If
person does not dies then how he is going to take next life as per you? If
everything is living then what about dead bodies?
mYN quhfnUM pihlF vI ikhf sI
ik asIN glq lPË iesqymfl krdy hF ik Plfxf mr igaf. mrnf qF huMdf hI nhIN. srIr
jdoN jLjrI ho jFdf hY qF nvF colf Dfrn krnf huMdf hY.
srIr vI mrdf nhIN (kyvl pirvrqq huMdf hY)
pr ieh smyN aDIn hY. jo kuwJ vI smyN aDIn hY Aus qy kudrq dy privrqn df
isDFq lfgU hUMdf hY. ijs qihq Auh lgfqfr pirvrqq huMdf clf jFdf hY. iesy leI
qusIN vyKdy ho ik quhfzy ivwc lgfqfr bdlfv af irhf hY. kl qusIN bcy sI, iPr
juafn hoey, hux isafxy hovogy qy iPr buZy hovogy qy iewk idn Auh vI afeygf jdoN
iblkul privrqq ho jfEgy. ieh sB kuwJ qusIN nhIN kr rhy. ieh smJx dI loV hY. ieh
pirvrqn kox kr irhf hY? qy ikAuN kr irhf hY. jdoN ies dI smJ qhfnUM afvygI qF
qusIN igafnI ho jfEgy. iPr qusIN ieh nhIN puCogy ik afqmf kI hY? bilk qusIN iPr
afqmf nUM mihsUs krn lgogy.
quhfzy khy anusfr Sir,
actually issue is that you see God as form of Energy while We see God as form of
Love and emotion that is why Guru saahib also says that God can only be
experience by Love not by capturing his energy. Our God is form of love and he
has got control of all the energy. Remember for us Love (GOD) controls energy
not energy control love (GOD). rwb
nUM ipafr jF iemoÈn nfl pfieaf jf skdf hY. TIk hY.
pr dsogy ik ipafr krn dI soJI
ikvyN huMdI hY? qy kI soJI hox nfl ipafr ho skdf hY? kI ipafr ÈkqI ivcoN Aupjdf
hY jF ipafr ivcoN ÈkqI df jnm huMdf hY?
vIr pfl jIE qusF hux PfrmUlf bdl ilaf hY.
Gravitational Potential Energy
to Matter conversion
df Auqr dyx qoN pihlF mYnUM Auqr dyx nUM ikhf hY qF mYN iblkul quhfzy AuWqr dy
irhf hF. ieh Auqr suxn qoN bfad ikRpf krky myry qy myhr krdy hoey myry ipCly keI
icTIaF ivwc puCy jFdy svflF dy Auqr jrUr dy dyxf jI bVI myhrbfnI hoeygI.
quhfzy Auqr
there any mass in world which does not have energy (Yes/No) if yes please give
Auqr pihlf
qusIN 100% TIk ho. aijhf koeI pdfrQ nhIN jo pdfrQ hovy qy Aus ivwc ÈkqI nf hovy.
myrf vI ieho mMnxf hY. siB ivwc Aus dI joiq hY aqy joiq hI Auh afpUM hY. iewk
pQr ivwc vI ÈkqI huMdI hY. mYnUM bhuq KuÈI hoeI ky qusIN vI ies swc nUM swc mMn
rhy ho. myrI myhnq sPlI hoeI quhfnUM smJfAux dI. ieh sB pRBU dI ikRpf sdkf hY.
hr mYtr
ivwc ÈkqI hY iesy leI asIN Aus nUM byjfn nhIN kih skdy
quhfzf dUjf svfl
energy exist without mass ( Yes/No) if yes please provide examples.
ÈkqI ibnf mYtr qoN nhIN ho skdI. ijvyN pRkfÈ.
Coty vIr mYN hux Auqr dy idqy hn qF quhfzy khy anusfr
Please note that if you can't give
answer of above questions then I will not be able to explain you how energy is
converted to matter.
hux vfrI quhfzI hY. myrf svfl qusIN TIk qrHF smJy nhIN aOr jo
kuwJ ds rhy ho Auh mYN puiCaf hI nhIN huMdf.
qusF iliKaf ky aYnrjI aqy mfs iewk dUjy ivwc bdldy hn. ijs kol mfs hY Aus kol
gurUqf putYNiÈal aYnrjI hoeygI, myry Coty BfeI qusIN ikAuN glq pfsy df jvfb dy
rhy ho. mYN ieh piCaf hI nhIN jo qusIN jvfb dy rhy ho. myrf svfl qbdIl nfl sbMDq
hY ijs nUM aMgRyjI ivwc
kihMdy hn.
I am Just asking whether conversion of Gravitational Potential
energy into mattre is possible or not
mYN quhfzf
kMm asfn kr idMdf hF. qusIN isrP hF jF nf krnI hY
kI gurUqf
putYNisal aYnrjI pdfrQ ivwc bdl skdI hY?
(hF/ nF)
kI ies
sfrI dunIaf ivwc gurUqf pUtYNisal aYNnrjI nUM mfdy ivwc qbdIl krn vflI koeI mÈIn
(hF/ nF)
aOr vIr myrf svfl
Potential energy
nfl sbMDq hY nf ky
Potential Energy
nfl ieh smJdy hoey Auqr dyxf jI
qrlocn isMG
vIrpfl isMG
Dear Verpal Singh Jee,
You are correct there should not be any confusion related to
identity of person. Currently, I am based in London and started reading
Sikhmarg recently. It is really surprising that we have similar name and as you
said same writing style as well. I have mentioned my cell number below.
Dear Moderator,
Just to clarify further I don't even know Verpal Singh
personally so readers should not get confused. I have confidence to take
assurety of my views and will not like to use identity of any one else.
Veerpal Singh
London -07810856817
mnjIq isMG
Respected S. Makhan Singh ji
Sat Sri Akal
I know that you have stopped further discussion on Prof.
Tarlochan Singh's article "Karma Sandra Khet". I have few doubts, which I want
to clarify for myself. If you could help me getting answers from Prof. Tarlochan
I have read Prof. Tarlochan Singh
article “Karma Sandra Khet” and subsequent discussions on the topic with
interest. Professor Sahib has worked a lot to write this article and quote from
Gurbani. I am no body to comment on correctness or otherwise of “Karam Theory”.
I am not writing this letter to start another discussion on this subject, but
just want to get some clarifications for my own understanding:
Prof. Sahib, you have written,
df nqIjf kdoN imlygf? ieh krm qy inrBr krdf hY. kuwJ krmF df nqIjf qurMq hfsl ho
jFdf hY qy kuwJ ku nUM smF vI lg skdf hY. ieh smF kuwJ imMtF qoN lY ky kroVF
sflF qk df vI ho skdf hY.”
In actual life, we cannot know what type of actions or deeds
(karam) we did in our previous lives (If there is any previous life?). Past is
“History” but for previous lives even this history is not available to us and we
do not know what is our account balance of good deeds and bad deeds. Future is
“Mystery”. We do not know what is going to happen in our future lives (Again, if
there is any?). So our primary concern becomes present life. For this life, we
have some control over our deeds and actions and we have some idea about our
account balance of good and bad deeds.
What is your opinion?
Again, as a lay man, I might ask that I do not want to
involve myself into intricacies of theories, may be it is “Karam Theory” or any
other theory and I want to lead my life simply as per “Gurmat” or teachings of
my Guru i.e. Guru Granth Sahib. Will it not be sufficient for my life?
Please give your valued advice.
Also as per you,
iQAUrI dy isDFq nUM jy asIN idloN kbUl krIey qF ieh DrqI qy svrg dI rcnf ho skdI
hY. jy ies isDFq df zr smfj nUM nf irhf qF iPr jMgl rfj vI ho skdf hY. hr iewk
iensfn agy vDx leI hr qrHF d njfiej rfh apxfeygf. adflq df zr Aus nUM glq kMm
krn qoN nhIN rok skygf. ies leI jy asIN cfhuMdy hF ik iewk cMgy aqy AuDmI smfj
dI isrjxf ho sky qF mnuwK nUM gurbfxI anusfr DrmI hoxf jrUrI hY aqy Aus leI krm
iQAUrI dy isDFq nUM Xfd rKxf aiq jrUrI hY.”
I agree to your conclusion that it should be one
duty to lead a pure life and should refrain from wrong deeds. But in some
situations as we have seen in our lives, it sometimes becomes very difficult to
know that particular deed I am going to commit is good or bad. In that case,
“Karam Theory” is not going to help me to decide. It is only My Guru’s
advice (Gurbani) that is going to help me and by acting on that advice I am sure
that particular action I am going to commit would not be wrong.
Please state your opinion.
Best regards,
Manjit Singh
(pfTkF nUM bynqI hY ik Auh QoVf ijhf ijLgrf rwKx aqy afpxy svfl
kuwJ smyN leI rok lYx aqy hor svfl krn qoN pRhyjL krn. ijhVI ivcfr crcf vIrpfl
isMG aqy pRo: qrlocn isMG ivckfr cwl rhI hY Aus nUM hI idlcspI nfl pVHn aqy Aus
ivc hI ihwsf lYx-sMpfdk)
vIrpfl isMG
Dear Prof Mahajan Jee,
Please don't make lame excuses for not answering questions, All
readers are reading this discussion and they can judge that you are attempting
to run from questions.
If you are so concerned about Potential energy question and
want to discuss that first then why did you answered question of living organism
that is every thing living in this world. You did this because for this question
you got something in your mind but for other questions you don't have any
answers. This clearly proves your hypocrisy.
You have very good reasons to run away from the
questions, Definitely everything has to go step by step and that is why I have
mentioned all questions in different points. None of the question is mixed with
another one, all are independent questions and we can proceed in parallel. Hoch
poch was created when you mixed up Virus with energy and now with Potential
Energy. So please can you answer all questions in different points in the order
asked. I have again repeated questions and your answers are also there .
1.It seems that Prof Saahab you are now totally confused in
your own views and you have started contradicting yourself, As per you
everything in this world is living thing then why does person dies. If person
does not dies then how he is going to take next life as per you? If everything
is living then what about dead bodies? What about example of Gurbaani which you
take in all your letter where you mention that person dies and again takes
Janam. In fact in gurbaani also Bhagats and Guru saahib mentions that every one
has got fixed life and he has to die. Sir, actually issue is that you see
God as form of Energy while We see God as form of Love and emotion that is why
Guru saahib also says that God can only be experience by Love not by capturing
his energy. Our God is form of love and he has got control of all the energy.
Remember for us Love (GOD) controls energy not energy control love (GOD).
Answer to Your Question : After a person is dead the there are
many other living organisms which consume that and grow on that body so those
living cells are not of that person but are of other organisms now. and if
you still want to claim that dead body has living cells then what about living
body containing dead cells. eg Nails and dead hairs they are in living as well
as dead bodies. So now what about your comment that everything is living, don't
contradict yourself and Gurbaani examples you have taken.
2. You have still not answered and again contradicted
yourself:- On one side you say that Atma is not field of science because it
can't be measured and on other side you say Atma is energy. All know energy can
be measured It has got units as well Joule and Calories. Now if Atma is Energy
then how much atma you have 2KJ or 2 calorie. Atma can't be measured and
can't be defined, energy can be measured and defined still Atma is energy. Good
Laws of physics. You are contradicting yourself now.
3. Do you now mean to say that only potential energy is living
thing and other energies are non living thing, Prof Mahajan before answering
this just to tell you Dead bodies also have potential energy so if potential
energy is living thing then are Dead bodies also living thing. As per your
formula if Dead body is kept at some height then will it not have gravitational
potential energy.
4. Potential Energy Answer:-
It seems that you have not yet understood Einstein's Law
completely, if you would have then you would not have raised this question.
Please first answer in yes or no below question then only I
will be able to explain you how energy is converted to matter :-
Is there any mass in world which does not have energy (Yes/No)
if yes please give examples
Can energy exist without mass ( Yes/No) if yes please provide
Please note that if you can't give answer of above questions
then I will not be able to explain you how energy is converted to
Why are you running away from Nuclear energy, Potential energy
is there in every body even Nucleus also have potential energy which is
Nuclear potential energy so my answer is clearly in context to your
Does Nucleus do not have potential energy????
5. Please don't run from the question of Swarg Nark by
taking excuse of small mind. We all have small mind but with god's grace and
hard work knowledge can be attained. If Swarag Nark are result of human actions
on this earth only as per you then why does person gets result of same action in
next life.
6.Please share your opinion clearly on Mant tu jot saroop hai
apna mool pachan. I don't think so that this point is any way connected to Virus
or Energy theory. This point is very independent and can be discussed. Also
another importance of it is that this is not related to Science and all readers
are not interested in science. Man is always jot saroop, Man in illusion is not
happy and not satisfied while Man not in illusion is happy you can take example
of Lion's cub in with Cattle to understand.
7.One more issue in your Karam theory, Gurbaani generally
references 84 Lakh species just to take example. Guru saahib never claimed that
there are exactly 84 lakh species. Since starting of world many species came and
went away and also Science do not agree that there are 84 Lakh species. In fact
exact number of species is not known but it is estimated to be some where around
30 Million to 50 Million.
Dear Mohinder Singh Jee,
I am extremely sorry for not writing in Punjabi... Yes I can
type in Punjabi but I mentioned one personal reason earlier that my Punjabi
typing is not very fast and it will take lot of time for me to do that, even you
might have observed that there are lot of spelling mistakes in English letters
too which I don't correct before sending mail. My whole day is very busy ...
studies, Office, Gym and then I have to cook food also on my own. I know how
difficult it is for me to come on Internet and answer questions.
But yes I have one solution to this problem.... I will be on
leave for one week in September then I will write in Punjabi. I can do one more
thing. I will summarize these letters in one Punjabi article. Hope
that article is good and worth enough so that Makhan Singh Jee can place it on
site ;-).
I too have one request to you, So far it is good that you have
shown as an Reader. It will be great if you can also contribute some points in
this discussion. Not necessary that you support my views, you can question them
as well but at least some logical points form you will be a good contribution
and may give a new direction of thinking.
Veerpal Singh
avqfr isMG imÈnrI
sR suKdyv isMG isiKafrQI aqy guMm nfm sfQI jIE,
siq sRI akfl!
afp jI dy Kq df juvfb qF dfs ny pihly dy idwqf hY ijs ivwc
Éflsf Èbd bfry zUMgI ivvfr kIqI jf cuwkI hY ik Kflsf arbI df lPj hY ijs df arQ
hY bfdÈfh dI pRfprtI ijs qy koeI tYks nhIN lgdf. gurU jI ny iesy leI ieh lPj
iswK keI vriqaf hY ik iswK vI gurU vfihgurU dI pRfpRtI hY ijs qy mMinaF igaf
koeI jm afidk jgfq nhIN lgf skdf. bfkI ijvyN iswK Èbd iekwly iswK vfsqy vI hY
aqy smUMh iswKF vsqy vI ijvyN iswK kOm. qusIN qF Kflsf rwb nUM kihMdy ho jd ik
rwb iksy dI pRfprtI nhIN, Éflsf qF gurU ny sfijaf sI, iesy krky Éflsy df sfjnf
idvs mnfieaf jFdf hY. kI koeI rwb jo jnm mrn qoN rihq hY-jnm mrn qy rihq
nfrfiex] df sfjnf idvs mnf skdf hY? bfkI sR sBrf ijnHF df qusIN ijkr kIqf hY qih
idloN DMnvfd krdy hF ijnHF ny bVI dlyrI aqy ihmq nfl ByKIaF dy pVdy “sMqF dy
kOqk” pusqkF ivwc PfÈ kIqy hn. pUrf qF gurU pRmfqmF hI hY koeI iewk ivakqI nhIN
ijvyN pRo sfihb isMG jI ny vI gurbfxI df tIkf kridaF aKIr qy iliKaf hY ik ieh
myrf iewk Auprflf hY mYN 100% dfhvf nhIN krdf ik mY hI arQ TIk kIqy hn. afs hY
ik ivdvfn swjn ies qoN syD lY ky hor Koj krngy. vIr jI gurbfxI nUM zIplI ivcfrn
dI loV hY nf ik iksy iewk awKr jF pMkqI dI hI. smuwcI gurbfxI df isDFq iewk hY
Aus nUM Cwz ky imiQhfsk hvfly jo AuDfhrx dy qOr qy hn AunHF nUM smJx dI loV hY
nf ik mMnx dI.
bfkI afp jI ny jo lMibaF vfly sMqF bfry ijkr kIqf hY asIN koeI
AunHF jF hor sMqF dy pujfrI nhIN. asIN qF AunHF nUM pihly jfxdy vI nhIN sF. Auh
afpy sfnUM bulf ky lY gey sn qy asIN EQy vI gurmiq df pRcfr krky hI afey hF nF
ik sMqF nUM mwQf tyk ky. gurU nfnk jI qF nfQF jogIaF, ihMdU sMqF aqy musilm
PkIrF dy zyiraF qy pRcfr leI gey sn, kI AunHF glq kIqf sI? bfkI sfnUM muafP krnf
ik asIN AunHF dy nF nfl rvfieqI Èbd sMq vriqaf hY jo zyrydfr aFm vrqdy hn. ies
leI asIN iKmF dy jfick hF. hux hor pfxI irVkx dI loV nhIN quhfnUM pqf hI hY ik
aKOqI sMqF bfry sfzy ivcfr kI hn? asIN qF zyrfvfdI ByKI sMqF aqy sMpRdfeIaF bfry
ilKdy aqy ryzIE qy vI boldy rihMdy hF. pfTk qy sroqy sfzy bfry Kud jfxdy hn ik
sfzy ivcfr kI hn? iesy krky sMqF sMpRdfeIaF dy asr rsUk vfly gurduafrf pRbMDk vI
sfnUM styj qy tfeIm nhIN idMdy. afp jI qF aYls bRRFty gurU Gr dy pMj ipafrf
kONsl dy pRbMDk vI ho ijwQy sfD sMq qF kQf kr skdy hn pr sfzy vrgy kyvl qy kyvl
gurbfxI dI ivcfr krn vfilaF nUM afp jI ny kdy tfeIm idvfieaf hY? smF dy ky sfzy
ivcfr sunx dI Kycl krnf jI iPr afpy pqf lwg jfvygf ik sMqF bfry sfzy ivcfr kI
avqfr isMG imÈnrI
vIrpfl isMG inAUjLIlYNz
Waheguru ji ka Khalsa; Waheguru ji ki Fateh.
A well-wisher pointed me to the ongoing discussion in Sikh
Marg’s letters column between a “Veerpal Singh” and Prof. Tarlochan Singh
For the record, I will like to state that “Veerpal Singh”
should not be confused with me, i.e., Verpal Singh. I will appreciate if readers
can be given some more information about “Veerpal Singh”, where he is based,
I am a bit surprised at the similarity in writing style with
mine, and will like to make sure that this similarity is unintended and not a
deliberate attempt to confuse your readers.
Verpal Singh Chairperson,
The Sikh Centre Secretary,
Sikh Council of New Zealand
pRo: qrlocn isMG mhfjn
vIr pfl jIE
gurU Piqh.
quhfzy ilKy anusfr
First I thought I should not answer your any question because among 7 questions
raised by me you have not answered even one of them, You simply ignored all
questions because now you don't have answer for them.
qF BfeI sfihb jIE mYN
iblkul quhfzy svflF df Auqr idaFgf. mYN nTxf QoVo hY. aOr nf hI myrI Aumr nTx dI
hY. jvfn lokF df kMm huMdf hY nTxf. mYN kmjor bMdf ikQoN nwT skdf hF. ies leI
Coty vIr icMqF nf kr ky mYN quhfzy svflF dy jvfb nhIN idaFgf. iewk pRsYs huMdf
hY iksy isDFq nUM smJx df. stYp stYp kr ky agy vwDxF huMdf hY. jy jnmF jnmF dI
mYÜ lgI hovy qF Auh iewk iKn ivwc nhIN Auqr skdI. tfiem qF cfhIdf hY. aOr aYnI
jldI hI ikAuN. jy quhfnUM 30 sflF qk nhIN smJ afieaf qF hor mhInf do mhIny lMG
jfxgy qF kI Prk pYNdf hY. ijhVI cIË sihj nfl pRfpq hovy Auh cMgI vI lgdI hY. eId
df suafd qF rOjy rwKx vfly nUM hI afAuNdf hY. ies leI mYN cfhuMdf hF pihlF
quhfnUM BuK lgy qF rotI quhfzy sfhmxy hfjr kIqI jfvy. qF iPr rotI dy suafd dugxf
coguxf ho jfeygf, ieh myrf ivÈvfÈ hY. hF jy BuK ijafdf hI lgI hY qF myrIaF
ipClIaF icTIaF ivcoN gurbfxI pVo sB BulyKy dUr ho jfxgy, iPr sfieMs pVHn dI loV
nhIN pYxI.
awT ds
svflF df PrMt iekwTf nf Kolo.
ies nfl sfrf hoc-poc ho jfeygf. aOr afpF iksy isry qy nhIN lgFgy. iewk iek svfl
nUM agy lY ky clo Aus nfl quhfnUM vI smJ afeygI, mYNnUM vI afeygI qy hor vIrF
BYxF nUM afeygI, hF kuwJ jwtF nUM vI afeygI. vIr pfl jIE qusIN ikAuN PIl kr rhy
ho ky Auqr quhfnUM hI dyxy pY rhy hn. ikRpf krky mihsUs nf kro. ikAuNik qusF
svfl kIqf sI ky aYnrjI mYtr ivwc qbdIl huMdI hY ies leI ieh lIvINg nhIN ho skdI.
quhfzI iesy glq Dfrnf nUM imtfAux leI mYN quhfnUM do inky inky pRÈn puCy sn.
gurUqf putYNisal aYnrjI pdfrQ ivwc bdl skdI hY?
kI ies
sfrI dunIaf ivwc gurUqf pUtYNisal aYNnrjI nUM mfdy ivwc qbdIl krn vflI koeI mÈIn
qusIN jvfb hI bVf ajIb dy rhy ho quhfzy muqfibk
It seems that you have not completely
read the link, Still I am giving more explaination. This link clearly explains
assocaition of Mass and Energy. Any body which has got energy will always have
mass and any body which will have mass will always keep energy. Energy and Mass
always stay together so how a body can have potential energy if it does not have
mass. Potential energy is there in body it clearly shows that body has got mass
otherwise there would have not potential energy. I touched Nuclear energy
because Nucleus also has got Potential energy in it that it Nuclear potential
energy and gave you examples of creation of matter as well.
qusF iliKaf ky aYnrjI aqy mfs
iewk dUjy ivwc bdldy hn. ijs kol mfs hY Aus kol gurUqf putYNiÈal aYnrjI hoeygI,
myry Coty BfeI qusIN ikAuN glq pfsy df jvfb dy rhy ho. mYN ieh piCaf hI nhIN jo
qusIN jvfb dy rhy ho. myrf svfl qbdIl nfl sbMDq hY ijs nUM aMgRyjI ivwc
kihMdy hn. mYN quhfzf kMm asfn kr idMdf hF. qusIN isrP hF jF nf krnI hY
gurUqf putYNisal aYnrjI pdfrQ ivwc bdl skdI hY?
(hF/ nF)
kI ies
sfrI dunIaf ivwc gurUqf pUtYNisal aYNnrjI nUM mfdy ivwc qbdIl krn vflI koeI mÈIn
(hF/ nF)
vIr pfl jIE myrf bVf idl krdf hY ky mYN quhfzy sfry pRÈnF df AuWqr idaF pr aPsos
jdoN qusIN jvfb hor df hor dy idMdy ho qF sfrf kMm Krfb ho jFdf hY. mYN quhfnUM
iliKaf sI ik ajy inAUklIar aYNnrjI vl nf afieE, pr iPr qusF Aus df rYPrYNs idqf
hY. ikRpf krky iewk mudy nUM hI ivcfro.
hF mYN kihaf sI ky hr iewk ivwc jIvn hY, ikAuNik sfieMs klIar nhIN kr skI ik iks
nUM lIvINg kihxf hY qy iks nUM nfn-lIvINg. qusIN puC rhy ho mry hoey iensfn bfry
qusIN kI khogy. qF vIr pfl, disE ky ÈrIr dy
bfielojIkl sYl ivwc jIvn huMdf hY ky nhIN. ky ieh jIvn bMdy dy mrn nfl hI
mr jFdf hY Xf ieh iPr vI ijMdf rihMdf hY. quhfzy leI ieh iqMn pRÈn hn. ikRpf
krky hor ajy PrMt nf KoilE ikAuNik afpF cMgy
bcy bxdy hoey sihj ivwc hI sB kuwJ isKxf hY. kfhlI nhIN krnI. ikAuNik
isafixaF ny ikhf hY ‘kfhlI agy toey’.
qrlocn isMG
mihMdr isMG
vIr vIrpfl isMG jI,
vfihgurU jI kf Kflsf
vfihgurU jI kI Piqh
qusIN iliKaf sI ik qusIN apxI icwTI pMjfbI ivwc ilKxI ÈurU
kroNgy, kI hoieaf? ieMgilsL vI TIk hY pr agr qusIN vI pRoPYsr iqRlocn isMG jI dI
qrHF afpxI icwTI pMjfbI ivwc ilKo qF ies df Pfiedf dUr-dUr qwk phuMc skdf hY.
ieh sfeIt amrIkf, knyzf dy nfl nfl ieMzIaf, pfiksqfn, aPgfinsqfn qy hornf mulkF
ivwc vI pVHI jFdI hY ijQoN dy sfry rIzr myry iKafl nfl ieMgilsL nhI jfxdy hoxgy.
ikAuNik quhfzI crcf bhuq hI mhwqvpUrn qy rock huMdI jf rhI hY so ies krky myry
iKafl nfl ies df Pfiedf qy anMd sfiraF nUM lYxf bxdf hY.
ikAuNik qusIN pMjfbI pVH lYNdy jy ies krky myry iKafl nfl qusI
pMjfbI tfiep vI jrUr kr lYNdy hovogy.
vfihgurU jI kf Kflsf
vfihgurU jI kI Piqh
mihMdr isMG
rocYWstr inAU Xfrk
{not:- ipCly hor pwqr pVHn leI aYro
(qIr) nUM kilk kro jI}